
dpicyeah, i think most people are understanding and supportive00:00
rickspencer3we also discussed games and a few other things, like bringing pitivi onto the CD00:00
dpicrickspencer3: thanks, watching the video and found the logs: http://ubottu.com/uds-logs/%23ubuntu-uds-riogrande.log00:06
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dpicrickspencer3: also, has the name "Software Center" been discussed? Most users see software as a technical term and say "App"00:22
rickspencer3dpic, it has been discussed to the extreme00:23
rickspencer3it's not "App" because you can get some things in it that aren't apps (like codecs)00:23
dpicah, understood00:23
rickspencer3I'm not advocating this, just passing along the info00:23
dpicstill think that was a bad move =]00:23
dpicnew users aren't going to care about that, or know the difference00:24
dpicwe don't need to be overly technical00:24
rickspencer3you can ask mpt for details, but I think this is an area that has been "adequately dicussed" ;)00:24
dpicyeah haha00:24
rickspencer3not saying I disagree with you ... just I'm not driving that naming, and I'm not reopening the issue :P00:24
fagan_dpic: http://blip.tv/file/287610900:33
fagan_Thats the UDS session about this ^00:33
dpicright, i've been watching00:34
chrisccoulsonkklimonda - i've just tested your transmission update, and it all seems ok00:41
chrisccoulsoni'll push to BZR now, but probably wait until after alpha 1 to upload now00:41
* fagan_ will test it when it lands00:41
chrisccoulsonfagan_ - test transmission?00:42
chrisccoulsonit will be in bzr in about 30 seconds00:42
fagan_ah ill wait till its in the repo00:42
fagan_no rush because no one is using lucid yet00:43
chrisccoulsoni'd probably disagree with that, seeing as we get bug reports from people using lucid already ;)00:43
fagan_Im on lucid00:43
chrisccoulsoni'm on karmic, with a lucid VM00:44
chrisccoulsoni can't run lucid when i only own 1 computer, and my girlfriend needs to use this too :-/00:44
chrisccoulsoni need to get myself a netbook00:44
fagan_I want to get an always innovating touch book00:44
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johanbrkenvandine, are you around?04:14
kenvandinejohanbr, yup04:14
kenvandinejohanbr, what's up?04:14
johanbrsince you seem to be Ubuntu's main empathy/telepathy guy...04:14
johanbrhave you seen the music sharing plugin for rhythmbox?04:15
johanbrif so, do you have an opinion on that?04:15
kenvandinei haven't really looked at it04:30
kenvandinedoes it use tubes?04:30
kenvandinegot a link?04:31
johanbrit worked for me when I tested, but I haven't played with it much04:31
johanbrdoes seem like a cool thing to have though, provided that it works well enough04:32
kenvandinei'll take a look04:34
johanbrthank you for looking :)04:34
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robert_ancellkenvandine, hey, I have a note here that I was going to help you with something but I don't have what.  Is there anything you are expecting from me?05:53
didrockshey robert_ancell06:59
robert_ancelldidrocks, hey06:59
didrockshow is your OEM journey? ;)06:59
robert_ancelldidrocks, slowly transferring over.  Got a Dell mini today to test with07:00
didrocksoh, nice toy07:00
pittiGood morning07:22
didrocksGuten Morgen pitti07:29
pittibonjour didrocks07:34
didrockslut baptistemm07:42
baptistemmsalut didrocks07:44
baptistemmso you're going to work for ubuntu?N07:45
didrocksbaptistemm: I'm already working on ubuntu from a long time as part of the community :) but if you mean working at Canonical, indeed, you're right :)07:55
baptistemmcool for you, you deserve it07:55
didrocksthanks a lot :)07:56
pittididrocks: thank you for fixing stracciatella-session!07:59
didrockspitti: you're welcome :)07:59
tjaaltonwhat's up with gdm? all I get is a blank screen with the mouse cursor08:01
baptistemmtjaalton, this is the price to pay to run a development version08:09
pittitjaalton: does it start at all?08:09
tjaaltonpitti: now it works. had to reboot08:10
tjaaltonafter dist-upgrade my mouse&kbd didn't work after a logout, so rebooted. that dropped it in failsafe08:10
tjaaltonand that didn't work at all, so maybe the hw was confused and refused to work without a new reboot08:11
tjaaltonbaptistemm: quite aware of that, trying to minimize the damage here ;)08:11
pittiKeybuk: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/20091208/lucid-desktop-i386.manifest -> no hal *grin*08:33
chrisccoulsongood morning everyone08:42
pittihey chrisccoulson08:44
chrisccoulsonhey pitti, how are you?08:45
pittichrisccoulson: I'm great, thanks! how about you?08:46
pittichrisccoulson: check out today's i386 desktop -- no hal :)08:46
chrisccoulsonyeah, i'm ok too. although, i slept in a bit this morning08:47
chrisccoulsonyay, no hal! \o/08:47
chrisccoulsonpitti - did you notice i subscribed you to a gnome-panel crasher last night?08:47
pittichrisccoulson: I did, will look at it soon08:48
chrisccoulsonare we frozen for alpha 1 yet?08:50
pittisoft freeze, yes08:51
pittiso upload with care08:51
chrisccoulsonpitti - no problem. i wasn't sure whether to upload transmission or not this morning, so i left it for now08:55
pittiif you tested it, go ahead08:55
pittibut please avoid library transitions, or stuff which affects other applications08:55
pittitransmission sounds fine08:55
chrisccoulsonpitti - i won't be able to do it now that i'm at work unfortunately08:55
chrisccoulsonalthough the work is in bzr now08:56
chrisccoulsonhey seb12809:11
seb128hey chrisccoulson, how are you?09:16
seb128got a frozen screen on resume this morning09:17
