
TheGreatToiletI dont understand why you being so mean your a big meannie01:20
crawlerdoes anyone know how to set up a vnc server in xubuntu?  i have tried both vnc4server & tightvncserver, and when i connect to them using ubuntu i get a blank grey screen with an X cursor.08:42
wadei accidentally deleted my bottom "taskbar" how do i get it back?08:48
wadei accidentally deleted my bottom "taskbar" how do i get it back?08:59
N-SSomewhat off-topic, but I figure it's still the right crowd of people to ask: Will a couple of new fresh DDR2 memories that are a lot faster than needed still work in an older computer? Like a couple of 2 GB 1066 MHz sticks in a system that is really built for 533 MHz sticks.11:02
N-SIT's starting to get hard to find "old" new hardware.11:02
SahkolihaaN-S: If the motherboard doesn't support the 1066MHz clock, they should just run at the fastest the board can handle.13:42
ron_oN-S, here's something I looked up: http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20081126232402AAdlQqm13:44
ron_oand you should be able to find your old DDR2 memory anyway. Just look for the same size in GBs. They should match your board. Some place will have them, eBay, etc..13:47
N-Sron_o thx, I went and bought larg "old" sticks. Installing them in a bit. Along with 2x1.5 TB disks14:01
N-SSo for that I have a new question: How do I transfer my old system from the system disk to one of these new larger disks?14:02
ron_owhere'd you get the disks? Western Digital was selling for $89 on newegg but I missed the sale. :/14:02
N-SI'm going to install one new disk on the second sata channel and propose to move the system to it.14:02
N-SI bought in a local store here (Sweden, Malmö) for 989 SEK.14:02
ron_oN-S, actually it's pretty easy, but you can't just copy it.14:03
N-SWD's Green Disks14:03
* ron_o will see what that is in American Dollars later. :)14:03
N-SIs there a neat guide I should follow, or can I come back here and get help?14:03
ron_oN-S, let me look it up for you.. wait.14:03
N-SI'm of course conseidering increasing the current sections a little bit, but basically leave most of the space for storage, which I will encrypt using Truecrypt later.14:04
N-SI'm using Truecrypt because it's very simple to use, even if the built-in cryptsetup or other variants may be more efficient.14:05
N-Sron_o thx, I'll go power down and bring the box into the kitchen meanwhile.14:06
ron_ohttp://www.linuxforums.org/forum/redhat-fedora-linux-help/30336-how-take-ghost-image-linux-os.html  ---  http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/partimage    ----   http://www.partimage.org/Main_Page14:08
ron_oyou are better off doing it from a liveCD IMHO. and it depends on what you have to copy.14:09
ron_ois your old HOME on the same partition as your Operating System?14:10
ron_oare you running a 32bit OS as opposed to a 64 bit?14:13
ron_oare you upgrading to Karmic?14:13
prxqis there a way to take an item from the "Applications" menu and drag that to the panel?14:20
ron_oprxq, no.. but you can add a new item to the panel and define it. It's called a Launcher14:22
ron_othere is no drag option in any linux version that I am aware of.14:22
prxqron_o: that's the thing. It involves me filling in the form with stuff that the system already knows14:23
ron_oit doesn't know it. It doesn't know anything, really.14:23
ron_oFWIW, you only have to do it once.14:23
prxqron_o: the application finder does half the job. You can drag an app to the desktop. Now I want it on the panel :-)14:23
prxqron_o: once for each app14:23
ron_oit is convenient to drag and drop shortcuts on the panel and menu, but no one has added that option as of yet. I am sure it's a huge bit of code to deal with.14:23
ron_oI didn't know about the desktop thing. Desktops are diffferent.14:24
ron_oand it really sucks too. You can't create your own menu in XFCE4. Strangely, I can do it easily in Fluxbox.14:25
prxqthat sucks indeed14:25
ron_oFluxbox just uses simple text files for everything. I wish XFCE would just go that way. Everything GUI in the end makes everything more complicated, IMHO.14:26
ron_olook at KDE for instance. There are a bazillion submenus.14:26
ron_obut who is to complain. I love linux, even with some of the issues involved.14:27
prxqron_o: well, the items in the panel, as well as the items in the menue and in the desktop are simple text files.14:32
prxqkde went crazy14:32
ron_oI can't wait to get to karmic.14:33
ron_othere are obviously much more pressing issues to deal with rather than conveniencing the public on what they put into the panel. :)14:35
N-Sron_o I'm running 9.10.14:40
N-SIt was upgraded from a 9.04.14:41
ron_o64 bit?14:41
ron_ohow much RAM?14:41
ron_oyou see 32 bit can only read so much RAM. I think the limit is 3GB.14:41
N-SJust installed 2x2 GB. I do _not_ want to reinstall the system, since it working great as it is.14:41
N-SReally (thinking back many years) I should only need to make the new disk bootable, copy all files from old system and then tell grub to boot that disk instead of the old one.14:43
