
=== gord is now known as Guest84557
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* elky headdesks about switchgirl in -ot00:46
ubottui_is_broke called the ops in #ubuntu (Hassan  spamming)00:53
Seeker`what did she do?00:59
elky<switchgirl> wtf http://shop.string.fr/ViewCategories.aspx?CategoryID=55 lol nsfw01:00
elkyfollowed by talk about using gimp to make her pubic hair the shape of the ubuntu logo01:00
elkyleading to spaceghostc2c's horny baying and asking for "pics" of other people's tattoos accompanying enquiries about which "variety" of human they are.01:02
elkyha. now a non-apology in PM. "i'm not good at keeping my cool when i didn't do anything wrong"01:04
ubottuLjL called the ops in #ubuntu (Paula on join spam)01:15
ubottuHFSPLUS called the ops in #ubuntu-server ()02:45
ubottuHFSPLUS called the ops in #ubuntu-server (MBTA IS GOD)02:46
ubottuHFSPLUS called the ops in #ubuntu-server (Come on lazy ops ban me)02:46
ubottuHFSPLUS called the ops in #ubuntu-server (twb)02:48
ScottKHFSPLUS is begging to be kicked from #ubuntu-server, I'd appreciate it if someone would oblige him.02:50
Amarantharg known troll03:24
macousername DrDamnit in #ubuntu ... ok??05:10
elkyborderline. done anything notably bad?05:12
macojust wondering if anyone wanted to ask them to change it05:12
elkyprobably not05:13
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (repeated abuse from Reilly)06:00
ubotturacecar56 called the ops in #ubuntu ()06:08
macoif marco comes in here whining about  ban in #ubuntu-women, he was being trollish and called elky the "c" word06:18
elkybecause i told him to lay off maco. he was harrassing her about having laptops that dont usb-boot06:18
macoi'm going to bed, but ya know... elky = witness06:18
bazhanghow about @mark #channel maco06:19
elkysomething about how she ought to care for his sake because it might be useful in half a decade when she kits out again.06:19
macobazhang: i cant use the bt06:19
bazhangmaco, okay, simply marco ?06:19
macoyes, marco06:19
elky!guidelines > marco06:37
maco!coc > marco06:37
macoas well06:37
elkyi was going for 1 piece of information at a time. besides, the code is linked from guidelines06:38
macooh i didnt know they were linked. sorry :(06:39
elkyit's a link on the guidelines page.06:39
elkythat's ok, we usually do send it independently as well, but guidelines alone *can* suffice06:39
macoi just looked at the factoid and saw it didnt say "see also !coc"06:39
elkythat's ok :)06:40
elkyhis link seems to have dropped out anyway06:40
ubottuFloodBot4 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)06:45
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ikoniabe aware the jak_o_shadows = Panarchy06:57
elkyikonia, trouble elsewhere?07:05
ikoniajust two other channels07:05
ikoniasame question / atttidue07:05
elkythis feels awfully like a tagteam07:07
ikoniatalking to racecar in pm07:07
ikoniahe's always like this07:07
ikoniaI don't think it's a tag team, I think one is new/doesn't know the rules, the other (racecare) is just a pain (same style is people like indus)07:09
elkygot a /k readied for asc...07:09
elkyikonia, i meant the guy you kicked followed in quick succession by asc...07:09
ikoniadifferent country IP's07:09
dholbachgood morning07:14
ikoniawhat's the correct process to report this miss-use of the ubuntu name07:21
mneptoki don't see the misuse.07:22
ikoniahow the hell is timewarper still showing as in #ubuntu in my /whois - yet he's not there07:22
ikoniamneptok: really - satanic edition ?07:23
topylithe muslim edition changed its name to 'sabily'. i don't know if canonical requested this or there was another reason07:24
ikoniaworth noting - if it's not a problem, it's not a problem07:24
mneptokthere was also "Ubuntu Christian Edition"07:24
ikoniamneptok: it may not be a problem, I don't know who to talk to to check07:25
ikoniaI'm more interested at this exact moment how Timewarper is showing up as in #ubuntu - yet not there07:25
mneptokif you allow "Christian Edition" but not "Satanic Edition," it smells of religious intolerance to me.07:26
ikoniamneptok: I don't know - hence why I want to ask/check07:26
topylioh. the problem with the muslim edition: "The word Edition has a very specific meaning for the Ubuntu project and we do not allow different projects to refer to editions" https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-tn/2009-March/002935.html07:26
mneptokso then both Christian and Satanic Editions should be reported to Canonical.07:28
ikoniaok - I'll speak to someone about both07:28
ikoniaI'm not saying it's right/wrong - I'm trying to get clarity07:28
elkyi wouldn't at all be surprised if trademarks team put their foot in it early and already granted permission to them07:28
ikoniaelky: then that's fine and not a problem07:28
ikoniathere is a note on the website saying they did grant it a license - but that doesn't mean they actually did07:29
