Guest56425 | hi | 16:59 |
^workman^ | RockShox: is your disk full? what does dmesg report | 16:59 |
UbuntuUser | problem with cheese. use to connect with webcam, but now says webcam not detected. any ideas? | 17:00 |
RockShox | its not full | 17:00 |
Guest68250 | Hi! im trying to install ubuntu netbook remix thru a usm flash drive but nothing happends when I boot from it | 17:00 |
=== Guest68250 is now known as jensm1 | ||
jensm1 | somone who want to help me? | 17:00 |
Da_Kr0n | i setup raid via my bios, then uninstalled it via bios again, now ubuntu has a raid header on my drive and i want to remove it | 17:00 |
^workman^ | !ask | jensm1 | 17:00 |
BlouBlou | !ask | jensm1 | 17:00 |
ubottu | jensm1: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 17:00 |
crontab101 | ubuntuuser what webcam do you have because it didnt recognize mine either until i found some drivers | 17:01 |
RockShox | oh dmesg reports ssh segfaulting too | 17:01 |
jensm1 | anyone who have expiriance with fujitsu simens netbook amilo mini ? | 17:02 |
^workman^ | RockShox: hmm, could be memory... | 17:02 |
mr-john | do u know a software which allow me the access control to computers from an AP, i need to generate a ticket which let the client connects to my AP for an hour, im looking for in google but all is for windows and shareware... anybody knows a simple way to do this | 17:02 |
jensm1 | I have a usb stick who will boot from windows, but I want to install on my netbook but there doesnt it load at all | 17:03 |
apparle | I currently have to add an option line to alsa-base.conf in order to get sound... it that a bug... should I report it | 17:03 |
^workman^ | mr-john: something like radius (if supported by your AP) can handle that. But, I'm not an expert on it... | 17:04 |
=== Koven is now known as Kovensky | ||
maxagaz_ | what is n ad hoc network ? | 17:04 |
UbuntuUser | crontab101, its built in my msi wind u100 | 17:04 |
crontab101 | ok ill search for some drivers | 17:04 |
UbuntuUser | crontab101, it use to connect fine but not now, i may have to reinstall the OS | 17:04 |
^workman^ | maxagaz: it's like a peer to peer network-- 2 computers talking together | 17:04 |
=== NiSoOo is now known as Guest3185 | ||
UbuntuUser | crontab101, thanks | 17:04 |
^workman^ | !commands | 17:05 |
ubottu | The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE). Guide: | 17:05 |
^workman^ | hmm | 17:05 |
^workman^ | anyone know ubottu's ! for a list of factoids? | 17:05 |
crontab101 | | 17:05 |
alesan | hi what is the package that delivers the full kernel sources (not headers only)? | 17:05 |
^workman^ | alesan: =) not sure what ubuntu's is. I like to compile the latest stable | 17:06 |
crontab101 | somebody read this for ubuntuuser' | 17:06 |
alesan | I mean the kernel sources for the current kernel it is installed in ubuntu. there is a package with headers but not one with the full sources, as far as I can see in the list | 17:07 |
mr-john | ^workman^> thanks im going to look for | 17:07 |
crontab101 | oh that might not work uuser | 17:07 |
^workman^ | mr-john: good luck! | 17:07 |
UbuntuUser | crontab101, addresses not found. the camera use to work fine though | 17:07 |
llutz | alesan: apt-get install linux-source | 17:08 |
^workman^ | !factoid > ^workman^ | 17:08 |
ubottu | ^workman^, please see my private message | 17:08 |
crontab101 | u said msi wind u100 right and ubuntu 9.10? | 17:08 |
UbuntuUser | crontab101, yes | 17:08 |
flan_suse | How does the pkill command know which process to kill if there are multiple instances? For example, what if two users both have an instance of vlc running and you do "pkill vlc" as root? | 17:09 |
crontab101 | yeah i wouldnt even try that link then i will search some more | 17:09 |
flan_suse | crontab101, I am using Ubuntu 9.10 on an MSI Wind u100 as well. | 17:09 |
UbuntuUser | flan_suse, have you tried force quit or xkill? | 17:09 |
UbuntuUser | crontab101, thanks | 17:09 |
flan_suse | UbuntuUser, I just joined the chat room. What was the issue? | 17:10 |
UbuntuUser | flan_suse, my webcam use to work fine for cheese and gyachi, but doesn't now | 17:10 |
flan_suse | UbuntuUser, you mean it worked fine under 9.04 but not 9.10 anymore? | 17:10 |
h4ck3r | Hi Guys :) | 17:10 |
UbuntuUser | flan_suse, it always worked in 9.10 | 17:11 |
llutz | flan_suse: pkill has several options, default it would kill all instances | 17:11 |
flan_suse | llutz, ah, okay. Thank you. | 17:11 |
_Lucretia_ | hi, does the latest version of ubuntu have working php debs? I mean, with fixed imajick libs, etc? | 17:11 |
flan_suse | llutz, and if pkill is run by a normal user, it will only kill the processes which are under that user's id? | 17:11 |
llutz | flan_suse: afaik yes | 17:11 |
flan_suse | llutz, thank you. | 17:12 |
llutz | flan_suse: would be strange to kill other users apps as use | 17:12 |
llutz | r | 17:12 |
flan_suse | llutz, it helps, because I need to edit some menu shortcuts to this: pkill app & app | 17:12 |
flan_suse | llutz, sometimes a program will just hang when I try to start it up, and I have to kill it to start it again. But doing "pkill app & app" will kill it for me before trying to launch it again. I was curious if it would affect other user processes. | 17:13 |
llutz | flan_suse: maybe have a look into man pkill, there might be helpfull options | 17:13 |
mac9416 | Hello, what kernel come with a fresh install of Karmic? | 17:13 |
crontab101 | Try to press Fn+F6?nin Terminal (Alt-F2 -- gnome-terminal)nlsusbnbefore Fn+F6, and after it. | 17:13 |
llutz | flan_suse: it should affect others | 17:13 |
Pici | mac9416: 2.6.31 | 17:13 |
flan_suse | UbuntuUser, I am going to see if my web cam works on my u100, Karmic netbook. (I don't have the Netbook Remix, so I think I need to install Cheese.) | 17:13 |
flan_suse | llutz, you mean "shouldn't"? | 17:13 |
UbuntuUser | flan_suse, ok thanks | 17:14 |
llutz | flan_suse: ups, i meant, sry | 17:14 |
mac9416 | Pici, thanks. Can I have the full uname -r though? | 17:14 |
crontab101 | flan and ubuntu on that netbook Try to press Fn+F6?nin Terminal (Alt-F2 -- gnome-terminal)nlsusbnbefore Fn+F6, and after it. | 17:14 |
UbuntuUser | i actually dislike the UNR theme, but thats just me | 17:14 |
flan_suse | UbuntuUser, I take it you also noticed the bug that affects changing the display brightness with the hot keys? | 17:14 |
UbuntuUser | it seems to "get in the way" | 17:14 |
UbuntuUser | flan_suse, yes, and i removed the powere manager to fix it | 17:14 |
crontab101 | i think that was the program that tells you whether your devices connected or not | 17:14 |
flan_suse | UbuntuUser, I found that UNR is almost pointless. The regular desktop version works better for me. | 17:14 |
A-Rishi | I am having problems with Ubuntu one ( ubuntu 9.10), whenever I click connect, it disconnects in 2 seconds saying my files are synced when it definately isn't. (I have added the computer) | 17:14 |
flan_suse | UbuntuUser, plus, it can interfere if you try to install another desktop environment, like XFCE or KDE. UNR is too invasive. | 17:15 |
flan_suse | UbuntuUser, they have a TON of people confirming the bug, so I'm guessing it'll be fixed soon. | 17:15 |
crontab101 | my cam looked terrible when i finally got it installed in ubuntu | 17:15 |
UbuntuUser | flan_suse, caused by an update, perhaps? | 17:16 |
crontab101 | but to see if linux even detects your camera, Try to press Fn+F6?nin Terminal (Alt-F2 -- gnome-terminal)nlsusbnbefore Fn+F6, and after it. | 17:16 |
jensm1 | someone here who feel that they can guide me thru the installation with USB flash on netbook? | 17:16 |
flan_suse | UbuntuUser, the bug? It was introduced with 9.10, not an update. 9.04 did not have this issue with MSI Wind u100. | 17:16 |
UbuntuUser | jensm1, have you tried unetbootin? | 17:16 |
UbuntuUser | flan_suse, oh i thought ya meant the webcam thing | 17:16 |
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^workman^ | jensm1: or | 17:17 |
UbuntuUser | flan_suse, from my experience the only fix is to remove power manager | 17:17 |
crontab101 | oh you say your cam worked in 9.10 and now it doesnt? | 17:17 |
jensm1 | ubuntuuser: yes I am using it, | 17:17 |
flan_suse | UbuntuUser, I don't know. I have the latest updates applied on 9.10, so I'll see if the camer works. | 17:17 |
crontab101 | because mine just didnt work from fresh install | 17:17 |
Pici | !info linux | mac9416 | 17:17 |
ubottu | mac9416: linux (source: linux-meta): Generic complete Linux kernel.. In component main, is optional. Version (karmic), package size 3 kB, installed size 32 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 lpia all) | 17:17 |
UbuntuUser | jensm1, how about Ubuntu USB Creator | 17:17 |
UbuntuUser | ? | 17:17 |
UbuntuUser | i mean startup disc creator | 17:18 |
mac9416 | Pici, and that's what comes with a fresh install of Karmic? | 17:18 |
wildc4rd | evening all | 17:18 |
platypus03 | ^workman^, that raid issue is very strange... it errors out while trying to remove metadata | 17:18 |
platypus03 | but there shouldn't be metadata, it was never part of an array ever | 17:18 |
kkszysiu | hello happy Ubuntu users. I have some problems with when Im updating packets like E: libcommons-daemon-java: podproces installed post-installation script return error 2 | 17:18 |
eventi | has anyone packaged php5.3 for Ubuntu 8.10 yet? | 17:18 |
ivze | Good time, people! Could anyone help me with terminal bell? After lots of complains about noisy pc speaker beeping, it was disabled. But I would like to have beeps in gnome-terminal (vim, bash completion...). What Shall I do?. | 17:18 |
kkszysiu | Its from karmic alpha but even when I have stable now I have that errors | 17:19 |
^workman^ | platypus: have you tried booting from a live cd, dropping to a shell, and re-creating a new partition? | 17:19 |
kkszysiu | is any method to rebuild info about packages? | 17:19 |
Pici | mac9416: Actually thats a little out of date, the Karmic section here is more accurate: | 17:19 |
jensm1 | The thing is, when I have made an "ubuntu usb" I can see that it have stuff on it in windows, but when I plug it in and boot up my netbook its only a black screen with the crusor twinlke | 17:19 |
platypus03 | ^workman^, yes | 17:20 |
platypus03 | i can create a partition just fine via fdisk | 17:20 |
santosh | all geeks | 17:20 |
platypus03 | but the system wont see it because dmraid complains about missing a disk | 17:20 |
platypus03 | and then the installer sees nothing for available disks | 17:20 |
^workman^ | platypus: but do you have your BIOS raid enabled? | 17:20 |
flan_suse | jensm1, is this the Desktop CD or the Alternate CD? | 17:20 |
platypus03 | ^workman^ RAID is disabled in the bios | 17:20 |
^workman^ | platypus: strange.. | 17:20 |
platypus03 | yep | 17:20 |
platypus03 | its like a catch22 | 17:21 |
^workman^ | platypus: I take it this is a new disk | 17:21 |
mac9416 | Pici, "2.6.31-14.48" Awesome. Thanks. | 17:21 |
flan_suse | jensm1, sounds like the USB creator (or whatever you used) didn't make the USB bootable. | 17:21 |
platypus03 | actually no, this is the handiwork of fedora | 17:21 |
platypus03 | it had fc10 on it or somethign before it came to me | 17:21 |
platypus03 | and it put this metadata on the disk somehow | 17:21 |
^workman^ | platypus: cough, cough... lol | 17:21 |
platypus03 | but i cannot erase said metadata | 17:21 |
jensm1 | <flan_suse> I use ubuntu netbook remix | 17:21 |
^workman^ | platypus: let me check something, brb | 17:21 |
jensm1 | and it boots inside windows without problems | 17:21 |
platypus03 | im at the point where I just 0 the drive but thats pretty ridic | 17:21 |
platypus03 | ok thanks | 17:21 |
=== Nightw0l1 is now known as Nightwolf | ||
^workman^ | platypus: when you run fisk -l and you pastbin it for me | 17:22 |
ranjan | in which formate gimp can save file so that it can be used after word for editing | 17:23 |
platypus03 | ^workman^, sure, but its just a listing of available raid types | 17:23 |
platypus03 | er sorry misread that | 17:23 |
platypus03 | let me get the fdisk output, not the dmraid -l output ;) | 17:23 |
jensm1 | flan_suse are you still there? | 17:23 |
^workman^ | ranjan: pick a format, gimp supports all of the most popular ones, jpg, png, gif, etc etc | 17:24 |
flan_suse | jensm1, run "cfdisk /dev/sdb" as root and see if the USB partition has a bootable flag enabled. (Replace sdb with the correct drive that is your USB stick.) | 17:24 |
crontab101 | ubuntuuser i thinki found you something | 17:24 |
^workman^ | platypus: fdisk -l should be listing the Disks. if it's listing disks and sees them as part of a raid, then that may be reported by a hardware problem? | 17:25 |
jensm1 | flan_suse: in what app? I am on a windows machine now | 17:25 |
=== rabatitat is now known as Ek|mu5 | ||
^workman^ | platypus: fdisk -l doesn't read metadata | 17:25 |
erUSUL | ranjan: after word ? native gimpe file format is xcf | 17:25 |
flan_suse | jensm1, oh, it's a Linux command. | 17:26 |
crontab101 | nvm. | 17:26 |
Phuzion | hello trying to find some help for a wireless card unclaimed run iwconfig with all 0's | 17:26 |
Phuzion | using Karmic | 17:26 |
^workman^ | Phuzion: is the wireless card supported by the kernel? | 17:27 |
flan_suse | jensm1, maybe look with Control Panel > Administrative Tasks > Computer Manager > Disk Managment ? | 17:27 |
flan_suse | jensm1, you want to make sure the USB is bootable. | 17:27 |
=== pcascini is now known as mrwoody | ||
flan_suse | UbuntuUser, I'm downloading "cheese" now to test the web cam on my netbook. | 17:27 |
mrwoody | hi *. Does anyone know why plasma shortcuts do not work (I am using compiz on kde) | 17:27 |
Phuzion | workman yes.... it was working fine, then one day it just crashed... things have been funny with it since we moved... I was once running off a linksys router, and now we have apple airport | 17:28 |
jensm1 | flan_suse don unetboot do that? | 17:28 |
flan_suse | jensm1, it should. | 17:28 |
flan_suse | jensm1, so should USB creator. | 17:28 |
carlosb78 | Hi, I'm trying to get an Epson all in one to scan. any one can help | 17:28 |
fusslinus | Linux sucks Linux sucks Linux sucks Linux sucks Linux sucks Linux sucks Linux sucks | 17:28 |
fusslinus | Linux sucks Linux sucks Linux sucks Linux sucks Linux sucks Linux sucks Linux sucks | 17:28 |
fusslinus | Linux sucks Linux sucks Linux sucks Linux sucks Linux sucks Linux sucks Linux sucks | 17:28 |
fusslinus | Linux sucks Linux sucks Linux sucks Linux sucks Linux sucks Linux sucks Linux sucks | 17:28 |
fusslinus | Linux sucks Linux sucks Linux sucks Linux sucks Linux sucks Linux sucks Linux sucks | 17:28 |
FloodBot3 | fusslinus: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 17:28 |
carlosb78 | Hi, I'm trying to get an Epson all in one to scan. any one can help? | 17:28 |
My-Computer | im on xubuntu 904 whats the terminal syntax to upgrade openoffice 3.0 to open office 3.1 | 17:28 |
jensm1 | flam_suse , when I plug the usb dev in this windowsw machine it comes up an autorun | 17:29 |
^workman^ | Phuzion: hmmm.... what type of wireless card are you using? what does sudo lsmod report? can you pastbin the output from it? | 17:29 |
flan_suse | jensm1, go here: Control Panel > Administrative Tasks > Computer Manager > Disk Managment | 17:29 |
Phuzion | atheros 5001 | 17:29 |
^workman^ | Phuzion: do you see any errors when running - dmesg | 17:30 |
jensm1 | flan_suse I'm there | 17:30 |
Phuzion | workman remind me how to do pastbin... I've only done it once | 17:30 |
Alissa | :-) | 17:31 |
nperry | carlosb78: What seems to be your problem? | 17:31 |
UbuntuUser | flan_suse, it works fine by default, its just that for some reason it stopped working | 17:31 |
^workman^ | !pastbin | Phuzion | 17:31 |
^workman^ | arrg | 17:31 |
^workman^ | !pastebin | Phuzion | 17:31 |
ubottu | Phuzion: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use | To post !screenshots use | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic | 17:31 |
jensm1 | flan_suse what filesystem? does that matter? I have ntfs now | 17:31 |
carlosb78 | I installed the printing function but can not scan | 17:31 |
carlosb78 | I ran sane-find-scanner | 17:32 |
ranjan | i am ediiting an file and the work of editing is not complited and i want to complet the reming part tomorrow so i am wondering how should i save my work ... in which formate should i shave my todays completed part so that i can complet the remaining part tomorrow | 17:32 |
carlosb78 | and it seemed to find it, but not under a name... | 17:32 |
_CommandeR_ | carlosb78, is it connected on the network or ? | 17:32 |
nperry | carlosb78: usb? | 17:32 |
^workman^ | ranjan: how are you editing the file? what editor are you using? | 17:32 |
carlosb78 | USB | 17:33 |
nperry | carlosb78: What is the model | 17:33 |
carlosb78 | I tried the Epson SW through wine, didn't work, the model is SX415 | 17:33 |
flan_suse | UbuntuUser, I can't seem to get the webcam to turn on either. | 17:33 |
flan_suse | jensm1, NTFS on the USB? | 17:33 |
jensm1 | yes | 17:33 |
flan_suse | jensm1, that's probably why it's not booting. | 17:34 |
UbuntuUser | flan_suse, i used it just fine last week | 17:34 |
flan_suse | jensm1, the USB creator should have made it a FAT32 file system. | 17:34 |
jensm1 | flan_suse so Fat32 then? | 17:34 |
UbuntuUser | or the week before | 17:34 |
flan_suse | UbuntuUser, so the red light won't turn on for you anymore? | 17:34 |
UbuntuUser | nope | 17:34 |
jensm1 | well whats the link to USBcreator? | 17:34 |
flan_suse | jensm1, yes, but it's best to start with a formatted FAT32 USB stick, and THEN use USB creator on it. | 17:34 |
sp1r1t | hello guys | 17:35 |
UbuntuUser | jensm1, it should be already installed | 17:35 |
flan_suse | jensm1, it's an Ubuntu application. For Windows, use UNetbootin | 17:35 |
ranjan | one more question i am facing one more problem with transmission some times it say ther is no such file directory to store the day although the downlods are compleated i am trying to seed that thing back but sometime ... this type of problem is woring me ... please help | 17:35 |
flan_suse | UbuntuUser, this is weird. I wonder why it stopped workig? | 17:35 |
Phuzion | ^workman^ pasted | 17:35 |
UbuntuUser | flan_suse, i really don't know. i think i should probably just reinstall the OS | 17:35 |
UbuntuUser | flan_suse, for the brightness flickering, did you use the same workaround i did? | 17:36 |
^workman^ | Phuzion: ok, paste the link into the irc channel for me =) | 17:36 |
nperry | carlosb78: Please can you pastbine ' sudo sane-find-scanner ' | 17:36 |
nperry | !pastebin | carlosb78 | 17:36 |
ubottu | carlosb78: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use | To post !screenshots use | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic | 17:36 |
jensm1 | flan_suse so i format to fat32 and then use UNetbootin | 17:36 |
ranjan | workman:: i am using gimpe and i am able to save my work for the day | 17:36 |
Phuzion | | 17:36 |
llutz | ranjan: save it as xcf, load next time | 17:36 |
^workman^ | ranjan: use the default xcf format.... | 17:36 |
flan_suse | jensm1, I'd try that, yes. | 17:36 |
bhabalinux | hello everyone! Is there anyway I can use slideshow in gnome desktop by which wallpapers located in a particular folder changes every given time automatically? I tried many things, didn't work. | 17:37 |
ranjan | workman:: thanks | 17:37 |
UbuntuUser | i'm thinkin about just switching to xfce, it seems more stable | 17:37 |
carlosb78 | found USB scanner (vendor=0x04b8, product=0x0851) at libusb:001:005 | 17:37 |
flan_suse | UbuntuUser, no. I just don't change the brightness. I leave it at 0% all the time. The u100's lowest brightness setting is still bright! That's why it has such poor battery life. | 17:37 |
ranjan | i am having one more issue with transmission | 17:37 |
UbuntuUser | flan_suse, i have to have high brightness lol | 17:38 |
^workman^ | Phuzion: hmm | 17:38 |
flan_suse | UbuntuUser, plus, you can add the display brightness applet to the panel, and use the slider to adjust the brightness. (The bug is only with the hot keys.) | 17:38 |
zek_ | I am trying to set up alsa. for some reason i have a file called linux-sound-base_noOSS that blacklists the module i need for my driver. I assume that is why alsaconf doesnt find my sound card. should i just remove the line from the file? | 17:38 |
Phuzion | ^workman^ | 17:38 |
flan_suse | UbuntuUser, I tried XFCE, but it gives you less control. Try editing the menu in XFCE, lol. | 17:38 |
UbuntuUser | flan_suse, but it still does the flickering at startup no matter what | 17:39 |
ranjan | i am having one more issue with transmission ::: some time it use to give me an error msg ... there is no such file or directory naming that file ... any help please | 17:39 |
flan_suse | UbuntuUser, it does? Not for me. Do you have it set to change the brightness when unplugged? (I don't.) | 17:39 |
meero | how to setup second instance of SSH? | 17:39 |
nperry | carlosb78: bare with me two mins | 17:39 |
=== Mud is now known as Guest32705 | ||
UbuntuUser | flan_suse, also you can't decide how much space you want between the icons on the panel | 17:39 |
nperry | Just got to double check my config files! | 17:39 |
^workman^ | Phuzion: when you left click on your network icon in the gnome gui, is the wireless option listed? | 17:39 |
UbuntuUser | flan_suse, i keep it plugged in, no battery | 17:39 |
UbuntuUser | i only put the batter on if i take it somewhere | 17:39 |
=== logger__ is now known as ^fid76 | ||
Phuzion | ^workman^ no... my wireless is unclaimed | 17:40 |
jensm1 | whis me luck | 17:40 |
nperry | carlosb78: put all of this in the file name in the pastebin | 17:40 |
flan_suse | UbuntuUser, XFCE, to me, seems like a good idea to revive an old, slow PC. Other than that, I'd stick with GNOME for more control and flexibility. Plus, Thunar can't connect to a network share, like Nautilus can. | 17:40 |
^workman^ | Phuzion: how about running the hardware drivers app from system->Administration | 17:40 |
STALIWAR | привет | 17:40 |
Pici | !ru | STALIWAR | 17:40 |
ubottu | STALIWAR: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke | 17:40 |
^workman^ | Phuzion: !ru | STALIWAR | 17:41 |
UbuntuUser | flan_suse, what do you mean network share? | 17:41 |
flan_suse | UbuntuUser, weird. It doesn't do that for me on startup, and I have the PowerManager enabled. | 17:41 |
^workman^ | lol srry | 17:41 |
STALIWAR | руддщ | 17:41 |
STALIWAR | hello | 17:41 |
Phuzion | ^workman^ I don't understan STALIWAR?? | 17:41 |
nperry | carlosb78: OK? tell me when your done :) | 17:41 |
flan_suse | UbuntuUser, like if there is a CIFS (SMB) share on another computer, say a Music folder. With Nautilsus (GNOME), you can browse to that folder, enter username/password, and access the files over the network. There is no way to do this in Thunar (XFCE). | 17:41 |
jensm1 | still no luck | 17:41 |
^workman^ | Phuzion: srry, I miss typed | 17:42 |
meero | meero_: ampulka | 17:42 |
Scunizi | Will this turntable adaptor by Ion work on ubuntu? | 17:42 |
UbuntuUser | flan_suse, oh, thats why i didn't know lol thanks. i just use my computer with mine, i don't do the whole remote thing | 17:42 |
flan_suse | UbuntuUser, the "easy way", I'm sure you might have seen, is when you enable "Folder Sharing" on Windows, or "Share this folder" on Ubuntu / Linux Mint. It's basically a network share, using Samba. | 17:42 |
STALIWAR | I'm want setup Ubuntu 9.10. Is this good idea? | 17:43 |
UbuntuUser | i tried mint, it wouldn't go past the loading thing with live cd/usb | 17:43 |
* meero Cafte secia ako? :) | 17:43 | |
* meero Zdravicko co nove? :D | 17:43 | |
^workman^ | Phuzion: did you run the System->Administration->Hardware Drivers app? | 17:43 |
* meero Cafte secia ako? :) | 17:43 | |
nperry | carlosb78: ?? | 17:43 |
Phuzion | ^workman^ yes it | 17:43 |
Phuzion | 's completely blank | 17:43 |
carlosb78 | done | 17:43 |
^workman^ | Phuzion: hmm, is this an external or internal card? do you have to hit a button to turn on your wireless on your laptop? | 17:44 |
Serial_Velocity | kino doesn't recognize my camcorder connected via 1394 aka firewire... raw1394 and dv1394 loaded and chmod 777ed... i dunno what to do anymore... | 17:44 |
STALIWAR | есть русские? | 17:44 |
carlosb78 | did you receive it? | 17:44 |
^workman^ | !ru | STALIWAR | 17:44 |
ubottu | STALIWAR: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke | 17:44 |
STALIWAR | или те кто хоть говорят по русски? | 17:44 |
nperry | carlosb78: Run 'sudo xsane' Click OK to the warning. In the large window towards the right of the screen (titled Preview ….) click the Aquire button. If you get an image back then we’re all set to go. | 17:44 |
Phuzion | ^workman^ internal internal, I do have an on/off switch it is on... this is my lshw -c network link | 17:44 |
stsm | how do i install true combat elite and enemy territory wolfenstein on 9.10 64bit please? | 17:45 |
Serial_Velocity | alway use gksudo on GUIs @ nperry | 17:45 |
^workman^ | Phuzion: odd, it shows on line 16 that you have an IP address assigned | 17:46 |
=== Guest32705 is now known as Mud | ||
carlosb78 | no devices were found. | 17:46 |
nperry | bahhhh Serial_Velocity :P | 17:46 |
maxagaz_ | how to create a wifi network and make my iphone connect to it ? | 17:46 |
^workman^ | Phuzion: try sudo rmmod sky2; sudo moprobe sky2; then run dmesg | 17:46 |
Phuzion | ^workman^ physical ID 0? I thought that didn't mean anything | 17:46 |
jensm1 | flan_suse: can it have somthing to do with I tried to install ubuntu before and fucked up the partitions so whan I try to boot up my netbook now it says invalid partition table? (this is what happends if I boot without usb) | 17:46 |
llutz | maxagaz_: use ad-hoc connection, if iPhone supports that. | 17:47 |
^workman^ | Phuzion: line 16 of the pastebin... | 17:47 |
konbon | Hello everyone :) | 17:47 |
BlouBlou | !hi | konbon | 17:47 |
ubottu | konbon: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at Enjoy your stay! | 17:47 |
=== suffe_ is now known as suffe | ||
nperry | carlosb78: Weird, that worked on my old SX400 | 17:48 |
flan_suse | jensm1, the USB should boot fine, regardless of what partition scheme you have on your hard drive. | 17:48 |
nperry | Obv it was a different lsusb string | 17:48 |
=== enzotib_ is now known as enzotib | ||
maxagaz_ | llutz, that's what i did, the iphone can connect to the network, but my computer doesn't give it an ip | 17:48 |
flan_suse | jensm1, because the Ubuntu installer will allow you to repartition the drive. | 17:48 |
carlosb78 | are you runing the newest version of ubuntu? | 17:48 |
carlosb78 | Nperry | 17:49 |
llutz | maxagaz_: you need static ips or something like dnsmasq running | 17:49 |
jensm1 | flan_suse: Thats good. well nothing still happends when I try to boot with usb ubuntu, I am dl slax now to try that boot | 17:49 |
llutz | maxagaz_: or dhcpd (overkill) | 17:49 |
stsm | how do i install true combat elite and enemy territory wolfenstein on 9.10 64bit please? | 17:49 |
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Aruna | Anyone help me.. i am new to Debian i have installed Kubuntu on my Laptop can i install Debian as dual instalation ? | 17:50 |
maxagaz_ | llutz, dnsmasq is already running | 17:50 |
nperry | carlosb78: Running karmic, on this laptop at the momet. | 17:50 |
nperry | *moment | 17:51 |
greezmunkey | Is there a quick explanation of the differance between ext3 and ext4 filesystem(s)? | 17:51 |
llutz | maxagaz_: configured for acting as dhcp-server too? | 17:51 |
docmax | on my multimonitor system notification bar doesnt work on 2nd monitor | 17:51 |
nperry | !ext4 | greezmunkey | 17:51 |
jordyye | Escriba el texto aquí....hola | 17:51 |
Aruna | Can i install Debian on Kubuntu ? | 17:51 |
jordyye | sabe español | 17:51 |
jordyye | sabe alguien español | 17:52 |
maxagaz_ | llutz, that I don't know | 17:52 |
nperry | Wheres that factroid gone :s | 17:52 |
LjL | !es | jordyye | 17:52 |
ubottu | jordyye: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es. | 17:52 |
llutz | maxagaz_: check config | 17:52 |
bradpitt | hi.. really sorry for interrupting. but can you guys enqueue torrent with transmission? thanks | 17:52 |
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=== [A]Way is now known as [A]KangB | ||
maxagaz_ | llutz, /usr/sbin/dnsmasq --no-hosts --keep-in-foreground --bind-interfaces --no-poll --except-interface=lo --listen-address= --dhcp-range=,,60m --dhcp-option=option:router, --dhcp-lease-max=50 --pid-file=/var/run/ | 17:52 |
