
guest_how do you capture the output of netcat to a text file tried nc -zw2 xxx.xx.xxx. | more >>some.txt   ? I cant figure it out00:01
lordganeshis there any partition managerfor kde00:30
Dragnslcr!info partitionmanager | lordganesh00:38
ubottulordganesh: partitionmanager (source: partitionmanager): partition manager for KDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.0-0ubuntu3 (karmic), package size 726 kB, installed size 2848 kB00:38
lordganeshDragnslcr: it doesn't show any devices mounted00:42
yesitjustmekubuntu 9.10 doesn't have disk utility?00:49
nositelicense>aplications>system>disk utility00:56
The_Journeyhow do I start the plasma-widget-daisy from this http://lechio.freehostia.com/daisy.html#mark101:06
cuzntwhere does one find the MBR01:10
ubottugrub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.01:10
nanosnackif there is an expirienced user that would be willing to answer some very silly questions?01:36
scorchgeekif you say what they are, maybe :)01:36
geniinanosnack: Best to just ask whichever question you have, someone who knows an answer will take it up01:37
nanosnackI was trying to install VLC, I looked at the Package Manager, I took a guess on which one to install, it seemed to do... something?  needless to say, from a beginners perspective, nothing in linux is straightforward01:40
nanosnackso I just don't know what I'm doing01:40
nanosnackI look at tutorials and they don't bother to explain the very basics.  and that's what I (and I'm guessing millions of people) need to know01:40
nanosnackwhen you can't just download a program, and you can't use what appears to be an "add program" function, what are you supposed to do?01:40
nanosnackthis is what beginners normally ask?01:40
geniinanosnack: The package manager is where you normally install programs, yes. Some programs do not have for instance a graphical component and so it may seem sometimes nothing was installed01:41
scorchgeekthe simplest way is just to install it through the package manager, which seems to be what you did. However, you may need to know the name of the program and type it into a terminal window to actually launch it.01:41
r00t_ninjaThere is a package called VLC01:41
r00t_ninjathat is the one you want01:42
nanosnack....am I alone?01:42
nanosnackalright, I searched for VLC on the search bar, and "run vlc" came up, so it's there01:45
r00t_ninjaur not alone01:45
nanosnackso why doesn't it have a nice little graphic with a spot in the multimedia section, eh?01:45
r00t_ninjait does01:45
nanosnackwhat's this "installing things in secret and then hiding it from me" business?01:46
r00t_ninjadid you install the main package called vlc01:46
nanosnackIt doesn't, you get a free beer if you can find it01:46
r00t_ninjait did for me01:46
geniinanosnack: VLC itself is a command-line app01:46
nanosnackyup, it was called vlc and some gibberish01:46
r00t_ninjarun the comand: sudo apt-get install vlc01:47
r00t_ninjato double check you installed it01:47
Scunizinanosnack: there are two different methods of placing a shortcut icon on the menu.. kubuntu/ubuntu uses one method but some programs use a different method.. remember there are different repositories for the installlable programs.. "Main" is pretty polished.. "Universe" sometimes has these quirks.. also some programs install and place an icon but it won't show up until the next boot.. why  .. I don't know.01:48
geniinanosnack: To answer your PM'd message, my responses to you are in orange because your IRC client is highlighting then since I directed them towards you by using your nickname within the message01:49
nanosnackgenii: thank you01:50
r00t_ninjais there some kind of desktop search widget that uses nepomunk and strigi?01:50
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nanosnackr00t_ninja: it's very much installed. do I have to restart before it shows up?01:51
Guest7761is there a partitioning tool that comes installed in 9.10?01:51
r00t_ninjayou might have to01:51
r00t_ninjahowever i remember it showing up right away when i installed01:52
Guest7761like gparted?01:52
geniiLikely qtparted01:52
Guest7761where's that?01:53
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r00t_ninjasearch partitionmanager  in kpackagekit01:53
Guest7761no qtparted01:53
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kavurtGuest7761: what's wrong with gparted?01:53
r00t_ninjaqtparted isnt in my repos01:53
Guest7761I can't install anything until I get some more hard drive space, I'm all full up01:54
Scunizir00t_ninja: partitionmanager *is* parted (gparted, qtparted, kparted) unless the stock install in 9.10 has changed.01:54
r00t_ninjaoh ok01:54
kavurtGuest7761: use fdisk then01:54
Guest7761looks like parted will run01:55
nanosnackScunizi: thanks!  main and universe are repositories. repositories are servers with lots of packages on them somewhere in the world?01:55
Scunizinanosnack: yes..01:55
ubottuThe packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories01:55
nanosnackare main and universe organizations or companies?  or is this more conceptual?01:56
geniinanviewosnack: The first link above which the bot provided has an over01:56
Scunizinanosnack: conceptual only.. just a means of segregation.. and assigning responsibility for compilation of the programs for each ubuntu release.01:56
geniibah touchpad01:57
geniinanosnack: The first link above which the bot provided has an overview01:57
Scunizinanosnack: there are the 'original main' repo's the remainder in the world are mirrors..there to assist and reduce the load..01:58
nanosnackgenii: thank you01:59
nanosnackscunizi: I see. are all the repo's available through the package loader?02:01
Scunizinanosnack: they are.. but you can only have one repo listed and accessed at a time through the package manager..02:02
r00t_ninjaun the computer tab in the kickoff application laucher would it be possible to disable showing removable storage devices02:04
nanosnackscuniz: what the rationale?02:07
Scunizinanosnack: how do you mean? ..02:08
Scunizinanosnack: one repo consists of "main" "universe" and what ever else you've listed yourself.02:08
Guest7761how can I rebuild my /var/lib/dpkg directory?02:09
nanosnack_scunizi: I can understand why they are segregated by how much support or "open source" approval, but why can you only look through one at a time?02:13
Scunizinanosnack: they are all the same.. just mirrors of the original.. so there's no differencee between them.. the point being to use the repo that is the closest or fasted to your location.. the package manager should be able to search out and list the best repo for you.. at lease ubuntu does/can.. I haven't tried it with kubuntu's package manager.02:15
Dragnslcrnanosnack_- KPackageKit will show packages from every repository you have enabled02:15
nanosnack_scunizi: okay, when you said "one at a time" I took it to mean main, universe, restricted or multiverse02:16
Scunizinanosnack: no.. those would all be one server location or repo.. however repo can also mean the main repo, universe repo etc.. but essentially the same server.02:17
Scunizinanosnack: no.. those would all be one server location or repo.. however repo can also mean the main repo, universe repo etc.. but essentially the same server.02:18
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rodrigoalguien que hable español02:26
EagleScreenyo rodrigo02:26
EagleScreenpero este no es lugar para hablar en español, visite #kubuntu-es02:26
reesefrancis_how can i set the permissions to read of one group of users? chmod g+r and then?02:34
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FatTonyso, anyone gotten netflix to work in 9.1?02:41
jsattI recently switched from SUSE to Kubuntu 9.10 and I'm trying to sudo scripts from my ~/bin but get back "command not found." both echo $PATH and sudo echo $PATH return the same value which includes ~/bin and adding env_keep = $PATH doesn'[t seem to help. any suggestions?02:50
EagleScreenjsatt: have they got execution permissions?02:55
jsattyes, 755. They also all run fine as my user02:57
r00t_ninjathis is more skype related but , im getting this error: bt_audio_service_open: connect() failed: Connection refused (111) i am fairly sure this is whats causeing my microphone to not work03:15
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jsattfound a fix for my sudo issue. added "Defaults        secure_path="/home/jsatt/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/X11R6/bin"" to my /etc/sudoers. Maybe not the prefered method, but it does what i need.03:50
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JerVAHello - is Kubuntu good OS for older machine with 512 MB ram?04:12
Rev_Willie_Crowhi all04:12
Rev_Willie_Crowanyone having problems with amarok?04:13
Rev_Willie_Crowon mine there is not a device button under config, and the sidebar is missing04:14
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JerVAHello - is Kubuntu good OS for older machine with 512 MB ram?04:18
macoJerVA: probably not :-/04:19
macoJerVA: well unless you have discrete graphics04:19
macoplasma's a bit graphics heavy04:19
JerVAI have older Nvidia GeForce 520004:19
JerVAdoes that still work with this newer Kubuntu?04:19
macogive it a try then04:19
macono idea. i use intel. i just wouldnt suggest with intel on 512mb04:20
JerVADoes wine works with Kubuntu as well?04:20
JerVAI have p404:20
JerVAor is that too low ?04:20
macothats fine04:20
JerVA512 MB ram and P4 works just fine04:20
macotechnically i think 256mb are the min requirements04:20
macodepends how fast you expect it to be, i guess ;)04:21
macoitll certainly run, how well you like it will depend on what you want to do with it and how fast you want to do it04:22
JerVAKDe features does look nice04:22
et_JerVA's computer sounds about like my mom's, on which Kubuntu is fairly snappy04:23
JerVAso it's not highly recommend to run kubuntu?04:24
macoJerVA: et_ just said it works well04:24
JerVAoops - I thought snappy meaning not well04:24
JerVAthanks :)04:24
macoJerVA: snappy = fast04:24
JerVAgot it04:24
JerVAsounds like it's better than GNOME ubuntu version04:25
macofor me, 2GB of RAM wasnt enough to avoid lots of swapping, but i probably keep more apps open and running in the background all the time (plus...firefox...) and actually, with 1GB of RAM and 32bit (and no firefox), its just dandy, so maybe 64bit is just super-memory-hog04:25
DasKreechJerVA: Really depends on how you use the computer.04:27
JerVAYeah I agree. I'm really becoming the hardcore of the Ubuntu family fan.04:27
lordganeshdefault partition manager in ubuntu doesn't support ntfs is there any partition manager which support ntfs for kde04:33
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flachmannheyhey guys05:13
flachmannfu me05:13
flachmannbiste ooch knülle?05:14
EDinNYhow do I delete a file whose name starts with a '?'?05:17
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DasKreechEDinNY: with the delete key?05:22
EDinNYhuh?  no delete key on command line05:23
et_rm \?nameoffile05:23
EDinNYa script made a bunch of odd files.  tried that05:23
EDinNYrm: cannot remove `?*': No such file or directory05:24
DasKreechEDinNY: Oh from the command line?05:24
EDinNYyep.  cant do it from dolfin05:24
et_can you delete the directory?05:24
DasKreechok rm \?filename05:25
