
=== robbiew is now known as robbiew-afk
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seb128hello there08:34
baptistemmsalut seb12808:35
pittigood morning08:36
pittihey bryce! hm, that's only a list of articles? anything particularly interesting?08:38
pittiseb128: thanks for running the benchmarks yesterday; so it was a 0.5 second savings for desktop part, or total?08:38
pittiseb128: (I had hoped for some nontrivial savings in the readahead part, too)08:38
pittiok, thanks08:38
seb128it doesn't win anything obvious out of desktop I think08:38
seb128well I didn't look into details to the non desktop numbers08:39
seb128let me look at those again now08:39
seb128pitti, it's not easy to say numbers change a bit between boots08:41
pittiseb128: ok, no prob; if it's not really visible, it doesn't buy much then08:42
seb128it seems around 0.2 seconds win for boot and 0.5 seconds for login08:42
pittiwell, I'm 80% there with it anyway, and it helps more on rotary, so I think I'll finish it anyway08:42
seb128well we need those 0.5 seconds anyway08:42
chrisccoulsongood morning everyone08:42
seb128hey chrisccoulson08:42
pittiwith gvariant we can hopefully make it a bit faster, too08:43
pittihey chrisccoulson08:43
seb128pitti, what do you think about commenting out xsplash?08:43
chrisccoulsonhey seb128, how are you?08:43
chrisccoulsonhey pitti08:43
seb128pitti, it takes between .5 and 1 second08:43
pittiseb128: for testing, would be interesting; I hope we can make it much less CPU intense by changing the animation?08:43
pittihey chrisccoulson08:43
seb128pitti, not, for reaching target, rickspencer suggested being aggressive until getting there and they adding things back08:44
pittiyay, David applied my last dk-disks patch08:44
seb128I would like to drop it now and say we don't re-add it until it's reasonable cpu wise08:44
pittiseb128: sounds fine08:44
seb128ok thanks08:44
seb128pitti, robert_ancell signed for looking at gnome-panel speed btw08:45
seb128just fyi so you guys don't dup work there08:45
chrisccoulsoni tired experimenting with gconf last night, by making gconfd stat() all the xml files when it starts, rather than doing it when applications query the database08:46
pittiseb128: I just wanted to do the app menu caching; not dropping applets, etc.08:46
chrisccoulsonbut i didn't get it to work before i went to bed ;)08:46
seb128chrisccoulson, wouldn't it be simpler to have a cat of those in some xsession script or something?08:47
seb128chrisccoulson, if the goal is to cache infos08:48
seb128at least for testing08:48
seb128pitti, ok, good08:48
pittishouldn't readahead already pick those up?08:48
pitticat'ing seems unnecessary08:48
chrisccoulsonseb128 - possibly. the issue is when applications query the database, gconfd builds its tree of values, which involves lots of stat() calls, and this blocks until that is all done08:48
chrisccoulsonso i thought that gconfd could do that early rather than waiting for an application to ask for a value08:49
seb128good idea08:49
chrisccoulsoni was hoping that it could do that whilst gnome-session and g-s-d are loading (which won't need gconf when i've finished with them)08:50
chrisccoulsonso that when the panel loads, the gconf database will already be ready08:50
chrisccoulsoni don't really know if it will work out yet though08:51
pittidoes it help in any way to use a merged tree?08:51
chrisccoulsonpitti - it probably would help a lot08:52
seb128we do that by default no?08:52
chrisccoulsonis it easy to do that? (i'm still learning how gconf works)08:52
chrisccoulsonseb128 - the per user database is a separate folder for each folder in the database (i think that's the opposite of a merged tree isnt it?)08:53
seb128but the user config is empty for our target08:53
seb128since the boot measure is on a stock install08:53
chrisccoulsonare the defaults stored in a merged tree?08:54
seb128I would not bother optimizing this case08:54
seb128only the user config are not08:54
seb128the reason being nfs locking issues08:54
chrisccoulsonah, ok08:54
chrisccoulsonit still takes 500ms on the stock install though, even with the merged tree08:55
chrisccoulsonbut it seems that will get worse with the per-user config too08:55
seb128while I appreciate that I think we should not spend too much time on things that will be replaced next time08:55
pittiseb128: right, I just wondered, since switching to merged tree is a single change09:03
pittibut right, if we have an empty user tree, it shouldn't matter09:03
pittiVerarbeite Trigger für python-gmenu ...11:24
pittiRebuilding /usr/share/applications/desktop.de_DE.UTF-8.cache...11:24
* pitti hugs dpkg triggers11:24
* seb128 hugs pitti11:27
pittiseb128: all working now; I forgot to construct a path to the .desktop file when reading the cache, that was the reason for menu entries not working11:28
pittiand cache is now handled automatically11:28
* pitti uploads, let the bugs come all over me!11:28
pittiso the plan is now to drop those applets and disable xsplash for now, and see where we are?11:30
