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JontheEchidnalaunchpad has been threatinging to go offline for the past 20 mins, heh01:52
DarkwingDucknixternal: you about?01:56
txwikingermaybe we need a launchpad cluster/cloud02:01
nixternalDarkwingDuck: yo yo02:07
ScottKWell Launchpad's reliablity does exceed it's speed.02:09
nixternalit has killed bzr and everything too02:09
ScottKCode hosting is supposed to be out too.02:10
ScottKDidn't check if it actually is.02:10
nixternalit is02:10
JontheEchidnaupload.ubuntu.com is down, much to my chagrin02:10
nixternalthe world is ending, hurry, everyone, lets go over to arch!02:11
DarkwingDuckHow long is this going to last?02:11
nixternalprobably an hour or so02:11
DarkwingDuckhey nixternal, you work with kde-doc guys too right?02:11
nixternalthis is good, I need to go pick up my new spinner bike02:11
nixternalDarkwingDuck: I am the team lead for kde documentation project02:12
JontheEchidnathe fact that the launchpad website itself is still up worries me a bit though02:12
DarkwingDuckAhh hah02:12
nixternalwell, I act as the team lead, but I haven't done a damn thing since the last freeze :/02:12
JontheEchidnaspinners like on expensive SUVs?02:12
nixternalhaha, no, spinning bike for the winter02:12
ScottKHe'll be getting some grillz next you hear02:12
jjessenixternal: saw your blog post that is awesome03:22
jjesseare they committing yet or just sending the completed doc to you or me to commit?03:23
kallecarlIs Darkwing on?03:26
ScottKDarkwingDuck: ^^^03:26
dtchenclient idle 12 mins03:26
DarkwingDuckwho what?03:27
DarkwingDuckI'm here now.03:28
kallecarlthanks for the mail this evening...Carl03:28
DarkwingDuckOh hey Carl03:28
DarkwingDuckThanks for your help man03:28
kallecarlI didn't hurt your feelings?03:28
DarkwingDuckNot at all03:28
kallecarldoes Lucid have KDE 4.4?03:29
DarkwingDuckNot yet... as far as I know it will be added soon03:29
ScottKkallecarl: We are packaging KDE SC 4.4 beta right now.03:29
DarkwingDucknext week or so right ScottK?03:29
ScottKIt'll be in Lucid once it's released (likely Monday)03:29
ScottKDarkwingDuck: yes03:29
DarkwingDuckThen my netbook will be an adventure!03:29
kallecarlthe kde-promo people are working on the feature guide. would like to see it befor e jumping in on that03:30
ScottKWe'll have it in Lucid as soon as we can.  The tarballs we have now to work on packaging are on a non-disclosure basis until release day.03:30
kallecarlDark...you mentioned jumping in on some subject from the doc todos. it looks like they're  mostly spoken for03:31
kallecarlgraphics, media03:31
kallecarlstill unassigned03:31
DarkwingDuckYeah, I noticed that after I emailed you LOL03:31
kallecarlwhere is the old documentation03:31
DarkwingDuckOld documentation was from KDE 3.x03:32
kallecarlit was comfortable editing your stuff, but coming up with new is more of a challenge. hats off to you03:32
DarkwingDuckLOL It's not too bad03:32
kallecarlwhere bzr jesse03:32
jjessethe kubuntu-docs is maintained in bzr ifthat's what you are asking for, the old branch is lp:kubuntu-docs/karmic and the new branch is lp:kubuntu-docs03:32
DarkwingDuckthere you go Carl. Thanks jjesse03:33
kallecarli'll take a look at those tasks.03:33
DarkwingDuckHey jjesse, are there no games pre-installed?03:34
kallecarlyou mentioned running Lucid in VM. Launched Vbox. notification of new version. dpkg didn't like the install of 3.1 over 3.0803:34
kallecarlmight just run it in a separate partition03:34
DarkwingDuckThat would work too.03:35
kallecarlis there something like svn on Lucid?03:35
DarkwingDuckwe use bzr03:35
jjesseDarkwingDuck i don't think there are any games preinstalled03:35
DarkwingDuckwith launchpad03:35
ScottKkallecarl: You can use bzr just like svn if you want.03:35
kallecarlI mean for the iso03:35
ScottKLucid is still kde 4.3.303:35
DarkwingDuckkallecarl: use the dailybuild URL I sent you03:36
kallecarlis it safe to go into the lucid water03:36
DarkwingDuckjjesse: should we remove the games section from the docs?03:36
DarkwingDuckkallecarl: its still pre-alpha-103:36
ScottKkallecarl: No.03:36
ScottKIf you have to ask, the answer is no.03:36
kallecarlI dunno...i've gotten in trouble by doing it anyway03:37