EDinNYsome of them have regular charactors in them.  I execute pipe ls to grep to rm05:25
EDinNYrm \?filename does not work.  tried that05:26
DasKreechWorks here what does it do for you?05:26
DasKreechis it a regular file?05:26
EDinNYrm: cannot remove `?*': No such file or directory05:26
et_are you trying to delete many files with the * character?05:27
DasKreechdid you remove \?filename or \?* ?05:27
EDinNY-rw-r--r--  1 ed ed         95 2009-12-06 21:54 {#????????05:27
DasKreechThat doesn't start with ?05:27
EDinNYmost of them do05:27
DasKreechthat starts with {05:27
EDinNYusing wildcard because none of the charactors are letters or numbers05:27
DasKreechCan you give me an example of one that starts with ?05:28
DasKreechdo they all have ??05:28
EDinNYor the ones I want to del do05:28
DasKreechThat would be the problem05:29
DasKreechbash reads the line twice and then tries to replcace the second ? with a char which o course doesn't exist05:29
et_what happens if you try just one: rm \?\?c\!\?05:30
DasKreechI could walk you through this but #bash will be more informative if a lot harsher than I will05:30
EDinNYrm `ls |grep j*p |grep V |grep -v SA'  <-- got rid of one of them05:30
DasKreechet_: He can do them one by one easy just time consuming05:30
DasKreechassuming that EDinNY is a him :)05:30
DasKreechWhat you need is a literal expansion05:32
DasKreechis this in some sub directory ?05:32
EDinNYtried putting it in single quotes too05:33
EDinNYsub dir05:33
DasKreechsingle quotes won't help unless you do it post expansion05:33
DasKreechare there files that you want in the sub dir ?05:33
EDinNYyes.  I will figure it out05:33
DasKreechwell if you want ot know how to delete the files ask in #bash05:34
EDinNYgood idea!05:34
DasKreechif you just want to solve the problem I have a negative way of approaching it05:34
EDinNYcan do it with greps05:35
DasKreechDo the files that you want start with a reasonable character?05:35
EDinNYah, great idea05:36
EDinNYhow do I grep -v for letters?05:36
DasKreechgrep -v [A-Za-z]*05:36
DasKreechor if you like ls [^0-9A-Za-z]*05:37
DasKreechshould list out files that start with funky chars05:37
DasKreechIf those are the files that you want to get rid of just swap ls with rm05:38
EDinNYrm 'ˢI{' worked05:38
DasKreechdoesn't that leave you with ?? files?05:39
nomopofomolet's say i install from a mini iso... i install the base system and then reboot to the terminal... i want to get a very minimal kde4 environment up and running... so will aptitude install kdebase do the trick? or do i need to install an x server as well?05:48
et_I don't think anything graphical will work without X05:50
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nomopofomoi guess my question was: will installing kdebase also install the x server as a dependency?05:56
r00t_ninjaIt most likely will05:57
selluwhat is this softwer exactly???????/06:01
et_nomopofomo: 'aptitude -D show kdebase' should show you06:02
DasKreechnomopofomo: It will06:07
DasKreechHi esteban06:07
estebanwass up?06:07
rizvanThis is not a genuine Ubuntu package: kdelibs-bin06:08
rizvanplease tell how to install genuine package?06:08
DasKreechrizvan: What do you mean ?06:09
DasKreechDarkwing-Netbook: Whooot06:09
rizvani'm trying to report a bug for konsole06:09
rizvani have added some repos06:09
rizvanto sources.list06:09
rizvanmy sources.list file -> http://paste.ubuntu.com/336331/06:10
DasKreechand you want to know where kdelibs-bin came from?06:10
rizvanand to install official packages only06:10
et_how do you define "official"?06:11
DasKreechwell if you want official packages only they easiest way is to comment out the ppa lines06:11
rizvanprovided from ubuntu repos06:11
DasKreechif you want to know where kdelibs-bin came from then type apt-cache policy kdelibs-bin in konsole06:11
DasKreechThe version table will tell you where you are getting it from06:12
rizvanhere's the output -> http://paste.ubuntu.com/336332/06:12
DasKreechSeeing as you have PPAs enabled it's likely coming from there06:13
Darkwing-NetbookWhat's up DasKreech06:13
rizvanshould i just comment all ppas06:13
DasKreechDarkwing-Netbook: plasma-netbook works?06:13
DasKreechrizvan: Depends what are you trying to do?06:13
rizvanok, many thanks :)06:13
DasKreechYou have KDE 4.3.4 currently are you trying to go back to KDE 4.3.2 ?06:14
rizvannope, i don't want to06:14
Darkwing-NetbookAs a tech preview it runs well... I'm test running Lucid right now... has a few problems06:14
rizvanbut i want to report indic unicode font rendering bug in konsole06:14
DasKreechrizvan: ok the package that you have now was released by kubuntu devs so you can use it as is06:15
DasKreechSubmit your bug report as normal06:15
rizvanthe bug report dialog "collecting problem information" - is complaining06:15
rizvan"This is not a genuine Ubuntu package"06:16
rizvanok, i'll downgrade to 4.3.2 then report the bug and do the upgrade again06:16
rizvanThanks DasKreech :-)06:18
DasKreechrizvan: HOld on let me see if i can find a resolution to that06:18
TeLLuSor report to KDE instead..06:25
DasKreechrizvan: You are reporting it Launchpad?06:26
DasKreechTeLLuS: Yeah I was just getting to that :)06:26
rizvani want to report to kde bugs, from the "Help->report bug"06:28
DasKreechrizvan: you can do that. You can also report directly at bugs.kde.org06:28
rizvanok, i'll report directly there06:28
rizvansolves the issue ;-)06:29
DasKreechrizvan: Thanks for taking the time out to report the bug :)06:29
rizvanthat's at least i can do as a good opensource user!06:29
rizvanbye, see you06:30
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cpk1I've got kubuntu 9.04 and can't seem to get sound from more than one source at once, whenever I want a new program to use sound I have to reload alsa06:50
cpk1not sure what the issue is06:50
cpk1anyone has any suggestions feel free to shout them out06:52
et_cpk1: this may help you http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=84301207:05
cpk1et_: thanks, so I guess I have to use pulse then? I was hoping to avoid it =P07:07
et_I think I remember having a problem like yours and pulseaudio solved it for me.07:08
cpk1yeah it doesnt look like I have a sound server07:09
oferonAny one can help me with some wireless configuration and injection?07:10
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Timewarperguys protest against satanic edition ubuntu07:40
DasKreechWhat was that about?07:41
WilliamBuellI have LAMP on an Ubuntu desktop. Is it terribly difficult to enable php to send out an email programatically?07:50
DasKreechWilliamBuell: /join ##php07:51
r00t_ninjainstall sendmail , set sendmail_path in your php.ini and you should be done07:52
WilliamBuellthanks r00t_ninja07:52
WilliamBuellthanks DasKreech07:53
zhaneshi bill07:54
zhaneshi ninja07:54
zhanesehy protest against satanic ubuntu edition?07:56
zhanessatanism is a religion too, dont?07:56
DasKreechzhanes: what?07:57
zhaneswhy i do protest counter satanism?07:57
zhanessatanism is a religion too07:58
* DasKreech has no idea but that has nothing to do with this channel07:58
zhanesthey given them asses and smoke marijuana07:58
zhanesbut homophoby is crime07:58
zhanesso, freedom of religion, freddom of sexuality, freedom of speech07:59
zhanespreconcept is a bad idea07:59
ubottu#kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!08:00
DasKreechzhanes: If you have a question about Kubuntu you can ask it otherwise take the conversation elsewhere08:00
zhanesubottu called us attemption08:00
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)08:00
zhanesDasKreech, forgive me08:01
zhanesI just give my opinion about ubuntu distributions08:02
zhanessatanists can use ubunu too, dont?08:02
jussi01zhanes: youve been asked, please keep ontopic for this channel08:02
DasKreechYes so can people wearing green shirts, Accountants, the greeks and people with red hair08:03
DasKreechNone of that has anything to do with this channel08:03
zhanessure DasKreech08:03
DasKreechyou can join #kubuntu-offtopic and talk about it as much as you like08:03
a2fafter running aptitude build-dep i'm seeing a bunch of packages with {a} next to their names. what does that mean?08:07
||arifaXHi I am on 9.10 I try a cisco vpn via the knetwork-manager vpnc and the plugin is installed. from command line works. It seems nm does not even try to start the connection. can someone help me a bit?08:09
zhaneshave you tried to use pppoeconf first?08:10
ghostcube||arifaX: hmm i dont kow knetwork-manager so far havent used it, but maybe just try another one as knetwork-manager isnt the bugfree one :)08:11
zhanesand you will ned choose your kubuntu distribution in wizzard08:11
zhaneschoose manual configuration, them kubuntu karmic 9.1008:12
zhanesthem detect devices08:12
ghostcubezhanes: commandline it works o.o08:13
ghostcubeso the config is quite ok08:13
zhanesworks too, ppoeconf autodetec your device08:13
zhanesbut try it:08:14
zhaneschoose manual configuration, them kubuntu karmic 9.1008:14
r00t_ninjaare you setting the connection as auto connect?08:14
zhanesthem detect devices08:14
ghostcubei would just suggest wicd cause knetworkmanager isnt the best in the wild08:15
zhanesright click on knetwork-manager them when appears options choose manual settings08:15
zhanesthem when apperar wizard dialog, choose kubuntu karmic 9.1008:16
zhanesthem when appears the principal box, choose autodetec08:16
zhanesso them you can configure all options in your device08:17
||arifaXghostcube: I used wicd for a long time, but man it can't be possible that something that is implemented does not work08:24
ghostcube||arifaX: i know but wicd is working08:24
ghostcubeso i havent tried knetwork-manager again08:24
||arifaXzhanes: cannot follow you08:25
zhanesghostcube, what you wish to do?08:26
hyper_chhi there, got a strange printer problem. I setup a network printer and the test pages was printed ok. It also appears in the cups web interface (localhost:631). However a document that I try to print from Okular does not get printed and does not appear in the cups webinterface. Any suggestions?08:26
zhanesfollow me for where?08:26
||arifaXzhanes: your knetork-manager options manual settings stuff08:26
zhaneswhy not? to me works fine08:27
zhanesi'm using only it08:27
zhanesghostcube, have you tried my "stuff"?08:28
||arifaXzhanes: look that happens when I click my configured vpn connection (vpnc) http://paste.ubuntu.com/336375/08:29
||arifaXzhanes: this is from syslog08:29
zhaneswell in our case, do ou really need knetwork-config?08:31
zhaneswell in your case, do you really need knetwork-manager?08:31
||arifaXzhanes: I could do it by hand yes and it works (tested) but you understand I am a fan of linux and I want to bring it also to people that are no computerfreaks and therefore stuff like this needs to work out of the box.08:32
zhanes(sorry for errors, i'm needing to sleep08:32
||arifaXWhy do we have the possiblity to add a vpn and a vpnc plugin if it does not work the way it should?08:32
zhanesi'm confused with your questions08:34
zhanesr))t_ninja, do you know about it?08:35
zhanesr00t_ninja, do you know about it?08:35
balsaqwill this support channel work as long as i have kde (PClinuxOS)...or do i need to get kubuntu08:36
DasKreechbalsaq: Ask your question and we will see08:36
