
der|I've used bzr without any problems so far when adding/pushing on linux. I'm using bzr on windows now, and 90% of the time,when I add or push to a repository, I get this message: "Unable to obtain lock file....", it's on a point that it's annoying, is there any way to fix that problem ?00:04
meoblast001i'm having a problem with fast-import00:11
spivigc: ^00:12
meoblast001spiv: does igc do fast-import?00:12
spivmeoblast001: yeah00:13
igcmeoblast001: which version of bzr and bzr-fastimport?00:13
meoblast0012.0 of bzr00:13
meoblast001let me check the bzr-fastimport version00:13
meoblast001dang it, i can't figure this out00:14
igcmeoblast001: bzr plugins00:14
meoblast001igc: how do i get fast import version?00:14
igcshould tell you00:14
meoblast001fastimport 0.9.0dev00:14
igcmeoblast001: ok, so it's reasonably recent00:15
igcmeoblast001: did you install it from apt? or are you running from a branch?00:15
meoblast001i believe00:16
igcmeoblast001: ok, so try this ...00:16
meoblast001igc: i exported my project, modified a few mistakes i made at commit 1, updating the sizes as i went00:16
igccd ~/.bazaar/plugins/fastimport00:16
meoblast001i removed 9 characters from each file00:16
meoblast001and if i did my math right, i subtracted 9 from each file's size00:16
igcbzr revno00:16
igcok, 263 is the latest, so00:17
igcbzr pull00:17
igcmeoblast001: ^00:17
meoblast001don't think that will help, but what will it hurt00:18
meoblast001ok, updated to 26100:18
meoblast001igc: maybe you need to bzr push ;)00:18
igcmeoblast001: if the problem is still there, raise a bug please and I'll take a look later today00:19
meoblast001i might be the problem00:20
meoblast001is it possible i did math wrong?00:20
spivmeoblast001: that doesn't look like the sort of error I'd expect if you did00:21
meoblast001oh :/00:21
spivmeoblast001: I could be wrong, of course :)00:21
meoblast001should i re fast-export and try again?00:21
meoblast001i wrote a program a while ago that automates these changes00:22
meoblast001let me see if i can find it00:22
meoblast001yuck, C++00:22
meoblast001i thought i did it in C00:22
meoblast001spiv: igc: i redid the import and it worked00:31
spivmeoblast001: hooray :)00:39
zsquarepluscis it possible to fix a bug number entered with --fixes later? (i.e. many commits later)00:58
pooliezsquareplusc: not as such00:58
poolieonly by uncommitting and redoing things00:59
pooliewhich is probably not worth it00:59
poolieis this on lp or elsewhere?00:59
zsquarepluscsomeone mistyped a bug number back in july. he remeved the related bug in the launchpad interface, but now it apears again. maybe th they rescanned the branch00:59
zsquarepluscit would be good if it were possible the edit the comments/metadata for such cases...01:03
igcpoolie: I'm reviewing https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~mbp/bzr/remove-logging/+merge/1530601:19
igcpoolie: does it require a bump of the bzrlib API version?01:20
igcI'm thining about the constructor changes for TextUIFactory() mentioned in NEWS01:20
poolieigc, it is an api bump01:21
poolieare we measuring apis per 2.1beta?01:21
igcpoolie: wasn't sure, just wondering01:22
igcpoolie: I haven't looked over the policy lately01:23
pooliei think the six month cycle probably makes api versions redundant01:24
spivI think we were just going to have a 2.1 API, rather than per-beta.01:24
pooliebecause between betas there are no guarantees, in a stable series there will be no changes, and between series there are guaranteed to be changes01:24
igcspiv: care to land https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~spiv/bzr/hardlink-2a-408193/+merge/15591?02:11
spivigc: will do shortly :)02:12
igcspiv: thanks :-)02:12
poolieigc: the sysadmins started on the web server cleanup etc02:14
neoTheCatnewbie here... if i have a centralized repository, and i went to have a long bath (e.g. documents/programming/guides/...", but i want the leaf directories to be it's own revision, what's the best way to set this up?02:57