seb128pitti, yes, I did the gdm change some minutes ago11:35
seb128I will do the gnome-panel one this afternoon11:36
pittiyou rock11:36
seb128thanks, you too!11:36
seb128once we have those I will do an official mark11:36
seb128then try again with gnome-session modified to start things together11:37
seb128just to see how that performs now11:37
seb128I will also do the compiz change to not depends on extra if Amaranth doesn't upload today11:37
seb128that wins another 0.5 second11:37
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mvoNg: hi, did you had trouble with asciidoc and not finding docbook-xsl.css too? I used -r /etc/asciidoc as a workaround, but that seems wrong that I have to do that explicitely - what do you think?12:43
Ngmvo: my memory is like an empty rock, so if I did have that problem I've apparently completely forgotten about it ;)12:45
mvoNg: ok, no problem :)12:45
Amaranthseb128: I pushed the changes needed to remove plugins-extra to bzr, don't have time to build and upload right now12:50
AmaranthI guess we cleaned up active_plugins handling some time ago, wasn't as bad as I thought12:51
seb128Amaranth, will you do that today or should I do it?12:52
seb128it's just a depends to suggests change12:52
seb128no need to test build or anything12:52
Amaranthoh, I dropped it completely12:52
seb128that's good too12:52
Amaranthbut I gotta go now, if you can wait 8 hours I can do it12:52
seb128as long as it's not depends or recommends12:53
seb128I will wait for you to upload12:53
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seb128hey rickspencer314:35
rickspencer3hi seb12814:36
seb128how are you?14:36
rickspencer3doing well14:38
rickspencer3meetings galore this morning14:38
pittigood morning rickspencer314:38
rickspencer3including covering our blueprints for lucid with sabdfl14:38
rickspencer3hi pitti14:38
rickspencer3seb128, pitti how is it going?14:38
seb128rickspencer3, good luck ;-)14:39
seb128rickspencer3, good, pitti rocked as usual and landed the menu caching changes14:39
seb128rickspencer3, I've also commented xsplash use from gdm btw14:40
seb128it wins us almost 1 second of login time14:40
seb128let me know if you are against it14:41
rickspencer3I not against anything that gets us to the 4 second budget at this stage14:42
rickspencer3so, good job14:42
seb128ok thanks ;-)14:42
* seb128 wonders what is the publishing today14:42
seb128still no gnome-menus update14:42
seb128or what is the publisher doing rather14:43
kenvandineseb128, good and bad news on the indicator stuff... with the new indicators coming that will add more indicator services, but tedg is concerned about the startup time and will add some code to help profile it14:48
seb128kenvandine, current indicators use cpu for almost 1.5 seconds14:50
seb128which is over 25% budget for the whole login14:50
kenvandinetedg, ^^14:50
kenvandinenot cool14:50
seb128really not no14:50
seb128I'm pondering dropping the applet from the default config just to reach the target as we did for xsplash14:51
seb128but I guess that would be controversial ;-)14:51
seb128we will need to put some pressure on improving those though or we will really have to consider that14:51
kenvandineare we planning to keep xsplash out?14:54
* kenvandine thinks it defeats the whole purpose of having xsplash at all14:54
seb128well we said we would meet the target even if that means doing some compromises...14:54
seb128then we can discuss those choices14:54
seb128we can't have everything14:55
seb128I expect xsplash could also be improved14:55
seb128the current animation use too much cpu14:55
seb128but Cody said he has ideas on how to improve that maybe14:55
seb128I think we will bring it back during the cycle but it will need to be less cpu intensive14:56
chrisccoulsonseb128 - you have "gnome-session: investigate 1 second delay between start and activity:" assigned to you in https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-lucid-startup-speed. we can close this one now can't we?15:03
seb128pitti, do you know if launchpad has issues?15:03
seb128pitti, gnome-menus is still not published there15:04
seb128chrisccoulson: that's gconf?15:04
pittinot that I know of15:04
seb128pitti, ignore me I'm using the french mirror15:04
* seb128 switches to archive.ubuntu.com15:04
chrisccoulsonseb128 - i detailed all the findings on the spec :)15:05
chrisccoulsonmostly gconf, but some dk-power too15:05
kenvandineseb128, i did see a merge proposal from bratsche for xsplash that pre-calculates the animation15:06
kenvandinelast night15:06
seb128chrisccoulson: please add DONE on the whiteboard line then15:06
seb128kenvandine, oh nice, I need to try that15:07
kenvandineseb128,  https://code.launchpad.net/~bratsche/xsplash/precompute-throbber/+merge/1556415:07
kenvandineseb128, i bet he would love to see how it compares15:08
bratschekenvandine, seb128: Yeah, I'm not sure how much that will help but it seemed worth a try.15:09
