
AnAntdoko_: ping11:42
AnAntwhat's the point of "this was changed in the eclipse-3.5 packaging" ?11:44
doko_AnAnt: ?11:50
AnAntdoko_: LP #49188011:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 491880 in eclipse "eclipse source package provides libswt* binary packages that would conflict with swt-gtk" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/49188011:51
doko_AnAnt: what is your question?11:51
AnAntyou said that eclipse 3.5 changed (I think you meant regarding the naming of libswt* packages)11:53
AnAntso the question is why was that done ?11:53
doko_ask the guys who did the change11:53
AnAnt_sorry, I have a bad connection11:54
AnAnt_you said that eclipse 3.5 changed (I think you meant regarding the naming of libswt* packages)11:54
AnAnt_so the question is why was that done ?11:54
doko_ask the guys who did the change11:55
doko_I just pointed out this is not an Ubuntu only change11:55
AnAnt_oh , you mean it's in Debian too ?11:56
doko_did you see 3.5 in Debian?11:56
AnAnt_then, what do you mean by "not an Ubuntu only change" ?11:57
=== AnAnt__ is now known as AnAnt

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