
yotuxI need to edit my apps menu can anyone point me in the right direction for this?01:34
everfartcan you just right-click and then "edit menu"?01:35
everfartim on ubuntu right now, cant check for myself01:35
everfartright-click on the apps menu i mean01:35
yotuxI don't think that is an option01:35
yotuxthat give me properties box though01:36
yotuxwill try to locate the file listed01:36
yotuxjust moved over to xubuntu used it a few cycles ago and there was  a menu editor no longer there :(01:37
everfartmight help01:37
yotuxthanks it was very helpful01:40
everfartcould someone please help me with manually configuring grub to recongnize a xubuntu isntallation?01:48
everfarti just dont know how to find where the kernel is01:48
everfartawww yeah! nvm02:01
rcscompI am trying to get xubuntu installed dual booting Windows 7.  I have raid turned on through my motherboard.  The install goes fine, but when the system boots, it automatically goes into windows 7.  Can anyone help me figure out why GRUB isn't getting installed?02:13
toshihow do you turn off the "growl" like popups everytime you do something like adjust your volume?03:26
toshidamn, no one knows how to turn that off?03:31
Balsaqtrying to refurb a compaq deskpro 450mgz 256srdam with xubuntu...sure sounds funny going in?04:01
Balsaqlike its chokin" on it?04:02
Balsaqstuck on page 5 of 7 on a xubuntu install, the who are you page...won't do anything?04:19
Balsaqcan i still burn a xubuntu 9.04 to a cd or will i have to take 9.10?04:26
n2diyBalsaq: you should be able to find 9.04 archived somewhere, try googling old ubuntu.04:30
Balsaqahh, this particular computer just wont accept it...04:40
Balsaqgonna forcs me to put xp on this one...bummer04:42
n2diywhy would you load a virus on your computer?04:45
Balsaqits so loaded with virus' right now i can't do anyhting...its not mine04:56
Balsaqi can't get it  do to a dadgum thing...i am going to have to use whatever i can do delete the existing data on it...and then try to load what ever it will take i guess...but xubuntu won't go in it?04:57
Balsaqi am on xubuntu 904 right now...love it04:58
n2diyBalsaq: do you know how to program in assembly language?04:59
Balsaqno i am a non tech linux newbie05:00
Balsaqbut my friends are even less05:00
Balsaqi have had great luck with xubuntu 904 to refurbish messed up windows computers05:00
Balsaqmy buddies think i am a tech?05:00
n2diyBalsaq: I wonder, does compaq put hidden partitions on their hds?05:02
Balsaqthey gave me 2 tonight, a dell 2400...xubuntu went in and fixed it beautifully...this one is even older05:02
Balsaqshowed only one 6150 partiton before i wacked it05:02
Balsaqtold it to use the whole thing...05:02
Balsaqwant to scrub it05:02
Balsaqreformatting now05:02
n2diyBalsaq: So partitioning worked, but the install failed? Weird.05:03
Balsaqwell thats what happened with buntu05:03
Balsaqit went all the way to the who are you thing05:03
Balsaqwell past the partition part05:03
Balsaqthen i noticed i couldnt type in my name or anything...mouse not responsive05:04
Balsaqhad trouble with the 1st one too but it took 904 in the ens this one is kickin?05:04
Balsaqthe dell wouldnt take linux mint or ubuntu 910 or ubuntu 810...took 904 xubuntu in the end i meant05:05
Balsaqthis one wont even do xubuntu 904?05:05
Balsaqit appears to be taking xp pro sp3...but i just learned i aint over till its over with these old messed ones05:06
Balsaqi have no choice...but no i wanted 904 xubu in her05:06
n2diyBalsaq: Stop putting viruses on the computer! :) You might try older versions of Ubuntu?05:07
Balsaqyou didnt listen...once i get this thing free of virus i think it will take 90405:08
Balsaqor maybe otheres05:08
Balsaqhe messed these up like you can't believe05:08
Balsaqthe 1st one took over 4 hours...was loaded with virus and spyware...wouldnt do anything...just a bif screen in front of me that explained the virus isse, everything nonresponsive05:10
