=== carlos is now known as Guest1528 === Guest1528 is now known as carlos_ [00:04] !xgl [00:04] !xserver-xgl === freddy is now known as Guest9127 [00:05] hello someone knows a repository for xgl? [00:09] xgl is no longer developed [00:13] how can I see what KDE version I'm using? === Gpx_ is now known as Gpx [00:24] the kubuntu ppa and backport is awesome :-) [00:31] has anybody managed to completely FUBAR KDE by simply maxing out the hard drive on accident? [00:32] does anyone know what program/library dolphin uses to convert images? As it seems to convert PSDs to other formats flawlessly, where as GIMP screws them up [00:37] nm, think it uses imagemagick's convert [00:39] http://www.dumpt.com/img/viewer.php?file=8smi71b9z8jnuz051bwy.png [01:11] just switched to firefox as my browser, but when I click on an email address, it won't open kmail so I can write/send. How do I make kmail the default email client? [01:21] hey guys, I installed kubuntu 9.10 32 bit on my machine as a test. Software suspend worked and I had never gotten it to work in linux on that machine before, I was ecstatic and decided to switch. Installed Kubuntu 9.10 64bit and suspend doesn't work. [01:22] I don't even know where to start fixing it. I know the hardware works and I know it works in kubuntu [01:22] my friend was telling me that software suspend is more wonky in 64bit operating systems, is that true? [01:33] hola alguien sabe como puedo entrar al canal ispano de ubuntu? [01:34] que? [01:34] osea como puedo entrar al canal de ubuntu en español [01:38] no habla espanol :( [01:39] just had to tell him #kubuntu-es [01:39] el ingles no es el unico idioma [01:40] ademas les enseñan español en las escuelas [01:40] que les pasa [01:40] didn't know about that channel and I failed spanish twice somehow [01:40] i find english easier [01:41] its so unperfect that u can say anything and probably someone will still understand u [01:41] it's true, most of us americans can barely speak english ;) [01:42] but theres #ubuntu kubuntu xubuntu etc and -es [01:42] nonameNN: English is the so-called Universal Language because it's borrowed from everywhere. One way or another, you're going to say something someone understands. [01:43] i dont know... spanish has english french italian german latin etc... [01:43] i dont see that in english language, probably its called universal just because they say so [01:44] I don't know all of the common (borrowed) words, but there's quite a few [01:44] english borrows from the same languages [01:45] im not sure [01:46] Where can I get help with KDevelop? [01:46] I'm trying to write a GUI application, but I don't know where/how to start. [01:47] draik: #kde [01:47] do you know qt? [01:47] I don't [01:47] Thanks nonameNN, I will ask there. [01:47] we both gotta learn that first, brutha [01:48] Oh [01:48] http://doc.trolltech.com/3.3/how-to-learn-qt.html [01:48] I love the first line [01:48] We assume that you already know C++! [01:49] I'm already out. [01:49] all the learning qt stuff has been from a C++ standpoint, I really only know python [01:49] haha, ditto [01:50] it's not really possible to learn qt without knowing C++ is it? [01:50] do you know python draik? [01:50] This site doesn't help much if at all. It's already redirecting you to read a book [01:50] No, I don't know python. I'm just getting into PHP and Perl [01:51] heh, can't really make a kde app with those [01:52] JT|work: You may want to look into getting the 'eric' package [01:52] there's a kde3 app I have on my mini, kpowersave or something that's completely written in python. I've read and changed it a little [01:52] If you don't know a programming language with Qt bindings, like C++ or Python, you won't have much like writing any Qt programs [01:52] Hi. How to install system-wide fonts (into /usr/local/share/fonts) using the command line instead of kde or gnome control center ? [01:52] I use eric already, it's a pretty good IDE [01:52] ngirard: just copy them in there [01:52] sudo cp font1 font2 font* /usr/local/share/fonts [01:53] I gotta find a good howto or book on programming qt in python [01:54] Hi JT|work. Well, the gui also seems to lower the case of the file names [01:54] JT|work: there is, on pyqt4 [01:55] JT|work: shouldn't I perform sudo fc-cache -s afterwards ? [01:56] I guess so, I just read that command's man page for the first time :S [01:58] JT|work: I'll do just a test, copy the fonts, wait a few secs, then try to fond them using fc-list. Perhaps the cache refreshes itself automatically [01:58] I think in the past I've just copied fonts into my system font dir like that and had them work, but I'm obviously no expert on this [02:03] JT|work: you're damn right, the cache updates itself === matias is now known as Guest99122 [02:22] i recently install kubuntu karmic for a friend and for some reason wheni enable auto-login, the wacom tablet doesn't work half of the time [02:22] installed* [02:23] also, the auto-login doesn't work... it gives an error about inability to write to 2 kde config files and drops down to kdm [02:24] i tried making the files in .kde/share/config world-readable/writable and ensuring the path along the way was +rx but to no avail [02:24] the error persists === Gpx is now known as Dingo-PL [02:25] weird, ownership on the files and dirs are good, permissions are good [02:25] any errors in dmesg indicating hard drive problems? [02:25] hi [02:26] hey [02:26] someone know how install older xorg v.7.4 [02:43] have google released chrome for linux yet? its stupid they have ChromeOS (whihc afaik is likely based on ubuntu) but not relased chrome itself for ubunutu yet, thats crazy [02:45] I think chrome the browser and chromeos are pretty different beasts [02:45] JT I agree.. but chrome the browser is a prerequisite for ChromeOS... [02:46] and if ChromeOS really does have an ubuntu (even if its ubuntu-minimal) base... then shouldn't that mean Chrome the browser should already be released? [02:47] hmm, I see what you're saying. I don't follow it that much tbh [02:47] because chrome will never have an adblock extension :p [02:47] i have windoz xp64 on my sata 320g hd. but also connected is a pata 500g which the pc prioritieses as #1. either way i want to partition the 320g with the windows or C/ so i can have dual. the partition manager in the kubuntu instal wont let me shrink the 320g [02:48] so you're trying to dual boot kubuntu and xp on one hard drive, right? [02:49] yes [02:49] i need to windows for school itt tech [02:50] but i only want it for that. [02:50] heh, no need to make excuses man, I need XP for games :p [02:50] i have the kubunu 9.10 dvd [02:50] so anyway, if the kubuntu installer won't let you resize it, I would suggest maybe booting a knoppix disc [02:51] it has a nice gui partitioner [02:51] hehe JT, ahh but do you need to play games in the first place? heheh [02:51] there's also a command-line program called ntfsresize that resizes ntfs partitions [02:51] then just split it in 2 and kubuntu should do the rest? [02:51] or Gparted Live cd gives you a gui partitioner called gparted :) [02:52] right [02:52] that's the program [02:52] knoppix has gparted on it [02:52] which uses ntfsresize behind the scenes === kubuntuser is now known as happy [02:52] when i ran the installer it cause ll sorts of registry errors on my winxp [02:52] if I go ext4 that means my ext2ifs won't any longer be able to access my kubuntu drive from windows :( [02:52] all sorts [02:52] yeah, once you split it you can just install kubuntu on the blank partition and grub will pick up the windows partition and give you the choice to boot to either [02:53] now should i name it something special? [02:53] heh yeah [02:53] Hello all. [02:53] you can format ext3 and ext2fs in windows will still read it I think [02:53] Hhow can i install Google Chrome in kubuntu 9.10 [02:53] thats what I have now ext3 [02:53] I've used that before, kind of a scary program [02:54] hey raj [02:54] hi JT [02:54] I'm just thinking if I got ext4 I lose access in XP to my Kubuntu [02:54] ask ForgeAus, he just asked the same thing hehe [02:54] hehe JT it can be scary, but sofar I've had no issues... [02:54] he says there isn't a google chrome for linux [02:54] so it looks like you have to install wine and install the windows version [02:55] Any one tell me hhow to install Chrome on Kubuntu... this url is not wlrkig http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-install-chromium-google-chrome-in-ubuntu-using-deb-package.html [02:55] well JT thats not entirely true [02:55] theres Chromium for Linux for a start [02:55] Rajm, careful is that a wine install? [02:55] no i read there is a copy for linux [02:55] because there is Google Chrome for windows via wine that you can run on Linux (and have been for some time now) [02:56] i read there is a installer for linux [02:56] but its working for ubuntu [02:56] lemme check it out [02:56] gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list this command is not working for kubuntu [02:57] raj use kdesudo kate instead of gksude gedit [02:57] which one do i want the 1 or 2 dvd version? [02:57] kubutnu doesn't have those gnome components [02:57] oops [02:58] can you see the url i sent you [02:58] i am new to ubuntu and kubuntu [02:58] welcome to the club [02:58] cx chromium is a development version [02:58] can i interibrin all the commands to kubuntu ? [02:58] its not google chrome, but its close to it... [02:58] Than kyou JT :) [02:58] yes [02:58] its Chromeum [02:59] (its probably better than the one I had... ) [02:59] which oone [02:59] mine ran a console as well as the browser - as in the browser was dependant on the console window) [02:59] some kinda development version of Chromium couldn't tell you which build exactly... [03:00] ooook === rajmahendra