seb128and corrupted video on first boot09:17
seb128I'm wondering if that's bad luck or due to the recent updates09:17
chrisccoulsonseb128 - yeah, i'm not too bad thanks09:21
chrisccoulsonseb128 - what do you think about bug 493573? it seems users aren't happy that gnome-screensaver only works in gnome now. would it be acceptable for someone to supply a patch to make it work, bearing in mind that upstream probably won't accept it?09:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 493573 in xubuntu-meta "gnome-screensaver doesn't activate under XFCE" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/49357309:25
chrisccoulson(although i wasn't intending to do it, but I get the impression that's what other people want to do)09:25
seb128why wouldn't upstream accept it?09:25
chrisccoulsonupstream deliberately changed it and moved all of the idle detection out of gnome-screensaver09:26
chrisccoulsonto put it in to gnome-session09:26
chrisccoulsoni'm not sure they'd revert it all back again09:26
seb128I wouldn't want to do something against upstream there09:26
seb128at least not if that implies non trivial code changes09:26
chrisccoulsonit definately wouldn't be a trivial code change09:27
chrisccoulsonseb128 - debian have made gnome-screensaver depend on gnome-session now. perhaps we should just do the same?09:28
seb128I can see people complaining ;-)09:28
seb128I've no strong opinion, at least Recommends yes09:28
chrisccoulsonyeah, a recommends would probably be better, as you can still lock the screen without gnome-session, but there's no idle detection09:28
pittihey seb128, bonjour09:31
seb128pitti, hey ;-) how are you?09:31
pittiso, radeon driver is busted and ubiquity crashes, but hal-less desktop live system starts up just fine09:31
pittiseb128: I'm great, thanks!09:31
tjaaltonpitti: how is radeon broken?09:37
pittitjaalton: usplash looks totally scrambled (it's not using KMS yet), then X starts up fine, and switching to VT1 and back gives a white screen09:38
pittiI think it's been like that in hardy already09:38
tjaaltonpitti: ah, ok09:38
pittiso, not a regression except the framebuffer bit09:38
seb128_what did you get before my disconnect?09:38
pittiseb128 | pitti, hey ;-) how are you?09:38
pittinothing else09:38
didrockshey seb128_09:39
seb128_lut didrocks09:40
seb128_pitti, ok thanks, I added a note about you maybe breaking dbus but that's not the case09:40
seb128_epiphany build fails on09:40
seb128_ "/usr/include/dbus-1.0/dbus/dbus.h:29:33: error: dbus/dbus-arch-deps.h: No such file or directory"09:40
pittiseb128_: I did break d-bus09:40
seb128_but libdbus-1-dev is getting installed09:40
seb128_so that's weird09:40
pittiI'm currently working on that09:40
pittisorry for the mess09:40
seb128_ok thanks09:40
* seb128_ hugs pitti09:40
pittiseb128_: btw, I committed changes to control-center and gnome-applets bzr today to drop the nonexisting libgnomekbdui b-deps09:41
pittiI wondered whether I should merge the packages, or just upload09:41
seb128_if you ask me ... ;-)09:41
pittic-c doesn't even seem worth merging to me, we have too many changes09:41
seb128_right, don't bother09:41
seb128_but do we need an upload?09:41
pittiapplets is somewhat borderline09:41
seb128_the libgnomekbd provide should preserve installability09:42
pittiseb128_: no, not urgent; with the provides: in place they are not uninstallable09:42
pittiI just wondered09:42
seb128_I would not bother09:42
seb128_well I did decide to not bother yesterday and wait for the next upload09:42
seb128_thanks for fixing the build-depends in bzr in any case09:42
seb128_don't bother merging either09:42
seb128_those packages are a time waster09:42
seb128_hours to merge and nothing interesting to bring09:43
pittichrisccoulson: should I upload transmission for you?09:47
chrisccoulsonpitti - if you don't mind :)09:48
didrocksune session seems to work well (it's a little bit more generic: choosing gconf path and autostart .desktop file depending on choosen gdm session)09:54
=== seb128_ is now known as seb128
seb128pitti, in case I didn't tell it today yet, you rock! ;-)10:09
seb128thanks for fixing usb-creator in lucid10:09
pitti:) thank you10:09
* seb128 had been rebooting on karmic livecds to write isos...10:09
pittiit annoyed me that it was broken10:09
seb128update-manager dist-upgrader is the suck on the mini10v10:11
seb128the "cleaning" step takes some 5 to 10 minutes every day10:11
seb128just to calculate what should be cleaned or something10:11
mvoseb128: in partial upgrade mode?10:17
seb128mvo, dunno how you call that, the dist-upgrader like mode you get when there is package shuffling that normal upgrade doesn't want to do10:18
seb128after doing a refresh you get that dialog with "dist-upgrade" or "close" on middle of screen10:18
seb128not sure I'm clear...10:19
mvoseb128: yeah, I know what you mean10:19
mvoseb128: hmm, could you send me the /var/log/dist-upgrade/main.log please? I would like to see what its doing there, that should be in the log10:19
seb128mvo, no main.log in that dir10:20
seb128only apt.log10:20
seb128mvo, it's calculating things for sure because it wants to remove build-essential and some 30 other binaries for a week now10:22
mvoseb128: ok, give me a minute to look at the code10:23
pittiseb128: fixed dbus uploaded, btw10:37
seb128pitti, danke ;-)10:38
seb128weekly bootchart: http://people.canonical.com/~seb128/bootchart/seb128-dellmini-lucid-20091208-1.png10:41
