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bcurtiswxBUGabundo1: got a few free minutes to help me out00:53
bcurtiswxBUGabundo: got a few free minutes to help me out00:53
BUGabundoa few00:54
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nigel_nbhggdh: are you around?14:19
nigel_nbcan someone wishlist bug 493973 for me please14:19
ubot4Launchpad bug 493973 in evolution "evolution can't send messages using smtp.gmail.com with default gmail settings" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/49397314:19
hggdhnigel_nb: hi, -- not being a bother, but why do you think it is a wish (*I* know why *I* would think so, but... changes in status and importance should have a comment)14:31
mac_vpedro_: hi.. when a bug which was earlier present , but seems solved by an unknown fix... should it be marked "fix released" or "invalid" ?14:31
mac_vjust asking , since the stock responses has such unknown fixes to me marked as "invalid"14:32
nigel_nbhggdh: I understand the bug and its a minor and * genuine * feature request (which should be filed upstream, which I'm doing now)14:32
nigel_nbits not causing any problems, just the user needs to do it manually14:32
pedro_mac_v, invalid is ok in that particular case14:33
mac_vpedro_: so should i change this to invalid > Bug #413729 ?14:36
ubot4Launchpad bug 413729 in f-spot "f-spot.exe crashed with signal 5 in _XError()" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41372914:36
* mac_v gets confused , since seb128 marks them fix released and a few others mark them invalid... :(14:37
pedro_mac_v, don't bother about those closed reports14:37
nigel_nbhggdh: so, am I correct?14:37
mac_vpedro_: ah.. ok.. thanks .. but in future such bugs are to be marked 'invalid' ?14:38
pedro_mac_v, if the bug was "fixed" by an unknown way, yes, set those to invalid14:38
pedro_often people reboot their machine and the bug is fixed14:38
pedro_or for what ever other reason, marking those as invalid is ok14:39
mac_vpedro_: if fixed by an update?14:39
pedro_fix released14:39
mac_vah ok14:39
seb128mac_v, I tend to use fix released when a new version fix the issue14:39
seb128and invalid when it magically went away after a restart or on next try14:40
mac_vah... got it14:40
nigel_nbpedro_: you're the contact for evolution?14:52
pedro_nigel_nb, i'm getting the email for the bugs upstreamed there, that'd be a yes14:52
nigel_nbpedro_: ah, just forwarded an enhancement request upstream14:53
hggdhnigel_nb: done14:53
nigel_nbsaw your name come up :)14:53
hggdhnigel_nb: yes, you are correct. But we have to comment on status/importance changes14:53
hggdhpoor pedro_ would really like somebody else to get Evo ;-)14:54
pedro_btw I moved the bug to Triaged, since nigel_nb sent it upstream14:54
nigel_nbpedro_: you want some help on evo? I could help14:55
hggdhoh, I updated in between, I guess14:55
nigel_nbI sort of started liking upstream gnome :)14:55
hggdhsee you all this evening (US central time evening)14:56
pedro_nigel_nb, sure! help is always welcome :-)14:56
pedro_nigel_nb, if you want to send some upstream there's a few on evolution just search for bugs that need to be forwarded upstream in the advanced search14:57
pedro_there's ~10 that need to be confirmed by someone getting the issue and then be send upstream to the Gnome BTS14:57
nigel_nbI'll look into it now :)14:58
pedro_cool! gracias!15:00
nigel_nbpedro_: how do I search by package?15:01
pedro_nigel_nb, what do you mean?15:02
nigel_nbI got it15:02
nigel_nbI wanted to search for evolution, figured it ot15:03
nigel_nbpedro_: 403682, reported upstream, change status15:29
pedro_bug 40368215:29
ubot4Launchpad bug 403682 in evolution "Some attached emails (ie MIME digest) are empty when downloaded from IMAP" [Low,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40368215:29
pedro_done thank nigel_nb15:31
hggdhbddebian: boo ;-)15:43
bddebianBoo too :)15:51
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nigel_nbpedro_: other upstream forwardable bugs, I'm not sure if I can confirm... :(15:58
pedro_nigel_nb, no problem, thanks for working on those! :-)15:59
nigel_nbhappy to be of help :)15:59
pedro_hola bdmurray16:00
nigel_nbhello bdmurray :)16:00
andresmujicahola a todos!  hi everyone !16:01
bdmurraySo, its that time of the month ... for the bug squad meeting!16:01
andresmujicahi bdmurray hi pedro_16:01
thekornhey bugsquad!16:01