is now known as Aruna === Aruna is now known as rajmahendra [03:01] I'm still awating googles official release of Chrome for Linux, I think they already have it but havn't released it... would make sense to me since ChromeOS is in some way (or I'm being mislead here) based on Ubuntu [03:01] hmmm [03:02] in fact all ChromeOS seems to be is some kinda Ubuntu base that logs (gdm?) directly into Chrome browser with two additional pre-defined tabs for external data storage and web-based email... [03:02] which language is better C++ or python ? [03:02] theres really no OS part to it the user has access to that I know of, like internal storage, device managgement, etc... ) [03:03] raj I prefer python but its up to you [03:03] C++ is used more widely afaik... so your more likely to be able to find a C++ solution but python is a more, neat and imho enjoyable language... plus it doesn't have ugly braces everywhere in your code [03:04] (in fact it doesn't use a begin/end for codeblocks at all, thats implied in the indenting :) [03:04] ya true.. [03:04] then again perhaps I just miss PASCAL.... [03:05] i need to learn python too :) [03:05] I think python is something lots of QT programming uses, but don't quote me on that [03:05] ya i need to learn QT [03:06] I'm not entirely certain how or even if I'm right there... [03:06] get kdevelop :) [03:06] that what thnnnkig QT C++ or PyQT [03:06] you can use both through kdevelop its an IDE for them [03:06] kdeveloper is differnt thatn QT ? [03:06] of course you need the dependancies [03:06] Kdevelop is not QT ... [03:07] hmmm [03:07] QT is a framework that basically supplies the widgets and dialog styles to the operating system [03:07] (its more complex than that, but it sjust to give you some idea) [03:07] Kdevelop is a program using KDE (KDE is a Windowing/Desktop system based on QT) [03:07] oook :) [03:08] Kdevelop gives you a programming environment... [03:08] first i may try python [03:08] sure [03:08] python doesn't have much of an environment tho, mostly just console-based... (via the interpreter) [03:08] in ubuntu/kubuntu community manly use PyQT right ? [03:08] no... [03:09] the kubuntu community that may be true, I'm not quite certain [03:09] the Ubuntu community is more GTK based than QT [03:09] (they use a different toolkit than QT for their widgets, etc...) [03:09] oook. [03:09] Ubuntu is based on Gnome built on GTK where Kubuntu is based on KDE built on QT [03:09] is there any java project in ubuntu or kubuntu.. they may give JRE with the main build [03:10] ya i remember now :) [03:10] you can install java and work with java (even the sun java IDE is it what netbeans or something from memory?)... via either of them [03:11] hmmm [03:11] I don't think sun java is opensource however... [03:14] hmmm according to this: http://news.softpedia.com/news/Google-Chrome-for-Linux-is-Officially-Available-113487.shtml there is google chrome itself for linux available [03:14] some kinda alpha unstable state tho [03:23] deb http://dl.google.com/linux/deb/ stable non-free main gives Linux software from google anyway... needs the key to be added tho [03:24] I'm assuming when its released that it would go there early in the peice but Ubuntu's repositories will get Google Chrome in its next release cycle assumedly... [03:24] (in Universe?) === rajmahendra is now known as Aruna [03:40] Anyone here use Secondlife in kubuntu ? === diego is now known as Guest54812 [03:40] uh omv-viewer? [03:40] if I remember correctly [03:40] ovi ?? [03:41] omv ? [03:41] i am talkiing abou tthe virtual world program secondlife [03:41] something like that, there is a secondlife opensource viewer you can use (omv open metaverse viewer?) something like that [03:41] thank you :) [03:42] I used that one, it just gave me too much flicker with my video card type but thats not likely for most users... mine is a difficult card to set up for linux [03:42] ooooo [03:44] ForgeAus: can i do this for Kubuntu also ?http://www.byteme.org.uk/secondlife/apt-get-a-secondlife.html [03:47] probably sounds like it from the title [03:48] but I'm not certain it would be up to date [03:48] hmmm === root is now known as Guest14970 [03:50] oh sorry, no after reading that site, sounds good to me [03:50] its omvviewer thats kewl [03:50] lol [03:50] oook [03:50] I assumed it was the offical SL like the one you can get a .deb for from debget [03:51] (which afaik is old, or at least was last time I checked) [03:51] someone mentioned last night and provided a link to a handheld device w/ wifi and what looked like gnome on it.. $150 ish or so.. anyone know what it is or have a link? I've been googling for an hour [03:52] heeh by the time I actually downloaded it from debget it was alreay old and asking to update, but it had no upgrade process... so needed to download a new one from scratch... omv-viewer much easier [03:54] wow theres even a text client omv-viewer light [03:54] (kinda like Secondlife as an IM protocol lol) [03:56] its a little more an SL client than just the IM parts tho (has inventory, location etc, just no actual 3D viewer [03:56] how do i reduce/remove the timer on reboot/shutdown options? (I know to reboot/shut using script/command line, but i wanted to know if theres an option to reduce it in gui) [03:56] the normal (non-light) omv-viewer has the 3D stuff... [03:57] is it a viewer of IM ? [03:59] the normal (non-light) one has pretty much same if not additional features as the opensource (linden labs) SL client... [03:59] (might have like a teleport history or radar built in extra, if ur lucky) [04:00] the light one just has tabs for chat/im, location (non-3D, prolly maps, etc), inventory and one or two others... [04:01] I'm assuming it also logs into other non LindenLabs grids that are compatible with SL... [04:01] (ie opensim) [04:10] Is there a way in whick i can set my ip to look like a usa resident? i need to download a file from sharecash people [04:12] hey check out http://www.ugotit.ca/ [04:13] hi! [04:20] I really need help [04:20] I have added a quicklaunch item in the task bar [04:20] how do I remove those icons and add others, for arbitrary applications? [04:20] HI [04:21] I upgraded to 9.10 from 9.04 and now I have tons of video corruption. any help? any logs I should look in? [04:21] the top bar where the minimize close buttons is corrupt but the programs look fine. but when I click on lancelot I get a big square of gibberish instead of a menu, also I tried kvirc and it just gave me a screen of gibberish as well. but xchat works fine except for the before mentioned corruption. [04:21] ne ideas? [04:27] why wont ne1 at least give me a nod or something [04:48] is there any particular reason that plasma-desktop would have a CPU%age steady at about 17-25%, and be using over a gigabyte of memory? === SyntaxError is now known as CrazyTitan [05:51] whats up guys? How do I permanently m ake it so kwallet NEVER bothers me about putting in my password in order to get on my wifi again? [05:53] hello [05:54] i cannot find grub/menu.lst [05:54] i got 9.10 [05:56] !grub2 | wizardslovak take a look here [05:56] wizardslovak take a look here: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub2 === jay is now known as Guest70353 === Guest70353 is now known as QstorM [06:08] hey guys [06:09] hi [06:09] i'm trying to setup kmail/kontant to load my url when clicked with firefox instead of konqueror. I'm currently using kontact with gnome. Can someone tell me the name of the executable that loads the control panel === william is now known as william__ === william__ is now known as william === william is now known as Guest50534 [06:10] hello [06:11] hey [06:12] anyone know how to make flash have sound? [06:12] amarok plays fine [06:12] but when I play flash videos in firefox [06:12] there's no sound [06:13] nope works for me [06:15] drgonzo: systemsettings ? [06:15] yeah [06:15] is it just called that [06:15] it thought it was kcontrol [06:15] thx [06:17] sweet that worked [06:17] thx [06:20] wire_: Is this installed? sudo aptitude install libesd-alsa0 [06:20] let me check [06:21] yes [06:21] its installed [06:24] wire_: Sound modules loaded? lsmod | grep snd_pcm_oss [06:25] loaded [06:28] wire_: Mixer setting ok? Could use some other slider.. Version of flash installed dpkg -l flashplugin-installer [06:29] installed [06:29] what's this : |/ Err?