
darkmatteroooo...  gnome-icon-theme from git is candy!02:09
darkmattermac_v: http://img190.imageshack.us/img190/244/screenshothk.png :o02:19
thorwilkwwii: http://www.heise.de/newsticker/meldung/Wissenschaftler-Pop-up-Benachrichtigungen-verlangsamen-den-Arbeitsfluss-878671.html12:01
kwwiithorwil: lol12:34
thorwilkwwii: so now you're slowed down12:35
* ckontros waves12:37
* thorwil rotates12:37
ckontros"layer groups". Welcome to, IDK, 2000? http://www.gimpusers.com/tutorials/gimp-2-8-new-features.html In any case this is cool. Though the "single-window" mode doesn't save my open dialogs/toolboxes. :(14:34
darkmatterthats what happens when you run an unstable gimp14:46
ckontrosdarkmatter: Well duh. :) Everything else works 'cept that so far.14:47
* darkmatter built gnome-icon-theme from git and then manually updated the 'yet to be official' bits (well, still updating them actually) from /plain/gnome. the theme is going to be nice14:49
darkmatterckontros: http://img190.imageshack.us/img190/244/screenshothk.png  http://img188.imageshack.us/img188/7951/screenshotvj.png14:53
ckontrosI did see. I'm not really jazzed about it. I'm so over the Tango/GNOME sets.14:57
darkmatterit's not an issue of the tango style. it's an issue of consistent style imo. tango/gnome never really had that before. still has a long way to go (most of the theme is still 'old' style), but at least its losing the fugly15:00
ckontrosI was actually impressed with KDE in Kubuntu-Lucid as f late. Though I think they have a default layout that could use some trimming (lots of tray applets running which reminded me of XP from DELL) it had a nice feel.15:00
darkmatterI also have the latest 4.3.x dev build. its getting nice. oxygen has a ton of polish now (it's actually kinda metallic now) and the animations and plasma themes are greatly improved15:02
darkmatterkickoff still sucks, but at least it slides up from the panel for some nice prettyness15:03
darkmatterand plasma-desktop is less crashy :P15:04
snubbysup noble artworkers15:06
ckontrosdarkmatter: IIRC there's more code to make GTK apps look native.16:12

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