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robert_ancell_how do I get a build to restart?  I updated file-roller a few days ago and it failed to build due to libgtk being broken at the time (https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/file-roller/2.29.2-0ubuntu1)02:44
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RAOFrobert_ancell: Does https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/file-roller/2.29.2-0ubuntu1/+build/1378313 have a "rebuild" button for you?  I think that's where it'd be (I don't have main priviledges, so I can't see it)02:51
robert_ancellRAOF, no it doesn't for me.  I only have MOTU privileges but I don't have a rebuild option for Universe packages either02:53
ScottKrobert_ancell: Is it just amd64 or all archs you want done?02:53
robert_ancellScottK: all arches for this one.  I also did an xscreensaver one a while back that needs rebuilding for ia64 and sparc02:54
ScottKrobert_ancell: file-roller retried on all archs02:58
robert_ancellScottK, thanks.  This seems to happen quite a lot - do I just ping someone with main privileges when it occurs?02:59
Amaranthweird, robert_ancell should be able to trigger a rebuild of file-roller03:05
Amaranthsince he has ubuntu-desktop access03:05
AmaranthI can trigger rebuilds of compiz, anyway03:05
Amaranthmaybe the extra layer of indirection screws it up03:06
robert_ancellAmaranth, how do you trigger them?03:06
Amaranthrobert_ancell: iirc from the build page, let me check the armel failed build to be sure03:06
robert_ancellAmaranth, they've all failed build but at least now I can see the problem03:07
Amaranthrobert_ancell: on https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/compiz/1:0.8.4-0ubuntu6/+build/1379618 I have a "Retry this build" option03:07
robert_ancellAmaranth, I don't03:07
Amaranthis compiz in the ubuntu-desktop set? it should be but you never know03:08
robert_ancellAmaranth, not sure but file-roller definitely is (I did the upload directly)03:08
* Amaranth looks for something in universe that failed to build03:09
jmarsdenAmaranth: Yes, you can do   tasksel --task-packages ubuntu-desktop | grep compiz     # to check03:09
micahgis there a place where I can see the list of stuff waiting to be approved for -proposed?03:09
Amaranthjmarsden: Is that the same data launchpad uses for permissions?03:09
jmarsdenAmaranth: I have no idea :)  As a user/sysadmin, it is how I check what is in the various task bundles...03:10
robert_ancellAmaranth, can you see a rebuild option here: https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xscreensaver/5.10-3ubuntu1/+build/137540303:10
Amaranthdid ScottK already trigger a rebuild for that though?03:10
ajmitchit shows up for me03:11
Amaranthoh, it's in main03:11
ScottKAmaranth: No, I just did file-roller03:11
ajmitch(since I'm in core-dev)03:11
AmaranthI only have compiz and MOTU access :)03:11
ajmitchmaybe you can retry compiz builds because of direct permissions to upload it03:11
micahgScottK: is there a place where I can see the list of stuff waiting to be approved for -proposed?03:11
Amaranthbut motu access is based on teams too so it's a bug caused by robert_ancell only having access via a team you'd think it'd be broken there too03:12
Amaranthso if it's*03:12
robert_ancellAmaranth, how come you see them for compiz?03:12
ajmitchmotu access is based on the component, I think the packe sets are overlaid on that03:12
Amaranthrobert_ancell: I have direct compiz upload permissions03:12
ajmitchit's all confusing :)03:12
Amaranthok, so it most likely is a bug caused by robert_ancell only having access via a team03:13
robert_ancellajmitch, totally :)03:13
ajmitchfile a bug about it :)03:13
* Amaranth points to robert_ancell03:13
robert_ancellanyone know what to file against?  LP?03:14
ScottKmicahg: launchpad.net/ubuntu/[release] and click on uploads and look at unapproved03:14
ajmitcheither LP or against soyuz, I think03:14
micahgok, ScottK, thanks :)03:14
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slytherinanyone who maintains linux-ports-meta package? We need a version bump for this package in karmic-security.06:16
evolio_hi guys06:43
evolio_is there a reason why no vpn clients are shipped by default in ubuntu?06:43
evolio_for networkmanager06:43
crypt-0no idea06:49
crypt-0the devs seem to be asleep06:49
RAOFevolio_: The immediate answer is: there aren't any network manager vpn clients in main.06:50
RAOFA fuller answer will include: they're not in main because no one has asked for (and done the security/code maintenance/upstream health check/etc) them to be in main.06:52
crypt-0still no update for jre in 9.1006:58
crypt-0stuck at 1.6.1606:58
crypt-0hardy has had 1.6.17 for  almost a week now06:59
slangasekjames_w: I have an awesome failure mode for bzr merge-package w/ brltty07:02
dholbachgood morning07:14
siretart`slangasek: teaching upstream symbol versioning is both fun and exhausting :-)07:25
pittiGood morning07:28
crypt-0good night.07:36
* crypt-0 is waiting for cryptsetup 1.10 to be finalized, its still at RC307:37
crypt-0then a suspend could ask for the passphrase/keyfile07:37
crypt-0and SHA1 hashes will be no more, any supported by libgcrypt (SHA2, and Whirlpool sound nice)07:39