neoTheCati setup "documents" as the repos, but i am not to sure the best "bzr" way to do it without causing myself problems down the road02:58
gutworthdo bzr ini multiple times03:17
gutworthbzr init I mean03:17
* igc lunch03:28
neoTheCatgutworth: do a bzr init on each dir in the tree, or just the ones i want to have seperate revisions for?03:30
gutworthneoTheCat: just the ones you want separate revisions for03:33
gutworththey'll be different branches03:33
neoTheCatgutworth: thank you very much.03:33
mrooneyhello all, my push was interrupted by a network disconnection, so I tried pushing again and it said there was a lock05:46
mrooneyso I ran the command it supplied, but that gives me an unsupported protocol error05:46
mrooneyokay, I fixed it by changing the syntax of the command based on https://answers.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad-code/+question/74032, but, why does it give the wrong command?05:50
spivmrooney: because of a bzr bug, just a sec I'll find the number05:52
spivmrooney: bug 25045105:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 250451 in bzr "bzr suggests wrong URL for break-lock for smart-server branches" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/25045105:53
spivmrooney: the bug comments have the gory details05:54
mrooneyspiv: ah neato, thanks for pointing me to the bug!05:55
pooliespiv, hi06:40
spivpoolie: good afternoon06:40
pooliehow are you?06:44
pooliei was just thinking about the lp: anonymous case06:44
pooliebecause it also came up in this spurious comparison to hg06:44
spivPretty good, I'm digging into the per-file merge hook bug/feature atm.06:45
spivWhat's your current thoughts on the lp: anonymous case?06:45
pooliei'd do whichever option is easiest to implement on the lp side06:45
spivI'm inclined a bit towards doing it via anonymous ssh, but I think that's partly because I know off the top of my which bits to hack on to make that happen.06:46
pooliealso, i'd think about getting rid of the lp: xmlrpc and just mechanically transform the url06:46
pooliethen the server can redirect if the branch should be taken from elsewhere06:46
pooliehowever, that would be a loss of capability a way to send that is actually written06:46
spivRedirect via HTTP or a branch ref?06:46
spivThe server could simply alias, too.06:47
pooliei was wondering if you'd like to hack on that to keep your hand in06:47
poolieright, any of them06:47
pooliethere is the case of say redirecting to http under heavy load06:47
poolienot sure if this is important enough to worry about06:47
spivI am tempted to hack on that.06:49
spivIn some ways I think bzr+ssh is the less risky option too, because the WSGI glue isn't as battle tested.06:49
spivI have some fears about its memory consumption.06:49
poolieoh my other thought is that it would be interesting to break down the time to get an initial branch of some small project06:49
pooliethe whole thing from start to finish06:49
poolieincluding dns, xmlrpc, ssh startup, etc06:50
spivThe big downside for bzr+ssh for small projects is the 5+ seconds of SSH handshake overhead.06:50
poolieit may be that we should recommend some ssh settings to cut down on that06:50
poolieright, or it may be that the best case for ssh is still noticeably slow06:50
spivI think multiple round-trips is pretty unavoidable for SSH handshakes without the fiddly persistent connections feature.06:51
spivWhich is sufficiently fiddly that I don't even use it.06:51
spivSo I think that this would be a potentially big point in favour of hpss-over-http instead.06:52
poolieis it really 5s?06:55
pooliewell, 4.5s for me06:58
poolieprobably speed of light bounded06:58
spivpoolie: hmm, yeah, 4.2s for me I guess.07:08
poolieso perhaps that invalidates this bug07:08
poolieat least deprioritizes it07:08
poolieif you could do it in a trivial patch, it'd be worth having at least for testing purposes07:08
poolieand it will be an improvement over http07:09
pooliebut not so clearly so07:09
pooliefor example http is faster for bzr info07:09
poolielifeless: when james_w says "updated package targeted to -proposed" just what does that mean?07:14
