
netsbok i'm finding out that it might be because i changed the screen resolution, but i can't find /etc/X11/xorg.conf00:03
netsbwhat is it in xubuntu?00:04
netsbman why is this so hard to google00:05
netsbdpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg does nothing :(00:05
knomenetsb, which login splash screen do you mean?00:05
netsbthe normal one?00:06
netsbthe gnome one i guess00:06
knomewhat is in it?00:06
netsbwhen i click my username, the password box comes up like it usually does00:07
netsband then when i put in my password the screen flashes and then goes back to my login00:07
netsbnow im reading that it's a problem with the screen resolution, but i can't figure out how to change the resolution from terminal00:07
ubottuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution00:07
netsbwow thanks.00:07
starscreamI have xubuntu running on virtualbox, and it won't give me any resolutions higher than 800x60000:38
starscreami can't figure out how to fix it00:38
netsbyeah i can't get this working00:39
starscreamit needs to be 1280x80000:39
Travelerhi guys00:45
=== Traveler is now known as Guest38440
Guest38440would it be possible to boot the xubuntu install from 1 computer, install on a hard drive using usb-ide adapter, and put the drive back in it's original motherboard?00:46
knomestarscream, you need to install guest additions into your xubuntu vboc installation00:46
knomeGuest38440, why not?00:46
NightsBwould that really work? i know that doesn't work with windows00:47
Guest38440i am mainly a windows user, but i want to revive an old pc.  i know such would be a proble with windows.00:47
knomeit should not be a problem with linux00:49
knomethe only thing i can think of is changed uuid, but that can also be fixed.00:49
Guest38440how so?00:53
knomeubuntu mounts disks by uuid.00:54
Guest38440what is uuid?00:55
knomeit is an unique id for a device.00:56
Guest38440and this is fixed how?00:56
knomechanging the uuid in fstab, if it happens to be different in the other machine00:57
knome!fstab | Guest3844000:57
ubottuGuest38440: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions00:57
knomeGuest38440, if you don't know at all what you are doing, i suggest you try a different approach.00:57
Guest38440the laptop i am trying to install on has no cd-rom drive, and can only boot floppies, and through FLoP, can boot usb.01:00
knome!usb | Guest3844001:00
ubottuGuest38440: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent01:00
Guest38440this laptop only has usb 1.0, so it takes ~45 mins to go from the language to time zone screen.  it is driving me crazy, and i have a much better computer which i would like to act as a host.  do you think using a usb adapter would change the uuid?01:07
knomeGuest38440, sorry, i don't understand what you mean.01:08
Guest38440i have an idea.  hook up the laptop's drive via usb on my good computer, install, boot puppy linux on the laptop, find the laptop hard drive's uuid, and correct it in fstab01:09
knomeGuest38440, that would work. but as i said, there might not even be that problem.01:09
[1]joes7I need help please01:16
knome!ask | [1]joes701:16
ubottu[1]joes7: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)01:16
[1]joes7I have burnt the Xubuntu alternate ISO using Infra Recorder, but when I click on my CD on my pc it will only show xubuntu folders. How do I access the installation?01:17
knome[1]joes7, the alternate ISO is not an *installed* system.01:17
knome[1]joes7, it is an installation disk, which you have to put in your drive when you boot your pc01:18
[1]joes7How do I install xubuntu then, wubi installer takes too long and wont work01:18
[1]joes7how do i do that?01:18
knome[1]joes7, put the CD in, and boot.01:18
[1]joes7Boot what? I'm sorry01:18
knomeboot/restart your computer01:18
[1]joes7Ok. what's next?01:19