carlosb78 | thanks for the hand | 17:52 |
Aruna | i have installed kubunto on my laptop... can i install Debian with my kubuntu ? | 17:52 |
greezmunkey | nperry, is it just a matter of larger addressable area? | 17:52 |
maxagaz_ | llutz, that's what ps aux prints | 17:53 |
Gibby | How do I check if Ubuntu is seeing me video card? | 17:53 |
carlosb78 | any ideas where I could find more info? | 17:53 |
llutz | maxagaz_: looks ok, check logs for errors (/var/log/....) | 17:53 |
greezmunkey | nperry, seriously, I can look it up, jusst thought it may be something quick :/ | 17:53 |
nperry | greezmunkey: faster timestamping, faster file system checking ,journaling checksums & extents (basically automatic space allocation to avoid fragmentation) | 17:54 |
greezmunkey | nperry, apparantly the quick answer (based on ^that) is just use it :) right! | 17:55 |
maxagaz_ | llutz, what makes the link between the ad hoc dhcp wifi network i created with network manager and dnsmasq ? | 17:55 |
Gibby | How do I check if Ubuntu is seeing me video card? | 17:55 |
llutz | maxagaz_: you have to establish the connection manually | 17:55 |
nperry | greezmunkey: Yes.. | 17:55 |
maxagaz_ | llutz, from the iphone ? | 17:55 |
nperry | I've tested it since jaunty dev cycle | 17:56 |
greezmunkey | nperry, arae you pretty familiar with drive mounting? | 17:56 |
Travis-42 | is it possible to run a command as a user created by "adduser --system" ? | 17:56 |
coolcat | hi, what program could I use to play a mp3 file from a command line easily? | 17:56 |
soopos | Can you use two Xs by at two different Upstart's run levels in Ubuntu? | 17:56 |
nperry | greezmunkey: as in, fstab? | 17:56 |
p3rror | how can i unchroot | 17:57 |
Jamed | coolcat: try moc. its a bit overkill if you just want to play a single file but its easy | 17:57 |
nperry | carlosb78: I followed this tutorial for my sx400, | 17:57 |
docmax | on my multimonitor system notification bar doesnt work on 2nd monitor | 17:57 |
greezmunkey | nperry, guess so, I am setting up a desktop machine as we speak with the goal of installing a scsi drive from another system. I need to "poke" around in that filesystem. It's a sysV, but that's about all I know about it right now. | 17:58 |
llutz | maxagaz_: set linux to ad-hoc, then your iphone too, it should connect then | 17:58 |
UbuntuUser | anyone know why a webcam would work, then all of a sudden stop working? | 17:59 |
Travis-42 | is it possible to run a command as a user that has the shell /bin/false set? | 17:59 |
nperry | greezmunkey: Sorry not to sure of that one! Maybe somone else in here will know | 17:59 |
p3rror | can you help | 17:59 |
Jamed | Travis-42: bo | 18:00 |
Jamed | Travis-42: no | 18:00 |
nperry | Travis-42: Nope :) | 18:00 |
llutz | maxagaz_: "sudo iwconfig ethX mode Ad-Hoc essid "myadhocnet" enc off" | 18:00 |
llutz | maxagaz_: on iphone try to connect "myadhocnet" | 18:00 |
Travis-42 | heh,ok thanks Jamed and nperry | 18:00 |
greezmunkey | nperry, cool. I think I know what to do, but I thought I'd live here for a while in case I needed a hand. Thanks for the ext4 info, I'll check into it further on my own. | 18:01 |
nperry | greezmunkey: Good luck with it anyhow :D | 18:01 |
konbon | I have wicd installed in the Ubuntu 9.10, in order to get wireless internet. I went to the Preferences to connect to my router, but it does not show any wifi connection points at all. I know the wifi is working because im using it on this windows install right now. Any help with that would be much appreciated. | 18:01 |
enzotib | Travis-42: with sudo you can | 18:01 |
Gibby | I just intalled a 3rd video card, I can I tell if Ubunut is seeing it? | 18:02 |
Travis-42 | enzotib: how? I'm trying to run it with sudo: "sudo -H -u system-user testcommand" | 18:02 |
nperry | Gibby: lspci | 18:02 |
greezmunkey | nperry, well I should have this desktop system installed here in a bit, if your still here I'll update you. | 18:02 |
sp1r1t | i'm having problems installing xmms player | 18:03 |
sp1r1t | xmms: Depends: libgtk1.2 (>= 1.2.10-4) but it is not installable | 18:03 |
sp1r1t | and i can't find it anywhere | 18:03 |
=== anurag is now known as anurag89 | ||
nperry | I should be bobbing around, greezmunkey :) | 18:03 |
sp1r1t | i'm on ubuntu 9.10 | 18:03 |
enzotib | Travis-42: i just tried sudo -H -u syslog ls, and it works | 18:03 |
Jamed | p3rror: you want to leave a chroot jail you are in? | 18:03 |
Gibby | bummer not seeing it, I think it is my bios though | 18:03 |
sp1r1t | help? :( | 18:04 |
Travis-42 | enzotib: strange, you're right, I wonder why it doesn't for this other system user | 18:04 |
konbon | k, guess not :/ | 18:05 |
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konbon | is there an actuall ubuntu help channel besides this one? | 18:05 |
maxagaz_ | llutz, whi this command => sudo iwconfig eth1 mode Ad-Hoc essid "myadhocnet" enc off, I can't see the network from my iphone, not connect to it by just giving its name | 18:07 |
_Lucretia_ | hi, does the latest version of ubuntu have working php debs? I mean, with fixed imajick libs, etc? | 18:08 |
sp1r1t | yo | 18:08 |
^workman^ | sp1r1t: how did you install xmms | 18:09 |
jenda | Is there a way to get Flash to work in Firefox/Ubuntu? I always think I have it down, but sooner or later, there is a video that just won't play. E.g., currently, youtube works just fine. However, when I try videos from the Onion (e.g. ), it is just a black rectangle. | 18:10 |
sp1r1t | ^workman^: i didn't install xmms | 18:10 |
sp1r1t | i want to | 18:10 |
sp1r1t | but when i do apt-get ins.. . xmms | 18:10 |
sp1r1t | i get error | 18:10 |
sp1r1t | xmms: Depends: libgtk1.2 (>= 1.2.10-4) but it is not installable | 18:11 |
^workman^ | sp1r1t: from the gui package installer in 9.10 search for xmms should come back with gxmms2. install that | 18:11 |
sp1r1t | gonna try now | 18:11 |
^workman^ | sp1r1t: I just installed it on my 64bit system without issue | 18:11 |
sp1r1t | :| | 18:11 |
Alan502 | Hi, is it possible to let my computer connect to the internet, and other computers connect to the internet throught it? Just like in windows; how is this done in ubuntu? | 18:11 |
sp1r1t | i'm missing libgtk1.2 | 18:11 |
=== sadam is now known as Guest55361 | ||
^workman^ | sp1r1t: ok at a shell run: sudo apt-cache search gtk* | more and find the package you need, then run sudo apt-get install package-name | 18:12 |
zotikos | this seems a bit chaotic... do I just type my question out in the open? | 18:12 |
Pici | !ask | zotikos ( | 18:13 |
ubottu | zotikos (: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 18:13 |
soopos | I have 2 Ubuntu's at two run levels. One is crashing and taking all my memory. How can you kill the crashing Ubuntu in the second Ubuntu? | 18:13 |
^workman^ | !ask | zotikos | 18:13 |
ubottu | zotikos: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 18:13 |
llutz | maxagaz_: how did you configure your ad-hoc network before? iwconfig ... does that | 18:13 |
Alan502 | Hi, is it possible to let my computer connect to the internet, and other computers connect to the internet throught it? Just like in windows; how is this done in ubuntu? | 18:13 |
gnubie | jenda; you running 64bit karmic? | 18:13 |
nibbler | Alan502, yep, thats very easy. | 18:14 |
Alan502 | ^workman^: i also have my 64 bit system since today morning ^_^ | 18:14 |
Alan502 | nibbler: how is it done? | 18:14 |
maxagaz_ | llutz, i used network-manager, but i removed what n-m created before using iwconfig | 18:14 |
zotikos | I have a Wacom Graphire2 tablet. xinput and xidump recognize it, but it is not listed in xorg.conf or for the xsetwacom command. How can I set it to relative mode? | 18:15 |
nibbler | Alan502, its called ipmasquerading. i'll privately paste you my iptables script. its not perfect, and there might be easier solutions out there, but it works | 18:15 |
jenda | gnubie: nope, 32 and restricted-extras is installed, all up | 18:15 |
jenda | -to-date | 18:15 |
Alan502 | ok, thanks, nibbler :) | 18:15 |
jensm1 | hi | 18:16 |
trism | jenda: unfortunately, some flash apps with just not work in the linux version of flash, likely a combination of vendors not testing their apps in the linux version and the linux version not completely implementing all the features (or just being buggy) | 18:16 |
jensm1 | flan_suse: usb creator did not work on win. so I found and now I am booting it as I type | 18:16 |
jenda | trism: oh well, so I was afraid :) thanks. (BTW, I'm pretty sure it used to work before) | 18:17 |
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel | ||
gnubie | jenda; I had a setup link that works for the 64, runs your link fine. I have not tried to get 32 going. | 18:17 |
nibbler | Alan502, this basically does the trick. it clears your local firewall, forbids forwarding and incoming connections and then establshes forwarding/masquerading | 18:17 |
trism | jenda: it might have, it looks like they are using a flex version now, they may have recently updated their player | 18:18 |
Alan502 | nibbler: thanks :) ill try it now and see what i get | 18:18 |
nibbler | Alan502, *not* perfect, maybe add "iptables -I INPUT -s localhost -j ACCEPT" | 18:18 |
nibbler | i'm gone, good luck | 18:18 |
jenda | trism: ok, thanks | 18:18 |
zotikos | I have a Wacom Graphire2 tablet. xinput and xidump recognize it, but it is not listed in xorg.conf or for the xsetwacom command. How can I set it to relative mode? | 18:18 |
trism | jenda: although, actually, I just got it to work, are you using noscript? | 18:19 |
camrockz | i recommend the 64 bit version of adobe flash.. just chuck the .so file in a folder called plugins in the .mozilla folder on your user directory | 18:19 |
flan_suse | jensm1, glad to hear the good news! | 18:19 |
leaf-sheep | !info bridge-utils | Alan502 | 18:19 |
ubottu | Alan502: bridge-utils (source: bridge-utils): Utilities for configuring the Linux Ethernet bridge. In component main, is optional. Version 1.4-5 (karmic), package size 30 kB, installed size 172 kB | 18:19 |
leaf-sheep | Alan502: You could install that and set up the network using gnome-network-manager. | 18:19 |
greezmunkey | Alan502, are you working to get internet sharing up? | 18:20 |
Alan502 | leaf-sheep: sounds easier, ill try it before iptables | 18:20 |
luist | hey i need some help... if i install this qt4-x11_4.5.3really4.5.2.orig.tar.gz from here what package will it replace? any of the libqt4 listed below? | 18:20 |
Alan502 | greezmunkey: im trying for a computer to share internet to other two computers. This one is connected to a usb 3g modem so i want it to serve internet to the other two. | 18:21 |
greezmunkey | Alan502, Oh yeah, that's basically a click or two away useing NetworkManager, or even wicd. | 18:21 |
Gaming4JC | Hello, is anyone else having a problem with using google today? Whenever I use it there is no search descriptions in the results. I cleared out firefox cache (just to be sure it wasn't some weird cookie) and am running ubuntu 9.10. Any ideas? :/ | 18:22 |
^workman^ | luist: if a package you want to install isn't in the apt repo's. you are kinda lurking in uncharted waters... | 18:22 |
Da_Kr0n | Hello, i am having a problem booting ubuntu trying to fix grub when i do find /boot/grub/stage1 inside grub> it says it doesnt exist | 18:22 |
zotikos | I have a Wacom Graphire2 tablet. xinput and xidump recognize it, but it is not listed in xorg.conf or for the xsetwacom command. How can I set it to relative mode? | 18:22 |
Alan502 | NetworkManager? the one included on the installation? | 18:22 |
greezmunkey | Gaming4JC, googles good here... | 18:22 |
luist | ^workman^: ya i know but i must use this version of qt | 18:23 |
leaf-sheep | Alan502: The one in your notification area. | 18:23 |
Bookman | I deleted the standard bar at the bottom of my screen, but now I want it back. Is there a way to do that? | 18:23 |
^workman^ | luist: ok.... good luck | 18:23 |
Gaming4JC | greezemunkey: Hmm... strange. It's good on my Windows PC too. Yet whenever I use it on ubuntu all I see are links, no description in the search results. :( ?? (goes to upload pic of this insanity) | 18:23 |
greezmunkey | Gaming4JC, check this site: | 18:23 |
leaf-sheep | Bookman: Right-click the top panel and create new panel. | 18:23 |
^workman^ | zotikos: check out | 18:23 |
Gaming4JC | greezmunkey: thanks but google is up for me, just the descriptions are borked. :P ... weird as it is | 18:24 |
jensm1 | shuold I use ext4 as filesystem? | 18:24 |
ceschina2 | ciao | 18:24 |
Gaming4JC | also it is only google. Yahoo and the others work. :/ | 18:24 |
jensm1 | when installing ubuntu | 18:24 |
synapsys | Cant even get to google on windoz box | 18:24 |
greezmunkey | Gaming4JC, copy... | 18:24 |
ceschina2 | !list | 18:24 |
ubottu | This is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot » | 18:25 |
^workman^ | jensm1: sure... | 18:25 |
greezmunkey | Gaming4JC, I happen to be close to one of googles megadatacenters though... | 18:25 |
shakaran1 | Hi, how I can split frames from a .gif? | 18:25 |
Fandekasp | hi . I'm sorry, but I need help :S I've lost my router ssh connexion after rebooting it | 18:26 |
Bookman | leaf-sheep, Thanks! I did not know that. | 18:26 |
jensm1 | ^workman^ and what should I put in mount point? | 18:26 |
Fandekasp | Now my parents are online, and I've asked them to open my session on the server. But nothing has changed, I can't ping my server (request timeout) | 18:26 |
^workman^ | jensm1: well, you will need a root partition and swap space.... so ext4 for / which is the root partition | 18:26 |
Fandekasp | And a "/etc/init.d/ssh status" say that my ssh is running | 18:26 |
Fandekasp | Do you know where is the problem ? | 18:27 |
Fandekasp | Thank you in advance for your help | 18:27 |
greezmunkey | Fandekasp, you have a static IP address? | 18:27 |
Pholious | how do I install dot net with 'sh winetricks' ? it says I need a license? | 18:27 |
Pholious | seems curse client requires dot net | 18:28 |
Fandekasp | greezmunkey : for the server, a static IP address in local, and I use dyndns for the internet ip . My connexion worked fine for months | 18:28 |
Gaming4JC | Pholious: try #winehq? Also, I think you do need a Windows OEM key to use some of windows components... | 18:28 |
Pholious | Gaming4JC, ahh ty, I tried #wine and got kicked, invite-only :D | 18:29 |
motorv | hi, there is console-setup, but is not allowing me to get a straight 80x25 console screen. Is there any trick I can try ? | 18:29 |
Fandekasp | greezmunkey : but perhaps I've lost a config file | 18:29 |
Fandekasp | How could I check all this ? | 18:29 |
=== iNdex is now known as Guest88434 | ||
greezmunkey | Fandekasp, can your parents access the Internet right now from your machine? | 18:29 |
Alan502 | leaf-sheep: what notification are? where is the option to share the internet? | 18:30 |
Fandekasp | greezmunkey I ask them to try | 18:30 |
Fandekasp | heu | 18:30 |
Guest88434 | Hello, anyone experiencing the Mod4/windows key combination(such as Windows+D) responding only after several trials? | 18:30 |
Fandekasp | greezmunkey : of course yes .. Because my website is running | 18:30 |
Gaming4JC | greezmunkey: Here's the odd google results I'm getting today: It all happened around 6:30PM last night (EST). | 18:30 |
greezmunkey | Fandekasp, donno then, sorry | 18:30 |
markat | ubot! | 18:30 |
carlosb78 | My Scanning problems are over... | 18:30 |
markat | !ubot | 18:30 |
UbuntuUser | anyone tried enlightenment? do the common apps work with it the way they do gnome/xfce/kde? | 18:31 |
leaf-sheep | Alan502: Right-click on Network Notification, Edit Connection. Make/Add a new profile and name it "Bridge" or something. Look in IPv4 Setting and set it to "Shared to Another Computer" and see if that works. | 18:31 |
=== Guest88434 is now known as help | ||
=== help is now known as iNdex | ||
iNdex | Hello, anyone experiencing the Mod4/windows key combination(such as Windows+D) responding only after several trials? | 18:31 |
greezmunkey | Gaming4JC, whoa, that is wierd. Maybe they broke something, donno. | 18:31 |
=== iNdex is now known as Guest14189 | ||
greezmunkey | Gaming4JC, I mean if Yahoo works, then I wouldn't worry about it, unless you own google stock :) | 18:32 |
leaf-sheep | Gaming4JC: Looks like Firefox Addon... that's causing this. | 18:32 |
Gaming4JC | greezmunkey: I thought the same thing but it's not doing it on my Windows PC... | 18:32 |
carlosb78 | I' still can't run the pipslite package, but I was able to download iscan and install it successfully which enabled me to run sudo xsane | 18:32 |
jensm1 | ^workman^: well I think I will need some help. I am booting up from usb Ubunto net book remix, and when start to install it says "The installer needs to commit changes to partition tablöes but cannot do so becasuse partitions on the following mount points could not be unmounted: /cdrom Please close any applications using these mount points | 18:33 |
leaf-sheep | Gaming4JC: What is that green-ring symbol thing? | 18:33 |
Gaming4JC | leaf-sheep: Hmm.. any idea what addon it might be? I've used WebOfTrust, NoScript, and Ghostery for years... | 18:33 |
jensm1 | what should I do? | 18:33 |
Gaming4JC | leaf-sheep: that's MyWOT (Web of Trust) | 18:33 |
Gaming4JC | tells if a site is bad | 18:33 |
Gaming4JC | much like McAffe Site advisor | 18:33 |
greezmunkey | Gaming4JC, Like I said...Websites seem to work a bit differantly on FF than IE anyway. | 18:33 |
leaf-sheep | Gaming4JC: Disable it and see if the problem still exists. | 18:33 |
Gaming4JC | leaf-sheep: Ok I'll try that, thanks. :) | 18:34 |
^workman^ | jensm1: hmm, so your booting from cd? and it says it can't mount the cd? | 18:34 |
jensm1 | ^workman^: nope mounting from usb | 18:34 |
leaf-sheep | Gaming4JC: In fact, disable all extensions for starters. We had somebody in here complaining about lag in Internet or web-based mails until he/she disable the extensions. | 18:34 |
^workman^ | jensm1: but it's asking to mount /cdrom? | 18:34 |
^workman^ | jensm1: strange. how'd you create the live usb? | 18:35 |
* Gaming4JC is also going to run BleachBit to clean out them temporary files. (just in case) ^_^ | 18:35 | |
jensm1 | ^workman^: yesterday I used unetbootng to make a fake cd to boot from on harddrive, but whgen I tryied toi install it there is said the same thing | 18:35 |
jensm1 | | 18:35 |
greezmunkey | leaf-sheep, where in FF do you disable extensions? | 18:35 |
bondiblueos9 | I want to install ubuntu on my powerpc mac but my cd drive is broken | 18:36 |
leaf-sheep | greezmunkey: The quickest way would be "firefox -safe-mode" | 18:36 |
^workman^ | jensm1: hmm, never used that before. I use unetbootin or the usb creator in ubuntu | 18:36 |
greezmunkey | leaf-sheep, hmm, cool I'll remember that for future reference, thanks :) | 18:36 |
Gaming4JC | leaf-sheep: After disabling all addons I am getting the search results back. Looks like an add-on gone wrong. I'll try and narrow it down here in a bit. Thanks btw :D | 18:37 |
foey | Hello, I'm having some issues mounting a ntfs hard drive. Its listed as sdc1 and i've added it to fstab and created a folder - /media/sdc1 . however when I try and mount it, it displays - failed to access volume, /dev/sdc1 no such file or directory | 18:37 |
greezmunkey | leaf-sheep, you are the man! | 18:37 |
leaf-sheep | Gaming4JC: No problem. Perhaps your profile went borked. :( | 18:37 |
jensm1 | ŵorkman^ unetbootin didnt make the usb bootable and usb creator did not work in win | 18:37 |
jenda | trism: good tip - disabling adblock plus made it work, despite the fact that it wasn't among the blocked items. Odd, but efficient. | 18:38 |
^workman^ | foey: have you tried mounting before adding it to fstab? | 18:38 |
foey | ^workman^ yeh, it then says does not exist in fstab. | 18:38 |
jensm1 | ^Workman^: I try to erase all my partitions now and make new ones. how big should swap be? | 18:38 |
aeon-ltd | ; | 18:39 |
^workman^ | jensm1: swap should be 2x your memory size | 18:39 |
Gaming4JC | leaf-sheep, greezmunkey: I figured it out! AdblockPlus is the culprit. Seems one of the filters I got running on it is blocking most of lol. I went ahead and disabled it and it's working fine with the remaining addons. Thanks guys. ^_^ | 18:40 |
mMezquitale | foey, use UUID when mounting the hard drive in fstab | 18:40 |
^workman^ | foey: so your running : mount -t ntfs /dev/sdc1 /mountpoint | 18:40 |
=== cB- is now known as CharelB | ||
^workman^ | foey: and it complains about not being in fstab?? | 18:40 |
qe2eqe | is there a neat way to make rm mean "rm -v" | 18:40 |
jensm1 | swap should be logical huh`??? | 18:40 |
leaf-sheep | Gaming4JC: Heh. You're running lot of security stuffs based on the photo. :) | 18:41 |
aeon-ltd | ge2eqe: create an alias | 18:41 |
leaf-sheep | qe2eqe: Alias. | 18:41 |
^workman^ | jensm1: yes... leave at the defaults | 18:41 |
Gaming4JC | leaf-sheep: lol yes, I get hacked so much lately (even if mostly on Windows) I decided to go partially paranoid with security add-ons. :P | 18:41 |
qe2eqe | leaf-sheep superthanks | 18:42 |
leaf-sheep | qe2eqe: "nano ~/.bashrc" and look for information on aliases. You'll see few examples there and add the new one to your liking. You also can use .bash_aliases. | 18:42 |
^workman^ | qe2eqe: yes, make an alias in ~/.bashrc : alias rm='rm -v' | 18:42 |
aeon-ltd | Gaming4JC: hacked? | 18:42 |
^workman^ | qe2eqe: then type source ~/.bashrc | 18:42 |
^workman^ | qe2eqe: then list the aliases by typing alias | 18:42 |
dbugger | Hey guys! Can someone help me? I want to configure postfix with my gmail account, but I dont know how.. | 18:42 |
mr_engineer | hi, now niether compiz or nautilus are starting up in my system... should they be in the .config/autostart dir? They are not there | 18:43 |
foey | ^workman^ : hey sorry for the late reply. yeh it complains if its no in fstab, but when i do place it in there it complains about no finding the dev. | 18:43 |
Gaming4JC | aeon-ltd: To a degree yes, viruses and browser exploits mostly. Also some heavey port scanning as of late. | 18:43 |
grawity | mr_engineer: AFAIK, windowmanager and filemanager are in GNOME's "required components" list, which means they will always be autostarted (and auto-restarted). | 18:43 |
qe2eqe | leaf-sheep, ^workman^ thanks a bunch! | 18:44 |
grawity | dbugger: For outgoing mail? | 18:44 |
akiraaaaaa | hello, wich is the best post script editor avaliable for linux? | 18:44 |
mr_engineer | grawity, well, they're not starting up lol, what could be causing the problem? | 18:44 |
^workman^ | foey: what does fdisk -l report? use and send me the link | 18:44 |
^workman^ | qe2eqe: np | 18:44 |
iceroot | !best | akiraaaaaa | 18:44 |
soreau | mr_engineer: Compiz should be set to auto start by setting anything other than None in Sys>Prefs>Appearance>Visual Effects | 18:44 |
ubottu | akiraaaaaa: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots. | 18:44 |
mMezquitale | foey, first let's find out what you have, use paste bin and paste the link to this command: "sudo fdisk -l" | 18:44 |
dbugger | Yes. I'm trying to get PHP to send mails. | 18:44 |
grawity | mr_engineer: What if you start one of them manually? | 18:44 |
Wazzzaaa | akiraaaaaa: I think that's a matter of taste | 18:44 |
akiraaaaaa | well a good one to try | 18:44 |
dbugger | grawity, Yes. I'm trying to get PHP to send mails. | 18:44 |
mr_engineer | grawity, i can | 18:44 |
tdn | Can I install Ubuntu Netbook Remix from an SD card on my Lenovo S10? | 18:44 |
foey | ^workman^ : ok will do, give me two secs -thanks guys | 18:44 |
iceroot | akiraaaaaa: viim | 18:44 |
grawity | dbugger: Is that a server, or your own personal computer? | 18:45 |
iceroot | akiraaaaaa: vim | 18:45 |
mr_engineer | grawity, its not the ideal thing though | 18:45 |
akiraaaaaa | vim improved? | 18:45 |
mMezquitale | foey, sorry i meant to say use paste bin to paste the output of the command: "sudo fdisk -l" | 18:45 |
^workman^ | foey: np | 18:45 |
^workman^ | foey: I'll be here... =) | 18:45 |
dbugger | grawity, Im doing it with my personal computer. | 18:45 |
mistergibson | Is there a way for Network Settings and Network Manager to get along? | 18:45 |
meero_ | is ubuntu remix faster on older notebook , than standart ubuntu? | 18:45 |
Alan502 | leaf-sheep: i already configured what you told me on this computer, now, what should i configure on the other one? | 18:46 |
grawity | dbugger: Then maybe esmtp will be better for you? Personal computers usually don't need to handle incoming email, so esmtp is lighter and easier to config. | 18:46 |
^workman^ | meero: remix is for netbooks, not notebooks =) | 18:46 |
maco | meero_: not really. it has a more graphics intensive ui | 18:46 |
maco | meero_: you probably want xubuntu | 18:46 |
Travis-42 | if a parent directory has chmod 600, it doesn't matter if a child directory is set to 666, it still can't be accessed, right? | 18:46 |
* grawity opens his postfix config. | 18:46 | |
^workman^ | Travis-42: correct | 18:46 |
dbugger | grawity, would you help me configure it? :( | 18:46 |
Alan502 | ^workman^: have you tried kubuntu netbook remix? | 18:46 |
foey | ^workman^ : - btw - ive already added sda which works perfectly. | 18:46 |
Travis-42 | ok thanks ^workman^ :-) | 18:46 |
grawity | Travis-42: 6 only gives read/write permissions, but not execute. Which means, the directory will _never_ be accessible. | 18:47 |
leaf-sheep | Alan502: None. You should plug it in. | 18:47 |
aeon-ltd | meero_:if you want an OS for an old notebook just google for lightweight kinux distros | 18:47 |
grawity | Travis-42: So, you sure you didn't mean 700 and 777? | 18:47 |
grawity | dbugger: esmtp or postfix? | 18:47 |
Travis-42 | grawity: err, yes that's what I meant :-) | 18:47 |
^workman^ | Alan502: no srry, I don't own a netbook..... wanna donate to my netbook fund =) | 18:47 |
Alan502 | leaf-sheep: let me check if there is something wrong with the physical connection then... | 18:47 |
^workman^ | np Travis | 18:47 |
dbugger | grawity, whatever you prefer. I just want it to work. | 18:47 |
grawity | Travis-42: Anyway, for a directory to be accessed, you must have +x perms for all its parents. | 18:47 |
Travis-42 | grawity: ok, that's what I was making sure. thank you :-) | 18:48 |
leaf-sheep | Alan502: The computer have two ethernet cards? | 18:48 |
Alan502 | leaf-sheep: both computers have their respective ethernet cards | 18:48 |
^workman^ | foey: what happens when you run fdisk /dev/sdc? any other errors? | 18:49 |
Alan502 | leaf-sheep: not sure if this one has two tho | 18:49 |
Alan502 | leaf-sheep: do i need two cards? | 18:49 |
meero_ | is ubuntu remix faster on older notebook , than standart ubuntu? | 18:49 |
leaf-sheep | Alan502: What are you exactly trying to do? You wanted a computer to connect to the Internet and the other computer to connect to the computer (and still get Internet), right? | 18:49 |
foey | ^workman^ : Unable to open /dev/sdc1 | 18:49 |
jensm1 | ^Workman^: I still get the /cdrom error!? | 18:50 |
jensm1 | I dont eaven have a CDrom | 18:50 |
^workman^ | foey: don't fdisk /dev/sdc1 just /dev/sdc | 18:50 |
Alan502 | leaf-sheep: yes, this computer is connected to the internet through a usb 3g modem | 18:50 |
^workman^ | jensm1: hmm | 18:50 |
aeon-ltd | meero_: yes, but it seems pointless don't you think to have a "crippled" OS on a notebook | 18:50 |
^workman^ | jensm1: do you have a cdrom? or is this a netbook? | 18:50 |
foey | ^workman^ : No such file or directory | 18:50 |
jensm1 | ^Workman^: netbook | 18:51 |
Alan502 | i want both computers to get internet, i have already made a network between them with a router and ethernet cables | 18:51 |
leaf-sheep | Alan502: What about the other computer? | 18:51 |
^workman^ | foey: do : ls -al /dev | grep sd* | 18:51 |
dbugger | grawity, whatever you prefer. I just want it to work. | 18:51 |
Alan502 | leaf-sheep: it only has one ethernet card too | 18:51 |
grawity | dbugger: writing the postfix part now, will give a link soon. | 18:51 |
^workman^ | jensm1: do you have another computer you can run unetbootin on? does it have a cdrom? | 18:51 |
dbugger | grawity, thanks :) | 18:52 |
jensm1 | ^Workman^: Yes and Yes | 18:52 |
aeon-ltd | :part | 18:52 |
leaf-sheep | Alan502: I see. The computer is connected to modem via ethernet cable or is that USB as you said? If that's USB, then you could connect both computers using ethernet cable. | 18:52 |
