
PiciIs it a full moon?02:46
* Pici checks02:46
PiciYes. Yes it is./02:47
FlannelI've just spoken with seb^3 about his constant troll labelling03:24
elkyand his constant offtopicness?03:28
ubottuwhatchasay called the ops in #ubuntu-server ()03:33
whatchasayim on a commuter rail train03:34
PiciOkay then03:35
ubottusebsebseb called the ops in #ubuntu (whatchasay)03:37
ubottuwhatchasay called the ops in #ubuntu ()03:37
whatchasaysup ops03:38
Piciwhatchasay: Is there something we can help you with?03:38
whatchasayK-line me03:38
ubottuwhatchasay called the ops in #kubuntu ()03:38
ubottuwhatchasay called the ops in #ubuntu-devel ()03:39
ubottuHey nalioth, jenda, rob, SportChick, seanw, Dave2, Christel, tomaw, Gary, Vorian, PriceChild, niko or stew, I could use a bit of your time :)03:39
whatchasayha now i will get k-lined03:39
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!03:40
ubottuwhatchasay called the ops in #ubuntu-ops ()03:40
tonyyarussowell that was dumb03:40
ubottusebsebseb called the ops in #ubuntu (yadi)03:41
ubottukostkon called the ops in #ubuntu (yadi)03:41
Flannelelky: No, his constant labelling of people as trolls03:41
ubottuwhatchasay called the ops in #ubuntu-offtopic ()03:42
ubottuwhatchasay called the ops in #ubuntu (get the dam kline done with)03:44
elkytonyyarusso, it's calculated. we're supposed to ban that ip, you see, and hence eliminate someone else's ability to use freenode03:47
tonyyarussoelky: makes sense.  Do we know who the someone else is yet?03:47
elkyoften it's just random. wardriving and so forth.03:48
elkybut we cant tell the wardrivers from the malicious brother, etc03:48
ubottuFloodBotK3 called the ops in #kubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)07:22
ubottuFloodBotK2 called the ops in #kubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)07:22
ubottuFloodBotK1 called the ops in #kubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)07:22
ubotturaevol called the ops in #xubuntu ()07:23
dholbachgood morning07:54
jussi01morning daniel07:56
MenZamorning dholbach08:02
ubottuardchoille called the ops in #ubuntu (Bill_Gates flooding, Asmodeus_ same IP)09:13
ubottuActionParsnip called the ops in #ubuntu ()09:14
ubottuBill_Gates called the ops in #ubuntu (ardchoille flooding)09:14
ubottuIn #ubuntu-offtopic, Avash said: !ops Flannel is a BOT.09:17
Asmodeus_jussi01, why did yo asked me to join here?09:19
Flannel!away > l0ckd0wn09:23
ubottuiceroot called the ops in #ubuntu (maria macarena maria)10:21
ubottuleaf-sheep called the ops in #ubuntu (cristii maria sopitas macarena (lamers from same IP))10:21
=== tonyyarusso is now known as Guest54751
ikoniasplit ?12:07
jussi01seems so, weird though...12:10
ikoniaI didn't get a split warning, hence confusion12:13
ikoniagentoo and Linux still +r12:13
ikoniaok now ?13:27
Piciikonia: HAI13:29
* ikonia galres13:29
ikoniaglares even13:29
* jussi01 waves13:30
jussi01ikonia: pm?13:30
ikoniaof course13:31
Tm_Tv: nice nick btw13:31
bazhangwhoops sorry13:36
Picibazhang: No, that was fine, my client was lagging anyway.13:36
bazhangPici, okay, thought you were going to PM him and I removed too soon13:39
PiciNah, hes already been removed once.13:39
bazhangokay cheers13:40
bazhanglooks like Ongazkevir well known troll14:52
ubottuikonia called the ops in #xubuntu (Ongacska)14:55
ikoniacody-somerville: could you look at maybe giving some of the other operators who are active access to #xubuntu ?14:56
ikoniaPici: thanks !14:56
ikoniaPici: remove him from -proxy ?14:56
Piciikonia: we'll probably be adding our core operators across all the core channels once we get some time to iron out our documentation14:58
jussi01ikonia: somthing will be done about that as soon as th new operator structure goes into place.14:58
* jussi01 hugs Pici14:58
ikoniajussi01: I suspect so, I'm asking in the short term (all was well as pici was awake)14:58
PiciI just hacked together a little python script for checking if a person is a member of ubuntumembers and if so, adding them to ubuntu-irc-cloaks \o/14:59
ikoniacheck out the brains on Pici14:59
ikoniabrains and beauty14:59
ubottuThe #ubuntu-trivia channel is a place for testing your brain power and having fun! We schedule themed quizzes, every Friday, to test your knowledge of your favourite operating system (Ubuntu, of course!) and keep you exercising those cranial muscles.14:59
bazhangquizbuntu says that15:00
bazhangerr bottu, I forget15:00
nhandlerPici: Isn't that what the script on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcTeam/Cloaks was meant to do?15:01
nhandlerOh wait, yours adds them to the team. That script just checks that all members of the -cloaks team are still ubuntumembers15:02
Picinhandler: hm, I don't actually remember ever reading the page you just linked.15:02
PiciI don't think mine will work for teams that provide ubuntu membership though.15:03
Picioh well, I'll play with it later.15:04
jpdsnhandler: It's a neat script.15:07
geniiTm_T: There's some ongoing problem between Ksquared and giordanoc?15:07
jpdsNeeds more launchpadlib though.15:07
Tm_Tgenii: no idea15:07
jpdsnhandler: It just lists the people who are (still) in -irc-cloak, while they are not in ubuntumembers.15:08
