
=== leoquant is now known as DarwinDuck
=== DarwinDuck is now known as leoquant
=== stooj_ is now known as StooJ
WeatherGodgreetings from the Bug Squad...18:38
* WeatherGod waves18:38
pleia2hi there WeatherGod18:38
WeatherGodwe are currently renovating our Bug wiki pages, and we have some class session pages18:38
pleia2are you interested in doing some more classes here?18:38
WeatherGodand they are very plain looking with the time stamps and such18:39
WeatherGodwell, I was wondering if you guys have any useful tools for posting the class session in a pretty format18:39
pleia2not particularly, the wiki page shows our pretty basic format: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Classroom18:40
pleia2the MOTU training page is similar: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Packaging/Training18:40
WeatherGodthe MOTU page is better18:41
WeatherGodthis is what ours look like: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/openweekhardy/ReportBugs218:41
WeatherGodand yours are pretty good too18:42
pleia2ah, for the logs themselves18:42
pleia2another option is linking to the irclogs.ubuntu.com pages18:43
* pleia2 digs up an example18:43
WeatherGodhggdh, how does that look to you?18:44
WeatherGodand it doesn't require any extra work on our part...18:45
hggdhlooks better18:45
WeatherGodheck, it is probably easier because we don't have to make an actual wiki page18:45
* pleia2 nods18:45
pleia2lately there have only been one session per day (that example shows two), but if there are multiple you can link to it and say "scroll down to 22:00 timestamp" or somesuchi18:46
pleia2and yeah, it's easier on the eyes :)18:46
hggdhI am not actually very keen on many different colours, but I like that there are no join/parts18:46
WeatherGodpleia2, thank you very much18:47
pleia2hggdh: there is also a .txt version18:47
hggdh(some people just cannot seen them)18:47
WeatherGodand the time stamps are to the right... nice, out of the way18:47
hggdhpleia2: yes, but not as easy to read as the other one18:47
pleia2hggdh: yeah18:47
hggdhbut -- the html (no matter the colours) are the way to go, methinks. As long as the raw log is also available (so that we can show there was no malicious editing)18:48
WeatherGodbut, the pretty form has it so that all text starts at the same column... which is great when you have users with different length names18:49
WeatherGodhggdh, has that been a concern before?18:49
WeatherGodI think the colors are very useful18:49
hggdhno, never. But better guarantee it18:49
hggdhI am not against the colours18:50
hggdhI just sometimes confuse green and blue hues18:50
WeatherGodsame here18:50
WeatherGodI bet you hate playing Uno, right?18:50
* pleia2 chuckles18:51
hggdhheh. I do not play games, usually. Except for chess18:51
WeatherGodgood man18:51
WeatherGodhggdh, so, what do you think?  Shall we go with the html versions for our pages?18:52
hggdhyes, certainly18:53
hggdhway to go18:53
hggdhand thanks to pleia2 for showing the way18:54
pleia2welcome :)18:54
pleia2will you be interested in doing some classes in the future?18:54
hggdhyou who? mesself, or WeatherGod?18:55
pleia2anyone on bugsquad :)18:55
hggdhfor me, yeas, no prob. Being there before, but always on real classrooms18:56
WeatherGodI'm relatively new... not sure what I could contribute yet18:56
pleia2bugsquad is a nice entry point into contributing, so there are always new folks looking for intro how-tos18:57
macobugsquad mentorship is up to its ears18:57
pleia2ah, so we don't want more? hehe18:57
macosomeone claimed it was new a few weeks ago (pretty sure its been around for years...) and so we've had two mentor requests a day since18:58
macohggdh: ?18:58
macoi dont think we have enough mentors to deal with the influx :-/18:58
pleia2maco: well that's good news, mostly :)18:58
WeatherGodyeah... we just need to get organized18:59
macopleia2: aye18:59
WeatherGodI really want to see Lucid go smoothly18:59
* WeatherGod knocks on wood18:59
WeatherGodok, well, time to get back to the grind19:00
WeatherGodthanks pleia2!19:00
pleia2welcome, good luck :)19:01
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
hggdhmaco: yes, we need more mentors19:17
hggdhwe did not really expect that many requests19:18

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