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pittijames_w: the python-launchpadlib packaging bzr branch is horribly out of date; I'll just redo it from scratch and import the current packaging, branching from upstream; hope you don't mind?08:37
pitti(it was also missing files from upstream)08:38
micahgmdke: ping08:43
mdkemicahg: (In case I'm not around at the moment, please provide a bit of information about what you want and I will respond when I get back)08:43
micahgmdke: nevermind08:46
slytherinWhat does it take to bump version for linux-ports-meta package so that it depends on latest version form karmic-security?09:10
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tseliotcjwatson: where do you deal with "safe mode" (i.e. vesa) in ubiquity?09:45
tseliotI mean, the boot option09:45
cjwatsonogra: I didn't touch them10:09
cjwatsonslytherin: it's all calculated from the changelog version10:09
cjwatsontseliot: I'm not sure we do at the moment, but we need to10:09
slytherincjwatson: So someone will have to bump the version for ports-meta right?10:10
cjwatsontseliot: actually, is "safe mode" still needed? can we use bullet-proof-x instead? we have a spec that calls for that ...10:10
cjwatsonslytherin: yes10:10
slytherincjwatson: TheMuso usually bumps the version for ports-meta. But he is not around. Any idea who is the best person?10:11
slytherinI mean 'next best person'.10:12
tseliotcjwatson: we were discussing the use case in which you need to pass vesa and nomodeset. Bullet-proof-x wouldn't work in this case10:12
cjwatsontseliot: but we don't pass nomodeset anywhere right now?10:13
tseliotcjwatson: right but we might need to10:13
tseliotcjwatson: otherwise vesa may fail10:14
cjwatsonhm, ok. will need to update foundations-lucid-gfxboot-updates for that10:15
tseliotcjwatson: thanks10:15
ogracjwatson, armel squashfs builds currently die with:10:23
ograCan't find a SQUASHFS superblock on livecd.ubuntu-imx51.squashfs10:23
ograFailed to read existing filesystem - will not overwrite - ABORTING!10:23
ogracjwatson, any objection to me adding a rm before the mksquashfs call so we make sure there is no existing squashfs around ?10:24
ogra(in livecd-rootfs)10:24
cjwatsonogra: fine by me10:25
* ogra wonders if there is a reson that we dont have that yet10:25
ogragreat :)10:25
cjwatson(rm -f, please)10:26
ograindeed :)10:26
tseliotcjwatson: I'm forwarding you the email in which we're discussing the safe mode thing10:44
loolWhen is meta-release usually updated to list the new devel release?10:49
loolafter A1 or before A1?10:49
loolHmm I see lucid in -development11:00
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lucasI'd like to ask for the removal of some packages (~100) that are not in debian, have not been updated in ubuntu since hardy, and have a low popcon. What would be the best way to give the list of those packages? 1 LP bug/package sounds suboptimal11:09
loollucas: main + universe?11:10
loollucas: Perhaps you should send a list of candidates to ubuntu-devel?11:10
lucasuniverse+multiverse, as a first step11:10
loolor -motu if you start with -universe+-multiverse11:10
lucasok, will do that11:11
pittieww, macaroni (ddebs.u.c.) ran out of space11:17
* pitti kills intrepid11:19
ograThe following packages have unmet dependencies:11:31
ogra  python-wadllib: Depends: python-lazr.uri but it is not installable11:31
ograE: Broken packages11:31
ograGRMPF ...11:31
pittihm, they all have replaces/conflicts11:32
ogramind the dot11:32
pittiyeah, they were renamed in Debian unfortunately11:32
ogralooks like a typo on first sight11:32
pittino, that was intentional (although not exactly clever)11:32
ograi didnt know dots in package names are even allowed11:33
pittibut it should remove lazr-uri and install lazr.uri11:33
loologra: openoffice.org11:33
ogralool, oh, right11:34
ograogra@osiris:~$ apt-cache madison python-lazr.uri11:34
ogra  lazr.uri |    1.0.2-1 | http://de.archive.ubuntu.com lucid/main Sources11:34
ograhmm, there doesnt seem to be a binary at least my machine thinks so11:34
pittiogra: ah, so perhaps you just need to wait a little until the mirror synced up11:37
ograhmm, k11:37
pittisome two hours ago I uploaded a new p-launchpadlib and ubuntu-dev-tools to finish the migration11:37
ograok, i just tried a local livefs build ... so i'll wait11:37
ograhmm, but LP says python-lazr.uri built two days ago already11:40
ograogra@osiris:~$ LANG=C apt-cache show python-lazr.uri11:40
ograW: Unable to locate package python-lazr.uri11:40
ograE: No packages found11:40
ograaccording to https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lazr.uri/1.0.2-1/+build/1379851 python-lazr.uri_1.0.2-1_all.deb should exist though11:41
pittioh, hang on11:41
pitti        500 http://archive.ubuntu.com lucid/universe Packages11:41
ograhttp://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/l/lazr.uri/ disagrees11:41
ograaha !11:41
pittisomeone NEWed it to universe11:42
* pitti promotes11:42
ograthanks !11:42
pittiwith restfulclient11:42
cjwatsonI dumped it into universe largely automatically since it was a sync from Debian11:43
pittiStevenK: haha! yada wants to go back to main, thanks to libapache2-mod-auth-pam11:50
* soren shudders11:55
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geserScottK: does your ACK to bug 490731 imply that I can proceed with upload?12:55