||arifaXzhanes: let me explain. I did a    sudo apt-get install network-manager-vpnc vpnc   and then configured a vpn connection. It does not even popout anything. when I go to the commandline as root and do the vpn manually with exactly the same parameters I am connected - frankly I don't like that08:37
zhanesbut if works, whats the matter?08:37
balsaqcan kubuntu do ipod08:38
DasKreechYes if you have the new amarok or banshee08:38
DasKreechor gpodder of course08:38
balsaqok because i just installed ubuntu on my firends computer and they say she cant do it08:39
balsaqso i may put her in kubuntu08:39
zhaneswell if your problem is popup wizzard08:39
zhaneshere have08:39
zhanesand discover the devices automatically08:39
DasKreechbalsaq: install banshee08:39
DasKreechIt can do iPod08:39
balsaqhmmtold her that08:39
zhanesbasaq, i have ipod and connect normally08:40
balsaqalredy told her that Daskreech...she still is struggling08:40
balsaqcool ill switch her to kubuntu08:40
balsaqare you gonna be here tommorowzhanes Daskreech08:40
zhanesi tranfer the mp3 and the awm to device in my folders and runs ok08:40
zhanesthe ipod is recognized as a HD removable08:41
balsaqshe i total newbie08:41
balsaq1st day08:41
zhanesthe only problem is the videos, the videos are in commercial extensions only08:41
balsaqher name i sweet_sarah_jane08:41
balsaqill tell her to look you up zhanes and daskreech08:42
zhanesawm is commercial and you will need to install commercial codecs to mencoder08:42
DasKreechShe can just asl08:42
ubottuFor information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - For the iPhone and the iPod Touch, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod08:42
FloodBotK3DasKreech: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.08:42
DasKreech10 dollars says that's not up to date :-)08:42
balsaqshe is soo new its all tough right now08:42
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DasKreechWe'll be nice to her08:43
balsaqshe wants messenger and ipod...or maybe it was itunes,,,,thats it08:43
balsaqwell give it a shot08:43
DasKreechOf course she wants iTunes08:43
zhanesfirst convert videos to your ipod dimensions 240x120 for example them to you codec, this program is good to convert videos --> konverter-0.9308:44
DasKreechamsn or kmess for MSN08:44
balsaqis that the one that doesnt work?08:44
DasKreech Which is?08:44
balsaqno sence beatin a dead horse cause i am not sure what her problem is...nice girl though, ill get her in here tomorrow08:45
DasKreechI'm guessing her problem is she wants iTunes cause she knows iTunes08:45
zhaneswhen you connect you ripod via usb or bluetotth is automatically recognized as a removable HD device08:46
zhanesjust copy and past your converted videos from your HD to ipod device08:47
balsaqsave it for her cause i don't mess with that stuff08:47
balsaqbu thank you08:47
zhanesoh, you want to use iTunes?08:47
balsaqshe does08:48
zhaneshave many iTunes pluggins for mozilla-firefox08:48
balsaqi installed buntu on someones computer and now she wants itunes08:48
zhanesall are good08:48
zhanesgood to manage iTunes08:48
balsaqso i am going to have her talk to you folks08:48
zhanesgo to mozilla-firefox addons08:48
balsaqif i am reeeaaalll lucky someone helped her while i was at work08:49
balsaqill know tomorrow08:49
balsaqcause she'll call me at work ...if it still doesnt work08:49
zhanesthe best is foxytunes https://addons.mozilla.org/pt-BR/firefox/addon/21908:50
zhanesbalsaq: the best is foxytunes https://addons.mozilla.org/pt-BR/firefox/addon/21908:51
balsaqwell she had better learn buntu cause when i installed it in her box it was so loaded with virus it was a mess...she HAS to learn buntu08:51
balsaqand she lost her xp home discs08:52
DasKreechha ha If she can stick out a month she shuld be fine08:52
zhanesif she had serial of xp, she can download a copy of windows xp in anywhere08:52
zhanesbetter: allwhere08:52
balsaqexactly...luckily she pretty good on computers08:53
balsaqshe already customized it08:53
zhanesbut i prefer kubuntu then windows08:53
balsaqi have xubuntu, ubuntu, pclinuxos and xp pro and puppylinux08:53
balsaqi had mint for awhile08:53
zhanesKDE is a "obra prima"08:54
balsaqthis is my 1st time on kde08:54
zhanesmint is pretty08:54
balsaqwhen isaw the kde i knew i should have started her there08:54
zhanesbut kubuntu with air theme is fantastic08:54
balsaqmint is pretty but i noticed a bug in it08:54
balsaqticked me off08:54
balsaqcomputer janitor is a mess in it08:55
zhaneswell have you passed to her the link for the foxytunes?08:55
balsaqshe isnt here yet....i am sending her in her tomorrow08:56
zhanesfoxytunes is good for all multimedia in internet, not only iTunes08:56
balsaqshe tried for hours in ubuntu08:56
zhanesubuntu is easy to use08:56
balsaqyup...shes gettin it just no the itunes08:56
zhanesi love compiz08:57
zhanesDasKreech, ubuntu is intuitive, and Kubuntu likely a windows desktop08:58
zhanesmany peoples today uses well kubuntu08:58
zhanesfor first time08:58
zhanesthe better in linux is a big numbers of forums08:59
balsaqi just installed pclinuxos on a computer in my basement..it looks like they copied kubuntu almost entirely08:59
ubottuWith Launchpad's Personal Package Archives (PPA), you can build and publish binary Ubuntu packages for multiple architectures simply by uploading an Ubuntu source package to Launchpad. See https://help.launchpad.net/PPAQuickStart.09:15
DasKreechnoaXess: Nice try09:16
DasKreechThat would be debian though09:16
zhanesdebian thought for what?09:17
zhanesDasKreech, can i compile progrms and put in ppa to all people?09:18
zhanesis unlimited?09:19
DasKreechzhanes: yes09:20
DasKreechzhanes: It would be debain that would be shipping on a Bluray09:20
DasKreechit ships on 28 Cd right now I think09:20
zhanesgood, but i think in put only multimedia debians09:22
zhanesi compiled a lot of multimedia programs for kubuntu brazil, and i dont have where to put it like kubuntu packages09:23
zhanesnow i have a solution for this problem09:23
Mamarokzhanes: get yourself a PPA on Launchpad09:23
zhanesi compiled full version of mplayer with support to brazilian MIDI-Voices09:24
zhanesand supports to MIDI-VOices on mplayer mozilla09:25
zhanesgood for brazilian peoples09:25
=== ilter is now known as onThesisAboutTor
Michael72Есть ли такая команда, по которой можно узнать свой внешний IP-адрес шлюза10:19
Tm_T!ru | Michael7210:20
ubottuMichael72: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke10:20
doleybWhy does plasma crash so much in karmic!?10:21
shadeslayerdoleyb: which KDE version?10:21
doleybshadeslayer: The default kde in karmic, which is 4.3.210:22
shadeslayerdoleyb: ok try and update to 4.3.4 and see if the issue is resolved10:28
anirudhwhat do you use to read pdf files? okular crashes everytime i try to open a file10:29
shadeslayeranirudh: can you try and open okular via a terminal and pastebin the crash outputt?10:29
wilsby29anirudh, are you updated to the latest version of ukular10:30
anirudhwill check10:30
wilsby29I added the repository for the latest kde update and it fixed my okular. which also used to crash when opening pdfs from the browser or email10:30
wilsby29it was a known bug10:31
wilsby29I also dried installing acroread and recommend AGAINST IT because acroread is even more unstable10:31
anirudhanother issue. i have packages but it says its not installed. it does so with okular, and openbabel10:31
anirudhwho do i check if rpm -q is accessing the right directory?10:31
wilsby29ah, rpm. Isn't that th wrong package format?10:33
shadeslayeranirudh: we use .debs10:33
anirudhok.. how do i use .debs?10:33
shadeslayeranirudh: same way you use .rpms :P , the only difference is in the way theyre packaged10:35
shadeslayer(same way theres FDF and PDF, .mp3 and .mp4, etc)10:35
shadeslayer!rpm | anirudh10:36
ubottuanirudh: RPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous and unsupported)10:36
anirudhok.. .10:38
anirudhso how do i check my version of ocular  ? (command)10:38
shadeslayeranirudh: apt-cache policy okular10:40
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shadeslayeranirudh: yeah,you need to add the kubuntu ppa from the kubuntu.org site10:45
anirudhwhat is that?10:45
shadeslayer!ppa | anirudh10:45
ubottuanirudh: With Launchpad's Personal Package Archives (PPA), you can build and publish binary Ubuntu packages for multiple architectures simply by uploading an Ubuntu source package to Launchpad. See https://help.launchpad.net/PPAQuickStart.10:45
level09is kubuntu just a ubuntu + KDE ?10:46
level09or is there any missing/extra stuff10:47
||arifaXwhere can I get latest doc on xorg.conf on the web?10:48
shadeslayerlevel09: yeah its ubuntu-gnome+KDE :P10:48
shadeslayer!xorg | ||arifaX10:48
ubottu||arifaX: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution10:48
level09thnx XD10:49
anirudhApplication: Okular (okular), signal: Segmentation fault is the first line of the error when i try to open a pdf10:49
shadeslayer||arifaX: em.. xorg is depreceated10:49
shadeslayeranirudh: the whole error please,on pastebin10:50
||arifaXshadeslayer: I know but without an xorg.conf you won't get an ati card working10:50
shadeslayer!ati | ||arifaX10:50
ubottu||arifaX: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto10:50
anirudhstrange. i retried it. it works now10:51
SuperSubhi guys, can someone help me with the following xbmc installations issue?10:52
SuperSub Depends: xbmc-common but it is not going to be installed10:52
SuperSub Depends: xbmc-skin-confluence but it is not going to be installed10:52
SuperSub Depends: xbmc-skin-pm3-hd but it is not going to be installed10:52
SuperSub Depends: xbmc-web-pm3 but it is not going to be installed10:52
FloodBotK2SuperSub: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.10:52
Garесть кто жмвой ?10:53
Garнужна срочная помощь10:53
shadeslayer!ru | Gar10:54
ubottuGar: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke10:54
Garесть кто живой ?10:54
FleckGar idi v #ubuntu-ru10:54
FleckGar tut tolko angliski pomosh4 ;)10:54
Gartnx       )10:55
anirudhk guys thank you! bye!10:56
SuperSubgksu "sh /cdrom/cdromupgrade"11:01
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shadeslayerSuperSub: ?11:04
SuperSubcan you help me please, im trying to install xbmc but not having much luk11:05
SuperSubthis is the error message i get when trying to instal via synaptic11:06
shadeslayerSuperSub: one sec11:09
shadeslayerSuperSub: did you try and install each one seprately?11:09
SuperSubone sec i'll give you a link to the instruction i used..11:10
SuperSuband to answer your question no.11:11
shadeslayerSuperSub: well it works fine here11:14
SuperSubim thinking my os version may be old but im having trouble trying to upgrade it..11:15
shadeslayerSuperSub: what version do you have?11:15
SuperSubim getting some freaky error messages not sure if this is the cause.11:15
SuperSubversion number is 8.04.11:16
shadeslayerSuperSub: did you use the instructions for 9.10 or the second one?11:16
SuperSubused the first one..  ic11:17
shadeslayerSuperSub: theres your problem :)11:18
SuperSubok can i back the changes out or do i just leave them?11:18
shadeslayerSuperSub: hmm.. i have no idea... maybe you can remove the xmbc repo from synaptic and then add the other repo again11:19
fabrizioif a person i running pclinuxos, and it is pure KDE, is it tied in tothe same update system as kubuntu?11:20
