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fabrice_spmicahg, did you get the sru ack, and did you subscribed u-u-s for your SRU?04:15
micahgfabrice_sp: I thought it was already subscribed...let me check04:35
jdongack jdong has been pummeled by schoolwork this past week....04:35
jdongif anyone has urgent SRU requests please feel free to kick me repeatedly in IRC until I respond.04:36
micahgfabrice_sp: yes, u-u-s is subscribed04:36
fabrice_spmicahg, bug number?04:36
micahgbug 47751304:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 477513 in uim "FireFox crashes routinely karmic i386" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/47751304:36
fabrice_sphey jdong is back :-)04:36
jdong"back" but shhhhh don't tell anyone04:37
micahgjdong: I still don't have a test case though04:37
micahgall I know is that it crashes after some time of use for some people04:37
jdongheh I'd really love to have a testcase, but for some kinds of bugs that's really all you can get.04:37
micahgjdong: my other sru has a test cae04:37
jdongconsidering the patch looks correct and reasonable to me, I've got no objections04:37
fabrice_spmicahg, do you plan to work on the merge/sync of 1.5.7 from Debian?04:45
micahgfabrice_sp: I can if you want04:46
fabrice_spit would be nice, but it's as you want04:47
fabrice_spas you already knows the pacakge, it would easier for than for another04:47
fabrice_spbut I can take care of it, anyway :-D04:49
micahgfabrice_sp: I only added a patch from upstream :)05:05
fabrice_spOhh: I saw you was subscribed to the bug report. I thought you had a special interest in it :-)05:06
fabrice_spnp :-D05:06
micahgfabrice_sp: only because it causes firefox problems :)05:06
fabrice_splimited interest, then :-D05:07
wrapsterinstall -m 755 -t debian/pkgname/usr/bin debian/somefile ; this will install somefile in the target dir specified by the -t option right?05:42
jmarsdenWhat is it about the debuild environment that causes warnings about not checking return values of read() and write() and turns them into errors?  I have a package (written in C++) I can build only with a large patchset to check all these calls... but a manual build from the unpacked upstream tarball does not have this issue.05:45
wrapsterguys why is this install format not working? http://pastie.org/72699305:48
fabrice_spjmarsden, it's about the compilation flags that has been hardened in Ubuntu05:50
jmarsdenfabrice_sp: OK... is there a Wiki page explaining this... esp how to get a non-Ubuntu machine to generate the same set of warnings?05:50
fabrice_spthis warning should be fixed05:50
fabrice_sphmmm, you could grab the log and see the options05:50
jmarsdenfabrice_sp: I know, but upstream doesn't want to accept my patchset, and right now they do not even see the warnings ...05:51
fabrice_spwith gcc 4.4?05:51
jmarsdenYes.  With -Wall -Werror, they say they see no warnings...05:51
fabrice_spdid you tried in Debian?05:51
fabrice_spDebian should have the same set of errors/warning05:52
fabrice_spwrapster, no idea. sorry05:52
jmarsdenNo, I could try.  But I want to be able to get the same warnings in Fedora...05:52
fabrice_spdo you have the log sowehere?05:52
fabrice_spso that I can have a look at it?05:52
jmarsdenYes...  http://crosswire.org/~jmarsden/sword/sword-r2480-buildlog.txt05:53
fabrice_spdid you run also the configure command with the same variables? The line is quite long05:55
fabrice_spyou ahve also to be sure that the gcc version is exactly the same (not only 4.4, but also sub-version) and glibc05:56
jmarsdenWell, in Fedora 12 the gcc version is 4.4.2 which is newer than Ubuntu's ...05:56
wrapsterfabrice_sp: well i found a work around.. it was just a python script that i had to place in /urs/bin/ so i manually copied it to debian/pkgname/usr/bin and chmod 755 it.. good enough... ?05:56
jmarsdenwrapster: If you are just installing one file why did you use -t  ??05:57
fabrice_spwrapster, you really want to install it in debian/pkgname, and not in $DESTDIR or similar?05:57
fabrice_spjmarsden, the configures flags are also important05:58