andresmujicahi thekorn16:02
bdmurrayI don't see micahg...16:02
bdmurraySo we'll skip the first two things in the agenda until he shows16:03
bdmurrayMoving on we have "Documented policy for revision of Wiki pages. Some of them need revamp but seems most are unsure of how to go about it."  -- cyan-spam16:04
bdmurrayWhile I don't think they are present I think there is enough information to discuss this16:04
yofelhi folks16:04
thekornhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/BugSquad/Meeting  -- for the reference ;)16:05
bdmurrayI'm personally subscribed to most of the wiki pages I care about16:05
bdmurrayso I'd prefer people just edit them however, from changes of wide scope I like what qsense did with e-mailing the bugsquad16:06
bdmurrayer for changes16:06
bdmurrayAdditionally, I believe there was one issue where pages contradicted each other or it was not clear which page was correct.16:06
bdmurrayIn that case again e-mailing the bug squad for clarification on a policy makes the most sense to me.16:07
bdmurrayAre other ideas on that topic?16:07
bdmurrayAny - even!16:07
pedro_indeed that's the best way to go16:08
yofelwell, I mostly agree that the ML would be the best place to discuss propsed changes to the wiki16:08
yofeland for direct questions we have this channel16:08
bdmurrayyofel: ah, yes that's a good point16:09
andresmujicasubscribing the ML to the bugsquad wiki pages could work too, or would it be just too much noise??16:09
bdmurrayandresmujica: that's an interesting idea as if a policy changed everyone would be notified too16:10
yofelnot if ediors use the 'trivial change' checkbox when needed16:10
yofelbdmurray: +116:10
thekornmaybe we can just give this subscribe ML to wike pages idea a try for a few month16:11
bdmurrayOkay, I see 2 actions to do then.  1) Publicize wiki editing policy.  2) Check with mailing list regarding subscribing to wiki pages.16:11
bdmurrayI can take #1 any volunteers for #2?16:12
* hggdh is still trying to load the wiki page :-(16:12
hggdhbdmurray: I am not sure I understand #216:13
hggdhoh, wait16:14
bdmurraypropose that the bugsquad mailing list be subscribe to "key" wiki pages and run a trial of it16:14
hggdhyes. As usual, I am slow16:14
bdmurrayor I'm vague ;-)16:14
hggdhI can do it16:14
bdmurrayhggdh: awesome, thanks!16:14
bdmurrayAre there any other topics for the meeting?16:15
* hggdh apart from the additionals, no, AFAICU16:16
bdmurrayhggdh: additionals?16:16
pedro_yes, just one16:16
pedro_well from me at least16:16
pedro_I'm looking for people to help to organize the next bug days16:16
hggdhdefining a roadmap, single use apport, etc16:16
pedro_that means , the one for this week and the next one16:17
bdmurrayhggdh: right, however micahg isn't here :-(16:17
pedro_so if you want to help: just drop your name on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBugDay/Planning16:17
hggdhpedro_: I am not really available right now (taking time unpaid to be here), otherwise I would be there16:17
pedro_so we can start to coordinate16:17
pedro_also, we're looking for a target for the next week16:17
pedro_so if you have *any* idea don't be shy and add it to the wiki page16:18
bdmurraypedro_: the no package bugs are quite out of hand16:18
pedro_also put your name on the organizers section so we can make sure you're going to help with that task too16:18
pedro_bdmurray, yes and those bug days are always a total success16:19
pedro_hggdh, no worries, you're having a lot over your plate right now :-)16:19
* pedro_ hugs hggdh16:19
* hggdh blushes, and hugs pedro_ back16:20
pedro_ok that's all i got from here16:20
bdmurraypedro_: okay, thanks!16:20
thekornI think this daily PPA topic is an important one to discuss, what are the plan for daily PPAs and how is managing bugs in this packages planned?16:20
hggdhthe apport one-run (force_start=1) has just been resolved via an update to Karmic16:21
hggdhthanks goes to micahg for it16:21
bdmurrayhggdh: can you elaborate?16:21
hggdhapport would not start single-time on karmic due to the change to upstart16:22
hggdhLucid was fixed, and micahg prepared a debdiff for Karmic -- and pitti approved and uploaded it yesterday16:22
bdmurrayah, thanks to micahg then!16:22
hggdhbut, now, back to dailies16:23
hggdhI think this is more complex than it seems16:23
hggdhbut is extremely needed -- more so given all the blueprints we had at UDS16:23