kenvandinehey bratsche!15:09
seb128bratsche, I will try and let you know how it goes15:19
tedgWhen I log in with a guest account and look at the CPU time taken by all indicators not a single one even registers:  ps -e -o user,time,cmd | grep /usr/lib/indicator | grep ^guest15:26
seb128tedg, http://people.canonical.com/~seb128/bootchart/seb128-dellmini-lucid-20091203-1.png15:30
seb128tedg, look at the bottom for the chart15:30
tedgseb128: It's async -- that doesn't mean that it's actually using that much time, it just uses time when it gets it.15:30
seb128it has almost full cpu use for 1.8 seconds15:30
seb128tedg, we are cpu bounded on this config15:31
seb128it's using cpu we need15:31
tedgseb128: But a line doesn't mean anything in boot chart.  That's not precise enough to prove anything useful.15:31
seb128what do you mean a line?15:32
tedgA blue line.15:32
seb128it means cpu activity15:32
tedgIt means *some* CPU activity -- not CPU activity for the entire time.15:33
tedgIf it ran one instruction in that watch time it'd show up as a line in bootchart.15:33
seb128well it's the only process doing a zillion line around15:33
seb128tedg, well, worded differently I just removed it and did a new chart15:34
seb128we win 0.8 seconds on boot without the applet15:34
seb128doing an another one now to see if the difference is constant15:35
seb128but I usually get 0.1 to 0.3 seconds variations15:35
tedgI'm not saying we're perfect, and that we can't be better, but I don't think we're using 1.5s of CPU time.15:36
seb128tedg, right, 0.9 seconds on this one15:36
kenvandineseb128, on my laptop i see far less cpu for the indicator but i see IO15:36
seb128well maybe not15:36
seb128but you cost 0.8 to 0.9 seconds on our 4 seconds budget15:36
seb128confirmed by several boots on the reference box now15:36
seb128I've no good explanation of *why*15:37
tedgAre we the only Bonobo based applet in the default config?15:37
seb128but that's what measures say15:37
seb128trash costs 0.3 seconds15:37
seb128for reference15:37
tedgSo I'll blame Bonobo for 0.3 of our 0.8 ;)15:37
seb128fair enough15:37
seb128I'm wanting at least half of the 0.6 remaining back15:38
seb128or 0.5 remaining15:38
seb128you are the longer applet after the menus by far15:38
seb1280.2 to 0.3 seconds is the cost for almost all the other ones15:38
seb128which I think it's basically bonobo ping pong + init15:38
tedgOkay, we'll look into it.  Right now, I'm not sure where it's going -- so it's hard to say where I'll get it back :)15:39
seb128is there any other data I can provide you?15:39
seb128the session is a stock one15:40
tedgI don't think so right now.  We'll get some logging in and setup, then I'll want those logs :)15:40
seb128let me know when you need something there15:40
seb128I've the box used only for testing and I reboot it a lot ;-)15:40
seb128pitti, you screwed menus ;-)15:41
seb128pitti, I'm not preferences or admins menus15:41
seb128only the software-center in admin in fact15:42
seb128and it's not at the bottom of applications anymore15:42
* pitti sighs15:42
seb128I'm -> I've15:42
seb128do you get the issue too?15:42
pittiyes, seems I do15:42
seb128ok good15:43
seb128I'm not alone at least ;-)15:43
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pittiseb128: seems to be my "break it" day; this morning my mailbox and IRC freaked out because I broke udev..15:51
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* seb128 hugs pitti, don't worry only those who do nothing break nothing15:55
pittitseliot, rickspencer3: our call is on Rick's conf line?15:56
rickspencer3pitti, good idea15:56
tseliotI was about to ask the same question15:56
pittiI'm in, waiting16:01
tseliotme too16:01
rickspencer3jeez, I'm only 1 minute late16:01
rickspencer3tseliot, https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-lucid-xorg-proprietary-drivers16:08
rickspencer3hi bryce16:21
brycerickspencer3, sorry I thought the call was 8:30 not 8:00... still want me to call in?16:22
rickspencer3bryce, we just got off16:22
rickspencer3I'll send you your list of action items16:22
rickspencer3bryce, we have you signed up to own pulse audio for lucid now16:22
bryceteasing the X guy before he's had coffee, eh?16:23
brycebrave brave man16:23
pittiargh argh16:23
pitti*pitti has quit (X server segfault)16:23
seb128pitti, what else did you break?16:23
seb128oh, only xorg16:23
brycepitti, o_O16:23
pittiseb128: my current breakage is the WI tracker, again16:24
pittithat, then menus16:24
pittiseems like a whack-a-bug day today :/16:24
seb128I would argue that menus are higher importance than some tracker ;-)16:24
* seb128 runs away from rickspencer316:24
pittiyay, my launchpadlib branch was merged16:25
jcastroseb128, I noticed gwibber isn't on the app indicator list, is that on purpose or an oversight?16:48
hugolphi, I am trying to use empathy for 9.10 from the launchpad ppa but there is some incompatibility with the packages16:49
seb128jcastro, where did you get your gwibber from? I guess it's a kenvandine question16:49