Balsaqso i just keep trying a fresh OS install until something lets me do it...after that i am hoping its clean?05:10
Balsaqits kind of a wierd non tech style of clean up i suppose05:11
Balsaqi really dislike all windows..except xp pro sp305:13
Balsaqtell me bout these hiddn partitions?05:15
Balsaqtell me about hidden partition05:16
Balsaqcan they keep virus alive05:17
n2diySome OEMs, like Dell, Compaq, etc..., put hidden partitions on their HDs, they can be a PITA. Never met one, but...05:17
Balsaqi have all dell...and now working on 1 compaq...i sure hope i did clean installs on them05:19
Balsaqotherwise i willl not know if i really wiped em clean05:19
Balsaqsee this guy...got the virus, then kept usung it until the computer went non responsive, so i worry the virus had time to get into everything05:20
n2diyBalsaq: yes, they can harbor virus. But a formatted partition "should" wipe them clean. This is why I asked you if you knew how to program in assembly. I know of a DOS debug routine that will write all zeros to a hard drive. But I don't know the correct syntax to get it to work with Ubuntu/Linux.05:22
Balsaqwow i wish i knew how to zero everything, thats sound even better05:23
Balsaqbut it did appear that i took the entire HD...and wiped it the it went back and asked me to build a new one in that space05:23
n2diyBalsaq: how big is the HD?05:24
Balsaqwas 6150 mb on this compaq...the  dell that took the xubuntu was 80g05:24
n2diyBalsaq: how much free space does it have?05:24
Balsaqafter i wacked the partition it said 6143 free or somethig05:25
n2diyyou need 3 gig, maybe more?05:25
Balsaqithink xubu is like 1.5 or so?05:25
Balsaqubun is like 3 isnt it05:25
Balsaqupdates bring it up some05:26
n2diyI forget, I try to play with drives that are 10 gig, or better.05:26
Balsaqactually he just gave me this to fix the dell 2400....if i cant fix it oh well05:27
Balsaqbut i am clear up to thename part now05:27
Balsaqstill says i gotta wait 29 more minutes....256sdram is killin me05:38
Balsaqny bubtu comuters are all 40-60 hd....05:39
Balsaqbuntu i meant05:39
_Pete_my 1.2T is getting full :(05:39
Balsaqhey now ya got a reason too buy a new one!05:40
_Pete_yes but this is raid combined from 4drives so and all sata places are in use :/05:41
Balsaqone of these days i want you to show me how you put that system monitor on the side of the screen like that...is it always on? _Pete_\05:43
_Pete_Balsaq: hmm?05:43
_Pete_you mean the one in my screeshots or?05:44
Balsaqyou sent me a screen shot of your OS...i saw a system monitor on it, lookws k=like it was always on05:44
_Pete_yes it's always on05:44
_Pete_apt-get install gkrellm05:44
Balsaqthats cool05:44
Balsaqgonna write it down05:44
Balsaqwhen i get a big processor ill do it05:45
Balsaqthey suck some power i noticed05:45
Balsaqjust learning on these oldies....05:45
Balsaq_Pete_ is it an i7 or a quad core?05:47
_Pete_my is qc05:47
Balsaqhey what happened to Techie?05:48
_Pete_no idea05:48
Balsaqi can't believe this old computer would not take xubuntu 904...and it suckin in xp pro sp3...weird05:49
Balsaqits like they are alive05:49
Balsaqpete i am going to switch over to a fresh install computer i just finshed with see you in a a few minutes ...06:42
raevolcan we get a kick on swine_flu please?07:22
raevolone of those hackerthreads people again07:22
ubottuops is HELP! gnomefreak, tonyyarusso, PuMpErNiCkLe, maxamillion, TheSheep, crimsun, mrpouit, Myrtti, PriceChild charlie-tca or cody-somerville07:22
Balsaqwow that was a pain in the asc...08:06
OngacskaHeavy TroLLz Attak warnin'14:51
Ongacskami a repedt fasz van?14:54
Ongacskawhatta penguinfuckerz things ?14:55
ikonia!ops | Ongacska14:55
ubottuOngacska: ops is HELP! gnomefreak, tonyyarusso, PuMpErNiCkLe, maxamillion, TheSheep, crimsun, mrpouit, Myrtti, PriceChild charlie-tca or cody-somerville14:55