bdmurrayI'd proposed an idea at https://lists.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bugcontrol/msg00496.html16:25
bdmurrayI'm not sure why that thread is on the bugcontrol mailing list but whatever16:25
hggdhbdmurray: I think it is because we are the ones to set it INVALID16:26
thekornok, so the proposal is: marking them all (by tagging and modifieing the title) but closing most of them16:27
bdmurrayright unless there is a well known call for testing16:27
thekornonly letting the one open which are part of a public announced testing iniative of a big ubuntu team16:28
hggdhand then the owners can search for their packages. The only issue is it is not easy to search for INVALID (must go to advanced/extended/whatever)16:28
bdmurraybut its still possible16:29
thekorndamn, yeah16:29
bdmurrayand maybe we could make a launchpadlib script to make it easier for them16:29
hggdhgood idea16:29
hggdhperhaps a slightly smaller name ;-)16:30
thekornyeah, exactly16:31
hggdhTHAT'S better. Go for broke16:31
bdmurraytab completion!16:31
hggdhso we would need to (1) update the wiki (2) get the .py, (3) publish16:32
bdmurrayand announce the policy16:32
hggdhgetting the py is not a critical path, though, just makes life easier16:32
hggdhso, 4 actions, the announcement being the last. Volunteers?16:33
bdmurrayand maybe make a standard response that modifies ppa reports appropriately16:33
hggdh5 actions16:33
bdmurrayand... ;-)16:33
hggdhyou mentees, this is a point where you can get your hands dirty ;-)16:34
bdmurrayI'll do 4 and 516:34
thekornhey micahg16:34
thekornI can do (2) over the next weekend16:35
hggdhmorning micahg16:35
nigel_nbanyone asked for volunteer mentees?16:35
hggdhthanks, thekorn16:35
micahghi thekorn hggdh16:35
* hggdh has16:35
nigel_nbI volunteer though u'll have to tell me what about16:35
hggdhnigel_nb: we will help16:35
nigel_nbhggdh: I'm in16:35
hggdhbdmurray: where would we publish it? lp-improvements?16:36
bdmurrayhggdh: item 2 should likely be put in ubuntu-qa-tools and pointed to from the wiki and announcement16:36
bcurtiswx_announcement of????16:37
hggdhok, makes sense. We can assume it will be there16:37
hggdhabd prepare the wiki accordingly16:37
bdmurrayannouncement of the policy regarding ppa bug reports16:37
thekornhmm, we cannot address (2) aka the script yet, easiliy and with good performance16:37
bcurtiswx_ah, for now we've been invalidating them16:37
hggdhthekorn: what gives?16:37
thekornthe API has no way to search for tasks of a user16:38
thekornmeans:  launchpad.people ["thekorn"].searchTasks()16:38
thekornis not working16:38
bdmurraywe can hash this out later but I'd imagined it would search for package bugs tagged ppa16:38
thekornhaha, ok16:39
thekornyeah, that's easy16:39
hggdhand with a given pacakge16:39
bdmurrayokay, so micahg is here!16:39
thekornthis smells a bit like bughelper ;)16:39
micahgsorry I was late16:39
micahgdid you get through all the items on the agenda already?16:40
hggdhthekorn: it does indeed...16:40
bdmurraymicahg: no problem since we only have 20 minutes are any of your items more pressing?16:40
bdmurraymicahg: we covered wiki page editing policy and bugs for daily ppas16:40
micahgwhat was the decision for PPAs if I may ask16:40
hggdhwe will be following https://lists.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bugcontrol/msg00496.html for now16:41
micahgok, that sounds good16:41
micahgcan we make a list of packages that PPA bugs are allowed for?16:42
micahgon the wiki16:42
hggdhand we will change the wiki to reflect that, a .py will be written to facilitate the search, published on the qa-tools, and an announcement made16:42
hggdhmicahg: I would expect this will be part of the wiki changes16:43
bdmurraymicahg: that makes sense16:43
micahgok, yeah, perfecrt16:43
hggdhas long as there are few such cases16:43
thekornbut this is not a static list, right?16:43
hggdhI do not see it as static. Probably a subpage16:43
thekornso there can be short "official" testing periods for some packages16:44
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hggdhmicahg: what did you mean with "how to connect upstream bugs in LP"?16:46
micahgwell, I was wondering about bugs that their upstream uses LP for bug tracking16:46
hggdhah, good one16:47
hggdhbdmurray: how do we deal with upstream-at-LP? Do we still open an Ubuntu bug and an Upstream one? Does it even make sense?16:48
