
=== bjf is now known as bjf-afk
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ograasac, so did you bring up your babbage already ?11:06
asacogra: yes and no ;) ... default image boots ... karmic image doesnt get really far11:08
asacneed to get serial adapter ;)11:08
asacbut i think karmic image is not supposed to work?11:09
ograit is11:09
ograand the others (i.e. JamieBennett, dyfet and plars ) use it11:09
asaci get splash11:09
ograand then ?11:09
asacin contrast to factory image the keyboard works11:10
asacbut it doesnt get further ... getting IO errors11:10
* ogra points to https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/mobile-lucid-une-casper-speedup11:10
ogragive it 5 min11:10
JamieBennettasac, works fine here11:10
ograIO errors ?11:10
asachmm. five minutes ;) ... i waited quite some time11:10
JamieBennettCF card problems?11:10
ograhow did you write the image to SD11:11
asacusing instructions on wiki11:11
ograyeah, that should just work11:11
* JamieBennett uses ImageWriter :)11:12
ograwhich way did you use to write the image ?11:12
ograimagewriter is essentially dd11:12
JamieBennettogra: yes11:12
JamieBennettbut prettier11:12
ograthough it doesnt use bs=16M11:12
ograno idea who added that11:12
ogratry witrhout the bs=16M11:12
ograbs=1024 is the default in imagewriter11:13
* ogra just checked the source11:13
asacok using bs=102411:14
ograwhat kind of SD is that ? (brand/model)11:15
asaconly thing the dealer had11:15
ograformer versions of the babbage (i.e. the B1) had probs with some cheapo SDs11:15
asacsandisk wasnt there ;)11:15
ograbut that should be fixed since 2.011:16
asachave to check when its not in my laptop11:16
persiaasac: You might want to hunt up the specs on the card.  I've found that using bs=${NATIVE_BLOCKSIZE} causes faster and more accurate writes.11:16
asaci think its Trans* something11:16
persiaTranscend probably11:16
ograbah, persia beats me :P11:16
asacsounds right11:16
* persia just happened to have a transchend box at eye-level11:17
* ogra doesnt think he has transcend around to test11:17
asacok at least i dont see any I/O error atm11:20
asacit says "writing IMID and MAP to secure the partition"11:21
asacogra: does that sound familiar?11:22
asacJamieBennett: ?11:22
JamieBennettasac: you have a serial adapter now?11:22
JamieBennettor is that on the screen11:23
asacno serial adapter11:23
asacneed to figure that during lunch i guess ;)11:23
JamieBennettThat should take around 90 seconds then it continues to boot11:23
asacnow i have like udevd.*worker.*failed...11:23
JamieBennettThat shouldn't happen ;)11:24
ograthats a kernel message11:24
asacyeah. seems it cannot handle the partitions somehow11:24
ograso your kernel boots :)11:24
ograthat partition thing belongs to an encryption device in the SoC11:24
ograjust ignore it, we dont use that device11:24
ograjust be patient :)11:24
* asac patient ;)11:25
asacok if this is right there is definitly room for improving the image experience ;)11:25
* ogra had patches to get that noisy messages away 11:26
asacno i got "stadin: I/O error"11:26
ograbut the kernel team refused11:26
asacstdin: I/O error11:26
asacnot sure if that is missing serial11:26
ografreescale likes to use KERN_CRIT where it only needs KERN_INFO in many areas11:27
asacwith my previous dd'ed image i only got those11:27
JamieBennettHave you tried another CF card to make sure its not that? Most of the problems seem to stem from some breakage there.11:27
asacwhats the md5sum of the .img file?11:27
asac297875d2a7531824a0fb08f241d33e85  ubuntu-9.10-desktop-armel+imx51.img11:28
asachmm seems right11:28
ograwhoops paste error11:28
asacanyone uses this without a serial console attached ;)?11:29
asacok got another SD out of the bag from same brand though ;)11:29
ograi never use a serial console if i dont have to11:30
asacthe other option would be to kill the windows CE sandisk thing that was delivered ;)11:30
ograand i only have to when i create new bootloader setups11:30
ograwindows CE ?11:30
ograwell, dd it off the SD11:30