shadeslayerfabrizio: nope11:21
fabriziowow i screwed up11:21
shadeslayerfabrizio: kubuntu and pclinuxos are different operating systems11:22
fabrizioyeah i know...11:22
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fabrizioso how do they get by with no updates?11:23
fabrizioanyway...i just burned kubu 910 to a cd11:23
shadeslayerfabrizio: its up to the main devs of pclinuxos... go to #pclinuxos11:23
fabrizioi know...they don't answer11:24
fabrizioseems like your better off with one of the big 3......ubu, kubu or xubu...i kinda got off the beaten path a little11:24
fabriziocan i stick kubuntu in here and install right over it?11:26
shadeslayerfabrizio: yep... just format your pclinuxos partition to ext4 and set mountpoint as /11:27
fabriziooh it like 4?11:27
fabrizioso i guess those questions will arise naturally during the install...11:28
fabrizioi got a bunch of old desktops, i keep installing various distros for fun as i learn linux11:28
Meowpupubuntu vrs kubuntu any prefferances pros and cons etc11:32
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rfgergrthnreWhat's the difference between this and irc.ubuntu.com's #kubuntu?11:47
osanllyeris there rosseta stone for linux11:59
cuznt!rosseta stone12:02
cuznt<ubottu> Sorry, I don't know anything about rosseta stone12:02
osanllyerrosseta stone is a language learning program12:03
osanllyeri installed it in win7, now i want a linux version but it seems impossible12:04
cuzntdid you try google?12:04
cuznttry either of those12:05
osanllyeroh ,that's not what i need12:05
osanllyerall the solution is by wine or crossoffice or virtualbox12:06
cuznttrue but wine will work12:06
osanllyerand i want a native linux version12:06
osanllyeri had tried, the sound didnot work well12:07
ghostcubeosanllyer: only the devs can tell you if there is any linux version12:08
ghostcubeand i doubt it12:08
osanllyeryes i am visiting the official website12:09
cuzntmaybe its time to learn and step up osanllyer. take a small course and build it  yerseff12:09
* cuznt starts classes at itt-tech today.12:10
cuzntno more alt ctrl backspace to restart x?12:11
ghostcubeosanllyer: no you need to use wine with rosetta12:11
ghostcubecuznt: nah  logoff and choose restart x or Alt +12:11
ghostcubecuznt: nah  logoff and choose restart x or Alt + e12:11
osanllyeryes the only possible way12:11
ghostcubeyep and it seems to work fine with latest wine12:12
osanllyerreally? i'll try it once more12:12
osanllyeri installed playonlinux and the sound couldnot work12:13
ghostcubeplayonlinux ?12:13
ghostcubeosanllyer: there is an ppa for wine12:14
ghostcubewhat is playonlinux12:14
osanllyerplayonlinux is a frontend of wine12:14
osanllyerand it provide many configurations for many games and apps12:15
ghostcubedpkg -l wine*12:15
ghostcubewhat version is installed 1.01 ?12:15
ghostcubein the ppa is the later beta12:16
osanllyerlet me see12:16
ubottuGraphical representations of where your disk-space is being used are: baobab (GNOME), filelight / kinfocenter (Kubuntu). On the terminal: df -h -T12:28
relic420hi i am currently in ubuntue, i installed kubuntu threw the apt and when i tried to boot into kde i got a error about low graphics mode, when i tried to make a new configure file, it wouldnt go past the second dialog so i crashed out of kde, how can i fix this so i can switch to kde from gnome?12:31
Rochashi everyone12:47
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JerVAI'm now using kubuntu that I installed last nite - I wanted to thank you for assisting me yesterday13:07
JerVAit works smoothly here than ubuntu13:07
relic420anyone here i need help13:15
relic420i get a error when i try to boot with kubuntu (kde)13:15
manishwhat error???13:15
relic420(EE) open /dev/fb0 no such file or directory13:16
relic420when i try to create a new config the dialog wont go past the first step13:16
relic420main error thing says low graphics mode13:16
relic420i had to boot into text mode to get anything to work13:18
nik_hi, how to change the background color of the panel?13:30
ravhello. since the update to karmic, i can't transfer files through bluetooth. i can scan and pair devices, but file transfering is not working. is this happening to anyone else?13:39
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JediMasterIs there any way to filter songs in Amarok by rating (not just sort)?13:45
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Consul_Falxagain the same stuff14:03
=== tamil is now known as chandru
Consul_Falxusing Karmic Kubuntu amd64... have installed xubuntu-desktop packages, and since than, kdm fails14:03
ghostcubehmm what exactly fails in kdm14:04
Consul_Falxit shouts "running on low graphics mode" and if accepted, it tries to reload but fails... from the shell i can still start gdm and work as normal14:04
ghostcubehmmm Karmic ?14:05
Consul_Falxthe usual boot splash ends, black screen with very low resolution saying Low graphics... (ee) open: /dev/fb0 ... no such file or directory14:06
Consul_Falxit's got then an option to attempt restart, bzw to open a root shell, but it's all vain since I couldn't yet have logged in by then14:06
Consul_Falxif i kill the stuff and run gdm on a new tty, i can work normally after then14:07
ravConsul_Falx: i had a similar problem on hardy when i updated kernels. it was because it didn't automatically recompile my nvidia kernel module, i had to do it manually from a console14:07
Consul_Falxproblems occured when I installed xfce14:08
Consul_Falx(and whole xubuntu package14:08
=== andrea is now known as Guest71495
Consul_Falxand i was installing from deb packages and repositories, also i don't know what/how to compile14:08
Consul_Falxp.s. ghostcube hello14:09
jussi01!enter | Consul_Falx14:09
ubottuConsul_Falx: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!14:09
ghostcubehi Consul_Falx14:09
ghostcubeis this ati card ?14:09
Consul_Falxjussi01: thank you for a factual contribution to an intelligent discussion, I'll watch my enter by now...14:10
Consul_Falxghostcube: so is it...14:10
Consul_Falxafter i start from gdm manually, all graphics work fine14:10
ghostcubewhat drivers fglrx ?14:10
ghostcubehmmm is xubuntu callable from kdm ?14:11
Consul_Falxcard is X1450...14:11
ghostcubeX1450 is working with radeon ?14:11
Consul_Falxghostcube: definitely used to be14:11
Consul_Falx(callable)... and the radeon driver was preinstalled14:11
mofuxRiddell: do you know about any updates for kde sc 4.4beta1 packages?14:13
* Consul_Falx reboots to find out more14:13
* mofux is eagerly waiting to give it a try14:13
Riddellmofux: it's all compiling now in lucid, we're working on it for karmic14:15
mofuxRiddell: ok, thank you14:15
Guest71495hi guys i'm a new kubuntu user... yesterday trying to understand how it works i've closed the application bar in the bottom of the screen...how i open it back? i'm pretty sure it's a very easy thing to do but understand that for a newer (coming from win xp) is not that easy!! thanks a lot14:15
AlexZionGuest71495: you can open a panel bar , by clicking on the desktop and selecting add new panel .....14:17
AlexZionafter that , you can put in your new panel any plasmoid you need ...14:17
AlexZionso by default for example , you have a quick access, a system menu , pager to manage desktops, and so on ...14:18
Consul_Falxupdated kernel... kdm crashed again, same error "(ee) open: /dev/fb0" ... in the wizard, i chose "fall back to console login"... afterwards, kdm started by itself and I could have opened the session properly... WTF?!14:18
Guest71495yep works thanx... i think that's the only button i didn't clicked! thanx again!!14:19
rfgergrthnreCan I install both KDE3 and 4 on a Kubuntu desktop?14:32
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geniirfgergrthnre: KDE3 is only supported on Hardy Heron (8.04) and even then not much longer. A fellow at Pearson Computing was supplying KDE3 versions of Intrepid, Jaunty, etc but these are KDE3 only and also not supported here.14:47
rfgergrthnregenii, you mean this guy? https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Kde3/Karmic14:49
geniirfgergrthnre: That's him, yes14:49
Consul_Falx!info radeonhd14:50
ubottuPackage radeonhd does not exist in karmic14:50
Consul_Falx!info radeon14:50
ubottuPackage radeon does not exist in karmic14:50
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto14:51
rfgergrthnregenii, okay... I'd go for it, but it seems like a bit of a schlep to have to specify -kde3 when using apt-get14:51
Cracky_hail quacky14:51
Cracky_problem: Dual boot, Kubuntu 9.10 with XP using WUBI, after every update, of KErnel: Currently from and
Cracky_causes system to go into KERNEL PANIC and loss of data14:53
rfgergrthnreCracky_, nope, except maybe reinstalling wubi14:53
rfgergrthnreCracky_, and in a fresh install, avoid updating14:53
Cracky_can i report is a bug?14:54
Cracky_oops can i report it as a bug?14:54
rfgergrthnreI guess so14:54
Cracky_thank you sir14:55
geniiCracky_: If you report it as a bug on Launchpad, file the bug against Wubi14:55
rfgergrthnreCracky_, np... sorry I can't help more, but I'm a n00b14:55
Cracky_well thanks anyway14:55
Cracky_hope they rectify it on Lucid, cuz i need XP for games and don't wanna partition14:56
=== Quintasan1 is now known as Quintasan
Pici!it | robybat15:20
ubotturobybat: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)15:20
jeiworthsay have you noticed that in the default settings of the desktop configuration there is only the general root folder for wallpapers but not the personal one?15:34
homer-80hi I have problem with mirophone from I have updated to 9.10 before it worked15:35
ubsafderi ha the same issue solved by looking into kmix15:36
ubsafderunmute what you need15:36
ubsafderelse you can check into system-setting->multimedia check the order of the device that maybe a pb too15:38
homer-80ubsafder: were you talking to me?15:39
ubsafderhomer-80: yes15:40
homer-80but kmuix is fine, if I try to open voice recorder it says this:Your audio capture settings are invalid. Please correct them with the "Sound Preferences" under the System-Preferences menu.15:41
homer-80it's card problem not volume15:41
homer-80ubsafder: did you read?15:42
homer-80anybody could help me out, with microphone?15:48
nasoapippahomer-80: what about alsamixer?15:51
nasoapippahomer-80: recognize the microphone?15:51
homer-80they are fine, it's a card problem here the error message: Your audio capture settings are invalid. Please correct them with the "Sound Preferences" under the System-Preferences menu.15:52
homer-80no it doesn't15:52
homer-80nasoapippa: are you italian?15:53
homer-80me too15:53
McNuggetshow do I turn the minimized preview off in kwin15:53
nasoapippahomer-80: ok, leggendo l'errore sembra che il problema sia la configurazione, non la scheda15:53
homer-80nasoapippa: it doens't reconize the mic since I update to 9.1015:53
homer-80eh lo so!15:54
homer-80come posso risolvere? ma possiamo parlare italiano qui?15:54
nasoapippahomer-80: non so, credo di si15:54
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)15:54
nasoapippahomer-80: ok, no15:55
homer-80oik that's fine15:55
homer-80how can I solve?15:55
geniiMcNuggets: Kmenu...Settings...System Settings... Desktop... Desktop Effects..."All Effects" Tab... uncheck "TaskBar Thumbnails" under the Appearance section15:57
