
cprofittpleia2: are we on for tonight at 9pm EST?00:51
FFEMTcJcprofitt: yes00:52
nigel_nbmeeting in t - 30?01:32
nigel_nbi was afraid I'd miss it01:40
nigel_nbmy router's been acting up01:40
nigel_nbgot kicked out of my network for 2 hours, for no reason01:40
FFEMTcJI feel like sh... crap01:41
nigel_nbFFEMTcJ: stuck at work?01:41
FFEMTcJyup.. and sick now01:41
FFEMTcJstill have 35 hours left...01:41
nigel_nb35 hours?01:41
FFEMTcJ13 down01:42
nigel_nbu have to work for 35 hours???01:42
FFEMTcJ35 more hours01:42
FFEMTcJall day today, all day tomorrow, off tues, all day wed, off thurs fri, all day sat sun of mon/tues01:43
nigel_nbon-call or in office?01:44
nigel_nbokay thats bad01:44
nigel_nbreally bad01:44
FFEMTcJnormally i work 24  hours on 48 off, but we can "trade days" with people sometimes, so im workin 48 today/tomorrow and 48 sat/sun cause i got two days off from other people workin for me01:45
nigel_nbwhat do u work as, if I may take the freedom to ask01:45
FFEMTcJff = fire fighter emt = emt, allthought now a paramedic01:45
FFEMTcJi wish i could take some nyquil01:46
nigel_nboh, that way01:46
nigel_nbat least you'll be sitting around doing noting for some time01:47
FFEMTcJin theory01:47
FFEMTcJi think we have run 6 calls so far01:47
nigel_nboh oh01:47
nigel_nbbut then every job has its own difficulties01:48
nigel_nbi gotta work only 8 hours, but I gotta be banging on my keyboard the whole time01:48
FFEMTcJi just hope i can get some sleep  tonight01:48
nigel_nbthere's this thing01:48
nigel_nbu probably know01:48
FFEMTcJand see, i spend more than 8 hours (as long as i can) on the keyboard at work01:48
nigel_nbthe adrenaline rush that you get when you save someone or help someon01:49
nigel_nbthat ought to keep you awake01:49
FFEMTcJi love the rush.. but we run so much b.s. that doesnt get the rush01:49
FFEMTcJid do 48 hours without sleep as long as im running real calls01:49
FFEMTcJstubbed toes, or calling me because you cant sleep, when i was sleeping.. not so much01:49
nigel_nbu actually get those "calling me because I cant sleep" calls?01:50
nigel_nbisnt it illegal?01:50
FFEMTcJyou call we hall01:50
nigel_nbprobably it might fall into suicidal ideation category01:50
FFEMTcJthats the beauty of our current *free* heathcare system01:50
nigel_nbfree healthcare?01:51
nigel_nbwait a min, you're not in US?01:51
FFEMTcJin us01:51
nigel_nbUS and free healthcare?01:51
FFEMTcJa hospital cannot turn a pt away01:51
nigel_nbokay, I'm properly shocked01:51
nigel_nbah, that way01:51
FFEMTcJbecause they recieve federal money01:51
FFEMTcJpeople go there to get refills on their Rx, and call us to get them there01:52
FFEMTcJuh huh01:53
nigel_nbto get people to hospital to refill medications?01:53
FFEMTcJuh huh01:53
FFEMTcJyou call, we haul01:53
nigel_nbI can't find an appropriate word that wouldn't be against the CoC :P01:53
FFEMTcJspeaking of which.. i gota a call.. bbl01:53
* pleia2 comes home with some takeout foods01:54
nigel_nbwb pleia201:54
nigel_nbits 7:2501:54
nigel_nb5 mins to go01:54
nigel_nbI mean 0155 UTC01:55
nigel_nbany news of martin?01:59
pleia2last I knew he was quite ill :(01:59
nigel_nboh :(01:59
nigel_nblooks like all of us are taking turns01:59
nigel_nbI guess I led the way :P01:59
pleia2yeah thanks :)02:00
pleia2ok, #ubuntu-meeting02:00
pleia2cprofitt: you joining us?02:00
pleia2no vantrax either :(02:02
nigel_nbpaultag: around?02:03
nigel_nbBiosElement: meeting?02:03
nigel_nbFFEMTcJ: #ubuntu-meeting02:05
nigel_nbwe've started02:05
cprofitthey guys...02:33
cprofittI have some questions about Bzr when you have a chance02:33
nigel_nbcprofitt: fire away, I'm not an expert, but since I'm writing the lesson, I have a good idea02:33
cprofittwill there be one Bzr entry for each class or one Bzr entry for our entire project?02:35
nigel_nbwell, each class will have one entry02:35
nigel_nbI suspect it will get merged as we move on02:36
cprofittI really have not worked with Bzr...02:36
cprofittso just kind of curious02:36
nigel_nbI started learning with the lesson02:36
nigel_nbits easy02:37
nigel_nbI didn't know anything till I started the lesson, martin gave me a lesson02:37
cprofittwith the lesson?02:37
nigel_nbi mean on IRC02:38
nigel_nba session, martin, BiosElement_, and mhall119 pitched in to help02:38
