
=== _stink__ is now known as _stink_
ndanhey i was gonna file a bug against a processor problem i was having with my computer, however ubuntu-bugs requires a package id/name and well... the processor isn't a package.....05:29
micahgndan: what do you mean processor problem?05:31
ndanmicahg, inccorrect representation of l2 cache on my processor zm85 http://tinyurl.com/yh72quf shows 1 meg versus 205:32
micahgndan: probably 1Meg per core05:32
ndaninteresting idea...05:33
micahgndan: maybe not05:36
micahgidk, have you tried asking in #ubuntu05:36
ndanlooking into it now... it doesn't appear it SHOULD be published like that however looking into more details of the application05:36
ndanyes, they have no clue -- done alot of google searches -- no avail, thus the bug report never thought i could file it under sysinfo...  however i wanna verify its not per core first because quadcore processors do do per core05:37
ndanfigured it out, thank you micahg your a great help05:37
micahgndan: np05:38
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thekorngood morning bugsquad07:40
micahghi thekorn07:40
thekornhey micahg07:40
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^arky^any help on bug 49132709:32
fujimitsubug 49132709:39
fujimitsuhm, thought the bot would read back bug description.. is it down09:40
Picibug 1000013:19
Picijpds: bug snarfing looks to be still broken :/13:19
fujimitsualmost 4 hours on my count13:21
jpdsPici: I know.13:22
jpdsbug 1000013:30
ubot4Launchpad bug 10000 in xorg "xserver-common: X crashed (signal 7) while scrolling in Mozilla" [Unknown,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1000013:30
jpdsYou serious.13:31
Picibug 10000013:31
ubot4Launchpad bug 100000 in malone "There are still too many bug reports" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/10000013:31
PiciThats the one I meant ;)13:31
jpdsThat was easy to fix, how annoying.13:31
Picijpds: thanks :)13:31
jpdsNo problem.13:33
scorp123hi all13:58
scorp123On launchpad people suggested to me I try my luck here ... so: Any Ubuntu/Launchpad admins here? Or folks from Canonical maybe?13:59
nigel_nbscorp123: hi, wat are you looking for?13:59
scorp123I reported a bug ... in July 200814:00
scorp123Its status is still "New" and "Undecided" ... after 1.5 years14:00
nigel_nbbug number?14:00
ubot4Launchpad bug 251923 in nfs-utils "/sbin/mount.nfs doesn't understand mount option mountvers=n" [Undecided,Confirmed]14:01
nigel_nboh great, the bot is back14:01
scorp123I see someone did in fact look at it and update the status 36 minutes ago ....14:02
scorp123oh well14:02
* BUGabundo_work pats the bot in its back14:02
nigel_nbyeah, its now confirmed14:03
nigel_nband just so that you know, bump doest work on bugs14:03
scorp123well, I guess one might call that progress :)14:03
scorp123nigel_nb: Yeah, I noticed :D14:03
nigel_nbscorp123: we can't see it, doesn't make a difference14:04
scorp123nigel_nb: yes, I figured .... ;)14:04
nigel_nbscorp123: only thing you can do is wait for some time and ask here if there has been no reply, one of us will look into it.14:04
nigel_nbThanks for dropping by and asking :)14:04
scorp123nigel_nb: good to know14:05
* nigel_nb pats the bot too!14:05
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micahgbdmurray: is there a meeting tomorrow?15:31
WeatherGodI believe that bug 461034 could be set to triaged or something15:38
ubot4Launchpad bug 461034 in update-manager "update manager not working for beta release with live CD 9.10rc" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/46103415:38
WeatherGodthere is a lot of info, but the problem also resolved itself15:38
BUGabundo_workhey charles15:40
BUGabundo_workdarn bad tab15:40
BUGabundo_workcharlie-tca: ^^^^15:40
charlie-tcahey, BUGabundo_work15:41
micahgWeatherGod: yeah, I guess so15:46
micahgWeatherGod: actually, I'm not sure...15:46
WeatherGodyou know, we aren't exactly sure why the problem resolved itself15:48
WeatherGodmaybe it is something that the upgrade-manager team still needs to look into15:49
kklimondaWeatherGod: then you should close it as invalid with a response that we don't know what have fixed it (the response is in stock responses)15:50
kklimondanow, to actually look at the bug.. ;)15:50
kklimondagood evening everyone15:50
WeatherGodgood morning15:51
micahgWeatherGod: I wasn't sure if all the info was there or if there was still an issue to fix, that's why I said idk15:52
WeatherGodyeah, I looked again, and saw no real substansive info15:53
WeatherGodnot sure if this is a workable report15:53
WeatherGodyeah, I don't think this one is workable15:56
nigel_nbhey WeatherGod :)15:57
* WeatherGod waves15:57
micahgWeatherGod: user attached everything that was asked for15:57
WeatherGodthat is true, but the logs don't seem to show anything wrong happening15:58
WeatherGodat least, I didn't see anything15:58
WeatherGodactually, if I look at one of the previous upgrade attempts, I see some errors16:01
WeatherGodone of them was a failure to upgrade basero16:01