[1]joes7do I have to change the BIOS order, or something?01:19
knomewell, follow the instructions. as a sidenote, the normal cd would be better to install with, since you can use livecd to test if your hardware works with it. it also has the graphical installer.01:19
Sememmonhooray for livecds!01:20
knome[1]joes7, yes, if your CD drive is not higher priority than your HD.01:20
[1]joes7Do I change the BIOS order or something?01:20
[1]joes7I am currently running windows xp01:20
[1]joes7How can I get the livecd?01:20
knome[1]joes7, are you going to replace windows?01:20
[1]joes7I hate it.01:21
knome[1]joes7, download the normal ISO and burn it to a CD01:21
knome[1]joes7, after that, follow the same steps: insert cd into drive and boot :)01:21
[1]joes7Should the cd run an EXE or something?01:21
knomeuhm, no01:22
[1]joes7But, can't I install it using Wubi if I already have the ISO file>01:22
knomei don't know about wubi a lot, but wubi installation doesn't completely *replace* windows01:23
[1]joes7I know.01:23
[1]joes7But can I use wubi with my iso?01:23
knomebetter refer to some wubi documentation:01:24
knome!wubi | [1]joes701:24
ubottu[1]joes7: Wubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php for troubleshooting. Please file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug.01:24
knome[1]joes7, probably also https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide01:25
[1]joes7Can I install the xubuntu alternate ISO on virtual box?01:34
knome[1]joes7, sure.01:34
[1]joes7xubuntu rocks!01:35
knomegreat to hear. have fun01:36
[1]joes7oh, can anyone give me general pc support?01:37
knomewell, you can try01:37
[1]joes7my pc keeps making this ticking noise, and shuts down whenever it feels like doing it.01:38
[1]joes7i have cleaned it completely, and still this happens01:38
knomedoes it run horribly hot?01:38
[1]joes7Not that I have noticed, my room is quite fresh, so I don't think that it is due to overheating01:39
knomeokay. maybe some faulty hardware?01:39
knome(is the pc old?)01:39
[1]joes7Oh, one more question. (just curious again) how do I run the xubuntu alternate iso?01:40
knomelike the normal one; insert disk and boot your computer01:41
[1]joes7I burnt the disk using Infra Recorder. I restarted windows and still I dont know how.01:42
[1]joes7When I launch my cd on windows, it only shows me the xubuntu folders01:43
[1]joes7I would like to multiboot it with windows01:43
knome[1]joes7, so are you planning a dualboot installation, or replace windows with xubuntu, like you said earlier?01:43
knomeyes for which one? :D01:44
hi-sarahhow do i get pidgeon going so i can do messenger?02:06
hi-sarahi am a newbie02:06
JerVAHello I have a question about xubuntu02:11
JerVAIs xubuntu the best OS compared with ubuntu? I have 512 MB ram so I am considering switching from ubuntu to xubuntu02:12
knomeJerVA, yes, xubuntu will probably run more smoothly.02:19
JerVAOkay. I got the same response from another user - said that 512 MB ram will run smoothly on xubuntu than ubuntu02:20
JerVAnow I'm going to burn ISO02:20
knomeJerVA, you don't have to02:22
knomeJerVA, just install the xubuntu-desktop package02:22
knomeJerVA, and if you at any point want to remove any "ubuntu desktop" packages, see:02:22
ubottuIf you want to remove all !KDE and !Gnome packages and have a default !Xubuntu system follow the instructions here « http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purexfce »02:22
JerVAsudo apt-get install xubuntu-package02:22
knomeJerVA, xubuntu-desktop ;)02:23
JerVAGot it that will be better than burning ISO02:23
knomesure, a lot faster02:23
JerVAbrb I'm going to try this02:25
joshritgerwhat package do I install to get the network manager and sound manager xubuntu uses?02:41
joshritgerand terminal02:41
knomejoshritger, i suggest you should install xubuntu-desktop02:43