asactwo SD things where there: linux ... and windows CE11:30
asachey... there even is a license ;)11:30
ograand overwrite the SD then11:30
ograyou can always dd it back11:31
ograand order some sandisk cards ;)11:31
asacif thats the reason11:31
ograyou dont have a mediamarkt around in hamburg ?11:31
asaci have11:31
ograthey usually have multiple brands11:31
asacalso saturn ;)11:31
ograthey too11:32
asacdo they have usb to serial adapters ;)?11:32
ograjust buy three different ones11:32
asacsure ... i wouldnt say that for saturn11:32
asacthey really have close to nothing11:32
asacnothing == everything that is too low level for main stream customer is missing11:32
ograwow, the kassel saturn seems to be better then11:33
persiaasac: That's just a call to change the needs of the "main stream consumer" :)11:33
ograyeah, just buy 10000 SD cards and you will change them11:34
persiaOr start a local digital photo group for students, and get them to buy cards (this costs a few hours a week, rather than money)11:35
ograyou mean saturn would give away the cards for free to students ?11:36
* ogra wonders how japan does business these days *g*11:36
persiaNo, but the students would pay rather than the instigator.11:36
asacthe other SD card worked ;)11:36
asacubuntu X is starting ;)11:37
persiaSaturn *might* give away cards, if it was part of some special program: I don't know enough about German tax provisions.11:37
asacsaturn is a rip-of-company ... say that they sell stuff cheap, but then you see the cheapest wireless router is 60 EUR11:37
asacwhile i get one at my dealer of same brand for 39 EUR11:37
ograasac, congrats !11:38
ograasac, install should take up to 1h11:38
ogradepending on the speed of your USB device11:38
JamieBennett(or more I have found)11:39
* ogra takes a break11:39
asachmm found out that the image kernel doesnt like my usb mass storage thing11:58
asacon x86 is fine with karmic kernel11:59
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asacdmart: you said initially you have some ideas about the mksquashfs issue? current bt is: http://paste.ubuntu.com/337345/16:24
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asacdmart: https://edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-mozilla-security/+archive/nss3.12.316:36
asacdmart: so you need to download the .deb files and force install them because the codec package (just something dloaded) isnt there for chromium16:39
asacof course all depends but chromium...-ffmpeg should get installed ;)16:40
ogradid you build that yesterday ?16:41
asaclet me check if that worked ;)16:42
asacnope. failied to build16:42
asacworked everywhere else, but arm as it seems16:43
asacogra: is that the same error we get on ffmpeg in archive?16:43
asacfno-signed-zeros        -c -o libavformat/oggparseogm.o libavformat/oggparseogm.c16:43
asacIn file included from libavformat/oggparseogm.c:27:16:43
asac./libavcodec/get_bits.h:93:2: error: invalid preprocessing directive #warn16:43
ograto be honest i havent looked at ffmprg yet16:45
ograpost A1 stuff :)16:45
asacogra: i think from the start of the call it felt like dmart had an idea on the mksquashfs thing ... lets wait what he says ;)16:46
asacogra: upgrading karmic image yields a Read-only file system error16:46
asacwhen flashing kernel16:47
asacis that known?16:47
asacis mounted rw from what i can see16:47
ograupgrading to what ?16:47
asacogra: just upgrading to karmic-security/-updates16:47
ograjust security fixes ?16:47
dmartI have no particular idea on mksquashfs yet, but I'd be intrested in reproducing the bug if you can give me a test case16:47
ogradmart, you have a pegatron nettop, right ?16:47
asacdmart: http://paste.ubuntu.com/337345/ thats the backtrace without symbols16:48
ogradmart, just create a lucid chroot ... chroot into it and run mksquashfs on any dir you like16:48
ograit will fail with SIGILL16:48
asacin some mutex stuff. though i doubt that pthread mutex can be broken completely16:48
asacbut ... we can something similar for dchroot on the porter box which is also a pegatron afaik16:49