ubottuLaunchpad bug 490731 in distribute "python-setuptools: import setuptools returns ValueError: ("Missing 'Version:' ...)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/49073112:55
StevenKpitti: Yeah, I've been working on it.13:27
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ScottKgeser: Yes.13:52
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ttxcjwatson: At this point it's expected that the NC installer can't find the preseed file from the CC, right ?14:11
cjwatsonttx: hmm, no?14:11
cjwatsonI did rename it but I thought I put it all the necessary aliases14:11
cjwatsons/put it/put in/14:11
cjwatsonand indeed the NC tries the old name as well14:12
ttxcjwatson: I installed a Lucid alpha1 CLC+CC+Walrus+SC and tried to install an NC14:12
ttxcjwatson: it doesn't seem to get a preseed file. When I tried the 9.10 NC installer, euca_find_cluster doesn't find anything14:13
cjwatsonanything useful in logs?14:13
ttxcjwatson: I'll retry now that I know it /should/ be working14:13
ttxwith the 9.10 installer, euca_find_cluster doesn't return an IP address14:14
* ttx tries again14:15
pitticjwatson: do you have any objections/gotchas wrt. bug 493139? if not, I'm happy to do the change in bzr now14:15
ubottuError: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: The read operation timed out (https://launchpad.net/bugs/493139)14:15
apwmvo, do we have update-manager -d to lucid yet?14:18
mvoapw: not quite yet, but I want to enable it today14:18
apwthat'd explain why it doesn't work then, ok, by hand it is14:19
ograpitti, hrm14:19
ograThe following packages have unmet dependencies:14:19
ogra  python-lazr.uri: Conflicts: python-lazr-uri (< 1.0.2-1) but 1.0-0ubuntu1 is to be installed14:19
ograE: Broken packages14:19
ograthats what i get now14:19
cjwatsonpitti: ym "decreases boot speed" or "increases boot time" in that bug, I think ;-)14:20
ograso there is still something out of sync14:20
ttxcjwatson: ignore me. The CC publication was borked, probably due to bug 493523 preventing it to start on first boot. Now that it's rebooted, it is detected correctly14:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 493523 in eucalyptus "[lucid] Eucalyptus-cc fails to start, missing axis2 apache module" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/49352314:20
cjwatsonpitti: fine by me, go ahead and commit14:20
mvoapw: if you wait a little bit I fix it and you can test?14:20
pitticjwatson: erm, yes :)14:20
cjwatsonttx: oh good14:20
apwmvo how long?14:20
ttxcjwatson: NC install is still failing due to bug 493582, but that's an easy fix14:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 493582 in libvirt "[lucid] libvirt-bin fails to install (sed: can't read /etc/apparmor.d/usr.bin.virt-aa-helper)" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/49358214:20
mvoapw: now14:20
mvoapw: :)14:20
apwok that works as i want to test something on lucid today14:21
mvoapw: ok, its just a server side thing, I have karmic->lucid enabled now (for update-manager -d or do-release-upgrade -d)14:21
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mvoapw: please let me know if it works (and how well)14:22
apwwell it appears, that is a start14:22
* apw hits it14:22
apwmvo, its not eaten my machine yet, which is something14:25
apwmvo 752 packages to download, so its doing something14:26
mvogood, good :)14:26
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cjwatsonjdstrand: see my comment on bug 493582 for a simpler proposed implementation14:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 493582 in libvirt "[lucid] libvirt-bin fails to install (sed: can't read /etc/apparmor.d/usr.bin.virt-aa-helper)" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/49358214:30
cjwatsonttx: how would I go about exposing a preseed file on a machine running only a CLC?14:32
cjwatsonttx: a CLC-only machine doesn't seem to run apache, at least as far as I can see14:33
* pitti pushes the 12th MB of ubiquity branch data to LP... I thought stacked branches would avoid that..14:33
cjwatsonyou can just commit directly to ~ubuntu-core-dev/ubiquity/trunk you know?14:34
cjwatsonoh, no you can't14:34
cjwatsonit's ~ubuntu-installer14:34
pittiright; I'll just submit a MP14:34
jdstrandcjwatson: ack14:34
ttxcjwatson: it should be running jetty, I'll have to look in more details how to make it serve a static file14:35
cjwatsonthis is the last major thing blocking completion of foundations-lucid-uec-installer-enhancement :)14:35
pitticjwatson: just to avoid a1 damage, do you plan to merge console-setup for alpha-1?14:38
cjwatsonprobably not - a214:39
mdzcjwatson: I noticed that grub still has last-good-boot cruft in it. would it be a good idea to strip that out for lucid?14:39
pitti(currently uploaded xorg assumes that the keyboard layout is still in /etc/default/console-setup)_14:39
pitticjwatson: ok, thanks14:39
cjwatsonmdz: only grub 1, I think?14:39
mdzcjwatson: oh, you may be right. I am still on grub 1 on this system as upgrading to grub2 failed14:39
cjwatsonmdz: I'm sure it wouldn't hurt, although I want to avoid caring about grub 1 as much as possible14:39
mdzcjwatson: confirmed, it's only in grub 114:40
mdz(though it's left behind in conffiles on my grub2 systems)14:40
mdzit should be inert in any case14:41