jensm1 | ^Workman^: I got one desktop Pc win xp and one macbook | 18:52 |
foey | ^workman^ : ill paste bin it, 2 secs | 18:52 |
funkycat90210 | I have postgres and I see lots of disk activity, I think it's postgres doing the disk activity, not sure, how do I look at the %IO per process? | 18:52 |
grawity | dbugger: Btw, how are you running the php script? As a webpage or as a shellscript? | 18:52 |
^workman^ | foey: ok | 18:52 |
vsMS | Hi! Can someone tell me how to test transfer rates for usb storage devices? | 18:52 |
vsMS | I know bonnie++ | 18:52 |
llutz | foey: "sudo fdisk -l" "ls -l /dev/sd*" | 18:52 |
dbugger | grawity, as a webpage | 18:52 |
meero_ | aeon-: why crippled :-)? | 18:53 |
vsMS | and hdparm | 18:53 |
Da_Kr0n | how do i get to config grub to boot ubuntu i reinstalled it to get grub> when booting | 18:53 |
foey | ^workman^ : | 18:53 |
vsMS | but hdparm is only to test read transfer rate | 18:53 |
tdn | How do I install Ubuntu Netbook Remix from SD-card? | 18:53 |
Da_Kr0n | isit update-grub? | 18:53 |
Alan502 | yes, it is usb and it is connected by ethernet cable to the other computer, leaf-sheep | 18:53 |
fjgaros | irchispano | 18:53 |
aeon-ltd | meero_: how old is this notebook btw, because what most people deem as old are still quite capable | 18:53 |
meero_ | aeon-ltd: why do u thing crippled?? | 18:53 |
ivze | vsMS, dd if=/dev/zero of=/media/......../dumpfile.dat | 18:53 |
meero_ | aeon-ltd: is about 7-9 years old | 18:54 |
ivze | vsMS, then ctrl+c it, and it'll show you data transfer rate | 18:54 |
leaf-sheep | Alan502: Okay. Is the Network Manager running on the new profile (with custom shared linking)? | 18:54 |
^workman^ | foey: your sdc drive isn't being seen at all. Is it plugged in?; what does dmesg report? any errors regarding your other 250GB drive? | 18:54 |
^workman^ | jensm1: does the windows pc have the ubuntu ISO on it? | 18:54 |
aeon-ltd | meero_: crippled because you want to use a OS made specifically for low spec (eee pc 800mhz), 7-9 pentium 2/3? | 18:54 |
jensm1 | ^Workman^: Yes | 18:55 |
mistergibson | anyone feel like hand holding on networking: how to get Network Settings panel and Network Manager playing nice? | 18:55 |
foey | ^workman^ : Its plugged in, its detected on the sata controller card. also its listed in fdisk -l | 18:55 |
^workman^ | jensm1: if so, download unetbootin, and create a live usb with it | 18:55 |
^workman^ | !unetbootin | jensm1 | 18:55 |
ubottu | jensm1: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see - For a persistent live USB install, see: | 18:55 |
Alan502 | leaf-sheep: yes i have alredy selected the "bridge" connection instead of auto eth0 | 18:55 |
^workman^ | foey: yea, I know.... very strange. | 18:55 |
meero_ | aeon-ltd: ok, so what would u use in my case? ubuntu or ubuntu remix? notebook is 512mb ram, P4 | 18:55 |
bondiblueos9 | ubottu, any idea how to make a USB stick for powerpc? | 18:56 |
ubottu | Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 18:56 |
Alan502 | leaf-sheep: wait, it seems that i CAN get internet in the other computer, but it is quite slow; it took two minutes to load google | 18:56 |
leaf-sheep | Alan502: It does not work? It have been awhile for me but I know it was *that* easy. | 18:56 |
Guest66241 | is there any way to mount a copied /dev/sda file on another system? | 18:56 |
jensm1 | ^Workman^: ok | 18:56 |
ManDay | What package do I need to have a configurable login screen (or rather: a very simple one where you only type name and password). i thought gdm would offer an extremly simple screen in its configuration but it doesnt | 18:56 |
Alan502 | leaf-sheep: it seems it is, but there might be something blocking it or similar | 18:56 |
^workman^ | !unetbootin | bondiblueos9 | 18:56 |
ubottu | bondiblueos9: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see - For a persistent live USB install, see: | 18:56 |
leaf-sheep | Alan502: Gotcha. Maybe firewall/ | 18:56 |
ManDay | the one i used to have was just username then password | 18:56 |
mMezquitale | foey, did you just recently install the SATA controller card? | 18:56 |
aeon-ltd | meero_: p4 impossible by the way from memory it was introduced in 03/04, also whats the clock speed? | 18:56 |
ManDay | just a small popup | 18:56 |
Dr_Willis | Guest66241: clarify what you mean. You can mount drive images if thats what you have. | 18:57 |
foey | ^workman^ : no, the main / ubuntu-server installation is on the same controller card. however ive just added the drive along side the / drive. | 18:57 |
Dr_Willis | !loop | Guest66241 | 18:57 |
Alan502 | leaf-sheep: its getting faster now, i think it just took a while for the connections to set up correctly; thanks man :) i appreciate your help | 18:57 |
leaf-sheep | Alan502: No problem! I remember I was able to play Xbox360 off it... barely. :) | 18:57 |
Guest66241 | i copied the file /dev/sda and now want to mount it on anotjer system | 18:57 |
Dr_Willis | Guest66241: somthing similer to 'sudo mount -o loop fileimage.img -t filesystem /media/imagemountpoint | 18:58 |
meero_ | aeon-ltd: im not sure, is my mothers notebook, she is using xp now, full of bullshi-ware , i want to change to ubuntu, but not sure what version | 18:58 |
maco | Guest66241: /dev/sda isnt a disk image. its a device node. | 18:58 |
^workman^ | foey: that shouldn't be an issue, thats how most of my servers are setup. only thing is, I don't have a drive with ntfs on them in my systems | 18:58 |
Guest66241 | is it possible to mount it? | 18:58 |
maco | Guest66241: /dev/ is virtual. nothing in it is actaully a file | 18:58 |
mMezquitale | anyone here uses a netbook? I'm trying to find out a good usb wireless mouse for a netbook that will work with uNr out of the box? | 18:58 |
Alan502 | leaf-sheep: haha, at least is enough to surf and download some packages; brb mom calling for dinner. Cya! | 18:58 |
^workman^ | foey: Is the ntfs disk bootable? | 18:58 |
Dr_Willis | Guest66241: if you made a Image of a hard drive to a file... you can.. your use of /dev/sda is confuseing. | 18:58 |
VirusTB | hi | 18:58 |
Guest66241 | so why is it some gb big? | 18:58 |
jensm1 | ^Workman^: Im sorry, I udid that before with unetbootin, but it DINT make it bootable. | 18:59 |
Da_Kr0n | isit update-grub reports can not find device for / | 18:59 |
arooni__ | seems like copy/paste is not working normally on karmic. when i copy with control + c, it doesnt pick up what i copy some times, specifically in google chrome. | 18:59 |
maco | Guest66241: you could dd from /dev/sda into a (very large) file. so if /dev/sda is a 250GB hard drive you could dd it to a 250GB file on your 500GB hard drive.. | 18:59 |
Dr_Willis | Guest66241: if you want to mount /dev/sda1 somewhere you can do that | 18:59 |
jensm1 | ^Workman^: so I wanna make sure that I do all things right | 18:59 |
trijntje | mMezquitale, as far as i know there are no mouse-issues with ubuntu | 18:59 |
greezmunkey | Alan502, /dev/clutch = in && /dev/transmission -shift && /dev/clutch = out | 18:59 |
^workman^ | jensm1: how about booting your win pc with a live ubuntu cd, and using the usb cd creator? | 18:59 |
aeon-ltd | meero_: depending on your linux experience i would reccommend (from a lot of experience to least) arch linux, debian, crunchbang, xubuntu, ubuntu(but strip a lot of useless software out) | 18:59 |
foey | ^workman^ : er..good question. i think it may of had vista on at one point. Its got quite a few files which I want to access via my linux-server. I could just plug it in another machine --but not letting this get the best of me! besides i want to keep the hd in the machine | 19:00 |
^workman^ | aeon-ltd: don't forget mint linux | 19:00 |
Nixot | Grrrr | 19:00 |
Nixot | after I upgraded from hardy to intrepid... | 19:00 |
foey | ^workman^ : the 120gb is a ide drive which I added recently, that mounted ok once I added to fstab. | 19:00 |
Nixot | the sound is out of sync in my games | 19:00 |
VirusTB | Hello friends! | 19:00 |
trijntje | !enter | Nixot | 19:00 |
ubottu | Nixot: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 19:00 |
mMezquitale | trijntje, you dont know until you encounter them LoL I was hoping someone that has a wireless mouse with their netbook would let me know what theyre using but thanks either way | 19:00 |
foey | ^workman^ : ...but i fdisk'd that drive in ext3 | 19:01 |
^workman^ | foey: wonder if the harddrive is having issues? | 19:01 |
meero_ | aeon-ltd: im quite familiar with ubuntu, but never used other distros. and if u are forced to decide between ubuntu, and remix, what whould u choose | 19:01 |
Nixot | after I upgraded from hardy to intrepid the sound is out of sync in my games and I can't figure out how to change the sound buffer... | 19:01 |
Nixot | or downgrade to hardy again... | 19:01 |
foey | ^workman^ : it shouldnt be, its only come out of my main pc recently - it was only a storage drive. it's fine in other pcs | 19:01 |
iceroot | Nixot: wine? then look at abbdb | 19:01 |
trijntje | mMezquitale, what I'm saying is that you are the first to ask about a suported usb-mouse. So that makes me think no-one has problems with their mouse ;) | 19:01 |
konbon | anyone know how to get a "Broadcom Corporation BCM4311 802.11b/g WLAN" to work on wicd in ubuntu 9.10 ? | 19:01 |
iceroot | !broadcom | konbon | 19:02 |
ubottu | konbon: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at | 19:02 |
VirusTB | I got an issue when I do "Sudo apt-get update" ........?? An "GPG error: karmic Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 0845425716C248F7 | 19:02 |
VirusTB | " ?/ | 19:02 |
konbon | Thanks :) | 19:02 |
aeon-ltd | meero_: ubuntu butu try and lighten it up a little, maybe change gnome+metacity to openbox, or choose lighter software and remove everything you don't or will never need | 19:02 |
^workman^ | foey: I'd go back to basics. I'd leave the main ubuntu disk in, and only have the ntfs disk, nothing else. Then see what happens. | 19:02 |
mistergibson | should I choose one or the other of 'Gnome Network Settings' or 'Network Manager' ? it appears that they fight | 19:02 |
llutz | VirusTB: get the key from ppa, add it | 19:02 |
^workman^ | foey: strip it down, to find the issue | 19:02 |
VirusTB | llutz, how do I do that may I ask? | 19:02 |
trijntje | Nixot, are you sure it is a sound buffer problem? what about movies? | 19:02 |
ManDay | What package do I need to have a configurable login screen (or rather: a very simple one where you only type name and password). i thought gdm would offer an extremly simple screen in its configuration but it doesnt | 19:02 |
grawity | dbugger: Okay, - scripted! | 19:02 |
meero_ | aeon-ltd: ok, thanx ill try | 19:03 |
Nixot | iceroot: what is abbdb? | 19:03 |
Nixot | and what about wine? | 19:03 |
foey | ^workman^ : ok, i may just resort to putting the files on another drive and fdisk'ing in ext3 | 19:03 |
iceroot | !appdb | Nixot | 19:03 |
ubottu | Nixot: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: - Join #winehq for application help | 19:03 |
llutz | VirusTB: visit ppa-site, load the key | 19:03 |
dbugger | grawity, wow, that is awesome! | 19:03 |
iceroot | Nixot: playing games with wine or directly? | 19:03 |
iceroot | !wine | Nixot | 19:03 |
ubottu | Nixot: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu | 19:03 |
grawity | dbugger: And for esmtp - this one is just instructions, simple enough. | 19:03 |
Nixot | trijntje: youtube or other? | 19:03 |
mistergibson | ! Network Settings | 19:03 |
^workman^ | msg foey: personally, I can't stand using ntfs with linux.... I've never had good luck with it | 19:03 |
Nixot | iceroot: directly | 19:03 |
foey | ^workman^ : thanks for your help, very helpful :-) | 19:03 |
grawity | dbugger: Oh, if you chose postfix, you'll need to run my script with "sudo". | 19:03 |
mMezquitale | trijntje, i have a problem with my current mouse, it's USB, the middle scroll wheel doesnt work LoL with new hardware you most always have issues | 19:04 |
^workman^ | foey: np man, sorry I could be more help! | 19:04 |
dbugger | grawity, Im gonna try the script for psotfix, be rightback | 19:04 |
ulrich | xD | 19:04 |
foey | ^workman^ : yeh im begning to think that too. Much easier with ext3! thanks man | 19:04 |
trijntje | Nixot, both ;) I would think it could be wine related, If it is your sound vids should have the same problem | 19:04 |
^workman^ | foey: anytime... | 19:04 |
ulrich | Hi | 19:04 |
^workman^ | !hi | ulrich | 19:04 |
ubottu | ulrich: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at Enjoy your stay! | 19:04 |
trijntje | mMezquitale, try xev | grep -i button in a terminal | 19:04 |
ulrich | XD | 19:04 |
alesan | hi how do I ask the system to renew the dhcp address? | 19:05 |
konbon | lol | 19:05 |
ulrich | How are u | 19:05 |
konbon | politely | 19:05 |
VirusTB | llutz, :S lost here googling for this ppa key :S | 19:05 |
ulrich | IM GAY!! | 19:05 |
grawity | alesan: 'sudo dhclient <interface>' -- where <interface> is most probably eth0 | 19:05 |
ulrich | XD | 19:05 |
alesan | something in windows you do ipconfig /renew | 19:05 |
^workman^ | alesan: dhclient eth0 ? | 19:05 |
sdwrage | ... | 19:05 |
llutz | alesan: sudo dhclient ethX | 19:05 |
grawity | ulrich: "gay" as in "happy"? /offtopic | 19:05 |
ManDay | can anyone tell me what xdm looks like? | 19:05 |
konbon | he left | 19:05 |
sdwrage | grawity, everything here is "offtopic" | 19:06 |
dbugger | grawity, oh it worked!!! :O | 19:06 |
grawity | dbugger: Does it send mails? | 19:06 |
motorv | please help me, I'm running karmic koala, and I can't get the text console font right . | 19:06 |
VirusTB | !ot |ulrich | 19:06 |
ubottu | ulrich: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! | 19:06 |
dbugger | grawity, I was gonna see 2012 tonite, but im so amazed right now, it will have to be postponed! :OOO | 19:06 |
Jahithber | how can i play .swf files?:) | 19:07 |
dbugger | grawity, worked flawlessly | 19:07 |
mistergibson | !Network Manager | 19:07 |
ubottu | networkmanager is an application to make (wireless) networking Just Work. See | 19:07 |
dbugger | Jahithber, drag them to your browser | 19:07 |
grawity | dbugger: oh, btw. I forgot to tell you to put your actual password into the script... | 19:07 |
^workman^ | !swf | Jahithber | 19:07 |
mistergibson | !NetworkSettings | 19:07 |
dbugger | grawity, I did, ;) | 19:07 |
^workman^ | !flash | Jahithber | 19:07 |
ubottu | Jahithber: To install Flash see - See also !Restricted and !Gnash | 19:07 |
Jahithber | but in browser i cant scroll them or stop | 19:07 |
motorv | console-setup seems to be the intended way to configure this, but f.i. accented letters appear always bad | 19:07 |
mistergibson | !Network Settings | 19:07 |
trijntje | !details | motorv | 19:07 |
ubottu | motorv: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..." | 19:07 |
Jahithber | in vlc it doesnt workd:( | 19:07 |
dbugger | Jahithber, swf are not meant to be scrolled... | 19:07 |
alesan | how can I have dhclient "forget" its preferred ip that is requested to the dhcp server? | 19:07 |
grawity | dbugger: Good :] | 19:07 |
VirusTB | llutz, how do i even find the key? | 19:08 |
dbugger | grawity, thanks man. Im keeping this script for eternity | 19:08 |
grawity | alesan: dhclient --help | 19:08 |
llutz | VirusTB: usually its shown on the ppa-site | 19:08 |
ManDay | can anyone tell me what xdm looks like? | 19:08 |
^workman^ | Jahithber: by default doesn't play swf files. you either need a plugin or you need a proper swf flash player... do a google search for "linux swf players" | 19:08 |
llutz | ManDay: like a login-manager, simply working | 19:08 |
alesan | grawity, so do you discourage a google search? what is best? | 19:09 |
^workman^ | ManDay: it looks boring =) | 19:09 |
Jahithber | my flash is working in browser :) but i want to make it work in vlc player :) | 19:09 |
VirusTB | llutz, ok but i dont know what PPA i am searching or :S | 19:09 |
VirusTB | for8 | 19:09 |
ManDay | good, i like boring | 19:09 |
ManDay | does it offer some sort of configuration? | 19:09 |
^workman^ | !vlc | Jahithber | 19:09 |
ubottu | Jahithber: Audio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS2 (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based). Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs | 19:09 |
grawity | alesan: Whichever you prefer... | 19:09 |
ManDay | what is that login manager that native ubuntu has? | 19:09 |
mMezquitale | trijntje, i see activity logged when clicking down on the scroll wheel and when scrolling up and down but it doesnt work on any of my appz like xchat, firefox, nautilus, etc | 19:09 |
alesan | grawity, have you even tried dhclient --help? | 19:09 |
^workman^ | !codecs | Jahithber | 19:09 |
ubottu | Jahithber: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: - See also - But please use free formats if you can: | 19:09 |
syn-ack | ManDay, Um, GDM? | 19:09 |
VirusTB | I got an issue when I do "Sudo apt-get update" ........?? An "GPG error: karmic Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 0845425716C248F7 grawity | 19:09 |
Jahithber | thanks ubottu | 19:09 |
grawity | alesan: I have, worked for me. | 19:09 |
ManDay | syn-ack, I got gdm installed but it doesnt offer any kind of configuration | 19:10 |
syn-ack | ManDay, Such as? | 19:10 |
grawity | VirusTB: sudo apt-key adv --keyserver --recv-key 0845425716C248F7 | 19:10 |
trijntje | mMezquitale, so your mouse works ;) you just need to map the right button to the right action in ubuntu | 19:10 |
syn-ack | ManDay, As in, what are you wanting to do with it? | 19:10 |
ManDay | such as what the login screen looks like. the last login manager I HAD installed offered that kinda stuff - like background color, etc | 19:10 |
mistergibson | ok, can anyone tell me what the *standard* package that controls network devices and configuration is??? | 19:10 |
ManDay | I want to simplfiy it | 19:10 |
ManDay | the last one i had just had a simple "enter name" and "enter pass" promt | 19:11 |
syn-ack | ManDay, I don't see how it could get any more simple. | 19:11 |
trism | ManDay: you can actually configure it a bit, but it isn't worth it at this point, because gdm updates reset it to default | 19:11 |
ManDay | syn-ack, as it is now it offers a clickable list of users | 19:11 |
ManDay | i dont want that | 19:11 |
grawity | ManDay: If you want something really simple, use good old text-based login. | 19:11 |
ManDay | nah | 19:11 |
ManDay | thats too simple | 19:11 |
ManDay | :P | 19:11 |
=== viniciusmendes is now known as vbmendes | ||
ManDay | just tell me the name of a more fancy one | 19:11 |
ManDay | (that would probably be the one i am looking for) | 19:12 |
mMezquitale | trijntje, the scrolling up and down actually works, sort of, it behaves the way moving behaved for old mice that had hair or were dirty in those mice with a track ball, I'm going to open it up and see if that's the problem, doubt it since ive never seen that problem with optical mice | 19:12 |
syn-ack | ManDay, Gnome is in the process of writing an actual config for it so if you want to config it, you're gonna have to go in to gconf et al and config it by hand | 19:12 |
ManDay | the one which has little thumbnails to each user | 19:12 |
MrKeuner | hello, what is a good key combination to use for meta key in Gnome Desktop Environment if there is no ms button on my keyboard? | 19:12 |
trijntje | mMezquitale, but i'm not sure how to do that, on my pc scroll up is button 4, scrol down is button 5, scrol push is button 6 | 19:12 |
VirusTB | llutz, ok i got it thanks | 19:12 |
grawity | MrKeuner: "Meta" is the Alt key - it's on every keyboard that I have seen. | 19:12 |
^workman^ | ManDay: try something like this - | 19:12 |
grawity | MrKeuner: The left Alt key, to be precise. | 19:12 |
VirusTB | thanks grawity | 19:12 |
syn-ack | grawity, he was thinking that the windows key is the meta key | 19:12 |
MrKeuner | grawity, sorry... Super key | 19:13 |
macka | hi | 19:13 |
zenwryly | How can I find the sector size for a dm-crypt device? "cryptsetup status" only lists the sector cout. | 19:13 |
trijntje | mMezquitale, ah, so thats something completely different ;) | 19:13 |
grawity | hm. didn't notice the "ms button" bit. | 19:13 |
grawity | MrKeuner: What do you need it for? | 19:13 |
MrKeuner | for many things like gnome-do or 3d effects, etc | 19:14 |
ManDay | ^workman^, syn-ack the one I used to have with ubuntu offered a lot of stuff an configuration - its the one that ships with a vanilla COMPLETE ubuntu. i installed from a minimal, tho - so what is the login manager called that the average ubuntu user gets displayed? | 19:14 |
grawity | MrKeuner: In most places, keyboard shortcuts are changeable... I'm really sure Compiz allows that. And if not, it's possible to remap keys with xmodmap | 19:14 |
syn-ack | ManDay, no, its the one that shipped with Juanty | 19:14 |
syn-ack | ManDay, and like I said, it GDM | 19:15 |
syn-ack | it's | 19:15 |
MrKeuner | grawity, rather then changing in every app separately, I would use xmodmap but what may be a good combination to use | 19:15 |
ManDay | oh, so it changed THAT much from jaunty to karmic? | 19:15 |
ManDay | why did they take away all the fancy config= | 19:15 |
ManDay | ? | 19:15 |
syn-ack | ManDay, yes. | 19:15 |
^workman^ | ManDay: GDM? I know what your talking about, I just don't know what the app name is called. | 19:15 |
ManDay | can i in any way make it only ask for a user name and pass and not display a list of users etc? | 19:15 |
syn-ack | ManDay, Because they are using a newever version of GDM that they've skipped for the past three releases due to that iss | 19:15 |
syn-ack | issue, too | 19:16 |
ManDay | syn-ack, i dont understand how a newer version of gdm can be that much different from the thing i used to use and you say was gdm | 19:16 |
ManDay | its like black and white | 19:16 |
llutz | ManDay: its a complete rewrite | 19:16 |
syn-ack | ManDay, Ubuntu is hoping this gives Gnome a kick in the pants to do their job | 19:16 |
MrKeuner | ms key on keyboards is a showcase for ms dominance, I really wished Ubuntu people saw that and acted accordingly, by not forcing people to buy keyboards with that key | 19:16 |
ManDay | hm ok, ill swallow it | 19:17 |
grawity | MrKeuner: Remap CapsLock? That one isn't very useful. | 19:17 |
ManDay | so no way for only a text field? | 19:17 |
ManDay | i will have to choose user from a list? | 19:17 |
syn-ack | ManDay, at this point... not really | 19:17 |
syn-ack | ManDay, yes | 19:17 |
ManDay | :-/ ok thanks guys | 19:18 |
^workman^ | ManDay: use a default shell logon.... =) | 19:18 |
MrKeuner | grawity, i used that earlier, but I need something more practical several times not being able to use caps lock key caused problms | 19:18 |
grawity | MrKeuner: (I have remapped it to Compose, very useful for typing things such as ° § ø) | 19:18 |
mistergibson | can someone spend a few minutes chatting about Network Manager and its fights with Menu>System>Administration>Network ? | 19:18 |
^workman^ | ManDay: customize the issue file and viola | 19:18 |
ManDay | ^workman^, given the fact that my old l/m seems gone the option seems tempting | 19:18 |
ManDay | ok | 19:18 |
ManDay | ill read the page | 19:18 |
^workman^ | ManDay: ok... good luck | 19:18 |
sd32 | !offtopic | 19:19 |
ubottu | #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! | 19:19 |
syn-ack | ok... which was ot? | 19:19 |
^workman^ | me most likely | 19:19 |
MrKeuner | grawity, can I remap super key for some other key (combination) for the whole system? | 19:19 |
syn-ack | I wish they would specify the person sometime | 19:19 |
syn-ack | anyway | 19:19 |
^workman^ | =) | 19:19 |
^workman^ | doh... a =) is offtopic too I suppose | 19:20 |
j3g | whatś a good way to manage admin passwords on a large enterprise? (how enterprises deal with having many admins + many servers) | 19:20 |
mneptok | j3g: LDAP | 19:20 |
^workman^ | j3g: NIS or Ldap | 19:20 |
ab2283 | hi, quick question: is there any known issue with vsftpd and pam_smbpass.o authentication in karmic? my vsftpd segfaults or denies authentication, seemingly at random :/ | 19:20 |
syn-ack | j3g, LDAP or the Redhat directory server | 19:20 |
j3g | mneptok: what happens if the ldap server crashes or something like that ? | 19:21 |
syn-ack | which is included in Ubuntu, btw | 19:21 |
VirusTB | how do i tell what version I grub I have installed? | 19:21 |
syn-ack | j3g, what happens when an AD server crashes? ;) | 19:21 |
VirusTB | of8 | 19:21 |
j3g | syn-ack: you have many ads for the job, can you have many ldaps for the job? | 19:21 |
^workman^ | j3g: yes | 19:21 |
syn-ack | j3g, yes | 19:21 |
syn-ack | VirusTB, Clean install of Karmic? | 19:21 |
greezmunkey | j3g, and there you are :) | 19:21 |
tester_ | Hallo, ich habe ein "kleines" Problem mit Karmic. Und zwar ist das System ziemlich träge. Gibt es Anhaltspunkte, bei denen ich mal nachsehen könnte? | 19:21 |
mneptok | j3g: replication is a Good Thing(tm) | 19:21 |
VirusTB | syn-ack, dont really know, my cousin did it | 19:22 |
mneptok | !de > tester_ | 19:22 |
ubottu | tester_, please see my private message | 19:22 |
^workman^ | VirusTB: run grub --version | 19:22 |
syn-ack | VirusTB, from a console type lsb_release -a and tell me what you get | 19:22 |
syn-ack | Then do what workman said | 19:23 |
mistergibson | is there anyone capable of answering any questions about networking? | 19:23 |
VirusTB | syn-ack, i had 9.04, and now i got 9.10 | 19:23 |
^workman^ | !ask mistergibson | 19:23 |
^workman^ | !ask |mistergibson | 19:23 |
ubottu | mistergibson: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 19:23 |
mistergibson | I did three times | 19:23 |
^workman^ | srry, didn't see that | 19:23 |
syn-ack | VirusTB, Most likely GRUB legacy unless he upgraded it | 19:23 |
mistergibson | I have Network Manager installed | 19:23 |
mistergibson | but it fights with Network settings panel under admin menu | 19:24 |
mistergibson | the two set the same files and fight | 19:24 |
mistergibson | which one do I remove from my system? | 19:24 |
^workman^ | mistergibson: I'd say leave the default "NetworkManager" and remove the other one | 19:24 |
mistergibson | k, thanks | 19:24 |
VirusTB | ^workman^ syn-ack, well when go "grub --version" in command primt, i get "The program 'grub' is currently not installed" | 19:24 |
mneptok | mistergibson: you don;t remove either. | 19:24 |
mistergibson | hrm | 19:25 |
mneptok | mistergibson: you use NetworkManager and leave the other alone | 19:25 |
syn-ack | VirusTB, Then grub 2 is installed | 19:25 |
mistergibson | I see | 19:25 |
mistergibson | then why is it there and they aren't integrated? hrm | 19:25 |
mistergibson | ok | 19:25 |
^workman^ | VirusTB: what happens when you type grub "hit the tab key" | 19:25 |
VirusTB | ^workman^, hit the tab key? | 19:25 |
mistergibson | I see thanks for your time | 19:25 |
syn-ack | ^workman^, He's got GRUB 2 installed | 19:26 |
syn-ack | I just did the same thing to verify | 19:26 |
VirusTB | ^workman^, display all 2226 possibilities? | 19:26 |
^workman^ | syn-ack: so grub2 doesn't have a binary? or is it named grub2 | 19:26 |
VirusTB | syn-ack, sweet, well how to i verify what Grub i have installed | 19:26 |
j3g | syn-ack: is redhat directory server included in ubuntu? | 19:26 |
syn-ack | It does, its called grub2, iirc | 19:26 |
^workman^ | VirusTB: hmm, ok nvm. | 19:26 |
syn-ack | j3g, yes | 19:26 |
kuello | hi all | 19:26 |
^workman^ | syn-ack: oh ok cool. | 19:26 |
^workman^ | !hi | kuello | 19:27 |
ubottu | kuello: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at Enjoy your stay! | 19:27 |
VirusTB | syn-ack, ^workman^ i have edited grub (1/ legacy before) how do I ge to Grub-2? | 19:27 |
j3g | syn-ack: do you know the package name? apt-cache search redhat didn't return anything directory-related | 19:27 |
marek | pl | 19:27 |
syn-ack | VirusTB, heh, completely different read the manpage, please | 19:27 |
^workman^ | VirusTB: /etc/default/grub or /etc/grub.d/ make sure in either case to run "update-grub" once your finished | 19:28 |
^workman^ | !grub2 | VirusTB | 19:28 |
ubottu | VirusTB: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to | 19:28 |
syn-ack | j3g, give me a second | 19:28 |
=== dada is now known as dadall | ||
syn-ack | Hrm where the hell did it go... the cluster suite is in there | 19:30 |
VirusTB | syn-ack, i cant get the man page's "Man grub2" "man grub" /?? | 19:30 |