pittichrisccoulson: weird, I didn't get bug mail for bug 493788  subscription, so thanks for the IRC ping10:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 493788 in gnome-panel "gnome-panel segfaults on Lucid" [Low,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/49378810:42
pittiI get a million useless "branch linked" and other stuff every day from Launchpad, but not the important ones..10:43
pittiseb128: nice, 21 s? that's another second10:43
seb128pitti, yes10:43
pittiseb128: it still has hal10:43
seb128it shouldn't?10:43
pittiseb128: would you mind purging it (it's not on today's i386 iso any more)10:43
pittiseb128: well, it's a dist-upgrade (I guess), and it's not removed automatically10:43
pittiseb128: I'm curious about what difference it actually makes10:44
pittiseb128: sorry for having to do all this benchmarking for us..10:45
pittiseb128: robbie said he'd send me a mini 10 as well for testing10:45
seb128that's ok, it doesn't cost lot of work, it's just rebooting the box ;-)10:45
seb128robert_ancell got one yesterday10:46
mvoseb128: ok, so I think the issue is that it is extra careful when removing, I see what can be done about it10:46
mvoseb128: could you please check http://paste.ubuntu.com/337166/ and see if that makes a difference?10:49
mvoseb128: I have no idea how the whole stuff (s-c, u-m) performs on atom, I don't have the HW10:50
mvoseb128: let me know if the patch makes a difference (no rush :)10:50
mvoseb128: you can trigger it with "sudo update-manager --dist-upgrade"10:50
seb128mvo, ok, will try in a minute still doing bootcharts10:51
seb128pitti, seems to be around 0.5 seconds win10:55
pittiah, that's about what I expected10:55
pittisince it's not actually using much CPU10:56
pittiwe seem to get improvements in doses of half a second :)10:56
seb128stile 20 of those to go ;-)10:56
pittiis that new chart anywhere?10:56
seb128one sec10:56
pittiwell, Keybuk's automatic charts will grab it today10:56
seb128I'm doing several to make sure10:57
seb128I've fluctuation from about one second between charts sometime10:57
seb128so I tend to do several ones and take the medium one10:57
pittiright, seems to be ~ 0.5 seconds as well10:57
pitti1.2 second win on rotary10:57
pittiseb128, Keybuk: just to avoid confusion, the X.org CPU just coincides with X clients doing stuff, so we can by and large ignore this, right?10:59
seb128pitti, it's rather closer from a second after some charts10:59
seb128between 0.5 and 0.8, rather toward 0.810:59
seb128pitti, http://people.canonical.com/~seb128/bootchart/seb128-dellmini-lucid-20091208-5.png11:00
seb128it's a medium one11:00
seb128the next one is slightly better the previous slightly slower11:00
pittiseb128: btw, is the thing booted right now? Mind trying the brightness keys?11:00
seb128brightness works11:00
seb128but it's intel hardware11:01
seb128so it's easy ;-)11:01
pittiwell, xbacklight doesn't work on mine11:02
seb128keyboard is not working now11:02
pittibut if you don't have hal installed, you need xbacklight11:02
seb128can't type11:02
seb128no letter go through11:02
pittidoes the mouse work?11:02
pittiseb128: mind ctrl+alt+f1 and checking/pastebin'ing /var/log/Xorg.0.log?11:02
seb128and keyboard does things, it opened some dialogs11:03
seb128like I did some shortcuts11:03
seb128I'm just rebooting to see if that was a one time thing11:03
seb128working now11:03
pittitjaalton had something similar11:05
seb128also layout is us in the Xorg.log now11:05
seb128where it was fr half an hour ago11:05
chrisccoulsonpitti - no problem :)11:05
chrisccoulsoni wasn't sure whether to just assign the bug to you or not ;)11:05
chrisccoulsonbut i wouldn't do that without asking anyway11:05
seb128or rather yesterday11:05
seb128so today's update, likely xorg, made keyboard being us rather than fr11:06
seb128I don't notice it because the gconf config kicks in11:06
seb128but seems buggy11:06
pittiseb128: can you please send me "udevadm info --export-db"?11:06
pittiI have a totally hacked system right now, so it might just work for me by coincidence11:06
pitti(self-built x server, xorg-edgers, etc.)11:07
pittiI'm going to reinstall my box tomorrow for alpha-1 testing11:07
didrocksabout default session in gdm: I was thinking that maybe using a gconf key would be more compliant with "new GDM" way than a config file. What do you think about that?11:08
seb128pitti, ok, one sec11:08
seb128didrocks, the daemon doesn't use gconf, it's only the greeter11:09
didrocksseb128: oh ok, g_key_file* will be my friend so :)11:09
seb128design decision to limit libs etc in the daemon side11:09
chrisccoulsonand we've already shown that using gconf is horrendously slow ;)11:11
tjaaltonpitti: actually, the XKB settings aren't set here either11:13
* pitti test-boots current daily and checks udev rules11:14
seb128pitti, http://people.canonical.com/~seb128/log11:14
pittiseb128: indeed, no XKB* there11:14
pittitjaalton, seb128: checking..11:14
tjaaltonpitti: perhaps s/IMPORT{file}/IMPORT{program}/?11:15
pittitjaalton: hah, that would be it :)11:16
pittisorry for not spotting that yesterday11:16
seb128pitti, do you want a bug about that?11:16
tjaaltonI'm fixing it already11:16
pittiif tjaalton can fix it right now, no need I think11:17
seb128tjaalton, thanks, you rock ;-)11:17
pittitjaalton: btw, do the package call udevadm trigger to update udev without a reboot?11:17
pittiudevadm trigger --action=change --property-match=ID_INPUT_KEY=111:17
pittisomething like that11:17
tjaaltonpitti: there probably is something missing since they didn't work after a logout11:18
tjaaltonmouse&kbd, at all11:18
pitticall it again with11:18
pittiudevadm trigger --action=change --property-match=ID_INPUT_MOUSE=111:18