seb128jcastro, it's up to the software to ship the launcher16:49
hugolpin order to install empathy-common wich is needed for empathy is asking me to desinstall ubuntu-desktop16:49
jcastroseb128, no I mean on the list of apps to port to the app indicator16:49
jcastroit works fine in real life.16:49
seb128hugolp, known issue, kenvandine said he would look at it16:49
mptmvo, glatzor: If someone inserts a CD containing .deb packages, how can you tell whether it's a CD for a previous Ubuntu version, the current version, a future version, or another Debian-based OS entirely?16:49
seb128jcastro, oh ok, I though you said it was not in the message indicator launchers16:50
hugolpseb128: ok16:50
seb128jcastro, it's probably an oversight16:50
jcastrook I will add it16:50
kenvandinejcastro, why would it be on the list?16:50
seb128it has a notification area icon?16:50
kenvandineit already uses the indicator16:50
mvompt: there is a .diskinfo/ dir for official ones, but we do not really have great standards for addon cds16:50
mvompt: the closest was/is the g-a-i addon cd16:51
jcastroyeah but it's going into main right?16:51
seb128well don't we want to patch that optional codepath?16:51
mvompt: but that should be fomalized and it also will not work with s-c anymore because the way the meta-data is handled changed16:51
jcastrokenvandine, I am talking about the thing ted is working on16:51
kenvandineseb128, true16:51
seb128what if there is no message indicator applet installed16:51
kenvandinejcastro, add it :)16:51
jcastroeverything that uses the tray will need to be ported16:51
kenvandinejust so if people try to enable it, it will do the right thing :)16:51
mptmvo, what is "the g-a-i addon cd"?16:52
seb128jcastro, I think kenvandine's was arguing that it doesn't use the tray since it uses the messaging indicator16:52
mvompt: it sounds to me like we want a) addon and b) new releases, but they look like two different use cases16:52
kenvandineseb128, yeah... by default it shouldn't use it16:52
kenvandinebut you can turn that on16:52
jcastroseb128, I'll add it to the list so when we get there we at least look at it16:52
* jcastro will play it safe16:52
kenvandineso if you do i guess we want to change the behavior a bit16:52
seb128jcastro, right16:53
seb128we need 3 cases now16:53
mptmvo, proper handling of the CD is a v3/v4 thing. Right now I'm just concerned with giving the CD item a sensible label in the navigation pane.16:53
seb128using message indicator, or application indicator or notification area16:53
mvompt: have you looked at how software-properties does it? is that representation good enough? the .diskinfo stuff is pretty much what we currently have16:56
mptmvo, unfortunately I'm not in the office and don't have any CDs handy :-)16:57
mvocat /cdrom/.disk/info16:59
mvoUbuntu 9.10 "Karmic Koala" - Release i386 (20091028.1)16:59
seb128pitti, bug #491937 is yours17:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 491937 in gnome-menus ""system" pulldown empty" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/49193717:02
seb128pitti, I've assigned it to you I hope it's ok17:02
pittiseb128: thanks! sure it is17:02
glatzormvo, I am now nearly done with the API review of aptdaemon17:09
glatzormvo, So I make a stable fork of the branch lp:aptdaemon/0.1.x17:10
mvoglatzor: great!17:10
mvoglatzor: btw, see #packagekit, apparently some string matiching is not ideal17:10
pittibryce: please use "bryceharrington" for WI assignees (your LP name)17:11
brycepitti, bleah17:12
chrisccoulsonawesome, it's nearly friday already :)17:13
seb128chrisccoulson: ;-)17:13
chrisccoulson2.5 day weeks are great :)17:15
chrisccoulsonespecially when 2 of those are spent on a course17:15
ccheneyugh i think evolution just ate an email i tried to send :(17:18
ccheneyhmm no, just sticking it in the wrong folder, very odd17:18
mptmvo, perfect, thanks17:25
seb128chrisccoulson: hehe17:25
chrisccoulsonseb128 - i just did some more gconf tests here. you're right, the per-user tree isn't taking a lot of time - it is reading /var/lib/gconf/defaults/%gconf-tree.xml which takes all that time17:34
chrisccoulsonit's 2.6MB :-/17:35
pittirickspencer3: check this out: http://piware.de/workitems/desktop/lucid-alpha2/report.html17:36
pittirickspencer3: (scroll down)17:36
pitticourtesy by cjwatson17:36
pittichrisccoulson: does it call gettext on any of those?17:49
pittichrisccoulson: i. e. when you strace it, any mo files involved?17:49
pittiit shouldn't ideally17:49
chrisccoulsonpitti - it doesn't look like it17:49
chrisccoulsonit just needs to read the whole file to build the tree17:50
pittiAFAIR, when I wrote those bits, gettext() should only be called on demand17:50
pittithat sucks17:50
chrisccoulsonit does :(17:50
chrisccoulsoni'm not going to give up just yet though17:51
pittiit also means that it keeps the stuff in memory, all the time, "just in cas"17:51
pittibut as seb128 says, gconf's days are counted anyway17:51