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* cjwatson wades through incomprehensible XML configuration14:48
ttxcjwatson: for the jetty thing ?14:49
ttxcjwatson: we must be looking at the same page :)14:49
cjwatsonhttp://jetty.mortbay.org/apidocs/index.html is not really the sort of help interface I want for this kind of thing14:49
cjwatsonI have http://docs.codehaus.org/display/JETTY/Static+Content, but it doesn't help with serving just a single file14:50
ttxcjwatson: it's probably a matter of dropping a modified http://docs.codehaus.org/display/JETTY/Static+Content snippet into /etc/eucalyptus/cloud.d/www/14:50
ttxcjwatson: I'll test it locally14:50
cjwatsonI don't want to serve all of /etc/eucalyptus/ though, just one file14:50
ttxcjwatson: right14:50
cjwatsonand symlinking would involve turning off alias detection which the help warns against14:50
ttxcjwatson: does the preseed file *have to* be in /etc/eucalyptus to be served downstream ?14:51
ttxcjwatson: I mean components could fetch it from CLC's /etc/eucalyptus/preseed directory and copy it to /etc/eucalyptus14:52
cjwatsonttx: its filesystem location doesn't matter at all14:52
ttxmight end up having two copies on CLC+* setups14:53
cjwatsonlet's not14:53
cjwatsonwe should serve it from a single place14:53
cjwatsonI don't care where that place it14:53
cjwatsonbut there's no sane reason to have two copies14:53
cjwatsonApache can Alias it from anywhere14:53
ttxcjwatson: ok. I'll test a snippet as soon as I'm done with that alpha1 test14:55
cjwatsonttx: I was actually hoping to get the CLC preseed file stuff into a1, indeed ;)14:56
ttxcjwatson: sure, I just want to make sure i caught the biggest existing showstoppers first :)14:56
pitticjwatson: ah, it's finally uploaded (ugh); MP sent15:01
pittiogra: that's from a dist-upgrade?15:06
ograpitti, livefs testbuild15:07
pittiogra: anything which still depends on python-lazr-uri?15:07
ograi dont see python-launchpadlib15:07
ograthe one you uploaded15:07
* pitti checks15:08
pittiright, seems it's not built15:08
pittiMissing build dependencies: python-lazr.restfulclient15:08
pittithat would be because it was in universe15:08
pittinow it's in main, so it should work now; rebuilding15:09
pittiogra: thanks for pointing out; should be good in 2 hours15:10
* pitti NBS-removes the old package names15:12
faganmpt: in the software center in lucid I found a funny piece of text. "it is used by 1 piece of installed software" it seems like a very strange choice of words15:16
mptfagan, the text "it is used by" is not present anywhere in <https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SoftwareCenter>, so it's a bug one way or another :-)15:17
mptMost likely, it's something that isn't specified yet15:17
mptfagan, so please report it15:18
mptpreferably with a screenshot15:18
fagancool I will15:18
faganill have a look for it and make a patch too if thats ok15:18
ttxcjwatson: with http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/336616/ as /etc/eucalyptus/cloud.d/www/preseed.xml, it will serve https://CLC:8443/preseed/hello15:20
ttx...it will serve /etc/eucalyptus/preseed/hello when asked for https://CLC:8443/preseed/hello15:21
ScottKcjwatson: We uploaded a new qt4-x11 over the weekend.  It still FTBFS on armel, but it's no longer an ICE.  The error now is /tmp/ccQlrjoC.s: Assembler messages: /tmp/ccQlrjoC.s:6402: Error: selected processor does not support `swp r6,r4,[r3]' - I was thinking it might be helpful to try the Thumb workaround you suggested/tried on the previous release again?15:25
cjwatsonttx: ok, something like that should be workable. thanks!15:33
cjwatsonScottK: yes, I think so, that sounds more like https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM/Thumb215:33
ScottKcjwatson: Would you be able to try this (no hardware here)?15:33
cjwatsonScottK: ok15:34
ScottKThank you.15:34
faganmpt: Bug #49361815:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 493618 in software-center "[lucid] "It is used by 1 piece of installed software."" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/49361815:48
mptthanks fagan15:49
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ograKeybuk, did anyone check plymouth with std framebuffers (i.e. i'm intrested if its supposed to work on armel)16:07
Keybukogra: I don't have the hardware16:07
ograwell *should* it work with non KMS HW ?16:08
Keybukshould do, yes16:08
Keybukit has a framebuffer backend16:08
Keybukif it doesn't, it should be easy to fix16:08
ograperfect, then it should just work16:08
KeybukI've only tested it with the vga16fb - and that required some porting of code from BOGL into it to make it work with the reduced colours16:09
LaserJockogra: where was lucas' list of possible archive removals sent?16:09
Keybuk(not in the code I uploaded yet)16:09
ograyeah, i'll report back in case i see breakage16:09
ograLaserJock, -motu16:09
KeybukI've had it working with i915.modeset=0 as well16:09
ograwe have full coulor support on the arm platforms we support16:09
ogra(X runs in framebuffer too)16:09
ograso that shouldnt be an issue16:10
faganmpt: what else is planned for this cycle for the software center?16:29
mptfagan, <https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SoftwareHandling> has a "Work for Lucid" section that links to the various blueprints16:30