subitohow can i change the password for my kwallet?16:05
geniisubito: A "down-and-dirty" way is to issue in Konsole:  kdepasswd and change it there16:08
subitogenii: the problem is that i don't remember the first pass i set for my kwallet16:10
geniisubito: Then you could delete the ~/.kde/share/apps/kwallet/kdewallet.kwl    file16:13
thibaut_Hi guys, does anyone know how to display covers in large size (say 600x600) in Amarok 2's Context panel?16:15
subitothanks genii16:19
InfinitumHas anybody encountered a problem where (I'm assuming) if the update to 9.10 karmic was cancelled it no longer shows up in the update notifier?16:20
InfinitumI've tried starting it with "update-notifier-kde -u" with no luck16:21
=== EagleSn is now known as EagleScreen
geniiInfinitum: What says result of: grep Prompt /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades16:25
_nix_hey all16:31
geniiInfinitum: Perhaps wipe ~/.kde/share/config/update-notifier-kderc16:32
Balsaqi just burned 910 to cd and tried it...i found it very attractive looking but not user friendly16:37
Balsaqand the default browser sizes web pages incorrectly....way off on that one16:38
r00t_ninjayou can install firefox16:38
Infinitumgenii: It's saying there's no such directory16:38
r00t_ninjaand what did you find not user friendly?16:38
Balsaqjust began looking for stuff, the way the options roll out...very odd16:39
Balsaqelegent looking but od to work with16:39
Balsaqhard to put my finger on it16:39
Balsaqwas under the impression kubuntu was sort of the "windows" type of linux16:41
Balsaqi'll get used to it...16:41
Y0Y0alt+f2 all menu i need16:41
r00t_ninjaso its more that its different?16:42
Balsaqi dont like those 2 big square things on the desktop at all16:42
r00t_ninjayou can change it to a normal desktop16:42
r00t_ninjaclose those 2 widgets16:43
r00t_ninjathen right click on the desktop16:43
Balsaqyup i know...16:43
Balsaqjust very surprised at it16:43
bucketheadBalsaq: Check out http://www.flickr.com/groups/plasma-desktop if your interested in different ideas on how to design plasma.16:43
Balsaqok thanks16:44
Balsaqif i was too keep it i would have to re-do it16:44
bucketheadI'm very "Emperor's new clothes" myself. I think I redesign everything twice a month.16:44
r00t_ninja^same with me16:45
Balsaqwell its really pretty16:45
bucketheadSomeone has already posted a very retro KDE 3-ish design. I would be very surprised if there isn't a couple windows-esque designs within the next week.16:47
Balsaqi realy think kubuntu should take a look at pclinuxos...its like pclinux copied kubuntu but made it better-way better16:47
bucketheadboth are based on the KDE SC, right?16:49
Peace-Balsaq: but it has kde4 or kde3 ?16:49
Balsaqnot sure...kde something16:49
llutzBalsaq: you noticed, that you can configure your desktop on your own as you like?16:49
Balsaqyes thanks16:49
Peace-Balsaq: oh .... i think it has kde316:49
Peace-old version...16:49
Balsaqthat kubuntu desktop could have been awesome right off the bat though16:50
Peace-kubuntu rocks here16:50
Balsaqi just was expecting some kind of windows/kubuntu linux experience for some reason16:50
Peace-no problem and fanstastic speed16:50
Balsaqno biggie16:50
Balsaqi'm sure it great16:50
r00t_ninjai think kubuntu probably could do with a bit more polish by default16:50
Balsaqjust got it today...1st impressionwas just a little off16:51
Peace-guys i think this topic is offtopic :D16:51
ubottu#kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!16:51
bucketheadpclos has the same version of KDE that I do .. 4.3.4. I think Kubuntu Karmic ships 4.3.2 by default.16:52
Peace-buckethead: well... if you upgrade karmic can use kde 4.3.4 what's the point16:52
imlad_I have Karmic running perfectly on the MacBook Pro.  When I tried to log in under the KDE desktop, the system did not see my wireless network (which it sees fine under Ubuntu).  Anything obvious I should do?16:54
bucketheadPeace-: Differences between PCLOS and (default) karmic?16:54
r00t_ninjadid you try connecting by clicking on the network manager icon and clicking connect to network?16:55
Peace-imlad_: you could reset .kde16:56
Peace-maybe some stuff about old version of kde can create some problems16:56
Peace-then you can install wicd...16:56
Peace-if you have problems16:56
Koliaimlad_: install wicd16:56
imlad_Peace, how would I do that?16:57
ScuniziI've made a bootable live usb stick of kubuntu using the built in utility.  Now I would like to get rid of the first 2 questions while booting to it .. ie.. language and "Try first - Live Environmant".. I want it to boot directly to the Live environment.. How do I do that?16:57
Peace-i have a wifi with wpa2-psk and i use the default network manager16:57
Peace-imlad_: anyway i have a wifi with wpa2-psk and i use the default network manager works fine here16:57
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imlad_Peace, yea, that is what surprised me - I expected it simply to work, since it is working fine with the gnome desktop.16:58
imlad_Kolia, looks like installing wicd removed network manager...16:59
Peace-imlad_: look at that http://imagebin.ca/view/pVswOPS.html16:59
r00t_ninjaimlad_: so you cant see any wireless networks at all?17:00
imlad_r00t_ninja - none whatsoever :-(17:00
r00t_ninjaare you clicking on the knetworkmanager icon and then doing connect to network?17:00
Scuniziimlad_: that would be the right thing to do.17:00
r00t_ninjaa new window will then come up with a list of networks17:01
imlad_r00t_ninja: yes17:01
imlad_and I don't see my home wireless network.17:02
imlad_Scunizi - you mean to install wicd and have network manager uninstalled?17:02
Koliaimlad_: this is normal17:04
Koliaimlad_: wehn installing wicd it removes the network manager17:04
Koliaimlad_: now, just launch wicd if not done17:05
imlad_Kolia, okay, I will try installing wicd and see how well it works.17:05
Kolia(alt+f2  and start to type  wicd)17:05
imlad_I will just do it from synaptic.17:05
imlad_Peace and Kolia - will removing network manager adversely affect anything I am doing?17:11
exhilaratedDual booting, if I would like to install XP later and no grub is installed, then how can I do this?17:14
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Scuniziimlad_: yes.. typically you don't want both installed at the same time.. they have been known to interfear with each other.17:26
exhilaratedPlease help.17:27
imlad_Scunizi, they are mutually exclusive, so there is no chance of that.17:27
r00t_ninjakubuntu des use grub17:27
imlad_Incidentally, I installed wicd, loged out and loged in to Kubuntu, and  here I am, connected and all.17:27
Scuniziexhilarated: if you've installed k/ubuntu then you *have* grub installed.. no way around it.  If you install XP after then you'll have to fix grub to get back into the k/ubuntu side..17:27
Scuniziimlad_: didn't use to be that way :)17:28
imlad_Ah, then I consider myself lucky that I don't have to deal with the old issues...17:28
Scuniziimlad_: one less worry17:28
exhilaratedScunizi: There is no grub in /boot, I found.17:29
Scuniziexhilarated: funny .. it's there in mine.. /boot/grub17:30
draikexhilarated: /var/run/17:30
* genii sips and thinks about things like wubi, and lilo17:30
draikHey genii :)17:31
Scuniziexhilarated: you'll also see /etc/grub.d17:31
* genii hands draik a coffee17:31
draikgenii: Not a bad idea at all.17:32
* Scunizi finishes his coffee and get's up for a refill.. disappointed that genii didn't offer :(17:34
* genii waves, hands out coffee, goes back to work17:35
ubottu#kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!17:36
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cumulus007Hi, when will the 4.4 beta 1 packages be available for consumption?17:58
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jussi01cumulus007: when they are done.18:01
cumulus007jussi01: and when is "when" :P18:01
jussi01cumulus007: as I said, when they are done and ready. shouldnt be too long, but when the devs get it done :)18:02
cumulus007hm ok18:02
bradpittwhat's new with 4.4?18:03
jussi01bradpitt: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aEuapaLJF8g18:03
r00t_ninjakwin has tabbed windows18:04
bradpitt4.4 is for LTS release?18:06
daniele_\join #teramo18:06
JerVAHello - I need to figure how to set up desktop theme -18:13
ShaxorHay Does anyone here use Emesene?18:13
JerVAAnybody here have desktop themes knowledge?18:15
ronnieI had trouble with "jaunty" so stuck with "hardy", so any users find "karmic" to be good & stable, few bugs? alota bugs?18:17
ronniehmm no comments, anyone like karmic koala, still have a few bugs N kinks to work out?18:22
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ShaxorWell I have been using 9.10 for like the past month, theres some small kinks I ran into but other then that its fine for me18:23
ronniek thx, I have a spare 40gig, I'll try it out b4 I commit my larger drive to it : )18:24
ShaxorYeah thats a safe move xD18:25
ShaxorOh and before you try doing anything you should run "sudo update" Just to besafe after you install 9.1018:27
BluesKajShaxor, I'm not impressed with the wifi management , it had more security options than the newer one has wep being the only option18:27
ronnieyes I will, usually update after install, then start checking if my regular programs work, or still exist,18:28
ShaxorI didn't seem to run in to any problems with the Wifi manager BluesKaj18:29
BluesKajdo you have wpa2 option, Shaxor?18:29
BluesKajhmm, that's odd the network manager I was using did not have it, switched to wicd18:30
ShaxorTheres a drop down menu that has the security types and I just pick the one that my router has18:31
ronnie<--into midi music, why i stuck with hardy, couldn't get jack control server to work on "jaunty", hope it will on "karmic", besides my other music apps (optional kubuntu downloads)18:31
Shaxorbut I think by default it always says wep18:31
ronniethx again, PoWer To Linux! Death To da Blue screen Muhahaha18:32
BluesKajwep isn't my defintion of a secure wifi connection, but some ppl feel safe with it18:33
draikBluesKaj: It's better than having nothing (sometimes)18:34
BluesKajyeah draik, that's why I usw wicd ..I think it's shameful that network-manager only offers wep as default18:35
draikI refer to WEP's "security" as having those small chain links for protection on a keyless door knob. A little force and you're in.18:36
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phoenixzAre there any KDE4.4 repositories available for Kubuntu 9.10?18:47
binarylooksphoenixz: WIP (work in progress)18:49
binarylooksthere wil be an announcement on www.kubuntu.org when its ready18:49
phoenixzbinarylooks: I know, it should be alpha or beta, by now.. But so far, there were always repos available of these KDE4 versions for kubuntu18:49
phoenixzbinarylooks: I've always been ahead, so far, it was always a great experience18:49
binarylooksphoenixz: sometimes quality takes a bit longer..(i wonder how opensuse can always be so quick)18:50
phoenixzbinarylooks: I know, but KDE4.4 is already in beta.. there must be repos already to be able to give it a try18:51
binarylooksphoenixz: there wil be a ppa. kde sc 4.4 has to be compiled to work on the karmic system (lucis had priority)18:52
phoenixzbinarylooks: exactly, Im looking for that PPA18:53