tjaaltonwell, hard to reproduce now :)11:19
tjaaltonit was after the dist-upgrade11:19
tjaaltonhmm, can't see any triggers in the drivers11:21
pittithey should be added11:22
tjaaltonxserver-xorg handles it11:22
tjaaltonudevadm trigger --subsystem-match=input --action=change11:22
tjaaltonprobably best to have them in the drivers..11:22
tjaaltonjcristau pondered about that the other day11:23
pittiit should be in whatever ships udev rules11:23
tjaaltonyes, because in my case xserver-xorg was configure before evdev11:24
tjaaltonprobably for seb128 too11:24
seb128mvo, ok, I've applied your change, I will tell you how it goes next time I've updates available11:26
pittitjaalton: so file->program seems to do the trick for me11:26
seb128mvo, btw it uses also full cpu for some 15 seconds to say that no update is available11:26
tjaaltonpitti: yep, uploading11:26
pittitjaalton: cheers11:27
seb128mvo, in fact it's some 38 seconds to tell me that my system is uptodate11:28
seb128and during that time the dialog is dimmed twice, the compiz way to tell the application is not responding11:28
* Amaranth remember people filing bugs against compiz for the fadeout when inactive proving their apps were blocking on IO11:47
AmaranthThey didn't want to admit it was a bad thing but they also didn't want the user to notice :)11:48
andreasnmpt: who admins http://identi.ca/ubuntudesigners ?12:00
seb128to somewhat put some different perspective after all the mini charting12:02
seb128that's on my laptop config12:02
seb128that one is very io bounded12:03
seb128login takes around 35 seconds...12:03
mptandreasn, me, why?12:04
andreasnit linked to my blog about the menu icons12:04
pittiseb128: do you know how long karmic took?12:04
andreasnso I guess I'll have to admin a couple of more comments/rants on the new default now :)12:05
mptandreasn, yes. :-) I've been trying to do that for weeks, but Twitter took ages to realize that your site didn't contain malware any more12:05
seb128pitti, the bootcharts from uds are around 75 seconds12:06
pittiseb128: ugh, that looks painful -- almost no I/O throughput and few CPU blocks12:06
seb128boot I mean12:06
pittiwow, it halved since karmic?12:06
andreasnthat reminds me that I should probably update it to the latest wordpress version12:07
mvoseb128: much cpu> hm, ok12:07
seb128pitti, no, 62 seconds against 75 seconds12:07
pittioh, "login"12:07
seb128login is around the same12:08
seb128like 34 seconds against 38 seconds12:09
seb128that was karmic with the ureadahead changes though12:09
seb128before that it was over 90 seconds12:09
seb128with login taking some 48 seconds12:10
seb128the laptop boot chart is interesting12:10
seb128it show lot of small things taking one second12:11
seb128like a Xsession.d dpkg call12:11
seb128or g-s-d calling xrdb12:11
seb128that's from the xsettings code12:11
asacin the past i could use alt+tab ... to go foward in window list and alt+shift+tab to go backwards. the latter doesnt work by default in karmic?12:18
seb128asac, I think it's a known compiz bug12:23
mvompt: hi, do you have a moment to do a string review with me? I need three strings: http://paste.ubuntu.com/337206/ . those are error conditions. the first is "software in a channel that needs to be enabled first"12:36
mvompt: the second "we have the data via app-install-data-ubuntu, but its not available from the apt cache (e.g. on the livecd where universe,multiverse are not enabled)12:36
mvompt: and the last is for the case where we have the software, but not for the given arch12:37
mvompt: the first two have "enable channel" and "Reload package information" as buttons (better captions are welcome too)12:37
mptmvo, the difficulty with the first is that we have "Software Sources". I agree it's a good idea to switch to the term "channels", but probably we should do that all at once, rather than using two terms for the same thing in the same release12:40
mptmvo, so how about we stick to "source" until we have time to revamp Software Sources?12:41
mvompt: sure, that is fine with me12:41
mptmvo, where does that first string appear exactly? That determines whether it's ok for it not to be a complete sentence12:41
mpt(or where *would* it appear, I mean)12:43
mvompt: http://people.canonical.com/~mvo/tmp/Screenshot-Ubuntu%20Software%20Center.png12:43
mvompt: that is the context around it12:43
mptmvo, the third one is specced at the end of <https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SoftwareCenter#get-item-screen>: "Sorry, <Title> is not available for this type of computer (<Architecture>)."12:44
mvocool, thanks. I change it accordingly12:44
mpthmm, "enable"12:45
mptmvo, for the first one, how about something like: "This software is available from the “{source}” source, which you are not currently using."12:47
mptmvo, is it easy to get a short name for the source?12:48
mpte.g. "This software is available from the “partner” source, which you are not currently using."12:49
mvompt: yes, short is easy12:49
mvompt: yeah, no problem12:49
mptok, cool12:49
mptThen the button can be "Use This Source"12:50
mvo"Use the Source"12:50
* mvo wonders if we have have a jedi translation12:50
seb128I was pondering doing the joke ;-)12:50
* seb128 hugs mvo12:51
mptIf we don't, we should12:51
mptmvo, as for that second string, that's pretty icky. Have you and glatzor been able to sort out a way to reload the data without sudo?12:54
mvompt: even if we could we still should not do that without asking IMO because the user may be on 3G, need his bandwith for something else, does not have network at all, etc12:55