elkyCE has been around since before the editions terminology was used by the project itself i think07:29
FlannelCE isn't CE anymore, I don't think.07:31
Flanneldidn't it become Ithux or something?07:31
FlannelIchthux.  Ah, that's KDE, Ubuntu CE is gnome it seems.07:32
Flannelikonia: https://forms.canonical.com/trademarkviolation is linked from the trademark page07:33
* Flannel has no idea if Ubuntu CE would be allowed under the derived works policy.07:35
ikoniaFlannel: thanks07:35
ubottuikonia called the ops in #xubuntu (Timewarper multiple channel bans spamming)07:41
ubottuTimewarper called the ops in #xubuntu (Timewarperbad language)07:42
ubottuTimewarper called the ops in #xubuntu (ikonia multiple channel bans spamming)07:42
ubottuTimewarper called the ops in #xubuntu (ikonia ban)07:43
ikoniaelky: Pici jussi01 ??? awake07:43
mneptokikonia: none of them is on the #x access list07:43
elkyi am, but i dont hae #x fu07:43
ikoniaI know, - I asked cody to help07:43
ikoniaas in add more people07:44
ikoniacody-somerville: ping07:44
ikoniawhat a surprise - he's in #archlinux too07:46
ikoniatrying to get hold of a staff member as staff have access07:49
jussi01ole hyvä ikonia07:50
jussi01mneptok: ircc nick is though :)07:51
mneptokjussi01: never seen any Council member actually use it.07:51
jussi01mneptok: you just did now...07:51
jussi01mneptok: I dont have to /nick to it, just identify as it07:52
Flannelikonia: Wow, you're famous08:02
ikoniaFlannel: ?08:02
Flannelikonia: He just changed his nick to "IkoniaISaBIATCH", and I just noticed he's in #math08:03
ikoniaahhh it's shockrates08:04
ikoniaban bans for that poor person08:04
ikoniaFlannel: he wasn't happy about being banned, typical response, I've informed jtrucks on staff, don't really want to be associated with that08:05
ikoniaFlannel: is he still going on in #math ?08:08
Flannelikonia: He never said anything in #math, just nick changes08:10
ikoniahe's been going nuts in some other channels08:10
ikoniaand k-lined.....08:11
elkyikonia, whoa, you're a real magnet tonight08:43
* ikonia flaunts his magnetic skills10:41
ubottuFloodBot4 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join)12:48
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tsimpsonwhy is ubuntulog in -unregged?12:50
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nikoin #ubuntu-devel you have glapow [n=glapow@oil-ocean.lo2k.net]13:20
nikowhich is a url grabber bot13:20
jussi01niko: what exactly does it do?13:21
Piciniko: ty13:22
Picijussi01: looks like it posts links here: http://scrutator.lo2k.net/13:22
jussi01oh yeah, havent we had these before?13:23
jussi01its also in #ubuntu13:23
Picijussi01: it also seems to sometimes post in-context logs.13:24
jussi01right. lets have a quick look through our ml logs, seem to remember something of this description sometime back13:24
jussi01Pici: doesnt look like it. elky, youve a good memory, do you remember the resolution or even the similar issue that came up?13:36
Picijussi01: Are you thinking of irseek?13:36
jussi01Pici: no.13:37
tsimpsonanyone know why ubuntulog is in -unregged?13:37
Picitsimpson: no idea13:37
jussi01tsimpson: no idea13:37
elkyjussi01, not good enough for your liking this time around i'm afraid.13:37
elkyi dont recall this mob at all. intriguing concept though13:38
Picijussi01: Perhaps AfterDeath's bot?13:38
jussi01Pici: maybe, I dont remember, except that we had some bot posting to a similar web page.13:39
Piciniko: By the way... What brought this to your attention?13:40
jpdstsimpson: Not AGAIN.13:40
jussi01its still in #ubuntu though13:40
jussi01tsimpson: jpds^^13:41
jpdstsimpson: On another note, any idea what could be causing: ubot2: Error: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: timed out (https://launchpad.net/bugs/196703)13:41
ubottuUbuntu bug 196703 in launchpad-registry "Incorrect registration attribution after changing owner of mirror" [Low,Fix committed]13:41
nikoPici: cause we found it on #ubuntu-fr13:41
nikoso i believed that you should be aware about it too13:42
tsimpsonjpds: exactly what it says, LP timed out while requesting https://launchpad.net/bugs/196703/+text13:42
ubottuUbuntu bug 196703 in launchpad-registry "Incorrect registration attribution after changing owner of mirror" [Low,Fix committed]13:42
jpdstsimpson: It's doing it for every bug though.13:43
tsimpsonjpds: the error comes right from supybot.utils.web.getUrl as far as I can see13:45
jpdsLooks like Nafallo's routes on the server are broken.13:49
DavieyNafallo was doing some physical server admin over the weekend13:51
jpdsI know (all too well).13:52
jussi01jpds: since you are involved with bot development, you may want to idle in #ubuntu-bots-devel? ;)13:57
jpdsDaviey: Yay, his route to AS6908 is dead.13:57
jpdsjussi01: I'm already on 40 channels. :P13:58
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Picijpds: only 40?14:00