ubottuKeyboard shortcuts can be set in System -> Preferences -> Keyboard Shortcuts. If your multimedia keys don't work with that, try the 'keytouch' package, explained at http://keytouch.sourceforge.net - See !Keyboard for changing layouts14:59
likemindeadWhere are keyboard shortcut settings in Xfce/Xubuntu?14:59
ablomenlikemindead, in window manager menu in the settings manager15:02
ablomen2nd tab15:02
likemindeadThanks, ablomen. Couldn't seem to find a helpful link via Google. :-\15:03
ablomennp :)15:08
likemindeadOh... those are only window manager keyboard shortcuts. I'm wanting to assign hotkeys to, say, open a terminal, etc.15:08
likemindeadI also use CrunchBang & I love just hitting super+T to open a terminal, etc.15:09
ablomenthats the keyboard menu in the settings manager15:11
likemindeadAh! Thanks, again!15:16
PhantomFreakHas anyone recently had a problem with an update which removed their ability to connect to the internet?15:53
brian_hey all, I have an issue with msttcorefonts18:08
brian_any websites I might be able to hit up for some help18:08
brian_is no one here awake?18:09
likemindeadHey, brian_, you can... oh... -__-18:14
TheSheepattetion span of a mayfly18:19
PhantomFreakI cannot get my WPA2 wireless to work for some reason in the last few days. Discovered that libnautilus-extensions1 was causing no network connection to work so I removed it, now the WPA2 doesn't work where as the old WEP (kept for DS and PSP) still works fine!18:24
PhantomFreakI cannot connect to the internet via my WPA2 wireless. WEP (kept for PSP & DS) works fine, but WPA2 doesn't work. However I can ping other computers on network. Has an update to system come in to change things?18:40
AryehGregorSo where's the Software Center in Xubuntu 9.10?  It's installed, but I'm still seeing Add/Remove Applications on the menu.18:42
AryehGregorActually, would it be possible for me to just use GNOME menus?  It's confusing when someone suggests going to some menu or other that doesn't exist in Xubuntu.18:43
Venimmy fresh install of xubuntu cant' connect to a wpa-personal secured network19:59
likemindeadWhat's your wireless card?20:01
Venimit uses the rt2870 driver20:01
* Venim reboots back into linux20:02
likemindeadAryehGregor, you can install the "ubuntu-desktop" package, but then, why not just install Ubuntu rather than Xubuntu?20:06
Venimthatnks , that worked20:07
likemindeadPhantomFreak, what's your wireless card? Enter "lspci" in a terminal.20:07
AryehGregorlikemindead, I have ubuntu-desktop installed.  I prefer some aspects of Xubuntu, like multiple monitor handling, so I use that, but the different menu annoys me.20:07
Venimnow i can actually update hardware drivers20:07
likemindeadI'm sure there's a way to change the menu, AryehGregor.20:14
likemindeadAnything's possible in Linux. You just have to know how or write the code... ;-)20:15
Venimo great20:20
Venimati's propietary drivers dont' work20:21
likemindeadD'oh. I'm not a fan of ATI. :-\20:21
Venimi am not for linux20:22
likemindeadIt's freedom, baby. Not always too easy. But always worth it.20:26
Venimi used the ati uninstall20:26
Venimand now X is just as broken as it was before20:26
likemindeadAnd "Ka-boom!" ?20:26
Sysiwhen linux works, it's best20:26
Sysiwhen not.. it's not the best20:26
Venimwell as broken as it was before20:27
likemindeadYou could try the latest kernel, just released today. It has new ATI drivers.20:27
Venimi mean as broken as when i was trying to install arch20:27
Venimi just downloaded the kernel today20:27
Sysimy friend "played" with ati and dualhead for two days20:28
Venimwhats odd20:28
Sysihe still prefer linux over windows20:28
Venimis that the CD said i could have drivers20:28
Venimthe install cd*20:28
Venimbut when i installed, it didn't tell there were any for me to download20:29
Sysiwhat ati do you have, new or old?20:29
Venimradeon HD 575020:29