mptfagan, and the blueprints in turn link to the relevant sections of <https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SoftwareCenter>16:30
faganCool I just want to have an idea so I can test the features as they land16:30
mptfagan, if you want to try implementing something small yourself, <https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SoftwareCenter#features>16:31
mptfagan, if you want to test and report bugs, you don't need to wait for new features to land -- there are plenty of unreported bugs in the existing features :-)16:31
fagan:) true16:32
faganill have a look and ping if I have any questions16:32
mptMany of the paragraphs in the specification have test cases16:32
mptI'll add more as I have time16:32
mptthanks for helping out!16:32
* fagan trys to find the dodgy string 16:32
ueu001Will we have packagekit,devicekit,policykit in lucid ?16:34
faganmpt: It is used by %s piece of installed software."16:35
faganWhat would be better than that?16:35
mptfagan, first I need to know what it's there for16:35
mptIs it something to do with dependencies?16:35
faganfor packages16:36
faganI think it should be "This package is used by...16:36
mptSo does it mean "X other packages depend on this one?" (not saying that's a good replacement, just trying to understand it)16:36
faganIt does16:36
faganThere are also recommended and suggested strings too16:37
mptSo if you click "Remove", you should get the alert shown here <https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SoftwareCenter#removing>16:37
mptDo you?16:37
fagannope is shows that in the info16:38
pittimbiebl, Keybuk: Debian's dbus installs the library into /lib now, but the daemon is still in /usr/bin/; does upstart need the daemon in /bin, too?16:38
faganI attached a screenshot to the bug of how it looks now16:38
* pitti isn't sure whether to keep our change for this16:38
Keybukpitti: no, doesn't need the Daemon16:39
Keybukthough if Debian put it in /bin now, we don't *need* it in /usr16:39
mptfagan, ok, so it's a bug to report that that alert isn't implemented -- we can remove the need for it in the software item screen itself by showing the information inline, but not everyone will be on that screen when they choose to remove the item.16:39
pittiKeybuk: other way round; we install the daemon into /bin so far, but Debian doesn't16:40
Keybukpitti: oh right16:40
pittiKeybuk: Debian only moved the library to /lib, not the rest16:40
KeybukI remember16:40
Keybukthings break if you have /usr-on-NFS if dbus isn't in /16:40
Keybuksince you need D-Bus to get networking16:40
pittiah, alrighty16:40
pittiwill move it then16:40
pittibut adapt our changes to use the debian configure flags, so that our delta gets smaller16:41
faganmpt: ah, so we should have some sort of alert that they are removing something that has a depends on that package16:41
faganBut not of suggests or reccomends16:41
mptfagan, yes, i.e. the alert shown in step 5 in the spec16:41
mptfagan, Suggests and Recommends, I don't know16:42
mptSome collected examples of that situation might make that easier to design16:42
faganWell a program might suggest or reccomend a plugin but it doesnt affect the program if its not installed. So I dont think we need an alert for them16:44
ScottKfagan: If it doesn't affect the program, it probably shouldn't be recommends.16:47
faganhmmm I always thought that recommends was just a slightly more important suggests16:48
ScottKNo, recommends should be installed except in unusual circumtances.  Suggests is pure nice to have.16:50
faganSo then maybe we should warn if a reccomended package is removed16:51
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faganmpt: should we be using the word "package" or is that a term humans would have trouble with?16:52
mptfagan, see <https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SoftwareCenter#def-software-item> for why we don't refer to "packages" unless we're really sure that's what we mean16:53
mptfagan, having said that, it might make sense to use "package" in that specific case, because it's packages which are dependent, not software items16:53
faganmpt: thats what I was thinking16:54
fagan(because we are refering to the packages themselves)16:54
faganI have a patch if you want to switch from "pieces of installed software" to "installed packages"16:56
faganmpt: ^ is that good?16:56
* fagan attaches it to the bug report16:57
mptfagan, changing it to "installed software packages" would be better than it is now. The next step would be thinking about whether it should list the dependent packages somewhere.16:57
cjwatsonScottK: I'm afraid -Wa,-mimplicit-it=thumb makes no difference to the build failure on qobject.cpp17:00
faganmpt: Oh ill upload a patch for that then17:01
ScottKcjwatson: OK.  Thanks for checking.  I guess I'll see if I can punt this back to NCommander then.17:01
mptthanks fagan17:01
cjwatsonScottK: the assembler output indicates that the problem is in explicit asm on line 361 of src/corelib/arch/qatomic_arm.h17:02
cjwatsonScottK: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM/Thumb2 has advice for dealing with those17:02
faganmpt: the attachment .diff is on Bug #49361817:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 493618 in software-center "[lucid] "It is used by 1 piece of installed software."" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/49361817:04