ron_oyah, I see.14:43
ron_oI think it will read 4GB anyways.14:43
N-SI mean, install grub onto the second disk, so it doesn't rely on the old disk anymore.14:44
ron_operhaps. There is more than one way to skin a cat.14:44
ron_ogood luck.14:44
N-SThing is ... I am not proficient enough with grub to do that. Which is why I was looking for some kind of guide.14:45
ron_otell BIOS where your new disk is.14:45
ron_odid you see my links above?14:45
ron_othere are tools for it.14:45
N-Syup, checking them now14:45
ron_oN-S, I don't know enough to about RAM or computers but look here: http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com/idea/10892/14:49
ron_oand read droetker response to 32 bit OS reading more than 3GB RAM.14:49
ron_ojust trying to help you out before you commit to something, you know?14:50
ron_oyou can upgrade an entire OS and then get back all your config files easily if it's set up properly.14:50
N-SAh, so you think I should instead run a fresh install on the new disk and then hook up the old system disk and copy back the necessary config files? Tha isn't such a bad idea, actually14:53
ron_oyah... just remember to tell the BIOS which OS to boot. You should have an option for that.14:54
ron_oor *disk to boot.14:54
ron_oreally, 64 bit is coming to use now and it should give you very few problems..14:54
N-Shardware is old, don't want to buy a new system14:55
ron_ohmmm, well.. wait. maybe you can't upgrade to 64 bit. I'm not sure.. oh well.14:55
ron_oI lucked out because core2duo can run 32 bit or 64bit..14:56
ron_oand check here: http://inportb.com/2007/10/24/how-to-save-a-list-of-installed-packages-and-reinstall-the-packages-later/14:58
ron_oyour options are many....14:58
N-Sah, I have a few custom installs. I think I need to use the old hackers' variant to avoid trouble. Like I said, partition up the new drive, copy files, install grub and boot that isntead.15:01
N-Smaybe not15:02
N-Ssince it's all binaries it should work fine to do frsh isntall and then copy or reinstall the mising packges15:03
ron_oanyway about it, if it's on your old HD you have a backup.15:05
ron_oyou have infinite tries, but not infinite time.15:05
ron_owhy do you want to copy everything to new HD?15:06
ron_owhy not just use your new HDs as just /Home ?15:06
N-SI only have 2 sata channels and old system is 40 GB15:12
ron_oI'm complicating things a bit. There's always a reason. :) No wonder you want two 1.5 TB drives.15:13
ron_oit's so complicated, this computer thing. It's like they say, you can have everything you want -- in a 25 by 19 inch area...15:15
N-SI'm going to try a fresh install, from usb. Since I still have the old system, it doesn't matter if I fail.15:26
ron_oN-S, tell me how everything went.15:40
abhifxhey there. i tried to upgrade to karmic and this is the error i got - mountall main process (770) terminated with status 127. any help?15:47
=== TriMe|TriMe is now known as TriMe|
SandGorgonhi guys.. am switching from Gnome to Xfce - just wanted to know if setting up Skype 2.1 is straightforward ?16:03
pleia2setting up individual applications is the same whether you're using gnome or xfce16:04
SandGorgonpleia2, thanks. i was just concerned since I heard that pulse-audio needs further configuration in XFCE than in Gnome16:05
pleia2"It just worked for me" so I'd suggest giving it a try and then following up if you have specific errors :)16:06
N-Syo yo yo, doing an install with manual partioning. What are some recommended partitions and sizes I should create?16:08
ron_oN-S, well you just want your root to be like 15GB... huge, yes, but you don't want to put yourself in a bind later.16:09
ron_oI would recommend just root @ 7GB to 20GB.... /boot @ 1GB  and /Home the rest16:10
ron_oand for Swap... well, as large as the most RAM your motherboard will handle.16:11
ron_oit's not like before when space was a huge issue. You can even go larger if you like for /root or '/' .... it's not like you are hurting for space.16:12
N-Sok, so something like this: / 15 GB, /boot 1GB, /home 50GB (will not be using it much, so could be a lot less), swap 4GB (remember I inserted 4 GB ram).16:12
ron_oN-S, sounds good to me.16:12
ron_oyou using ext4?16:12
pleia2fwiw, I never allocate more than 500M of swap, if you're using 4G of swap you have a problem and are making your disk work *way* harder than it should16:13
N-SI could up / a bit so I know that space never be an issue - yes, it suggested ext416:13
N-Spleia2 so true16:13
ron_opleia2, you'll need more than 500 MB. Also, it only uses what it needs, and no more.16:13
pleia2but "how much swap you should use" is a whole discussion unto itself :)16:13
ron_oyour kernel takes care of that.16:13
pleia2ron_o: just saying, it's a waste of harddrive resources to put that much there16:14
N-Syeah, but setting it the same size as ram just makes it available16:14