joshritgerknome: it takes up too much resources, I have xfce4 installed and running I just need the sound manager, terminal, and network manager02:44
knomewith sound manager, what do you mean?02:44
joshritgerknome: I need something to control the sound, there is nothing currently to control the sound02:45
knomejoshritger, xfce4-terminal, xfce4-mixer, network-manager-gnome02:46
joshritgerKnome: I have tried installing xubuntu and everything works, but just runs really slow on this particular computer, I installed xfce4 after a command line install and it seems to not be as bloated02:47
JerVAI got the xubuntu running successfully03:10
JerVAit's smooth so far - anybody here have wine experience with xubuntu?03:10
JerVAI got the error message - said that wine 1.2 is broken package03:11
dpb1howdy; is there a mini.iso available for xubuntu?03:19
dpb1i saw some mention that one could use ubuntu's mini.iso to install xubuntu, but not a lot of hard details03:20
knomedpb1, minimal image is the same for ubuntu derivatives.03:20
knomedpb1, the mini.iso doesn't install any packages (eg. DE) by default, so it's not any "derivative" by default03:20
knomedpb1, what you install is what is becomes.03:21
dpb1ok, so if i basically just install xubuntu-desktop, i'll be good?03:21
JerVAI am not sure what to do with broken package of wine 1.203:21
JerVAhow do I repair broken package in xubuntu?03:21
joshritgerdpb1: I just installed xfce4 after a cli install from a mini iso03:21
knomedpb1, that would be the same as installing xubuntu from the xubuntu disk, yes.03:21
dpb1ok, great!  thanks03:21
knomeJerVA, can you pastebin the complete error message?03:21
knome!pastebin | JerVA03:22
ubottuJerVA: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic03:22
JerVAhere is the link03:23
knomejust a moment03:24
knomeJerVA, what does 'sudo apt-get check' say in terminal?03:25
JerVAReading package lists... Done03:26
JerVABuilding dependency tree03:26
JerVAReading state information... Done03:26
JerVAthat's all03:26
knomesudo apt-get upgrade ?03:27
JerVAdone with upgrade03:28
JerVAjust now03:28
knometry to install wine again03:28
JerVAsame message :)03:28
knomeJerVA, sudo apt-get install wine1.2 ?03:30
JerVAinteresting it is now installing03:30
JerVAis it a bug?03:30
knomeprobably not.03:30
knomejust some issue.03:31
knomeafter the 1.2 package is installed, try installing the wine package03:31
=== joes is now known as Guest91072
JerVAIt is now working03:32
JerVAno need to install wine03:32
JerVAI appreciate it, thanks!03:32
knomei'd like you to try installing it03:32
knomeif you mind03:32
JerVAit still say the same message but I checked on Applications>Other03:32
JerVAWine1.2 is up and running03:32
knomeJerVA, try sudo apt-get install wine -f03:32
JerVAsame thing03:33
JerVAthanks anyway knome03:36
JerVAit's working now anyway03:36
knomeJerVA, np03:36
crlsktrknome, i need a good game to play, can you recomend me one?03:39
[1]joeshow do i change the screen resolution?03:40
leonidbtry warzone2100, its in repository03:42
knomevisitor2, game? :)03:43
knomecrlsktr, i mean03:43
crlsktrleonibd, thanks i'll try that03:43
knomecrlsktr, frets on fire if you like guitar hero ;)03:44
crlsktrknome, yea i'm kind of bored03:44
knomegonna hit the bed now03:46
knomegood night everybody03:46
=== joes is now known as Guest165
Timewarperguys protest against satanic edition ubuntu07:41
ikonia!ops | Timewarper multiple channel bans spamming07:41
ubottuTimewarper multiple channel bans spamming: ops is HELP! gnomefreak, tonyyarusso, PuMpErNiCkLe, maxamillion, TheSheep, crimsun, mrpouit, Myrtti, PriceChild charlie-tca or cody-somerville07:41
Timewarper!ops | Timewarperbad language07:42
ubottuTimewarperbad language: ops is HELP! gnomefreak, tonyyarusso, PuMpErNiCkLe, maxamillion, TheSheep, crimsun, mrpouit, Myrtti, PriceChild charlie-tca or cody-somerville07:42