mvompt: its a corner case, but because of the livecd a important one (well, we should fix the livecd, but there are space constrains here)12:56
mptmvo, true, but similarly we should not tell people to do something without letting them do it.12:56
mvompt: right, there is a action button in the page too (that read "Reload")12:56
mptah, great12:57
mvompt: do you think it should be a dialog instead?12:57
mvompt: aha, ok. I can give you a screenshot if you want12:57
mptno, but "Update" might be more understandable12:57
mvoyeah, "Update package information" ? or is that too technical?12:57
mptmvo, in <https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SoftwareCenter#broken-catalog> I called it the "package catalog", but I guess "software catalog" would be even better.12:59
mvompt: ok, so its "Update Software Catalog"13:00
mptthat depends on the text before it13:00
mpt1st attempt: "The software catalog needs updating to show information about this item."13:00
mpthm, that might be backwards13:00
mpt"Information about this item can’t be shown until the software catalog is updated."13:01
mpt"To show information about this item, the software catalog needs updating."13:01
mvothe last is best so far IMO, its clear and positive (no not in it)13:02
mptok, let's go with that then13:02
mptthen the button can just be "Update Now"13:03
mptIt's a bit weird that we can show you the license and the price but not the description13:05
mpt(and a screenshot, even!)13:05
mptI mean, I understand that technically, but it still looks weird13:06
mptbut I guess this is to last only as long as app-install-data does13:06
mvocorrect :)13:10
mvowe could simply hide it entirely too13:10
mptnah, it's ok13:11
mptmvo, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SoftwareCenter?action=diff&rev2=270&rev1=26913:12
mptDoes that all look correct?13:12
chrisccoulsondoes anybody spend any time looking at pidgin bugs at all?13:14
mvompt: looks good, code is in bzr too (r445)13:15
seb128chrisccoulson, I used to have a look every now and then but didn't for a while, why?13:21
seb128chrisccoulson, btw the g-s-d xsettings code call xrdb, not sure if that's something we could avoid doing13:22
didrockspitti: I'm adding custom.conf back in my test so, we'll see later how to handle properly the transition hardy->lucid  right? (conffile... that's why mvo removed it during karmic cycle)13:29
chrisccoulsonseb128 - i just looked at the pidgin bugs and noticed there are lots of private crash reports13:31
chrisccoulsoni wasn't aware that the g-s-d xsettings plugin called xrdb. i know the xrdb plugin calls it. is it being called twice?13:31
pittididrocks: ideally gdm would just support the default session in custom.conf (the upstream bug for that is open)13:35
pittiinstead of our custom.desktop session13:35
seb128chrisccoulson, yes and no13:35
seb128sorry I was away a few minutes13:35
seb128chrisccoulson, I would not bother cleaning pidgin private bugs13:35
seb128that will not really pay since nobody look at those anyway13:36
seb128or do it for selected most common bugs and forward those upstream13:36
seb128chrisccoulson, yes and no, it could be called twice but xrdb is off by default13:37
seb128the xsettings code call it to set the xft values only13:37
seb128not to read the xrdb configs in etc13:37
seb128I'm not sure how useful that is nowadays13:38
seb128xft_settings_set_xresources (GnomeXftSettings *settings)13:38
seb128        command = "xrdb -nocpp -merge";13:38
seb128and it sets Xft.dpi, Xft.antialias, etc13:39
seb128asac made a patch to set Xft.lcdfilter too there13:40
seb128so I think it's useful at least for openoffice.org13:40
asacyes. ooo had issues in the past that needed it13:40
didrockspitti: that's what I'm working on: add this support to custom.conf. The issue is for people upgrading from hardy to lucid (conffile changed)13:42
pittididrocks: custom.conf is not a conffile13:43
didrockspitti: oh? I've been mislead by this: https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gdm/2.27.4-0ubuntu513:44
pittididrocks: perhaps it was a conffile in hardy?13:45
chrisccoulsonseb128 - how long does xrdb take on your bootchart?13:45
pittibut then it should still not fail13:45
chrisccoulsonit's unfortunately in a code path in the xsettings plugin which blocks the whole session from loading13:45
didrockspitti: maybe, so: I'm adding it and I will test hardy -> lucid upgrade later13:45
seb128chrisccoulson, 0.1 seconds13:45
seb128on the mini13:46
seb128almost 2 seconds on my laptop13:46
seb128different perspective with a decent cpu and a slow disk ;-)13:46
Tm_Tseb128: slow disk?13:50
chrisccoulsoneek, that's a long time. but it seems like g-s-d is still doing stuff in parallel13:51
seb128Tm_T, is that a question?13:54
Tm_Tseb128: let me rephrase, what kind of hardware, if you say its slow disk? just so I know what you mean with that (:13:55
seb128Tm_T, it's a 7200rpm disk on a d630 laptop config13:58
seb128it's not the slowest disk around but it's not a fit for a modern ssd13:58
Tm_Tseb128: that's "normal disk" for me then, thanks for clarifying13:59
* Tm_T has no sata nor ssd disks yet13:59
seb128Tm_T, well, let's say this config is limited by the disk speed where the reference box has a ssd and is limited by cpu14:01
seb128Keybuk, what sort of hdd do you use on your reference hdd config14:02
seb128I don't get how it can be 3 times faster than my d63014:03
Tm_Tseb128: roger14:03
=== robbiew_ is now known as robbiew
pittirickspencer3: good morning14:20
rickspencer3hi pitti, good morning14:20
