
=== bjf is now known as bjf-afk
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=== ogra is now known as Guest91885
=== Guest91885 is now known as ogra
DieB1984Hello. I had jaunty running on my nslu and asked my self if there is an actual installer? Or do you know which kind of arm image i might need? thx a lot13:01
=== bjf-afk is now known as bjf
DieB1984excuse me pls if i disturb, but might anyone know what image i shall use to install ubuntu on my nslu? is it still the jaunty installer or is it one of the new kernel ones. thx very mucho15:34
ograwe stopped supporting ARMv5 systems with karmic, so you can only use jaunty on NSLU2's15:42
ograkarmic is built for ARMv6, lucid even for v7, neither binaries will run on the slug15:43
DieB1984thank u15:43
asacfta: copied ffmpeg to native ppa now ;)(17:47
asaclets see. wont expect it to start soonish ;)17:48
ftaasac, thanks17:52
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MarkGilStupid question time:  Whats the difference between ARM and ARMEL?23:51
MarkGilin the context of this:  http://people.debian.org/~aurel32/qemu/23:51
ojnMarkGil: arm is the old pre-EABI distro.23:57
ojns/distro/distro arch/23:57

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