poolieactually -> #ubuntu-motu07:15
vilahi all07:39
mwhudsonspiv, poolie: i think we can easily run bzr+http on a separate box from the main code host07:39
pooliehi vila07:39
mwhudsonwhich will at least mean that memory gobbling will not affect other services07:39
poolievila, good luck piloting07:40
mwhudsonvila: good morning07:40
pooliemwhudson: wbn to have metrics in place from the begining07:40
vilapoolie: thanks !07:40
mwhudsonpoolie: which ones did you have in mind?07:40
poolienumber of connections, number of crashes, number of distinct ips07:41
pooliesomething like that07:41
mwhudsoni don't know much about sensible bzr+http deployment, would process per connection make sense?07:41
mwhudsonpoolie: for bzr+http, apache logs can probably give us most of that07:41
spivmwhudson: "connection" isn't a directly applicable concept for HTTP07:42
mwhudsonspiv: even bzr+http?07:42
mwhudsonit's _really easy_ for us to handle the .bzr/smart requests separately07:42
spivmwhudson: I mean, at some level there are sockets.07:42
spivAnd a one-to-one mapping of processes to those probably would work well...07:43
spivBut configuring that via Apache or whatever when there's HTTP in the middle might not be simple.07:43
mwhudsonspiv: there are forking wsgi servers i think?07:45
spivmwhudson: quite possibly07:45
spivmwhudson: basically it's 'research required', I think07:45
spivmwhudson: I'm sure it's possible, but the exact software and config to do it wel  isn't immediately obvious to me07:46
mwhudsoni guess this is an argument for just putting "4133: bzr lp-serve --inet anonymous" in /etc/inetd.conf or whatever07:46
spivmwhudson: yeah.07:46
spivmwhudson: incidentally, someone should do something about the ~anonymous user ;)07:47
mwhudsonspiv: like our friendly losa spm?07:47
spivmwhudson: quite probably07:48
spmdo we have a bonefide account as ~anony?07:58
spmha. yes.07:58
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mohithey guys08:23
mohitHow do I prevent a repository from accidentally being pushed to?08:23
mohitDoes bzr provide any such functionality, or I have to change the file permissions on the OS to achieve the result?08:24
spivmohit: in what context?08:24
spivmohit: file permissions in the OS is often a good answer08:25
mohitI have a "LIVE" repository, which powers production systems08:25
mohitall the development branches are spun from it08:25
mohitI dont want anyone to accidentally push to production08:25
mohitthere is no way bzr provides such "lock" or something?08:26
mohitchanging chmod on main trunk is something I am awry of08:26
spivIt sounds perhaps like you want chown rather than chmod08:26
spivBut either could work, and would be fine.08:27
spivbzr itself doesn't do access control.08:27
* igc dinner08:30
mohitthanks a lot man08:42
mohitspiv, You are awesome! :-)08:43
jelmer'morning bialix10:19
bialixgood day jelmer!10:19
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The_UserHi! I try to use BzrGit, so  I installed dulwich, but I still get: "no module named git.remote", how to install this module?14:35
jelmerThe_User, hi14:37
jelmerThe_User, how did you install bzr-git?14:37
The_UserI guess I have to run setup.py? what would be the correct prefix?14:37
jelmerput it in ~/.bazaar/plugins/git14:39
The_Userah got it, had to remove the original dir from ~/.bazaar/plugins14:40
TakWorkhm, is there a way to add available statuses to a launchpad project‽14:58
jelmerTakWork, bug statusses you mean?15:06
TakWorkbasically, I was wanting NEEDINFO15:06
jelmerwe usually use incomplete for that15:07
TakWorkah, ok15:10
TakWorkI didn't want the reporter to feel chastised ;-)15:10
rubbsUsually, if you report Invalid, you want to tell the user why. If you say you need more info, then they probably won't feel chastised, even if you mark it as invalid15:10
TakWorkit's our first user - I don't want to scare him off :-D15:12
rubbsfair enough.15:13
rubbsMaybe keep status the same (*new*) and then ask for information. If it's more like a conversation, they are less scared (*as a somewhat new user to bug filing myself *)15:13