cjwatsonScottK: I think possibly telling Qt to use armv6 not merely arm might help17:07
cjwatsonScottK: trying that now ...17:08
ScottKExcellent.  Thanks.17:08
ogracjwatson, or -marm17:09
pittiogra: p-launchpadlib is in now; should work now17:10
ograthat will keep v717:10
ograpitti, will try a build soon17:10
cjwatsonogra: qt has explicit asm for armv6 which differs from arm17:12
cjwatsonogra: I don't mean the gcc architecture17:12
cjwatsonogra: the armv6 asm looks at least a bit closer to the recommendations in the wiki page17:13
ograi though you did :)17:13
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cjwatsonScottK: I note that qt4-x11/debian/rules does not set DEB_HOST_ARCH nor DEB_HOST_ARCH_OS despite referring to them. I wonder what the difference between -platform linux-g++ and -platform glibc-g++ is?17:18
ScottKLex79: ^^^ didn't you do the qt4-x11 coordination with Debian?17:19
ScottKWe get that unmodified from Debian, so I'm not sure.17:20
* ScottK is asking the Debian maintainer.17:22
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cjwatsonScottK: well, I'll tell you next week or so whether it built or not ...17:27
Lex79ScottK: the part of DEB_HOST_ARCH is a bit mess in that rules and I didn't understand what fabo has done, so I didn't touch it17:31
cjwatsonit's not that complicated, it's just wrong ;-)17:31
ScottKLex79: OK.  I asked him on #deiban-qt-kde.17:31
ograseb128, The following packages have unmet dependencies:17:37
ogra  libgnomekbd4: Conflicts: libgnomekbdui417:37
ograE: Broken packages17:37
ogragetting that with a test livefs build17:37
ogralibgnomekbdui4 doesnt seem to be built anymore at all17:38
seb128ogra, right, that's on purpose, change coming from debian17:39
ograoh, you didnt upload gnome-c-c and gnome-applets yet, right ?17:39
seb128ogra, libgnomekbd4 provides it17:39
seb128not yet17:39
ograyeah, but there seem to be deps still17:39
ograwhich breaks my testbuilds17:40
ograi'll wait then17:40
seb128weird that the provides doesn't work17:40
highvoltageshew I read that horribly wrong the first time17:40
seb128are you sure you picked the current version?17:40
ogralivecd-rootfs just picks whats in the archive17:41
seb128can you see what version it picked for your arch?17:41
ograroot@babbage2:/# apt-cache showsrc libgnomekbd4|grep Version17:41
ograVersion: 2.28.0-2ubuntu217:41
seb128showsrc will show the source17:42
seb128not the binaries17:42
seb128it built 2 hours ago only on armel17:42
ograroot@babbage2:/# apt-cache show libgnomekbd4|grep Version17:42
ograVersion: 2.28.0-0ubuntu217:42
ograright, publisher17:42
seb128I would not be surprised if it was not published yet17:42
ograhmm, k17:42
seb128next run I guess17:43
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jcastrompt: random thought, have you thought about keyboard shortcuts for USC? (I don't see any mention in the spec)17:46
mptjcastro, yes, I plan to fill them out once it does more of Synaptic does, so that I don't end up assigning a keyboard equivalent to an early feature that would make much more mnemonic sense for a later one.17:48
jcastrompt: I guess I just wanted reassurance that they'll make sense and be easy. :p17:50
jcastrolike: super-i, gimp, i, y or whatever17:51
jcastrofor invoke, search, install, then hit yes.17:51
jcastrosomething gnome do-ish17:51
mptah, I hadn't even thought about keyboard equivalents for sections17:52
mptas in, a key combo for "Get Software", another key combo for "Installed Software", etc17:53
jcastrosomething that would make it easy to derive different bits, sort of how you can guess a URL hack for lp and it mostly is correct.17:53
yofelhi, would bug 402188 qualify for an SRU?17:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 402188 in pida "gvim complains about "gtk_form_set_static_gravity: assertion `static_gravity_supported' failed" in the shell it's started from" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40218817:57
mptjcastro, I've made a note of that for later. <https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SoftwareCenter?action=diff&rev2=269&rev1=268>17:58
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ybit2so why night dh_make might not be doing anything18:07
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apwslangasek, i wonder if you could cast your eye over an nfs-kernel-server change i am looking to make on bug #493145 ... i am sure i am doing it wrong it being a debian package and all18:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 493145 in nfs-utils "[Lucid] NFS kernel server doesn't work anymore with 2.6.32" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/49314518:47
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nat2610where can I get supprot for app development on ubuntu ?19:15
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tjaaltonanyone available to sync a few xorg drivers from unstable? xserver-xorg-video-apm, -ark and -neomagic are the ones that should be synced19:32
cjwatsonScottK: obviously it hasn't anywhere near finished yet, but this qt4-x11 build is well past the previous failure19:33
cjwatsonScottK: I added 'DEB_HOST_ARCH := $(shell dpkg-architecture -qDEB_HOST_ARCH)' before the stuff that uses that, and this after the ifeq ($(DEB_HOST_ARCH),arm) block:19:34