seb128hey rickspencer314:21
rickspencer3hi seb12814:22
rickspencer3pitti, seb128 thanks for your testimonials, did you see that I got Ubuntu membership yesterday?14:31
pittioooh! congrats!14:31
seb128rickspencer3, didn't see that, congratulations! ;-)14:35
seb128pitti, did you say you would merge gvfs?14:35
pittiseb128: on my list, is it urgent?14:36
seb128pitti, not urgent, I'm just pondering applying an epiphany-browser workaround or waiting for gvfs to be merged14:36
rickspencer3hmm, no tseliot14:37
rickspencer3I hear that KMS + Intel is broken today :/14:37
rickspencer3pgraner told me ^14:37
seb128"GVFS-RemoteVolumeMonitor-WARNING **: cannot open directory /usr/share/gvfs/remote-volume-monitors: Error opening directory '/usr/share/gvfs/remote-volume-monitors': No such file or directory14:37
seb128Multiple definition of tag 'note'14:37
seb128it breaks this way14:37
pittineeds a mkdir?14:37
seb128we install remote-volume-monitors in gvfs-backends14:38
seb128and debian in gvfs14:38
seb128and epiphany-browser build-depends on gvfs14:38
seb128no in fact it doesn't14:38
seb128I wonder why that is required at all14:38
seb128but gvfs gets installed on the buildds and that breaks this way without gvfs-backends14:39
seb128pitti, don't bother I will add the build-depends for now it's cheap to do14:40
pittiok, thanks14:40
seb128the debian way is probably correct though14:41
seb128the volume monitor seems to be a basis component and not an extra backend14:41
seb128bratsche, hey14:41
bratscheHey seb128, everyone14:42
seb128bratsche, could you give a quick glance to bug #454234?14:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 454234 in nautilus "eel_preferences_get_boolean: assertion `preferences_is_initialized ()' failed" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/45423414:42
seb128bratsche, the change seems correct to me but I just want to make sure you didn't do the call before init for a reason, like that need to be set earlier in start or something14:43
seb128bratsche, start at comment #1814:44
seb128those before are bug triage noise14:44
bratscheOkay, /me checks it out14:44
bratscheseb128: The comment #21 said it broke it for him.14:45
seb128well I think that's random user noise14:45
* bratsche reads14:45
seb128the patch just moves the call after init I fail to see why that should break anything14:45
bratscheYeah, that seems really unlikely.14:45
bratscheThe patch looks like it's probably right.14:46
seb128I just wanted to check you didn't put it before init for a reason14:46
seb128like things needing to be set as soon as possible and init being slow14:46
seb128bratsche, thanks14:47
bratscheI think that was probably the general idea, but not that I actually measured init to be slow.14:47
seb128ok, let's give it good old user testing then14:47
seb128upload and wait for people to complain14:47
seb128xsplash is in not set yet in lucid anyway14:47
seb128things will still change with plymonth etc14:47
mac_vdobey: could you have a look at the update U1 icon , in lp:humanity14:49
mac_vI'v changed the icon to a folder with cloud for connected  , maybe we could remove the cloud when disconected?14:49
dobeymac_v: i don't know. it's only really an issue for karmic anyway14:51
mac_vdobey: only for karmic? i didnt understand14:52
rickspencer3pitti, seb128, bryce so what's the story with xserver getting removed on update? is that fixed? is there a bug #?14:53
pittirickspencer3: you probably just caught it on a bad time14:53
pittiit shuold be fixed already14:53
pittijust don't agree to removing packages when using dist-upgrade :)14:53
seb128rickspencer3, it's traditional transition were things are still being built14:53
rickspencer3pitti, wasn't me, just being asked about it14:53
seb128rickspencer3, don't use dist-upgrade without reading...14:53
rickspencer3again, it wasn't me14:53
seb128were -> where14:53
seb128rickspencer3, well whoever that was he or she not be doing dist-upgrade and ack without reading on an unstable distro14:54
seb128not at lot we can do to prevent those14:54
rickspencer3seb128, right14:54
dobeymac_v: we're going to be getting rid of the applet for lucid. so it won't even be there.14:54
rickspencer3it was robbiew, in fact ;)14:54
seb128the xserver abi changed and everything needs a rebuild14:54
mac_vdobey: that's awesome... ;)14:55
mac_vthanks anyway14:55
seb128in the middle choices are to remove things you need or wait14:55
dobeymac_v: but it would be nice to fix the "!" issue in karmic14:55
seb128rickspencer3, tell him to use upgrade rather than dist-upgrade if he wants to avoid trouble ;-)14:55
rickspencer3seb128, nah14:55
rickspencer3it's his problem14:55
seb128I'm fine with that ;-)14:56
rickspencer3if it were me I would have just worked form VT1 for a while and did a dist-upgrade again later14:56
mac_vdobey: hmm , ok.14:56
seb128if it were me I would have read what dist-upgrade was asking and not acked the removal :-p14:56
rickspencer3I know, but not me14:56
dobeymac_v: because everyone thinks the disconnected icon means there's an error14:56
seb128anyway all should be sorted soon if not yet now14:57
* robbiew usually does read...was in a hurry this am14:57
mac_vdobey: right , will remove the "!" and just make the cloud invisible ;)14:57
seb128robbiew, well it's especially when you are in a hurry that you want to avoid removing xorg ;-)14:57
dobeymac_v: that would be bad.14:58
dobeymac_v: put an [x] or whatever like nm-applet does when disconnected14:58
mac_vdobey: we dont use the 'x' anywhere :(14:58