WeatherGodwhich seemed to have stemmed from a failure in detecting a particular directory16:02
WeatherGodyeah, I am not really finding any other useful error messages16:07
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WeatherGodbug 458860 describes an upgrade issue that should probably be checked out before the release of Lucid16:15
ubot4Launchpad bug 458860 in update-manager "LOcally installed Programs and updates" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/45886016:15
micahgapport fix for karmic is in -proposed :)16:25
WeatherGodfor which bug?16:25
micahgofficially, https://edge.launchpad.net/bugs/476513, but it's for one time apport crashes16:26
ubot4Launchpad bug 476513 in apport "/etc/default/apport comment outdated" [Low,Fix committed]16:26
micahgand ubot4 is back! :D16:26
WeatherGodthat was getting annoying16:27
WeatherGodmicahg, I am coming across a bunch of bug reports in updata-manager where the OR did provide the requested files, but the status was never changed back to 'New'16:30
WeatherGodnow they are a few days away from expiring16:31
micahgWeatherGod: yep, that's normal16:31
micahgWeatherGod: you can change back to new if you're not sure if all the info is there, or ask for triaged if you think it is16:31
WeatherGodbug 448086 is interesting, but I am not sure if there is enough info16:35
ubot4Launchpad bug 448086 in update-manager "Updates are delayed because 'Waiting for other tasks' but no other task is running" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44808616:35
WeatherGodthe OR figured out that there was a worker thread downloading packages in the background, but was hanging16:36
WeatherGodand a crash of the AptDaemon also crashed his X session16:36
micahgWeatherGod: if it's reproducible, an apport crash report would help16:37
micahgif we can get it16:37
bdmurraymicahg: yes16:38
micahgbdmurray: thanks, I'll make sure to be here16:38
* micahg needs a blog16:40
WeatherGodmicahg, I'll ask the OR if the bug is reproducible16:40
* BUGabundo_work points micahg to posterous.com16:44
micahgBUGabundo_work: nah, I'm going to set up a wordpress instance16:45
micahgBUGabundo_work: thanks though16:47
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WeatherGodcan someone mark bug 466248 as triaged17:10
ubot4Launchpad bug 466248 in grub "no audio in ubuntu 9.10" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/46624817:10
WeatherGodI am just doing some housekeeping work17:10
charlie-tcaWeatherGod: Won't that be incomplete until the OR comes back to say whether or not it worked?17:13
WeatherGodit did work17:13
WeatherGodunless I got my bug numbers mixed up17:14
CarlFKwhat does the -p do in  ubuntu-bug -p linux ?17:14
charlie-tcaOkay, I see17:14
WeatherGodok, actually, I misread that... but anyway, dtchen asked that they get triaged anyway17:15
WeatherGodCarlFK, the -p indicates which package hook to use, I believe17:15
WeatherGodor is that just apport-collect?17:16
WeatherGodcharlie-tca, thanks17:16
charlie-tcaYou are welcome17:16
BUGabundo_workCarlFK: nothing... its meant for apport-cli no ubuntu-bug17:18
CarlFKhttps://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+filebug/Aj0lyedhvefVXavlzDy80CgaeTT#form-start says "inux (Ubuntu) guidelines:         Please report a bug about the kernel using the following command in a terminal:  ubuntu-bug -p linux"17:18
micahgCarlFK: -p is deprecated for ubuntu-bug but can still be used with apport-collect for more info17:18
CarlFK@#$#@$ "Warning: The options -p/-P are deprecated, please do not use them.  See /usr/bin/ubuntu-bug --help"17:18
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WeatherGodbug 467164 could probably now be marked as Triaged17:29
ubot4Launchpad bug 467164 in linux "[Regression] touchpad not recognized on upgade to karmic (sony vaio VGN-SR220)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/46716417:29
WeatherGodalthough, maybe against a different package17:30
charlie-tcaWhat importance?17:37
WeatherGodI don't know... the user can still use a regular mouse17:40
WeatherGodand it isn't damaging the user files17:40
WeatherGodso, I guess low17:40
charlie-tcaThat sounds right. more on importance at: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Importance17:53
nperryHummm, whats the best thing to do with a bug report in russian :s18:02
nperryPlease translate into english, or ask for help in #ubuntu-ru ?18:03
WeatherGodcharlie-tca: thanks18:04
ubot4Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke18:05
ubot4The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat18:05
charlie-tcanperry: I use http://translate.google.com/# to translate what I can18:06
nperryHummmm all i get is "The installer crashes zavershilas"18:10
nperryI've set to incomplete and ask reporter to translate18:13
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BrucevdkHi, I would like somebody to hold my hand while I report a possible bug, any volunteers?18:43
