
MTecknologyso.. is there any nice intuitive docs for using bzr-fastimport?00:41
MTecknologybazzar-vcs.org/BzrFastImport explains hwat it is but not how to use it..00:42
spivMTecknology: bzr help plugins/fast-import00:54
spiv(or maybe "bzr help plugins/fastimport", actually...)00:55
pooliehi spiv00:58
pooliehi bialix, igc, MTecknology00:58
igchi poolie01:04
MTecknologyspiv: oh - thanks01:05
MTecknologypoolie: hi01:06
fullermdOh, thanks for mentioning fastimport.  Reminds me I wanted to prod the cvs2svn port maintainer about upgrading...01:06
igcMTecknology: see http://doc.bazaar-vcs.org/plugins/en/fastimport-plugin.html01:06
MTecknologyspiv: now - how about a bzr-fastdeb tool?01:06
MTecknologyigc: thanks01:06
igcand http://doc.bazaar-vcs.org/migration/en/data-migration/index.html01:06
spivMTecknology: what do you mean by "fastdeb"?01:11
xnoxHello I've realised I've been working in the wrong branch =) how can I pull just the working tree from the other branch? Can I shelf it on one branch and unshelf in another working-tree/branch02:04
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spivxnox: perhaps "bzr merge --uncommitted" can do what you need02:06
xnoxspiv: Awesome thanks =)02:08
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xnoxhow can I push to parent branch instead of push branch without retyping it?02:28
spivbzr push :parent, IIRC02:29
xnoxspiv: thanks =) is it part of revspec?02:29
spivAnd if you did "bzr push :parent --remember", then subsequent pushes of that branch you can do just "bzr push".02:29
xnoxspiv: no I don't want that =) parent is svn repo. Push is bzr for me =)02:30
xnoxPush is to lp ;-)02:30
spivI'm not sure where it's documented.  The defined aliases are :parent, :submit, :public, :push, :this, and :bound.02:31
spivHmm, I don't think it is documented.  There's probably a bug about that...02:32
spivIt's bug 33783402:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 337834 in bzr "AliasDirectory locations are undocumented" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33783402:34
spivigc: any progress on alias (:parent, etc) docs?02:35
* xnox feels like he know bzr zen now =) working with undocumented tricks ;-)02:39
pooliexnox: spoilers welcome02:39
SamB_XPspiv: is that one of mine ?02:39
igcspiv: still on my todo list. Maybe this week all going well02:40
spivSamB_XP: that bug?  It doesn't have your name on it, but I suppose if you wrote a patch no-one would complain... ;)02:53
xnoxOooh Can I write a patch? =)02:57
xnoxI'll poke around bzr code and try all of them ;-) Black-box testing for perfect documentation =)02:58
spivxnox: well, you can just read the code rather than guess :)03:01
spivxnox: bzrlib/directory_service.py has the relevant code :)03:01
xnoxok I'll see what I can come up with ;-)03:03
* spiv -> lunch03:05
* igc lunch03:09
jfroy|workhey people04:13
pooliehello jfroy04:13
jfroy|workI'm getting an core dump running a plan diff command in a working tree because of a missing revision (probably a ghost)04:13
jfroy|workThis being on machine B04:14
jfroy|workand the branch having been acquired through bzr-svn04:14
jfroy|workso, basically, to be expected04:14
jfroy|workthe question is, how do I 1) get a list of ghost revision IDs04:14
jfroy|work2) figure out in which branch a particular revision ID lives (on machine A which should have said rev ID)04:14
jfroy|workpoolie: and hi !04:15
jfroy|workAlso, as a suggestion, core dumping on a missing revision when doing a simple diff -> going to scare people away04:15
jfroy|workreally should handle it better04:15
pooliedo you mean actually dumping a core file?04:15
poolieor just a python stacktrace?04:15
jfroy|workright, python stack trace04:16
jfroy|worknot an actual interpreter core dump04:16
jfroy|workthat'd be *very* scary :p04:16
pooliethat's what i thought04:16
jfroy|worksorry for the confusion :.04:16
jfroy|work* :/04:16
jfroy|workThough I consider unhandled exceptions in bzr as "crashes"04:17
jfroy|workthey're just as unhelpful as plain old crashes to users04:17
jfroy|workanyways, on the matter at hand...04:17
jfroy|workbzr check lists the the number of ghost revisions04:17
jfroy|workbut I can't seem to find a command to actually give me the revids04:17