=(none)/Reinst-required (Status,Err: uppercase=bad)? [06:30] just part of the dpkg dialog [06:30] i have the same issue [06:30] no sound in flash [06:30] wire_: oss-compat and alsa-oss installed? [06:30] ic [06:31] oss-compat not installed do I have to install it? [06:31] It shouls show ii in the beginning of the row. [06:32] wire_: sudo aptitude install oss-compat [06:32] oss-compat and alsa-oss not installed, I should install both? [06:33] wire_: you could try, it would not hurt.. I have them installed.. [06:33] ok installed testing to c if it works now... [06:34] i dun need to restart right? [06:35] YES [06:35] wire_: Restart firefox.. to begin with [06:35] it works now [06:35] thanks to tellus [06:35] wire_: Ok, good [06:35] thanks alot [06:35] mine still doesn't work [06:35] sad panda [06:38] I also changed the PCM settings in the mixer [06:38] maybe thats what caused it not to work [06:38] previously it was set to mute [06:38] mute is not ok.. :) [06:39] hmm, mine was the same [06:39] must default there [06:39] weird [06:39] so yours works now? [06:39] hey tellus, you know anything about plasma-desktop? [06:39] yeah, thanks wire_ [06:39] no problem [06:39] xt828: Like? [06:40] like why the system monitor would show it using 25% cpu and 1131.7Mb ram [06:42] it just runs shatteringly slowly and is making me cranky [06:45] xt828: Some problematic widget running? Disable the effects and check them one by one. [06:46] the only widget running is the taskbar [06:46] So, its found then,, :/ [06:46] :/ [06:47] Anthing else in the taskbar? [06:48] can anyone tell me how to untar a file, mysql? [06:48] not that i can see [06:48] <||arifaX> kevin__: tar xvf file.tar or if tar.gz tar xzvf file.tar.gz [06:49] the konsole does not like 'f' it says it is old and needds an argument> [06:49] there's a clock, a mail icon, what looks like a usb icon, a running task icon, and then the usual programs - the icon for quassel, amarok, active internet, clipboard, mixer, change desktop etc [06:50] xt828: Desktop effects turned off in systemsettings? [06:51] <||arifaX> kevin__: try tar -xvf or -xzvf [06:51] ok thanks [06:51] i have tried these [06:51] i will cut and paste a small smaple [06:52] desktop effects and compositing are turned on [06:53] <||arifaX> kevin__: I think the correct parameter order will be xvfz (some versions of tar only work in correct order) [06:53] system is a C2Q Q6600@2.4ghz, with 4gb ram and a NV 8800GT w/512mb ram [06:53] thanks, I think you are right [06:54] i can run windows 7 with all the graphical frilly bits turned on, and can run modern games [06:54] seems weird that I can't run kubuntu [06:54] <||arifaX> xt828 what hardware are you on (graphics card)? [06:55] nvidia 8800GT 512mb with restricted drivers [07:02] good morning kubuntu folks ;) [07:02] xt828: have you run nvidia-xconfig? [07:03] yes [07:03] so nvidia is used as driver? which driver you have installed? [07:03] 185? [07:04] sorry don't see all your information.. [07:04] i believe so [07:04] so what says hardware drivers in kicker? [07:04] is there a way to check without using the kmenu? [07:04] xt828: on konsole [07:04] wait... [07:05] sudo dpkg -l | grep nvidia [07:05] or sudo jockey-kde [07:06] 185.18.36-0ubuntu9 === jay is now known as Guest91304 [07:07] xt828: what is the problem.. don't see that information in my irc log :) [07:07] oh, sorry === Guest91304 is now known as QstorM [07:08] plasma-desktop has a CPU%age between 17-25%, and is using over a gigabyte of memory [07:08] xt828: and effects works? [07:08] xt828: what kde version? [07:08] yes [07:09] <||arifaX> xt828 and you are on 9.10? [07:09] 4.3.3 [07:09] yes [07:10] xt828: normaly, i think, there is a plasmaiod that turns cpu use at this high.. [07:10] xt828: any plasmoid activated on dashboard? [07:11] i had this too.. i uninstalled plasmoids.. and reinstalled each one and test.. restart kde/kdm [07:11] the clock? [07:11] xt828: or try to upgrade to 4.3.4.. mine works fine [07:11] xt828: maybe.. [07:11] i haven't installed or loaded any as far as i can remember [07:11] xt828: by the way.. https://launchpad.net/~nvidia-vdpau/+archive/ppa [07:12] <||arifaX> xt828: fyi I had also trouble with my ATI card and I had to learn, that xorg.conf does no longer work they way I thought. - I went into http://www.thinkwiki.org/wiki/Xorg_RandR_1.2 and learned a lot. Now I have a minimalistic xorg.conf and X does the rest and I can use randr to config. maybe you have something "too much" in your xorg.conf? [07:12] <||arifaX> xt828: btw 9.10 uses randr 1.3 === jay is now known as Guest95323 [07:13] <||arifaX> xt828: if it is maybe plasmoid related you should take a look at http://kubuntuforums.net/forums/index.php?action=printpage;topic=3095318.0 to remove one you might not see [07:15] cheers, i'll take a look through those === hemathor_ is now known as hemathor [07:26] ha now o know what i wanted to ask :) is there a littel tool to translate any work that i klick with my mouse? there was ktranslate that works as a little tool and with eg. CTRL plus right mouse button, the word under the curser was translated.. like babylon translater for windows work.. [07:30] other.. how to disable eg. kdm to start automatically on boot.. in jaunty it was with sudo update-rc.d -f kdm remove but in karmic this won't work.. [07:35] for quassel how do I make it auto join a channel upon connection to a network? [07:35] wire_: don't know.. use pidgin's irc plugin [07:36] wire_: are there no commands to set in the server config? [07:37] there are but putting in /j #channel name in there looks very crude surely there is some way to do this properly [07:37] like how the kubuntu channel is set to auto join even though there aren't any commands on the server [07:38] hey there how can I back up my Database with an sql command? [07:40] ok nvm I found that it auto connects all past open channels [07:40] mostafa_: think this is wrong channel for this :).. try #mysql [07:40] oh wait it doesnt i have to do it manually, darn [07:41] wire_: try pidgin :) [07:41] I hate pidgin [07:41] wire_: quassel does automatically re-join whatever you were connected to on close [07:42] hmm I had to manually type out /j channel even though it appears on the screen, its in faded grey [07:42] which means its not connected until I specifically tell it to join [07:43] is the icon grey too? [07:43] its been a while since i used standalone quassel, but i couldve sworn it reconnected automatically when you start it [07:43] though if you manually disconnect instead of closing quassel, that may make a difference? [07:49] noaXess: about upstart and kdm I see no good way to disable it but to edit the /etc/init/kdm.org and change to: start on (runlevel [!0123456]) also for moving the moving the file please tell if you find ant other better way.. [07:50] TeLLuS: i found that http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1310147 read at DISABLE KDM AUTOSTART [07:54] noaXess: That is /etc/init/kdm.conf that is, yes, but it can not really be the recomended way. Can not have users, scripts and other move files like that.. Should probably be a command included that does the same in that case. [07:57] !find kdesudo hardy [07:57] Found: kdesudo, kdesudo-kde4 [07:57] !find kdesu hardy [07:57] Found: kdesudo, kdesudo-kde4 [07:57] ok [07:57] 'Ello [07:58] ello [07:58] What can I do if KDE simply won't hibernate or suspend? The options are there, but if I click them nothing happens. Same goes for running pm-hibernate manually. There's no error output, nothing just happens. (Karmic) [07:59] Where are you looking for error output? [07:59] As a newbie to Linux, I've a question: How do I use a .run file? I'm trying to install the ATI Drivers. [07:59] daskreech: dmesg, terminal output to plasma-desktop when clicking the buttons [07:59] from* [08:00] Atrum: welcome to Kubuntu Linux :) [08:00] log [08:00] er, mistell [08:01] Atrum: open a terminal and either type sh /path/to/run/file.run [08:01] Sh? Alrght, thanks. [08:01] or make it executable and type /path/to/run/file.run [08:01] chmod +x is the command to make it an executable, right? [08:02] yes [08:02] "sh: Can't open home/adam/downloads/ati-driver-installer-9-3-x86.x86_64.run" [08:03] Atrum: yes === zorael_ is now known as zorael [08:03] Atrum: You forgot the /before home [08:03] Ah. Thanks. [08:03] /home not home [08:03] [08:03] All is well; /var/log/pm-suspend.log reports "kernel update inhibits hibernate (/var/run/do-not-hibernate present)" [08:03] Atrum: As a help you can type ~ as a shortcut for your home folder [08:04] type echo ~ to see [08:04] Same error with /home [08:04] press up and copy and paste what you are typing [08:05] "sudo sh /home/adam/downloads/ati-driver-installer-9-3-x86.x86_64.run" [08:06] can you type ls -l ~/downloads/ati-driver-installer-9-3-x86.x86_64.run and paste the line it gives you? [08:06] -l command not found [08:07] ls -l ? [08:07] Missed the ls, sorry. [08:08] "ls: cannot access /home/adam/downloads/ati-driver-installer-9-3-x86.x86_64.run: No such file or directory" [08:09] And chmod says it can't access it aswell. [08:10] Atrum: what does ls ~/downloads/a* say ? [08:10] ls: Cannot access... No such file or directory [08:11] what does pwd say ? [08:11] /home/adam [08:19] Atrum: ok ls downloads [08:19] ... Same error. [08:20] Alright. ls gives a response for /adam, so I'm moving it to there. [08:21] ... and there we go. [08:21] Though why it doesn't want to acknowledge my downloads folder is a mystery. [08:21] Or not. [08:21] "Error: ./default_policy.sh does not support version" [08:22] "default:v2:x86_64:lib32::none:2.6.31-15-generic; make sure that the version is being correctly set by --iscurrentdistro" [08:22] Atrum: I'm guessing it's called Downloads and not downloads [08:23] Ah. Capitlization is important in linux. [08:23] Yep [08:23] actually, it's important in ext3, not linux ;) [08:23] (the filesystem) [08:24] tsimpson: Shhhh [08:24] Knowledge hurts :) [08:25] lol [08:25] knowledge is power [08:25] therefore, power hurts [08:25] * tsimpson runs away screaming [08:25] is it fine to use /boot partition by two ubuntu installations? [08:26] leonidb: Fine in the case of you having to manually untangle them? Sure [08:26] i have xubuntu already installed and planning to try kubuntu ^) [08:26] leonidb: usually it will be fine [08:26] leonidb: just install "kubuntu-desktop" ;) [08:26] no need for a separate install === dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk [08:27] hi every1. suddenly my power off buttone from myneu is lost. now i am left with suspend to ram, suspend to disk, switch user, lock and log out. any ideas what is the reason [08:27] or how to fix it? [08:28] How do I find out my kernel version? [08:29] Atrum: google is your friend. http://ubuntu-tutorials.com/2007/01/27/how-to-find-your-ubuntu-or-kernel-version/ [08:29] uname -a [08:30] uname -r [08:31] Hm. Which means, according to ati.amd.com, I shouldn't be getting the error that I am getting. [08:35] Nevermind. Found out why. [08:38] As an FYI, if anyone else is having trouble with the ATI Catalyst, it's because their normal page links to v9.3 - v9.11 is what you need for Karmic Koala [08:38] Hi, i have knotes in my ~/.kde/Autostart. But