
faganfader|away: ping?01:43
* fagan unloads a hopeful ping to ask a quick question01:44
robhall76I have Ubuntu 8.04 and a Sierra aircard 598, i got usb_modeswitch to work with 0x0025 instead of 0x002304:01
aragood morning :)06:49
davmor2Morning all08:25
aramorning davmor2 :)08:28
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nperryHey :)10:57
* ara -> lunch12:34
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faganfader_: at the end of the meeting last night you said a1 is landing next week what did you mean?13:35
fader_fagan: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule13:35
fader_Lucid Alpha 1 is a week from today13:35
faganlol I thought you meant the music store (a=amazon at least in my brain)13:36
fader_Ahhh... heh, sorry.  I should have been more explicit :)13:37
* fagan got very excited13:37
czajkowskifader_: hard to beleive a1 is here already13:59
fader_czajkowski: I know... time flies when you're having fun!13:59
cr3what, isn't a1 scheduled for next week?14:02
czajkowskicr3: yes next week, here all ready, it;'s an expression, no need to have a heart attack just yet ;)14:03
davmor2fader_: no I got you dude ;)14:04
davmor2morning fader_ cr3 etc from the other side14:05
cr3czajkowski: ok, I'll wait until next week for my heart attack then :)14:05
cr3davmor2: hey dude14:05
fader_davmor2: Howdy14:06
davmor2fader_, cr3: daily live is still locking up at install lang packs but it might be a slightly different problem to the other lockup14:16
fader_davmor2: Well, fix it then :P14:16
davmor2alternate has an issue with grub asking for info in the wrong place.   Alt should be fixed tomorrow and cjwatson is looking at the live cd today to fix that issue too14:17
davmor2fader_: done my bit reported it down to the experts to fix it :P14:20
fader_davmor2: What do you mean, asking for info in the wrong place?  Does it prevent the alt from installing?14:21
davmor2fader_: it might for your automated builds14:21
davmor2morning moustafa14:22
moustafafader_, cr3, davmor2 : Jacques Cousteau!14:22
davmor2fader_: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/base-installer/+bug/49180114:22
ubot4Launchpad bug 491801 in base-installer "config dialog apears duing alt instal when it shouldn't" [High,Fix released]14:22
fader_moustafa: Bonjour... comment ca va?14:22
moustafaMorning, davmor214:22
fader_davmor2: ta14:23
moustafafader_ :  Je ne comprends pas?14:23
moustafafader_ : I can confirm the NVIDIA/Checkbox bug, I'm going to submit it right now, though the needed data would have to wait14:24
fader_moustafa: Cool, thanks.  Once you get all the data in there we can start figuring out wtf is going on.14:24
moustafaOooh!  New builds!14:24
fader_moustafa: davmor2 was just telling us that they're broken :(14:24
moustafaOh :(14:25
fader_I know.  If he didn't find bugs we wouldn't have any!14:25
davmor2fader_: alternate has installed here but like I say it might not for your automatic builds14:28
fader_davmor2: Yeah, I strongly suspect that will be the case, but it might be worth a shot anyway14:29
fader_moustafa: I'll set up some installs in a few and ask you to go stab the power buttons on the laptops :)14:29
moustafafader_ davmor2 : It's best to be sure before shouting to the wolves14:29
moustafafader_ : Aye aye, mon capitaine!14:30
davmor2fader_: on a plus side cjwatson says that should be fixed for tomorrow14:30
davmor2moustafa: I'm in wolves so I don't have that far to shout14:30
moustafadavmor2 : Is wolves somewhere near wales?14:32
moustafadavmor2: Which, I would suspect, isn't something you haven't heard before14:32
davmor2moustafa: http://osm.org/go/eux64xi--14:33
sorenmarjo: I've shifted the work items in qa-lucid-automated-server-testing around to reflect the plan.14:33
marjosoren: ack; thx14:33
* soren 'll brb14:33
moustafadavmor2: There's a region called "the Scotlands"?  That almost sounds like a D&D location, where all the inhabitants wear kilts and beat you up with bagpipes14:34
davmor2moustafa: I'd give you about 10 seconds if you went there and said that :)14:35
moustafadavmor2:  10 seconds?  That's a decent head start :P14:37
davmor2moustafa: no I mean that's how long you'll last, not how far you'd get.14:39
moustafadavmor2: That bad, huh14:40
davmor2moustafa: so to answer your question in terms of america/canada no not far from wales in terms of England it's miles away :)14:40
davmor2moustafa: yeap pretty rough area of wolves14:41
moustafadavmor2: A simple "no" would have sufficed.  ;)14:43
moustafadavmor2: Still, "Wolverhampton" is a pretty decently awesome name.  Sounds like a place werewolves go to relax :P14:44
davmor2yeah you don't go out at night here for just that reason ;)14:44
moustafadavmor2: fair enough :)14:47
moustafadavmor2: My magic hands made Lucid install and run15:25
davmor2moustafa: on alternate or desktop?15:28
moustafadavmor2: so far, both15:28
moustafadavmor2: I completed an install in Virtualbox, and the alternate installers are booting up in the lab15:29
davmor2desktop locks at 95% installing lang packs here15:29
moustafadavmor2: Strange that15:29
davmor2davmor3: lo15:30
davmor2WOW is beaten. YAY16:20
fader_Dude, there's an end to World of Warcraft?16:22
davmor2now that is a man with too much time16:25
fader_... says the man who has tested ~6,000,000 ISOs recently :)16:27
davmor2not that many only 5,999,99916:35
soren...says the man who's done perhaps 80.16:36
davmor2soren: I'm only behind cause I put my back out for a fortnight ;)16:40
sorendavmor2: :)16:44
* soren calls it a day16:46
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MoustafaCcr3, fader_, marjo, and everyone I may have missed, good evening22:02
marjomoustafaC: good night!22:03
fader_MoustafaC: Au revoir, et baguette!22:03
=== fader_ is now known as fader|away
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faganMy computer is dying23:13
faganI tested it to death23:14

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