pooliejfroy: i agree, we should never show python crashes to user - this is the documented policy, that whenever this happens, it's a bug04:18
jfroy|workalthough the backtrace does have one, which seems kind of silly -- "oh just use unhandled missing revision exceptions to find the ghost revision IDs!"04:18
pooliehowever, in 95% of cases, there is actually some more important underlying bug04:18
poolieso showing a crash is an appropriate way to represent it04:19
poolienot trying to fob you off but the best thing is probably to either look for or file a bug04:19
poolieit may already be known04:19
poolieabout the ghost revision crash04:19
poolieand that bug may have better info than i have in my head04:19
jfroy|workOh I know why I'm getting it.04:19
jfroy|workIt's a ghost.04:19
jfroy|workThe bug already exists to handle them better in various commands.04:20
jfroy|workwell, bugs04:20
jfroy|workI just want to get a list of them so I can turn around and find who has those revs...04:20
jfroy|workmm, well that worked; used the revid from the backtrace with bzr log -c -r revid:<id>04:24
jfroy|workfrom a random branch04:24
jfroy|workit found it, got me the branch nick, and I pulled that branch in04:24
jfroy|workneed a better workflow than that -- ghosts are going to be common for bzr-svn users04:24
jfroy|workmight be worth a plug-in...04:24
xnoxI have wrote some help for the urlspec and URL directories05:13
xnoxI have tried automating code just like with protocols and it showed up three directories05:14
xnox: Easy access to remembered branch locations05:14
pooliejam, how do you get into the breakin debugger on windows?05:14
xnoxlp: Launchpad-based directory service05:14
poolieigc ^^?05:14
xnoxdeb: whitch uses Vcs-* fields.05:14
xnoxBut where did the deb: directory came from?05:15
xnoxI don't remember installing such plugin and it sounds awesome05:15
poolieprobably bzr builddeb?05:15
spivxnox, poolie: yes, bzr-builddeb05:16
xnoxWell I never new about it..... =( now with my improved documentation I found out about it =_05:18
RAOFIt seems that lp:do/0.8 has had a failed upgrade at some time in the past, so when I try to upgrade it now it complains that backup.bzr exists.  How can I fix this?05:59
spivRAOF: connect to it with an sftp client (lftp is a good one) and delete that dir and its contents.06:01
spivRAOF: lftp -e 'rm -r backup.bzr' sftp://bazaar.launchpad.net/~do-core/do/0.806:03
RAOFAaah.  It's the full specification that's strange.06:04
pooliespiv, in question 93050 and i think a couple of others recently we've seen things hang during a long body fetch07:06
pooliethere may be nothing in common and there's not much to go on07:06
pooliebut i wonder if it's more than a coincidence07:07
spivpoolie: hmm, the only other case I recall seeing recently was vila's VM at the sprint07:10
spiv(hi vila!)07:10
vilahey :) Don't mention that VM hangs, not now, let me get some more coffee first :)07:11
spivThat case was due to misconfigured network(s)07:11
* vila kicks babune hard hoping to un-hang gentoo and hardy and jaunty07:11
vilaHi all07:11
spivAnd in that question 93050 there was definitely a misconfigured network (dropping all ICMP!), pity that correcting that didn't make the problem go away :)07:12
vilaby the way, if anybody landed some patch related to log, the tests are failing for LOCALE=C (the part we don't run anymore on PQM)07:12
spivIt does seem fairly clear from the description that it's something to do with their firewall, which makes me think that it's not bzr's fault, but maybe there's something we can do to make us less susceptible?07:13
pooliehi vila07:13
spivvila: I think r486807:13
poolievila, maybe it was igc sponsoring marius's patch?07:13
vilayeah I suspected so... or not, I seem to recall a discussions about tests during the review... I was hoping some long due refactoring there had started :-P07:16
pooliespiv oh my mistake07:18
pooliei thought there was another one where they hadn't specifically mentioned a firewall thought07:18
spivpoolie: hmm, it's confusing, 93050 is a dupe of 93043, although I realise now they misfiled that one against bzr-upload07:28
spivpoolie: but in a reply to 93043 they say "If i disable ufw firewall completely, then, i am able to do checkout from the external network."07:29