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tsimpsonjpds: please disable Bugtracker in #kubuntu-bugs15:05
MenZaWhat on Earth is bobo on about in #u?15:16
tsimpsonnot sure, but it looks offtopic to me15:17
tsimpson<bobo> i'm looking for a simple distro under 2gb that will boot fast and act like asus "expressgate"15:17
MenZa2009-12-07 15:16:10 UTC] < bobo> all i know is ubuntu is SLOWWWWWWWW compared to dsl15:17
MenZaI was looking at that15:18
ikoniahe's not asked in ##linux15:18
PiciLets see if telling him it was offtopic was enough.15:18
* ikonia puts down his $1015:19
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geniimurlidhar: Perhaps try some channel like ##hardware18:17
ikoniawrong channel genii18:18
ikoniano need for that18:18
geniiikonia: Weird, haven't seen ubottu spit out the !it factoid to mielo yet18:26
geniiLooks like bot might be offline18:26
ikoniabeing a bit slow18:26
tsimpsongenii: please don't recommend people use kubuntu-ppa/staging18:56
geniitsimpson: OK, apologies.18:57
tsimpsonit's only for working on the packages, they'll be moved to updates or backports when done18:57
ubottuLjL called the ops in #ubuntu (gooluum)19:08
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ubottuHey nalioth, jenda, rob, SportChick, seanw, Dave2, Christel, tomaw, Gary, Vorian, PriceChild, niko or stew, I could use a bit of your time :)19:39
* genii slides mneptok a coffee19:54
* mneptok slurps maniacally19:55
geniimneptok: Same guy in #k acting up. Didn't bother with kick, just went to +b20:26
* pleia2 hugs Pricey 20:37
Priceypleia2: sorry :-/20:39
Priceypleia2: i'm being an arse :-/20:39
Priceybut thanks for trying with me20:39
Priceyi'll try and smile20:39
pleia2Pricey: I understand that this whole thing has been very frustrating20:39
pleia2your nudges to help this process along have been good, between UDS, US Thanksgiving holiday and my cold coma last week I haven't been as attentive lately as I could have been20:40
pleia2anyway, we'll get it sorted :)20:41
Priceypleia2: ugh i hope so20:41
Priceypleia2: i really am not out to be an arse, i just want some of the things fixed for the new council that annoyed me.20:41
pleia2Pricey: *nod* I understand20:41
pleia2luckily one of the things that was discussed at length at UDS was governance in general - and having very specific timelines for re-elections so we don't get stuck in this kind of position again (tiny councils we're trying to do stuff with, while not being accused of over-stepping our limits by bypassing them and talking to the community directly)20:43
pleia2so we know when re-elections are coming, have structure for getting it done efficiently20:43
Priceyhmmm, latest email was truncated20:45
ubottuFloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)20:47
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* genii screams20:48
Flannel"Will stop attacking when you ban me"20:49
naliothmaco: i see no question - just a repaste of the string20:49
maconalioth: yeah i think theyre pasting it hoping someone will explain what it means20:50
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (banlist full)20:50
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (banlist full)20:53
FlannelPricey: she heard you20:55
PriceyFlannel: ^520:55
ubottuFloodBot4 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)21:03
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ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)21:03
ubottuFloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)21:04
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (banlist full)21:04
jpdsCan we just +r #ubuntu (forever) ?21:05
Flannel"please take a ticket, wait for your number to be called"21:06
tsimpsoncan we clear some bans maybe? ;)21:06
PriceyFlannel: there you go21:06
PriceyI kinda like that, replacing DCC attack spam with -b spam.21:07
FlannelMmm, BT has old FB forwards tta aren't marked as removed even though they are.  Is there a way to get those sorted?21:25
tsimpsonguess I need to run updatebt21:26
tsimpson[21:27:57]<ubottu> Cleared 496 obsolete bans, Added 71 new bans21:28
FlannelYeah, I'm looking at bans from May of 08, and got my hopes up we'd have an easy time cleaning :)21:29
FlannelThat update, should that take effect immediately?21:29
FlannelNith!*@*!#ubuntu-read-topic doesn't exist, but is in the BT21:30
Flannel(as just one example)21:30
tsimpsonit shows as removed to me21:32
tsimpsonstrangely, there are now 2 entries...21:32
FlannelI'm only searching non-removed, so if there's a removed one, I don't see it21:33
tsimpsonI guess I'll need to fix those manually21:33
FlannelOuch.  There's quite a few21:33
Pricey-r'd should be good now22:46
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jribweird, lenswipe sounds familiar to me23:30
KismetGFXtest me fort he dcc exploit pls23:33
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