mac_vbah... anyway , its gonna be removed , for lucid15:01
dobeymac_v: well what does nm look like in humanity for "disconnected"?15:02
mac_vdobey: for disconnected the connectors are far apart , and for the wireless the towers are empty[like cellphones]15:03
didrocksseb128: are you aware of any command to kindly ask to gdm daemon "please, reload from /etc/gdm/custom.conf". dbus values are kept in memory and it's not that easy for quick testing :)15:03
seb128didrocks, there is some gdmflexiserver call for that15:04
didrocksok, looking at gdmflexiserver options. thanks :)15:04
dobeymac_v: sad monkey :(15:04
seb128didrocks, # gdmflexiserver --command="UPDATE_CONFIG <configuration key>"15:04
seb128didrocks, that was in the old custom config comments15:05
seb128didrocks, not sure if that still works in the new codebase but that could15:05
didrocksseb128: I'll check just now :) Perfect if it works15:05
didrockshum, No longer supported :/15:06
seb128try asking on #gdm on irc.gimp15:06
seb128try asking on #gdm on irc.gimp.org15:06
didrocksgood idea :)15:06
mac_vdobey: BTW , how is 'x' not an error and '!' any worse ;)15:09
dobeymac_v: i'll just redirect all complains of "ubuntuone shows an error" to you15:10
mac_voh no... ;015:12
halflinechrisccoulson: you about?15:16
chrisccoulsonhalfline - sort of. i'm at work at the moment though15:16
halflineoh heh i assumed you worked for canonical15:16
chrisccoulsonhalfline - everyone seems to say the same thing!15:17
halflinechrisccoulson: you probably should be :-)  you've got a lot of talent15:17
chrisccoulsonheh, thanks:)15:18
halflinechrisccoulson: anyway, i wondering if when you had a free moment if you could try alex's patch on that screensaver bug (gnome bug 598476)15:18
ubottuGnome bug 598476 in daemon "gnome-screensaver crashes when entering password incorrectly 5 times" [Blocker,Needinfo] http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=59847615:18
maxbHas anything changed in karmic-updates compiz lately that would block being able to resize a window across multiple Xinerama screens?15:18
halflinechrisccoulson: obviously  since you're at work right now, now isn't a good time, but just whenever15:19
maxbdebian/patches/030_from_git_crash_fix_multiscreen.patch... .hmmm15:19
chrisccoulsonhalfline - yeah, i'll test that when i get home this evening. it makes sense anyway :015:20
chrisccoulsonthanks :)15:20
Keybukpitti: removing HAL means I can make other changes now ;-)15:25
* pitti hands Keybuk more go-faster stripes15:26
Keybukseb128: the hard drive that Dell put into the Latitudes is *CRAP*15:26
Keybukmy D420 and Martin's D430 have equivalently bad hard drives15:26
Keybukbut the hard drive they put into the Mini 10v is actually not all that bad15:27
pittiit's a good laptop for becoming motivated to do boot speed work, though15:27
Keybukpitti: if you look at today's max bootchart, there's no real reason that X can't start where mountall finishe15:28
Keybukrequires getting the "start on" line very right15:28
Keybukand doing some udev trickery to pre-probe the things that X needs15:28
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pittiseb128: do we have a wiki page like https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/KubuntuDevelopers for ~ubuntu-desktop? (application policy, etc.); ISTR that you wrote something like this a while ago?15:38
seb128pitti, no we don't15:38
pittiah, ok15:38
seb128pitti, I did reply to the email from cjwatson with what we do now but that's about it15:41
seb128we don't have a formal procedure15:41
seb128it's just "wait that somebody in the team suggest you to apply"15:41
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pittipedro_: is https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-lucid-partner-integration-qa still on the plan for lucid? (you are the drafter)16:25
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pedro_pitti, is not, the session at UDS was mostly empty, so I'd prefer to defer it to lucid+1 and discuss some bits at the sprint16:27
pittiasac: should https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-lucid-new-firefox-support-model be in status "review"? or is there still something missing?16:28
pittipedro_: ack16:28
* asac on call16:30
asacpitti: no. go ahead and review16:30
asacmore items will probably pop up while doing, but the current status gives a good start16:30
pittiasac: https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-lucid-firefox-translations -> just defer that one perhaps?16:30
asacpitti: yes. i will add it to the new-firefox-support-model. most stuff there was about how to organize the translation update16:31
asacfor the major roll out16:31
seb128it's meeting time?16:31
asaclet me check if there is a work item already for translations16:31
rickspencer3pitti ?16:31
asacpitti: yes. translations are already covered in work items16:31
pittiasac: tanks16:31
pittiok, let's start the meeting16:31
pittibryce, ccheney, Riddell, kenvandine: meeting?16:32
* ArneGoetje waves16:33
pittiso, let's start with oustanding actions to give the west coast folks some slack16:33
pittimost are done, except16:33
pittiACTION: kenvandine to investigate improving startup time of Messaging Menu and related tasks16:33
pittiany hope there?16:33
kenvandinetedg is adding some timing stuff so we can profile it better16:33
pittihttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/Meeting/2009-12-08 BTW16:33
kenvandineand we think a libindicate update might be a little faster16:34
pittigo, tedg, go!16:34
* kenvandine thinks it was libindicate he suggested :)16:34