everytime i start my kde knotes adds a new note. How can i avoid that and still have knotes started with kde? === dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates [08:55] ciao a tutti [08:57] !it | Cico [08:57] Cico: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare) [08:57] Is apt-get replaced by aptitude? [08:58] wire_: no they are alternatives to each other [08:58] then why the 2 different commands for? why not just one? [09:00] wire_: as daskreech said, they are alternatives. two different ways to do similar things [09:01] ok [09:02] wire_: Aptitude is a tidier package and apt-get is more powerful although more complex to use [09:03] apt-get is part of a suite of tools apt-file apt-cache etc [09:03] aptitude tries to get the most used commands into a single command which makes it easier to remember and use [09:15] I need help getting to a help chat? [09:16] Can anyone help please? [09:22] is anyone out there? [09:26] TheHunter: Yes? === bbalajirao is now known as hey_boy [09:33] Hii all. is there documentation for online installation of Kubuntu? [09:33] Online installation ? [09:37] What kind of online installation ? [09:39] NetInstall [09:39] downloading all packages from the net [09:43] !netinstall [09:43] Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate [09:46] !netinstall > hey_boy [09:46] hey_boy, please see my private message [10:15] my xorg is crashing all the time [10:16] i see a signal 11 from the xorg log file and a back trace that's meaningless [10:17] quite hard and pointless to report a bug for that [10:20] chakie_work: How do you know it's meaningless? [10:20] daskreech: i know a meaningless stack trace when i see one :) [10:21] Backtrace: [10:21] 0: /usr/bin/X(xorg_backtrace+0x3b) [0x8133d6b] [10:21] 1: /usr/bin/X(xf86SigHandler+0x55) [0x80c7d35] [10:21] 2: /lib/tls/i686/cmov/libc.so.6 [0xd55568] [10:21] chakie_work: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [10:23] chakie_work: you can try installing the -dbg packages for X (like xserver-xorg-core-dbg), and maybe enable apport to collect debugging info by editing /etc/default/apport and changing enabled to 1 [10:24] tsimpson: so much crashes here that i'd have the desktop full off apports [10:24] as one monday when i came back to work and had hundreds of apport windows for plasma crashes :) [10:24] the machine was about to die from all the apports [10:25] isn't there an apport button to ignore crashes from certain apps? [10:25] * tsimpson has apport disabled [10:25] me too [10:25] well, after that i promised to never use it again [10:25] something like that is not allowed to bring down the desktop [10:26] and i doubt any developer actually looks at the backtraces, there must be thousands [10:27] there is a whole bug triage team on LP, but at least when you have a good BT (from retracing), you can forward that to the X people who know X [10:27] There are thousands of developers as well [10:28] hi, is there a metronome app on kde? [10:29] hi [10:29] !find metronome [10:29] File metronome found in debian-edu-doc-en, debian-edu-doc-nb, fbset, frescobaldi, hydrogen (and 22 others) [10:29] Apparently [10:29] apt-cache gives me just gtick (which looks like a GTK app) [10:30] i once had a metronome app, but it's not maintained [10:31] tsimpson: yes i found only this one too, and klicker, for kde but it appears it was for kde3 [10:31] tsimpson: do x people actually care about bugs reported by distros? in this case i guess the nvidia driver is dying and reporting that is pointless [10:31] chakie_work: at least they may be able to give you some useful information about what's causing the crash [10:32] at least in the past the x folks have not cared too much [10:32] chakie_work: I would suspect that nearly 100% of their direct users are distros so yes [10:33] kubuntu has as a desktop been quite stable in the paste with perhaps one crash every three months, now i can have five per day [10:33] makes working hard [10:35] after upgrade to karmic, after booting it hangs at the shell displaying "starting timidity" any idea plz [10:36] chakie_work: what changes did you make? [10:37] Ugh I had that error years ago :-( [10:38] daskreech: i updated to karmic [10:38] chakie_work: That would do it. Intel Video card? [10:38] daskreech: no, nvidia [10:39] so, as i said i guess the crasher is the driver and that makes the bug reports totally pointless [10:39] "nvidia? nope, to /dev/null with it" [10:42] chakie_work: swap out your driver then or change your rendering mode [10:42] daskreech: rendering mode? [10:42] kde without compositing is dead slow [10:42] exa mode [10:42] Really? [10:42] it's faster for mr [10:42] me [10:43] oh [10:43] But hten I'm RAM limited [10:43] here i can see the virtual desktops redraw [10:43] and i use desktops a lot so it gets annoying [11:00] What is the other package for Java programming on Kubuntu? I have had Eclipse. [11:02] JVM JRE [11:02] gcj [11:02] icetea [11:02] netbeans [11:02] toilet bowl [11:04] wire_: Please recommend for me. :) [11:04] i just use jvm and jre [11:04] then cmd prompt javac java [11:04] thats it [11:04] vim or nano as editor [11:05] i no need no fancy pancy IDE [11:05] netbeans seems to be popular [11:25] * nicklas_ is away: Borta för tillfället [11:26] * nicklas_ is back. [11:34] nobody talkin's here [11:46] strange yeah [11:52] What are the means of main restricted universe and multiverse? [11:52] suddenly mi wifi card diseapeared.. can anyone help? [11:53] PangPuppu: different support and stability issues from main to universe [11:53] like debian stable to sid [11:53] and in retricted are drivers and stuff not be included in cd releases [11:54] franarza_: means what [11:54] ghostcube: I see. :) [11:56] ghostcube my xorg got updated, then my wifi driver changed, so network manager tried to connect by wlan0 and before it was ra0 and i tried to install some linux-backport-modules that someone from here recommended, and now networkmanager doesn't even recognize any wlan card.. [11:56] franarza_: is i always suggest use wicd [11:57] yes.. but i'd really like to got network manager working.. it worked before.. :( [11:57] hmm no idea i dont use it cause it doesnt work for me [11:57] since woah dont know [11:57] and wicd just works [11:57] ghostcube btw, how can i uninstall some kernels from the grub menu [11:58] you can uninstall them by apt-get remove [11:58] then the kernel list should be updated [11:58] what version of grub is this [11:58] when i installed the linux-backport-modules there are 2 new kernels with -pae ending that i would like to uninstal [11:58] its 1.97beta4 [11:58] so 2.0 [11:58] yep [11:59] hmm i dont use it cant tell you how to remove only the entries in the list [11:59] but if you uninstall the kernels they should disappear [11:59] ok thanks, what should the package name look like? [12:00] dpkg -l linux-* [12:00] should bring them up [12:00] thanks man [12:00] np [12:00] franarza_- you can also just comment out the entires in the grub config file [12:01] but then the kernels will still be installed :) [12:01] but i'd like to uninstall them.. thans Dragnslcr [12:03] it can't found any package by the name of linux- [12:03] franarza_: tip [12:03] sorry, i forgot to use the * [12:03] just install synaptic [12:03] or so [12:03] :D [12:04] i'm gettingused to kpackagekit.. you still recommend touse synaptic? [12:04] i just like it [12:04] its easy and it works [12:04] you can use kpackagekit too [12:05] i havent used it often so far [12:05] brb [12:05] thx [12:05] :) [12:06] franarza_: just be aware it will install a lot of dependancies [12:06] because it is non qt based [12:07] ok.. [12:07] there are many linux-* related package.. wich and how should i uninstall? [12:08] <|moe|> when will the new .32-kernel be released for 9.10l? [12:09] I have newly just now installed kubuntu 9.10, How can I get connected to wifi ? [12:09] i.e How can I make eth1 working on my laptop ? [12:10] |moe|: it wont [12:10] <|moe|> Tm_T: why's that? [12:10] |moe|: basic concept of stable release, you bring only bugfixes (and translations) to it [12:11] when I do "sudo ifup eth1" [12:11] I am unable to configure [12:11] |moe|: is there some particular reason you would like to have it? there's nice ways to get it [12:11] it says [12:11] <|moe|> Tm_T: i would like to make use of kms - my old radeon should be working fine with it [12:11] ignoring unknown interface [12:12] sravan: you might like to use networkmanager applet in your desktop [12:12] Any one with same issue? [12:12] |moe|: there's some vanilla (no ubuntu-patches) kernel ppa or similar somewhere [12:12] <|moe|> sravan: you might even check if the drivers for your wireless device are loaded so it actually can be used [12:12] sravan: and your wifi might not be eth1 [12:13] <|moe|> Tm_T: will search for that - there were also tools to clone current config and just compile the newest one by oneself, right? [12:13] before switching to kde [12:13] |moe|: possibly, never tried myself [12:13] I was earlier working on GNOME [12:13] <|moe|> sravan: please paste a "ifconfig"-output into some pasteservice [12:13] In that [12:14] oh.....k [12:14] <|moe|> Tm_T: i did in former times, always had trouble with intel_hda then [12:14] sravan: please don't use enter as punctuation (: [12:15] http://pastebin.com/m6fc8fe98 [12:16] |moe|, : http://pastebin.com/m6fc8fe98 [12:16] <|moe|> sravan: seems that there is no wlan-device - like there is no driver loaded [12:17] <|moe|> sravan: please paste a "lspci -v" into a pasteservice [12:18] <|moe|> Tm_T: i propably wait for OS12 or fedora13 to test it out - still would have to live with graphic-issues and power-management inabilities since it's quite new... [12:19] |moe|, : http://pastebin.com/m45b260a4 [12:20] I also have installed ndisgtk and