asacbut not a sigill ;)16:49
asacdchroot -c lucid16:49
asacdchroot: pthread_mutex_lock.c:87: __pthread_mutex_lock: Assertion `mutex->__data.__owner == 0' failed.16:49
ograis your call over ?16:51
dmartasac, can you throw me a link to the Chromium build and logs?16:54
asacdmart: https://edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-mozilla-security/+archive/nss3.12.3/+packages16:54
asacdmart: you can access the build logs there16:54
asacdmart: ^^16:54
asacdmart: the .debs are on the +packages page16:55
asacjust the unfold the topmost build16:55
dmartOh, right.  "mozilla" confused me ;)16:55
asacwas the only place i had spare that has native ppa capabilities ;)16:55
asacwill get a better place16:55
asacogra: where is this "Flashing kernel..." done?17:03
asacFIS create failed.17:03
ogracreate ?17:03
ograwhat are you doing there ?17:03
asactriggers update-initramfs17:04
asacogra: i dist-upgraded ... kernel wants to update initramfs etc.17:04
ograupdate-initramfs calls flash-kernel17:04
asacthen it says "flashing kernel"17:04
asaci want to add debug statement to see which device it tries to write to17:04
asacbut found it in triggers now17:04
ograand flash-kernel replaces the initramfs in the existing fis17:04
ograthe device is defined in /etc/flash-kernel.conf17:04
ograas well as the offset and lenght17:05
asachmm its wrong17:05
asaci still have the sd card with installer in the first slot17:05
asacis that wrong?17:05
asacthe install SD card didnt boot on its own17:05
ograthe SD turns into a boot floppy17:05
ograafter install17:05
dmartasac, ogra: I tried running mksquashfs /etc etc.squash --- didn't crash for me.  Do I need a heavier test?17:06
ograit needs to stay where it was when you installed17:06
asacdmart: it only happens on pegatron lucid17:06
asacare you trying that?17:06
asacafaik it doesnt happen on babbage etc.17:06
asacogra: right. so the flash-kernel.conf is wrong ... unless thats the define it is supposed to be flashed to17:06
ogradmart, you need a lucid chroot and be chrooted and do all that on a nettop17:06
ograasac, what does it contain ?17:06
asacit contains mmm.*0 ... but the actual SD card the main install is on is mm.*117:07
asacyes thats what i have17:07
ograthats the default17:07
dmartogra, I'm doing that except in a Babbage2.0 board...  I'll try one of the nettops.17:07
asacbut the actual install is on mmcblk117:07
asacblk0 is the boot floppy thing ... which is read-only as it seems17:07
ograasac, not your bootloader17:07
asacso 0 is correct i guess17:07
asacwonder if all is lost now ;)17:08
ograit just doesnt use the new initramfs17:08
ogradid you lock the card physically ?17:08
asacright. thats why i want to shutdown now ... to check17:08
asacor is it safe to remove it while running ;)?17:08
ograyou can remove the "bootfloppy" any time you dont boot or run flash-kernel17:09
asacoh ok17:09
* ogra needs to go for dinner ...17:09
ograback soon17:09
asachmm removing and adding worked17:09
asaclet me try the trigger again17:10
asacok cool17:10
asacthe issue just flew away ;)17:10
* asac reboots and hopes that the mass storage thing is fixed in latest kernel17:10
dmartasac, ogra: OK, I see the mksquashfs bug now.  Weeeird, I wonder what's different from the other platforms :O17:29
asacdmart: how sure are we that the mutex stuff in libc is correctly ported?17:46
asaci couldnt even find the arm specific code for that on quick glance ... but then i looked in redhat libc - which isnt what we use anyway17:46
asachmm ... i constantly get complains about expired password17:50
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dmartogra, lool: ping18:39
ogradmart, yup18:40
dmartHi there... looks like I may have some info on the mksquashfs problem18:40
ograah, cool18:40
dmartmksquashfs contains a misaligned multi-register store instruction18:41
ogramisaligned in which way ?18:41
ograi mean it works with the right kernel18:41
dmartSTM with base register not a multiple of 4 (which might itself be due to a bug)18:42