spiver, 93045 I mean.07:29
vilaLC_ALL=C ./bzr selftest -s bb.test_log -s bb.test_commit is the recipe to get the 4 errors07:46
poolievila, file a bug for igc, if you haven't already07:51
vilapoolie: sure07:51
vilapoolie: do you intend to land or work on https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~mbp/bzr/progress-output/+merge/14944 ?07:51
vilaif it's 'land' I can help, if it's 'work' let's put it back into wip (Work in progress)07:52
poolievila, it has test failures07:53
pooliewhich i should fix, but i suck07:53
vilalol, so wip ? Too many things are already falling from my plate to honestly propose help here :->07:53
poolienag me07:58
pooliei'll do it now07:58
* igc1 dinner08:27
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poolievila, sanity check wanted re that review08:56
pooliehow about giving log code two file like objects, one for unicode and one for bytes (for the diffs)08:56
poolieit essentially does this internally but it gets them by peeking inside what it assumes is a codec wrapper08:57
vilalet me get the code08:57
vilaargh, marked wip I presume, it went out of the active review page :-/08:58
vilaso, without the code, two file objects sounds weird, but if it's through an API, I think it's fine and if that's what the code needs anyway then that's the way to go08:59
pooliei know09:00
pooliethere's a bug about that09:00
vilaone aspect I like a lot about TDD is that it gives more users to the code which is the best way to find the good design and APIs09:00
vilaha, found it back lp:~mbp/bzr/progress-output right ?09:01
poolieyou can still use the url you pasted above09:01
poolielike this http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/337132/09:02
vilahmm, my gut feeling looking at that is: ui.ui_factory.make_output_stream(encoding) is all that is needed09:03
vilaeach command can then decide how many file objects it wants09:03
pooliei mean09:04
poolieare you suggesting i do that in cmd_log?09:04
vilalog -p is really a special beast AIUI, other commands will use a single file object, only log -p needs two09:04
poolieso i'm just doing this as a special case in log09:05
vilayup, as long as the buffering is right09:05
vilamake_output_stream can then handle the special cases (tty, redirected, etc), the caller is still responsible for the encoding09:06
viladoes that fly ?09:07
poolieoh you're saying one level for just 'give me a stream'  and then another doing encoding?09:07
vilamake_output_stream takes an encoding parameter09:07
vilaencoding_type, sorry, hmm09:08
poolieso you're suggesting moving that into say make_encoded_output_stream?09:08
poolieit takes both09:08
poolieit can be eg 'utf-8', 'replace'09:08
Kamping_Kaisercan i delete a branch from a remote host? (a branch i've pushed in the past which isn't needed anymore)09:09
vilano, just using it, AIUI log requires different encodings for the commit messages and the diffs09:09
vilaKamping_Kaiser: bzr doesn't provide a command for that, but you can delete the directory on the remote host (especially if you use a shared repo there)09:10
Kamping_Kaiservila: ah, so i have to ssh to the host and rm -f the branch? no worries. cheers.09:10
vilaKamping_Kaiser: that's it, you're welcome09:11
Kamping_Kaiserthanks :)09:11
poolievila https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad-code/+bug/489036  btw about wip mps09:12
ubottuUbuntu bug 489036 in launchpad-code "where do in-progress mps go to?" [Undecided,New]09:12
vilapoolie: comment added there09:16
vilapoolie: also since you're touching _setup_outf(), if you could call it at the right time so that using Command objects become less painful... you'll be my hero :-)09:19
vilaBy 'less painful' I'm thinking about tests or plugins that override commands and have to call _setup_outf() explicitly when building Command objects09:19
vila # XXX: is the caller supposed to close the resulting object?09:20
vilapoolie: ^09:20
vila# XXX: this does not handle the case of writing part of a line09:21
vilacaller responsibility, trying to address it there will be nightmarish09:21
pooliethanks lazyweb09:21
vilalazyweb ? Literally a social network of lazy people ?09:22
pooliemm, the term for asking humans something that you could look up yourself but are to lazy to09:23