j3g | yeah... i've found rhcs | 19:30 |
^workman^ | j3g: try fedora | 19:31 |
syn-ack | j3g, | 19:31 |
motorv | is there a way of making console-setup have more font optins ? | 19:31 |
syn-ack | VirusTB, info grub | 19:31 |
j3g | syn-ack: thanks! | 19:31 |
zanberdo | working with karmic and in intel 945gme driver. display is at 1280x720 but the graphics are pixelated. How can I improve the display quality? | 19:32 |
infomonit | hi all, many 3G operators have a volume cap on usage. is there a utility i can use to track this in karmic? | 19:32 |
Smwn | ah | 19:33 |
Smwn | i got | 19:33 |
Smwn | banned | 19:33 |
Smwn | from ubuntu-offtopic | 19:34 |
FloodBot1 | Smwn: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 19:34 |
syn-ack | Then stop doing that bs | 19:34 |
mneptok | !enter > Smwn | 19:34 |
ubottu | Smwn, please see my private message | 19:34 |
Smwn | but its funny | 19:34 |
=== infomonit is now known as pokui | ||
ikonia | Smwn: if you want to discuss your ban please join #ubuntu-ops if not please stop talking about it | 19:34 |
VirusTB | !ot >smwn | 19:34 |
ubottu | smwn, please see my private message | 19:34 |
^workman^ | Smwn: there are other channels to talk like that on. Please go to one of those | 19:34 |
NeoNexus | Hi Im having a problem with ureadahead terminating with error code 5, anyone know what this means? | 19:35 |
=== Omlet05 is now known as Omlet05^away | ||
pepe__ | jest tu ktos | 19:36 |
IdleOne | !pl | pepe__ | 19:36 |
ubottu | pepe__: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl. | 19:36 |
maxagaz_ | i can ssh to my iphone after making an adhoc wifi network on my laptop, but from the iphone i can't open the web server which is on my localhost, why ? | 19:37 |
NeoNexus | max : have you checked your firewall? | 19:37 |
^workman^ | NeoNexus: Looks like a bug? | 19:37 |
Gh0stc0der | hi | 19:38 |
=== luis__lopez is now known as luis_lopez | ||
VirusTB | where do I get an image of Windows XP for Virtul box?? | 19:38 |
NeoNexus | workman : my wireless driver seems to have stopped working too | 19:38 |
maxagaz_ | NeoNexus, no, how to do this ? | 19:38 |
NeoNexus | VirusTB : You will probably have to install it | 19:38 |
h00k | with Karmic and Virtualbox, is it still needed to mess around with the fstab as in previous version, or does it just work? | 19:38 |
VirusTB | NeoNexus, from the CD? | 19:39 |
NeoNexus | maxagaz: Use a GUI like firestarter | 19:39 |
maxagaz_ | NeoNexus, I've never set a firewall on my laptop | 19:39 |
h00k | with Karmic and Virtualbox, is it still needed to mess around with the fstab to get USB support as in previous version, or does it just work? | 19:39 |
NeoNexus | VirusTB : Yes, mount the CD | 19:39 |
jensm1 | im trying to install ubuntu latest version on my netbook with usb. it as been still for a Long time now on loading/casper/initrd.lz............................. should I abort? It has been there 15 min maybe | 19:39 |
Gh0stc0der | hey | 19:39 |
VirusTB | NeoNexus, does Virtual Box Mount cd's ? | 19:39 |
^workman^ | VirusTB: yes. | 19:39 |
starcannon | VursTB: yes, and disk images as well | 19:40 |
h00k | VirusTB: | 19:40 |
IdleOne | jensm1: patience | 19:40 |
^workman^ | VirusTB: during boot, and after... make sure it's enabled on the VM | 19:40 |
NeoNexus | h00k : I think USB is only available using the full version not the lite one | 19:40 |
Gh0stc0der | Ubuntu sucks! | 19:40 |
h00k | NeoNexus: its available in the closed-source version and not the open-source version | 19:40 |
h00k | NeoNexus: there is no full-vs-lite | 19:40 |
Gh0stc0der | ubuntu rocks ;) | 19:40 |
jensm1 | idleone: I choosed particant from boot menu | 19:40 |
h00k | Gh0stc0der: please don't troll. | 19:40 |
VirusTB | So how do I mount the cd, its in my Drive now? ^workman^, h00k NeoNexus | 19:40 |
starcannon | !offtopic | 19:40 |
ubottu | #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! | 19:40 |
jensm1 | anyone know whats the bigg differance with netbook remix | 19:41 |
h00k | VirusTB: please see the link that I sent you | 19:41 |
Smwn | VAGINA | 19:41 |
VirusTB | h00k, oj sorry | 19:41 |
NeoNexus | There are two versions h00k | 19:41 |
NeoNexus | I dont know the names | 19:41 |
Gh0stc0der | HI | 19:41 |
^workman^ | VirusTB: stop your client VM, then go to the settings, click CD and click the enable option. Then start your client VM | 19:41 |
jensm1 | idleone_ I mean persistant | 19:41 |
h00k | NeoNexus: I know this. The PUEL and Opensource version | 19:41 |
starcannon | !hi | Gh0stc0der | 19:41 |
ubottu | Gh0stc0der: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at Enjoy your stay! | 19:41 |
NeoNexus | yes | 19:41 |
h00k | with Karmic and Virtualbox, is it still needed to mess around with the fstab to get USB support as in previous versions of Ubuntu, or does it just work? | 19:42 |
^workman^ | VirusTB: Not enable, click "Mount CD/DVD Drive" | 19:42 |
naruto_pr0 | !hi | me | 19:42 |
NeoNexus | Mine just worked | 19:42 |
ubottu | me: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at Enjoy your stay! | 19:42 |
h00k | NeoNexus: with Karmic? | 19:42 |
naruto_pr0 | cool | 19:42 |
NeoNexus | yes | 19:42 |
h00k | NeoNexus: interesting. Alright. I know before there was some changes needed with udev and fstab | 19:43 |
h00k | along with adding the user to the group | 19:43 |
^workman^ | ouch! | 19:43 |
^workman^ | h00k: not cool | 19:43 |
^workman^ | h00k: should just work out of the box. | 19:43 |
kuello | curiosity: I'm on karmic 64 to install the latest ATI drivers. I just generated the packets. deb and I noticed that is generated fglrx-modaliases packet. ( ) Karmic already have one installed, I keep that or could work better with ATi generated packet?. (previously on Hardy 64 does not correctly recognize my model of graphics card) | 19:43 |
Om3Ddragon | :-D | 19:43 |
NeoNexus | h00k : I did notice that it is a bit weird, if the device is plugged in hot, it doesnt recognise it, however rebooting with the device plugged in works fine | 19:44 |
starcannon | h00k: i think thats all sorted out now, the installer for the licensed version just worked for me; I didn't have to do tweaking to users and groups or to fstab like before | 19:44 |
NeoNexus | I havent worked out the problem with it yet | 19:44 |
naruto_pr0 | !hi | /help | 19:44 |
ubottu | /help: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at Enjoy your stay! | 19:44 |
jensm1 | ^workman^ : Hi again, I got same issue.. cdrom partition something.. | 19:44 |
h00k | starcannon: excellent. | 19:44 |
h00k | starcannon, NeoNexus: thanks for the input. | 19:44 |
^workman^ | jensm1: ok this is during the live usb boot? | 19:44 |
NeoNexus | h00k : try rebooting with the device plugged in | 19:45 |
jensm1 | ^workman^: yes usb boot, IO got ubuntu 9.10 original now | 19:45 |
fazik | yo | 19:45 |
jensm1 | ^workman^: what should I choose in boot up? | 19:45 |
fazik | anybody here? | 19:45 |
h00k | NeoNexus: I don't have it setup, I was more asking for a friend. | 19:45 |
NeoNexus | h00k : no prob | 19:45 |
^workman^ | jensm1: you plugged in your usb drive and booted from it correct? | 19:45 |
NeoNexus | h00k : I havent had time to find out yet it does it | 19:46 |
foey_ | \quit | 19:46 |
jensm1 | ^workman^: persisten, live, install, file integry check, adva, | 19:46 |
jensm1 | ^workman^: I am at instaler boot menu right now | 19:46 |
^workman^ | jensm1: if your booting from the live usb, choose persistant, if from the cd choose live | 19:46 |
NeoNexus | ^workman^ : would my ureadahead and my wifi problems be linked? | 19:46 |
Um_cara_qualquer | excuse me, does anybody knows how convert .mkv to .avi? | 19:47 |
^workman^ | NeoNexus: they very well could be. Have you upgraded a kernel?? | 19:47 |
jensm1 | ^workman^: booting | 19:47 |
Halitech | Um_cara_qualquer, devede can do it, avidumux, ffmpeg | 19:47 |
^workman^ | jensm1: ok | 19:47 |
NeoNexus | ^workman^ : not that Im aware of | 19:47 |
Um_cara_qualquer | Halitech, thx man | 19:48 |
jMyles | When I add an application to "startup applications," no matter what it is, I can no longer login. | 19:48 |
jensm1 | ^workman^: do u know what diffarance it is to the netbook remix? | 19:48 |
Halitech | Um_cara_qualquer, welcome | 19:48 |
^workman^ | jensm1: yes, the gui is a custom write up... nice easy to use layout | 19:48 |
jensm1 | ^workman^: now something happend.. | 19:48 |
=== [A]KangB is now known as [A]Way | ||
NeoNexus | jensm1 : It uses a GUI which it more suited to smaller displays and mobile devices | 19:49 |
kirill | hello there | 19:49 |
^workman^ | jensm1: ? | 19:49 |
^workman^ | !hi | kirill | 19:49 |
ubottu | kirill: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at Enjoy your stay! | 19:49 |
kirill | a there somebody who can help me with xubuntu? | 19:49 |
jensm1 | ^workman^: (initramfs) Unable to find a medium containing a live file system | 19:49 |
Halitech | !ask | kirill | 19:49 |
ubottu | kirill: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 19:49 |
^workman^ | jensm1: hmm, and this is when you boot from the live usb correct? | 19:50 |
jensm1 | ^workman^: yes | 19:50 |
greezmunkey | What command do I use to locate HDD's? | 19:50 |
^workman^ | jensm1: I have no clue.... | 19:50 |
^workman^ | greezmunkey: fdisk -l | 19:50 |
guntbert | greezmunkey: sudo fdisk -l | 19:50 |
Dr_Willis | greezmunkey: gksudo fdisk -l | 19:50 |
Dr_Willis | :) | 19:50 |
greezmunkey | ^workman^, Yikes, I was thinking fstab -l, hehe | 19:51 |
kirill | i xubuntu very quielty sound in movies in ubuntu all ok | 19:51 |
jensm1 | ^workman^: /init: line 1: Cant opend dev/sdc: No medium found | 19:51 |
^workman^ | greezmunkey: yea, what Dr_Willis and Guntbert said =) | 19:51 |
NeoNexus | jensm1 : sounds like grub is pointing to the wrong device | 19:51 |
kirill | how i can power up my sound card in xubuntu? | 19:51 |
^workman^ | NeoNexus: he installed via the live cd usb creator... | 19:51 |
VirusTB | h00k, NeoNexus ^workman^ my Sun Virtual Box doesntsee my CD ROM ? | 19:51 |
syn-ack | kirill, use alsamixer? | 19:51 |
guntbert | Dr_Willis: thats not sensible with a CLI app | 19:51 |
^workman^ | VirusTB: ouch... | 19:51 |
kirill | oh how i can knew what mixer u use now? | 19:52 |
alabd | Good day everyone , what is that 11 in kernel version 2.6.8-11 ? | 19:52 |
Halitech | kirill, did you install a mixer and turn the volume up? | 19:52 |
NeoNexus | VirusTB : Does Ubuntu see it? | 19:52 |
jensm1 | neonexus , ^workman^: : unetbooting | 19:52 |
Dr_Willis | guntbert: but it works. I use it in scripts some times | 19:52 |
syn-ack | alabd, the 11th build | 19:52 |
kirill | yes there is a mixer already preinstalled and i turn it on max | 19:52 |
NeoNexus | VirusTB : If Ubuntu can see it you use the pass through option | 19:52 |
alabd | syn-ack: should we say kernel 2.6.8 build 11 ? | 19:53 |
syn-ack | alabd, example | 19:53 |
alabd | or segment 11? | 19:53 |
syn-ack | Linux Neptune #1 SMP Fri Dec 4 09:04:29 MST 2009 x86_64 GNU/Linux | 19:53 |
^workman^ | alabd: check out | 19:53 |
syn-ack | Thats a good one too | 19:53 |
NeoNexus | jensm1 : Is it a Karmic install? | 19:53 |
guntbert | Dr_Willis: yes ... but still I try to keep sudo to CLI and gksudo to GUI | 19:53 |
=== ascott_dt is now known as ascott | ||
NeoNexus | jensm1 : ie Grub 2? | 19:53 |
Um_cara_qualquer | Halitech, which option should i choose in devede? | 19:53 |
tHW | I need help with this thread | 19:53 |
tHW | | 19:54 |
kirill | Halitech how i can install ubuntu sound system on xubuntu? | 19:54 |
ace__ | Alta Visdta TV | | 100% FREE Live TV streaming, cartoons, comedy, movies, ppv, sports, ufc and much more! | 19:54 |
Halitech | Um_cara_qualquer, should be the bottom one, something about Divx I think | 19:54 |
jensm1 | ^workman^ neonexus I dont know I downloaded ubunto iso from site and made a flash disk with UNetBootin | 19:54 |
VirusTB | NeoNexus, well when i sicked the CD in the drive, it popped up and opened! so ubntu see's the CD but not Virtual BOX | 19:54 |
NeoNexus | jensm1 : most likely Karmic | 19:55 |
Halitech | kirill, if you have sound then its installed, try installing alsamixergui and see if you can turn it up using that | 19:55 |
xckpd7 | #ubuntu, how would I install virtualbox 3.1.0 from the command line? | 19:55 |
guntbert | tHW: please state your questions *here*, not everybody is willing to look at a forum just to see if he/she may be able/interested to help | 19:55 |
jensm1 | ^workman^: neonexus okej. I dont know what that is. do you know how to help me | 19:55 |
NeoNexus | jensm1 : hold down shift key and drop into grub, change the device by hand | 19:55 |
^workman^ | jensm1: try buring the ISO to a cd, boot from the CD and use the usb cd creator app to create your live usb. | 19:55 |
tHW | guntbert: ok | 19:55 |
Halitech | xckpd7, do you have a file downloaded or are you using the repos? | 19:55 |
sint | hey, i've installed 9.10 an now i am running radeonhd or radeon drivers. both have the same problem when running glxgears. if i move the windows, gears are not moving. they go to the new position, if i release the window on a different position. is there a way to fix this? | 19:55 |
jMyles | I cannot seem to get an application to start during startup (by adding to it to startup applications). When I do, the computer freezes in the middle of the startup sound. | 19:56 |
xckpd7 | Halitech: honestly, whatever way I can get this installed works.... I don't have anything downloaded yet | 19:56 |
losha | Um_cara_qualquer: yeah, the bottom one, divx/mpeg4 | 19:56 |
jensm1 | neonexus where should I hold down shift? | 19:56 |
^workman^ | !ati | sint | 19:56 |
xckpd7 | Halitech: using ubuntu jaunty | 19:56 |
ubottu | sint: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see | 19:56 |
ngirard | Hi. On ubuntu 9.10, I'm plugging my external hard drive in, I can see it's recognized in dmesg, but nautilus doesn't show appropriate icons any longer. How can I fix this ? | 19:56 |
* pokui answers self: use vnstat | 19:56 | |
Um_cara_qualquer | losha, Here is the last bottom | 19:56 |
kirill | Halitech, please help me how i can install ubuntu sound system on xubuntu? | 19:56 |
naruto_pr0 | my ubuntu mount NTFS pratitions with names like FA461EA... how can i change this names ? | 19:56 |
Halitech | xckpd7, do you want/need usb support in virtualbox? | 19:56 |
tHW | I'm getting error 15 in grub when I try to boot with opensuse. I think the problem is in my menu.list file. Have a look at it here | 19:56 |
ngirard | I've tried restarting nautilus but no luck | 19:57 |
NeoNexus | jensm1 : as soon as you switch on | 19:57 |
tHW | | 19:57 |
guntbert | tHW: this channel is for ubuntu support only | 19:57 |
Halitech | !sound | kirill | 19:57 |
ubottu | kirill: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see - - - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3 | 19:57 |
xckpd7 | Halitech: I mean it would be nice but currently I'm just using file sharing to cross over to Windows | 19:57 |
sint | ^workman^: i can't use another driver! my card is not supported. i have to stick with radeon drivers :( | 19:57 |
xckpd7 | xckpd7: if it means tons of work, no I don't care | 19:57 |
xckpd7 | Halitech: ^ | 19:57 |
n2diy | kirill: do you have a speaker icon on your task bar? | 19:57 |
kirill | Halitech, ok senku | 19:57 |
tHW | guntbert. I'm booting with ubuntu's grub | 19:57 |
kirill | n2diy, yes | 19:58 |
Halitech | xckpd7, sudo apt-get install virtualbox* should get you the OSE version | 19:58 |
losha | Um_cara_qualquer: is it working? | 19:58 |
kirill | n2diy, i turn it on max | 19:58 |
jensm1 | neonexus: gfxboot ?= | 19:58 |
^workman^ | sint: unless someone else here knows, unsupported is kinda of use at your own risk... | 19:58 |
xckpd7 | Halitech: use the star? | 19:58 |
kirill | n2diy, i use ALSA | 19:58 |
n2diy | kirill: ok, just checking. | 19:58 |
xckpd7 | Halitech: I see in the repos Virtualbox 3.0 but not 3.1.0 | 19:58 |
kirill | n2diy, i think i need pulseaudio from ubuntu | 19:58 |
Um_cara_qualquer | losha, well... it is running... but i'm not sure if it converts to .avi | 19:58 |
^workman^ | sint: sorry man... I use only supported hardware just for that reason | 19:58 |
DraZoro | Hello | 19:59 |
VirusTB | h00k, NeoNexus i think VmWare is easier than VirtualBox :S | 19:59 |
dual | Does using a dark theme save much electricity on netbooks? | 19:59 |
=== Ersoy_ is now known as Ersoy | ||
kirill | n2diy, how i can istall pulseaudio on xubuntu? | 19:59 |
Dr_Willis | xckpd7: theres unofficial and ppa repos for newer versions i belive. | 19:59 |
luis_ | Hello guys i need help with proxies: i am a noob to this, i used a proxie and now firefox says the proxie is unable to connect to internet, i have used 5 diferent proxies and nothing, whats happening????? | 19:59 |
Um_cara_qualquer | losha, oh yes... it is .avi :D | 19:59 |
NeoNexus | jensm1 : there should be a list of commands, your looking for setting the root device | 19:59 |
Halitech | xckpd7, if its version 3.0 then thats what you will get unless you want to download from Sun's site | 19:59 |
sint | ^workman^: ok, i thought radeon drivers are supported by ubuntu | 19:59 |
luis_ | Hello guys i need help with proxies: i am a noob to this, i used a proxie and now firefox says the proxie is unable to connect to internet, i have used 5 diferent proxies and nothing, whats happening????? | 19:59 |
luis_ | Hello guys i need help with proxies: i am a noob to this, i used a proxie and now firefox says the proxie is unable to connect to internet, i have used 5 diferent proxies and nothing, whats happening????? | 19:59 |
FloodBot1 | luis_: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 19:59 |
Um_cara_qualquer | Halitech, losha thx folks | 19:59 |
philipp_ | Does anyone have an idea how i can handle this Bug? | 19:59 |
losha | Um_cara_qualquer: it takes a while.... | 19:59 |
philipp_ | | 19:59 |
Um_cara_qualquer | cya | 19:59 |
jMyles | Can somebody help me think of a good set of keywords to use to search for solutions to the following problem? I cannot seem to get an application to start during startup (by adding to it to startup applications). When I do, the computer freezes in the middle of the startup sound. This happens with both efax-gtk and gnome-terminal, which I used to test. It does not happen with gnome-do. | 19:59 |
Um_cara_qualquer | yeah | 19:59 |
VirusTB | luis_ easy! | 19:59 |
Halitech | Um_cara_qualquer, welcome | 19:59 |
xckpd7 | Halitech: that's fine unless 3.1.0 is some huge improvement over 3.0 | 19:59 |
VirusTB | luis_ take it easy* | 19:59 |
n2diy | kirill: I'm running xubuntu 8.04, and sound works for me, let me check what I'm running? | 19:59 |
^workman^ | sint: not sure... raedon is a product of ATI.... | 20:00 |
luis_ | thinked u said solution was easy... | 20:00 |
sd32 | !repeat | 20:00 |
ubottu | Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search or while you wait. | 20:00 |
Halitech | xckpd7, not sure, the command I gave with the * should work then | 20:00 |
alabd | ^workman^: is not mentioned here | 20:00 |
Dr_Willis | jMyles: make a script that launches all of them. .and have it sleep for like 40 sec. that way the desktop is loaded and sounds all played befor they try to get launched. | 20:00 |
VirusTB | Dr_Willis, do you use Virtual Box? | 20:00 |
alabd | syn-ack: what should we say exactly for that 11 ? build ? segment ? | 20:00 |
tHW | | 20:00 |
Dr_Willis | VirusTB: yes I do from time to time. | 20:00 |
syn-ack | alabd, prepatch | 20:01 |
n2diy | kirill: I'm running xfce4-mixer here. | 20:01 |
sd32 | !patience | 20:01 |
ubottu | Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search or while you wait. | 20:01 |
VirusTB | Dr_Willis, WITH Win XP?? I cant get my Vir. Box to see my Win XP istallation disk :S | 20:01 |
syn-ack | alabd, did you read that link that ^workman^ supplied you with?" | 20:01 |
VirusTB | installation* | 20:01 |
jMyles | Dr_Willis: I will try this. Thanks for this suggestion - you have helped me many times. | 20:01 |
kirill | n2diy, ok i try to install it | 20:01 |
NeoNexus | VirusTB : In the CD options, dont you have a pass through option? | 20:02 |
sd32 | huh they changes the patience message | 20:02 |
^workman^ | alabd: the 11 could be a version that is maintained by ubuntu.... | 20:02 |
Dr_Willis | jMyles: i had to a similer 'trick' for conky and a few other apps that got confused if they got launched befor nautilus had taken over the desktop/root windiws | 20:02 |
VirusTB | NeoNexus, a what? how do i check that? | 20:02 |
xckpd7 | Halitech: yeah your right but that is version 2.1.4 | 20:02 |
kirill | n2diy, i also use it | 20:02 |
Halitech | xckpd7, here is the download for the PEUL version | 20:02 |
kirill | n2diy, how i can turn it up more then 100% | 20:02 |
NeoNexus | VirusTB : in the cd/dvd rom options, mount the drive as pass through | 20:03 |
jMyles | Dr_Willis: Interesting. I wonder what we can do to avert this problem for other users. Has a bug been filed? | 20:03 |
xckpd7 | Halitech: which version should I download? | 20:03 |
incog | first time installing ubuntu here, it's really not bad after you get rid of the shitbrown theme and background | 20:03 |
xckpd7 | i386 or AMD64? | 20:03 |
Halitech | xckpd7, what version of Ubuntu are you running? | 20:03 |
^workman^ | brb | 20:03 |
xckpd7 | Halitech: Ubuntu Jaunty | 20:03 |
ngirard | /dev/sdb1 and /dev/sdb2 don't show up in nautilus. Why ? | 20:03 |
Halitech | xckpd7, 32bit or 64? | 20:04 |
luis_ | Hello guys i need help with proxies: i am a noob to this, i used a proxie and now firefox says the proxie is unable to connect to internet, i have used 5 diferent proxies and nothing, whats happening????? | 20:04 |
xckpd7 | Halitech: how do I tell? | 20:04 |
n2diy | double click on the speaker, and make sure the master and pcm sliders are maxed. | 20:04 |
=== VisualSt1tion is now known as VisualStation | ||
Iksf | hey, off topic but on Vista what is the recovery key combo? | 20:04 |
VirusTB | NeoNexus, sorry i have no Ideo what your talking about, from my VirtalBox i cant see the CD at all!, but from Places>CDROM i see the dvd and its conttent | 20:04 |
Halitech | xckpd7, uname -a | 20:04 |
sd32 | luis_: try | 20:04 |
vashitn | i have a laptop with finger print reader does exist a program for ubuntu and does it support this thing??? | 20:04 |
xckpd7 | x86_64 GNU | 20:04 |
ikonia | luis_: telnet to the server name and proxy port - see if you can get to it | 20:04 |
Halitech | VirusTB, shut down virtual machine and then check the settings in virtual box | 20:04 |
xckpd7 | Halitech: x86_64 GNU/Linux | 20:04 |
Halitech | xckpd7, then you want the 64bit | 20:05 |
Dr_Willis | jMyles: hard to tell what to file a bug against. If it works fine with the delay. could be some sort of race condition | 20:05 |
NeoNexus | VirusTB : Have you setup a virtual machine yet, ie Machine type, Hard disk etc? | 20:05 |
jMyles | luis_: Tell us more about your configuration. What is the proxy address? | 20:05 |
mneptok | xckpd7: install Virtualbox from the repos | 20:05 |
mneptok | xckpd7: then you're sure you get the right version | 20:05 |
xckpd7 | mneptok: I couldn't find 3.1.0 or 3.0 in the repo | 20:06 |
incog | how do i make irssi tab-complete nicks? | 20:06 |
Halitech | mneptok, and no usb support | 20:06 |
xckpd7 | mneptok: not only that, but 3.0 won't install | 20:06 |
ikonia | luis_: telnet to the proxy server you want to use on the port you think is open, eg: telnet 8080 | 20:06 |
jMyles | Dr_Willis: Indeed, the delay solution worked. Thank you very much. You are a great asset to the community. | 20:06 |
Meniscus | I am running ubuntu 9.10 I have an issue with audio. I use a logitech USB headphone/microphone combination. whenever i reboot the "input" option system>preferences>sound gets changed back to my internal microphone. how do I make it default to the USB headset? | 20:06 |
bleng | hi all | 20:06 |
ikonia | luis_: that will tell you if you can reach the proxy server you want at a basic network level, which is a good place to start | 20:06 |
Iksf | hey | 20:06 |
mneptok | xckpd7: Version: 3.0.8-dfsg-1ubuntu1 | 20:06 |
VirusTB | NeoNexus, i have named the VM, allocated memory for it, yes | 20:07 |
VirusTB | NeoNexus, i closed the Virtual Box, and restarted it, and then... ? | 20:07 |
jfb_h2o | any suggestions why 'ls' would be very slow in all directories, not just ones with many files... | 20:07 |
xckpd7 | mneptok: couldn't find that when trying to do search aptitutde | 20:07 |
xckpd7 | or sudo apt-get | 20:08 |
NeoNexus | VirusTB: close the machine down, the click settings, then CD/DVD | 20:08 |
Iksf | Does anybody know the key combination for Windows recovery in Vista, sure its F11 and something else, anyone know? | 20:08 |
bleng | im having some trouble, i had dual boot with windows and ubuntu, same disk 2 partition, after i split the windows partition so i could have 2 partitions there my grub menu is gone and it boot automaticaly to windows | 20:08 |
NeoNexus | VirusTB: should be a page with mount CD ROM | 20:08 |
mneptok | xckpd7: apt-cache show virtualbox-ose | 20:08 |
IdleOne | Iksf: ##windows | 20:08 |
Haegin | Iksf: normally it's mash F8 on startup iirc | 20:08 |
Halitech | !grub | 20:08 |
ubottu | grub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See - GRUB how-tos: - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards. | 20:08 |
bleng | !grub2 | 20:08 |
ubottu | GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to | 20:08 |
xckpd7 | Halitech: the package I just installed from the site you gave, it says that it conflicts with virtualbox-ose | 20:08 |
Iksf | cheers, il get my friend to try it when he's back on, Comp has probs crashed again | 20:09 |
NeoNexus | lksf : is it not F8? | 20:09 |
Halitech | xckpd7, then you had virtualbox-ose already installed | 20:09 |
VirusTB | VirtualBox 3.1 .. I still dont see o DVD/CD option :S | 20:09 |
vashitn | i have a laptop with fingerprint reader does exist a program for ubuntu and does ubuntu support this kind of thing??? | 20:09 |
xckpd7 | Halitech: I have virtualbox-ose installed but I want the newer version (3.1.0) | 20:09 |
guntbert | vashitn: look for thinkfinger | 20:09 |
xckpd7 | do I uninstall this older one first and then try to install this one | 20:09 |
^workman^ | VirusTB: does your BIOS see your CDROM | 20:09 |
Halitech | xckpd7, then you have to unistall the current version and use the one you downloaded | 20:10 |
VirusTB | ^workman^, yes I can see the files on the CD, but VirtualBox just doesnt see th cd (or doesnt show me a CD option) | 20:10 |
guntbert | xckpd7: you'll have to add the vb repo | 20:10 |
guntbert | xckpd7: you'll have to add the vb ppa | 20:11 |
xckpd7 | guntbert: huh? | 20:11 |
NeoNexus | VirusTB: have you checked your usergroups to make sure your username is in the VirtualBox usergroup? | 20:11 |
mneptok | xckpd7: what release of Ubuntu are you using? | 20:11 |
guntbert | xckpd7: sorry I mistyped, there is a ppa for virtual box | 20:11 |
xckpd7 | mneptok: Ubuntu Jaunty | 20:11 |
^workman^ | VirusTB: check this out - | 20:11 |
ar | hi world | 20:12 |
olivverte | hi | 20:12 |
xckpd7 | Halitech: will removing this version of Virtualbox remove the virtualized imaged I have in there? | 20:12 |
olivverte | i test 9.10 and lot of x crash | 20:12 |
ngirard | /dev/sdb1 and /dev/sdb2 don't show up in nautilus. And lshal -m doesn't see them either. However dmesg reports them. Could someone help ? | 20:12 |
Halitech | xckpd7, it shouldn't | 20:12 |
xckpd7 | I have a very important Windows image with my setup & stuff | 20:12 |
xckpd7 | Halitech: ok thanks | 20:12 |
NeoNexus | ngirard: what are sdb1 and 2, ie what format? | 20:13 |
xckpd7 | guntbert: sorry, kinda new using #ubuntu, where would I find that/ | 20:13 |
Halitech | VirusTB, you should have something like this | 20:13 |
duffydack | xckpd7, remove the ose version if you want, and a quick install of newest is wget -q -O- | sudo apt-key add - && echo deb `lsb_release --short --codename` non-free | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/virtualbox.list && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install virtualbox-3.0 | 20:13 |
ngirard | Hi NeoNexus. They're both in ext4 | 20:13 |
guntbert | xckpd7: look at please | 20:14 |
xckpd7 | duffydack: is that all one line? | 20:14 |
duffydack | xckpd7, yup | 20:14 |
VirusTB | Halitech, NOPE! I have only General, System, Display, Storage, Audio, Network, Serial port, USB, shared docs | 20:14 |
duffydack | xckpd7, adds the key, adds the repo, updates and installs. | 20:14 |