Timewarper!ops | ikonia multiple channel bans spamming07:42
ubottuikonia multiple channel bans spamming: ops is HELP! gnomefreak, tonyyarusso, PuMpErNiCkLe, maxamillion, TheSheep, crimsun, mrpouit, Myrtti, PriceChild charlie-tca or cody-somerville07:42
Timewarper!ops | ikonia ban07:43
ubottuikonia ban: ops is HELP! gnomefreak, tonyyarusso, PuMpErNiCkLe, maxamillion, TheSheep, crimsun, mrpouit, Myrtti, PriceChild charlie-tca or cody-somerville07:43
TimewarperPEOPLE PROTEST AGAINST SATANIC EDITION OF UBUNTU (which ikonia obviously supports)07:43
Timewarperyou use ubuntu so you have a say in this07:43
Timewarperdont let this go on07:43
Timewarperright now ikonia is trying to mute the people who talk07:44
Timewarperbut he isnt that lucky07:44
Timewarperdont let his go any further!07:45
Timewarperhere are the facts07:46
Timewarperikonia: you dont have to support the satanists, i know you are a smart man07:47
O-vyzirkeHozsanna dicsoseges tesvereim09:15
O-vyzirkeOla bruderz09:15
O-vyzirkeSysi bruder, ikonia bruder, Pici bruder09:15
O-vyzirkepenguinz? where? where?09:23
O-vyzirkewtfm penguinz?09:34
O-vyzirkejarnos bruder aloha09:35
rgnrgot a problem mounting USB09:52
rgnrit's fat3209:53
rgnrlooks like the locale problem09:53
rgnrdmesg writes ANSI_X3.4-1968 not found09:53
rgnrhow do i add the locale?09:53
rgnrppl any1?09:55
Sysiyou know about that more than me :P09:56
O-vyzirkeSysi bruder Aloha09:57
Sysihi O-vyzirke09:57
O-vyzirkeDa finnish penguin?10:54
O-vyzirkeMoi Moi10:54
Sysiyou are bored? go some -offtopic10:54
Sysii'm at school10:54
O-vyzirkeSysi bruder? Have you any problemz honeymoon?10:55
O-vyzirkeMy good friend an actor. He live in nearby Helsinki10:55
O-vyzirkeBut he no finnish , he hungarian10:55
O-vyzirkePici bruder?11:21
O-vyzirkePici in hungarian = littlest, smallest11:21
Balsaqhowdy knome16:55
yesitisjustmexubuntu 9.10 doesn't have disk utility?17:12
h3xyesitisjustme, there is brasero17:14
yesitisjustmebrasero is a burning program isn't  it17:15
yesitisjustmei mean this ---> Palimpsest Disk Utility17:16
yesitisjustmeit test harddrive17:16
charlie-tcayesitisjustme: I show it as part of the gnome-disk-utility package17:18
yesitisjustmei see17:18
h3xi want to mount cdrom but this http://xubuntu.pastebin.com/f10cfb69e kind of error is shown can anyone explain me why? :/17:32
charlie-tcawhat kind of cd is in the drive? Is the drive a cd-rw drive?17:34
h3xcharlie-tca, it's cd-r17:41
h3xcharlie-tca, dirve is dvd-r17:42
charlie-tcalooks to be missing some parameters then. It is trying to mount it as an already recorded cd-r, not a blank17:46
charlie-tcait does not recognize anything on the cd17:47
charlie-tcaPerhaps a cd-r that has been recorded wrong or never closed after it was recorded?17:47
h3xcharlie-tca, but it isn't blank17:47
h3xcharlie-tca, maybe it's not closed17:48
h3xcharlie-tca, it's burned on windows box i guess.17:48
charlie-tcaRecorded in a different country format than the format the dvd is in17:48
h3xcharlie-tca, country format?17:49
h3xcharlie-tca, what's it?17:49
charlie-tcadvd players are set for the region.17:49
charlie-tcaIt may be trying to tell you the region is wrong17:49
h3xcharlie-tca, oh no cd disk contains files it's not movie or such..17:50
charlie-tcaback to the closed thing, maybe17:50
charlie-tcawindows doesn't always close the recording properly17:51
h3xcharlie-tca, can't i mount unclosed diks?17:51
charlie-tcanot a cd-r17:51
charlie-tcathere is no way for xubuntu/brassero to know what is on it, except to see it is not blank.17:52
h3xso only solutionis to open it with windows? :|17:53
charlie-tcaat least, as far as I know17:53
charlie-tcaalso, sometimes, it is the player itself. The laser doesn't always hit right, and can't read what a different player wrote17:54
charlie-tcaand sometimes, it is me. I might be way wrong...17:54
h3xcharlie-tca, ok thanks..17:56