chrisccoulsonyeah, but we've still got to put up with it for one more cycle17:52
chrisccoulsonand it's currently quite a time waster17:52
chrisccoulsonanyway, dinner time for me now :)17:52
pittilikewise :)17:52
pittiis it important to be XML?17:53
pitticould it be any faster with a simple two-column text file?17:53
kenvandinepitti, cool... work items included in the report, awesome!17:54
pittichrisccoulson: also, where does this file actually store the default values?17:54
pittikenvandine: thanks to cjwatson :)17:54
pitti                                <dir name="crop">17:54
pitti                                        <entry name="aspect_ratio_height" mtime="1257778535" schema="/schemas/apps/gthumb/dialogs/crop/aspect_ratio_height"/>17:54
pittiis it just me, or is ther just about zero information here?17:54
pittichrisccoulson: it might be worth investigating what happens if all the entries which don't have a <default>/<*value> tag will just get dropped17:55
pittiseb128: ^ could that work?17:55
pittithe first value is 8% into the file17:56
pittichrisccoulson: good catch anyway!17:57
kenvandineparsing xml is slow :/17:59
seb128pitti, not sure if gconf needs a mapping of existant keys or not18:02
seb128would be worth playing with in any case18:02
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mptglatzor or mvo: I just added a third-party repository and the "Comment" field in Software Sources was populated automatically. Where does that text come from in the repository?19:39
mptIs that from /.disk/info too?19:40
mptor is it from the Release file?19:44
mpthm, looks like Release file Label is what I want19:47
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pittirickspencer3_, didrocks: any chance to finish drafting of  desktop-lucid-quickly{,-templates} soon (deadline is today)? at least add WIs?20:13
rickspencer3_pitti, SURE20:14
rickspencer3_sorry, I can get to it maybe tomorrow or this weekend20:14
pittithe WIs are probably a bit more urgent20:14
mvopitti: hi, is the update-gnome-menus-cache your new work?20:37
pittimvo: I know, I know, it's broken; looking at it now ;)20:37
pittimvo: yes, from today20:37
mvopitti: it seems to be crashing during hardy->lucid because gmenu can not be imported (the old pysupport thing)20:37
pittioh noes20:38
pittimvo: curious, though; does it actually fail the package?20:38
mvowell, just add a try: except: and a trigger, that should be fine20:38
pitti        update-gnome-menus-cache /usr/share/applications > "$cache.dpkg-new" || rm -f "$cache.dpkg-new"20:38
mvono, ist just a crash file20:38
pittibecause for reasons like that I wrote it like above20:38
mvobut the upgrader-tester is picky about crash files generated during the upgrades20:38
pittiif it ever fails, it removes the cache to not leave inconsistent data around20:39
pittiand not fail the package postinst20:39
mvoright, its not breaking aanything, its just crashing :)20:39
mvo(which is great btw)20:39
pittimvo: what's the particular exception?20:39
pittimvo: just an ImportError?20:39
pittimvo: I don't generally like hiding those, but for  this kind of script a mere stderr message is fine20:40
mvoyes, just that20:40
mvoI can give you the crash file, but its really just a import error for gmenu20:40
pittimvo: btw20:41
pittimvo: it's AWESOME that you discover stuff like that only a few hours after it's introduced20:41
* pitti hugs mvo20:42
pittimvo: fixed in http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-desktop/gnome-menus/ubuntu/revision/2820:42
mvothanks pitti!20:42
* mvo hugs pitti20:43
* pitti goes back to fixing the thing to not mess up your menus20:43
pittiRiddell: is bug 484802  already fixed in lucid by chance?20:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 484802 in kdeedu "SRU: Parley fails to initialize Python scripts" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/48480220:44
pittimvo: btw, we support dapper->lucid upgrades?20:47
pittimvo: I'm afraid me and other people have dropped a *lot* of upgrade quirks from edgy/feisty/gutsy/hardy20:47
pittiso far I assumed that we only support dapper->hardy->lucid20:48
seb128oh, same here20:48
pittimvo: oh, nevermind; you said hardy->lucid20:48
seb128I cleaned all the pre-hardy hacks...20:48
pittiwhere the heck did I read "dapper"?20:49
Tm_Tpitti: from your box running dapper?20:49
pittithe only thing I have left from dapper is a chroot..20:49
mvoyeah, no dapper->lucid, that would be ... woah20:49
pitti*phew* :)20:50
mvothe only thing I have left is memories :)20:50
pitti"dragon! duck! dragon! duck! STFU!"20:50
* mvo is not entirely correct, he got a test-kvm machine that one day should test dapper->hardy->lucid20:50
pitti"my other computer is a 3 GB image file" :)20:51
* pitti hugs kvm20:51
mvoheh :)20:51
didrockspitti, rickspencer3_ : trying to finish WI (I only have a local draft) on Quickly for tomorrow afternoon (very busy week). I'll ping you for ack when it's done. Sorry for the delay20:53
pittididrocks: no problem at all, was just a gentle reminder :)20:53