xckpd7 | duffydack: can I keep the older version or no | 20:14 |
mbeierl | is there a bug reported for karmic bash completion not working for java -cp ../path style? I've searched and cannot find one. | 20:14 |
^workman^ | VirusTB: did you try that link I sent | 20:15 |
VirusTB | ^workman^, reading it now | 20:15 |
duffydack | xckpd7, as far as the ose version goes, I dont know.. I prefer the usb supported version... | 20:15 |
^workman^ | k | 20:15 |
Pelo | anyone else using PPA repositories having problems ? | 20:15 |
zanberdo | I need to configure a process to run before networking starts during the boot process. I've written a script and added it to the start-up procedure with update-rc.d but even setting the start level to 1 it's not called until after networking starts. How might I run my process during boot *before* networking? | 20:15 |
guntbert | xckpd7: I suppose no - they exclude each other | 20:15 |
xckpd7 | duffydack: wait so I have to do stuff before I enter in that long line? sorry kinda confused here, not your fault though | 20:15 |
NeoNexus | ngirard: do a "ls /media" at a terminal, see what u got in there | 20:15 |
incog | fags | 20:15 |
duffydack | xckpd7, you dont have to lose your virtual machines.... just the software | 20:16 |
xckpd7 | ok I'm just going to try that long line you told me to type..... | 20:16 |
duffydack | xckpd7, I`d uninstall the ose version myself....but upto you. | 20:16 |
xckpd7 | duffydack: ok, you sure it won't delete my image? | 20:17 |
duffydack | xckpd7, nothing from your home folder will be deleted | 20:17 |
xckpd7 | I have no problem deleting it, I'm just trying to find out where my image is so I can back it up | 20:17 |
NeoNexus | xckpd7 : Your machines and virtual Hard disk are kept in your /home/username/.VirtualBox | 20:17 |
vashitn | !fingerprint | 20:18 |
Pelo | !backup | 20:18 |
ubottu | There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: , , , - See also !sbackup and !cloning | 20:18 |
ngirard | NeoNexus: ?? sorry but there's no point here in listing directories. Anyway, i've found a workaround. I couldn't get 'em via e-Sata but using usb 2 it worked. Thanks anyway for your assistance. Cheers ! | 20:19 |
cant | I have an amd 64 I cant install flash, what can I use for video | 20:19 |
luis_ | Please i need an explanation of how to use proxies with firefox: I need to look like a usa resident, but i have typed 5 proxies already and with all i cant surf the internet, the last one i typed was: IP 3127 port in foxy proxy, I NEED HELP | 20:19 |
^workman^ | !flash | cant | 20:20 |
ubottu | cant: To install Flash see - See also !Restricted and !Gnash | 20:20 |
Dr_Willis | cant: using 64bit ubuntu here - I just install the ubuntu-restricted-extras package and flash works. or se ethe url above if you want just flash | 20:20 |
^workman^ | !ot | luis_ | 20:20 |
ubottu | luis_: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! | 20:20 |
Dr_Willis | luis_: where are these proxy addresses comming from? | 20:20 |
luis_ | nomaster yoda give me a list of his usa proxies | 20:21 |
cant | Dr_willis What is the restricted extras url address to add in synaptic? | 20:21 |
luis_ | nomasteryoda* | 20:21 |
xckpd7 | duffydack: that looks like it worked, though where do I launch it? | 20:21 |
Dr_Willis | cant: its in the normal repos. | 20:21 |
Dr_Willis | !info ubuntu-restricted-extras | 20:21 |
ubottu | ubuntu-restricted-extras (source: ubuntu-restricted-extras): Commonly used restricted packages. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 36 (karmic), package size 5 kB, installed size 32 kB | 20:21 |
Dr_Willis | cant: it installs about 300mb of stuff | 20:21 |
duffydack | xckpd7, applications/system tools | 20:21 |
xckpd7 | duffydack: not there | 20:21 |
cant | I cant seem to get there | 20:21 |
luis_ | Dr_Willis: nomasteryoda give me a list of his usa proxies | 20:21 |
scuffed | can someone help me with a small problem with ubuntu 9.10 and apache please? | 20:22 |
duffydack | xckpd7, odd. well to launch from terminal or make your own launcher its Virtualbox | 20:22 |
Dr_Willis | luis_: could be they have people blocked. | 20:22 |
duffydack | xckpd7, sorry... VirtualBox | 20:22 |
Dr_Willis | luis_: good luck. | 20:22 |
guntbert | xckpd7: if application/system tools is not there you might need to "edit the menu" | 20:22 |
NeoNexus | scuffed: ask the question and we'll try and answer | 20:22 |
cant | Dr_willis I have the first 4 of five checked but the video still doesnt work | 20:22 |
=== pauljw_vm is now known as pauljw | ||
=== netherwolfe is now known as netherwolfe_ | ||
duffydack | xckpd7, having the other version might be a cause.. might be somewhere else, like accessories.. make your own if not | 20:23 |
scuffed | i have apache php 5 and mysql installed, i had it working with 9.04 and now that i did the online upgrade with ubuntu its telling me that the permission is denied when i try to access the site through http browser | 20:23 |
xckpd7 | guntbert: no application/system tools is there, it's just VirtualBox is not there | 20:23 |
luis_ | uhhh? what u mean, there is a video service i can only acces being usa resident | 20:23 |
luis_ | hope using a proxy i can look like one | 20:23 |
luis_ | Dr_Willis: uhhh? what u mean, there is a video service i can only acces being usa resident | 20:23 |
luis_ | hope using a proxy i can look like one | 20:23 |
scuffed | i checked the default file for enabled sites | 20:23 |
scuffed | set it to the media disk that i was using still | 20:24 |
Iksf | cheers guys, F8 worked, now to see if its actually recoverable | 20:24 |
xckpd7 | duffydack: running it from terminal works (outside of some error about vboxdrv kernel module not being loaded) but it looks like it works (though I haven't started the image yet) | 20:24 |
=== patrick is now known as Guest46758 | ||
Dr_Willis | luis_: correct.. In the usa i can access hulu. but i cant access the BBC stuff.. | 20:24 |
duffydack | xckpd7, you need the module loaded.. | 20:24 |
Guest46758 | does anyone know how to play windows gamesand programs on ubuntu linux | 20:24 |
xckpd7 | duffydack: I don't follow you | 20:24 |
Dr_Willis | !wine | Guest46758 | 20:25 |
ubottu | Guest46758: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu | 20:25 |
Dr_Willis | games are technically programs :) | 20:25 |
Iksf | or not | 20:25 |
NuuBuntu | I'm trying to set up a WUSB54GC USB Wireless Adaptor on Ubuntu and I'm having a really hard time. I've already used ndiswrapper to install the drivers ( at least I think... ) but have no idea where to go from here or how to set up and connect to the network. | 20:25 |
duffydack | xckpd7, did you remove the other version before hand? | 20:25 |
Iksf | F8 no good | 20:25 |
xckpd7 | duffydack: yep | 20:25 |
Iksf | any other ideas? | 20:25 |
scuffed | anyone? | 20:25 |
BlouBlou | !anyone | scuffed | 20:25 |
ubottu | scuffed: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? | 20:25 |
duffydack | xckpd7, try sudo /etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup | 20:25 |
Guest46758 | i tried WINE ir does not work is there any other programs out there | 20:25 |
Dr_Willis | Iksf: ask in #windows for windows questions. | 20:25 |
guntbert | Iksf: this channel is for ubuntu support only - please ask windows questions elsewhere | 20:26 |
xckpd7 | duffydack: command not found | 20:26 |
NeoNexus | lksf : sorry I give up on Windows a while ago, it used to be F8 during boot to drop into recovery menu, have you tried booting from the install CD? | 20:26 |
Dr_Willis | Guest46758: theres dozens of sites that help play specific games in wine. | 20:26 |
Dr_Willis | !appdb | guntbert | 20:26 |
ubottu | guntbert: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: - Join #winehq for application help | 20:26 |
VirusTB | ^workman^, reading it now... and it seems like gibberish to me :S .. i Failed | 20:26 |
Dr_Willis | oops sorry guntbert .. :) | 20:26 |
Guest46758 | i am using ubuntu | 20:26 |
Dr_Willis | oops sorry Guest46758 | 20:26 |
guntbert | Dr_Willis: :) | 20:26 |
^workman^ | VirusTB: =( | 20:26 |
arooni__ | how do i make a program the default handler for a file extension? i.e. making deluge handle *.torrent instead of transmission? | 20:26 |
sheena_ | t | 20:26 |
scuffed | well my question is. how do i get apache to allow the folder im using the docroot as to be allowed to be viewed when i visit the ip address | 20:26 |
Dr_Willis | Guest46758: thats good.. since this is Ubuntu support. :) but theres also wine specific support rooms./sites | 20:26 |
VirusTB | ^workman^, would u like to see my .xml file/ | 20:27 |
Guest46758 | please tell me opther ways to play the windows games besides WINE | 20:27 |
VirusTB | Guest46758, WINE | 20:27 |
scuffed | it works with /var/www but not my /media/disk/disk/www | 20:27 |
scuffed | and i dont understand why | 20:27 |
Dr_Willis | Guest46758: crossover, cedega (wine variants) or good LUCK getting them working in virtualbox/vmware | 20:27 |
scuffed | it worked before the upgrade | 20:27 |
Guest50830 | how can I disable ctrl-s lock in xterm? | 20:27 |
Dr_Willis | Guest46758: or go look at the wine app database and see how well the game works in wine | 20:27 |
Guest46758 | WINE DOES NOT WORK ON MY COMPUTER | 20:27 |
Kyran | Quest46758, it depends on the game. You could try virtualizing the machine if you have a tough enough computer, but WINE is going to be better for that | 20:28 |
^workman^ | VirusTB: hard to say. I would just backup the .xml and start playing with the settings from the link I sent u | 20:28 |
Dr_Willis | Guest46758: thats an incorrect statement.. wine may not work for SPECIFIC apps.. but it can work for many | 20:28 |
Guest46758 | sorry bout the caps | 20:28 |
^workman^ | !caps | 20:28 |
ubottu | PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too. | 20:28 |
Kyran | Quest46758, And please, shouting is unecessary | 20:28 |
Guest46758 | i am frustrated | 20:28 |
Kyran | We understand | 20:28 |
Kyran | What program are you attempting to run? | 20:28 |
cant | Still unable to do video | 20:28 |
VirusTB | ^workman^, :( I guess im just not meant to use Windows on ubuntu :P | 20:28 |
Dr_Willis | Guest46758: and you need to give more acutal information and do some research | 20:28 |
scuffed | guest.... have you tried dual booting? | 20:28 |
Guest46758 | myst | 20:28 |
Kyran | Myst. | 20:29 |
Kyran | I have that lying around here... | 20:29 |
Dr_Willis | WHych version of myst? thats an ooooold game | 20:29 |
scuffed | hopefully the original | 20:29 |
Kyran | As I recall, it has a DOS version on the CD, right? | 20:29 |
scuffed | i cant find it anywhere | 20:29 |
NeoNexus | VirusTB: are you able to mount a iso as a cd? | 20:29 |
duffydack | xckpd7, lsmod | grep vbox | 20:29 |
NuuBuntu | I need help installing a Linksys Wireless USB Adapter. | 20:29 |
xckpd7 | duffydack: nothing | 20:29 |
VirusTB | NeoNexus, I don know, and i preffer not to try @ this momment, I will try to install VmWare :P at least i know how to work with that | 20:30 |
duffydack | xckpd7, well something is wrong then. | 20:30 |
Guest46758 | yes myst an riven and othe things all of my games ar a varity of the windows formats but WINE does not work | 20:30 |
scuffed | anyways ive asked my question, does anyone know what might be wrong with this? ive even tried uninstall/purging all apps and installing again. still nothing | 20:30 |
budmaester | what is the IRC for webcam support? | 20:30 |
jphillips86_ | where does virtualbox store it's VHDs? In the home folder? | 20:30 |
Kyran | Let me do some quick reading... | 20:30 |
xckpd7 | duffydack: any ideas? should I just uninstall that stuff? | 20:30 |
Guest46758 | i love ubuntu but i dont think ubuntu likes wine | 20:30 |
duffydack | xckpd7, remove everything and try again | 20:30 |
xckpd7 | duffydack: how? | 20:30 |
duffydack | xckpd7, sudo apt-get purge virtualbox-3.0 | 20:31 |
VirusTB | ^workman^, NeoNexus Thnaks for you help, appreciated it, but ill go and add some eyecandy to my ubuntu now :P Windoes XP can wait | 20:31 |
duffydack | xckpd7, sudo apt-get purge virtualbox-ose | 20:31 |
duffydack | xckpd7, in case you havent :_ | 20:31 |
NeoNexus | jphillips86_: yes, under .VirtualBox | 20:31 |
Guest50830 | nevermind, found it: stty -ixon -xoff | 20:31 |
Kyran | I assume you're using the old 95 version? | 20:31 |
scuffed | can anyone help me with apache2 not allowing a certain folder to be used as documentroot? | 20:31 |
NeoNexus | jphillips86_: /home/username/.VirtualBox | 20:32 |
Guest46758 | myst 10th anniversary edition | 20:32 |
Kyran | Oh | 20:32 |
Kyran | Hell | 20:32 |
duffydack | xckpd7, move your machines out of .VirtualBox and remove the .VirtualBox folder.. lets start fresh | 20:32 |
jphillips86_ | NeoNexus, Thanks! | 20:32 |
Kyran | That shouldn't be giving you problems... | 20:32 |
Guest46758 | it has myst rien and exile on it | 20:32 |
Kyran | -nod- | 20:32 |
Kyran | Gold edition or some such thing? | 20:32 |
Kyran | Wait | 20:32 |
Kyran | Masterpiece | 20:32 |
Guest46758 | dvd rom for win or mac | 20:33 |
Kyran | -nod- | 20:33 |
Kyran | Have you gone through the specific troubleshooting data for wine? | 20:33 |
budmaester | Cannot use Logitech quickcam with skype. Kills the app when test button is invoked. | 20:33 |
Kyran | You really need to direct your questions here, btw: | 20:33 |
Kyran | !wine Guest46758 | 20:33 |
^workman^ | !wine | Guest46758 | 20:34 |
Kyran | Oh, it doesn't listen to me -shrug- | 20:34 |
ubottu | Guest46758: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu | 20:34 |
Guest46758 | how do i put win xp on ubuntu as a duel boot without deleting ubuntu | 20:34 |
Kyran | Do you have multiple hard-drives? | 20:34 |
Guest46758 | no i only havve a 100 gigs | 20:35 |
Kyran | (You really shouldn't need to do that Guest46578, I highly recommend you 1: Ask over at #winehq 2: look at this link: | 20:35 |
xckpd7 | duffydack: sorry, doing a cp -r...... probably should have just moved it | 20:35 |
xover | what is a good channel for hardware related queries? | 20:35 |
scuffed | !apache2 | 20:35 |
xover | I need to power up my computer, its too slow. | 20:36 |
guntbert | xover: ##hardware | 20:36 |
Guest46758 | what about other program besides wine,is there anothere program out there besides wine thall run my games | 20:36 |
budmaester | where can I get support for webcam use with Skype/Ubuntu? | 20:36 |
Kyran | Guest, Mucking about with partitions, virtual drives, and installing the beast that is windows seem to be rather extreme measures for Myst, especially considering the tendency Windows has to bugger up GRUB and the fact the windows itself doesn't help Myst much | 20:36 |
Kyran | Cervega | 20:36 |
Kyran | Should help you | 20:36 |
Guest46758 | or is wine the only one | 20:37 |
h4f1 | Guest46758: virtual machines | 20:37 |
duffydack | xckpd7, file manager - ctrl h - could have done easier :) | 20:37 |
xckpd7 | should I cancel this | 20:37 |
scuffed | any help with my problem? or a better place to go about it with? | 20:37 |
NeoNexus | budmaester: sorry, it sounds more of a Skype problem, try a Skype related channel or ask Google? | 20:37 |
duffydack | xckpd7, yeah, take a while | 20:37 |
^workman^ | budmaester: try - | 20:37 |
duffydack | xckpd7, just move it :) | 20:37 |
xckpd7 | duffydack: wait what is what you just said? | 20:37 |
h4f1 | h4f1: and there is another one .but I forgeth the name | 20:38 |
Kyran | actually, the reson I came here...: My fstab is giving me an inordinate amount of grief | 20:38 |
xckpd7 | file manager - ctrl h? | 20:38 |
Kyran | Allow me to dig up the data | 20:38 |
NeoNexus | budmaester: have you got vlc installed? | 20:38 |
budmaester | thanks with help. | 20:38 |
^workman^ | np | 20:38 |
Guest46758 | how do i remove wine from my computer completely | 20:38 |
duffydack | xckpd7, just move your virtual machine xml and vdi files | 20:38 |
duffydack | xckpd7, show hidden | 20:38 |
DexterF | hi | 20:39 |
DexterF | how do I make gnome save a session? | 20:39 |
NeoNexus | budmaester: if you have vlc go to Media > Open stream and open /dev/video0, just to test the camera | 20:39 |
scuffed | CAN Some one Please help me? | 20:39 |
xckpd7 | duffydack: ok I moved the whole folder out, now what | 20:39 |
NeoNexus | !ask | 20:39 |
ubottu | Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 20:39 |
duffydack | xckpd7, fine. uninstall everything. | 20:39 |
^workman^ | !ask | scuffed | 20:39 |
ubottu | scuffed: please see above | 20:39 |
guntbert | scuffed: there is #httpd ... | 20:40 |
duffydack | xckpd7, and install it again... | 20:40 |
xckpd7 | duffydack: purged both 3.1.0 and ose | 20:40 |
* bleah sziasztok | 20:40 | |
=== Srpski is now known as Dannyboy | ||
xckpd7 | duffydack: ok | 20:40 |
scuffed | eh? | 20:40 |
duffydack | xckpd7, sudo apt-get install virtualbox-3.0 | 20:40 |
scuffed | !ask | 20:40 |
ubottu | Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 20:40 |
^workman^ | !ask > scuffed | 20:40 |
ubottu | scuffed, please see my private message | 20:40 |
duffydack | xckpd7, you are running a beta? | 20:40 |
NeoNexus | scuffed: sorry, what was your question again? | 20:40 |
sdwrage | Hey guys, I switched from GNOME to KDE after installing the kubuntu-desktop package and logged out, logged back in... all was fine. I turned off my computer and restarted it and now my graphics are whack and asks me to configure my graphics | 20:40 |
sdwrage | is there a way I can fix this issue? | 20:40 |
duffydack | xckpd7, my vbox 3 from ppa is 3.0.12 | 20:41 |
Guest46758 | shucks i just want remove wine and find a program that will run my old windows games i hat the new version of windows 7 ,i love ubuntu | 20:41 |
xckpd7 | duffydack: just tried to install it and got a ncurses warning | 20:41 |
scuffed | my apache started tellign me that permission as denied from /media/disk/disk/www , the drive is mounted and i was using it before the upgrade | 20:41 |
NeoNexus | Guest19058: use virtualbox or VMWare | 20:41 |
Kyran | Alright, I've got an NTFS partitioned drive on the slave of my primary IDE cable. I've got it referenced in fstab by its UUID, but the bloody thing won't load automount | 20:41 |
duffydack | xckpd7, what warning | 20:41 |
Guest46758 | please help me find another program that will let me run my windows games | 20:41 |
NeoNexus | oups wrong guest | 20:41 |
Guest19058 | vbox is better | 20:42 |
* mneptok hugs his PS3 | 20:42 | |
NeoNexus | Guest46758 : VirtualBox is good | 20:42 |
Guest46758 | i will try it | 20:42 |
xckpd7 | duffydack: k done, it was just a compile error | 20:42 |
xckpd7 | can I move back .Virtualbox back into the user fole | 20:42 |
xckpd7 | s/fole/folder | 20:42 |
guntbert | duffydack: vbox 3.1 is aleady out | 20:42 |
=== Kevin147_ is now known as Kevin158 | ||
duffydack | doh!. | 20:43 |
duffydack | I forgot newer releases needed explicitly installing | 20:43 |
Kyran | Guest46758, do you have much experience with emulation? | 20:43 |
xckpd7 | duffydack: so you want me to uninstall this one? | 20:43 |
lyrae | is there a way to detect a hover even on a nautilus menu item? | 20:44 |
duffydack | xckpd7, no, im out of touch lol | 20:44 |
NeoNexus | Anyone know where I can get information on readahead, ie the error code meanings? | 20:44 |
xckpd7 | duffydack: I just did sudo-apt get install virtualbox 3.0 | 20:44 |
duffydack | xckpd7, is it compiling the modules and installing? | 20:44 |
xckpd7 | yeah done | 20:44 |
duffydack | xckpd7, oh, sorry.. yes, go with the new one | 20:44 |
duffydack | xckpd7, whatever dude....upto you... | 20:44 |
xckpd7 | duffydack: that's the thing, it's not in the ubuntu repo | 20:44 |
xckpd7 | duffydack: no literally any way to get this up and running is a-ok with me | 20:45 |
MrKeuner | hello, 1-what is a good key combination to use instead of super key in Gnome Desktop Environment (there is no ms button on my keyboard) 2-Is there a way to do this change for the whole system at once | 20:45 |
gerzel | ok Odd setup question here. I got a creative xfi card(working fine) in my box and the on-board sound. The on board sound is low-quality, but so are my speakers so I have them plugged into the onboard while my high quality phones are plugged into the card. In sound there is an option to choose the sound output device and I can choose one or the other or simultanious. I was wondering if I could make a script or button to add to the pan | 20:45 |
gerzel | el to switch between card only and simultanious output. | 20:45 |
xckpd7 | duffydack: I really don't know what I'm doing here | 20:45 |
gerzel | IE how do I figure out how to do this outside of the gui? | 20:45 |
duffydack | so lsmod | grep vbox | 20:45 |
duffydack | should be 3 | 20:45 |
xckpd7 | duffydack: correct | 20:46 |
duffydack | xckpd7, now we're good. | 20:46 |
duffydack | run it.. accept license blah blah | 20:46 |
xckpd7 | duffydack: yep, I just need help moving back my virtualmachines, and creating a shortcut if you can help with that | 20:46 |
duffydack | xckpd7, file manager and show hidden.. | 20:47 |
duffydack | xckpd7, safest way.. just move the vdi files, and the folders for your machines | 20:47 |
duffydack | xckpd7, leave the other stuff. | 20:47 |
public_ | could anyone tell me the name of the file that starts up X? I keep getting sent back to the login screen. Have just done 9.10 upgrade, sure I remember a config file I could remove that would be rewritten on startup...? | 20:48 |
Kyran | Does anyone remember the parametres to make fdisk return data on all partitions? | 20:48 |
bcurtiswx | hey all, what process rotates the logs in /var/log my server at work hasn't been rotating them (we think a hacker got in and messed with it), now the logs are taking up filespace.. | 20:48 |
duffydack | xckpd7, wont really needed to have moved them in the 1st place, but I`m playing cautious.. | 20:48 |
bcurtiswx | is there a way to run that process right now? | 20:48 |
^workman^ | sudo Kyran: fdisk -l | 20:48 |
^workman^ | Kyran: sudo fdisk -l | 20:49 |
public_ | ps. have tried to login gnome and kde - just get sent back to login each time :( | 20:49 |
^workman^ | bcurtiswx: /etc/logrotate.conf | 20:50 |
duffydack | xckpd7, sudo killall gnome-panel might make it show up.... if not then make your own.. right click menu, edit | 20:50 |
enrico_ | !list | 20:50 |
ubottu | This is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot » | 20:50 |
bcurtiswx | ^workman^: is that run as a daemon though? | 20:50 |
duffydack | xckpd7, just make a new item in where-ever, and make it run VirtualBox | 20:50 |
^workman^ | bcurtiswx: it's run from cron in /etc/cron.daily | 20:51 |
Shoe | I have 4 ram slots on my computer. 2 of them are filled, one 256MB and 1 512MB. These 2 that are filled are black. The other 2 slots are white. Whenever I try to put RAM in the 2 white slots, my computer won't turn on. Or, more accurately, it turns on, but the screen just stays in standby, and nothing I do can make it display. I'm running Ubuntu 9.04. Anyone have any suggestions? | 20:51 |
^workman^ | Shoe: check out ##hardware | 20:52 |
Shoe | thanks ^workman^ | 20:52 |
^workman^ | np | 20:52 |
xckpd7 | duffydack: it looks like it's running, can't believe it | 20:54 |
Kyran | Right, so assuming the DevID is accurate, "UUID=748CD6258CD5E1A2 /home/ian/storage defaults ntfs 0 0" that sequence of code in the stab would automount this drive? | 20:54 |
Guest67401 | every month or so transmission ignores all of my settings and redownloads things putting them on my desktop and starts over things partially downloaded and changes it to the desktop. how do i keep it from doing that?? | 20:55 |
quanticle | Quick question about the CPU frequency scaling monitor. When I make changes to my CPU throttling with it, the changes don't seem to "stick" the first time around. I changed the throttling down to a constant 1GHz for both cores, and then, shortly after, I found that the CPU throttling had reverted to "On Demand". What do I have to do to make these settings stick the first time around? | 20:56 |
chalcedony | how can i set the time to synchronize with a time center? (ubuntu 9.04) | 20:56 |
Kyran | Right, hopefully I'll brb. Thanks to the helpful if I vanish | 20:57 |
NuuBuntu | How do I check what version of Ubuntu I am currently running? | 20:57 |
racecar56 | what' | 20:57 |
racecar56 | D'OH | 20:57 |
msp3k | What's a good desktop wireless card to buy if I don't want to use ndiswrapper? | 20:57 |
Flannel | NuuBuntu: lsb_release -a | 20:57 |
racecar56 | what's a way i can reliably transfer my /home partition's content onto my new 1TB drive? | 20:57 |
xckpd7 | duffydack: thanks dude, many many thanks, this is going to make my life a whole lot easier.... appreciate it | 20:57 |
NuuBuntu | Thank you Flannel. | 20:58 |
Flannel | !separatehome | racecar56 | 20:58 |
ubottu | racecar56: Your home directory is where all of your personal files are usually kept. For moving your home directory to a separate partition, please see: | 20:58 |
Flannel | racecar56: (even if youre just mving from one separate partition to another, that guide will work with minimal changes, etc) | 20:58 |
armornick | msp3k: anything intel | 20:58 |
racecar56 | Flannel: my /home is currently seperate on 1 drive BTW | 20:59 |
racecar56 | Flannel: my / and /home partitions are on the same drive | 20:59 |
ikonia | racecar56: copy it to a new drive and change the mount point location | 20:59 |
arooni__ | how do i install custom fonts on ubuntu? | 20:59 |
ikonia | !fonts | arooni__ | 20:59 |
ubottu | arooni__: Font installation basics here: - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer | 20:59 |
veda | Are there a lot of recurring problems with Ubuntu and WEP/WPA Win32 hosts? | 20:59 |
chalcedony | (((( Flannel ))))))) | 20:59 |
Flannel | racecar56: that's fine, you'll still more or less go through the same process (except instead of moving from your / partition, you'll move it from your /home partition) | 21:00 |
ikonia | veda: what has win32 hosts got to do with it ? | 21:00 |
quanticle | So, does anyone here know about the CPU frequency scaling applet in Gnome? | 21:00 |
veda | ikonia: The host upon which the connection is served ... | 21:00 |
msp3k | Sweet, tyvm armornick | 21:00 |
veda | ikonia: Trick question? | 21:00 |
ikonia | veda: doesn't matter | 21:00 |
racecar56 | Flannel: so i should make a new partition on my new 1TB drive and copy with cp all the /home stuff to my partitioned 1TB drive? | 21:00 |
duffydack | xckpd7, no prob | 21:00 |
dragon | If I have a choice, is there any reason to pick i386 instead of amd64? | 21:00 |
ikonia | veda: the host is not important as long as the keyus are compatible | 21:01 |
b1ackcr0w | help!!! | 21:01 |
veda | ikonia: I'm pretty sure that different platforms conform to the RFC in different ways ... | 21:01 |
Flannel | racecar56: Pretty much. But I strongly suggest you use the cpio/find/etc mumbo jumbo from that page to do the copying | 21:01 |
b1ackcr0w | stuck in fedora hell | 21:01 |
veda | ikonia: 40 bit. | 21:01 |
dragon | !ask > b1ackcr0w | 21:01 |
ubottu | b1ackcr0w, please see my private message | 21:01 |
NeoNexus | b1ackcr0w: have you a fire? | 21:01 |
ikonia | dragon: some applications are 32bit only - some machines will run better with 32/64bit | 21:01 |
NuuBuntu | When I run lsb_release -a it says I have 8.04 Hardy, but I've been checking update manager every week and it hasn't offered the opportunity to update to the newest distro. How do I update automatically? | 21:01 |
=== N3OInTest is now known as N3OInc | ||
ikonia | veda: as long as the client is compatible with the encyription level it shouldn't be a problem | 21:01 |
b1ackcr0w | is there any way I can install karmic and force it to install the generic kernel not the pae?? | 21:02 |
ikonia | NuuBuntu: it won't offer you non-lts releases from 8.04 | 21:02 |
racecar56 | Flannel: ok. | 21:02 |
Flannel | NuuBuntu: 8.04 is LTS, so it won't offer you an upgrade until another LTS (10.04) by default, if you upgrade, you'll have to upgrade to 8.10 (and then 9.04, then 9.10 to get to a current version) | 21:02 |
ikonia | b1ackcr0w: the pae kernel is the server kernel | 21:02 |
veda | ikonia: Great, but I've encountered some issues connecting to a Win32 host from Ubuntu 9.10. | 21:02 |
duffydack | ok, so, now when I run something that needs auth the box that pops up, stays there and I dont get auth | 21:02 |
racecar56 | Flannel: do it from a live cd, right?? | 21:02 |
NuuBuntu | Thank you both. | 21:02 |
ikonia | veda: I've not seen - or had such problems | 21:02 |