vilahmm, found it, yeah, got it09:24
pooliei'd like to land this but i'd be happy to look at that next09:24
poolieincremental diff posted - should be ok but will you have a quick look?09:28
* vila reading09:30
vilapoolie: hmm, why not just self.to_exact_file = to_exact_file in LogFormatter.__init__ ?09:35
vilaand callers will fail if they try to use it without setting it09:35
vilajelmer: hi :)09:37
* vila cries, vbox's bug is making scroll wheel unusable :-(09:39
jelmerhey vila :-)10:01
jelmer'moin bialix10:01
bialixmoin jelmer!10:02
bialixbonjour vila!10:02
vilahi bialix10:02
poolieescudero going down soon10:04
* shyam_k trying out loggerhead10:28
shyam_kbut gets the message "internal server error" as i try
shyam_khttp://pastebin.ca/1706723 thats what "./serve-branches ~/Scheme" says where i have bazaar set to ~/Scheme10:29
shyam_kwhat is wrong here? i just untarred the logger head source and ran that command10:32
shyam_kas said in its README10:32
shyam_k./serve-branches ~/Scheme/.bzr shows the directories inside the control directory but not the files..10:35
shyam_kah ic.. thats just the response it gives for any random directory..10:36
poolievila: should i send it?10:43
vilapoolie: hmm, why not just self.to_exact_file = to_exact_file in LogFormatter.__init__ ?10:45
vilaand callers will fail if they try to use it without setting it10:45
vilayou didn't answer that :)10:45
vilabut anyway, if the actual patch works and given it has already been approved, I don't want to delay it further, if you have enough info to do another submission, please land that one10:46
pooliemisguided conservatism10:46
vilaand replace some commas by periods in the sentence above, its unreadable :)10:46
vilamm, from me or from you ?10:47
poolieleaving the old path10:47
pooliealmost 1010:48
pooliewill fix that and send it tomorrow10:48
vilapoolie: excellent10:48
vilaenjoy your night !10:48
vilahmm, is there some example somewhere to use pqm for remote branches >10:49
pooliei couldn't work it out10:49
poolieping spiv for some docs?10:49
pooliei meant to do that10:49
vilaspiv: your patch to pqm is great !!!!10:50
vilaspiv: Please add doc so all patch pilots can enjoy it !10:50
shyam_kwhat i am trying to do is to see a web frontend of my local bazaar files..10:52
shyam_kbzr serve said its listening on port 4155 but then localhost:4155 just goes on "Transfering data from localhost.."10:52
vilapoolie, spiv: So the trick is to specify --public-location and --submit-branch and have a locations.conf setup so that it provides pqm_email... a bit tortuous11:11
vilaoh, and use http: not lp:11:12
vilaand --ignore-local11:12
vilaand then... it just works :D11:13
sepulti'm trying to checkout the grub trunk from savannah, but bzr11:15
sepultcomplains it's not a branch11:15
sepulthow does one check it out ?11:15
sepultanyones awake ?11:39
spivvila: yeah11:41
spivvila: I basically just hacked until it did just enough to work and then went back to doing something more directly productive11:42
vilasepult: if it complains, it means you're not using the right url11:53
vilaspiv: yeah, I can understand that, but a one line example in the readme or somewhere would have addressed that ;)11:53
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bignoseis Ian Clatworthy here?12:24
bignoseor someone who manages <URL:http://planet.bazaar-vcs.org/> feeds?12:24
Pengigc: You have a customer. :D12:24
bignosea post from Ian C is messed up, it has an empty URL for the article link.12:24
PengYeah, that's been going on for a while. You can go to http://bazaarvcs.wordpress.com/ directly.12:25
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vilapoolie, spiv: I knew I read a working example somewhere: bug #48745813:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 487458 in bzr-pqm "lookup email target on the target branch not the submitted branch" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/48745813:36
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rubbsIf I'm making small changes in the docs to fix bugs (mostly just broken links) should I be putting something in the NEWS file? I haven't been, but I wasn't sure what should go in there.16:05
bialixrubbs: just file a merge proposal and reviewer or patch pilot will help you with this question16:27