pittisorry if I act like you were already employed20:53
didrockspitti: no pb, reminding is always good (even if gtg has all those for me ;))20:54
chrisccoulsonpitti - the XML file is parsed in 4k blocks at the moment20:55
chrisccoulsondo you think that is optimal for a SSD?20:55
chrisccoulson(i honestly don't know)20:55
pittichrisccoulson: it shouldn't matter really20:55
pittiureadahead does all of that20:55
chrisccoulsonyeah, i wasn't sure really20:55
pittiit's the CPU processing that hurts20:55
pittichrisccoulson: it looks like we could cut this file at least by half by throwing out all the noise20:56
pittineeds to be tested, of course20:56
pittibut if that file doesn't provide any default, then it shold be possible to just omit it entirely20:56
pittiwe need to check that it still looks sensible in gconf-editor, though20:57
pittithat might need the full thing20:57
chrisccoulsonpitti - removing all the formatting might help a bit20:57
chrisccoulsonit's full of tabs and white space20:57
pittichrisccoulson: I actually meant removing all the keys withoout a default/value20:57
pittiI don't think that the tabs/white space matter a lot20:57
pittibut it has to parse this thing into a huge internal treee20:58
chrisccoulsonpitti - did you find keys that don't have a default value?21:02
chrisccoulsondo those keys not reference the schema (which has the default value)?21:04
pittichrisccoulson: most just reference a schema21:05
pittibut when I look at this:21:05
pitti        <dir name="apps">21:05
pitti                <dir name="gthumb">21:05
pitti                        <dir name="dialogs">21:05
pitti                                <dir name="crop">21:05
pitti                                        <entry name="aspect_ratio_height" mtime="1257778535" schema="/schemas/apps/gthumb/dialogs/crop/aspect_ratio_height"/>21:05
pittiwouldn't it be prudent to assume that the schema for a key a/b/c/name is /schemas/a/b/c/name ?21:06
chrisccoulsonquite possibly21:06
pittimany keys there actually have a default value, description, etc.21:07
pittiArneGoetje: https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-lucid-font-selection mentions "ian-farrel", but I can't find a person with this name on LP; it's not a valid LP name21:08
brycepitti, heya quick question21:12
brycepitti, we've got a bunch of X packages needing sync'd before we can pull in xserver 1.721:13
brycepitti, see http://www2.bryceharrington.org:8080/X/PkgList/versions_current.html21:13
pittibryce: want me to sync them now?21:13
brycepitti, eventually these would get pulled in automatically via debian testing, but if we're going to make 1.7 by a1 we kinda need them sync'd soonish21:13
bryceplease, that would totally rock21:13
pittiby all means21:13
pittibryce: ah, you actually filed bugs?21:15
brycepitti, yes21:15
bryce(isn't that the normal process?)21:15
brycepitti, note that some of the syncs are from unstable, some are from experimental21:16
pittibryce: it is, don't worry21:16
rickspencer3_pitti, seb128 ...21:20
pittiok, here then21:20
rickspencer3_so sabdfl was totally adamant that our plan about removing the bottom panel and trash applet and show desktop ...21:20
pittirickspencer3_: OOI, what about metacity?21:21
rickspencer3_was not something that we could do21:21
rickspencer3_he was quiet on that, so I think we're okay for now21:21
rickspencer3_but the panel changes, I would ask that we pull those back if possible21:22
seb128we will never reach that target if we have no flexibility...21:22
seb128but alright21:22
rickspencer3_we just need to talk about it more21:22
seb128with who?21:22
seb128we had team consensus during the meeting21:22
rickspencer3_right, but not sabdfl21:23
rickspencer3_he was quite adamant21:23
seb128to a specific point?21:23
rickspencer3_he rarely is directive with me, so when he is, I feel that we owe him the courtesy of following his wishes21:23
pittiwell, can't have the cake and eat it too..21:23
rickspencer3_according to my notes ..21:23
rickspencer3_removing the bottom panel, the trash, and "show desktop21:24
rickspencer3_we need to have replacements for these before we can propose removing them21:24
pittibut well, he's right by definition, so let's revert it tomorrow21:24
pittiI'd still like to see a bootchart of this, to see how much it gains us21:24
rickspencer3_or get his buy in first21:24
seb128how do we go to get his buy?21:24
rickspencer3_seb128, he is right to challenge us on this21:24
pittiwe can remove the two starters?21:24
seb128where is the best discussion medium for that?21:24
rickspencer3_pitti, yes21:24
rickspencer3_seb128, I'm not sure, let me think about it21:24
seb128do we want to let it for the night just to get quick feedback and measure boot impact?21:25
rickspencer3_I need to have some lunch, you guys are working too late21:25
seb128or should we revert right now?21:25
rickspencer3_seb128, please revert now, then we'll put together a profiling plan tomorrow or Monday21:26
