
mwhudsonthumper, jml: either of you available for a call?00:31
thumpermwhudson: I'm around00:31
mwhudsoni just want to rent an opinion00:31
jmlmwhudson, me too00:32
thumpermwhudson: you have a choice :)00:32
mwhudsonthumper answered first i guess00:32
thumperjust found some untested code01:10
thumperthat I'm pretty sure that I wrote01:10
thumperjml: what is our tech-debt tag?01:13
thumperjml: do we have an official one?01:13
jmlthumper, I thought it was tech-debt01:13
thumperthat was what lept to mind to me too01:14
thumperbut I haven't used it yet01:14
thumperjml: just found another untested method01:15
thumpergee I must have been slack01:15
thumperor clueless01:15
* thumper files another bug01:16
jmlthumper, well, you can spread the blame at least as far as your reviewer :)01:16
thumperI didn't look in doctests01:16
thumperthere it goes01:16
* thumper hurls01:17
thumpernot particularly extensive testing though01:17
ajmitchthumper: the ugly code was that bad?01:17
* jml waits for bazaar.launchpad.net to resolve :(01:17
thumperajmitch: a single test in a doc test isn't good testing IMO01:18
wgrantjml: <3 Australian Internet?01:18
jmlwgrant, rural Australian over-priced crappy-plan bigpond internet.01:19
thumpermwhudson: got a minute for a pre-impl call?01:23
mwhudsonthumper: ok01:23
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* mwhudson eods04:50
cody-somervillesyncSources copied from lucid when I specifically passed it hardy primary as the from_archive05:22
cody-somervilleor I thought I did05:23
wgrantcody-somerville: An archive is not per-series.05:23
cody-somervilleubuntu.getSeries(name_or_version='hardy').main_archive doesn't seem to do quite what I would have hoped05:23
cody-somervillewgrant, I want to copy a package from backports into a PPA.05:25
wgrantcody-somerville: Specify the name and version.05:25
wgrantcody-somerville: (or, since bigjools isn't watching, use the web UI)05:25
cody-somervilleI guess I'll have to use syncSource instead of syncSources05:26
wgrantcody-somerville: Can't you specify the series?05:27
cody-somervilleto copy to but not to specify from05:27
wgrantWell, that's stupidly useless.05:29
wgrantFile a bug.05:29
cody-somervilleI would but it times out when I try :)05:30
cody-somervilleOh, here we go05:31
cody-somervillewgrant, Whats the url for the forbidden web UI for copying from Ubuntu?05:35
wgrantcody-somerville: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+archive/primary/+copy-packages05:36
wgrantcody-somerville: But you'll need to pre-filter that.05:36
wgrantcody-somerville: eg. search for the relevant package in a PPA, then use that query string on the above URL.05:37
jmladiroiban, fwiw, I'm updating those exceptions to mention 'make schema'06:27
adiroibanjml: thanks :)06:28
jmldanilos, I'm looking at bug 48762806:37
mupBug #487628: Running bin/test with a windmill layer doesn't indicate when DB revision is incorrect <build-infrastructure> <Launchpad Foundations:In Progress by jml> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/487628>06:37
jmldanilos, what made you think that it has anything to do with the db revision?06:38
jmlor windmill, for that matter.06:38
jmldanilos, never mind, making progress.06:44
adeuringgood morning08:20
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jmlmrevell, hi09:37
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deryckMorning, all.11:00
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wgrantbigjools: Hi.12:04
=== henninge is now known as henninge-lunch
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daniloshenninge-lunch, congrats, you've got yourself revision 10000 on devel :)12:37
salgadodanilos, did that windmill test change of yours fix the failing test?12:54
danilossalgado, it failed last night due to testfix when ec2 test was done, so I just re-landed it ~30 minutes ago12:55
danilossalgado, it's only in devel 10001 now12:55
salgadooh, ok12:57
henninge-lunchdanilos: whoohoo!12:57
* henninge-lunch relocates12:57
salgadobut it looks like we have a second windmill failure now12:57
danilossalgado, from the last run it seems we've got 3... the one my fix should fix is productseries_templates12:58
salgadoindeed; the previous run had only 2 failures, but the last one has 312:59
=== mrevell is now known as mrevell-lunch
daniloshum, grids.css is gone in devel, meaning that our grids are broken13:02
daniloswell, our layouts13:02
danilosanyone knows anything about missing grids.css? well, they are available on https://launchpad.dev/+icing/rev9962/yui/3.0.0pr2/build/cssgrids/grids.css, but it tries to fetch them from https://launchpad.dev/+icing/rev9962/yui/current/build/cssgrids/grids.css ("current" vs "3.0.0pr2"): not surprising since they were removed from YUI 3.0 final13:07