rubbsbialix: ok thanks, should I do something about the ones that were already merged?16:34
bialixrubbs: no, if they're merged you can forgot about 'em16:34
bialixif you don't plan to continue improve them of course16:35
vilarubbs: The rule is that bugs are mentioned in NEWS when they imply a "significant" change in bzr usage, doc is a bit different but sometimes fixing a broken link can change the whole experience...16:37
vilarubbs: so use common sense and do as you feel, the reviewer can still disagree if needed :)16:37
rubbsvila: cool thanks a lot. that helps. That also means I've been correct so far as well.16:40
vilarubbs: sure !16:40
james_wrubbs: you could put one NEWS item that summarised the improvements, possibly with the list of bugs16:40
vilarubbs: anwyay, the meta-rule is: when in doubt, ask the question in the cover letter16:40
rubbsvila: james_w: cool, will do in the future. Most of my changes have been rather small nearly trivial stuff so far, so no need to add to NEWS16:41
PengIMO, enough trivial changes can add up to something NEWSworthy.16:42
rubbsmaybe what I'll do is find all the doc bugs that have been done in the last few weeks and add them in (since the bzr-doc team has been created)16:43
rubbsunder a "various bug fixes" heading or something16:44
rubbsIt might be too much to list all the bug #'s even.16:44
jammorning all16:55
bialixhi jam16:57
jamhi bialix16:57
bialixjam, can you suggest some tool to log memory consumption of the linux system?16:58
bialixI need to log it to file, not to GUI16:59
jambialix: you might check 'trace.debug_memory()'17:00
jambialix: I also have this script: http://paste.ubuntu.com/337403/17:01
jamwhich spawns a command that you specify17:01
jamand then sits and polls the memory consumption every N seconds17:02
rubbsbialix: another hackish way to do it might be to use the 'free' command in a shell script like: watch -n 1 free >> log.txt17:03
rubbsnot sure how well that would work though17:04
bialixok, I'll try to experiment with this, thanks guys17:04
rubbsbialix: np. good luck!17:05
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james_wanyone know why t.path2id would return an id, but t.get_file_text(that_id) would say NoSuchFile?18:37
jamjames_w: file deleted on disk but not removed via the api?18:46
james_woh, this is a revision tree I think18:47
jamor directory18:47
james_walso, I currently have a long running bzr process18:48
jam`I usually think of NSF being for a physical file that we failed to read18:48
jamnot a missing file in a tree18:48
james_wstrace appears to show it opening the dirstate and reading it, then copying some working tree files to limbo then repeating18:48
james_wany idea what it it might be doing?18:49
james_wit is a large tree18:49
jamif you are looking at a symlink or a directory, I would expect you to get back an empty string for the content18:49
jamfrom what I can see18:50
jamjames_w: if you are opening dirstate, then it isn't a revisiontree18:50
jamjames_w: do you have the traceback?18:50
james_woh, two issues18:50
james_whttp://launchpadlibrarian.net/35785267/merge-issue is the traceback for the NSF18:51
jamah, hmm.. I missed the translation18:52
jamRevisionNotPresent => NoSuchFile18:52
jamjames_w: can you drop into the debugger, and give me the output of "pp repo_desired_files" ?18:53
jamhmm.. I guess it is supposed to be [('changelog-20090616010821-kgsodu5lhwu5pm2i-145', 'james.westby@ubuntu.com-20090905094641-seag0w0dagb6q3m1') ]18:53
jammy best guess right now is that you have corrupted data18:54
jamsomething thinks that its text should be found at X, but X isn't present in the repo18:54
jami certainly can't guarantee that18:54
james_wmaybe it's just bzr-builddeb looking in the wrong repo18:56
james_wno, that's not it18:57
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jamvila: ping for great justice18:58
jamjames_w: well the line: fix_ancestry_as_needed18:59
jamconcerns me18:59
jamgiven that it looks like you are doing surgery on stored data...18:59
james_wI don't think it means what you think it means :-)18:59
james_wgranted, using ancestry to mean two things is likely to do that :-)18:59
james_wok, your suspicion of corruption may be correct19:00