dmartThe kernel traps and emulates certain kinds of misaligned memory access, but the emulation for Thumb is not complete in 2.6.2818:42
ograi find it significant that it only happens with the pegatron kernel18:42
dmartSo for "proper" karmic, it works18:43
dmartI think NCommander's error in GCC may have been similar18:43
ograwell, he used a karmic kernel iirc18:43
ograbut lucid userspace18:43
ojnWhy is it generated in the first place though, the toolchain should avoid it if it can right?18:44
ojn(misaligned stores, that is)18:44
dmartYeah, we'd have to check what NCommander was doing.18:45
dmartThe compiler should not generate misaligned stores, so either it's a compiler code gen bug, or a pointer is getting corrupted due to a C bug18:46
ograojn, the issue is with a 2.6.28 kernel that was compiled for ARMv5 and userspace tools that are v7, the userspce toold for squashfs are very closely connected to the kernel module18:46
ojnogra: Right, but like dmart says gcc should avoid operations with performance penalties such as trapped and emulated loads/stores.18:47
ograyeah, iondeed18:47
dmartThe SIGILL goes away with -O018:47
ogragood pointer18:48
dmartWhen you do something like int *p; *p = x; GCC knows ints are aligned and so can assume that p is properly aligned, but if p gets corrupted, this assumption may break18:49
asacogra: is the hardware clock supposed to work?19:37
asacfor bbg?19:37
asacseems mine always goes back to 1970 ... which then causes19:37
asacpassword for auto login to expire19:37
ogranote that the battery needs about 8h19:37
asacand autologin breaking19:37
ograwait until tomorrow, if it still doesnt work thats a 3.0 issue19:38
ograwe had issues on 2.5 but we solved them#19:38
asacwe solved them?19:40
asacso its not battery related?19:40
asaci remember something sourrounding hwclock by scott19:40
ograthere were battery related and non battery related issues19:40
asache basically broke my laptop to always bail out when it got a power off shutdown19:41
ograthe battery related ones pointed out that you need to run the board for 8h first19:41
ograwe solved the non battery related ones though19:41
asacok. so really running or just with power plugged in?19:41
ograits the kernel, not the hwclock userspce proggy19:41
ograit can well be that the 3.0 hwclock driver isnt fully functional19:42
asacwhy do we ask for password renewal at all?19:42
ograsince we didnt have 3.0 boards to even test19:42
asachow can i turn that off for now? is that a gdm config?19:42
asaci didnt even change the clock. but still it resets to time=0 all the time19:42
asacand logging in becomes highly painful ;)19:42
ograhow do you restart ?19:42
asaceven sudo19:42
ogrado you power off the board completely ?19:43
asacthis time i restarted as pusing the installer button19:43
asacpreviously i also powered off completely19:43
ograand are you sure the clock is at 1970 ?19:43
asacyes. 1st jan 197019:43
ograwe had an issue where the board set the clock to something like 1939 ...19:43
asac2:38am now19:43
asac(probably 1:38 sincei started it)19:43
ograwhich nohting could cope with (pre epoch)19:43
asaclet me check on terminal. i only look at gnome clock atm19:44
JamieBennettogra: it had problems with passwords too19:44
asacyes its 1st jan 197019:44
asacand gets reset on reboot19:44
JamieBennettyup, sounds right19:44
asacso not even full power cycle19:44
asacis needed19:44
ograone thing to make sure the clock is right is to use ethernet :)19:44
asacJamieBennett: ogra says it needs to be 8h power on19:44
ograntpdate runs on ifup19:44
asacthough i cannot see how a quick power off needs a full 8h19:44
asacits just for a minute or two off19:45
ograbut the battery doent have the needed voltage yet19:45
asachmm. i didnt brin gup network for install this time19:45
JamieBennettasac: mine has been plugged in for more than 8hrs, whats the betting it keeps its time?19:45
ograit needs to be at 2.6V or some such19:45
asacJamieBennett: my guess is that it will get reset ;)19:45
asacogra might want to bet against ;)19:45