jmarsdenfabrice_sp: OK, I'll check them all out... but surely somewhere Ubuntu documents its hardening stuff??05:59
fabrice_sphttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompilerFlags ?05:59
fabrice_spthe file mgt errors seems linked to -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 with -O206:00
jmarsdenfabrice_sp: Yes... looks like it is the  -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=206:00
jmarsdenNow I need to see if Fedora has that option too :)  Time to create a Fedora12 VM...06:01
fabrice_spa chroot won't work in that case?06:01
* fabrice_sp doesn't have any idea on that, and it could be a dumb suggestion06:02
jmarsdenI don't know.  I have 10Mbps down Internet connection, so it won't take that long to grab an ISO and create a VirtualBox VM.  I don't know how to install Fedora into a chroot.06:02
fabrice_spok :-)06:02
xnoxAnd the sword upstream test everything in VM's06:03
fabrice_spin this case, it's just for compiling hte app06:03
jmarsdenxnox: Hmm, then they could test in a Debian VM too... but I think I need to do the work and "prove" the issue is real, at this point.06:03
xnoxWell they fire up VM's and tell you it doesn't work after this change in f7 and never try to help you debug. Simply revert commits or not apply patches.....06:05
xnoxor any other f*06:06
xnoxIs that the same 6months+ patch you are trying to get accepted?06:06
jmarsdenxnox: Yes, from back in May.  1200 line diff, 100+ individual patches...06:08
xnoxOh well.... Are they gonna do a release any time soon?06:11
jmarsdenYes, that's what got this started again... Troy asked for all my patches and applied some of them... 1.6.1 coming soon, it seems.06:14
xnoxHmm interesting =)06:14
keesjmarsden: -Werror turns warnings into errors.  that's not a default.06:15
jmarsdenkees: No, but it is part of the upstream autotools stuff; I could patch that back out, I suppose.  But I already have the patch for all the warnings... I just would prefer upstream to apply it rather than carry it as a packaging patch.06:16
* xnox is happy finished building 1st package flavor - 2 to go 06:17
keesjmarsden: ok, cool.  I only skimmed the scrollback when I saw mention of the hardening flags.  was anything missing from the CompilerDefaults wiki page?  I've tried to make that as useful as possible.06:19
jmarsdenCompilerFlags you mean?  Looks fine to me, I just didn't know it existed until fabrice_sp pointed me to it earlier.06:20
jmarsdenIs it mentioned in the Packaging Guide?  if not, should it be?06:20
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^arky^hi, any help with bug 491327 ?07:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 491327 in at-spi "No module named pyatspi" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/49132707:45
micahg^arky^: idk python07:48
^arky^thanks micahg, I'll try to look up for python guys07:49
micahg^arky^: oh, sorry, I thought this was the bugs channel...07:49
micahgsomeone in here might have an idea07:50
* ^arky^ heads back ubuntu-bugs07:52
dholbachgood morning07:59
^arky^morning dholbach08:00
dholbachhi ^arky^08:00
^arky^dholbach: if you have time please have look at bug 49132708:01
ubottuLaunchpad bug 491327 in at-spi "No module named pyatspi" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/49132708:01
dholbach^arky^: I doubt I will have the time for it right now in this moment, if it's urgent try asking in #ubuntu-desktop08:02
^arky^yes, will do that thanks dholbach08:03
dholbachwhat is there to sponsor?08:03
dholbachis there any patch/diff/branch/something?08:04
micahgdholbach: please unsubscribe sponsors08:04
dholbachwill do08:04
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RuneHow do I see whether any changes have been made to a package compared to the debian version? (other than downloading the debian version and running diff)09:58
micahgRune: if there's an ubuntu in the version, we have modifications10:00
RuneDo I have to diff the debian version to see what kind of modifications?10:01
tsimpsonRune: 'aptitude changelog <package>' will download the changelog and display it for you (from http://changelogs.ubuntu.com/)10:02