salgadodanilos, what layouts do you see broken?13:12
danilossalgado, basically all, i.e. on launchpad.dev/~rosetta-admins right-hand box with action links and such is below the content13:13
danilossalgado, I might need to do a make clean, I guess13:13
salgadodanilos, do you see that on production as well?13:15
danilossalgado, no, if you are talking about either edge or launchpad.net13:16
salgadodanilos, ./cssgrids/grids.css is still there in lazr-js, so you should just need a 'make clean && make'13:19
danilossalgado, right, I'll try that, not sure why just 'make' didn't pick it up13:20
BjornT_danilos: there's a bug in the js build system, where it doesn't update symlinks. it only checks that a symlink exists, not that it points to the right place. maybe that's why it didn't pick it up.13:23
danilosBjornT_, right, I'll check that13:23
BjornT_danilos: you could try to confirm that by removing the symlink, and then run make again13:24
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danilosBjornT_, I tried removing "rm lazr-js/build/yui lib/canonical/launchpad/icing/yui" and re-running make, but it didn't help13:26
danilosBjornT_, ok, the second one was a bad idea to remove, I bzr reverted it and it works now (I've also cleaned up bzr-version-info.py just in case, so that might have helped as well, but I didn't watch too closely)13:33
allenapnoodles775: Do you have time to look at some very simple UI ideas I had for displaying the number of affected users in bug pages? https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/malone/+bug/49404014:55
mupBug #494040: Display the number of affected users in bug pages <bug-page> <Launchpad Bugs:Triaged by allenap> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/494040>14:55
=== salgado is now known as salgado-lunch
allenapbeuno: Do you have time to look at some very simple UI ideas I had for displaying the number of affected users in bug pages? https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/malone/+bug/49404015:37
mupBug #494040: Display the number of affected users in bug pages <bug-page> <Launchpad Bugs:Triaged by allenap> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/494040>15:37
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beunoallenap, I'm on leave, but if there's a screenshot attached I'll do it16:35
allenapbeuno: Thanks, but don't worry about it then. deryck has since looked at it and thinks it needs big changes :)16:36
allenapbeuno: Thanks anyway, have a good break.16:36
* deryck waves at beuno while he's on leave but still on IRC16:37
* beuno winks at deryck 16:37
cornwallHi, there, I was wondering if anyone on the dev team has acknowledged this bug as it is supremely annoying: https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/44051916:59
mupBug #440519: Launchpad sends me useless e-mail <Launchpad itself:Confirmed for launchpad> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/440519>16:59
cornwallnot the most helpful title, but...16:59
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marscornwall, a few of the devs would also like to see the mail volume reduced.  I don't know if anyone has devoted time to it though.17:06
cornwallmars, would the launchpad mailing list be the best place to get this moving? (if there is one)17:07
marscornwall, for interests sake, just what type of information about a bug do you consider as "critical, need to know"?17:07
cornwallwell, for certain, not what I, myself, do. LP really doesn't need to send me an email telling me what I did.17:08
cornwallIMO it should by default do everything it does now except notify what we do and bug dupes, but have an option to not receive status changes17:09
cornwallmars, sorry, didn't use your name :)17:09
marscornwall, np, I'm still watching.  Just looking up the list addresses on the wiki.  There should be a nice, central page for them all17:10
marscornwall, found it: https://dev.launchpad.net/FixBugs17:12
cornwallexcellent, thank you, mars17:13
marscornwall, no problem.  As far as features go, the UI side should be easy: a simple toggle on the profile page17:14
cornwallmars, sure, it's actually kind of baffled me how people like canonical employees have dealt with all the email notifications.... If I get a boatload a day, I wonder what they get...?17:15
marscornwall, someone on the Registry team would be able to mentor the fix for the mail notification code17:15
marscornwall, good/lots of mail filters17:15