seb128I'm just back from sport and dinner don't worry21:26
seb128enjoy your lunch21:26
seb128ok :-(21:26
rickspencer3_seb128, don't be bummed, we'll figure it out21:26
seb128(slightly annoyed to have waste efforts on that when I don't finish to do what I want to do)21:26
rickspencer3_it's just a small challenge to us, we've faced much worse before21:26
rickspencer3_sorry seb128 :(21:26
seb128rickspencer3_, don't worry that's my problem, I'm just a bit grumpy to have spent time for nothing21:26
rickspencer3_well, look at it that you will reuse the work21:27
seb128rickspencer3_, not yout fault21:27
rickspencer3_we just have to figure out how to do it right21:27
rickspencer3_"right" means doesn't freak out key stake holders21:27
seb128I will let you deal with that21:27
seb128I think we followed standard open procedure on this one21:28
seb128discussion in public meeting, summary sent on lists, etc21:28
seb128but right21:28
seb128let's undo for now and figure that later21:28
rickspencer3_seb128, thank you21:28
pittiseb128: you can keep the starters dropped at least..21:28
seb128it's not making a significant speed difference anyway21:28
seb128pitti, right now I prefer to just undo the upload that spend extra time to get that wrong21:28
rickspencer3_seb128, are you saying that the changes don't seem to have much impact?21:29
pittiseb128: agreed21:29
seb128rickspencer3_, well, ie 0.5seconds21:29
seb128but we need to add those 0.5s to reach target21:29
rickspencer3_of course 20 .5 second changes = 10 seconds21:29
rickspencer3_okay, let's not give up on this, just view it as something we need to think about a bit more21:29
* Amaranth waves21:29
rickspencer3_hi Amaranth :)21:29
seb128if you can get specific concerns21:30
rickspencer3_seb128, yeah, I do21:30
seb128dropping the trash applet is the best win there21:30
seb128it avoids doing trash backend init etc21:30
rickspencer3_okay, let's think about how to make the applet load faster21:30
rickspencer3_like can it do the init on first use?21:30
* rickspencer3_ really has to leave21:30
rickspencer3_thanks seb12821:30
seb128not if you want to display correct full or empty icon21:30
rickspencer3_you are truly the bestest21:30
seb128rickspencer3_, enjoy lunch!21:31
* kenvandine hugs seb12821:31
seb128see you tomorrow!21:31
* seb128 hugs kenvandine too21:31
seb128rickspencer3_, you rock too, thanks ;-)21:31
* rickspencer3_ notes that we could cache the correct icon at shutdown21:31
rickspencer3_by the way, before I go ...21:31
seb128rickspencer3_, let's talk about that later21:31
rickspencer3_the review went very very well21:31
seb128you will tell me tomorrow21:31
rickspencer3_bye bye21:32
seb128see you21:32
Amaranthso my boot times have suddenly gotten very impressive21:37
AmaranthI think it's because my max IO is now 94MB/s21:37
geserwhat did you have to do to get it?21:38
Amaranthbuy a new HD :)21:38
seb128Amaranth, nice ;-)21:39
Amaranthnow I just need to figure out how to get KMS turned off again...21:42
Amaranthno brightness control21:43
Amaranthin grub?21:43
AmaranthI was trying i915 modeset=0 in initramfs-tools modules file21:44
pittihm, I'd just set it in grub21:45
Riddellpitti: bug 484802 is fixed in lucid yes21:52
RiddellI've updatd the bug status21:52
ubottuLaunchpad bug 484802 in kdeedu "SRU: Parley fails to initialize Python scripts" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/48480221:52
pittiRiddell: great, thank you!21:52
=== eeejay is now known as eeejay_away
seb128hey rob21:59
seb128hey robert_ancell21:59
robert_ancellseb128, hey21:59
pittibryce: I synced most of them now; LP goes down in 2 mins, so I need to do the rest tomorrow morning21:59
pittihey robert_ancell21:59
seb128robert_ancell, the gnome-games rename upstream don't seem a really good idea...21:59
pittibryce: btw, the fastest way for archive admins is an IRC ping "please sync from experimental: foo bar baz  (no commas, etc.)22:00
robert_ancellseb128, you mean debian doesn't like the package split?22:00
brycepitti, ok thanks22:00
Amaranthhmm, if I split compiz-plugins into individual plugin packages each one needs to Provides/Replaces the last uploaded compiz-plugins package, right?22:00
seb128robert_ancell, no, I just noticed your commit about gnometris being renamed to an unclear name22:01
Amaranthcrap I'll have to wait until launchpad comes back to do a compiz upload to remove plugins-extra22:01
seb128robert_ancell, it's a shame to have a tetris game without tetris in the name ;-)22:01
seb128Amaranth, yes22:02
seb128Amaranth, yes22:02
seb128Amaranth, how do you want to split those now?22:02
robert_ancellseb128, oh the quadrapassel and fell-swoop names?  I think they're awful too22:02
seb128robert_ancell, right22:02
kenvandinewhat was it renamed too?22:02
seb128who decided on that?22:02
Amaranthso I'm thinking after splitting compiz-plugins and compiz-fusion-plugins-main I'll make the compiz source package generate a compiz-plugins metapackage that depends on the ones we want installed by default22:02