shankhswhat is a template for packaging? Please.12:12
shankhsi know dh-make is used to create template12:12
shankhsi am a noob12:12
sorenDo you know what a template is?12:12
shankhssoren: c++ template yes, other than this no12:14
sorenAs per wikipedia, a template is a standardized file type used by computer software as a pre-formatted example on which to base other files, especially documents.12:15
sorendh-make creates a template for packaging. It creates a bunch of files that you can edit until it does what you expect it to.12:16
shankhsa pre-formatted example ?12:17
shankhsHow will i get this format?12:17
sorenYou already know this.12:17
soren13:12:30 < shankhs> i know dh-make is used to create template12:17
shankhsya i know about dh-make12:18
sorenSo what is your question? I don't quite understand.12:18
shankhsi can go on wihout knowing template . My question is what template is used by ubuntu packages and how this templates are decided?12:19
directhexof the approximately 18,000 source packages in the archive, a vast variety of templates & helpers are used12:19
sorenI'm sorry, I don't think I can help you. I don't understand your question. Perhaps someone else can.12:20
directhexbased entirely on the whims of the packager12:20
shankhsso ubuntu doesn't force the templates?12:20
directhexno, of course not12:20
sorenDepends on what you mean by templates.12:21
shankhssoren: i am not getting you , for me template is a pre-formatted file(as u mentioned before)12:21
shankhsif it doesnt then how come different packages interoperate?12:21
soren10 seconds ago you didn't know what a template was, so I'm not convinced you're using the word correctly here.12:22
shankhssoren: t think so12:22
sorenUbuntu forces a specific directory structure of the filesystem (known as the Filesystem Hierarchy Standard, FHS).12:22
sorenIs that what you mean?12:22
sorenDo we force one specific way to generate packages? No.12:22
shankhssoren: i need to read from somewhere can you please give me some resources? I am getting confused12:22
sorenDo we force a specific format of binary packages? Sure, otherwise dpkg would have to be magic.12:23
shankhssoren: i guess so12:23
sorenshankhs: What are you trying to do?12:23
shankhssoren: i am learning packaging in ubuntu12:23
slytherinshankhs: Did you read the 'Contributing' link available in channel topic?12:24
sorenThen you should ask about that instead.12:24
shankhsslytherin: i am reading https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/Basic12:24
shankhssoren: ya any advice?Please12:25
sorenshankhs: I advice you to read that link and ask questions when there's something you don't understand.12:25
slytherinshankhs: That is a good starting point. If you have any specific questions then ask them.12:26
sorenHm... The intro on that page claims that "[f]irst, we will use no build helper. This approach is usually the most difficult and is not often used in practice but gives the most straightforward look at the packaging process."12:27
sorenI don't see that anywhere in the body, though.12:27
shankhssoren: very frankly i am not understanding dh-make . The only thing thats neccessary is : Type of package: single binary, multiple binary, library, kernel module or cdbs? [s/m/l/k/b] s12:28
shankhssoren: me too found that one12:28
shankhswhat the package has to do with the personal info of dev?12:28
sorenThat will create the template packaging. Keep reading, it will all be explained. You are supposed to edit the files it creates.12:28
sorenshankhs: "personal info"?12:29
shankhssoren: like email id,name12:29
sorenI don't understand your question at all.12:30
shankhssoren: i will first read the complete doc...thanx anyways12:30
shankhsEverybody thankyou very much12:30
shankhssoren: thanyou12:30
sorenshankhs: sure12:30
slytherinshankhs: how are others supposed to know who packaged the software if you don't provide name/email12:32
shankhsslytherin: i am getting it , it seems logical thanx12:34
=== echidnaman is now known as JontheEchidna
SWATwhat's a good/simple packaging example for python software using the setup.py install method? (which should be the preferred one, right?)13:12