ndiswrapper [12:20] <|moe|> sravan: it's a broadcom. in system --> hardware-drivers you should be able to select a propietary broadcom driver. install it reboot and wifi should be good to run [12:22] hi *. I have set up auto-hide on a panel on my kde desktop, but now it doesn't show up anymore... any hint? === pcascini is now known as mrwoody === c is now known as Guest68726 [12:28] does linux/kbuntu have any tools to report in report in realtime on various kernel I/O metrics? wait queues, read requests, write requests, data volume, etc.? [12:28] mrwoody: sudo killall gnome-panel, see if it comes back or not [12:29] oh wait u said kde [12:29] Stuffs: thanks, but there is no gnome-panel here [12:30] mrwoody: hey i had to say something to see if im here or not lol [12:30] :-) [12:33] ciao a tutti [12:33] !it | gioo_ [12:33] gioo_: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare) [12:34] After I upgraded to KDE 4.3.4, KDE Desktop start is delayed by about 10s in ksplash screen (in final stage, when KDE logo is displayed). Is there anyway for me to troubleshoot why this problem? Thanks === dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk [12:40] What to do here? === rmblr is now known as ramblurr === ramblurr is now known as Ramblurr [12:44] After I upgraded to KDE 4.3.4, KDE Desktop start is delayed by about 10s in ksplash screen (in final stage, when KDE logo is displayed). Is there anyway for me to troubleshoot why this problem? Thanks [13:00] Even after rebooting after installation of those propreitary hardware drivers, I am unable to see eth1 when I type "/sbin/ifconfig" [13:00] |moe|, : What could be the error now ? I am still getting same output , Shud I enter any more commands now ? === BlouBlou is now known as BlouBlou_ === BlouBlou_ is now known as BlouBlou [13:01] <|moe|> do the lspci -v again and look what driver is used === echidnaman is now known as JontheEchidna [13:06] <|moe|> sravan: do the lspci -v again and look what driver is used [13:07] |moe|, : Broadcom Corporation BCM4312 802.11b/g [13:08] That one for network controller and " Broadcom Corporation NetLink BCM5906M Fast Ethernet PCI Express "for Ethernet controller [13:09] <|moe|> sravan: please paste this one into a pastebin [13:12] |moe|, : http://pastebin.com/m472a3ed4 [13:13] hello guys, i've a little problem with grub2: it takes 10 sec to load since i've window$ installed in dual boot... [13:15] <|moe|> sravan: you installed the ssb driver, please install the wl-driver [13:17] hiyas all [13:17] <|moe|> need to relogin, brb [13:18] |moe|, : In hardware drivers I am able to see Broadcam B43 and STA wireless drivers , How can I know which one is wl ? They have no info regarding if they are "ssb" or "wl" in thier description [13:19] my wifi was working, after some updates (xorg got updated) wifi died, tried installing wicd, nothing happened, tried update to 2.6.32 kernel, nothing happened, installed ndiswrapper and installed the wifi drivers for windows, nothing happened.. anyone can help? [13:23] franarza_, pls describe how you set up wicd , it's not automatic. [13:23] <|moe|> sravan: how is it going? [13:25] |moe|, : After installing the drivers there , My laptop is hanging [13:25] :( [13:26] sravan, run ifconfig and then iwconfig in the konsole and paste it here, http://paste.ubuntu.com [13:26] Assuming that they were installed , I restart it and after I see the output of lspci -v [13:26] oh...k ( P.S :I still get the same output) [13:26] BluesKaj, it uses wlan0 for connecting, tried wext and ndiswrapper for WPA supplicant, but nothing happens.. it's like the wlan card is not working.. kind of it's off dunno.. [13:26] <|moe|> check if thy were [13:28] |moe|, : http://pastebin.com/m35fe25ef [13:28] franarza_, did you install the windows driver for ndiswrapper ? [13:29] |moe|, : The above one for ifconfig and this one for iwconfig : http://pastebin.com/m7eb30d34 [13:29] yes i did when i was using 2.6.31 kernel, in 2.6.32 it says that there is no ndiswrapper module insalled.. [13:29] <|moe|> sravan: there is an eth2 interface [13:29] BluesKaj yes i did when i was using 2.6.31 kernel, in 2.6.32 it says that there is no ndiswrapper module insalled.. [13:29] <|moe|> sravan: now use the network-manager-applet to connect to a wifi of your choice [13:31] BluesKaj i've installed networkmanager again.. i'll reboot and reconnect to IRC.. be right back [13:32] franarza_, yeah , go with network manager , ndiswrapper is a pita [13:33] sravan, 2 ethernet cards , are you trying to connect wifi or ... ? === dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates [13:35] had no luck, BluesKaj.. it still doesn't work [13:35] nm-tool doesn't show any wlan device.. [13:36] franarza_, don't say doesn't work , that doesn't tell us anything ..describe what you are doing and what happens [13:36] does screen contiune to run when i come out of sleep? i am new to linux, and i've attempted to have my gamecontroller suport durring boot up. i got the compiled driver and have made a reference to it in the /etc/rc.loacl file [13:37] and it works just fine this way, but i cant use it when i come out of sleep. [13:39] franarza_, iwconfig [13:39] BluesKaj, i can't use wireless conection, my eeepc 1000he can't see them, so i think the wlan card is not working, and i'm kind of right, i tried many ways to make it work, installing ndiswrapper, installing [13:39] ok [13:39] it says no wireless conection BluesKaj [13:40] if you install ndiswrapper , you also must install the windows driver , ndiswrapper needs it to work [13:40] кто знает как устанавливать архивы [13:40] ?? [13:40] <|moe|> !ru @ dolphin84 [13:40] Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) [13:40] !ru | dolphin84 [13:40] dolphin84: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke [13:41] @ doesn't work on irc , |moe| [13:41] BluesKaj i know, i already did that.. but it didn't solve my problem [13:41] franarza_, pastebin the output of iwconfig [13:42] <|moe|> the susehelp-bot works with it [13:42] <|moe|> BluesKaj: the susehelp-bot works with @ [13:42] http://paste.ubuntu.com/334514/ [13:42] suse is suse , this is kubuntu [13:42] <|moe|> BluesKaj: sadly, yes :D [13:43] sady ? [13:43] sadly ? [13:43] BluesKaj i pasted it http://paste.ubuntu.com/334514/ [13:43] <|moe|> BluesKaj: i wished i never switched to ubuntu and stayed with suse [13:43] |moe|, then switch back and stop trolling [13:44] franarza_, there's no text [13:44] :S [13:44] nowireless hmmm [13:44] <|moe|> BluesKaj: over the holidays i definitely will [13:44] http://paste.ubuntu.com/334514/plain/ [13:45] want to see nm-tool? [13:46] franarza_, ip a | grep inet [13:46] BluesKaj here it's nm-tool http://paste.ubuntu.com/334518/ [13:47] BluesKaj here it's ip a |grep inet http://paste.ubuntu.com/334520/ [13:48] but i think it's not a connection problem.. it's more like a driver problem.. [13:50] <|moe|> franarza_: please paste an "ifconfig" and an "lspci -v" into a pasteservice [13:52] here's ifconfig http://paste.ubuntu.com/334523/ [13:52] here's lspci -v http://paste.ubuntu.com/334524/ [13:54] |moe| here's ifconfig http://paste.ubuntu.com/334523 and here's lspci -v http://paste.ubuntu.com/334524 [13:55] <|moe|> franarza_: seems like your wlan-interface ios not even recognized [13:55] <|moe|> need to do a pres [13:55] <|moe|> brb [13:55] what do you need to do? [13:56] |moe| whats a pres?? [14:00] franarza_, franarza_ your wifi card isn't listed , which brand etc is it ? [14:00] i'm using a eeepc 1000he wich came with an aw-ne766 wlan card [14:03] i think its a ralink [14:04] need the brand name , not just the model number [14:05] think its a ralink BluesKaj [14:05] ralink is firmware [14:06] my belkin is a ralink === dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk [14:19] then i don't know the brand name.. BluesKaj.. i'm on an eeepc 1000he [14:23] franarza_, here's the windows wireless driver that will work on ndiswrapper http://blogntech.com/download-asus-eee-pc-1000he-xp-driver.html [14:27] is there any option in dragon player to disable screensaver while playing? [14:31] Bios_, use the slideshow option instaed of the media screen saver in system settings/desktop [14:39] Is anybody out there? [14:39] !anybody | mark__ [14:39] mark__: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? [14:39] hi everyone , I have a problem to switch off my computer or even reboot after installing kde 4.3.4 following the post at Kubuntu.org , someone can help me please ? [14:39] !anybody [14:39] * genii hands Tm_T the winning coffee [14:40] genii: I think you need it more (: [14:40] * genii sips [14:42] noone has the same problem to reboot the system? [14:44] Tm_T: you scared him [14:44] :D [14:51] reboot / shutdown never worked from me with stock 4.3.2 either, only hibernate * syspend work [14:54] is there a way to upgrade from 9.04 to 9.10? [14:54] or do I need a clean install? [14:54] EDinNY: the updater should offer it [14:57] maco, I have been using apt-get for my updates and upgrades. Just started synaptic. There is no upgrade button [14:58] oh. try "sudo do-release-upgrade" then. i dont think synaptic offers it. itd be update-manager on gnome and umm...well, i switched to full-time aptitude/apt-get before i switched to kde [14:59] oh, that seems to be doing something [14:59] EDinNY: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading#Network%20Upgrade%20for%20Ubuntu%20Servers%20(Recommended) has the CLI way [15:00] thanks for the help. off to eat while computer thinks [15:09] i get the impression that the problems with being able to log-in with KDM are pretty wide-spread right now [15:10] jmichaelx: What is the problem? [15:10] I installed pulseaudio due to some audio problems (this is fixed now) but since then my kde starts very slowly (takes like 30 secs, before it was a way faster) [15:12] TeLLuS: many people are rebooting their kubuntu systems, and either getting a message about 'low graphics', or just getting no X at all [15:13] TeLLuS: i have experianced this on two machines at home, and my PC at work [15:13] jianlee: Well all is fixable.. mostly kdm that need a fix just upp the timeout [15:14] TeLLuS: the only thing i have been able to do is install and switch to GDM [15:14] jianlee: If it is possible to login in terminal and use startx or use GDM, that is the problem [15:14] jmichaelx, not jianlee [15:15] TeLLuS: on my desktop last evening, it was not possible to access X at all. i had to ssh into the machine, and switch to GDM [15:16] kubuntu is going to have to get its act together, or just perish [15:16] jmichaelx: Tab error. Just change the kde setting setting in /etc/kde4/kdm/kdmrc In the [X-*-Core] section add ServerTimeout=120 or 250 is needed for some.. [15:18] TeLLuS: thank you for that info. somehow, if this indeed works, this information needs to posted on the front page on kubuntu.org, at the TOP [15:18] TeLLuS: i think frustration levels among kubuntu users are very high right now [15:25] I just added a know fix from 07 Jul 2009 to this bug.. I also see that a 500 value was needed for one there. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nvidia-graphics-drivers-180/+bug/477066 [15:31] TeLLuS: i tried your fix, setting ServerTimeout to 120, but that didn't work. I guess I will have to adjust it upward and try again. there are a number of threads going at the forums concerning this problem. [15:31] jmichaelx: Yes, I see one used 500 there.. [15:34] TeLLuS: i may be wrong, but i think most kubuntu karmic users are facing this bug. many simply have no access to their PCs, at least without a live CD. [15:34] hi [15:34] jmichaelx: Shoud they not get to the console? [15:35] i have a question [15:35] amegro: well, ask it [15:35] TeLLuS: like i told you, i could NOT get to a console on my desktop last night. i had to ssh into it. most users would not know how, or would not be able to do that [15:35] how can i remove icon's title on taskbar [15:36] TeLLuS: many k/ubuntu users know nothing about consoles to begin with [15:36] Hi. I have problems with my grafic card (Nvidia Geforce Go 6150). It gets very warm without running anything. Around 90 ºC and over 100ºC if i don't use "external fan table" [15:36] does someone knows how to solve this problem? I thought it may help changing performance level to minimum. It is set to maximum and I cannot change it under 185 driver [15:36] jmichaelx: Did X hang or something? It takes quiet a while... untill it stays on.. [15:37] TeLLuS: no, it didn't just hang. there was no way to even switch to another tty. keyboard did not work. [15:38] jmichaelx: It could be another problem then.. [15:39] BlouBlou: i am using kubuntu [15:39] TeLLuS: i am not sure what problem you are talking about. the problem i am talking about is affecting a large percentage of kubuntu users. it has affected me on three machines, each using a different graphics card. [15:40] i didn't find this option [15:40] i am tempted to send a message to riddell [15:45] TeLLuS: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg-server/+bug/491483 [15:45] I'm getting frequent instances of a window popping up saying "/user/share/apport/apport-kde needs administrative privileges. Please enter your password." [15:51] yaa [15:51] jmichaelx: Missing a syslog, the log from kdm.. [15:52] TeLLuS: hmm [15:52] alguien español? [15:52] Morydd: This may be return of this bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/policykit-gnome/+bug/183673 where the policykit package and the policykit-gnome packages need to be same versions [15:53] !es | victor__ [15:53] victor__: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es. [15:53] KDE4.4 beta 1 is out! Are there any Kubuntu repos that I may try so that I can have a look at this marvel? [15:53] i installed the nvidia driver and after restart i cant choose screen resolution bigger than 640x480. any idea ? [15:53] jmichaelx: Try grep syslog for timeout.. [15:54] taratatam: Still really running with the NVIDIA driver? [15:55] yep [15:55] i dont know,no proccess named nvidiashit is running [15:56] should i configure something ? [15:56] which file and tell him what ? [15:56] taratatam: Please mind your language here. [15:56] im not sorry but ill mind it now on [15:57] тарататам [15:57] ye? [15:58] envyng [15:59] TeLLuS: i am not sure this is a timeout issue [16:02] jmichaelx: I would verify it by logging in with console and run startx.. it that works. It is probably the timeout. Otherwise it is easier to troubleshoot that way.. === rgreening_ is now known as rgreening === dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates === dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk [16:02] jmichaelx: Disable start of kdm so it only start up in console mode.. [16:04] TeLLuS: i do not have a lot of time to spend with this at the moment. i have solved the problem for now by switching to GDM. i may try to follow up on your suggestions later today. [16:07] ха-ха! === plassy_ is now known as plassy [16:31] hey there how can I distinguish the differences between two files and add the defects to the one who has defect via diff command and patch command? please [16:36] anyone have a fix for the low graphics mode bug in the 2.6.31-15 kernel update ? [16:43] seniasen_: have you got graphic card's drivers? [16:44] installed* [16:54] hey there how can I distinguish the differences between two files and add the defects to the one who has defect via diff command and patch command? please :( [16:56] hi will there be a KDE SC 4.4 beta packaged for karmic? [16:58] JontheEchidna: Ok i was looking forward to nepomuk with the virtuoso backend [16:58] mostafa_: http://linux.byexamples.com/archives/163/how-to-create-patch-file-using-patch-and-diff/ [16:58] kishore: The Debian people are still packaging virtuoso, it might be a little bit before you get that even after KDE SC 4.4 packages are available [16:58] When I enable neopmunk and strigi.... my RAM usage keeps growing with the uptime of computer... why so [17:00] apparle: Yes nepomuk strigi consumes a lot of RAM... i am hoping that the virtuoso backend will be better with that... [17:01] It currently takes up as much as 400MB after a few hours... [17:01] why does it happen [17:01] When I download widgets from internet I donot see them in my list why? [17:03] apparle: try running kbuildsycoca4 after downloading the widgets [17:03] kishore: you may be interested in following this: http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=508048 [17:05] JontheEchidna: I get kbuildsycoca4 running... [17:05] apparle: once it's done the widgets should be in the list [17:06] the inutilebar widget is shown as installed in get more widgets from internet but I donot see it in the add widgets [17:07] I currently have to add an option line to alsa-base.conf in order to get sound... it that a bug... should I report it [17:08] JontheEchidna: thanks [17:16] JontheEchidna: any help [17:17] I don't know if I can help further than that, I just don't know. :( [17:20] <|moe|> is there a ppa known which serves new alsa-driver? [17:20] |moe|: are you on 9.10? [17:21] <|moe|> maco: yes, I am [17:21] there's linux-backports-modules-alsa-karmic [17:21] in the main repos [17:21] well i think its in universe, but ya know..in normal repos [17:21] <|moe|> great, thx! [17:22] ok, really tough one, is it possible to direct audio out of two devices at the same time? (want the audio going out the standard speakers AND HDMI) [17:23] ok one suggestion would be jackd [17:23] it has an patchbay [17:23] Just cloned my old machine's drive on to an NVidia ION/intel Atom based machine and it works flawlessly, even got audio working through HDMI [17:23] and now there is an ppa that can be used to get full jackd support on ubuntu [17:23] thanks, will take a peek at it [17:24] this one is needed [17:24] :) [17:24] hi [17:24] if you dont use this ppa too you cnt set an asoundrc for youre needs [17:24] i'm searching for kde 4.4 beta 1 packages [17:24] does anyone know if they are available already somewhere? === pcascini is now known as mrwoody [17:30] hi *. Does anyone know why plasma shortcuts do not work (I am using compiz on kde) [17:33] give me that idiot that made ubuquity! i can't modify partitions, i dont see it. === kb is now known as Guest71157 [18:02] .login [18:02] sup peeps [18:04] strange silence in here [18:07] salut [18:07] any1 know how i can browse DAAP ( itunes/firefly ) in VLC? [18:07] amarok can see them, but i need VLC cause it does nice RAOP (airtunes) [18:07] ask maybe in #viedolan [18:07] est-ce que quelqu'un pourrait m'aider. Avec KRFB, j'ai un problème "rect to large" lorsque je tente de prendre le controle de mon bureau avec mon client VNC [18:08] !fr | nicolas [18:08] nicolas: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr [18:08] oh sorry [18:08] np :) [18:08] videolan seem to be developer oriented, no one answers noob questions [18:08] can someone help me, I have a pb using KRFB, I got the message "rect to large" when trying to connect with a VNC client [18:09] hmm maybe try a better vnc server [18:09] :) [18:09] heh [18:09] the server is running and the port 5900 seems to be open (nmap told it to me) so no pb with that... But I can't find out what's causing the "rect to large/big" problem [18:09] yep === dantheperson__ is now known as dantheperson [18:10] I tried with vnc4server and xinetd as is described on the Xvnc wiki page [18:10] xvnc should work fine [18:10] hmmm [18:10] but unfortunatly, I can only open a SECOND session (:1), and not the current session [18:11] (the one I have openned when I was on my