Flannel | racecar56: You actually don't have to, sicen you're not modifying partitions, but it certainly can't hurt. | 21:02 |
dragon | ikonia: it's a new laptop, dual core, for general use. | 21:03 |
b1ackcr0w | ikonia that's weird - because karmic and mint 8 try to install pae on my desktop | 21:03 |
racecar56 | Flannel: i'll stay on my HDD install, it'll be faster that way. | 21:03 |
veda | ikonia: Good for you then :) | 21:03 |
ikonia | b1ackcr0w: how do you know (I'm not interested in mint) | 21:03 |
ikonia | veda: then don't ask if people are having problems if you don't want the answer | 21:03 |
racecar56 | Flannel: i'll partition my new 1TB disk now. | 21:03 |
=== Sm0ke0ut| is now known as Sm0ke0ut | ||
veda | ikonia: Your hostility amuses. | 21:03 |
ubuntu_ | привет придурки | 21:04 |
ikonia | veda: I'm not being hostile, you asked if people where having problems - I'm telling you I'm not | 21:04 |
b1ackcr0w | because when i boot, and get the kernel panic, the error tells me that's the problem | 21:04 |
h4f1 | сам такой | 21:04 |
^workman^ | !ru | ubuntu | 21:04 |
ubuntu_ | :)\ | 21:04 |
ubottu | ubuntu: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke | 21:04 |
ubuntu_ | о круто | 21:04 |
^workman^ | !ru | h4f1 | 21:04 |
ubottu | h4f1: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke | 21:04 |
veda | ikonia: I'm glad, that you speak for "people" | 21:04 |
ikonia | b1ackcr0w: ahh ok - so Flannel has just informed me there is now a pae kernel seperate, so install the generic | 21:04 |
ubuntu_ | сразу нашего нашёл | 21:04 |
ikonia | veda: then why are you asking if you don't want people to respond | 21:04 |
^workman^ | veda: what was your question? | 21:04 |
b1ackcr0w | yeah, how do i do that, how do i force the generic? | 21:05 |
Flannel | b1ackcr0w: Which CD are you using to install? | 21:05 |
veda | ikonia: I think your "bad day" shouldn't rub off on IRC. | 21:05 |
ikonia | b1ackcr0w: this isn't a vm by any chance is it ? | 21:05 |
b1ackcr0w | karmic desktop i386 32 bit | 21:05 |
ikonia | veda: I'm not having a bad day, I've just answered your question, it's working fine, I'm not aware of any problems | 21:05 |
msp3k | armornick, when you say any intel wireless, do you mean brand or chipset? | 21:05 |
LordQuackstar | Quick Question: How can i disable (not unistall) the nvidia drivers temporarily? I thought deleting the xorg.conf file will fix it, but it didn't.] | 21:05 |
quanticle | So, does anyone know what other services can alter the CPU frequency besides the CPU Frequency Scaling applet in Gnome? | 21:05 |
veda | It connects from my Nokia N82 which is 802.1q/b/g compat, hmm. | 21:05 |
veda | Ubuntu fails to, however; perhaps I have a driver or two missing/incompat. | 21:06 |
ikonia | LordQuackstar: you can force a change of driver from the xorg.conf or blacklist the nvidia modules | 21:06 |
^workman^ | LordQuackstar: you can try system->administration-.hardware drivers | 21:06 |
h4f1 | quanticle: cpulimit can alter in % cpu usage by any processes | 21:06 |
armornick | msp3k: brand, I guess, but most wireless chips are compatible with linux nowadays | 21:06 |
LordQuackstar | ikonia: should i modify the failsafe xorg.conf? | 21:07 |
armornick | msp3k: I don't know which others, but I recommend you at least stay away from broadcom wireless | 21:07 |
quanticle | h4f1: That's not what I mean. I mean to say, what else interacts with the power management hardware to alter the clock speed of my CPU. | 21:07 |
ikonia | LordQuackstar: | 21:07 |
msp3k | armornick, I hear a lot about having to use ndiswrapper, and would like to stick with FLOSS drivers if possible | 21:07 |
ikonia | LordQuackstar: no - that's for fall back only, you need to change /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 21:07 |
b1ackcr0w | ikonia: no it's single boot to my dektop HD | 21:07 |
mneptok | msp3k: what form factor card? or are you buying something integrated? | 21:08 |
armornick | msp3k: I'm using broadcom wireless and while it has native linux drivers, there's an annoying regression | 21:08 |
msp3k | armornick, thanks, that's good to know. I'll avoid broadcom. | 21:08 |
LordQuackstar | ikonia: i deleted it | 21:08 |
ikonia | LordQuackstar: re-create it | 21:09 |
Flannel | b1ackcr0w: That shouldn'tbe installing the PAE kernel (as it's not on the CD) | 21:09 |
armornick | quanticle: check the archwiki, there's a whole article about power management; the dirty details, I mean | 21:09 |
LordQuackstar | ikonia: from failsafe? | 21:09 |
veda | Maybe its network-manager. | 21:09 |
ikonia | LordQuackstar: that's an ok templated | 21:09 |
ikonia | template | 21:09 |
quanticle | armornick: Thanks. | 21:09 |
h4f1 | quanticle: if you look at task manager there are may processes can be related with cpu. hald-addon-cpufreq etc | 21:09 |
msp3k | mneptok, probably pci-based -- I'm still in the planning phases, looking to build the wife a new computer. Any recommendations welcome | 21:09 |
b1ackcr0w | flannel ok - i'll get the iso again just to check | 21:09 |
quanticle | h4f1: Okay, I'll check that as well. | 21:09 |
Flannel | b1ackcr0w: Do you get a liveCD that you install from? | 21:09 |
duffydack | Discovered a new bug in jaunty.. dont know when it happend, I havent used this feature for months.. Trying to mount a windows drive brings up system policy auth, and its same with anything that uses it.. I put in my name/pass and click Authenticate and it just stays like that, nothing happens.. ? | 21:10 |
b1ackcr0w | flannel yes | 21:10 |
Nixot | I need help... ever since I upgraded to intrepid my sound has been out of sync in SDL games... I've looked everywhere on the internet for a solution and found nothing but one answered forum topic | 21:10 |
Nixot | what's going on? | 21:10 |
Flannel | b1ackcr0w: Yeah, that's the desktop CD. I don't think it'll ever install the pae kernel | 21:11 |
Nixot | in hardy the sound was crackly and now it's out of sync.... | 21:11 |
talsemgeest | !sound | Nixot | 21:11 |
ubottu | Nixot: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see - - - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3 | 21:11 |
Nixot | I did that! | 21:11 |
io_ | ciao | 21:11 |
Nixot | ALSA, OSS, PulseAudio... all of them are out of sync and all the others are silent | 21:11 |
racecar56 | Flannel: what kind of partition table should i use? msdos? | 21:12 |
b1ackcr0w | flannel uh - then i'm stumped because i'm pretty sure that's what it's doing! | 21:12 |
damian_ | exit | 21:12 |
damian_ | start | 21:12 |
ikonia | racecar56: doesn't matter | 21:12 |
ikonia | b1ackcr0w: what is the exact error ? | 21:12 |
syrius | I have a question would a site have too different security certificates? | 21:13 |
Nixot | please help? | 21:13 |
ikonia | syrius: that's offtopic for this channel | 21:13 |
artyhedgehog | Hello everyone! | 21:13 |
lyrae | quick help with grep. How do i search all .py files in my computer for the word 'MenuProvider' ? | 21:13 |
syrius | would ubuntu put comprising software in the repo? | 21:13 |
Flannel | racecar56: er, you're safe with whatever the default is | 21:13 |
ikonia | grep MenuProvider *.py | 21:13 |
jrib | lyrae: that sounds like a bad idea... | 21:13 |
lyrae | jrib, why? | 21:14 |
artyhedgehog | Does anyone believe in magic? =) | 21:14 |
ikonia | syrius: no | 21:14 |
ikonia | syrius: although it depends on your opinion of compromising | 21:14 |
ikonia | artyhedgehog: offtopic fo this channel | 21:14 |
b1ackcr0w | | 21:14 |
jrib | lyrae: because it will take a long time. You can use find and -exec grep if you really want to though. More likely, you can narrow down the search | 21:14 |
b1ackcr0w | i've posted a bug on launchpad | 21:14 |
lyrae | jrib, id narrow it if i could | 21:14 |
h4f1 | artyhedgehog: I would think no one believes in any religion here :D | 21:14 |
WadoTG | Why does linux not get viruses? | 21:14 |
=== N3OInc is now known as N3O9Pr | ||
jrib | lyrae: while why do you want to find this tring? | 21:15 |
jrib | !virus | WadoTG | 21:15 |
ubottu | WadoTG: A/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: | 21:15 |
ikonia | b1ackcr0w: what makes you think thats pae - it doesn't mention pae anywhere ?? | 21:15 |
=== N3O9Pr is now known as N3OInc | ||
artyhedgehog | ikonia, actualy not. The point is ubuntu shows me some magic =D | 21:15 |
b1ackcr0w | | 21:15 |
WadoTG | ubottu: Thanks | 21:15 |
ubottu | You're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-) | 21:15 |
ikonia | artyhedgehog: it's offtopic - this is a support channel | 21:15 |
N3OInc | Ubott is so helpful isnt it. | 21:15 |
ikonia | b1ackcr0w: where in that picture does it suggest pae ? | 21:15 |
N3OInc | But... The question is... Is it a he or a she. | 21:16 |
=== mac9416_ is now known as mac9416 | ||
N3OInc | Or a HeShIt. | 21:16 |
h4f1 | N3OInc: does that make diff for you ? | 21:16 |
b1ackcr0w | the weird thing is both mint and karmic live images boot | 21:16 |
guntbert | !gender | N3OInc | 21:16 |
ubottu | N3OInc: yes, I can confirm I am a female bot :) | 21:16 |
b1ackcr0w | but won't when installed to hd | 21:16 |
ikonia | b1ackcr0w: where does it suggest it's pae in that image ? | 21:16 |
N3OInc | ROFFL | 21:16 |
Nixot | I need help... ever since I upgraded to intrepid my sound has been out of sync in SDL games... I've looked everywhere on the internet for a solution and found nothing but one answered forum topic. What's going on?? | 21:16 |
b1ackcr0w | the line after the kernel panic | 21:16 |
Flannel | ikonia: The sixth line, -generic-pae | 21:16 |
N3OInc | I can't believe they put that in there | 21:16 |
guntbert | N3OInc: please keep to the topic | 21:17 |
Flannel | N3OInc: Please take non-support topics to #ubuntu-offtopic, thanks! | 21:17 |
Rasmussen | ver | 21:17 |
N3OInc | Sorry. | 21:17 |
ikonia | b1ackcr0w: this is the image you posted ? | 21:17 |
artyhedgehog | My appologise! Just a strange thing: I add some PPA to my repositories, and packages from it is in the list. But when I type in synaptic search field the names of the packages, all I can see is a void list. How could that be? | 21:17 |
Nixot | anyone? | 21:17 |
guntbert | !please | Nixot | 21:18 |
ubottu | Nixot: Avoid your questions being followed by a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !attitude | 21:18 |
b1ackcr0w | that was another error i got while hacking about | 21:18 |
Flannel | ikonia: no, 289 not 288 | 21:18 |
ikonia | b1ackcr0w: ahh that's why I can't see any refernce | 21:18 |
Dr_Willis | artyhedgehog: be sure you 'update' the listing in synaptic. and synaptic can show all packages from a given repository | 21:18 |
b1ackcr0w | at that point i'd done a lot of hacking about | 21:18 |
ikonia | b1ackcr0w: you're %101 your not using a server install ? | 21:19 |
dragon | artyhedgehog: what's the package name? and which PPA? | 21:19 |
Flannel | ikonia: server install would install -server | 21:19 |
b1ackcr0w | ikonia: fair point, I'm getting the desktop image again just in case | 21:19 |
ikonia | Flannel: it's on the CD though | 21:19 |
ikonia | (got an uncompressed image after you pointed it out to me earlier) | 21:20 |
b1ackcr0w | 18% | 21:20 |
Flannel | b1ackcr0w: Hmm, how much RAM does this box have? | 21:20 |
ikonia | b1ackcr0w: be interesting to see what your new download does | 21:20 |
b1ackcr0w | 4gb dual channel | 21:20 |
bups | hi all | 21:21 |
guntbert | !hi | bups | 21:21 |
Flannel | b1ackcr0w: Well, one (rather hackish) way to get around this, would be (I assume) to jump down to 2GB, install, then throw the rest in there. Also, please file a bug about this, since it's peculiar indeed. | 21:21 |
ubottu | bups: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at Enjoy your stay! | 21:21 |
b1ackcr0w | i tried updating the bios last night, but for som infuriating reason, my mobo would update | 21:21 |
bups | anyone can help me with internet connection problem? | 21:21 |
ikonia | Flannel: I can't see how it could install it if it's not in the core cd image ? | 21:21 |
b1ackcr0w | but then again, there's no real reson to believe the bios is wonky | 21:21 |
guntbert | !details | bups | 21:21 |
ubottu | bups: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..." | 21:21 |
bups | i installed 9.10, can access with empathy, firefox(disabiling ipv6) but not synaptic | 21:21 |
Flannel | ikonia: Only way to do it would be to download it during install. | 21:22 |
ikonia | Flannel: I didn't think it could do that | 21:22 |
Flannel | Oh, that's true, b1ackcr0w, try removing internet while installing | 21:22 |
^workman^ | ikonia: don't the apt repos get invoked during install? | 21:22 |
ikonia | ^workman^: they never used to and I'm not aware of them getting done now | 21:22 |
scuffed | my apache is giving me the 403 error now, when it used to work. | 21:22 |
Flannel | ikonia: Well, the alternate CD does it. They might've added it for this purpose to the desktop CD (although I have no information suggesting this) | 21:22 |
^workman^ | ikonia: 9.10 server does.... and will ask for a proxy to the internet if you need one. | 21:23 |
b1ackcr0w | i'd be quite happy to accept the 3.3gb adressable space (or whatever the figure it is) that generic 32 bit gives | 21:23 |
ikonia | Flannel: possible, but I didn't think it was possible as it was image based | 21:23 |
ikonia | b1ackcr0w: try Flannel's suggestion of unplugging the network | 21:23 |
Flannel | ikonia: It would have to [install image] then extract the deb | 21:23 |
=== jab is now known as Guest1085 | ||
b1ackcr0w | okie dokie | 21:23 |
Guest1085 | k | 21:23 |
^workman^ | ikonia: Flannel: could it possibly be related to this - | 21:23 |
guntbert | scuffed: it seems your problem is more apache related than ubuntu related - so #httpd could be better suited | 21:24 |
Flannel | ikonia: again, a bit contrived, but stranger things *have* happened | 21:24 |
ikonia | ^workman^: looking | 21:24 |
ikonia | Flannel: agreed | 21:24 |
scuffed | thank you | 21:24 |
guntbert | scuffed: Good luck :-) | 21:24 |
Nixot | I need help... ever since I upgraded to intrepid my sound has been out of sync in SDL games... I've looked everywhere on the internet for a solution and found nothing but one answered forum topic | 21:24 |
b1ackcr0w | i want to get this working because i have UNR on my acer AAo110 | 21:24 |
b1ackcr0w | and it's sweet | 21:24 |
dutchie | rockbox-ified ipod nano 2g not mounting: dmesg, don't see a /dev entry or a listing in lsusb | 21:25 |
Flannel | ikonia: Either way it's a bug, either because its doing wonky things without telling you, or doing wonky things to begin with | 21:25 |
ikonia | ^workman^: doesn't loook like that idea has been implimented | 21:25 |
ikonia | Flannel: quite shocked by this | 21:25 |
bups | i have installed 9.10, and i have internet connection, but only in firefox disabling ipv6..... anybody knows how to fix this? it is getting very frustrating | 21:25 |
b1ackcr0w | ok - so when i get the image and burn it, I'm do a bog standard install with the ethernet unplugged? | 21:25 |
Nixot | I need help... ever since I upgraded to intrepid my sound has been out of sync in SDL games... I've looked everywhere on the internet for a solution and found nothing but one answered forum topic | 21:26 |
Flannel | b1ackcr0w: Yes | 21:26 |
b1ackcr0w | after install, will i be using synaptic to lock the kernel version? | 21:26 |
Flannel | ikonia, ^workman^: the existance of -generic-pae *is* the implementation of that (whether they knew it or not) | 21:26 |
Flannel | b1ackcr0w: Nah, it won't install -pae without your intervention | 21:26 |
Flannel | b1ackcr0w: We're thinking the installer might be too smart for its own good in this case, without telling you | 21:27 |
b1ackcr0w | flannel that sounds possible/likely | 21:27 |
gabbah | i downloaded eclipse 3.6M2, but it contains an eclipse file that is an executable, but it will not run when i execute it, it says permission denied, even after i chmod +x it or run it with sudo... how can i start eclipse? | 21:28 |
^workman^ | ikonia: Flannel: got ya | 21:28 |
zanberdo | What is the process called that starts applications during the boot phase, before start init? | 21:28 |
guntbert | gabbah: why don't you install it the easy way - from the repos? | 21:29 |
skel | does anyone know what the deal is with libapache2-mod-auth-pam being missing in karmic? | 21:29 |
gabbah | gunbert: M2 is not in the repos is it? i only see 3.5 | 21:29 |
b1ackcr0w | oh BTW i forgot to mention - the other reason I know the PAE kernel is the problem. I followed the karmic alpha, beta and RCs - and they worked fine | 21:29 |
Flannel | ikonia, b1ackcr0w: I've just been informed that that is indeed the case. ubiquity is downloading/installing. I'm currently seeing if there's ny way to get it to not do it | 21:29 |
Guest1085 | Geez, network manager applet in 9.10 has disapeared from tool bar. Create new user its there. NM-applet say's** (nm-applet:3857): WARNING **: <WARN> request_name(): Could not acquire the session service as it is already taken. Return: 3 | 21:29 |
Guest1085 | anyone | 21:30 |
^workman^ | ikonia: Flannel: setup a fake proxy server =).... or? | 21:30 |
guntbert | gabbah: I didn't see you needed a special version | 21:30 |
b1ackcr0w | it was only after the release day that i got the pae kernel from the repo (on popeys advice in the podcast) | 21:30 |
b1ackcr0w | that trouble began | 21:30 |
quanticle | h4f1: Thanks for the tip about hald's CPU frequency manager. I looked online, and I found the solution to my issue. | 21:30 |
gabbah | guntbert: yes i have 3.5 now. i need later version, like 3.6M2 or M3 | 21:30 |
Nixot | I need help... ever since I upgraded to intrepid my sound has been out of sync in SDL games... I've looked everywhere on the internet for a solution and found nothing but one answered forum topic | 21:31 |
h4f | quanticle: welcome | 21:31 |
b1ackcr0w | flannel, but the workaround of unplugging while installing should still work? | 21:31 |
simba_ | how can i list what programs is using what ports? | 21:31 |
Flannel | b1ackcr0w: Yeah | 21:31 |
b1ackcr0w | flannel cool | 21:32 |
Nixot | come on people :( | 21:32 |
h4f | simba_ netstat -ap | 21:32 |
simba_ | thanx | 21:32 |
* b1ackcr0w passes flannel and ikonia a karma beer for the help | 21:32 | |
b1ackcr0w | thx guys | 21:32 |
dany | hi all | 21:32 |
h4f | simba_ iftop looks cool | 21:32 |
Flannel | b1ackcr0w: Please file a bug about it (and hte -pae kernel panic) once you get a system installed. Because the devs are silly and won't fix stupid things without bug reports. | 21:32 |
Flannel | b1ackcr0w: against ubiquity for a) not telling you about the feature b) not allowing you to disable it, and then -pae for panicing | 21:33 |
b1ackcr0w | hte? | 21:33 |
=== julio is now known as superactivo | ||
=== superactivo is now known as p0llaz0 | ||
^workman^ | Flannel: even more silly. this is from This is the default for 64bit and generic-pae kernels and this protection reduces the areas an attacker can use to perform arbitrary code execution. The protection is now partially emulated on 32-bit kernels without PAE starting in Ubuntu 9.10. | 21:34 |
b1ackcr0w | i take it you reccoment a whole new bug for the pae panic, the existing one won't do? | 21:34 |
opticon | is it possible to run apps for mac on ubuntu? | 21:34 |
^workman^ | Flannel: emulated? why bother | 21:34 |
Flannel | b1ackcr0w: Oh, if there's already a bug on it, that's fine, unless yours is significantly different. | 21:35 |
b1ackcr0w | it seems o be on the backest of all the backburners! | 21:35 |
b1ackcr0w | i might not have written the bug very well, so I might need to do a re-write | 21:36 |
Nixot | I need help... ever since I upgraded to intrepid my sound has been out of sync in SDL games... I've looked everywhere on the internet for a solution and found nothing but one answered forum topic | 21:36 |
Guest1085 | Nixot, I was told not to upgrade | 21:37 |
Flannel | b1ackcr0w: If you give me bug report numbers, I'll make sure they're passed to the right people | 21:37 |
Guest1085 | so i always fresh install | 21:37 |
b1ackcr0w | 477050 for the pae panic | 21:38 |
simba_ | i have port 58080 open and i dont know is just listed as python | 21:38 |
b1ackcr0w | trust me to get the bug that shows up on fresh install :) | 21:38 |
Guest1085 | lol | 21:39 |
guntbert | !lol | Guest1085 | 21:39 |
ubottu | Guest1085: Please don't use "LOL" and "OMG" and so forth on a regular basis. This is IRC, not IM, and using those lines on their own is not required, and it is rather annoying to the rest of the people in the channel; thanks. | 21:39 |
h4f | simba_: but is connected to localhost ? | 21:40 |
richierich | hello | 21:40 |
Paralutirapota | yo I cant boot my computer... the screen stays black, the fans turn quickly and i can't turn off my computer by pressing the power button on the front... what is the most likely problem??? | 21:40 |
Guest1085 | ah sooo sorry | 21:40 |
richierich | hey guys is there a way to stop samba and NTP from printing in tty1 login on my ubuntu server? | 21:40 |
guntbert | richierich: you know, there is a channel #ubuntu-server ? | 21:41 |
richierich | guntbert, thanks | 21:41 |
simba_ | h4f, it showed up in nmap, wich is why i found it....netstat say: tcp 0 0 localhost:58080 *:* LISTEN 7066/beam.smp tcp 1 0 localhost:52817 localhost:58080 CLOSE_WAIT 6943/python | 21:44 |
ZummiG777 | Question: Is there a 'clean' way to upgrade your kernel in Ubuntu when one isn't presented in the update options? I'm currently running 9.04 with kernel 2.6.28-16-generic. However, I've read that kernel 2.6.29-5 will solve a hang-issue with my dell system. Ideas? | 21:44 |
=== meanphil_ is now known as meanphil | ||
ZummiG777 | Question: Is there a 'clean' way to upgrade your kernel in Ubuntu when one isn't presented in the update options? I'm currently running 9.04 with kernel 2.6.28-16-generic. However, I've read that kernel 2.6.29-5 will solve a hang-issue with my dell system. Ideas? | 21:45 |
h4f | simba_: so you have pid =7066 beam.smp and pid=6943 python . look for what they are | 21:45 |
h4f | simba_ most probably its something like network applet or any of this | 21:45 |
^workman^ | ZummiG777: do you see the kernel you need running: sudo apt-cache search linux-image | 21:46 |
ZummiG777 | ^workman^ Nope. | 21:47 |
simba_ | h4f, if i connect with web browser on that port i get htaccess but none of the users and passes i can think of work' | 21:47 |
^workman^ | ZummiG777: welp, unless there is some cool hidden way that I don't know about in ubuntu you can build your own custom kernel, or upgrade to 9.10 | 21:49 |
ZummiG777 | ^workman^ OK. That was what I thought was going to be the ultimate answer. | 21:49 |
h4f | simba_: when I am connecting to beam.smp it asks me for a pass | 21:49 |
simba_ | h4f, simba 7075 0.0 0.0 1528 376 ? Ss 07:49 0:00 heart -pid 7066 -ht 11; and ubuntu one on 6943 | 21:50 |
^workman^ | ZummiG777: not sure if you can add in a new apt source url for a kernel upgrade or not. the folks in offtopic might know | 21:50 |
h4f | any one know what's beam.smp process for ? | 21:50 |
ZummiG777 | ^workman^: It would be just as easy to take the plunge into 9.10 then hope all my kernel dependent stuff would just magically work. | 21:51 |
ZummiG777 | Thanks a bunch! | 21:51 |
sf_ | walcom to | 21:51 |
^workman^ | ZummiG777: anytime man... good luck | 21:52 |
x3 | hi all) | 21:52 |
simba_ | h4f, i guess if you have it to, it's no need for to much paranoya :P | 21:53 |
rohan | on my dell vostro 1510 laptop, there is a single switch for both wifi and bluetooth. hence i have switched off bluetooth in bios. however, sometimes when i need it, is there any way to enable it except from rebooting and enabling it in bios? | 21:53 |
h4f | simba_ beam.smp is for couchdb which is some how relates to apache | 21:54 |
simba_ | h4f, ahh...thats all ubuntu1 | 21:54 |
h4f | simba_: the problem now is that when connecting on that ports is asking me for a pass which I have no idea of | 21:54 |
aeon-ltd | rohan: this is a dirty workaround but, you could enable it in the bios then make a script to load and unload the module | 21:55 |
^workman^ | h4f: simba_: check this out - | 21:55 |
tmartins | Is anyone having trouble with kdm and the latest xorg update? | 21:55 |
rohan | aeon-ltd: that would still consume power right? and which module is the one used for bt? | 21:55 |
aeon-ltd | rohan: sorry i don't know the module (googles your friend), never had bluetooth | 21:56 |
simba_ | h4f, ^workman^, thanx | 21:56 |
rohan | aeon-ltd: thanks | 21:56 |
aeon-ltd | rohan: yes it would still consume power, but like <1W idle | 21:57 |
Younder | I am trying to setup ubuntu to start in text mode but cant find where gpd get's started in /etc. Where is it? | 21:57 |
h4f | ^workman^: why is that think installed by default. and what's pass for it ? | 21:57 |
aeon-ltd | Younder: text mode? | 21:57 |
aeon-ltd | Younder: you mean PS1? command line? | 21:57 |
Younder | aeon-ltd, yes, as in not starting the x server | 21:57 |
dutchie | rockbox-ified ipod nano 2g not mounting: dmesg, don't see a /dev entry or a listing in lsusb | 21:57 |
aeon-ltd | Younder: just ditch gdm or disable it at boot up then it should parse xinit without your control | 21:58 |
zoggnoff | okay - no wireless connection - please help | 21:58 |
harushimo | i have a question about upgrading my current version of Ubuntu | 21:58 |
harushimo | is the upgrade process pretty good? | 21:58 |
Younder | aeon-ltd, how? | 21:58 |
tmartins | My kdm is crashing after the last xorg update, It won' t start even on recovery mode | 21:59 |
harushimo | last time, I lost functionality of my cd/dvd rom drive | 21:59 |
harushimo | I'm curious if people had ran into problem | 21:59 |
thiebaude | harushimo, i did a fresh install and everthing was ok | 22:00 |
harushimo | I usually don't have problems with fresh installs | 22:00 |
harushimo | I'm talking about upgrading through synaptic | 22:00 |
aeon-ltd | Younder: its in ubuntu start up items i think, if not look in ubuntu services | 22:01 |
zoggnoff | i smell cat crap | 22:02 |
zoggnoff | not actively of course | 22:02 |
mneptok | zoggnoff: please stop | 22:02 |
zoggnoff | please help | 22:03 |
BlueSherpa | is there a way to find out what install provided a specific config file? | 22:03 |
aeon-ltd | zoggnoff: stop being a troll and we'll help | 22:03 |
zoggnoff | i have no wireless | 22:03 |
BlueSherpa | or better - any idea of what I need to reinstall to get /etc/apache2/apache2.conf back? | 22:03 |
mneptok | zoggnoff: you'll be banned before you are helped if that behavior continues. | 22:03 |
aeon-ltd | zoggnoff: is the module load through ndiswrapper? | 22:03 |
zoggnoff | alright DOOD,,, look i need help | 22:03 |
duffydack | BlueSherpa, did you purge it | 22:04 |
wasutton31 | is there a way to set the global inode size for ext3 partitions? | 22:04 |
zoggnoff | i asked no one answered,,, and i was being serious | 22:04 |
mneptok | !patience | zoggnoff | 22:04 |
BlueSherpa | duffydack: do you mean, accidentally delete it, then yes | 22:04 |
duffydack | BlueSherpa, apt-get purge apache2 | 22:04 |
ubottu | zoggnoff: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search or while you wait. | 22:04 |
zoggnoff | its raining here and there are a lot of cats in the neighborhood | 22:04 |
aeon-ltd | zoggnoff: i just asked you a question | 22:04 |
BlueSherpa | duffydack: ahh ok, thx | 22:04 |
damaltor | hello, anyone here using grub2? i am missing a script file (os-prober) and am searching for someone to send it to me | 22:04 |
duffydack | BlueSherpa, purges configs.... | 22:04 |
zoggnoff | what was it | 22:04 |
duffydack | BlueSherpa, could just --reinstall too.. | 22:04 |
nickkontos | hello, I need some help speeding up my ubuntu box... I have 9.10 but the documentation on the internet is very old... | 22:05 |
aeon-ltd | zoggnoff: is the module load through ndiswrapper? | 22:05 |
zoggnoff | i don't know what module load through ndiswrapper is | 22:05 |
zoggnoff | im on a fresh install of 9.10 server edition for ps3 | 22:05 |
aeon-ltd | zoggnoff: read the ubuntu wiki for ps3 installs then | 22:05 |
zoggnoff | im installed | 22:05 |
Pholious | is linux vulnerable to trojan horses ? | 22:06 |
zoggnoff | sitting at the prompt looking at wlan0 | 22:06 |
thiebaude | Pholious, no | 22:06 |
zoggnoff | and no connection | 22:06 |
Pholious | ok :) | 22:06 |
zoggnoff | tried all the sudo iwconfig and ifconfigs | 22:06 |
zoggnoff | iwlist only shows networks with sudo | 22:06 |