ubottuIn ubottu, Pici said: ubuntuone =~ s/$/ | support in #ubuntuone/15:09
jussi01Pici: but why would we need that script?15:09
Picijussi01: because I'm lazy15:09
jussi01Pici: hrm?15:10
jussi01not evry ubuntu member has or wants a cloak15:10
Picijussi01: Theres no 'add person to team' link on launchpad, so I need to go to their lp page, check if they're a member, then go to the ubuntu-irc-cloaks page, click add person, enter their lpname, click, etc.15:10
Picijussi01: I'd only use it for people who requested one of course.15:11
nhandlerPici: File a bug ;)15:11
Picinhandler: I should15:12
jussi01Pici: ahh, makes sens15:13
PiciThis reminded me of how #ubuntu is sometimes: http://notalwaysright.com/beware-the-jabberwacky/332115:34
cody-somervilleikonia, recommendations?15:40
ikoniacody-somerville: just add a couple of the guys you know are reasonable active from other channels15:42
ikoniacody-somerville: it wasn't a problem on this occasions as Pici was available,15:42
ikoniaI should say people, not guys. Sorry, that's a bad habbit15:48
ubottuIn #ubuntu, rustyshackleford said: !m4v why is that? Get a new HD shell, swap the platters? that' won't do it?17:45
macoPici: dont you have to say *who* to mark?18:24
Picimaco: I wanted to see if the command would even work at all. ubottu isn't listening to me.18:25
PiciBut yes, you're right.18:25
macomeh ubottu never listens to me for bt stuff18:25
PiciAnyway, I asked ActionParsnip to stop baiting people.18:26
ikoniaPici: I've had a bit more of a leanthgy conversation in pm with him, he was very responsive18:27
Piciikonia: great :)18:27
jpdsWhere's tsimpson.21:31
ikoniabeen active today21:32
ikoniawhy is sebsebseb constantly talking about 10.0421:32
jpdsikonia: He's excited about it.21:33
ikoniait doesn't exist yet ?21:33
jpdsHe can dream, can't he?21:33
ikoniano, I'm getting tired of it21:34
Tm_Talso you might like to point out the existense of #u+121:34
MenZaikonia: Sure does exist.21:44
ikoniaMenZa: it doesn't really at the moment, not much different from 9.1021:45
MenZaikonia: No, but it exists :)21:45
MenZaI mean, after all - Alpha 1 is out in a week.21:45
ikoniaand that won't contain anything of real user experience interest21:45
MenZaAye, it won't.21:46
ikoniaMenZa: so for sebsebseb to start telling users what's in it, how it will work and what it will do or will not do is not aceptable21:46
MenZaoh I agree on that, I was just playing devil's advocate ;)21:47
bazhangfwiw , seb^3 did the exact same for Karmic, and now says Karmic 'is a disaster'22:17
=== Guest54751 is now known as tonyyarusso
jpdstsimpson: !23:06
tsimpsonhello :)23:06
jpdstsimpson: $ vim PackageInfo/packages.py +14323:07
jpdsWhat does that self.getUrl(maxp) do?23:07
tsimpsonjpds: right now, nothing23:07
tsimpsonjpds: it's a partial implementation for bug #44861923:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 448619 in ubuntu-bots "Info plugin doesn't provide a way to get further info" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44861923:08
jpdsWell, it keeps breaking ubot4.23:08
tsimpsonit was broken, but should be fixed now23:08
tsimpsonjpds: r142 has the fix23:10
tsimpsonyep, r142 fixes that23:11
jpdsAh, right. Hmm.23:11
tsimpsonit just removes the callto "self.getUrl(maxp)" on line 143, and remove one %s from 14123:12
jpdsYeah, I did that by hand.23:13
jpdstsimpson: http://paste.ubuntu.com/334168/23:15
jpdsOn both bots. :)23:16
jpdstsimpson: Can you also /msg ubot2 info ubuntu-desktop?23:17
tsimpsonthat's odd23:17
jpdsubot4 is doing the same.23:17
tsimpsonjpds: I think http://pastebin.com/f3c335e0d should stop it23:24
jpdstsimpson: That fixed it.23:27
jpdsseriesita: Do you wish to register a compliant?23:28
tsimpsononce bazzar stops refusing my connections, I'll push it23:28
jpdsErr, complaint*23:30
jpdstsimpson: Yeah, Launchpad is down.23:32
jpdsJust saying.23:32
tsimpsonoh well23:32
mdeonteelky: ping23:34
elkyhi mdeonte, have you got some demonstrated proof your behaviour has improved drastically across the board?23:35
mdeonteelky: uh, no. i didnt need to provide proof that i was bad, so why do i that i was good?23:37
elkyyour proof of being bad is how you got banned.23:38
elkyi then tried to actively seek evidence of you being good, and found the opposite23:38
elkyso you are going to have to show me good things, since I am not able to find them.23:39
mdeontehow do i show proof?23:40
mdeontewhat do you want me to do?23:40
mdeonteletting me back in would be proof23:40
elkymany of our channels are logged, and you're not banned from all of them. the forums are pubic, and you're not banned from them as far as I know23:40
mdeonteam i unbanned?23:40
mdeonteI just was able to join..23:41
elkythen you are ban evading, and that's against freenode policy. it can lose you the ability to use their web gateway for *any* channel23:41
MenZa[2009-12-03 23:53:47 UTC] *** Phrea n=Phrea@unaffiliated/phrea has quit ["<Philry4n> Pumping breastmilf"] <- I am horrendously tired (about to hit the sack and sleeeep), and can't really decipher whether that's out of line or not. Could someone take appropriate action?23:56
FlannelMenZa: I'll talk to him about it23:57
MenZaFlannel: Cheers23:57

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