charlie-tcaHope it helps a little, anyway17:57
charlie-tcaI did have one burner, anything I burned on it was only readable on it.17:58
yesitisjustmewhen i click the on gsmartcontrol nothing happens the only way i am able to run it is in terminal.18:33
yesitisjustmeanyone know why?18:33
vikHello, I am using dwa-110 usb wireless adapter from d-link. It uses rt73usb driver but it seems I am having some problems with wireless. Will using ndiswrapper help in any way? How to avoid any conflicts with rt73usb? Thanks, I really need help her18:37
likemindeadhttp://lmgtfy.com/?q=rt73usb+Karmic | vik, looks like a pain. :-\18:43
viklikemindead, thanks, I am googling it for weeks though, I cannot really find a sulution. It seems to be a problem indeed18:55
likemindeadThis for a laptop or desktop, vik?18:58
likemindeadEither way, I'd just buy a cheap Linux-friendly wireless card on eBay.18:58
likemindeadDoes the laptop have a mini-PCI port?18:58
viklikemindead, I've read that this one works out of the box on karmic18:59
vikIt does, but terribly18:59
likemindeadThat's what I did. :D18:59
viklikemindead, It has a pci port, not mini, normal one18:59
viklikemindead, thanks. Anyway, would you recommed using ndiswrapper, or does it create problems19:01
likemindeadI've always avoided ndiswrapper, but know many who use it successfully.19:03
AgentChieftainhey guys, i need a quick and easy favor19:09
AgentChieftaini'm editing fstab to get a thumb drive to work for me, but the tutorial says to use gedit and i'm using mousepad19:09
AgentChieftaintheyre saying to remove the last line, but there are some spaces in the file which makes me think it could be a different line19:10
charlie-tcaShould not matter what editor you use, the last line will still be the last line19:11
AgentChieftainah, alright19:11
AgentChieftaingood thing its not like notepad/wordpad19:14
hagghi, i have a problem with libnotify-notifications in xfce. they are shown correctly (i think, accourding to the design specs), but they ignore the given timeout, either when invoking by notify-send from cli, or using a python script with python-notify19:32
haggi recognized that there is a xfce4-notifyd, but that conflicts with notify-osd, which is recommended by xubuntu-desktop19:33
haggits very annoying if there are a dozen messages in the notification queue, shown one-after-one each for the full 10s (i think)19:35
haggis there some kind of workaround for that problem?19:37
charlie-tcahagg: I think that is the way it is designed19:58
haggthx. i found a discussion thread some minutes ago about it, i think you're right. its a pity. i'm just removing notify-osd and installing notification-daemon...20:09
vikI am using rt73usb driver for my wireless adapter. How to switch to ndiswrapper (I have all installed) thanks21:03
vikI mean, how to remove rt73usb (or stop using it) and how to start using ndiswrapper? thanks21:06
paul5_flaweddeuscan someone help me to get sound on my computer, i have a geforce 8500 gt i think and it wont play sound.21:52
paul5_flaweddeus:D well thanks :) ill try that .....21:53
Sysiit would be odd if graphics card would play sound21:54
Sysioh that kind of case21:54
paul5_flaweddeuso.o yeah21:54
Sysiin my 8500 isn't hdmi connector :o21:55
paul5_flaweddeuswell then, let me check the hardware.21:55
paul5_flaweddeus VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation G86 [GeForce 8500 GT] (rev a1)21:57
paul5_flaweddeusis it wrong?21:57
paul5_flaweddeussorry im a newb :|21:58
SysiVGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation GeForce 8500 GT (rev a1)21:58
Sememmonany caveats worth noting when adding compiz to an xubuntu 9.10 install?22:19
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=== PanConQueso2 is now known as Penguino
paul3does it matter if i have an asus?22:49
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