BrucevdkI want to make sure that I collect the right information and whatnot18:43
WeatherGodsure, what's up?18:43
CarlFKBrucevdk: did you see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs18:44
BrucevdkCarlFK: I've seen it at least once :)18:45
BrucevdkWeatherGod: I'm running Jaunty (9.04), starting since a few days ago I'm having problems with GVFS mounts (FTP specifically right now). When I edit files with either Geany or even nano I get the error "Input/output error" and the file is essentially deleted (0 bytes). I noticed there was a kernel upgrade around the same time this started happening and it's likely it's a problem with FUSE. The only editor that manages to save anything properly is Gedit,18:45
Brucevdk which aparantly "works around" FUSE.18:45
BrucevdkI've searched Launchpad for the keywords: input output error, as that seemed like the terms somebody would use but I didn't see anything relevant18:46
* WeatherGod whooosh!18:46
WeatherGodany other takers?18:46
Brucevdkawww :)18:47
WeatherGodI will say, that is definitely a serious issue18:47
BrucevdkLooks like the problems aren't happening with SFTP mounts18:47
WeatherGodbut I have never played with FUSE and sftp mounts, so I really don't know how to diagnose those18:48
WeatherGoddid you see anything in dmesg?18:48
WeatherGodand you did reboot after the kernel update, right?18:49
BrucevdkWeatherGod: I don't see anything relevant in dmesg right now and yes I have reboot since18:50
BrucevdkI've already managed to accidently delete a few files already heh... (which isn't really funny)18:51
WeatherGodI believe if you file it against fuse, apport should be able to gather useful data automatically18:51
Brucevdkhmm let me give it a shot18:51
BrucevdkWeatherGod: there's a gvfs-fuse and then it looks like there isn't specifically a fuse package (probably just some kernel stuff)18:53
Brucevdkoh libfuse2...18:54
WeatherGodthen gvfs-fuse it18:54
WeatherGodif it isn't gvfs-fuse, then the people there will move it to an appropriate package18:54
Brucevdkalright well I've filed it as https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gvfs/+bug/493716 though it doesn't seem it has added much information19:09
ubot4Brucevdk: Error: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: The read operation timed out (https://launchpad.net/bugs/493716)19:09
WeatherGodwell, hopefully, someone more knowledgable than me will be able to tell you what more to add19:12
BrucevdkWeatherGod: well you've been a great help anyhow :)19:18
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WeatherGodno problem, I hope your issue gets resolved19:20
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dogatemycomputermicahg: thanks for your work on bug #49118120:51
ubot4Launchpad bug 491181 in icedtea "firefox 3.5.5 icedtea bug java app crash in IcedTeaPluginFactory::HandleMessage" [Unknown,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/49118120:51
dogatemycomputermicahg: I appreciate your help!20:52
* WeatherGod looking back over my old bug reports...20:58
WeatherGodfound one that I thought was going to be a flame fest20:58
WeatherGodbut nothing ever happened20:59
WeatherGodbug 48350220:59
ubot4Launchpad bug 483502 in ubuntu "Swap in Gnote and swap out Tomboy from 10.04 LTS" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/48350220:59
WeatherGodgo figure20:59
WeatherGodcan someone mark bug 483474 as triaged?21:01
ubot4Launchpad bug 483474 in bluez "Screensaver starts after a few seconds" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/48347421:01
WeatherGodprobably low priority21:01
WeatherGodmrand, thanks21:55
mrandnp.  Good work.21:58
WeatherGodmicahg, I think I have finished grouping those update-manager bugs22:19
micahgWeatherGod: grouping?22:19
WeatherGodthere might be other reports out there that I haven't found yet, but it is a good start22:19
WeatherGodyeah, it started with me looking for dupes of the load-balancing issue when we released Karmic22:20
WeatherGodI think I talked with you about this, or maybe it was hggdh?22:21
WeatherGodwell, anyway, there are three bug reports that probably should be marked as triaged or wishlist or something to indicate that update-manager needs to perform more gracefully in certain situations22:24
WeatherGodand maybe as evidence of the server load issues that needs to be addressed before release of Lucid22:24
WeatherGodbug 46408722:25
ubot4Launchpad bug 464087 in update-manager "Upgrade to Kubuntu 9.10 failed because site became unavailable" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/46408722:25
WeatherGodbug 48940322:26
ubot4Launchpad bug 489403 in update-manager "Update Manager experiences problem upgrading to '9.10'" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/48940322:26
WeatherGodbug 46343522:26
ubot4Launchpad bug 463435 in update-manager "I was notified that upgrade was available, but it was not ready" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/46343522:26

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