kallecarlthat's how it went with KDE 4.003:37
DarkwingDuckUnless you are into serous testing and cruising for a bruising... :D03:37
kallecarlnow I'm tickled with 4.3.4 and my LUG buddies are bitching about leaving 3.503:37
kallecarlit's only eyecandy03:37
ScottKNo, it's not.03:38
DarkwingDuckIt's ALOT more then eyecandy03:38
kallecarlall that other stuff is just Aaron going on about stuff03:38
kallecarli know03:38
kallecarlI've presented at LUGseveral times. They're almost sold03:38
kallecarljust showed KNE. It was excellent03:39
DarkwingDuckCarl, you get my note about KNE changing to KNR for Lucid?03:40
kallecarlenough fooling around...will run Lucid in a VM and check out those two topics03:40
kallecarlI'd just as soon not contend with redoing grub2. It's beautifulthe way I've got it now03:41
DarkwingDuck:) ping me if ya need anything I'm jumping back and forth from here and nano03:41
kallecarli'm cool...thanks all. I will email any new stuff Darkwing03:41
DarkwingDuckOh BTW jjesse, I have fallen in love with nano03:41
jjesseyaya :)03:44
DarkwingDuckIs there a way to get nano to highlight in Karmic like it does in Lucid?03:45
jjesseno idea03:45
dtchenquite probably: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=6225003:48
dtchen^ DarkwingDuck03:48
ScottKDarkwingDuck: Switching to vim will do that for you.03:48
DarkwingDuckThansk dtchen03:49
claydohDarkwingDuck: http://tuxarena.blogspot.com/2009/04/how-to-enable-syntax-highlighting-in.html03:50
claydohooh somebody beat me to the punch03:51
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DarkwingDuckHad to write one for XML but, thank you all.04:09
DarkwingDuckjjesse: you use nano?04:10
DAskreechNightrose: ping05:40
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DAskreechTonio_: Did you send me that e-mail?05:55
nixternalDarkwingDuck: don't be like JontheEchidna, ditch nano :) no self-respecting hacker can claim they use nano06:33
* ScottK 06:34
DAskreechWhy can't they claim they use nano?06:34
ScottKIt's as obvious a newbie move as wondering around a ship asking where you should be for your mail buoy watch06:34
* Sput prefers joe06:38
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nixternalScottK: can you go down to the daviey jones locker and get me a marlin spike so I can break up the ice on the weather deck?06:56
nixternalor, do me a favor, run down to the boiler room and request a BT Punch06:56
nixternalmy favorite was passing through the straights of gibraltor at night, and telling the new fish to grab a broom and get top side and keep an eye out for the flying monkeys06:57
* Sput must have missed an important piece of culture06:58
nixternalhehe, it was navy jokes we did to the new people06:58
nixternala BT Punch is an actual fist to the body from a BT, which is a Boiler Tech in the navy06:59
nixternala marlinspike is used by sailors to untie knots in rope07:00
nixternalScottK: or....go get some new light bulbs for the bright work :)07:01
Tm_Tnixternal: I use nano or Kate most of the time (:07:13
NightroseDAskreech: pong08:10
DAskreechNightrose: I was just asking what was the numbers you had seen in the techrepublic poll asking about the readers opinons of KDE?08:21
NightroseDAskreech: 70/ for continuing - don't remember the other numbers - why?08:22
DAskreechIt's like 46 now :(08:22
jussi01!info accountz-baz lucid08:25
ubottuPackage accountz-baz does not exist in lucid08:25
Mamarok!info accountz-baz08:39
ubottuPackage accountz-baz does not exist in karmic08:39
Mamarokjussi01: you can guess it's in Lucid, too08:39
Mamarokgood morning10:13
Mamarokfolks, do you know tsimpson is running for IRC Council? Some cheers would be nice: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TerenceSimpson10:14
ghostcubeyeah Mamarok i heared this yesterday10:17
ofirknixternal: are you here?11:45
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rgreening_ping JontheEchidna12:51
ubottuHelp! apachelogger, Arby, devfil, JontheEchidna, nhandler, Riddell, ScottK, tsimpson, vorian12:52
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Quintasanrgreening_: shouldn't we be there too? :P12:59
rgreening_I need an invite to the batcave13:03
rgreening_my nic at home is still connected13:04
