=== asac_ is now known as asac === ZrZ is now known as RzR === robbiew-afk is now known as robbiew === rgreening_ is now known as rgreening === kung|away is now known as kung [16:43] hi asac [16:43] hi rbelem ;) [16:43] first [16:43] ;) [16:43] :-) [16:43] whats up? [16:44] asac, well i thinking in change the roadmap of ubuntu liquid [16:44] rbelem: sure. also if you want that spec to be changed/approved etc in any way [16:45] let me know [16:45] asac, ian and me talked about use plasma-mobile instead of hildon [16:45] thats moving towards qt? [16:45] asac, yep... [16:45] like what maemo does? [16:46] how much work would that be? [16:46] asac, maemo is moving for qt too in the next release [16:46] rbelem: right. thats why i wonder if that would mean packaging the latest stuff they are currently doing [16:46] asac, maybe we need to work more with plasma mobile code [16:46] rather than updating the old hildon stuff [16:47] asac, yep [16:47] rbelem: can you already estimate how many packages that would be? [16:47] asac, currently plasma-mobile is not packaged [16:47] asac, maybe just plasma-mobile plasma-mobile-defaults [16:48] asac, and a different meta package [16:48] where would all the other packages come from? [16:48] e.g. i would expect new maemo does quite some work on "new" packages [16:48] or dont you plan to get those in? [16:49] asac, well i can work to get these packages in [16:50] rbelem: would you mind writing up on some packages what getting a plasma-mobile etc. in a working state for lucid would involve? [16:50] e.g. maybe two variants: a) the small pitch: only essential bits get done ... and b) the full pitch: adds a bunch of goodies from the maemo effort? [16:51] asac, yes i will work to get plasma-mobile in a good state, because right now it is very initial [16:52] rbelem: what i mean: if we have a good wiki page we can better understand how much work is involved and if there is need to ask for help somewhere etc. [16:52] at least we could blog about it etc. and maybe attract someone willing to help etc. [16:52] asac, ah cool! [16:52] thats why i wondered if you could put up a spec that documents the plan for plasma-mobile [16:52] asac, i will update the liquid wiki with that [16:53] including: what packages would be involved and what needs to be newly packaged etc. [16:53] great [16:53] rbelem: if you have something ping me. i will review and see if we can make a community spec or something out of it to get this a real place on our "mobile" roadmap [16:53] asac, currently i'm writing the seeds to generate a proof of concept iso [16:54] asac, cool [16:54] rbelem: right. include all that in the document too etc. [16:54] thanks asac [16:54] :-) [16:54] welcome. === robbiew is now known as robbiew-afk [19:47] hi asac, i made some changes to the wiki page https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileTeam/UbuntuLiquid [19:48] asac, what do you think? I missed something? Is there anything you want to add? === kung is now known as kung|away === robbiew-afk is now known as robbiew === robbiew is now known as robbiew-afk