cprofittwe need to develop a 'lesson' that is in writing -- Moodle or otherwise for the future.02:38
nigel_nbI'm doing the introduction to bzr course02:38
nigel_nbalmost done02:38
nigel_nbonce I'm done, we can work together to get it too moodle02:39
nigel_nbI want to learn moodle too02:39
cprofittnigel_nb: I can help with Moodle, but I want to develop a course02:39
nigel_nbon asciidoc?02:39
cprofittI walked pleia2 and Martin through Moodle, but I do not think it was sufficient to really help02:39
FFEMTcJjust got another instructor02:40
nigel_nboh, you want a lesson completed02:40
pleia2I think having content is vital at this point02:40
pleia2without actually doing it, it's tricky to learn for me02:40
nigel_nbso that we can actually convert to moodle and everyone gets the idea?02:40
pleia2nigel_nb: yeah, that's what I need :)02:40
nigel_nbhow long are you both gonna be up?02:40
cprofittand I hope to take a few of the courses and do that... and really develop a process02:40
cprofittI will be on for another hour or two02:40
cprofittI may not be glued to irssi though02:41
nigel_nbbecause I have only some 3 sections to complete02:41
nigel_nbI can finish it fast02:41
nigel_nbI just need someone here so that I can ask doubts02:41
cprofittnigel_nb: I will not have the time to convert it -- so do not rush02:41
cprofittbut when you get it done... walk me through what you have and then I can start converting to Moodle02:41
nigel_nbcprofitt: before you convert, it needs to be reviewed02:41
cprofittnigel_nb: I can always reconvert...02:42
cprofittit would be good, unapproved or not, to do a dry run02:42
nigel_nbgood point, to flush out the processes02:42
nigel_nbpleia2: I spoke with nhandler__ about the topic02:43
nigel_nbhe says it could be done, but he'll check with the board and get back02:44
pleia2nigel_nb: ok thanks :)02:45
nigel_nbwho's indigo by the way?02:45
nigel_nbokay, thats a confusing ID02:46
pleia2confused me for a while too, he doesn't sign his emails or put his name in the emails *cough* ;)02:46
cprofittindigo is a left over from my days of working with the secret service on a case02:46
cprofittI obsfucated my existence on the web02:46
FFEMTcJi looked at cprofitt's wiki page too02:46
* nigel_nb bows02:46
cprofittI thik I am singing my name now pleia202:47
nigel_nbyea, you did that on the last mail, which I replied02:47
nigel_nbI did wonder who it was02:47
nigel_nbno where else though02:48
nigel_nboh and pleia2, gonna be around?02:48
pleia2doubtful, exhaustion is taking over again02:49
* FFEMTcJ is thinking about trying to pass out02:49
nigel_nbI need a quick update of what went wrong02:49
nigel_nbwhen u used the scripts that is02:49
pleia2nigel_nb: not "the scripts" just asciidoc filename.txt on some02:50
pleia2so you might want to run through and error check them all02:51
nigel_nbI did try that some time back and it did work02:51
nigel_nbmust be something silly02:51
nigel_nblemme check and get back to you pleia202:52
nigel_nbpleia2: hahaha02:53
nigel_nbspelling mistake in the template02:53
pleia2ah :)02:53
pleia2that'll do it02:53
* pleia2 seeks rest now02:54
* nigel_nb grants02:55
* nigel_nb has only 2 more sections to go02:56
nigel_nbpleia2: if didn't see it yet, 2 guys from Indian loco have agreed to take classes :)14:22
pleia2nigel_nb: I saw, that's great :)14:23
nigel_nboh, by the way, I tried converted the asciidoc, looks like I need bioselement's help here14:25
nigel_nbits getting messed up, the width is not being controlled and "some" error14:25
pleia2I think you need to cut off your line width at 80 characters14:29
pleia2in the checkins it looks like it wasn't cut off at all14:30
nigel_nbIt should be automatic14:39
nigel_nbif its manual, doesnt make sense, there should be a command that I could add14:39
pleia2vim has commands for easy line wrapping15:08
nigel_nbno i mean, something with asciidoc, when converting15:11
mhall119has anyone seen the good doctor?17:59
pleia2looks like he's still on the other side of the pond18:02
mhall119ok, thanks18:02
mhall119I at least got a legitimate opportunity to use a Dr. Who line18:03
pleia2he's been ill too, so between traveling, family and being sick, I doubt we'll see him much until he returns18:03
mhall119ah, ok18:04
mhall119that's okay, I see that zareason is doing the case badges, so I don't have to mooch of the Mass. team18:04
* pleia2 nods18:04