rgreening_or is there a way I can kik that nic so I can re auth from here13:04
Quintasan /msg NickServ GHOST rgreening <password> :P13:05
* rgreening_ tries13:05
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Quintasanno problem :)13:07
Quintasan!info lucid libmediastreamer-dev13:37
ubottu'libmediastreamer-dev' is not a valid distribution: hardy, hardy-backports, intrepid, intrepid-backports, jaunty, jaunty-backports, karmic, karmic-backports, karmic-proposed, kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, lucid, lucid-backports, lucid-proposed, medibuntu, partner13:37
Quintasan!info libmediastreamer-dev lucid13:37
ubottulibmediastreamer-dev (source: linphone): linphone web phone's media library. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.1.2-2ubuntu2 (lucid), package size 19 kB, installed size 204 kB13:37
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JontheEchidna!find XShapeQueryExtension15:10
ubottuFile XShapeQueryExtension found in libxext-dev, xmanpages-ja15:10
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debfxthe fullscreen mode of vlc doesn't work with kde >= 4.3.3 (bug #485030)17:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 485030 in gentoo "Full-screen mode has panel showing on KDE4" [Unknown,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/48503017:06
debfxhow should this be fixed for users of kubuntu-ppa?17:07
Lex79That bug is a vlc's bug and not kde bug, there is no fix yet for lucid, you should wait the fix for lucid before the fix for karmic17:09
debfxa SRU of vlc (the bug might affect other window managers as well) or put an updated package of vlc in kubuntu-ppa?17:09
Lex79I think to kubuntu-ppa17:11
debfxI'm not sure if the patch is going into the lucid package as it'll be fixed in 1.0.4 anyway17:12
ScottKdebfx: We want to try to get kde 4.3.4 into karmic-updates, so a pre-emptive SRU of VLC might be useful18:09
ScottKdebfx: Also I'm working on packaging kdebase-workspace for 4.4 beta.  Your brightness patch didn't exactly apply, so I'm disabling it for the first upload and hope you'll be able to look into it.18:10
DarkwingDucknixternal: ping18:32
DarkwingDucknixternal: tighten the MPAs nuts and batteries for the sound powers phones were my favorites18:34
ScottKDarkwingDuck: So you understand the concept of Nano then.18:37
DarkwingDuckyou mean as a light editor?18:39
ScottKI mean as something people might laugh at you for doing.18:39
DarkwingDuckHonestly, I don't care... :P Its light, simple and now it highlights XML files18:40
DarkwingDuckI mostly use kate for longer work but, for a quick edit, nano18:40
ScottKJust giving you some grief ....18:40
DarkwingDuckOh I know.18:41
DarkwingDuckIm a 7 year sailor.... there isn't anything ANYONE can say that will bug me or get under my skin18:41
ScottKThe design genius behind control W for saving a document and control O to exit, never ceases to amaze me.18:41
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jussi01hrm, a good while back I suggested a task manager with only icons, does anyon know if this is possiblle yet?19:41
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apacheloggerjussi01: you really just need to stack another view on the ksystemguard model I suppose19:43
apacheloggergetting icons however will only work for apps which have one in the regular ksystemguard though19:44
jussi01apachelogger: Im just talking about removing the names from programs in the taskbar/panel19:46
apacheloggerjussi01: despite I do not see the point of it ... just right click on the name column and say hide :P19:47
jussi01apachelogger: nam column?19:47
apacheloggername column19:47
* jussi01 thinks apachelogger doesnt understand what he wants...19:47
apacheloggernow I get it19:48
jussi01apachelogger: Im talking about the plasmoid in the panel that shows currently running programs19:48
zoraeljussi01: like smooth tasks?19:48
* apachelogger didnt read that clearification properly19:48
apacheloggerjussi01: stasks does that19:48
apacheloggerwell, in the win7 kind of way19:48
jussi01ok, where do I get that?19:48
zoraeljussi01: http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php/Smooth+Tasks?content=10158619:48
jussi01yeah, thats the kinda thing Im talking about19:49
apachelogger!info plasma-widget-stasks19:49