ograwell, in any case ntpdate fixes it ... so ethernet on boot helps a lot19:46
JamieBennettor just set the time ;)19:46
ograno, i wouldnt bet on anything for a board i have never seen :)19:46
* JamieBennett goes to check19:46
ograi can only talk about B2.519:46
asacthe password is too simple thing is also just annoying ;)19:46
asacogra: you saw a pic ;)19:46
ograand i know we had massive issues with the hwclock driver during karmic ... but for the 2.5 they were solved19:46
ograasac, there was no arrow pointing to the RTC chip on it !19:47
ograhow am i supposed to know it works without that !19:47
* ogra needs arrows on pics19:48
asacits super annoying19:48
asaci have to change password everytime i run sudo19:48
ograplug in ethernet19:48
asaci am online ;)19:49
asacoh right19:49
asacthats the reason why19:49
asaci just got beamed to present ;)19:49
asachow can i disable this shitty password expiry feature ;)?19:49
* asac checks passwd19:49
ograits a bug in shadow19:49
ograand i'm sure it was fixed once so it doesnt ask for passwords if it recognizes that timestamp19:50
asacits a bug that we have it enabled at all?19:50
ograprobably the patch got lost19:50
ograyes imho19:50
ogratalk to colin, i think he applied the patch back sometime between hardy and jaunty19:50
ogra(it was my bug actually, but i didnt do the fix)19:51
asaclets see if setting --maxdays=0 helps19:51
ograjust make sure to have the ethernet cable plugged in on boot :)19:53
asaclet me setup nm to startup wifi on boot19:54
asaceth is just too spartanic ;)19:54
ograits reliable ...19:55
ograno microwaves can interfere19:55
asacmy microwave fried itself a year ago ... never got a new one ;)20:28
kblinbut how do you melt chocolate then?20:29
ftaasac, did you copy the codecs just yet?20:48
asacfta: not yet. shall i?20:53
asaclast time i looked they were 15h old20:53
ftathat's ok, it's the one20:54
asacnot sure if those are the bits i should give a spin20:54
* asac checks20:54
asacfta:  chromium-codecs-ffmpeg - 0.5+svn20091208r34028-0ubuntu1~ucd120:55
asacplease confirm so i dont waste built time ;)20:55
ftayes, correct20:55
asacok let me copy existing binaries so it doesnt steal amd64 time20:56
asacok copied20:56
asacand failed to copy binaries ;)20:56
asachmmm ... instantly got a buildd20:57
asacodd scheduling20:57
=== asac_ is now known as asac
asacdyfet: did you manage to get the strace and backtrace for chromium?21:38
asacwould be really helpful ;)21:38
asacfta: no luck: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/36600814/buildlog_ubuntu-lucid-armel.chromium-codecs-ffmpeg_0.5%2Bsvn20091208r34028-0ubuntu1~ucd1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz21:44
ftaasac, hm, grr, thanks, will have a look22:04
ftafighting to setup a beta channel ppa right now22:05
dyfetasac: it died in the strace, somewhere on a poll, just froze, long before any window opened, so it did not seem to go through the actual crash22:12
dyfetbut I can send you that file right now22:13
asacplese not in my email ;)22:15
asacfta: i can fix it by adding -fPIC22:15
asacjust tried22:15
asacby accing $(PIC) to CFLAGS in common.mak actually22:15
asacby adding22:15
dyfetit wasnt that long before strace...stopped...but if you have a new build, I could try that right now22:15
asacnot sure if that would break anything somewhere ese22:16
asacdyfet: we have a lucid build. have you been trying that?22:16
asacdyfet: without strace ... do you see it start?22:16
asacdyfet: i assume you directed the strace output in a file?22:16
dyfetno on karmic.  Without strace, it starts, opens the main window, then has the pure virtual function call error and dies22:16
dyfetwith strace, it just "stops" on a poll call it cannot seem to print out completely...22:17
ftaasac, with the sumo change, i will no longer use the upstream build system (autoconf) but use the gyp file provided by chromium, so it has their own optimizations22:17
asacfta: when is sumo change?22:18
ftaasac, not today22:19
asacclose, far ?22:19
ftanot much, i have http://codereview.chromium.org/463050/show and i need http://code.google.com/p/gyp/issues/detail?id=11922:26