james_w% bzr branch lp:debian/sid/cwidget debian19:00
eric_fI'm running Loggerhead 1.17, is there something I'm missing about getting the syntax highlighting support enabled?19:01
james_wbzr: ERROR: bzrlib.errors.ErrorFromSmartServer: Error received from smart server: ('error', "Absent factory for ('column_definition.cc-20090616010821-kgsodu5lhwu5pm2i-43', 'james.westby@ubuntu.com-20080120093711-23aliq7ki0te4l21')")19:01
vilajam: NACK, dinner time, I'll read the logs and be back later (if time permits)19:01
james_whi vila19:01
james_weric_f: do you have pywotsit installed?19:01
jamvila: just thinking about trying to get a win32 host running from babune again, and thought I'd chat with you about it.19:01
jamcan wait till tomorrow19:02
james_weric_f: or "pygments" as it is more commonly known?19:02
eric_fjames_w: probably not, is that the answer?19:02
james_wI think that's the library used to do it19:02
eric_fjames_w: can that be installed via aptitude?19:02
james_wI think so19:02
Pengeric_f: python-pygments19:02
jameric_f: apt-cache search pygments19:02
Pengeric_f: Should start working automagically once you install Pygments and restart Loggerhead.19:03
eric_fjames_w, Peng, & jam: thanks! That all worked19:05
jamvila: also, wondering the status of fixing the selftest is broken on win32 stuff19:08
jamI'll put together a patch if you can't, at least for the "test suite should run" part19:08
vilajam: sooo, I couldn't work on bug #492561 today but first thing tomorrow !19:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 492561 in bzr "Seftest fails to start on Windows" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/49256119:32
jamvila: I already have a patch that at least lets "bzr selftest" run19:33
jamI'm putting it up for review now19:33
jamIt doesn't fix the failure19:33
jambut at least I can get a failure :)19:33
vilajam: I too thought about adding a win32 host to babune *but* babune is acting like crazy these days19:33
vilajam: yeah, I saw your patch, you're right, put that up for review but let's leave the bug open19:34
vilaI'll start from that anyway19:34
vilaI'm quite sure the failure is closely related to the ones I have from PQM or under emacs depending on details. The crux is that we lack tests :-) But it's damn hard to test these things :-/19:35
vilaLet's have a call tomorrow, there are other things I like to discuss too anyway. Deal ?19:35
vilajam: ^19:35
* vila hears family calling again19:36
jamvila: sure19:37
jamvila: enjoy yourc family time19:37
jamvila: if you get a chance to approve: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~jameinel/bzr/2.1.0b4-win32-test-imports/+merge/1582919:38
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druidohi, I've got this error message: bzr: ERROR: The method _generate_inventory is not supported on objects of type CHKInventoryRepository.20:50
druidoI can't find anything on the web about it20:51
druidodoes anybody know what it means?20:51
druidothis is what i've done: i've splitted a subtree of my branch using the following commands (say 'trunk' is the main branch and 'foo' is the subtree to be splitted):21:05
druidocd trunk21:05
druidobzr split foo21:05
druidocd ..21:05
druidobzr join —reference trunk/foo21:06
druidobzr commit21:06
druidonow, whenever i add a file to trunk and try to commit, or whenever i try to revert a change in trunk i get21:07
druidobzr: ERROR: The method _generate_inventory is not supported on objects of type CHKInventoryRepository.21:07
druidoi'm using bzr 2.0.1 and my repository format is 2a21:08
jamdruido: I'm pretty sure that 2a format repos *don't* support subtrees21:08
jamso you can't join --reference in them21:08
jamI'm a bit surprising it isn't failing earlier with a 'supports_subtree' check21:09
druidoah, ok, in fact that command didn't seem to have any effect21:09
druidois it possible to change the format to fix the problem?21:10
druidoi've repeated the steps again right now, with a new repository and it works as i've explained21:13
druido(of course, i forgot to add 'cd trunk' before 'bzr commit' in the steps above)21:15
druidook, here is a minimal set of commands to reproduce my problem:21:29
druidobzr init-repo foo-repo21:29
druidocd foo-repo21:29
druidobzr init trunk21:29