phoenixzwhts lucis?18:53
phoenixzwhats lucis?18:53
binarylookssorry, of course I meant lucid lynx18:53
binarylooksthere is an opensuse livecd with kde sc 4.4 if you really are anxious to try18:54
phoenixzbinarylooks: so you don't know if there is a 4.4 ppa?18:55
macowe're working on packaging 4.4 beta 1 right now18:55
binarylooksphoenixz: i know there is none at the moment but it will be ready in several days18:55
macothey'll be going into lucid first, then there'll be a karmic ppa18:55
geniiphoenixz: deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-ppa/staging/ubuntu lucid main universe multiverse restricted       has the 4.3.80 (aka 4.4 beta1) prelim work in it. But breakage right now18:56
pr0speed2007Всем привет18:56
* maco currently fighting with kdeedu18:56
binarylooksstaging is dangerous ! DO NOT USE18:56
phoenixzBut thats a lucid repo, no?18:56
pr0speed2007Русские есть ???18:56
macophoenixz: yes, as i just said, we're doing lucid first18:56
maco!ru | pr0speed200718:56
ubottupr0speed2007: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke18:56
binarylookswow, ubottu speaks russian :-)18:57
phoenixz:) Blame me for wanting to see KDE4.4.. Just has to be sweet..18:57
binarylooksphoenixz: i'm feeling with you. actually took all the pain to build from trunk18:58
binarylooksit was worth it, but now i can wait18:58
phoenixzbinarylooks: I have not the slightest idea how to create these packages.. if I did, I'd be building myself right now18:58
bmungeri know this is a long shot...but i cannot get my screen to lock since i installed my nvidia card and binary drivers... is there some way to run a command that locks the screen so i can see console output?18:58
binarylooksbmunger: thare should be a dbus command...(let me see)18:59
jimmy51_bmunger: you mean you want it to lock so you can walk away and have to enter a password?18:59
phoenixz ?binarylooks: Just thinking.. will KDE4.4 FINALLY please have an a) normal packager that is easy and actually works, b) a network configuration plasma widget18:59
bmungerjimmy51_: yes18:59
bmungerbinarylooks: thanks18:59
jimmy51_bmunger: ctrl-alt-L18:59
binarylooksphoenixz: this is all independent from kde, it depends what the kubuntu devs want to do with it19:00
jimmy51_bmunger: after i installed nvidia, clicking the lock on the k menu does nothing19:00
jimmy51_bmunger: but ctrl-alt-L works19:00
bmungerjimmy51_: yes i know the command but it's not working... even lock from the desktop and screen saver lock are not working.. it worked until i installed a new video card19:00
phoenixzwell please, network manager widget, pretty please please....19:00
jimmy51_bmunger: yeah, sure is weird.19:00
macoknetworkmanager doesnt work in 9.10?19:00
macoit worked fine for me...19:00
r00t_ninjasame here19:00
maconm plasmoid in 9.04 was fubar though19:01
binarylooksbinarylooks: +1 for the network manager19:01
bmungerjimmy51_: its unacceptable in my work environment19:01
macoscreenlock works *very* well for me. so well it wont unlock *even with* the right password19:02
binarylooksbmunger: sorry, i cant seem to recall the command to see a list of all dbus messages, i'll google19:02
jimmy51_bmunger: definitely.  anyone here know if the screenlocker can output a log?19:02
r00t_ninjaso going into the leave tab of kmenu and clicking lock doesnt work?19:02
tsimpsonbinarylooks: the network manager widget is part of KDE, not Kubuntu19:03
jimmy51_r00t_ninja: that doesn't work for me.  i have to ctrl-alt-L19:03
bmungerr00t_ninja: tried that too.. no work19:03
phoenixzmaco: well, every time there is another network manager.. right now I have a network manager.. I dunno which it is, but its pugly,  hangs when I select a network connection until that connection is established (or times out) etc..19:03
tsimpsonwell, it exactly part of KDE19:03
r00t_ninjaweird it works fiine for me19:03
tsimpsonbut we don't make it19:03
bmungerr00t_ninja: nvidia binary drivers?19:04
binarylookstsimpson: thats partially true, i'm not sure if it is out of playground already for 4.419:04
jimmy51_r00t_ninja: are you runni.... what he said :)19:04
r00t_ninjai have an older card though19:04
r00t_ninjanvidia fx 550019:04
bmungerr00t_ninja: what about multiple monitors?19:04
bmungerok... this is a 950019:04
bmungerjimmy51_:  multiple monitors?19:04
jimmy51_bmunger: yes19:04
bmungerthat might be it then19:04
r00t_ninjahave you tried without multiple monitors?19:04
bmungergoing to.. hold on19:05
bmungerhmm seems the same19:06
binarylooksbmunger: i also have an nvidia with multiple monitors, no problem here to lock the screens19:07
lab02CAla a boca seus marginais19:07
bmungerwith binary drivers19:07
jimmy51_binarylooks: do you know if screenlocker can be config'd to log what it's doing?19:07
binarylooksjimmy51_: did u check the regular log files of kde?19:08
jimmy51_binarylooks: nope.  i'm not even sure where those are :(19:09
bmungerme either19:09
binarylooksjimmy51_: ksystemlog19:10
binarylooksuse the alt+f2 runner19:10
tsimpsonkde apps (most GUI apps) usually log to ~/.xsession-errors19:10
jimmy51_that looks handy19:11
bmungerweird... alt-f2 doesnt work anymore either19:12
bmungeralt f1 and alt f3 work fine19:12
binarylooksbmunger: try "qdbus org.freedesktop.ScreenSaver /ScreenSaver Lock"19:12
bradpittthis is a lil bit OT but i'm curious is there any replacement for kpackagekit on kde 4.4?19:13
bmungerbinarylooks: Service 'org.freedesktop.ScreenSaver' does not exist.19:13
tsimpsonbradpitt: KDE do not make the package manager, but you can still use adept in karmic19:13
binarylookshmmm...there seems to be something missing19:13
binarylooksbmunger: u are using karmic?19:14
bmungerbinarylooks: yes19:14
bmungerbinarylooks: maybe thats for gnome?19:15
binarylooksno, i just tried it on my system and it triggers a lock19:15
tsimpsonlooks like it's part of krunner19:15
tsimpsonso krunner must be running to get the interface19:16
bmungerprobably have some sort of corruption then19:16
binarylooksif i rin the command from konsole it also locks, independantly of krunner19:16
tsimpsonthe interface is provided by krunner19:16
bmungeri had to do a nasty powerdown during boot because it was failing on mounting my disks19:17
binarylooksdoes "qdbus"on konsole give lots of numbers?19:17
bmungeryea a lot of stuff19:17
binarylooksdoes your screensaver work?19:17
tsimpsonis krunner running?19:17
bmungerscreensaver does work..19:17
bmungerkrunner is not in process list19:18
tsimpsonthat's why the dbus call isn't working19:18
bmungerfindServiceByDesktopPath:  not found19:18
tsimpsonit should  be started by KDE when you login19:18
bmungerwhen i run krunner19:18
tsimpson!find bin/krunner19:19
ubottuFile bin/krunner found in kdebase-workspace-bin, kdebase-workspace-dbg19:19
tsimpsondo you have kdebase-workspace-bin installed?19:19
bmungershould i dpkg-reconfigure?19:19
bmungerill check19:19
bmungeryes its installed19:19
tsimpsonhow about kdebase-workspace?19:20
r00t_ninjahave you tried logging out then in or rebooting?19:20
bmungerkdebase-workspace is not installed19:20
tsimpsonlooks like kdebase-workspace is just a meta-package anyway19:20
bmungeri havent logged out or rebooted since i found it not to work19:20
binarylooksalso not on my computer19:20
binarylooks(i maen kdebase-workspcae19:21
binarylooks(sorry for the typos)19:21
bmungerno problem19:21
bmungerso its something wrong with krunner...19:22
r00t_ninjai dont have kdebase-workspace either19:22
binarylooksbmunger: try "qdbus org.freedesktop.ScreenSaver /ScreenSaver SetActive 1" from konsole19:22
bmungerbinarylooks: screen saver turns on but not password protected19:23
r00t_ninjatry rebooting19:23
binarylooksok, so qdbus works correctly19:23
bmungerdid output this: Xlib:  extension "XFree86-Misc" missing on display ":0.0".19:23
binarylooksbmunger: did you change settings in the session manager? or power manager?19:23
bmungerbinarylooks: no i havent19:23
binarylookscheck your power management19:24
bmungeri did a kernel update today and installed nvidia card and binary drivers..thats all19:24
binarylooksther should be an option "lock screen on resume"19:24
bmungeryes its checked19:24
binarylooksin the general settings19:24
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bmungerwait all of a sudden its working now19:25
bmungeri didnt change anything either19:25
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bmungerboth krunner and screen lock19:25
binarylooksbinarylooks: well its the result that matters :-)19:25
jimmy51_bmunger: i've found that to be the case with my screen locking19:26
jimmy51_(works one minute, not the next)19:26
bmungeri wonder if the qdbus screen saver triggered something19:26
binarylooksbmunger: possible19:26
bmungerthanks guys19:26
binarylooksbmunger: anyway, i love kde on 2 screens19:27
bmungeri learned some new things about the system too19:27
binarylooksbmunger: ur welcome19:27
bmungeryea only thing i would like to do is add another panel on the 2nd screen at the bottom19:27
bmungerjust for tasks on that screen19:27
binarylooksnow lets see if there is any progress in kubuntu-ppa...19:27
tsimpsonbinarylooks: it'll be announced on kubuntu.org and in the channel topic when packages are available19:28
binarylooks...there are things building...nice19:28
binarylookstsimpson: sorry, it's like christmas :-)19:28
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Yux1how to add a win7 partition to grub in kubuntu 9.10 ??19:42
r00t_ninjatry "sudo update-grub"19:43
Yux1Found linux image: /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.31-14-generic19:44
Yux1Found initrd image: /boot/initrd.img-2.6.31-14-generic19:44
Yux1Found memtest86+ image: /boot/memtest86+.bin19:44
Yux1and not found my win7 partition :(19:44
DaskreechYux1: as I recall there is some special rules. are you using grub or grub2 ?19:46
r00t_ninjawhat about grub-mkconfig19:46
r00t_ninjawhat about sudo grub-mkconfig19:46
Yux1Daskreech: i'm using grub2 with grub.cfg19:47
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hellhound_can anyone tell me why when I am connect via wifi, I am not able to view flash videos?  I go to websites and I can browse my local network drives, but for some reason I am not able to view internet flash video on youtube or hulu.  i can view these video when connected view wired connection though19:57
alexander_can anyone tell me why myl inux system reads only the 3 out of 4 gigabyte ram memory?19:58
macoalexander_: running 32bit?19:59
alexander_maco: 6420:00
r00t_ninjayou sure?20:00
macois your bios detecting all 4?20:00
r00t_ninjaoutput of uname -a20:00
macomaybe 1 stick not pushed in all the way?20:00
alexander_cant acess my bios atm20:00
jimmy51_maybe tri channel setup?20:01
macopossibly not pushed in all teh way, possibly bad ram, possibly a bug in either your bios or the kernel20:01
r00t_ninjawhat is the output of the command "uname -a"20:01
alexander_Linux Laptop 2.6.31-16-generic #52-Ubuntu SMP Thu Dec 3 22:07:16 UTC 2009 x86_64 GNU/Linux20:02
r00t_ninjadefinitly x86_64 lol20:02
alexander_any ideas?20:04
macoalexander_: possibly not pushed in all teh way, possibly bad ram, possibly a bug in either your bios or the kernel20:04
macoalexander_: when you next reboot check and see if your bios says you have 4. if not, probably one of the first two20:05