computer) [18:11] you can just start it by a shell script after login [18:11] ? [18:11] xvnc [18:11] what I've done is this : http://krissdogg.com/index.php?post/2008/05/29/vnc4server-configuration-Ubuntu-Hardy-804 [18:12] this works fine, but it open a new session, diffenrent from the kdm session I use at work (:0) [18:13] and it fails when I replace inetd:1 by inetd:0, probably because its trying to create a session already existing [18:13] server_args = -inetd :1 [18:13] you tried :0 here [18:14] there has to be a difference between creating a new session (as I think this is doing) and take control of an existing one [18:14] no ? [18:14] this would be why :0 doesn't work [18:14] have you tried this ? [18:14] yes sure [18:15] wihtout the comments behind it [18:15] just :1 and nothing behind ? [18:15] just :0 [18:15] even the passwd ? [18:15] nah this is needed [18:15] only the server args [18:15] related to geometry and so [18:16] server_args = -inetd :0 passwordFile=/root/.vncpasswd [18:16] this and port=5900 ? [18:16] is that what you mean ? === yofel_ is now known as yofel [18:17] i think this is all not needed i just startet this once by using an shell script i never did it by inetd [18:17] so yeah try this [18:17] if this works [18:17] I try [18:18] xvnc4viewer localhost:0 [18:18] read: Connection reset by peer (104) [18:18] try without passwords [18:18] open it [18:19] server_args = -inetd :0 [18:19] port = 5900 [18:19] just this so [18:19] yeah [18:19] and -shared i think so [18:19] ok [18:19] its mrntioned in the xvnc manual [18:19] wayt [18:20] same sh*t [18:20] -AlwaysShared [18:21] can you just try to start xvnc on youre machine [18:21] in terminal [18:22] arg, nothing works anymore... [18:22] xvnc .-AlwaysShared :0 [18:22] damn [18:22] xvnc -AlwaysShared :0 [18:22] even the first conf [18:22] ok I try [18:22] just use this command in terminal [18:22] bash: xvnc : commande introuvable :-D [18:22] do u need a translation ? :-D [18:23] sudo apt-get install xvnc [18:23] o.O [18:23] ah sorry [18:23] its Xvnc, not xvnc [18:23] ok [18:23] Xvnc: error while loading shared libraries: libstdc++-libc6.2-2.so.3: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory [18:23] o.O [18:23] this is an error I get [18:24] I can't find out what it is [18:24] no such lib in apt-cache [18:24] however, few min. ago, the method described in the website worked === ubuntu is now known as aurele [18:24] so maybe this error is not related to my problems [18:26] dpkg -l libstdc* [18:26] is this 64 bit ? [18:27] ok, method on the website works again, my bad, syntax error in copy/paste) [18:27] i think inetd is not needed to start xvnc on startup a scipt doing this is enough [18:27] yes I'm in 64b [18:27] is it working now for you on :0 [18:27] nope [18:27] only :1 [18:28] dpkg -l libstdc* [18:28] to pastie.org [18:29] hello. im having a problem with my computer over heating [18:29] Hey guys, I'm trying to compile plasmoid, and I'mcurious what the dependencies are? The install script keeps running into dependency errors. [18:30] is there a way to increase the trip point in 9.10 so that it doesnt shutdown till like 120degree C? [18:30] http://pastie.org/727813 [18:31] TheLostOne: That's probably controlled by your BIOS, not the Linux system. [18:31] till the hardware melts? [18:32] sudo apt-get install ia32-libs [18:33] no.. [18:33] my computer when windows was installe normally got a little hot like to 110 c [18:33] if i was doing any heavy use [18:33] and now that im running ubuntu [18:34] it hits that trip point if im using it alot [18:34] and ubuntu has a trippoint for cpu heat [18:34] once it hits a certain degree it auto shutdowns [18:34] already installed [18:34] its like 101 [18:34] c [18:39] weird isn't it === ricky_ is now known as Guest84512 [18:43] ghostcube: you're still here ? [18:43] yes [18:44] is it doable ? [18:44] but i have not really an idea right now [18:44] maybe anyone else [18:44] :( [18:44] i managed this already from mac to ubntu [18:45] but that was 32 bit [18:45] maybe anyone knows in her :) [18:45] ah [18:46] it is definetly doable === root is now known as Guest16545 [18:47] with the service Xvnc in /etc/xinetd.d/Xvnc as I'm doing ? [18:49] no i have done this by an simple startup script for xvnc [18:50] hum [18:51] What's suprising me is that the service is using Xvnc but when I try to run Xvnc myself I have the lib problem [18:53] yeah thats strange [18:54] I feel that if it is working with the service, the lib problem has nothing to do with my apparent difficulty to control the :0 session [18:55] Hi, anyone here that work much with digikam? [18:56] it just looks at another strange problem related to xvnc [19:01] ghostcube: is there anything to change in kdmrc ? [19:02] hmm no idea about [19:02] i think not [19:03] and xdmcp ? [19:06] what does vncserver :0 do [19:07] Warning: lx-nau:0 is taken because of /tmp/.X0-lock [19:07] Remove this file if there is no X server lx-nau:0 [19:07] A VNC server is already running as :0 [19:07] :-/ [19:07] kill all vnc server [19:07] ps -ax [19:07] is there any vnc process [19:08] nope [19:08] so strange [19:12] maybe undo the initd thing [19:12] and just reboot [19:12] try to start it by command [19:12] oh can't reboot :( [19:12] :| [19:12] I mean I could [19:12] but I can't, some work is running :) [19:13] :) [19:13] nicolas@lx-nau:~$ sudo /etc/init.d/xinetd stop [19:13] is that ok ? [19:13] is this karmic ? [19:13] nope [19:13] then yes [19:13] ok :) [19:14] I can't believe I cant control my own computer via vnc [19:14] :(:(:( [19:15] I mean with the same session [19:15] i think i forget a imprtant thing [19:15] and cant rememebr [19:15] but i havd it working [19:15] :/ [19:16] AlwaysShare [19:16] i read it from an search on google [19:16] but not the ine.d way [19:16] does it refer to shared libraries ? [19:16] it was just a startup script report [19:16] nah to the connections [19:16] if always trusted [19:16] ah ok === sysadmin is now known as Guest49892 [19:19] I looked the entire web :-D === nb_ is now known as Guest31978 [19:19] didn't find a f***ing solution :( [19:20] sometimes I think I should have stuck with my expensive mac === hans is now known as Guest96893 [19:30] does anyone know what is the internet port that adept uses? thank you ;) [19:34] does anyone know what is the internet port that adept uses? thank you ;) [19:34] it uses standard HTTP ports (port 80) [19:35] then if i have internet in konqueror then it doesnt make sense that the adept manager doesnt have, right? [19:36] thank you tsimpson [19:36] =) [19:36] if someone can help me using vnc to contol my desktop :) [19:36] adept is just a GUI for apt, which uses http connections normally [19:37] Hey guys, I'm wondering what packages I need to install before I can compile a plasmoid? [19:38] I want to install yawp. === luis__lopez is now known as luis_lopez [19:38] ok, thnks tsimpson [19:39] im on hardy kde3 and my adept manager doesnt connect to the internet [19:40] i thought it was the port that my ISP was blocking but now i dont know [19:40] gkffcsk: try kdelibs5-dev (and kdebase-runtime-dev, and kdebase-workspace-dev) [19:40] check if you have a proxy set maybe [19:40] no [19:40] fresh install ;) [19:40] K thanks, let me try it. [19:42] my routers its different now.... my new ISP provider and i think that somehow it is blocking my adept, since im able to work with adept in other internet places [19:42] other internet locations (other ISP) [19:42] but thanks men [19:43] its kinda weird [19:43] :S [19:44] nicolas, install Krfb for control desktop with vnc [19:45] go to youtube and serach there to learn a bite more [19:45] ;) [19:46] hi. anybody having trouble with alsa sound drivers since upgrade [19:46] ? [19:46] Is there a utility that will find bootable installations on a disk and set up grub to select them? [19:47] Thanks tsimpson that got me a lot farther, but the install script still gives me an error. It's only about three lines, so I'll just copy it into the channel [19:47] CMake Error at po/CMakeLists.txt:6 (MESSAGE): [19:47] Please install the msgfmt binary [19:47] redo mbr [19:47] -- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred! [19:47] CMake failed. Your system probably does not match all requirements. [19:47] gkffcsk: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [19:47] !find msgfmt [19:47] Found: liblocale-msgfmt-perl [19:48] !find bin/msgfmt [19:48] File bin/msgfmt found in gettext, mailman [19:48] gkffcsk: you want gettext [19:48] how is metadata written to files in digikam (for example tags), and how can this information be found by other programs? [19:49] Nalleman: you'll get a better response in #kde-devel [19:49] tsimpson, i doubt it... [19:49] Do you know which package that's in? apt-cache search gettext returnes lots of stuff. [19:49] Nalleman: better than from here [19:50] gkffcsk: it's the "gettext" package ;) [19:50] tsimpson, , 339 person is better than 1... [19:51] Nalleman: there are at least 294 people in #kde-devel [19:52] tsimpson, *blush* i joined kde-dev :) [19:52] Nalleman: or try #digikam? [19:52] Monkey_mind9 : krfb is not working [19:52] Mamarok, tried that as well [19:53] Nalleman: well, it's evening in Europe, the digikam devs might just enjoy some family time [19:54] españolll [19:55] alguien español que me explique que es estoooooo [19:55] !es | juan__ [19:55] juan__: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es. [19:55] gracias [19:56] It got to compiling this time, but failed around %55 http://pastebin.com/m424bac26 [19:57] donde encuentro canales en españoll [19:57] juan__: read my private message please / lee mi mensaje privado porfavor [19:57] juan__: /join #ubuntu-es === aporie is now known as Bougamoon [20:22] does anyone know if there is a release