ron_othe problem with going with just 500MB is if you want to suspend your computer, you may not have enough.16:14
N-Spleia2 well, it's a 1.5 TB disk :-)16:14
ron_opleia2, he's got like 2 1.5 TB drives. I hardly think it matters.16:14
ron_omine is 8GB..16:14
pleia2ah, I missed that bit :)16:14
ron_ohe said it earlier.16:15
SandGorgondoes installing openoffice in xfce require gnome libs - I want to keep it as light as possible ?16:15
ron_oN-S, you might want to even go a little bit larger..16:15
N-SIt's running as nas (for serving media over smb/nfs) and with rtorrent.16:15
ron_o5GB if you haven't done so yet.16:15
ron_oSandGorgon, openoffice is huge. If you don't need it then abiword would be a good recommend.16:15
N-SHaven't touched it yet - I believe in asking for help first.16:16
ron_oN-S, so it's a server then. Still, more is better. Just don't kick yourself later wishing you had more space.16:16
N-Ssetting it as 8 GB wouldn't be silly then?16:16
SandGorgonron_o, actually I do need it . Very extensively. any idea if it needs gnome libs ?16:16
ron_oI followed an old how-to and only created a 100MB /boot and it has screwed me sometimes.16:17
ron_oSandGorgon, if you need it you need it. I don't know what libs it needs.16:17
N-Sorder of creating partitions: /, /boot, /home, swap  ?? or should I do swap earlier?16:17
ron_oit doesn't matter.16:19
ron_ooh wait..16:19
ron_ono, that's good.16:19
ron_otry /boot first16:20
N-Sah, the partition .. was like .. wtf, you can't create a subdir of / before creating / ! :-)16:21
N-Shaha, that relates to mounting not creating partitions :-)16:21
N-Sok: /boot, /, /home, swap16:22
N-Sbrb, off to partition16:24
ron_oI wish there was an option for all this on *ubuntu system installation process. HDs are too big to worry about creating partitions as small as possible.16:24
ron_oBefore, I created a / partition only 7GB but when I tried to do some things with my kernel I didn't have enough space.16:24
ron_ooption* as in automatic. Maybe 3 or 4 different schemes you could just click on and it would go.16:25
prxq7GB? that's soo 80's16:26
prxqwell, 90's.16:27
prxqfor a hundred bucks you can get yourself a terabyte HD16:27
ron_oprxq, that was a partition, not HD.16:28
prxqron_o: so why so small?16:28
ron_oI had a 40GB HD.16:28
ron_obut 10GB would have been adequate, leaving me with 30GB for the rest.16:29
Cornelis-I have a problem. Ive installed xubuntu and had a hell of a time making my WLan work. I finally managed to make it work using ndisgtk, but now Xubuntu is awful laggy. I cant open any applications and if I manage to open anything it freezes. Very wierd. Anyone know what it might be?17:12
likemindeadNEED HALP. :( I made the error of enabling compositing in Xubuntu 9.10 & my laptop did not agree. How can I disable compositing from CLI? If I try to boot into Xfce, I get nothing but black & white lines... :(17:17
TheSheeplikemindead: look into ~/.config/17:37
TheSheeplikemindead: in particular, .config/xfce4/xfconf/xfce-perchannel-xml/xfwm4.xml17:38
likemindeadDid you get my previous question, TheSheep?17:42
N-SHey, can I get a suggestion of a device manager? ie. for mountint devices. There is one included in the PartedMagic system, but I can't remember what it's called.18:06
N-Sfront end for pmount18:10
N-Sthat could be it18:10
N-Sit wasn't21:08
N-SAnyway, I reinstalled everything and copied a few configs and I think it's working just fine.21:09
leonidbHi :) I have try to install compiz, install package, run compiz --replace, but it failed to run. After that I dont see windows title bars, unable to alt-tab, etc. How to fix? :)22:31
ubottuCompiz (compositing window manager), for a howto see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager and more help #compiz22:33
ubottuYou can find an excellent tutorial on how to configure Xubuntu with compiz at http://xubuntublog.wordpress.com/2007/12/09/xubuntu-compiz-pretty-pretty-xubuntu/22:34
knomeleonidb, ^22:34
leonidbmmm. The question is how to restore old functionality, only after that I can continue trying with compiz :)22:36
leonidbcause I cant use alt tab and so :)22:36
knomecompiz isn't really supported and i have to say i have very limited experiences with compiz22:37
knomewell that was clever22:49
starscreamjust got xubuntu running on virtualbox23:25
knomestarscream, congrats23:25
starscreamthanks :)23:26
vinnlBeware though23:27
vinnlBefore you know it you'll want nothing else :P23:27
netsbhi! is there a way to disable the login splash screen via terminal? i just updated xubuntu and every time i log in, the screen goes blank, and then white, and then goes back to the login screen23:44
starscreamis there a way I can get rid of the bar at the bottom of my login screen?23:45
knomestarscream, no.23:47
starscreamit looks glitchy and I don't need to change my option there anyway23:49
knomeyeah, i understand23:49
knomemaybe for lucid we have a change for what comes to the panel23:49
starscream:/ hopefully23:50

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