macoalexander_: you can do a memory test from the live cd20:05
macolet memtest run a few hours and itll exercise your ram to check for errors20:06
alexander_i just bought them20:06
macoso what?20:06
alexander_the y are brand new20:06
macowhat's your point?20:06
maconew doesnt mean working20:06
alexander_i got 2 rams 2giga each20:06
macothe good thing about new thing being broken is that they're still under warranty20:07
alexander_i dont think one ram would work half20:07
macomuch better than old things being broken20:07
macothere are quite a few modules on one stick of ram. its possible one stick has some bad modules20:07
alexander_meaning that one 2gigabyte ram coulp possibly work as a 1gigabyte one?20:08
macoyou know how its got all those little black rectangles?20:09
macoa few of them could be bad20:09
alexander_but in that case the whole stick wouldnt work20:10
macoi know you can have memory that seems to work but gets corrupted a lot20:10
macobecause its got just a few bad cells20:11
macoso it seems logical to me that you could have a few bad modules on one stick and have the stick still function20:11
* Mamarok wonders if it's not just a 32-64 bit confusion20:11
macounless theyre serial, not parallel...20:11
tazzwhat would  be the best way for me to repartition my ntfs partition and add some more space in my current ext4 partition.20:11
macoMamarok: nah, already checked uname output20:11
Mamaroksince 32 bit supports up to max 3 Gb RAM20:11
macoit could also be the bios and kernel having a disagreemet20:12
macoin which case, check for a bios update20:12
alexander_i was also told that in windows 64bit computers read 3gigabyte but they work on 4 gigabyte ram properly20:13
macothats rather weird20:13
alexander_the technician told me so20:14
macoits still weird20:14
macoi mean, why would they have it do that?20:14
macowell i can tell you that on kubuntu 9.10, all 4gb of my ram are detected in "free -m"20:14
alexander_i dont know i have the same question aw well20:14
macoso this is certainly hardware specific20:14
macoeither bad hardware or a bad bios20:15
r00t_ninjadoes your bios have an option for memory reallocation or memory remapping?20:16
alexander_i have a problem with my bios i cant access it20:17
r00t_ninjais this a laptop or desltop?20:17
r00t_ninjai read in some post that alot of laptops do not come with support for 4gb of ram in the bios without a bios upgrade20:18
alexander_its possible i need a bios upgrade but how can i be sure about it since i cant access it?20:19
macokoza: what?20:19
kozanothing ;p20:20
jimmy51_i just showed off my 9.10 setup to some co-workers.  i've got dual 23" widescreen's, and four virtual desktops.  one of the virtual desktops is home to two VM's, one XP, one windows 7.20:21
jimmy51_they're each full screen on their own monitor20:21
jimmy51_the other three virtual desktops are pure linux and i can switch between them with ease20:21
geniialexander_: In the first page or so of output from: sudo lshw | less            it should have some info on what make/model/bios version20:22
jimmy51_i spend 75% of my time in the linux world and 25% in windows, and prefer the linux world.  my staunch MS co-workers now see why20:22
geniighostman: You've already been booted from #ubuntu , want to go from here too now?20:22
jimmy51_+3 potential converts20:22
Daskreechgenii: Silly question20:23
geniiDaskreech: :)20:23
secure_lo all20:23
secure_genii, I take it ghostman is now a ghost :)20:24
alexander_genii: is sudo lshw | less supposed to take time to work?20:24
geniialexander_: It takes a minute to gather info, then should pipe that into "less" which lets you go through the results20:24
secure_could someone explain how to change your logon screen ?  Thanks/20:24
alexander_          description: System Memory20:27
alexander_          physical id: 1920:27
FloodBotK1alexander_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:27
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alexander_genii:*-memory, description: System Memory,   physical id: 19, slot: System board or motherboard,  size: 4GiB20:31
geniialexander_: What you can do is install pastebinit , and then do something like: sudo lshw | pastebinit              and then give us the URL it shows after20:34
genii( there seems no -C class for "firmware" or "bios" or "cmos"  in the lshw command, unfortunately)20:35
nicklas_any kubuntu repos maintainers here? im using the kubuntu ppa and backports, when kde 4.4 is released, will it be in there? and how will this affect my system?20:35
geniinicklas_: You may want to ask in #kubuntu-devel20:36
maconicklas_: we're packagn 4.4b1 for lucid right now and a karmic ppa will exist when we're done with lucid, but i dont know which ppa thatll be20:36
Quintasannicklas_: this is BETA, do not expect it to work flawlessly, it might even break your current KDE configuration20:37
* Quintasan 's Lucid VM is borked :/20:37
nicklas_so it might be smart to remove the repos?20:37
Quintasannicklas_: yes, at least for now20:38
QuintasanI'm going to do some testing and I will post notices to identi.ca20:39
nicklas_Quintasan: well, what can happen?20:39
nicklas_Quintasan: ok20:39
Quintasannicklas_: you're configuration can conflict and you can be forced to move it and let kde create new config20:39
Quintasanplasma will probably crash constantly since it's devel release20:39
nicklas_Quintasan: i see20:40
QuintasanThat didn't happen in my debian trunk but noone said it will work for everyone :P20:40
nicklas_Quintasan: well thats ok, not so hard to change the configs back20:40
Quintasanwell I informed you what can happen so feel free to test it or not :P20:40
QuintasanFeedback is welcome :D20:40
nicklas_yes :-)20:41
Daskreechnicklas_: I'd say backup your ~/.kde dir now20:41
nicklas_Daskreech: you think so? :-P20:41
nicklas_when will 4.4 hit the repos then?20:41
Quintasanwell, I'm off, need to learn :P20:41
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit20:43
rosco_ycan anyone suggest an easy way to use my scanner on my all-in-one printer?20:43
r00t_ninjarosco_y: isnth there like xscan or something that comes by default20:45
rosco_yr00t_ninja: thank you--will look into that :)20:46
r00t_ninjaim fairly sure its included by default somewhere20:46
r00t_ninjaoh already said that lol20:46
r00t_ninjaGo to Applications → Graphics → XSane Image Scanner.20:49
nubhow do I show the desktop folder on the desktop, I accidently closed it but I want it back now21:06
nubI am brand spanking new to ubuntu21:06
jimmy51_nub it's a widget21:06
jimmy51_right cvlick, add widget21:06
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nubshow folder widget?21:07
nuboh thanks so much jimmy, it worked!21:07
nubnow that I have a running version of ubuntu what can I do with it?21:08
jimmy51_nub: whatever you want, i suppose :)21:08
jimmy51_nub:  what would you do with any computer?21:08
nubwell hmm, can I run a domain with it?21:08
nubso when I try to log into the windows computers on my network I can sign in and assign user name and password with files for each user on the server?21:09
Daskreechnub: Yes you acn21:09
jimmy51_nub: you sure can... with varying complexity.  you can share out files and folders to users using Samba21:09
nubstrange, when I typed in samba it said not installed21:10
jimmy51_it's not by default21:10
nubbut when I tried to install it it said samba is already the latest version21:11
nubahh nevermind, it is samba4 not samba :P21:11
* nub waits as samba installs21:11
nubwhat are some other essential things to run on ubuntu?21:13
nubis perl and python programming supported by default?21:13
r00t_ninjai think they are21:13
jimmy51_nub: did you install ubuntu or Kubuntu?21:13
nubkubuntu desktop for the gui on server21:13
tsimpsonboth perl and python are installed by default21:14
jimmy51_ok.  so you installed ubuntu server, and then the kubuntu-desktop21:14
Daskreechjimmy51_: you just put a desktop Folder view up didn't you?21:14
nubI did21:15
jimmy51_Daskreech: no... i told nub how to21:15
DaskreechRight. so wouldn't that be Kubuntu? :)21:15
jimmy51_Daskreech: well, he kept saying he had installed ubuntu, and his questions were asking if perl/python were installed.21:16
nubis samba fairly straight forward?21:16
jimmy51_it seemed likely he had a non-standard install21:16
jimmy51_regardless of whether or not KDE were installed.  who knows though.... i'm new :)21:16
kozaHey Everbody ;p21:17
jimmy51_(well, new to trying to help people... not new to sitting here asking questions)21:17
nubI dont think kde is standard for ubuntu, oh nevermind I installed ubuntu server21:17
nububuntu server just loads with a basic command promt thing21:17
jimmy51_nub:  so... what are you hoping to do?  is this a home server?  i've got an ubuntu home server set up at home running backuppc21:19
jimmy51_nub: it backs up my documents on my machines each night21:19
nubjust trying to learn somethign other than windows21:19
kozawindows fail..21:19
kozawindows 7 fail..21:20
nubI heard ubuntu is a lot more versatile and better in every way21:20
nubis it possible to do everythign on a windows box and more?21:20
jimmy51_nub: i don't know... that's probably a matter of opinion21:20
kozaYou can boot/start ubuntu/kubuntu od Windows Box. I tryed this21:20
jimmy51_nub: i've been able to do anything i've needed on my kubuntu workstations and ubuntu server though21:20
jimmy51_nub: and my wife lovbes it21:21
jimmy51_nub: i'd say make a list of stuff you want your server to do... then investigate how to get it to do it21:21
nubI would like to host a website on it21:22
jimmy51_nub: go for it.  apache is a popular webserver21:22
nubbut I do not even hardly know the file system, where is the file server hosted by default?21:22
ubottuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)21:22
kozaMy best experience: Samba PDC (Prmary Domain Controler) on Ubuntu 9.04 Server Edition for Windsown NT & XP21:22
jimmy51_koza: does that use LDAP to fake an AD?21:23
jimmy51_koza: if so, that sounds cool21:23
ubottuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution21:24
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nubis dolphin an alternative to samba?21:29
jimmy51_nub:  dolphin is a file browser21:31
jimmy51_nub: like windows file explorer.21:31
nubI have installed samba however when I tried running it from the command it only displayed a list of ignored variables21:32
nubis there no gui for samba?21:32
jimmy51_nub: i think you need to read some samba tutorials21:32
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jimmy51_nub: i don't think samba itself has a GUI, but there have been some written for it21:33
jimmy51_nub: kde has a samba GUI you can install and use, but i think you'd be best served by learning the conf file for it21:34
fjellrev1I'm having huge problems with my xserver, tells me that compatmap has bad lengths and something about xkb can't compile. I have done as the howto's say : reinstall kde-desktop xserver-xorg and so forth, also tried "dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg " and "dpkg -reconfigure-a " but to no success.anyone else have any suggestions on what to do ?21:35
rstob911nub: webmin is a nice samba tool21:36
* Daskreech high fives jimmy51_ Thanks for helping out21:36
geniirstob911: webmin has also been removed from Ubuntu due to it's many problems, replaced by ebox21:36