TakWorkyeah, that's what I did15:13
rubbsbut there is no exact science15:14
rubbsI think that's a good idea then.15:14
TakWorkjelmer: could you update your md-bzr addin repo from trunk, pretty please?15:27
neoTheCathello.  i asked a question yesterday, and it was answered, but i have a followup.  if i have a long directory structure, the root being a repo, and i want the leaf to be different revisions.16:23
neoTheCatdo i need to init every directory level or just the leaf nodes?  because i am having trouble doing a "bzr push"16:23
gioeleneoTheCat: bzr init-repo on the root, then bzr init of each leaf directory16:56
neoTheCatgioele: thanks16:58
mwhudsonin mooloolaba the question was asked "what can bazaar do to make launchpad's job easier"18:52
mwhudsonright now, i would really really really really like bounded memory consumption for bzr serve processes18:53
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elmoI second mwhudson's request.  with cherries on top.19:00
mwhudsonelmo: good evenin19:01
tsmithhow am I supposed to get bzr-svn working in Cygwin??????19:53
flvr8hey all, the eclipse update site for the eclipse plugin seems to have a config issue. is there anybody around who can give it a kick19:55
tsmithare you talking about how it NEVER saves bzr config changes?19:56
flvr8no, it's just not working.... "No repository found at http://bazaar-vcs.org/releases/3rd-party/bzr-eclipse/" when I try to add as an update site19:59
flvr8so there must be a config file missing, permissions issue, or similar19:59
tsmitho that's been dead for ages20:00
tsmithi'll get you the one i used20:00
flvr8ah ok20:00
tsmithif you figure out how to get bzr-svn for cygwin, let me know lol20:00
flvr8it's still referenced on the bazaar wiki20:01
tsmithcan you edit the wiki?20:01
flvr8yeah, looks like i can...what's the right site?20:02
tsmithalright you read, flvr8 ?20:02
flvr8ah yeah, that's listed there already as "development snapshots". would prefer to stick with "stable" (at least for the non bleeding-edge ppl on my team)20:03
tsmithyeah see, they pulled it20:03
tsmithit existed as late as mid-Nov 0920:04
verterokflvr8: Hi, I'll check with a sysadmin why the "stable" update site isn't working20:04
verterokflvr8: in the meantime, try using the one at verterok.com.ar20:04
tsmiththere's the bug report20:04
tsmithpeople in here don't reall seem to care, to be honest20:05
tsmitheveryone just tells you to use the dev builds20:05
bialixtsmith: care about what?20:13
tsmithbialix, that the link to the stable eclipse bzr plugin listed on the wiki has been broken for ~16 days20:14
bialixyour wordings a bit sharp20:15
tsmithwell, to be honest, i was basing my opinion based on the responses of a very few individuals on this channel that may have been trolls.20:16
bialixI'm sure verterok is the one who really care20:17
bialixbecause he's author20:17
verterokbialix: :)20:17
bialixI was close?20:17
verterokbialix: yeap20:18
tsmithit definitely was not verterok20:18
verteroktsmith, flvr8: looks like some wiki config was changed and it's hidding the releases/3rd-party path20:20
daneovertonhey everyone, i'm getting this error when trying to checkout:20:20
daneovertonbzr: ERROR: Unknown repository format: 'Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)\n'20:21
jelmerdaneoverton, what version of bzr are you using?20:21
mkanatdaneoverton: That sounds pretty clear to me.20:21
daneovertonyeah, i guess i need to update, but is there a command for that or do i need to download it20:22
tsmithdoes bzr-svn for cygwin exist?20:22
jamtsmith: not sure, though I would highly recommend avoiding cygwin20:23
jam(it is about 2-5x slower than native code)20:23
jamI personally run native bzr from a cygwin shell without any major problems20:23
tsmithbzr for win32 run in cygwin FREEZES for many seconds20:24
tsmithhow many seconds? like 60-9020:24
tsmithsometimes 10 min20:24
jamyou could try Ctrl+Break and see what is going on20:24
jamif it is actually frozen20:24
jamI don't think I've experienced that20:24
tsmithit took bzr win32 FIFTEEN MINUTES to remove a simple lock20:24