cjwatsonifeq ($(DEB_HOST_ARCH),armel)19:34
cjwatson        extra_configure_opts += -arch armv619:34
ScottKcjwatson: Great news then.  Armel seems to be a lot of two steps forward, one step back.  At least we've got some forward moment.19:34
cjwatsonof course that change isn't syncable with Debian, unless you do an explicit "if I'm Ubuntu" conditional19:36
cjwatsonthe proper fix would be to use gcc's __sync_* intrinsics, if at all possible19:36
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cr3I'm getting E: broken packages after upgrading lucid (from lucid, not karmic), apparently, ubuntu-desktop: Depends: xorg but it is not going to be installed20:06
slangasekKeybuk: how often is MoM running now?  Or is it failing to complete?20:13
slangasekapw: 493145> looking20:13
slangasekapw: perhaps it's better to check exclusively for 'nfsd_server', if it's been around since 2005?20:14
nxvljames_w: ping20:18
highvoltagehow does this work? https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/hardy-changes/2009-December/012337.html20:18
james_whi nxvl20:18
nxvljames_w: i'm having a problem sponsoring a branch20:19
highvoltagezarafa isn't currently in the archives, how can it be added to hardy?20:19
nxvljames_w: bzr builddeb does not accept -k or -u20:19
ScottKhighvoltage: Look at which component it's in.20:19
Keybukslangasek: just about every run fails on a new package20:19
Keybuktoday it is unhappy about drupal20:20
james_wnxvl: not your fault, but you have to spell it "-- -k..."20:20
slangasekI am unhappy about drupal most days; but why does that make MoM fail? :)20:20
Keybukslangasek: because it can't unpack it20:20
slangasekwasn't that supposed to be fixed with a dpkg backport onto the server?20:20
nxvljames_w: so "bzr builddeb -S -- -knvalcarcel@ubuntu.com" will work?20:20
Keybukslangasek: it clearly hasn't fixed it20:20
highvoltageScottK: hmm, I seem to miss it on that actual message, but I assume it's probably in -partner then. thanks.20:21
ScottKhighvoltage: Yes.  It is.20:21
slangasekok; this is news to me20:21
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slangasekKeybuk: any chance there are some error logs I could look at?20:22
slangasek(to at least get the precise error message...)20:22
Keybukslangasek: I just get an exit status20:23
KeybukI just blacklist the package and let it run until someone notices it's failed again20:23
Keybukif you want to take over MoM maintenance, BE MY GUEST! :D20:24
slangasekKeybuk: what's the version of dpkg-dev in use?20:24
slangasekI don't believe I have access to the server... :)20:24
james_wnxvl: it should, does it?20:25
Keybukslangasek: RT ;)20:25
cjwatsonslangasek: it's the one in chinstrap:~cjwatson/20:25
Keybukslangasek: seriously though, I don't have any time to look at MoM atm20:25
Keybukwhich is why unless someone tells me it's broke, it stays broke20:25
* slangasek nods20:26
Keybukand I don't really spend any time fixing the problem, I just blacklist the package20:26
apwslangasek, ack will sort that20:29
tjaaltonslangasek: could you sync a few xorg drivers from unstable? it would help making X installable again ;)20:29
slangasektjaalton: oh, I suppose I can do that20:31
slangasektjaalton: bug #?20:31
tjaaltonslangasek: no bugs filed, pitti did a bunch of them earlier today, but I missed some. there are no ubuntu changes in xserver-xorg-video-apm, -ark and -neomagic20:32
tjaaltonso those three20:32
tjaaltonthen it's synaptics, vmmouse, cirrus and savage left to merge20:33
slangasekgenerally, filing a sync bug guarantees it gets in front of the eyeballs of the archive admin on duty; though on Monday, there tends to be a backlog, so...20:33
tjaaltonand that should be all20:33
cjwatsonKeybuk: do you know which script is exiting non-zero, even? I was wondering if I might be able to run a little bit of it locally, without a full pool20:33
Keybukcjwatson: dpkg-source20:33
Keybukie. I know that dpkg-source -x fails on a given .dsc file20:34
cjwatsonoh, I meant which script from cron.daily really, but OK, that's useful information too20:34
cjwatsonI'll put together a hardy chroot20:34
slangasektjaalton: synced20:36
tjaaltonslangasek: excellent, thanks20:36
* Keybuk cackles20:38
KeybukI love how easy it is to debug Upstart20:39
Keybukall software should come with a feature to crash on demand and leave a core file in a given directory20:39
DavieyKeybuk: my software always crashes, if i demand it or not :)20:43
KeybukI was actually thinking of having a hidden command in there, which would fork a child process and give you the pid20:44
Keybukso you could attach gdb to it20:44
Keybukthus "initctl gdb" would give you a gdb attached to init ;)20:44
KeybukI suspect kees just exploded at the very thought20:44
smoseri uploaded a package to a ppa, but before it built i found an error. is there a way to kill the pending build ?20:47
maxbsmoser: No, but if you upload new source, the old build will be skipped without building once it reaches the head of the queue20:50
smoseroh. ok. thanks maxb20:50
nxvljames_w: yup, it worked20:56
james_wnxvl: great. I plan to make it so that you don't need that non-obvious bit.20:58
nxvljames_w: that would be great20:58
keesKeybuk: root can already do that, so why would it be bad?20:58