cornwallwell, thanks a lot mars, I'll shoot them an email.17:17
cornwallsee you later17:17
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mwhudsongood morning18:22
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rockstarabentley, you can disregard the email I just sent you.  I've worked around my IRC breakage.19:11
abentleyrockstar: I tried to reach you on jabber about two hours ago, also.19:17
rockstarabentley, ah, I see that now.  GTalk was logged in on my phone, but it doesn't notify me correctly.19:18
rockstarflacoste, who do I have to harass about l-d-d being broken?19:20
abentleyrockstar: so, didja wanna chat?19:36
rockstarabentley, sure!19:36
mwhudsoni see henning got r1000019:36
bachi EdwinGrubbs, sinzui has asked me about the team vocabularies and privacy validation.  i just responded to his email.19:39
bacEdwinGrubbs: am i correct that you didn't change the vocabs at all with this branch?19:39
EdwinGrubbsbac: right. The vocabs still filter out private teams that you aren't allowed to know about, and the PublicPersonChoice just tells you when a private team you do know about is not valid for a given form field.19:41
bacEdwinGrubbs: and how does that differ from the previous implementation?19:42
EdwinGrubbsbac: the error message that PublicPersonChoice gives is clearer. Sorry about just regurgitating an explanation I remember writing for the mp.19:44
flacosterockstar: someone in Foundations19:44
bacEdwinGrubbs: right, i saw how you made the error messages better - great.  so regarding sinzui's question there is no difference in the vocabs so there should be no performance hit.19:45
=== EdwinGrubbs is now known as Edwin-lunch
wgrantbigjools: How is that backport going?20:08
bigjoolswgrant: it's installed on dogfood but I don't have time to play with it while I am fixing this retry-depwait nastiness20:09
bigjoolsif you want to upload some junk to it and watch it, be my guest, I need to merge your branch first20:09
wgrantbigjools: Apparently I need to create a launchpad-soyuz-dependencies metapackage with a versioned dep on dpkg.20:12
wgrantThen I can get it into the buildbot image, and the merge is unblocked.20:12
=== matsubara is now known as matsubara-afk
wgrantSo, I'm going to create launchpad-soyuz-dependencies (depended upon by launchpad-developer-dependencies), so we can depend upon an unconfortably recent dpkg on only the Soyuz machines. Should I maybe move the germinate and devscripts deps from launchpad-dependencies there too, since they're not needed on non-Soyuz machines?20:35
bigjoolscan do I guess, makes sense to group them20:36
=== salgado is now known as salgado-afk
wgrantmaxb: How do the hardy/trunk meta-lp-deps branches interact?21:03
maxbhardy is (temporarily?) abandoned for the moment21:04
maxbAs in, hardy in the PPA is using builds from trunk21:04
maxbThis was accomplished by sacrificing enforcement of a python2.4-compatible python-support21:04
wgrantmaxb: Ah, that explains it.21:05
* wgrant continues the abandonment, and just patches trunk.21:05
maxbbtw, when you did the lucid python-defaults and python-support - did you just base them on lucid's own?21:05
maxbthere are some changes in my karmic versions which should be carried forward, I think21:06
wgrantmaxb: I just based them on Lucid's. What are the changes?21:07
maxbpython-support: Add Provides so that launchpad-dependencies can enforce a suitable version21:09
maxbpython-defaults: trigger bytecompile/linking for the older version when re-introducing support21:09
maxbI'll do some merging21:09
wgrantmaxb: Ah, that latter one is very handy.21:09
* wgrant hunts for a reviewer for https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~wgrant/meta-lp-deps/lp-soyuz-deps/+merge/1583621:16
maxbwgrant: Should I take your word for it that nothing sneakily uses germinate/devscripts other than soyuz?21:48
wgrantmaxb: Probably. A grep didn't find anything, but LP seems unhappy on Lucid so I can't run the tests.21:51
wgrantmaxb: Do you get "Error: Couldn't find a distribution for 'distribute'.21:52
wgrantbootstrap.py does that to me now :(21:52
maxbI've only managed to get my netbook onto lucid so far21:52
wgrantIt worked for a few days, but then broke.21:52
maxbI was planning to shuffle some partitions and try to update my laptop in the next few days21:52
=== Edwin-lunch is now known as EdwinGrubbs
wgrantmaxb: I've just kicked off an ec2test without launchpad-soyuz-dependencies, and I'll see if anything unexpected fials.22:06
wgrantOr maybe not. The instance just died silently.22:11
* mwhudson afk for lunch22:54
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