zoggnoff | i thought it was supposed to be ported out the box | 22:07 |
Pholious | thiebaude, as well installing exe's through wine won't hurt? with trojans | 22:07 |
aeon-ltd | Pholious: none are known however there are phishing attacks throught app vulneravilities | 22:07 |
zoggnoff | also im on wep, used hex and S:, i got nothing | 22:07 |
Pholious | aeon-ltd, ahhh alright | 22:07 |
textex | hi | 22:11 |
moqill | i | 22:11 |
moqill | hi * | 22:11 |
textex | im getting "failed to restore crtc configuration" when trying to install ubuntu | 22:11 |
textex | any idea what it can be? | 22:11 |
textex | i tried googling, but | 22:11 |
moqill | .i. | 22:11 |
damaltor | hello, anyone here using grub2? i need a file from /etc/grub.d/, wich i am missing. | 22:11 |
Dr_Willis | !ps3 | 22:12 |
ubottu | Aside from i386 and amd64 platforms, Ubuntu is also available for alternate platforms. Playstation 3 ( support in #ubuntu-ps3 ) Apple PowerPC ( support in #ubuntu-ppc ) | 22:12 |
Dr_Willis | damaltor: most people who did clean installs of 9.10 are using grub2 | 22:12 |
Dr_Willis | damaltor: what file are you looking for? | 22:12 |
damaltor | Dr_Willis: so, are you? :) i have an oler ubuntu version, but want to use grub2. but, i am missing the os-prober script file. | 22:13 |
vinpan | i just installed 9.10 today i love the look wowo | 22:13 |
vincs | Hi everyone. | 22:13 |
Dr_Willis | pastebinit 30_os-prober | 22:13 |
Dr_Willis | | 22:13 |
Dr_Willis | there ya go.. good luck | 22:13 |
meekatron | hello i got ubuntu server installed and running quite well but i set up lanscape monitor and dont want to use it now. how can i uninstall it | 22:13 |
guntbert | !hi | vincs | 22:13 |
ubottu | vincs: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at Enjoy your stay! | 22:13 |
damaltor | Dr_Willis: great thanks. | 22:13 |
Bookman_ | Is it just me or is Evolution the buggiest email program ever. It just greys out all the time for me. | 22:13 |
textex | Can it be my install cd being corrupted you think? | 22:13 |
Dr_Willis | !find 30_os-prober | 22:13 |
ubottu | File 30_os-prober found in grub-common | 22:13 |
vinpan | i just installed apache wowo | 22:14 |
Dr_Willis | damaltor: that file should be in the grub-common package according to the bot. | 22:14 |
guntbert | !ot | vinpan | 22:14 |
ubottu | vinpan: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! | 22:14 |
Dr_Willis | Bookman_: turn off compiz and it wont 'grey' it will just hang. :) | 22:14 |
Bookman_ | Dr_Willis, Excellent, mask the problem! :) | 22:14 |
nperry | Bookman you could help make ubuntu better and file a bug on launchpad or check if its been reported already and confirm it | 22:15 |
damaltor | Dr_Willis: yes, it should... but i didnt get it somehow. lets have a try with that though. | 22:15 |
valters | hello, i have problem with ubuntu one, i cant connected to server, when i connected they disconnected me, and in i have that: | 22:15 |
Dr_Willis | Bookman_: ive seen people in here asking how to turn off the 'greying feature' :P | 22:15 |
LogicalDash | I'm on Ubuntu Netbook Remix and trying to run CGoban. It seems to start up OK, but when I get into a game and the window goes maximized (as windows tend to do automatically in Netbook Remix), it crashes. Perhaps I can change some setting so that the windows for this particular program don't maximize automatically? | 22:15 |
motorv | eth2 is not being configured automaticlly. The NIC goes "up" but without the IP addres configured. Why can be that ? Paradoxically , ifup eth2 restarts the LPRng server..... | 22:15 |
valters | You haven't added any computers or devices to your Ubuntu One account. To get started please visit the installation details. | 22:15 |
textex | Anyone wanna give me a lil hand here? | 22:15 |
valters | how can i add computer? | 22:15 |
Dr_Willis | valters: when you go to the site and sign it asks. | 22:15 |
Bookman_ | Dr_Willis, yeah, not a very production worthy program in my experience. | 22:16 |
scott_ino2 | textex, just ask your question | 22:16 |
textex | im getting "failed to restore crtc configuration" when trying to install ubuntu. The screen keeps flashing. Anyone know what it fcan be? | 22:16 |
guntbert | valters: please ask in #ubuntuone | 22:16 |
Dr_Willis | screen flashing when/where textex ? befor grub? after? during? during install? | 22:16 |
Shockrates | hi | 22:16 |
Shockrates | how can i define a hotkey to minimize all windows in the current workspace? like superL+D in windows | 22:17 |
valters | Dr_Willis: they not asks me | 22:17 |
Dr_Willis | valters: did you sign in to your account? | 22:17 |
Shockrates | τι λεει μαγκες? | 22:17 |
rapha | Shockrates: it is Ctrl+Alt+D | 22:17 |
Shockrates | rapha: doesnt work for me | 22:17 |
valters | Dr_Willis: yes i sign in my account | 22:17 |
Bookman_ | Dr_Willis, is there a more reliable program out there for email? | 22:17 |
Dr_Willis | rapha: thats handy... :) | 22:17 |
LogicalDash | How do I set Ubuntu Netbook Remix to not automatically maximize the windows for a particular program? | 22:17 |
Dr_Willis | valters: could be it allready added that computer | 22:18 |
rapha | Shockrates: sry no idea then :( - always works for me out-of-the-box | 22:18 |
Shockrates | rapha: where can i configure this from? | 22:18 |
textex | Dr_Willis Ill try to explain the best i can. I start the install, and see the ubuntu logo for a while. Then it goes further to a black screen with alot of text. Then it suddenly comes "failed to restore crtc configuration" a few 100 times after eachother with the screen flashing all the time | 22:18 |
rapha | Shockrates: System > Settings > Keyboard Shortcuts or somesuch | 22:18 |
Evdokimos | Shockrates: we know some greek! | 22:18 |
Dr_Willis | LogicalDash: ive seen some ubuntu tutorial sites mention that. and how to tweak/disable the 'maximus' program thats doing the fullscreening. But ive never messed with it. | 22:18 |
scott_ino2 | Shockrates, have you checked it under keyboard shortcuts to make sure it's enabled | 22:18 |
valters | try reboot computer and then see what happens | 22:19 |
Dr_Willis | textex: has any linux worked on that pc befor? | 22:19 |
Bookman_ | Ok, I've Force Quit Evolution for the last time. What is the best alternative? One that can handle a high volume of email? | 22:19 |
textex | Well, i just tried it once with vmware, and then it worked | 22:19 |
Dr_Willis | textex: | 22:20 |
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b1ackcr0w | hi chaps - me again - image burned and now booting to live - ethernet unplugged | 22:21 |
mrqismrx | how to open a program from terminal while still be able to using the terminal if I for instance type "gmplayer" in terminal, the application starts but "takes control over the terminal.." is there like "gmplayer -something" I can write? | 22:21 |
Dr_Willis | mrqismrx: bash basics (job control) programname & | 22:21 |
rip | Hello, does the latest Ubuntu isntaller offer an "encrypt system" feature which uses block level encryption to encrypt all file systems (including swap partition)? | 22:21 |
mrqismrx | Dr_Willis, what did you mean by that? | 22:21 |
schristoforou | mrqismrx: put a & at the end of the command, like gmplayer& | 22:21 |
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Dr_Willis | mrqismrx: you may want to spend an hr reading a few bash tutorials. :) also dont just close the termianal with the X buton, use the 'exit' command if you really want to exit the terminal | 22:22 |
mrqismrx | oh I see thanks guys | 22:22 |
Dr_Willis | mrqismrx: ie: 'mplayer &', then 'exit' | 22:22 |
textex | Thand Dr_Willis, but im kind of bad on linux, so i dont really get how they want you to fix it. | 22:22 |
mrqismrx | Dr_Willis, yeah I will do that. Are you recommending any particular? | 22:22 |
damaltor | Dr_Willis: ok, your file seems to be working. but, now on doing grub2-update, the last line is ".: 23: Can't open /usr/lib/grub/grub-mkconfig_lib". still something missing. do you have an idea? | 22:22 |
Dr_Willis | textex: at the grub menu hit 'e' to edit the boot line, append the option they suggest to the end | 22:22 |
Dr_Willis | textex: see coment #17 | 22:23 |
guntbert | !terminal | mrqismrx | 22:23 |
ubottu | mrqismrx: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE). Guide: | 22:23 |
Dr_Willis | textex: but you are editing the cd boot options.. :) grub (hit e) -> make changes.. enter to boot. | 22:23 |
guntbert | !tldp | mrqismrx ,and | 22:23 |
ubottu | mrqismrx ,and: documentation is to be found at and - General linux documentation: - | 22:23 |
vincs | I am writting a audio player (using ruby/gtk and ruby/gst). I have just change the status from alpha to beta. If you want to test it take a look at the ubuntu forum thread : | 22:23 |
Bookman_ | Ok, is there any program out there capable of handling high volumes of email? Without stalling? | 22:24 |
leachim6 | I updated to karmic...and now the sound applet won't change my sound...but alsamixer works... | 22:24 |
leachim6 | what's the deal? | 22:24 |
guntbert | vincs: no announcements here please | 22:24 |
mrqismrx | thanks guys! | 22:24 |
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BraveSaintStuart | so i'm trying to install an .sh file, and I'm kind of a nub at the whole Ubuntu process... can someone walk me through it? | 22:24 |
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textex | Dr_Willis, so should i just add ""splash quiet" there? | 22:25 |
Dr_Willis | BraveSaintStuart: firsst WHAT are you trying to instsall exactly? | 22:25 |
vincs | Sorry I did not know. I will not do it again. | 22:25 |
leachim6 | vincs: it looks cool though | 22:25 |
valters | Dr_Willis: nothing happens, when I sign in ubuntu one they dont asks me about computer adding | 22:25 |
BraveSaintStuart | it's a | 22:25 |
Dr_Willis | textex: No.. those 2 options are allready there... add the i915.modeset=0 befor those. like the examples say | 22:25 |
Dr_Willis | BraveSaintStuart: then you do 'sh ./' or perhaps 'sudo sh ./' if you are in the same current directory as the file | 22:26 |
damaltor | Dr_Willis: ok, your file seems to be working. but, now on doing grub2-update, the last line is ".: 23: Can't open /usr/lib/grub/grub-mkconfig_lib". still something missing. do you have an idea? | 22:26 |
Bookman_ | Ok, I will try Outlook again. I don't remember any pauses with it. Maybe it is the database that evolution uses? | 22:26 |
vincs | Thanks leachim6 | 22:26 |
Dr_Willis | damaltor: not really. sounds like you are missing a few grub packages perhaps. | 22:27 |
arcnewuss | i have sound when i login but no sound when i start X | 22:27 |
Dr_Willis | !find grub-mkconfig_lib | 22:27 |
ubottu | File grub-mkconfig_lib found in grub-common | 22:27 |
damaltor | Dr_Willis: shit. but ok, thank you vey much | 22:27 |
Dr_Willis | damaltor: perhaps reinstall grub-common | 22:27 |
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stonefisk | virgin install of 9.10 is fine but after packages update a reboot fails and ends up at a grub prompt. There is a bug raised here with #477169. Can someone help me by clarifying that the bug will not occur if its a non wubi install/winxp dual boot (i.e if I gave ubuntu its own drive it will be okay). Also I am not yet confident to try the suggested convoluted fix to rescue the system, is it best to sit tight and wait | 22:27 |
damaltor | Dr_Willis: will try | 22:27 |
stonefisk | for a fix roll out and not allow updates? | 22:27 |
arcnewuss | once i start X i get alsamixer: snd_ctl_open failed | 22:27 |
Dr_Willis | bbl | 22:27 |
squircle | does anybody know how I change my system's hostname? I've changed /etc/hostname and run hostname -F /etc/hostname, but it doesn't survive a reboot | 22:27 |
BraveSaintStuart | Dr_Willis: It's saying "can't open" | 22:28 |
Ripp_ | hello | 22:28 |
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Ripp_ | My copy of google chrome there a way to force-quit it from the GUI? | 22:29 |
Ripp_ | Gnome desktop | 22:29 |
leachim6 | yeah | 22:29 |
leachim6 | press alt+f2 and type the word "xkill" | 22:30 |
leachim6 | then click on the frozen program | 22:30 |
schristoforou | Ripp_, run xkill and click on the window | 22:30 |
Ripp_ | thanks guys | 22:30 |
BraveSaintStuart | Dr_Willis: I have the file saved onto my desktop... "file:///home/stuart/Desktop/", so when I try to insert after "sh ./" or "sudo sh ./", it says "can't open" | 22:30 |
Ripp_ | Sweet | 22:30 |
Ripp_ | xkill owns. | 22:30 |
schristoforou | BraveSaintStuart, do you have a terminal open? | 22:31 |
damaltor | BraveSaintStuart: Dr_Willis is gone. but, to help you, remove the letters "file://" before the name: type "sh /home/stuart/Desktop/..." | 22:31 |
schristoforou | BraveSaintStuart: If so, type the following: cd ~/Desktop | 22:31 |
Ripp_ | thhaha, this chrome instance refuses to die..guess i'll terminal it | 22:32 |
schristoforou | BraveSaintStuart: press enter, and you will enter that directory (your Desktop directory) | 22:32 |
hetheeh | hello i am using karmic and ubuntu keeps freezing everything except the moise pointer, is anyone else getting this problem or have any suggestions? | 22:32 |
Phuzion | at witts end with wireless driver, unable to detect any wireless signals... card is unclaimed have tried just about everything aside from doing a complete clense of system and reinstallin using 9.10 any help would be great | 22:32 |
schristoforou | BraveSaintStuart: Afterwards, type "chmod +x ./" without the quotes and press enter | 22:32 |
schristoforou | BraveSaintStuart: This will make the file executable | 22:33 |
schristoforou | BraveSaintStuart: Then type "sudo ./", enter your password and it will install CrossOver Linux | 22:33 |
ZykoticK9 | squircle, also check /etc/hosts and check the name beside - "might" help | 22:34 |
rapha | i just installed ubuntu on /dev/sda5 of a laptop that has windowx xp on /dev/sda2 and windows vista on /dev/sda3 but grub only has a grub entry named "windows vista" which actually boots windows xp on /dev/sda2 - how do i get the proper entries in there? | 22:34 |
schristoforou | BraveSaintStuart: again, the last command is without the quotes | 22:34 |
squircle | ZykoticK9: it reads localhost summit, should I put localhost last? | 22:34 |
pw-toxic | someone got a quick link where i can see whats new in 9.10? | 22:35 |
Bookman_ | Nobody else has evolution just greying out (freezing) on them all the time? | 22:35 |
ZykoticK9 | squircle, not sure the order is important - is summit the hostname you want to change it to? | 22:35 |
BraveSaintStuart | schristoforou: after it attempts to uncompress the file it says: "'/home/stuart' must exist and belong to you in order for the installation to proceed." | 22:35 |
BlueSherpa | I used "aptitude purge" on an application, but "aptitude search" shows that the application's configuration files (c) are still there - any way to purge them completely? I'm trying to do a completely fresh installation of the app | 22:35 |
birdiee_ | I just downloaded mplayer but my xvid doesn't work I was told it had built in support for that, the audio works tho. why is this you think? | 22:35 |
squircle | ZykoticK9: yeah, and when I hostname -F /etc/hostname, it stays as summit until a reboot. i'll try changing the order and rebooting | 22:35 |
schristoforou | BraveSaintStuart: isn't /home/stuart your home directory? | 22:36 |
=== fern is now known as Guest49163 | ||
BraveSaintStuart | schristoforou: It then says, "If instaling as root, you may need to log in as root, use 'su -' or 'sudo -H'. | 22:37 |
BraveSaintStuart | schristoforou: as far as I know... I wouldn't know why it would be anything different | 22:37 |
Bookman_ | Ok, thanks. | 22:37 |
schristoforou | BraveSaintStuart: ah, ok, it needs the actual root to install it | 22:37 |
BraveSaintStuart | schristoforou: what does that mean? | 22:37 |
BlueSherpa | doesn't running "aptitude purge app" get rid of the app's configuration files? | 22:38 |
=== KindTwo is now known as KindOne | ||
schristoforou | BraveSaintStuart: Try to do "sudo -s", it will then change the terminal user to root (admin) | 22:38 |
dhaivat | I have one very simple question | 22:38 |
dhaivat | what's the defualt root pass? | 22:38 |
guntbert | BlueSherpa: with sudo, yes | 22:38 |
b1ackcr0w | IT WORKED!!! | 22:38 |
guntbert | !root | dhaivat | 22:38 |
ubottu | dhaivat: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at | 22:38 |
squircle | dhaivat: the root account, by default, is disabled | 22:38 |
schristoforou | BraveSaintStuart: Then run "sh ./" | 22:38 |
BraveSaintStuart | schristoforou: And after I change it to the root? | 22:38 |
BlueSherpa | guntbert: why would "aptitude search app" still show the configuration files as installed if I ran the command as root? | 22:39 |
BraveSaintStuart | gotcha | 22:39 |
BlueSherpa | guntbert: it lists the app with a c in the first column | 22:39 |
schristoforou | BraveSaintStuart: Ie the same as before, without the sudo command | 22:39 |
pw-toxic | i have just updated from 9.04 to 9.10 but my compiz effects disappared.. how can i reactivate them? | 22:39 |
hetheeh | hello i am using karmic and ubuntu keeps freezing everything except the moise pointer, is anyone else getting this problem or have any suggestions? | 22:39 |
squircle | ZykoticK9: I just changed the order of the entries; hostname returns summit, and hostname -f returns cheers! | 22:39 |
guntbert | BlueSherpa: that I don't know - but look if the fiels are *really* there | 22:39 |
BraveSaintStuart | schristoforou: Same message came up | 22:39 |
guntbert | *files | 22:39 |
BlueSherpa | dhaivat: the default root pass is whatever you specify for it when you install the OS | 22:40 |
soreau | pw-toxic: Sys>Prefs>Appearance>Visual Effects <-- set to anything other than None means compiz is running (and default WM) | 22:40 |
guntbert | BlueSherpa: that is NOT true | 22:40 |
BlueSherpa | guntbert: I tried manually removing the files, but aptitude search continues to report them as being present | 22:40 |
guntbert | BlueSherpa: are they still there (in reality)? | 22:41 |
pw-toxic | soreau, tried it.. it says, that they cant be activated.. i have used compiz for over a year now.. any idea why it doesnt work anymore? | 22:41 |
schristoforou | BraveSaintStuart: Just to verify, does your terminal line show 'stuart@hostname:~$" or does it show "root@hostname:~$" ? | 22:42 |
BlueSherpa | guntbert: any ideas? | 22:42 |
soreau | pw-toxic: Come to #compiz and show us a pastebin link to the output of 'compiz &' from your terminal | 22:42 |
b1ackcr0w | ikonia - it worked! | 22:42 |
guntbert | BlueSherpa: yes: check if they are still there :-) | 22:42 |
pw-toxic | soreau, thanks | 22:42 |
[Ryto] | Hi All, question: Who every configured a FTP on Ubuntu? | 22:43 |
guntbert | BlueSherpa: use ls | 22:43 |
h4f | couldn't find any overclocking utility for Ubuntu. (except for graphic card ) any one know of such ? | 22:43 |
[Ryto] | ehh.. thats bad english.. | 22:43 |
BraveSaintStuart | schristoforou: it says "root@stuart-laptop: ~/Desktop#" | 22:43 |
BlueSherpa | guntbert: they are, I then manually remove them, aptitude search continues to report the files being there after having purged the app | 22:43 |
BlueSherpa | guntbert: the problem is that when I try to install the app again - it thinks the configuration files are there and doesn't install them - is there maybe a way to force the complete install? | 22:44 |
b1ackcr0w | flannel: it worked | 22:44 |
schristoforou | BraveSaintStuart: Try to run "./" , without the sh in front of it | 22:44 |
[Ryto] | Anyone got exp with FTP server on Ubuntu? | 22:44 |
Flannel | b1ackcr0w: Good to hear | 22:44 |
reactor16 | hi all | 22:44 |
BlueSherpa | reactor16: greetings | 22:45 |
BraveSaintStuart | schristoforou: same message | 22:45 |
reactor16 | how i do to add application to startup in ubuntu? | 22:45 |
schristoforou | BraveSaintStuart: Can you PM me the full message? | 22:45 |
BlueSherpa | reactor16: start up - when you log in or when you start the computer? | 22:46 |
BlueSherpa | reactor16: | 22:47 |
bondiblueos9 | can I install ubuntu on a ppc mac over the network? | 22:47 |
=== N3OInc is now known as N3O_Noms | ||
nutzer | hallo | 22:47 |
guntbert | BlueSherpa: sorry, I don't know of any way - you could try to use apt-get instead of aptitude though (I usually recommend it the other way round :-) | 22:47 |
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BlueSherpa | guntbert: k, will do, thx =) | 22:47 |
reactor16 | BlueSherpa wen system start | 22:47 |
BlueSherpa | reactor16: check the url I sent you - it has the info | 22:48 |
birdiee_ | iam following a guide to install codecs for mplayer but I get this at the last step : E: Couldn't find package w32codecs. I am following a guide from this | 22:48 |
reactor16 | ok | 22:48 |
Fizix | What's the difference between apt-get and aptitude? Is aptitude a whole different package manager entirely? | 22:48 |
BraveSaintStuart | scristoforou: I totally would if I knew how the heck to do that... I really am a nub | 22:48 |
schristoforou | BraveSaintStuart: In addition, if the .sh file would simply unzip the .deb files for installation, root should not be necessary...Did you try it after making it executable to run it a normal user? | 22:48 |
BlueSherpa | Fizix: dunno - I thought they were interfaces to the same back end database, but I might be wrong | 22:49 |
birdiee_ | don't know if I am allowed to post url so I don't but iam doing the command sudo apt-get install sudo apt-get install w32codecs libdvdcss2 | 22:49 |
ZykoticK9 | birdiee_, w32codecs is in the Medibuntu repository | 22:49 |
nullr | quick question what command do I use to chmod 777 a directory | 22:49 |
Bridge| | anyone know with apache2 if i put "ErrorDocument 404 /404.html" in htaccess file or in httpd.conf and i have a 404.html in the www folder why its not being displayed on a 404 error? | 22:49 |
ZykoticK9 | birdiee_, this might help ya | 22:49 |
ssam | bondiblueos9, might help. but it may also be out of date | 22:49 |
birdiee_ | ZykoticK9, I added it, it was one thing in the guide and when I going to software sources I can see it there | 22:49 |
rip | Hello, does the latest Ubuntu isntaller offer an "encrypt system" feature which uses block level encryption to encrypt all file systems (including swap partition)? | 22:49 |
guntbert | Fizix: its like BlueSherpa said, but they do some things differently | 22:50 |
ZykoticK9 | birdiee_, have you run an update? like "sudo apt-get update"? | 22:50 |
nullr | rip use truecrypt works with everything | 22:50 |
h4f | how can I setup 2 pppoe connections at the same time ? (+routing) ? | 22:50 |
birdiee_ | ZykoticK9, yeah but i searched for it in the synaptic now and I saw a non-free codec thingy which mentioned it so I installed it now and gonna test | 22:50 |
nullr | anyone know how to chmod 777 a directory? | 22:51 |
guntbert | nullr: don't | 22:51 |
vinpan | how do i reg with the channel? | 22:51 |
ironfoot495 | Hello I still have a problem getting virtualbox to share with ubuntu. Can someone give me a way to mount winxp to work through vb? | 22:51 |
^workman^ | chmod 777 /dirname | 22:51 |
Finnish | Anyone know how to launch SuperPi? | 22:51 |
guntbert | !register | vinpan | 22:51 |
ubottu | vinpan: Information about registering your nickname: - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available in #freenode | 22:51 |
h4f | chmod -R for recursive | 22:52 |
^workman^ | nullr: but for security reasons that's a really bad idea | 22:52 |
vinpan | thx | 22:52 |
^workman^ | nullr: unless the dir in question in a sub dir of your home directory | 22:52 |
arghh2d2 | 777 colors suck too | 22:53 |
birdiee_ | ZykoticK9, I don't even know if it's a codec problem in mplayer tho, keep saying error opening/initilizaing the selected video_out (-vo) device | 22:53 |
birdiee_ | I can hear the sound buy no image | 22:53 |
\bMike\b | Do Macs have a selector in the BIOS for which medium to boot from? I'm not sure how to get into the LiveCD environment :\ | 22:53 |
alesan | hi is there a way I can check the proint queue on the command line? | 22:53 |
nullr | ^workman^: yes it is but its not working | 22:54 |
Fizix | ZykoticK9, have you tried VLC? | 22:54 |
nullr | its for ftp it wont let me write | 22:54 |
erUSUL | alesan: lpq | 22:54 |
Titanium_ManX | bmike hold down alt/option | 22:54 |
vinpan | i want to host my own website and i installed apache were do i upload the pages to? | 22:54 |
Titanium_ManX | at boot | 22:54 |
Flannel | \bMike\b: You have to hit a key during boot to bring up the options | 22:54 |
squircle | \bMike\b: macs don't use BIOS ;) | 22:54 |
Flannel | vinpan: \var\www, is has some good reading | 22:55 |
\bMike\b | Flannel: OK, I just wasn't sure if it differed from "PC"s | 22:55 |
kazagistar | virt-manager does not work... when I try to create a hard drive image, it can only make one in a /var/ subdirectory for which it lacks privileges. I don't want to have to run my virtual machines as root; any ideas or solutions? | 22:55 |
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^workman^ | nullr: did you create the dir as your username or as root? | 22:55 |
vinpan | do i have to have mysql and php? | 22:55 |
Fizix | i have db2 | 22:55 |
nomed | hi all | 22:55 |
^workman^ | !hi | nomed | 22:56 |
ubottu | nomed: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at Enjoy your stay! | 22:56 |
\bMike\b | vinpan: It depends what the website is going to be! | 22:56 |
kharloss | hi there. i made a big mistake, i try to recompile my kernnel, everything was ok, then i " mkinitramfs -o /boot/initrd.img- " then change my /boot/grub/menu.lst .. delete all files config-2.6.XX / initrdXX everything ... i`m stuckd ...stupid .. any help recovery my system back ? | 22:56 |
nullr | ^workman^: I made it under root is there a way to change it to my user name? | 22:56 |
ZykoticK9 | birdiee_, that isn't a codec problem! in a terminal try "mplayer -vo gl FILENAME" and see if that works | 22:56 |
vinpan | well i dont need php or mysql | 22:56 |
nomed | is there anyone having issues with wireless networks on karmic (device not ready) ? | 22:56 |
NightEyes1 | I'm having trouble getting a Region 0 DVD movie to play in Ubuntu I've tried everything I can think of but I can't get the disk to mount | 22:56 |
reactor16 | BlueSherpa thx u | 22:56 |
reactor16 | how i do to remove mysql from startup ? | 22:56 |
\bMike\b | vinpan: OK, then you don't need php or mysql O__o | 22:56 |
^workman^ | nullr: yes, chown -R username.username (user and group) dirname | 22:56 |
nomed | wireless stoped to work on karmic ... did it happen just to me ? | 22:57 |
NightEyes1 | if anyone can help it would be grat | 22:57 |
zaoul | halp?! | 22:57 |
rip | nullr: I already have Ubuntu installed without any encryption facility. Are you saying that Truecrypt will perform encryption over existing system, and that I do not have to install Ubuntu from scratch (erase partitions and then re-install)? | 22:57 |
zaoul | uewbontwo | 22:57 |
birdiee_ | ZykoticK9, that worked! do I have to change the settings to GL? | 22:57 |
zaoul | ei nead halp wyth uewbontew | 22:57 |
ZykoticK9 | birdiee_, yes | 22:57 |
birdiee_ | ZykoticK9, ok cool! thanks man | 22:58 |
damaltor_ | hello, i want to install grub2 onto an usb flash drive. i definitly need grub2, but on my host grub (NOT 2) is installed. how can i install grub2 onto the flash drive w/o updating my local grub? | 22:58 |
Finnish | What is a good benchmark tool to measure system power? | 22:58 |
nullr | ^workman^: how do I find my "group" is there a command? | 22:58 |
zaoul | Finnish: like wattage? | 22:58 |
raphael_ | hey !! does anyone knows some stuff about arduino? or a website about it? | 22:58 |
^workman^ | grep "yourusername" /etc/group | 22:58 |
\bMike\b | damaltor_: When you install, you have to specify what drive to install to. Just specify the flash drive | 22:58 |
vinpan | so that link will tell me how to upload pages to apache? | 22:58 |
dutchie | raphael_: try the "groups" command | 22:58 |
zaoul | raphael_: try website? | 22:58 |
nomed | ^workman^, as you seem active on this channel ... may u tell me if there is anyone having issues with wireless networks ? | 22:59 |
Finnish | zaoul, CPU and chipset power? | 22:59 |
raphael_ | already has but nothing interesting | 22:59 |
damaltor_ | \bMike\b: yes. but for that, i have to install grub2 wich will automagically try to update my grub on the host computer | 22:59 |