kenvandinesad it can't just be named tetris :/22:03
robert_ancellI'm not sure who decided on them22:03
Amaranthand each plugin will depend on the plugins it needs (based on checking depends in the xml files)22:03
robert_ancellkenvandine, gnometris->quadrapassel same-gnome->swell-foop22:03
Amaranthafter that I get to start figuring out how to stop using the XML files completely22:03
kenvandinethat sucks :/22:03
Amaranthand I really wish I could statically link some plugins into the compiz binary but I dunno if that'd actually help22:04
kenvandineseb128, i had prepared the gtk upload based on what was in bzr... then realized 2.19.1 was uploaded to lucid and not merged into bzr :/22:05
kenvandineseb128, so i did that and pushed the branch (without my patches)22:05
kenvandineand now prepared it against 2.19.122:05
kenvandinedoing a test build now, assuming my laptop doesn't overheat again22:05
seb128kenvandine, that's because 2.19 is a direct sync from Debian22:05
kenvandinei should have checked :/22:06
pittiseb128: ok, I fixed the capplets/admin menu22:06
pittiseb128: the only thing that's left broken is app-center22:06
seb128pitti, you rock22:06
pittiit's still in the admin menu22:06
pittiseems I need to figure out the magic that makes it appear in the Apps menu in the first place..22:06
seb128pitti, look at the bottom of applications.menu22:07
seb128pitti, in /etc/xdg/menus22:08
pittiright, I saw that22:08
pittiI mean code-wise, and how the caching breaks it22:08
pittiseb128: don't worry, I'll figure it out22:08
Amaranthoh goody, someone else gets to experience the joys of the xdg menu spec22:08
pittibryce: ok, it's still alive, synced all bug bug 49105122:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 491051 in x11proto-input "[Sync Request] Please sync x11proto-input (1.5.0-2) from Debian [unstable] (main)" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/49105122:09
pittis/bug bug/but bug/22:09
pittiah, that's another one which says "unstable" and means "experimental"22:09
* pitti syncs22:10
pittiyay, all in22:11
* pitti watches the buildds squeak, crank, and sweat22:11
brycepitti, were all of the experimental syncs mis-titled?22:13
pittibryce: no, just 422:13
brycehrm weird22:14
brycesince I used a script to do it, I would have expected them all to be right, or all wrong22:14
pittioh, https://edge.launchpad.net/builders is full of "building private source" which might explain the delay in shutting down LP :)22:14
pittibryce: the changelog in teh description said "experimental", bug the bug title said "unstable"22:15
pitti(see #491051)22:15
pittioh, hmm22:16
pittibryce: I now actually synced x11proto-input 2.0-122:16
pittiwhile the title said "1.5.0-2"22:16
bryce2.0-1 is more correct22:16
pittiokay, *phew*22:16
pittithe description says 2.0, too22:16
pittibryce: btw, does that mean "xinput 2 protocol"?22:16
brycewe already have 1.5.0-222:17
brycepitti, that's correct22:17
pittiright, that's why the unstable sync failed22:17
brycepitti, XI2 is the major new feature that xserver 1.7 brings22:17
pittibryce: does that further mean that we can now use key codes >= 256?22:17
bryceah, not sure on that point22:17
brycethe 256 limit is due to a X11 protocol limitation IIRC22:18
pittilike KEY_ZOOM, KEY_NEXT, KEY_ADDRESSBOOK, and the like22:18
pittiright, ISTR that xi2 was to rectify that22:18
brycenot sure if XI2 provides a way around that limitation.  maybe...22:18
bryceI"ll ask22:18
pittiwe'll see22:19
pittidon't worry for now22:19
* pitti was just curious22:19
AmaranthI'm pretty sure it does22:19
tjaaltonI think it would need XKB2 too22:19
Amaranthkeycodes are 32 bit in XI222:19
Amaranthyeah, you'd need xkb2 so it knew how to deal with it22:20
ubottuFreedesktop bug 11227 in Input/Core "Allow > 255 keycodes" [Enhancement,New]22:20
pittitjaalton: the bug mentions that, yes22:20
tjaaltonpitti: yep, I've read that bug a couple of times :)22:22
* pitti tries something new and goes to bed before midnight22:28
pittigood night everyone!22:28
seb128'night pitti22:28
* seb128 tries something new and work on friday this week ;-)22:28
seb128robert_ancell, btw I think you asked about introspection the other day, I've sorted most of it today I think22:31
robert_ancellseb128, so gnome-games now installs?22:37
seb128robert_ancell, not yet, things are still building22:38
Amaranthdoes gobject-introspection still pull in most of a GNOME build environment?22:48
=== rickspencer3_ is now known as rickspencer3
rickspencer3robert_ancell, good morning23:05
robert_ancellrickspencer3, hey23:07
* rickspencer3 is reading back scroll23:08
rickspencer3lots happened in the 1.5 hours I was gone@23:09
rickspencer3robert_ancell, we were supposed to have a call but I blew you off :(23:09
robert_ancellrickspencer3, np23:09
rickspencer3call now?23:10
=== eeejay_away is now known as eeejay
=== robbiew is now known as robbiew-afk
rickspencer3pitti, added workitems to quickly blueprints23:59

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