ubottuplasma-widget-stasks (source: plasma-widget-stasks): a task manager replacement. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.5.1-0ubuntu3 (karmic), package size 62 kB, installed size 224 kB19:49
jussi01apachelogger: oooh, thanks!!19:49
jussi01wait wait wait19:49
jussi01thats not quite what Im after...19:50
apacheloggerthat is as close as it gets :P19:50
jussi01ok, look at this screenshot: http://www.kde-look.org/content/preview.php?preview=3&id=101586&file1=101586-1.png&file2=101586-2.png&file3=101586-3.jpg&name=Smooth+Tasks19:50
jussi01the programs listed in the panel, I dont want names, only the icons...19:51
apacheloggerjussi01: smooth tasks != stasks19:51
apacheloggersee description19:51
* apachelogger never likes forks to begin with :P19:52
jussi01oh, I clicked on zorael's link... :D19:52
* jussi01 installs and tries19:52
apacheloggerjussi01: http://imagebin.ca/view/teEyBoP1.html19:53
jussi01ahh, exactly...19:54
apacheloggeryou can also turn off grouping, then you dont have to use them popups I suppose19:54
jussi01yeah, I _hate_ grouping19:55
apacheloggerit's actually quite barable with stasks19:55
apacheloggerhate it with regular taskbar too though19:55
jussi01nope, not imho. it still takes too long... I just want to click once and be where I want to be..19:56
apacheloggerwithout text that should turn out difficult if you do have more than one windows :P19:56
* JontheEchidna is using plasma-widget-fancytasks at the moment19:58
jussi01JontheEchidna: screenshot?19:58
jussi01hrm, themings got me now :P19:59
Tm_Tjussi01: it's dark path which you should avoid...20:00
JontheEchidnait comes with a fancypanel containment that looks like the OSX dock (if you can do compositing, which I can't)20:00
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: because I accidently clicked on my bugs mail folder ... bug 492010 the subject sounds like a dupe of that infamous java bug20:00
Tm_TJontheEchidna: can be used as widget in desktop too20:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 492010 in kdebase-workspace "strigi service not running, unable to start" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/49201020:01
JontheEchidnaTm_T: I have an autohidden normal panel at the bottom left corner of the screen that I can throw my mouse down towards20:01
JontheEchidnathat autohidden panel holds the normal fancytasks widget20:02
JontheEchidnajussi01: http://imagebin.ca/view/CQK6TAS.html20:02
JontheEchidnaI don't know why I have that xbar on the top panel since I'm not using bespin anymore :P20:02
JontheEchidnaoh, and if anybody knows what the issue is with that icecc error message... ;-)20:03
Quintasanwould it be safe to copy my modified debian/ over to bzr dir, edit changelog and upload?20:04
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: configure your icecc properly :P20:05
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: in the hook you need to set the scheduler IP or hostname20:06
apacheloggerotherwise icecream will not be able to connect and hence turn itself off to prevent overhead20:06
apacheloggersince passing stuff through icecc will create overhead for one single machine20:06
Quintasanlet's add this to repos -> http://kde-look.org/content/show.php/todo+list?content=90706 :P20:08
Quintasanlololool both Smooth and Fancy Tasks are made by polish developer20:10
QuintasanI didn't know :D20:10
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: thx20:11
JontheEchidnasweet, it works20:23
daskreechJontheEchidna: Someone was asking for snow pictures in the weather wallpaper. I kinda don't get to test snow very often. I assume there is one? He was getting wheat fields20:34
JontheEchidnadaskreech: if the weather provider says it's snowing there should be a snow wallpaper20:35
JontheEchidnathe weather provider may be saying that the weather is clear, even if snow is on the ground20:36
JontheEchidnaunfortunately we don't have computer sensors to detect snow :P20:36
daskreechYeah That's what I told him20:39
Tm_Tthat's how it goes yes20:39
ScottKIs someone working on a MIR for shared-desktop-ontologies?20:41
JontheEchidnaugh, writing up a proper debian/copyright for that is going to be "fun"20:42