of synapse for 9.10 [20:22] synaptic [20:22] it appear like there is when I look threw the PPA but I changed the distro and it giving me a 404 [20:24] NM it appears I fail at spelling [20:24] !info synaptic karmic [20:24] synaptic (source: synaptic): Graphical package manager. In component main, is optional. Version 0.62.7ubuntu6 (karmic), package size 796 kB, installed size 6156 kB [20:25] its not synaptic :) its an im client called synapse :) [20:25] http://synapse.im/download/ === alberto is now known as alberto_ === Germ is now known as Livio === AssociateXxx is now known as AssociateX [21:21] hey [21:23] Hello, no prive in kpakagekit,,, [21:30] I cannot get KDE to connect to my network, although gnome will. Any help? [21:32] jphillips86: you use wireless with hidden SSID? [21:32] yakuzi, No, it broadcasts it's SSID, and is WPA2 Personal Encrypted. [21:33] KDE acts like it does not accept my password, although it is the same password Gnome uses, and it connects [21:33] you have the right settings? because it should work without problems... [21:34] Yeah, I selected WPA2, and made SURE the password was right, then it just prompted me for a password again [21:35] is kde 4.4 already available from kubuntu ppa? [21:35] or anyother ppa... [21:35] is there a way to just use the gnome-network-manager? Instead of KDE's [21:36] jphillips86: there's a way 9i don't know how exactly) because that's the work around for the problem with hidden SSID's... [21:37] yakuzi, Thanks, I will look up how to do that workaround, and just do that, since I have KDE and Gnome [21:37] jhutchins: just select whats apps u want from startup... check in system settings [21:41] yakuzi, It must have heard me talking about it, I switched from gnome to KDE, and it worked [21:41] lol [21:43] The google calendar widget won't connect because it says my browser cookies are turned off [21:47] I still don't know that I can use KDE though, it still looks very kiddish [21:50] how do i search all .py files in my computer for a word? [21:54] Is anyone having trouble with the last xorg update? [22:01] tmartins: Well did have to change one timeout... [22:02] TeLLuS: which timeout? I could only regain access to my system through gdm [22:02] tmartins: kdm X server startup timeout.. [22:03] TeLLuS: ah, what value are you using now? [22:03] tmartins: If you can startx from console or from gdm that could be the problem.. see https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nvidia-graphics-drivers-180/+bug/477066 [22:05] TeLLuS: hmm, that sounds like it... (only I'm using an intel card) [22:05] Hi [22:05] 'll Give it a try, thanks! [22:05] tmartins: Try search for timeout in /var/log/syslog Yes it is not dependent on gfxcard.. [22:07] I I heve Kubuntu 9.04 with the latest Compiz-Fusion (0.8.4) installed from Karmic reposiatory (I need KDE compatibility). As I use certain effects, I get X crash (characteristic sudden logout). [22:07] My video card is Radeon 9200SE with open drivers. [22:09] Galvatron: Anything in tail -n30 ~/.xsession-errors [22:10] TeLLuU: Could you explain more simply? [22:10] Do I type it into terminhal? [22:11] Galvatron: Correct [22:11] Galvatron: Or copy and paste if it is hard to type.. === andrea is now known as Guest84200 [22:12] Galvatron: Do you see the paste url in the channel topic? [22:13] Yup [22:13] "Command not found" [22:13] should start with the command tail [22:15] http://paste.ubuntu.com/334787/ [22:15] Galvatron: This happens after you have been logged in for a while? tail only displays what the last part of that log, we will see if it give any hint.. [22:16] I can force the crash easily, If that's what you ask for [22:16] And then show the log ;) [22:17] hello [22:17] how can i define a hotkey to minimize all windows in the current workspace? like superL+D in windows [22:17] Galvatron: It now more show the currect session you are in. We probably need the last chrashed one. Also interesting is the /var/log/Xorg.0.log.old or /var/log/Xorg.0.log [22:19] Galvatron: Maybe you can search in https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/ first if you can find anyone else with the same issue, [22:20] Here goes Xorg.0.log: http://paste.ubuntu.com/334789/ [22:20] Galvatron: But it would be easier with more information [22:20] Time doesn't matter in this case [22:21] Whenever I use Compiz Shift Switcher, I get logget out [22:21] So I guess It's X issue [22:22] It probably started after some update, but I'm not sure [22:22] saludos amigos como estan por aca [22:23] Should I just force crash with Compiz, log-in and tail immediately? [22:23] English please ;) [22:23] !es | virus69 [22:23] virus69: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es. [22:23] Galvatron: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Backtracing [22:23] HEY [22:23] how can i define a hotkey to minimize all windows in the current workspace? like superL+D in windows [22:23] ? [22:24] ok tanks [22:24] a toggle show desktop [22:24] how can i define a hotkey to show desktop? like superL+D in windows [22:24] Galvatron: Can you see anything if you tail /var/log/Xorg.0.log.old ? [22:28] Used Apport and no message appeared [22:30] Proceeding with debug symbols [22:31] Galvatron: Ok, you started X and apport again and no message? [22:31] I mean [22:31] I foreced X to crash and nothing happened ;0 [22:32] Debug symbols installed [22:32] Galvatron: It can not display at that time is it just chrashed.. have to start X again.. [22:32] ok debug is good.. [22:33] So what now? [22:34] how can i define a hotkey to show desktop? like superL+D in windows [22:34] how can i define a hotkey to show desktop? like superL+D in windows [22:34] how can i define a hotkey to show desktop? like superL+D in windows [22:34] Shockrates: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [22:35] so? [22:35] Galvatron: Log in remotely.. just continue on the page [22:35] Shockrates: Just right-click on Show Desktop widget and define a shortcut [22:35] Galvatron: i mean without having the stupid widget on my screen [22:36] I have no other PC [22:37] Let's return to the first step and restart X [22:37] BRB (restarting X) [22:37] From what do you run you IRCclient on? [22:38] The same PC I have problem with [22:38] It's not rendering my OS useless ;) [22:39] Yet it's annoying [22:39] ok , and it have not yet crashed? [22:39] Crashes only when I switch windows with Vista-like 3D switch [22:39] I can force It any second ;) [22:40] So I will just force It and restart X from session meu before log-in [22:40] BRB [22:41] how can i define a hotkey to show desktop? like superL+D in windows [22:42] seriouslu noone knows? [22:43] hi where do I find the print queue? [22:43] I have sent some documents to be printed but they don't go through... just before I printed the test page and it was ok [22:44] Shockrates: Checked global shortcuts in systemsettings? [22:45] Still no message... [22:45] TeLLuS: yes found nothing... did you? [22:47] Shockrates: Not a really matching one.. [22:47] If you don't want this widget on screen, just create a new auto-hiding panel place it there :P [22:47] I'm not joking [22:48] Galvatron: smart [22:49] Galvatron: You started apport again and nothing? === noname is now known as Guest15089 [22:51] Maybe I do something wrong [22:52] How do I restart apport itself? [22:53] is there a way I can check the printing queue from the cpommand line? [22:55] Is someone working on Qt 4.6 packages? [22:56] add the Show Desktop widget [22:56] to the panel [22:57] Galvatron: Edit /etc/default/apport change to enabled=1 [22:58] Ready [23:01] Guess I will do the same thing again (crash + restart X) [23:02] BRB [23:04] Nothing again... [23:05] hey [23:06] Galvatron: Did you check it was running first? sudo service apport status [23:07] Probably no [23:07] I just started it from terminal [23:08] Galvatron: Is it still started? [23:08] should other users on my computer be able to see and copy files in my /home? [23:08] any fixes for the low graphic mode problem ? [23:09] Yup [23:09] I made it permanent with BootUp Manager [23:10] secure_: Have you tried using a longer kdm timeout? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nvidia-graphics-drivers-180/+bug/477066 [23:10] Now it should do [23:10] BRB [23:11] TeLLus, thanks will look at that. [23:11] LOL [23:11] Now I cant force the crash anymore [23:12] Anyway, I'm falling asleep [23:12] Galvatron: So you fixed it .. :) [23:12] I'll be back once I re-create the problem and get the report ;) [23:12] Galvatron: Well until next time.. [23:12] Like Murphy's Laws [23:13] The problem gets fixed on its own once you call for help [23:13] See ya [23:13] bye, [23:36] anyone know where bespin images would be located? I want to edit some [23:36] good grapik 3d [23:37] joshjtl: dpkg -L kde-style-bespin should show the locations of all files the bespin package installs [23:37] thx [23:37] note that you'll have to start whatever editing tool you're using with kdesudo to be able to edit them, since they are installed to system locations [23:37] and that the next upgrade will revert your edits [23:37] or just copy and paste [23:38] oh, yeah. edit then sudo cp [23:38] yeah [23:38] that would also mean you would have backups for the next upgrade [23:38] right [23:38] hmm dont see any image files weird [23:39] hmm [23:39] it might be built into the binary or something [23:39] hrmm [23:40] I know that at least for arora, Bespin's config allows you to set custom images [23:40] will 4.4 B1 be in the ppa? [23:41] kubian: Once the packages are ready it will be [23:41] Jon: thnks [23:41] yup, sorry for the wait. But better to do them correct than fast. ;-) [23:42] Hi, what's the best dictionary with right to left support for kde, also with babylon bgl file support? [23:42] hii