druidomkdir trunk/foo21:29
druidobzr add trunk21:29
druidobzr commit trunk -m "Added foo."21:29
druidobzr split trunk/foo21:29
druidobzr join --reference trunk/foo21:29
druidomkdir trunk/bar21:29
druidobzr add trunk21:29
druidoIt seems that, without bzr join, the above works ok21:30
druidoThe problem is, I have given that command, and I've got no error :(21:30
vilajam: passing around, https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~jameinel/bzr/2.1.0b4-win32-test-imports/+merge/15829 approved with minor tweaks21:30
vilajam: and to clear any ambiguity, adding a win32 host is high on my list and I agree that any regression in the test suite there is as critical as anywhere else (but I've yet to re-activate the OSX slaves :-/)21:32
jamdruido: without 'bzr join' bzr add of a sub branch is a no-op, I believe21:33
druidook, but it fails even if i try bzr add with new files21:34
druidoi should be able to add trunk/bar in the example above, or am i missing something?21:34
jamdruido: well 'bzr add sub/branch' is saying add all the files in sub/branch, not add sub/branch to the current branch21:35
druidosorry, maybe i've not used the cleanest syntax in my commands above21:37
druidoafter the split and join, i cd into trunk and perform 'mkdir bar; bzr add'21:38
druidothat gives me the error i've mentioned21:38
druidoi don't understand why21:38
jamdruido: after you've done the 'join' the content is broken21:40
jamit just doesn't catch it early21:40
jamas it should21:40
druidook, at least now i understand why21:40
jamI don't know why it lets you get into that state by running join21:40
jamit shouldn't21:40
druidois there a way to fix it? i've tried bzr check and bzr reconcile without success21:41
jambzr revert21:41
jamI think will undo it21:41
jamif not21:41
jamrm .bzr/checkout ; bzr co .21:41
jamsort of thing21:41
jambut be careful with the last one21:41
druidobzr revert gives me the same error21:41
jammv .bzr/checkout .bzr/checkout-broken21:42
jambzr co .21:42
jamdruido: are you back?21:44
druidoyes, i was trying your last idea21:44
druidoit seems to work21:44
jamk, I wasn't sure how much you caught with the irc disconnect21:45
druidoafter checking out, i've got a conflict on the subbranch i've splitted21:45
druido"Conflict adding file foo.  Diverted to foo.diverted."21:45
druidobut, after resolving it, it seems to work fine21:46
druidonow i can add and revert21:46
druidogreat, thank you!21:49
druidoshould i file a report somewhere?21:49
jamyeah, https://bugs.launchpad.net/bzr21:50
jamthere may already be a bug report for this21:50
druidook, i'll search for it21:50
jambut something along the lines of "bzr join --reference breaks 2a format trees"21:50
pooliehello all21:54
pooliei'll file an rt for bignose's issue21:54
jamhi poolie21:56
druidoi've found this: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bzr/+bug/369923 but the error is different21:57
ubottuUbuntu bug 369923 in bzr "Nested tree commit fails in shared repositories" [Medium,Triaged]21:57
jamOn Windows21:58
jamcopy adir\ file21:58
jamcopy adir\ target21:58
jamends up copying all files in adir21:58
jaminto a *single* destination file 'target'21:58
jamsimilar to21:58
jamcat adir\* > target21:58
druidoi'll add a comment to bug 369923 then21:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 369923 in bzr "Nested tree commit fails in shared repositories" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/36992321:58
jamnot exactly what I expected21:59
=== Edwin-lunch is now known as EdwinGrubbs
druidook, i've added a comment to bug 36992322:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 369923 in bzr "Nested tree commit fails in shared repositories" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/36992322:14
druidothanks for your help, folks!22:14
RenatoSilvahow to hack the history? I passed certain time calling the rabbit as fox22:23
=== Adys_ is now known as Adys
pooliejames_w: around? need anything from us?23:53
pooliewe need to chew on the udd thread a bit more.23:53
james_wpoolie: I reported a bug today, I don't know whether it needs some more info first23:54
james_wI know the error message is usually not very helpful in understanding what is wrong23:55

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