ScottKJontheEchidna: In the mean time, I'd suggest finding a minion to start working on the MIR.20:45
daskreechTonio_: ping20:45
daskreechBleah Phonon is still screwed for me20:46
Tm_TJontheEchidna: indeed20:46
QuintasanJontheEchidna, ScottK: What do I need to mention in a MIR, package name, reason and what else?20:47
ScottKQuintasan: There's a MIR template on the wiki.  Fill it in.20:47
JontheEchidnathere's a template to fill out20:47
JontheEchidnathe MIR shouldn't be too hard since there's not any code, as far as I can see20:48
JontheEchidnajust a bunch of xml files20:48
Tm_Tit should be merely data yes20:48
JontheEchidnaI am wondering if the package couldn't be arch all, though I'm not sure20:48
ScottKJontheEchidna: If it's all data, is should be.20:48
daskreech symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/qt4/plugins/phonon_backend/phonon_xine.so: undefined symbol: _ZN9QHashData13detach_helperEPFvPNS_4NodeEPvEPFvS1_Ei20:51
Tm_Tdaskreech: with KDE 4.4 series?20:53
QuintasanJontheEchidna: are you using any packaging systems in shared-desktop-ontologies?20:57
JontheEchidnaQuintasan: debhelper 7 with the kde debhelper addon20:58
ScottKdaskreech: What are you trying to do?20:58
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WeatherGodGreetings from the bug squad!21:32
WeatherGodI am dealing with a bug report and it seems that the person used a package from the Kubuntu Updates Staging ppa21:33
WeatherGodand I am not sure how you would like it handled21:33
WeatherGodthe error is extra files in the kde-I10n-gl_4:4.3.3-0ubuntu1~ppa1_all.deb that conflict with kde-i18n-gl_3.5.9-0 package21:40
WeatherGodit appears that the conflicting files do not belong there at all in the kde-I10n-gl package21:40
Tm_TKDE 3.5.9 :o21:41
WeatherGodsorry.... kde-i18n-gl-4:3.5.9-0ubuntu321:42
WeatherGodanyway, the files in the kde-I10n-gl-4:4.3.3-0ubuntu1 do not appear in kde-I10n-gl-4:4.3.2-0ubuntu121:44
WeatherGodmakes me wonder if there was a mistake21:45
Tm_TWeatherGod: I wonder this 3.5.9 there, its... old21:45
Tm_Tno, it's ... ok, I don't understand21:47
ScottKWeatherGod: We have a kubuntu-ppa project with a bug tracker.  Please reassign the bug there and i'll look at it.21:50
Tm_Twasn't 3.5.10 released over a year ago?21:50
* Tm_T is really puzzled with these version numbers21:51
ScottKTm_T: It was, but I don't think we uploaded the new translations.21:51
ScottKIt was post-Hardy, so it was in -updates21:51
Tm_TScottK: ah, yeah, those are just dragging along21:51
Tm_Tthat'll explains it21:51
Riddellevening fellow kubuntu dudes21:53
ScottKGood evening Riddell.21:54
ScottKJontheEchidna and Lex79: Except for the phonon problem, are we ready to put Qt 4.6.0 in the archive?21:55
nookie^evening Riddell21:55
WeatherGodScottK: thanks, that's what I'll do21:56
Lex79ScottK: the armel issue is not fixed yet, but qt 4.6 is ready in ppa21:56
ScottKRiddell: I'm expecting you can't upload Qt where you are,  but if you could review it, I'd appreicate it.21:56
ScottKLex79: The proposed workaround on armel  didn't work.21:57
* ScottK has to go. See you later.21:57
ofirknixternal: are you here?22:01
RiddellScottK: review from bzr?22:02
ScottKLex79: Qt is update to date in bzr, right?22:08
ScottKRiddell: If Lex79 says it's up to date, yes22:08
MamarokOH my, the folks on the sounder ML are a strange lot. I redirected some of the incorrigible OT adepts to that list to keep kubuntu-users sane, I am flabbergasted what they made of sounder...22:13
Mamarokhi Riddell, what on earth are you doing at work while on holiday?22:15
Tm_TMamarok: having free time from free time22:17
DarkwingDuckHey Riddell, how is vacation?22:21
RiddellMamarok: just making sure anarchy hasn't broken lose in my absence22:29
RiddellDarkwingDuck: very cold, canoeing in the snow all day today22:29
Tm_TRiddell: I envy you. no snow here still ):22:34
JontheEchidnaIt was 16 degrees Celsius and rainy today in New Hampshire22:36
ScottKIt was quite nice here today too.22:54
Riddellit's a wonder I have any toes left22:57
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JontheEchidnanew shared-desktop-ontologies package in revu23:15
ScottKSomeone else should REVU it so I can accept it later.23:23
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