ftathe 1st just landed, the 2nd is in progress22:27
asacfta: also: libavcodec/get_bits.h:93:2: warning: #warning TODO - secure this against read overrun23:09
asaclibavcodec/aac.c: In function 'aac_decode_frame':23:09
asaclibavcodec/aac.c:1634: error: 'GetBitContext' has no member named 'index'23:09
asacafter fPIC23:10
asacthat seems to be some code path that is usually not used ... :/23:10
asacguess the gyp thing might help here23:10
ftathe TODO is from a patch23:10
asacthat patch is probably bogus23:10
asacwhere did you get that from?23:10
asachmm which patch ;)23:11
asaci thought i found it at some point. now i dont see it23:11
asacdont see that this patch introduces that issue23:12
asacits really that ALT_BITSTREAM_READER23:12
asacis probably set usually23:13
asacbut here we have some other reader23:13
asacah ... so my patch about right23:14
asacthey do it for other ->index refereces too23:14
asacdyfet: so did you direct the output of strace to a file rather than to stdout/err?23:17
asacok and that stalled still?23:23
asachmm. maybe try just strace -eopen -f ...23:23
asacthat doesnt dump that many data23:23
asacand the gdb/bt ?23:23
asacalso to no success?23:24
asacdyfet: ?23:24
dyfetthat I can still do also23:24
dyfetI thought you had asked me not too :)23:24
asacno. i wanted strace first ;)23:25
asacbut since that failed we reach for the other straw ;)23:25
asacdyfet: we want to understand whats going on ... sudo apt-get install -f ... what does that suggest you?23:26
asaconly complaining aobut the ffmpeg things missing?23:26
dyfetYes.  They were the chromium version of ffmpeg it was complaining about23:27
asaconly that?23:27
asacsure you have everything else?23:27
dyfetabout to check23:28
dyfet  Package chromium-codecs-ffmpeg is not installed.23:29
dyfet  Package chromium-codecs-ffmpeg-nonfree is not installed.23:29
dyfetand strace so far is still not being very friendly...23:31
dyfetI can run it but if I go anywhere, I get a sad face and a pure virtual method called.  But if I use strace, it never even comes up to an initial screen...23:34
dyfetI am adding dbg package now23:34
dyfetasac: its taking its time coming up with gdb...23:37
dyfetasac: https://pastebin.canonical.com/25504/23:45
asacdoesnt work i guess23:45
asacfta: ^^ ... does the armv7 switch enable neon?23:45
dyfetnope. doesnt seem to...23:46
asaclooked in chromium sure?23:46
dyfetI did not snag your sources at the time, only the debs...23:47
rcn-eeasac, add -mfpu=neon23:47
asacwhats the current default?23:49
asachmm seems that is bogus i guess23:49
ftaarmv7==1 sets the following:23:50
fta                      '-march=armv7-a',23:50
fta                      '-mtune=cortex-a8',23:50
fta                      '-mfpu=neon',23:50
fta                      '-mfloat-abi=softfp',23:50
asacyes. i think =neon is bad23:50
asacfta: i see that ffmpeg in chromium source already has a gyp23:51
asacso its already done there?23:51
asacok .... so we need to remove the =neon somewhere23:52
asacseems there is no way around a quick and dirty patch23:52
asacwell there is, but not quickly :)23:52
asac-march=armv7-a -mthumb -mfpu=vfpv3-d16 -mfloat-abi=softfp -Wa,-mimplicit-it=thumb23:52
ftabuild/common.gypi but you might want to file a bug and explain why it's bad, i know nothing about =neon23:52
asacthats what we use by default23:52
fta-Wa,-mimplicit-it=thumb is set when arm_thumb == 123:53
asacneon is not available on all armv723:53
asaci actually think we just want what we have set by default23:53
asacmaybe we should just build without armv723:54
asaclet me kill the build and try that  over night23:54
asacffmpeg builds now23:54
asacthough there seem to be switches somewhere that made it fail without armv723:55
asacimo the CFLAGS should get decoupled from that switch somehow23:55
asacfta: so i added CFLAGS = -fPIC -DPIC to rules (for armel most likely - not sure why there only)23:59
asacand i added this patch:23:59

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