qnixI would say that mercurial could be a good example13:13
slytherinDoes anyone know any particular reason why autosyncs are happening with less-than-usual frequency?13:17
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LucidFox\o/ http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/clang13:27
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shriekoutPlease advise.14:40
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LucidFoxshriekout> commented15:17
shriekoutLucidFox, thanks :)15:17
shriekoutLucidFox, thank you for your suggestions.15:20
LucidFoxNow speaking about my packages... who will have the bravery to review the great and mighty clang, mortals? [insert thunder]15:24
LucidFoxOr perhaps one would prefer to review 2mandvd, juffed, or the simplest of all, fuse-zip?15:24
highvoltagedholbach: http://www.miafrica.co.za/product1.html15:31
slytherinLucidFox: What is fuse-zip?15:32
LucidFoxA console utility to mount zip archives as read-write directories.15:32
macois that how the archive manager works?15:33
LucidFoxIn Nautilus?15:34
slytherinmaco: Manager or mounter?15:34
macothe gnome equivalent of ark15:34
macowhatever it's called15:34
LucidFoxThe archive mounter mounts them read-only.15:35
macoyes that15:35
nigel_nbmaco: hey  :)15:35
maconigel_nb: im at work right now15:35
nigel_nbunfortunately, I'm leavin for work15:35
nigel_nboh, k15:36
jdongno I don't think ark uses that15:37
LucidFoxWhat, fuse-zip? No, nothing in DEs uses that.15:38
LucidFoxHeh, norsetto advocated his own package.15:40
LucidFoxMaybe I should do that for mine to get them reviewed sooner?15:40
ScottKLucidFox: You can.15:41
ari-tczewI have a question15:43
ari-tczewpbuilder = pdebuild ?15:44
LucidFoxman pdebuild\15:45
LucidFoxBasically, as I understand it, the difference is that pbuilder is invoked on the .dsc file, while pdebuild doesn't need a source package, only an unpacked directory.15:46
dholbachhighvoltage: hehe, yeah - I saw the MOTU music equipment brand before :)15:48
LucidFoxhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Masters_of_the_Universe <-- Aww, no logo.15:51
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jmarsdenHow long does it normally take for packages to autosync from Debian Testing into Lucid?  Hours?  Days?  Weeks??18:54
geserdepends on how often the archive admins start their autosync script19:03
geserand with the new format 3.0 package it fails more often than in the past :(19:03
jmarsdengeser: Thanks. I was imagining some autosync script in a cron.{daily/hourly/whatever} doing the syncing.  I'll just be patient, it's not important :)19:08
ScottKIt's not cronned.  It has to be manually run19:27
fabrice_spporthose: bug 49215520:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 492155 in jinja "Merge jinja 1.2-3 (universe) from Debian testing (main)" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/49215520:03
fabrice_spI think it should be a sync as the package is not in main anymore20:03
fabrice_spso no need to change dependency from recommend to suggest20:03
fabrice_sp(I think)20:03
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LLStarkshey. i was wondering how i can request a package removal? libass3 isn't needed anymore since libass4 was added.20:44
bddebianLLStarks: File a bug.  Subject should be:  RM: <package> -- ROM; <reasons for removal>  And file it against Package: ftp.debian.org20:48
bddebianOh sorry, wrong channel, I thought I was still in a Debian channel :)20:49
randomactionLLStarks: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/PackageArchive#Removing%20Packages20:55
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)21:37
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kklimondais Eclipse Public License DFSG compatible?23:42
ScottKkklimonda: Is Ecplise licensed under it?23:48
kklimondaScottK: that's the question - I just thought abo ;)23:48
kklimondaScottK: looks like it is23:49
ScottKLook and see which component of the archive Ecplise is in then.23:49

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