FFEMTcJmhall119: whatcha gonna teach for user days? ;-)18:15
mhall119who what?18:16
mhall119what'd I just get volunteered for?18:16
FFEMTcJTeaching a 1 hour course for user days...18:16
FFEMTcJhey.. do yall need help with week?18:16
mhall119FFEMTcJ: we're good for now18:18
mhall119got all the new computers into the shop18:18
* FFEMTcJ is sick anyway.. but if you needed help.. i would've18:19
mhall119we're going to have an install-fest sometime soonish though to get Ubuntu on all of them18:19
mhall119I know18:19
FFEMTcJdef want to be there18:19
mhall119yeah, there will be food again18:19
FFEMTcJi really wish i wasnt stuck at work as bad as im feeling..18:19
FFEMTcJplain ubuntu or?18:19
mhall119FFEMTcJ: it's no problem, my parents actually came over and helped me, it wasn't bad18:19
mhall119FFEMTcJ: stock Ubuntu on these, they're going to high school seniors who are facing entering college without a computer18:20
FFEMTcJany thought on when?18:20
FFEMTcJ(this year/next year)18:21
mhall119not yet18:21
mhall119we're running out of "this year" time18:21
mhall119but we might just have a handful of people over one saturday18:21
mhall119instead of planning a large event again18:21
FFEMTcJi think thatd be better and more affordable18:21
mhall119and less taxing on my sanity18:22
Pendulummhall119: and less taxing on Michelle's baking/cooking energy?18:23
FFEMTcJi think she enjoyed all that cookinge18:23
mhall119Pendulum: it would be, except she'll cook enough to feed an army anyway18:23
mhall119we tend to have 5 pounds of food per person, I think18:23
PendulumI'm not sure I eat that much food in a week18:24
mhall119she needs to finish letting her arm heal though, before she does that18:24
* FFEMTcJ is thinking about asking to take a nap18:25
mhall119at work already?18:26
mhall119FFEMTcJ: to answer your question from yesterday, I've never touched Ruby or Rails, sorry18:28
FFEMTcJsince 730 yesterday mornin18:28
FFEMTcJI coundnt find the theme in bzr18:28
PendulumFFEMTcJ: you have to ask to nap? when I was doing EMS they didn't care as long as we could get up quickly if a call came in18:28
FFEMTcJPendulum: technically its against SOP to sleep prior to 2000, however the Lt is allowed to deviate from that rule.. i was in charge yesterday, but not today...18:29
FFEMTcJbbiab.. have a teleconference i have to go be a part of18:29
_marx_pleia2: now appropriate time to mail loco list re: instructors, participants for UUD?18:51
pleia2_marx_: yeah, we can move forward with that18:51
pleia2this is the email Nigel sent out to his loco team: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-in/2009-December/006707.html18:52
pleia2so if someone wants to take/adapt that for loco-contacts, that'd be cool18:52
_marx_that was my understanding from reading the meeting log this am, just wanted to double check19:01
* FFEMTcJ is back19:01
=== mhall1191 is now known as mhall119
mhall119pleia2: I'm trying to think of something to do for ubuntu user days22:11
mhall119I was thinking maybe a GPG+Evolution session, but I'm not sure that's beginner-level enough.  FFEMTcJ said I should get your opinion22:12
pleia2mhall119: I think that's fine22:58
mhall119okay, I'll start thinking about what to do for that22:59
pleia2I think we need to strike a balance between "beginner enough to use irc, but not too advanced as to lose people"22:59
mhall119I think I can get the concepts and the practice across, without having to delve into the theory of GPG and cryptography23:00
_marx_nc loco has had 4 replies to UUD post; not counting akgraner 's three said IRC isn't beginner-ish enough23:16
akgraner_marx_, I was surprised by those responses... did you understand my response...23:17
akgranerbut glad to know people feel that way about IRC though...23:18
_marx_yes, and good point on brainstorm23:18
* _marx_ was surprised too, to me IRC isn't _that difficult23:19
* _marx_ thinks in publicizing UUD there should be an emphasis on using webchat.freenode.net and possibly a session on IRC usage23:22
FFEMTcJ_marx_: or use lernid!23:56
* _marx_ disagrees23:57
_marx_that would require a beginner-ish person to learn to use a Launchpad personal package archive23:58
_marx_maybe if lernid is in the next release23:58
mhall119you could make it a downloadable .deb23:59

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