relic420hi i am currently in ubuntue, i installed kubuntu threw the apt and when i tried to boot into kde i got a error about low graphics mode, when i tried to make a new configure file, it wouldnt go past the second dialog so i crashed out of kde, how can i fix this so i can switch to kde from gnome?21:37
Daskreechnub: For some defintion of everything21:37
rstob911genii: didnt realize21:37
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jimmy51_Daskreech: thanks.21:37
Daskreech!fhs | nub this should help21:37
ubottunub this should help: An explanation of how files and directories are organized on Ubuntu, and how they can be manipulated, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LinuxFilesystemTreeOverview21:37
jimmy51_ooh, that's helpful21:38
Daskreechrelic420: ok start over where does it crash?21:38
jimmy51_nub: if you've already taken the trouble to install kde on top of ubuntu-server, you might want to try installing kdenetwork-filresharing (i'm reading http://kubuntuforums.net/forums/index.php?topic=3108360)21:39
* jimmy51_ heads out the door 12 minutes early to try to avoid the snow induced traffic21:40
hellhound_can anyone tell me why when I am connect via wifi, I am not able to view flash videos?  I go to websites and I can browse my local network drives, but for some reason I am not able to view internet flash video on youtube or hulu.  i can view these video when connected view wired connection though21:43
||arifaXwhere can I details about how knetwork-manager initiates vpn connections. is there a special channel?21:44
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jethi, does anybody know how to change the configuration kde uses for multiple monitors? i have two monitors and kde activations the second one when i hit the shortcut onm my laptop (function-f8) but i displays the same screen on both monitors... i was looking for twinview...21:46
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Daskreechhellhound_: Using which browser?21:52
Daskreech||arifaX: Umm I'd ask in #plasma21:52
Daskreechjet: Twinview is in the driver enable it there21:52
||arifaXDaskreech: thanks21:53
nubwhat was that one program kdenetwork-xxxxxxxxx21:53
nubI can't find it when I scroll up21:53
nubis a program the proper thing to call it with ubuntu?21:53
nubyes, thank you21:53
Daskreechnub: Yes that's fine21:54
jetyou mean just using nvidia-settings to enable? ok, that's what i've been doing... just wondering if kde supported through a keyboard shortcut instead...21:54
nubmy computer is unable to find the kdenetwork-manager tho21:54
jetthanks, and maybe i'll ask in plamsa since that's probably where this type of thing is21:54
nubalso I am unable to run ebox for some reason21:55
nubdoes anyone have a program that controls barometric pressure?21:56
Daskreechnub: no Just hte beta of hte program that controls Global Warming21:56
DaskreechIt overheats :-(21:57
ThundercrossI'm also having problems with x.org21:57
ThundercrossEver since I installed 9.10, it never really loads21:58
nubr00t-ninja, I am unable to install that program for some reason, the plasma-widget-networkmanagement21:58
nubhow do you run and edit ebox?21:58
DaskreechThundercross: Where does it stop loading?21:58
nubcould not find package21:58
Daskreechnub: How are you installig it? From the command line I assume?21:59
r00t_ninjatry refreshing your package list21:59
nubis there a way to run networkmanagement without installing or adding the widget to the dashboard?21:59
nubI found it but I was trying to install it using apt-get :P22:00
r00t_ninjayou dont need to , it will show in your system trat22:00
r00t_ninjayou dont need to , it will show in your system tray22:00
r00t_ninjawhen you log out and then back in22:00
Daskreechnub: I guess you haven't learnt the awesome of tab ?22:00
nubnope lol22:01
cpk1is it absolutely necessary to use pulse audio to get sound from more than one source? I seem to have phonon installed but cant figure out what the problem is22:01
nubyou have to tab all the way down?22:01
Daskreechnub: type sud<tab>apt-g<tab>in<tab>plasma-w<tab>net<tab>22:02
DaskreechYou don't have to22:02
DaskreechTab autocompletes what you are typing22:02
DaskreechIf it doens't then press it again and it will show you the possible values that are available22:02
r00t_ninjacpk1: i have pulseaudio however i dont use it as my default mixer device and i have multiple sound sources22:02
nubwhat is the default folder for apache?22:03
nubdefault web folder I mean22:03
Daskreechnub: /var/www22:03
hellhound_can anyone tell me why when I am connect via wifi, I am not able to view flash videos?  I go to websites and I can browse my local network drives, but for some reason I am not able to view internet flash video on youtube or hulu.  i can view these video when connected view wired connection though22:03
nubahh thank you22:03
Daskreechhellhound_: which browser?22:03
hellhound_chrome or firefox22:04
r00t_ninjasounds like some sort of qos22:04
Daskreechboth don't work once you are on the Wifi?22:04
Daskreechwhich sites are you trying ?22:04
hellhound_Daskreech: i am trying youtube and hulu.  they will work if connected via cable22:05
cpk1r00t_ninja: did you have to do anything to set it up? I never installed pusle and I dont think kubuntu comes with it but i do seem to have libpulse installed, and my system seems to try to use it, mplayer tells me "AO: [pulse] Failed to connect to server: Internal error"22:07
r00t_ninjait came with my kubuntu install im fairly sure22:07
Daskreechhellhound_: You are on wifi now?22:10
hellhound_Daskreech: yes .. i am talking to you on another computer right beside the one having issues22:11
Daskreechhellhound_: try http://blip.tv/file/2756992/ and tell me if it works22:11
hellhound_Daskreech: k hold on22:14
nubr00t-ninja, it was actually kdenetwork-filesharing22:14
nubisn't qtparted a package?22:16
nubmy computer did not find it22:16
hellhound_Daskreech: ah hah rebooted and video is working on wireless now!22:18
hellhound_Daskreech: nevermind stopped working again22:19
ThundercrossMan, I had to go afk for a while, and I'm only gonna be on intermittently.22:23
Daskreechhellhound_: Stopped? as in it was loaded and stopped loading22:23
DaskreechOr the next page you went to didn't work?22:24
DaskreechThundercross: ok22:24
hellhound_Daskreech: it started playing the video and then stopped after about 10 seconds22:25
Daskreechhellhound_: what version of Flash?22:26
ddurhamI got hit with the wubi/grub2 bug where linux doesn't boot properly, boots to grub shell22:27
ddurhamanyone familiar with this issue?22:27
hellhound_Daskreech: if I exit out of the browser then open it again it will play videos for about 45 seconds then stop.  It happens regardless of the video and regardless if on firefox or google chrome22:28
ddurhamhere's a bug report: https://bugs.launchpad.net/wubi/+bug/48479922:28
ddurhamI'm looking for a better solution than me manually typing grub commands everytime I boot, update-grub didn't work22:28
nubis there an ftp server installed with ubuntu server22:30
nubif so how to I connect as well as specify a static ip on my local area network?22:31
Daskreechhellhound_: hrmm you did an upgrade or a clean install?22:31
hellhound_Daskreech: clean install22:31
Daskreechhellhound_: try and purge flash and reinstall22:32
hellhound_Daskreech: k hold on :)22:32
phoenixzDoes KDE has some sort of built in support thing that lets me control the desktop of the KDE user?22:33
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hellhound_Daskreech: samething happens22:36
phoenixzI want to connect to a remote computer using KRDC, but I want to connect over another port.. How do I do this? do I need to configure something on the recmote compouter?22:39
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knuehi there. is there a special channel for lucid lynx kubuntu?23:00
JontheEchidna#ubuntu+1 is used for that23:00
ThundercrossLong story short, upgrading to Karmic broke my xorg. And I think it's because I had it replace my xorg.conf when I upgraded.23:01
ThundercrossIf I were to restate my problem, that would be spam.23:30
ThundercrossI stated it half an hour ago, but I got no response.23:30
bobalueydoes anyone else have a problem with slow networking speeds in Kubuntu?23:39
luis_hello everyone good afternoon i need some help i tryed to conect to my msn accounts but pidgin wont connect few hours ago did but not now it says: OUR PROTOCOL IS NOT SUPPORTED BY THE SERVER!!!, help pls23:45
knuebobaluey: Had problems with my provider dns. It was pretty slow23:48
knuei switched to an independet one. now network works like a charm again23:48
knueThundercross: have you tried: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg23:51
knuethen restart X23:52
knueluis_: Have you tried a different client? kopete for instance?23:53
nicklas_what is wrong?23:53
relic420hi i am currently in ubuntue, i installed kubuntu threw the apt and when i tried to boot into kde i got a error about low graphics mode, when i tried to make a new configure file, it wouldnt go past the second dialog so i crashed out of kde, how can i fix this so i can switch to kde from gnome?23:53
relic420(sorry i was called afk earlier :( )23:53
luis_lets see23:53
luis_but my question is why did stop working it was fine couple hours ago23:54
knuerelic420: if you get this screen something is wrong with X not with your DE23:54
nicklas_luis_: well, any updates or changes?23:54
luis_not at all23:54
knueare you still running gdm or do you use kdm?23:54
relic420knue it boots kubuntu when i switch to kdm23:54
relic420but first thing i get is the error low grapics mode23:55
relic420with that (EE) thing23:55
nicklas_things dont brake just like that, something must have changed, hmm23:55
relic420(EE) Open /dev/fb0 no such file or directory23:55
relic420when i try to do a reconfig it crashs to txt23:55
knueregardless of the login manager you can switch your session somewhere beside the login stuff. just press all buttons to find out23:55
relic420i cant get kdm to work had to go back to gdm23:55
knuein kdm this is below the login stuff23:56
nicklas_relic420: you just installed kubuntu-desktop, nothing else done? any changes?23:56
relic420i installed it switched to kdm rebooted and that happen23:56
knuehow did you swithc to kdm?23:56
nicklas_that is weird, people get errors for no apperant reason23:57
relic420it auto poped up when in the instal23:57
relic420to get back to gdm i typed23:57
knuetry this one:23:57
knuesudo service kdm stop23:57
knuethan restart gdm23:57
knuesudo service gdm start23:57
knueI'm not quite sure how the gnome thing is called23:57
knuei think it's called gdm23:58
nicklas_ask in #ubuntu23:58
knuehave a look into /etc/init.d23:58
relic420kdm stop/waiting23:58
relic420im in gdm23:58
relic420i did pkgd-configure whatever and pulled up a screen to get gdm23:58
relic420i googled that part :P23:58
relic420im in gnome right now, i wanna use kde23:58
knueI also occasionally got the screen you mentioned in kdm23:59
Thundercrossknue, I will try this. I'm not sure of the command to restarting x, though.23:59
knuejust click on the first option and proceed23:59
knuethis works for me23:59
ThundercrossOkay. Thanks.23:59

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