zaoul | Finnish: like wattage? | 22:59 |
ZykoticK9 | ^workman^, an easier way is to type "groups" in a terminal - will list all groups the user is in | 22:59 |
nullr | rip: I am pretty sure you will need to format but I know truecrypt works across all systems | 22:59 |
HilBilly | nomed . .. what issue are you having? | 22:59 |
\bMike\b | damaltor_: oh, right :( | 22:59 |
* \bMike\b wakes up | 22:59 | |
nullr | ZykoticK9: I asked that but thanks | 22:59 |
birdiee_ | ZykoticK9, when i went into preferences in mplayer and tried to change to GL I got "Fatal Error: Mplayer interupted by signal 11 in module unkown" | 22:59 |
nomed | HilBilly, i get device not ready under wireless networks | 22:59 |
^workman^ | ZykoticK9; yea I know, but he was root | 23:00 |
nomed | it was working before | 23:00 |
reactor16 | how i do to remove mysql from startup ? | 23:00 |
ZykoticK9 | birdiee_, that's not the best sign. what GUI are you using? | 23:00 |
^workman^ | ZykoticK9; even easier as a user type: id | 23:00 |
HilBilly | you did check the switch on the computer and make sure your wireless card is turned on, didn't you? | 23:00 |
birdiee_ | ZykoticK9, you mean for ubuntu? gnome. | 23:00 |
ZykoticK9 | ^workman^, not as pretty ;) | 23:00 |
nomed | HilBilly, no switch | 23:01 |
ZykoticK9 | birdiee_, what mplayer GUI are you using? gnome-mplayer? | 23:01 |
^workman^ | ZykoticK9: true true, I dislike pretty ... =)~ | 23:01 |
nomed | HilBilly, i do not have any switch on this Acer Timeline | 23:01 |
zaoul | I need to find a new distro | 23:01 |
^workman^ | zaoul: ? | 23:01 |
birdiee_ | ZykoticK9, I am using the one I got from "sudo apt-get install mplayer" and then started it from applications -> sound and video..Mplayer media player | 23:01 |
zaoul | ^workman^: wa | 23:02 |
^workman^ | zaoul: if you need to switch, why mention it, just switch | 23:02 |
reactor16 | how i do to remove mysql from system startup ? | 23:02 |
ZykoticK9 | birdiee_, see if you get the same error selecting gl2 | 23:02 |
zaoul | ^workman^: you really want an answer? | 23:02 |
=== max is now known as Guest67802 | ||
damaltor_ | hello, i want to install grub2 onto an usb flash drive. i definitly need grub2, but on my host grub (NOT 2) is installed. how can i install grub2 onto the flash drive w/o updating my local grub? | 23:02 |
^workman^ | zaoul: dude its a free world, knock yourself out | 23:02 |
birdiee_ | ZykoticK9, I did. | 23:03 |
zaoul | ^workman^: you're a confused individual | 23:03 |
ZykoticK9 | birdiee_, i just got the same error "singal 11 in module: unknown" looks like you may have stumbled onto a bug! | 23:03 |
^workman^ | zaoul: yup, as are most of us | 23:03 |
vinpan | what folder would i put my webpages at? | 23:03 |
vinpan | well webpages in | 23:04 |
birdiee_ | ZykoticK9, oh that makes sense hehe | 23:04 |
zaoul | vinpan: for apache? /var/www/htdocs iirc | 23:04 |
vinpan | yes | 23:04 |
birdiee_ | ZykoticK9, If I don't even choose anything just wait there in the video section it crashes..weird | 23:04 |
zaoul | yea somewhere in /var .. tab completion is you're friend | 23:04 |
=== aude is now known as aude-away | ||
ZykoticK9 | birdiee_, try installing gnome-mplayer and see if you get the same error (gnome-mplayer isn't quite as feature rich mind you) | 23:05 |
zaoul | ya hear that all? Tab completion is your friend! | 23:05 |
puff | Dangit... | 23:05 |
ZykoticK9 | birdiee_, gnome-mplayer doesn't seem to give me the error when i select gl! | 23:06 |
vinpan | now i have a domain name how would i get it to show instead of localhost? | 23:06 |
NightEyes1 | I'm having trouble getting a Region 0 DVD movie to play in Ubuntu I've tried everything I can think of but I can't get the disk to mount if anyone can help that would be great | 23:06 |
puff | After working just fine for almost a year, now I'm having flash sound problems. | 23:06 |
birdiee_ | ZykoticK9, ok cool gonna give it a try just, sudo apt-get install gnome-mplayer? | 23:06 |
ZykoticK9 | birdiee_, you got it! | 23:06 |
zaoul | word of advice: error messages are good | 23:07 |
puff | First I was having a problem where firefox and xine sound would just stop working (though system beep, etc, came out fine), until I rebooted. Then I updated again and now firefox flash video sound is gone again, but amarok/xine works just fine. | 23:07 |
zaoul | gesus | 23:07 |
nullr | ^workman^: chown Operation not permitted. Do I type the user name or Id? I type the name | 23:07 |
puff | Anybody know what the deal is? I'm still on jaunty. | 23:07 |
vinpan | now i have a domain name how would i get it to show instead of localhost? | 23:08 |
next18 | just got the program but it runs like a dream | 23:08 |
birdiee_ | ZykoticK9, it worked great! thanks you the best! | 23:08 |
zaoul | vinpan: edit /etc/hosts | 23:09 |
^workman^ | nullr: you can't chown a dir that is created by root. you have to be root, then chown the dir to your userid and groupid | 23:09 |
ZykoticK9 | birdiee_, glad it worked! | 23:09 |
zaoul | vinpan: localhost youhost | 23:09 |
david1 | how do i go to back to old grub (9.10)? | 23:09 |
zaoul | vinpan: need to logout and in for it to work | 23:09 |
vinpan | were would i edit that at? | 23:09 |
zaoul | vinpan: I just told you | 23:09 |
vinpan | oo ok | 23:09 |
siyad | hi | 23:10 |
nullr | ^workman^: Yes I ran the command under root and got denied figured sudo would do the same thing but I tried it anyway. It also failed | 23:10 |
cheoni | I need major assistance | 23:10 |
siyad | hw is there | 23:10 |
^workman^ | nullr: what's the command you are running? | 23:10 |
=== nick is now known as Guest38693 | ||
^workman^ | nullr: in full | 23:10 |
rip | nullr: TrueCrypt does not seem to be free software. I don't want to use any non-free software. Is there any free way to have transparent disk encryption on Ubuntu? | 23:10 |
nullr | rip: truecrypt is free and open source | 23:11 |
vinpan | zaoul: in the host.config? | 23:11 |
nullr | rip: | 23:11 |
zaoul | vinpan: in /etc/hosts | 23:11 |
cheoni | My Adobe keeps reading this problem " E:The package adobe-plugin needs to be reinstalled, but I can't find and archive for it" How can I fix this? | 23:12 |
nullr | ^workman^: first im in th directory which contains the sub directory "one" my command is "chown -R nullr.nullr one" | 23:12 |
nomaS | i forgot user and password, how can i recover on jaunty ? | 23:12 |
zaoul | nomaS: have encrypted disk? | 23:13 |
Guest38693 | i'm having a problem getting a second monitor to work in ubuntu | 23:13 |
vinpan | zaoul: im in the etc folder but i dont see a host folder | 23:13 |
zaoul | who said it was a folder? | 23:13 |
puff | Can anybody help me with my disappearing flash sound? | 23:13 |
zaoul | ugh it's a directory too | 23:13 |
ZykoticK9 | Guest38693, are you using Nvidia? | 23:13 |
harovali | what can I do to fix the display of accented letters in a text-mode tty in ubuntu karmic ? | 23:13 |
Guest38693 | ZyktoicK9: yes | 23:14 |
sman | hey, I am trying to find linux software similar to Crocodile Clips, an electronic design automation (EDA) software package for drawing logic circuit diagrams, simulating them etc. Any recommended software? I have tried gEDA | 23:14 |
* SeViLLa chillin | 23:14 | |
ZykoticK9 | Guest38693, what problem are you having? | 23:14 |
Guest38693 | when i try to save the settings it gives me "failed to parse existing x config file '/etc/X11/xorg.conf' | 23:14 |
zaoul | sman: ktechlab is pretty shweet | 23:14 |
rip | nullr: from Wikipedia: "The TrueCrypt Collective License does not meet the Open Source Definition, and thus has not been approved by the Open Source Initiative. It is not considered "free" by all the major GNU/Linux distributions (Debian[23], Ubuntu[24], Fedora[25], openSUSE[26], Gentoo[27]). The license is not considered "free" mainly because of distribution and copyright-liability reasons.[28]" | 23:14 |
ZykoticK9 | Guest38693, | 23:15 |
zaoul | ecrypt? | 23:15 |
TeLLuS | sman: LTSpice IV | 23:15 |
sman | TeLLuS: ok I'll look into it | 23:15 |
vinpan | zaoul: im in the etc folder but i dont see a host folder | 23:15 |
TeLLuS | sman: Running in wine.. :) | 23:15 |
zaoul | (06:13:49 PM) zaoul: who said it was a folder? | 23:15 |
boscop_ | hi. how can I set vidalia to start at boot and tor to start with it as a global proxy for all connections? | 23:15 |
zaoul | gesus | 23:16 |
sman | oh | 23:16 |
Guest38693 | ZykoticK9: what do i do with that code? | 23:16 |
nullr | rip: "from Wikipedia" seems to be the problem. The truecrypt website says free open source | 23:16 |
ZykoticK9 | Guest38693, run each line in a terminal | 23:16 |
SeViLLa | clear | 23:16 |
SeViLLa | oops | 23:16 |
nullr | rip: I have never paid for it | 23:16 |
cheoni | I am having problems installing or removing Adobe Flash player. Can I get some help,please? | 23:16 |
ray9na | Hello | 23:18 |
Guest38693 | now when i try to do it, it says "unable to remove old x config backup file '/etc/X11/xorg.conf.backup'" | 23:18 |
vinpan | is this were i put my domain name at? | 23:18 |
vinpan | | 23:18 |
vinpan | | 23:18 |
vinpan | # The following lines are desirable for IPv6 capable hosts | 23:18 |
vinpan | ::1 localhost ip6-localhost ip6-loopback | 23:18 |
vinpan | fe00::0 ip6-localnet | 23:18 |
vinpan | ff00::0 ip6-mcastprefix | 23:18 |
vinpan | ff02::1 ip6-allnodes | 23:18 |
FloodBot2 | vinpan: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 23:18 |
puff | Wtf?? | 23:18 |
dutchie | !pastebin | vinpan | 23:19 |
ubottu | vinpan: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use | To post !screenshots use | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic | 23:19 |
ZykoticK9 | Guest38693, | 23:19 |
vinpan | wow | 23:19 |
rip | nullr: by "free", I mean | 23:19 |
ray9na | I'm a total newbie to Linux, I just installed UNR 9.04, and I have a question about shortcuts (links, I guess) and the Favorites tab. | 23:20 |
ZykoticK9 | rip, as in "free as in beer" not "free as in freedom" ;) | 23:20 |
Guest38693 | it still gives me the same error | 23:21 |
vinpan | were it says localhost i replace that with my domain name? | 23:21 |
orenji | excuse me, how to add xsl to the catalog? | 23:21 |
ZykoticK9 | ray9na, what is your question? you can right click on any of the icons as use "Add to favorites" to add thing -- to modify or create new you need to use the "Main Menu" editor | 23:22 |
ray9na | Well, I have a little stand-alone app that technically is Win-only, but I'm running it in Wine. I was wondering how I could access it more easily than navigating to where it is in my files. | 23:23 |
ray9na | brb | 23:23 |
Basso | how do i install xcfe on my fresh ubuntu 9.10 install? | 23:23 |
rip | ZykoticK9: "as in free speech", not "as in free beer". ;-) | 23:23 |
ZykoticK9 | Guest38693, are you using "gksu nvidia-settings" ? | 23:23 |
vinpan | were it says localhost i replace that with my domain name? | 23:23 |
ray9na | back | 23:23 |
Recliner | Hey all | 23:23 |
Guest38693 | no, just the display settings in preferences, which takes me to the nvidia setup program | 23:24 |
Recliner | does anyone know how to make linux look like osx | 23:24 |
raphael_ | it already look like osx just a little different | 23:25 |
Sememmon | Recliner: why would you want to? ;) | 23:25 |
^workman^ | ray9na: you can create a custom startup launcher by right clicking on the top bar in gnome, choose add to panel, and "custom app launcher" | 23:25 |
* Sememmon stabs ALSA & PulseAudio | 23:25 | |
Recliner | silver is my favorite color and i like the way it looks. | 23:25 |
ray9na | Let me see... | 23:25 |
ZykoticK9 | ray9na, in a terminal (or Alt+F2) run alacarte - which is the menu editor, then you could add your wine app manually | 23:26 |
Guest38693 | brb | 23:26 |
ray9na | Okay, I'll need some hand-holding for that. | 23:26 |
orenji | @rec system/appearance, you could change the color there | 23:26 |
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Recliner | i also like the dock | 23:28 |
chun | Hi - occasionally my sound will just cut out, have to mute/unmute for it to work again. Where should I start debugging this? Nothing relevant is appearing in the syslog. | 23:28 |
orenji | I have added xml to the catalog | 23:28 |
=== max is now known as Guest14095 | ||
orenji | but I've got no idea which file to add to catalog for xsl | 23:29 |
ray9na | Ah, I think this is going to be easier than I feared. Thank you :-D | 23:29 |
orenji | need it for building aegisub | 23:29 |
^workman^ | ray9na: np | 23:29 |
arghh2d2 | !ping | 23:31 |
ubottu | Here I am, brain the size of a planet and you expect me to respond to a ping? How depressing. | 23:31 |
boscop_ | how can I set tor as the global proxy for all connections? | 23:32 |
boscop_ | when I enter localhost and port 9050 in all 4 categories, it doesn't work | 23:32 |
nat2610 | Is there an apt-get command that tells which repository is picked to install a certain package ? | 23:33 |
cheoni | I know my problem is stupid and not worth anyones time, but it is causing me alot of grief. I would really appreciate a bit of assistance with it. | 23:33 |
jrib | cheoni: best to just ask the channel your actual question (on a single line) | 23:33 |
dragon | There's no way in the latest installer to select none of the "Other options" once you hit F6. Is this a known issue? | 23:33 |
orenji | @nat | 23:34 |
orenji | sudo apt-cache search xxx | 23:34 |
dragon | Is it a real issue? | 23:34 |
jrib | dragon: check to see if it's a known issue | 23:34 |
ZykoticK9 | nat2610, you can usually get a hint, of where a package is coming from by running "apt-cache policy PACKAGE_FOO" | 23:34 |
dragon | jrib: ok? | 23:34 |
mabus | how do I remove a service from starting on boot, like rc-update in gentoo? is there something better than chmod -x the init script? | 23:34 |
jrib | orenji, nat: no point in using sudo with apt-cache search | 23:34 |
konbon | mabus: might wanna ask the gentoo guys | 23:34 |
jrib | dragon: wasn't that your question? | 23:34 |
zoggnoff | ubuntu is debian yeah | 23:35 |
cheoni | How do I fix my problem with Adobe flash player? | 23:35 |
jrib | cheoni: what is your problem with it... | 23:35 |
konbon | cheoni: whats the problem? | 23:35 |
dragon | jrib: that wasn't the answer I was expecting. I've been searching through bugs for a while, and I know I need to do that. | 23:35 |
mabus | konbon: ... no, that's not what i asked | 23:35 |
dragon | I'm still wondering whether it's a common issue... | 23:35 |
ZykoticK9 | mabus, if you're running 9.10 it's now controlled by Upstart (which doesn't seem to be too well documented at this point) - there was a GUI app for doing this in 9.04 and less | 23:36 |
cheoni | (E: The package adobe-flash plugin needs to be reinstalled, but I can't find and archive for it) keeps poping up. | 23:36 |
mabus | ZykoticK9: I'm using server 8.10 | 23:36 |
konbon | Upstart is the new ubuntu nighmare, imo :P | 23:36 |
jrib | dragon: your question sounded like you wanted to know if it was known/common. You check the bug tracker for that. Seeing if the 10 people checking questions in this channel know about the problem isn't going to be as informative as seeing if a bug exists if all you care about is whether it is a known/common issue | 23:36 |
ZykoticK9 | mabus, you might want to ask in #ubuntu-server then, good luck | 23:36 |
djuggler | I've got mysql installed on ubuntu 8.04. If I install postgresql will I have conflicts or problems that I need to be aware of? | 23:37 |
jrib | dragon: I'm not telling you not to ask here, just where to look for existing bugs | 23:37 |
jrib | !who | cheoni | 23:37 |
ubottu | cheoni: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :) | 23:37 |
ritesh | How can i setup cron , to execute my php script.. | 23:37 |
jrib | cheoni: and what do you want to do? Install flash? | 23:37 |
sdwrage | Hey all | 23:37 |
ritesh | i tried with crontab -e | 23:37 |
jrib | ritesh: do you just have to visit a page with wget? | 23:37 |
sdwrage | I am on IRC through CLI... cant get onto KDE desktop :( | 23:38 |
dragon | jrib: ok cool. | 23:38 |
djuggler | it doesn't show in the add/remove applications but is there a way to confirm that postgresql is not already installed? | 23:38 |
ZykoticK9 | ritesh, i doubt cron can execute php scripts - unless you has a cli php program running? good luck | 23:38 |
ritesh | No | 23:38 |
Flannel | djuggler: Check in synaptic (add/remove is a select subset of programs). Or, use dpkg: dpkg -l | grep postgres | 23:38 |
ritesh | jrib, can i get the source code of the page with that too? | 23:39 |
orenji | gtk doc needs xsl stylesheet | 23:39 |
orenji | I have installed it | 23:39 |
ritesh | ZykoticK9, i have cli installed.. | 23:39 |
cheoni | jrib: Flash quit working. I can't remove it, it won't allow me to do that. | 23:39 |
djuggler | Flannel: excellent! I thought they were the same. thx | 23:39 |
jrib | ritesh: what do you mean by source code? If you mean the page the server returns, sure | 23:39 |
orenji | How to add it to othe catalog | 23:39 |
sdwrage | Can anyone help me with an issue? I try to boot up kubuntu after I installed kubuntu-desktop and it starts to load... graphics get wierd... then goes to black screen... | 23:39 |
jrib | cheoni: yes, I'm asking you what you want to do once you remove it | 23:39 |
ritesh | jrib, | 23:39 |
ritesh | i mean html of the page .. | 23:39 |
cheoni | jrib: reinstall it. | 23:40 |
jrib | ritesh: yes, wget returns the html of the page | 23:40 |
lun4tic | hey how about promoting ubuntu at the fifa worldcup in southafrica next year? :D | 23:40 |
sdwrage | hrm | 23:40 |
lun4tic | anyone here from there? :) | 23:40 |
Snausages | lun4tic: I'll be there, with an ubuntu netbook | 23:40 |
jrib | cheoni: ok, pastebin what happens when you attempt to reinstall it | 23:40 |
ZykoticK9 | !ot | lun4tic | 23:40 |
ubottu | lun4tic: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! | 23:40 |
lun4tic | seen tv news with the celebration today | 23:40 |
* orenji facepalm | 23:41 | |
sdwrage | Can anyone help me with an issue? I try to boot up kubuntu after I installed kubuntu-desktop and it starts to load... graphics get wierd... then goes to black screen... | 23:41 |
ritesh | ooh okay , i just checked it , | 23:41 |
cheoni | jrib: I receive the message (E:The package adobe-flashplugin needs to be reinstalled, but I can't find an archive for it.) keeps popping up. | 23:41 |
ritesh | can i use it to get urls saved in database? | 23:41 |
felix_ | sdwrage: unrucky haha | 23:41 |
jrib | cheoni: right. So reinstall it and tell me the error | 23:41 |
sdwrage | felix, yeah... unrucky... | 23:42 |
sdwrage | felix, still doesnt help me solve the issue :| | 23:42 |
R1_ | Hi... I recently upgraded from 9.04 to 9.10. Now every time I log in there's a 3/4 chance that the top and bottom gnome panels freeze up and I can't access them. Right now I'm using terminal to connect to the internet and get on xchat | 23:42 |
felix_ | no... sorry | 23:42 |
sdwrage | thinking about killing the partition, reinstalling | 23:42 |
=== jab is now known as Guest33003 | ||
sdwrage | but I need a folder off of it | 23:42 |
orenji | ok, another problem, the drive shortcuts are missing from Files & Folder tab, how to fix that... thx | 23:43 |
konbon | sdwrage: the live cd works fine? | 23:43 |
konbon | even after the install | 23:43 |
sdwrage | yeah, the live cd is fine | 23:43 |
artillery129 | yo | 23:43 |
rhett | apache and mysql start if I do /etc/init.d/apache2 start etc., but they don't start on boot | 23:43 |
artillery129 | whassup big boy | 23:43 |
konbon | might be the X settings | 23:43 |
artillery129 | join #xbins | 23:43 |
konbon | need to find some one who knows more about X | 23:43 |
artillery129 | hey | 23:43 |
Flare183 | !ot | artillery129 | 23:43 |
ubottu | artillery129: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! | 23:43 |
artillery129 | how do i change server? | 23:43 |
sdwrage | konbon, I installed kubuntu-desktop on my perfectly fine ubuntu install and then logged out and back into kde... all was good... shut off PC and then restarted... thats when it freaked | 23:44 |
felix_ | sdwrage: start the livecd up, mount your hard drive and get the folder off the hard drive | 23:44 |
konbon | artillery129: /links | 23:44 |
rhett | II did this sudo update-rc.d apache2 defaults | 23:44 |
jrib | R1_: test if the same happens with a freshly created new user | 23:44 |
cheoni | jrib: package installer reads "Could not open 'install_flash_player_10_linux.deb' The package might me corrupted or you are not allowed to open the file." | 23:44 |
rhett | and it says it already exists | 23:44 |
jrib | rhett: you shouldn't have to do that. It should start automatically after you install it | 23:44 |
sdwrage | felix_, thats actually a good idea... I am probably gonna install kubuntu right off the bat this time | 23:44 |
R1_ | jrib, k i'll brb | 23:44 |
jrib | cheoni: download the package again, then run "sudo dpkg -i /path/to/package" | 23:45 |
felix_ | off the bat? | 23:45 |
konbon | sdwrage:i had that same problem, but i also came here for help | 23:45 |
konbon | some one here knows X commands more than i do | 23:45 |
Halitech | cheoni, were you in the correct directory? ie, if you do ls -l does the file show? | 23:45 |
R1_ | jrib, how do you know how to log out through terminal? | 23:45 |
sdwrage | konbon, is kde and gnome built on top of x? | 23:45 |
jrib | R1_: you mean log out of gnome? | 23:45 |
R1_ | jrib, yes | 23:46 |
rhett | well, it doesn't start unless I start it manually | 23:46 |
jrib | R1_: gnome-session-SOMETHING (I don't have gnome installed). Maybe gnome-session-save, but read man page | 23:46 |
jrib | !who | rhett | 23:46 |
ubottu | rhett: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :) | 23:46 |
R1_ | jrib k thx | 23:46 |
jrib | rhett: what version of ubuntu? | 23:46 |
sdwrage | Can anyone help me with a graphics issue and not being able to get into my desktop environment? seems to be a problem with X? | 23:46 |
sdwrage | Got an ATI Radeon HD 2600 Pro | 23:47 |
cheoni | jrib: When I type that into the terminal, it reads "dpkg: error processing /path/to/package (--install):cannot access archive: No such file or directory Errors were encountered while processing:/path/to/package" | 23:47 |
jrib | cheoni: because when I say "/path/to/package" I mean replace that by the actual path to the package | 23:47 |
=== orenji is now known as xsl_problem | ||
cheoni | jrib: Okay, lets try a route I might understand. How do I get rid of adobe flash player? | 23:48 |
jrib | cheoni: you have to do what I said. Basically, I need to see the error you get when you try to reinstall it so that I can tell you to edit the proper file to fix it | 23:49 |
a1887 | hi there | 23:49 |
jrib | cheoni: did you do the first thing I asked? Redownload the .deb? | 23:49 |
a1887 | could anybody tell me, why my external harddrive keeps shuting down after a while since the new ubuntu release? | 23:50 |
cheoni | jrib: how can i send you a screen shot? | 23:50 |
jrib | !pastebin | cheoni | 23:50 |
ubottu | cheoni: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use | To post !screenshots use | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic | 23:50 |
jrib | cheoni: I don't need a screenshot, just copy and paste the text | 23:51 |
noah | anybody else finding latest firefox 3.5 highly broken on karmic? all kinds of weirdness, clicks don't work, websites don't open, scrollbar on the wrong side, fonts messed up... | 23:51 |
sonne | have you upgraded it? | 23:51 |
sonne | as in, from a previous version? | 23:52 |
noah | sonne: i'm all up to date with apt-get ... | 23:52 |
sonne | no, i mean... | 23:52 |
cheoni | jrib: | 23:52 |
sonne | it used to work as a previous version, then you upgraded it to 3.5, and it stopped working? | 23:52 |
Metwo | hi | 23:52 |
jrib | cheoni: you told me this already. Can you please do what I have asked you to? Redownload the package. | 23:53 |
VirusTB | hi | 23:53 |
VirusTB | yay! | 23:53 |
VirusTB | i got compiz working properly! | 23:53 |
cheoni | jrib: okay. How do I go about redownloading the package? | 23:53 |
Halitech | cheoni, when gdebi opened, did it ask you for a password? | 23:53 |
Metwo | VirusTB, good for you | 23:53 |
sonne | grats VirusTB :D | 23:53 |
noah | sonne: it was working until a little while ago when i did apt-get upgrade... i'm not sure firefox itself was upgraded in that upgrade though | 23:53 |
jrib | cheoni: how did you download it the first time? | 23:53 |
VirusTB | now my computer looks BAD ASS! | 23:54 |
cheoni | Halitech: no. it asked for no password | 23:54 |
sonne | noah, have you tried with a blank configuration? maybe something got messed up in the config migration or whatnot | 23:54 |
Metwo | !ot >virusrb | 23:54 |
Metwo | !ot >virustb | 23:54 |
ubottu | virustb, please see my private message | 23:54 |
cheoni | jrib: I downloaded it from adobe's website. | 23:54 |
Halitech | cheoni, so you basically don't have permission to install, sounds like your file might be fine but you need to install it properly | 23:54 |
noah | sonne: i.e. mv ~/.mozilla ~/.mozilla.bak ? | 23:54 |
jrib | cheoni: so download it again from there... | 23:54 |
Metwo | ok | 23:54 |
sonne | or -> HOME=/tmp firefox | 23:55 |
sonne | i usually do that | 23:55 |
noah | ah that's an idea | 23:55 |
Metwo | who needs help | 23:55 |
sonne | but be sure to close all firefox windows before you do that | 23:55 |
mahngiel | ubuntu isn't recognizing my DVDs | 23:55 |
cheoni | jrib: that is where I am downloading it from. | 23:55 |
sonne | or it will just spawn another window | 23:55 |
Metwo | mahngiel, Movie DVD? | 23:55 |
noah | right | 23:55 |
mahngiel | Metwo: indeed | 23:55 |
noah | sonne: looks like it might be working | 23:55 |
cheoni | halitech: how do I go about installing it properly/ | 23:55 |
mahngiel | i've been looking for plugins but haven't found any | 23:55 |
Halitech | cheoni, where did you download the file to? | 23:56 |
sonne | noah, try the same things on both setups | 23:56 |
sonne | determine if that is the problem | 23:56 |
cheoni | halitech: thank you | 23:56 |
coz_ | mahngiel, pluging for what? | 23:56 |
noah | sonne: hmm actually just remembered zotero extension upgraded itself a little while ago too | 23:56 |
VirusTB | mahngiel, plugin ?? | 23:56 |
VirusTB | mahngiel, u have VLC installed? | 23:56 |
sonne | i don't know what extension that is, but that can be a cause | 23:56 |
mahngiel | coz_: idk, anything that may be missing. no i do not Virus, it won't mount | 23:56 |
sonne | once you've determined that the problem is not within firefox itself, but within something in your .mozilla, you can start examining that | 23:57 |
mahngiel | it's not that VLC won't mount, my DVD disk won't | 23:57 |
coz_ | mahngiel, for which application again? | 23:57 |
cheoni | Halitech: you asked the right question. Okay, now I am in the containing folder. how do go about unlocking the containing folder? | 23:57 |
mahngiel | coz_: any really. movies just won't mount... | 23:57 |
jrib | cheoni: you don't need to unlock anything. Anyway, ping me if you are stuck | 23:57 |
ZykoticK9 | mahngiel, if you are using 9.10 and want video DVD support see | 23:57 |
alesan | mp3 | 23:57 |
alesan | !mp3 | 23:57 |
ubottu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: - See also - But please use free formats if you can: | 23:57 |
Ronald | Winamp not Running | 23:57 |
Halitech | cheoni, what do you mean unlocking the containing folder? | 23:58 |
mahngiel | ZykoticK9: ty. | 23:58 |
coz_ | mahngiel, oh for you video player ! which video player? vlc mplayer totem ? | 23:58 |
mahngiel | coz_: mplayer is the only installed atm. but the problem is that the disk won't even mount. does a prgm need to be able to ID the disk before it'll mount? | 23:58 |
coz_ | mahngiel, this is a dvd disk? | 23:58 |
cheoni | halitech: it is showing a lock by the installer package. | 23:59 |
coz_ | mahngiel, did you already install ubuntu-restricted-extras? | 23:59 |
mahngiel | coz_: yap | 23:59 |
noah | sonne: thanks for the suggestions, poking around now... disabling zotero didn't fix it | 23:59 |
coz_ | mahngiel, did you already run sudo /usr/share/doc/libdvdread4/ | 23:59 |
Halitech | cheoni, can you open a terminal in the folder you are in currently? ie, right click - open terminal here? | 23:59 |
mahngiel | i don't have ubuntu-desktop installed however | 23:59 |
coz_ | mahngiel, oh? | 23:59 |
mahngiel | coz: it was already installed | 23:59 |
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