apwcjwatson, that font switch patch is not actually gone, just on the list to conider dropping.  i'll merge your info into the patch so we have it for posterity21:06
slangasekwgrant: what was the reason for dpkg v3 support slipping this LP release?  That came as a surprise to me, and we're really hurting from it on the archive admin side of things (over 70 source packages already blacklisted for this issue, more every week), so I want to be sure this is landing in January21:07
cjwatsonapw: right, I knew it wasn't gone yet, but I like to avoid problems before they happen when I can :)21:07
wgrantslangasek: The next LP release is next week.21:07
wgrantslangasek: It got caught up in review and upgrade-dpkg-everywhere madness.21:08
slangasekwgrant: oh, that's a much better timeline then. :)  Is the v3 support in?21:08
apwcjwatson,  ahh ... message got skewed on the way.   and threatening to remove thing often engenders such a desired responce ... reasons why it is needed.21:08
wgrantThe code has been done for weeks...21:08
cjwatsonapw: right :)21:10
cjwatsonKeybuk: would you mind double-checking the exact name of the package you had to blacklist? there's no 'drupal' package in Debian, and both drupal5 and drupal6 are still Format: 1.021:14
cjwatsonKeybuk: the name of any other test case would be fine too21:14
cjwatsonKeybuk: (plus, neither drupal5 nor drupal6 appears to be in need of a merge)21:17
cjwatsonKeybuk: shame you don't get anything more than the exit status - I tried unpacking a random 3.0 package (fakeroot) here with my backport, and it seems to work21:19
Keybukcjwatson: it was drupal621:27
cjwatsonKeybuk: ok, extracts fine here with my backport :-(21:29
hedkandifolks, what happens when you have an unsigned int n and you do n>>32?21:29
cjwatsonKeybuk: is it reproducible from a shell?21:29
cjwatsonhedkandi: 0, assuming 32-bit unsigned int21:30
Keybukcjwatson: not sure which version it tried21:30
Keybukit may have been an old one that it's already cleaned out21:30
hedkandicjwatson, could you prove that by reference to the standard?21:30
cjwatsonhedkandi: yes, C99 section 6.5.7 para 521:31
hedkandiis that online?21:31
cjwatsonhedkandi: "If E1 has an unsigned type [or other stuff], the value of the result is the integral part of the quotient of E1 / 2^E2"21:31
cjwatsonhedkandi: probably not21:31
cjwatsonC standards tend to be payware21:32
hedkandiroger well I have to go. It's not what I'm seeing.21:32
Keybukhe was pleasnt21:33
ScottKProbably just frustrated because he was having trouble with his homework.21:33
cjwatsonactually I missed a spot in the standard21:35
cjwatsonbut his loss, if he wants to leave21:35
cjwatson"If the value of the right operand is negative or is greater than or equal to the width of the promoted left operand, the behavior is undefined."21:36
cjwatsonso nasal demons21:36
Keybuknasal demons? :p21:36
Keybukis that your example of something permitted when the behaviour is undefined? :p21:37
cjwatsonit's the standard example :)21:37
cjwatsonhave you not heard that before?21:37
Keybuknot that particular example, no21:37
cjwatson(from the jargon file)21:37
ebroderit looks like gcc 4.0.1 whines at you for doing something that dumb, and then gives you back n, unshifted21:40
cjwatsonyes, it certainly emits a warning, which is what made me look again at the standard21:40
smosermaxb, it seems that uploading new source to override a queued build will fail if the queued build was a new upstream version (ie, included orig.tar.gz)22:03
smoseri tried re-uploading with the .orig, and it warns me about multiple orig.tar.gz and then i get a failed email message22:04
smoserRejected:<lp.archiveuploader.permission.CannotUploadToPocket object at 0x76a2ad0>22:04
smoserif i try without the .orig.tar.gz, i get "Unable to find ec2-api-tools_1.3.45772.orig.tar.gz in upload or distribution." failure22:04
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cjwatsonScottK: failed again, but the failure looks much more tractable, I suspect. http://paste.ubuntu.com/336873/22:55
cjwatsonScottK: might be due to the missing DEB_HOST_ARCH_OS define, perhaps. I've set that and will leave it to run again overnight.22:58
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ScottKDefinite progress.  Thanks cjwatson.23:09
ccheneydoes cp use prealloc on ext4?23:34
crypt-0im reluctant to use EXT423:57
crypt-0from my tests etx3 has better throughput23:57
crypt-0and XFS even more23:57
* ccheney wishes there was something other than xfs that could defrag well23:57
ccheneylast time i used xfs it tried to eat all my data23:57
crypt-0what problem do you have with XFS?23:57
crypt-0[eat data] pleas enlighten me23:58
ccheneythe old 0 filled data issue that wasn't solved for about 6 years (aiui)23:58
crypt-0i have ahd good lick and good throughput with XFS23:58
ccheneyit would randomly fill your files with 00's23:58
ccheneyaka NULLs23:58
crypt-0never happened to me, is it patched now?23:58
ccheneyyea i think for the past year or two23:59
crypt-0yea i know a bit about zeros, and nulls23:59
ccheneybut the fact it existed so long in the code makes me leery to ever use xfs23:59
crypt-0well i have been using XFS for the past 323:59
crypt-0im using RAID23:59

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