Venimso real new20:29
Venimis there any easy way to get X back to the way it was on install?20:30
Venimi tried restoring xorg.conf20:30
Venimbut that didn't work20:30
likemindeadAh. Always risky being on the bleeding edge of hardware in Linux. :-\20:30
likemindeadEspecially when the proprietary drivers are locked down. :-(20:30
Venimwell ati's drivers say they work for ubuntu20:30
Sysidid they say how well? :P20:30
Venim15:30:00 < Venim> is there any easy way to get X back to the way it was on install?20:31
likemindeadThe way Ubuntu has changed how Xorg works... I'm not sure.20:32
Venimolook it worked now20:36
Venimwhats the root password for xubuntu?20:38
Sysiuse sudo20:38
Venimyeah but whats the root password20:38
Sysiit wouldn't be secure if it's same for everybody :P20:38
Sysiyou can set it by "sudo passwd root"20:39
Sysidefault is something random20:39
Venimdidn't think about that20:39
Venimati's control center wasn't starting up for its "administrative" one20:40
Venimso i'm just going to log into root and mess with it20:40
squirrelpimpSysi: default is empty, so you can't login as root20:41
squirrelpimpso basically it's the same for everyone20:41
Venimyeah, i figured it owuld be empty20:42
Sysiif it's empty you wouldn't need password?20:42
Venimwell you can't su without a password20:42
Venimbut idk about login20:42
Venimthat you usually can20:42
squirrelpimpno, you cannot login, as there is just no password20:44
Sysiyou can set empy passwd to keyring20:44
Sysithen it won't never ask it20:44
squirrelpimpand you cannot su as well, so if you want to, you have to use sudo -i to get a login shell or set a password from there20:44
Venimyeah, multiple monitors20:45
Venimthese settings work as root20:51
Venimbut not as my use20:51
likemindeadJust a matter of permissions, Venim?20:54
Venimdoes X have permission problems?20:55
ubottuVNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX21:40
Venimbtw, i fixed that issue by just deleting the user and recreating it21:41
likemindeadOh, hi there, Ka1! Oh.. ;-(22:06
likemindeadAll IRC chan topics should include "BE PATIENT! SOMEONE WILL REPLY EVENTUALLY!"22:07
_Pete_or RTFM22:11
likemindeadWell... that's not too helpful. I don't mind simple questions. It's the lack of patience.22:16
likemindeadAnd I prefer http://lmgtfy.com/?q=whatever anyhow. ;-)22:17
ron_ouhmmm, jigdo. Anyone know why it's needed over bittorrent?23:20
ron_oit sounds like jigdo is for servers to what bittorrent is for sharing files.23:23
knomejigdo = jigsaw download23:23
knomeif i have understood correctly, it's used in sharing debian images23:24
ron_oknome, it takes a while to figure out, but should be used if bittorrent isn't available. It doesn't replace bittorrent, which I thought it was trying to do.23:26
knomeno, it doesn't.23:26
ron_oI wish they'd make that more clear. If bittorrent isn't available, which it isn't for old and older distributions, so use jigdo instead..23:27
ron_osounds like a bandwidth shaper for servers sharing amongst uncommon server arrangements --- or cloud bandwidth shaper. :)23:28
knomeso you suggest the package description for the jigdo package should be changed?23:37
Tonnosomebody here know a videos converter for 9.10? ( not winff pleases )23:40
knomeTonno, winff? from which format would you like to convert and to which23:41
knomeTonno, (and thanks for reminding me i bought tuna fish)23:41
Tonnoknome, i want to change a videos for avi - to mp423:42
Tonnotuna fish? knome23:42
_Techie_Tonno, looked @ mencoder?23:42
knomeTonno, tonno = tuna fish in italian :P23:43
Tonno_techie_ noup :S23:43
knomeor sth.23:43
_Techie_Tonno, mencoder works great for converting media from one file to another, however its a command line app and i dont know of any linux front ends, only win3223:44
Tonnoknome, thank u for the help :) _Techie_23:52

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