thekornI don't get it, maybe I'm too slow, as usual ;)16:48
bdmurrayhggdh: it depends on the upstream.  for ubiquity and update-manager no16:48
bdmurrayhggdh: for terminator or something used by another distribution yes16:49
andresmujicahmm, i believe that usually the upstream has a project inside LP, so is a matter to add a task for the project and for the ubuntu package16:49
bdmurrayandresmujica: yes16:49
hggdhso ubiquity bugs should be open against which?16:49
hggdh(for example)16:49
bdmurrayhggdh: only the Ubuntu package not the project16:49
hggdhdo we have a list of these packages? It would help, I think16:50
andresmujicabug 42210116:50
ubot4Launchpad bug 422101 in ubiquity "initramfs-tools package seems to fail postinstall on armel" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42210116:50
bdmurrayspeaking of an awesome thing to do would be to review https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/update-manager and open ubuntu tasks16:50
andresmujicathis could be an example16:50
micahgso we open an upstream task vs bug?16:50
mvobdmurray: great idea!16:51
bdmurraymvo: and maybe disable bug filing when finished?16:51
thekornargh, this "hot bugs" overview sucks, I thought for one seconds update-manager only has 10 open bugs ;)16:51
bdmurrayso generally speaking there should be a bug opened against the upstream project unless they are Ubuntu only packages like ubiquity and update-manager16:53
bdmurrayThere is no list of those packages that I know of16:53
thekornwhat is the reason for this exception?16:54
bdmurraythe package doesn't exist anywhere else and its just extra work to close the upstream task16:55
thekornit complicates everything, and I personally don't see the positive outcome16:55
bdmurrayI believe that ideally the project wouldn't allow bug filing / use lp for bug tracking16:55
micahgbdmurray: that can be set by the project owner16:56
thekornno ideally launchpad would also close "upstream" tasks when sth. like (LP: #123456) is found in changelogs16:56
micahgthekorn: that doesn't make sense as we might have a patch that upstream doesn't16:57
thekornhmm, good point16:58
micahgbdmurray: if those project are set for no bug tracking, a note should be on the project homepage to use the ubuntu package for bug tracking16:59
micahgalso, what if another distro wants to adopt one of those packages as well16:59
bdmurraymicahg: well, to use 'ubuntu-bug packagename' ;-)16:59
bdmurraymicahg: well, then bug filing would be allowed again17:00
micahgbdmurray: ok17:00
micahgas we're out of time, I just wanted to make a quick note the single apport crash reports is fixed in -proposed17:01
micahgfor karmic17:01
thekornI think any policy makes sense here, as long as this policy is explained and announced somewhere17:01
bdmurraymicahg: hggdh told us - that's outstanding!17:01
micahgI'm assuming it's ok to ask people to enable -proposed for the moment to generate the crash report17:02
hggdhmicahg: the only thing is -proposed *may* be dangerous generically17:02
hggdhprobably not, though, one hopes17:03
bdmurraywell, it shouldn't be but yes ;-)17:03
micahgso we should wait until it reaches -updates before asking then?17:03
bdmurrayI'm sure we can get the sru verification fast tracked17:03
hggdhwe can fast-track it, yes17:03
hggdhmicahg: what was the bug #?17:03
micahgbug 47651317:04
ubot4Launchpad bug 476513 in apport "/etc/default/apport comment outdated" [Low,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/47651317:04
bdmurrayThanks everyone!17:07
hggdham I still here?17:08
micahghggdh: yep17:08
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* micahg goes to read the beginning of the meeting17:09
hggdhoh, OK. bloody wifi is slow as molasses (but then what could I expect from wardriving?)17:09
thekornalos freenode is on fire today ;)17:09
thekornok, thanks everybody17:10
thekornI'll write down some mmeting notes later today, ok?17:10
hggdhsince this early morning (about 0900 UTC)17:10
hggdhthekorn: thank you17:10
micahgah, all caught up17:11
hggdhyeee another netsplit17:15
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mvobdmurray: (sorry for the delay) - yes, disabling upstream tasks of u-m is a great idea17:24
bdmurraymvo: no problem, thanks for getting back to me17:24
nperrybug #49338417:40
ubot4Launchpad bug 493384 in nvidia-graphics-drivers-173 "xorg crashes at start with nvidia drivers. Karmic Koala. Nvidia Drivers." [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/49338417:40