jam'to remove' ?20:25
jamdo you mean 'bzr break-lock' or it was doing something that took 15min before the lock was done?20:25
mkanatdaneoverton: You'll have to download it.20:26
bialixhello jam20:26
tsmithbzr break-lock on c:\ took 15 min20:26
daneovertonk, that's what i'm doing, thanks!20:26
tsmithwhen i did the exact same operation using cygwin bzr, it took less than a second20:27
bialixtsmith: there was a bug related to operations on drive root20:28
tsmithwell it was in c:\www\projectname20:28
bialixdo you have antivirus?20:28
jamtsmith: well, if cygwin gives you better experience, go for it. My personal experience has been significantly different20:28
bialixtsmith: I'm not sure how cygwin avoids crazy checks from antivirus, but that's it20:30
bialixtsmith: maybe you need to add bzr to list of "good" applications, or something like that20:32
lifelesswin 3820:53
Peng\o/ I can't type today.20:57
* bialix fears to ask what is 3820:57
Peng#launchpad-dev for me. :D20:58
PengHow topical!20:58
mkanatPeng: Maybe \i/ is a submarine as seen from behind.21:02
mkanatIn a narrow channel.21:02
Pengmkanat: OK, I'll go with that.21:02
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mwhudsonspiv: can you think of a way to get different lp-serve processes to log to different files?22:49
mwhudsonspiv: i.e. not all jumbled up in ~/.bzr.log22:49
mwhudson~/.bzr.log.$pid might work ok for us22:49
spivmwhudson: yeah.  You can probably get roughly that by calling bzrlib.trace.push_log_file(...)22:55
mwhudsonspiv: ok cool22:56
spivmwhudson: or mv .bzr.log .bzr.log.$pid after the process starts ;)22:57
bialixhi igc23:01
igcbialix: hi!23:02
spivmwhudson: It might not be crazy to add support for an environment var like BZR_LOG_PATH='~/.bzr.log.%(pid)s'23:02
spivmwhudson: a cruder solution would be to change $BZR_HOME...23:02
mwhudsonthe bzrlib.trace approach is probably fine for us23:03
bialixspiv: what's wrong with BZR_LOG?23:04
spivOh, right, that already exists.  It doesn't have any room for parameterisation though.23:04
spivbialix: mwhudson has many bzr processes running simultaneously, and would like them to have separate log files.23:05
bialixwell, ues23:05
spivmwhudson: so all you need is to replace the 'bzr' executable with a wrapper that does "os.environ['BZR_LOG'] = 'bzr.log.%s' % os.getpid()" first ;)23:07
spivmwhudson: another alternative would be to set it in the SSH daemon to bzr.log.$id(sock_object)23:09
mwhudsonspiv: it would be nice to be able to map "process using megawads of ram" to the log file23:11
spivmwhudson: trace.mutter('my PID is: %d', os.getpid())  ;)23:12
spivmwhudson: but sure, push_log_file sounds like a pretty good answer.23:12
* spiv hmms23:12
mwhudsonspiv: feel free to put any of these ideas in a branch ;-)23:12
spivmwhudson: it's a shame actually that Twisted's spawnProcess doesn't have a pre-exec hook.23:13
spivmwhudson: because otherwise you could use that.  Well, you could monkeypatch os.execvpe, but that's not quite the same...23:14
mwhudsonspiv: yes, i kinda wanted that for something else the other day too23:14
spivmwhudson: did you file a ticket on Twisted trac for that, or shall I do that now?23:15
mwhudsonspiv: i did not23:15
* mwhudson lunches23:15
bialixigc: ping23:26
igchi bialix23:27
spivmwhudson: twisted ticket #415923:27
bialixsome thoughts about your new suggestion feature for qpush23:27
bialixigc: when I've cloned branch from server, made changes, commit and then run qpush, it auto-suggests me parent location23:27
bialixigc: is it intended change in your patch or side effect?23:28
igcbialix: not intended23:29
igcbialix: I only suggested when the parent's parent was on LP so perhaps your subsequent tweak introduced that?23:29
bialixigc: but it is. I'm still not sure is it should be fixes23:30
* bialix checks23:30
bialixigc: it seems I found, return '' need to be de-indented23:35
igcbialix: I resolved that merge wrt qrun categories btw - just pushed new version23:39
bialixigc: thanks, I'll look and merge23:40

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