nigel_nb_hggdh: meeting is over?17:40
nperryWhats the best next step17:40
nigel_nb_I think i missed the ending due to netsplits17:41
hggdhnigel_nb_: yes, it is over. freenode is having a lot of netsplits, it seems17:41
nigel_nb_hggdh: aw, too bad, anyway what did I volunteer for?17:43
nigel_nb_I got split after that17:43
hggdhnigel_nb_: heh. You volunteered to update the wiki pages abou how we will deal (at least for now) with PPA bugs17:43
hggdhnigel_nb_: and thank you, BTW17:44
nigel_nb_hggdh: okay, that connects with the link the lists.launchpad mailing list, correct?17:44
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hggdhyes -- partially. We need to state that all PPA bugs (except for a list of them) will (1) be tagged PPA; (2) have the title prepended with [PPA]; set to INVALID17:45
nigel_nb_hggdh: why are we setting to invalid?17:46
nigel_nb_so what the author can deal with it?17:46
hggdhbecause they are not real Ubuntu bugs -- an Ubuntu bug is a bug in an official Ubuntu package17:46
hggdhat the same time, we cannot leave then off, given all the push to PPA usage17:47
hggdhbut LP still does not support PPA bugs17:47
nigel_nb_so we mark them invalid, but tag them and prepend PPA so that the authors can look for it or a script can be generated for them, correct?17:47
hggdhdevelopment will provide us with a list of PPA packages that are to be accepted (packages in transition/turmoil, like -- say -- X video drivers). We expect this list to be dynamic17:49
nigel_nb_okay :)17:49
nigel_nb_so where should I update?17:49
hggdhwhat you can do, if you want: look at the wiki bugsquad/bugs pages, and find where this could be put; suggest a change, and -- so that you will not feel roasting alone -- show us the changes17:50
hggdhand we will discuss, change, propose, accept in group17:50
nigel_nb_suggest a change on the mailing list?17:51
hggdhyou can, if you wish. Or propose here, if no response, then ML17:51
hggdhhere, via pastebin, for example17:52
hggdhor a temp page showing the changes17:52
nigel_nb_I'll do it on my sandbox17:52
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WazzzaaaHey, I have a bug in Karmic17:53
Wazzzaaabug #46065417:53
ubot4Launchpad bug 460654 in linux "speakers don't mute when plugging in a headphone" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/46065417:53
hggdhthank you. If in doubt, ask. We will be more than happy to help. And we are very happy you volunteered :-)17:53
WazzzaaaI'm willing to do some research in finding the cause of this bug.. But I do not know where to start17:53
hggdhWazzzaaa: I am sorry, I personally do not do sound, but perhaps somebody else here does17:55
Wazzzaaaok :)17:55
WazzzaaaIm a programmer, and Im even willing to fix this bug if I can find it. Do you have pointer to sites which I can read ?17:56
nigel_nb_Wazzzaaa: it is a known issue17:56
nigel_nb_I believe the audio team will get back to you on that one17:56
Wazzzaaahehe, I hope it is fixed in lucid17:57
nigel_nb_I think it will be fixed in the next kernel relesae17:57
Wazzzaaaok, is it a kernel issue?17:58
nigel_nb_no, its a alsa issue17:58
nigel_nb_what make is your laptop?17:58
Wazzzaaamake?   it is a desktop...18:10
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nigel_nb_Wazzzaaa: daniel knows the details, dont worry he'll look into it when he gets time18:17
nigel_nb_he's kinda over worked, so dont worry if it takes time18:17
Wazzzaaaok, I'll idle here...18:18
Wazzzaaathnx voor the help18:18
* BUGabundo is back18:41
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macoumm im confused. what does openafs have to do with bug 453365 ?22:04
ubot4Launchpad bug 453365 in dkms "dkms should start before gdm if needed for video driver" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/45336522:04
micahgmaco: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/dkms/+bug/453365/comments/922:07
ubot4Launchpad bug 453365 in dkms "dkms should start before gdm if needed for video driver" [Undecided,In progress]22:07
macomicahg: oh. ok. i should click through instead of just going by bugmail i guess...22:08
macoi was just going "openafs... video... what?"22:08
macomicahg: thanks. and sorry22:08
micahgyep :), each task says who opened it, so you can look for their comment22:08

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