kenvandineit will get uploaded thursday16:34
pittiso, seems to be "in progress"16:34
pittiACTION: all to try robert_ancell's new scanning tool16:34
tedgdbus-test-runner now can grab bustle profile data.  I'm very happy about that.16:34
* pitti admits he didn't try it yet16:34
ArneGoetjedidn't work for me16:35
* seb128 neither16:35
pittidid anyone?16:35
* kenvandine did... sort of16:35
pittiArneGoetje: ah, what did you try to scan?16:35
kenvandinewith a web cam :)16:35
* kenvandine doesn't have a working scanner16:35
ArneGoetjepitti: my expense receipts16:35
pittihow did it fail then?16:35
ArneGoetjepitti: it listed my scanner (Epson), but couldn't talk to it16:36
pittiArneGoetje: does it work with xsane?16:36
ArneGoetjepitti: xscan worked, though16:36
ArneGoetjesorry, xsane16:36
pittiArneGoetje: would you mind pinging robert about it? it's using the same backend (libsane), so hopefully it's easy to fix16:36
ArneGoetjepitti: ok16:37
pittiArneGoetje: danke!16:37
pitti== Partner update ==16:37
pittikenvandine: anything to report this early in the cycle?16:37
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kenvandinenot much, starting this thursday we will get the weekly DX releases16:37
kenvandine+going again16:37
kenvandinethat is all i have right now16:38
pitti= Kubuntu Update =16:39
RiddellKDE 4.4 Beta has mostly been uploaded to lucid16:39
pittiRiddell: anything to discuss at that front? alpha-1 blockers, etc.?16:39
Riddellthere's a couple of notable problems with kdelibs which I think I've now solved16:39
Riddelland cjwatson has a fix for qt 4 on arm16:39
Riddellso in a few hours we should be ready for alpha 116:39
Riddellalthough it's not much tested so things could still go wrong16:40
pittilooking at https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/lucid/+bugs?field.milestone=21443 it seems that desktop/kubuntu is off the hook right now16:40
pittiserious testing will only start tomorrow, though, I expect16:40
pittidavmor2 already ran some, but with both dhcp and ubiquity being broken it didn't get very far today16:41
pittiwhich brings us directly to16:41
pitti== Release Bugs/Release Status ==16:41
pittianyone aware of something urgent which needs to make alpha-1?16:41
pittithe biggest change that landed was the new xorg16:42
pittibug 491162 seems the only concerning one, but it doesn't happen for everyone, so I think it's okay to slip16:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 491162 in gdm "gdm does not start X unless remove "tty-device-added KERNEL=tty7" from upstart gdm.conf" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/49116216:43
pittiseems not then :)16:43
pitti== Lucid blueprints ==16:43
pittithanks to all, most blueprints are written and accepted16:43
pitti   desktop-lucid-new-firefox-support-model just made it into my queue, will do ASAP16:44
pittibut there are some which are still left16:44
pitticcheney: ^ do we need a real spec for this in the first place?16:45
pitti(if it's just to track work, then the two WIs seem ok)16:45
pittithis is currently hanging in the air a bit, I'll follow up with didrocks and StevenK; seems this wasn't even discussed at UDS16:45
ccheneypitti: i don't think we need a spec, but if someone has reason to think we do then i am open to it16:46
pitticcheney: ok, good16:46
pitticcheney: approved then :)16:46
pittithe desktop-cloud one is curious, rickspencer3 is approver and assignee, and no drafter16:46
pittirickspencer3: do you happen to have some further info about that one?16:47
pittilet's postpone that, since he's still in another meeting16:47
pittiso, by and large, looks fine!16:47
pittiseb128: do you want to discuss boot speed?16:47
pittiand thanks for your great efforts there! *clap* *clap*16:47
seb128pitti, not especially16:47
seb128I've done a weekly summary16:48
seb128cf my activity report16:48
pittinice report16:48
seb128and I've added some notes to the wiki page16:48
seb128as usually anybody is feel to investigate on those16:48
pittiwe need a burndown chart :)16:48
pitti== UNE ==16:49
pittithis is just an announcement16:49
pittisince there was some confusion16:49
pittiso, UNR will be renamed to "UNE" (remix -> edition)16:49
pittiand its maintenance will move into the desktop team16:49
pittididrocks will be the primary maintainer for this, and start in January16:49
pittiuntil then, the mobile team (StevenK mostly) will still handle UNE16:49
pittiand finally,16:50
pitti== 2010 Events ==16:50
pittiyay conferences!16:50
pittihttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/Meeting/2009-12-08 has a list16:50
pittiperhaps everyone can take a look and as a first step mark the ones you are interested in?16:50
seb128note that16:51
seb128"# Desktop Summit: Guadec + Akademy " is wrong16:51
seb128those are 2 events this year...16:51
pittioh, they didn't keep the joint meeting?16:52
* Riddell fixing16:52
pittiso, let's note this down as16:52
pitti[ACTION] everyone to add their conf interests to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/Meeting/2009-12-0816:52
seb128pitti, they might do it again next year16:52
pitti== AOB ==16:53
pitti(sorry, this was a rather boring meeting; nothing hot to discuss right now, as it seems)16:53
asacadded my activity to meeting page ;) and added myself to attending ;)16:54
* pitti hugs asac16:54
* asac hugs pitti 16:54
kenvandinepitti, in an effort to not lose vacation days, i will be out tomorrow :)16:54
* seb128 hugs asac16:54
pittikenvandine: enjoy!16:54
pittithen, meeting adjourned, thanks everyone!16:55
pittiand try the alpha-1 images on your hardware :)16:55
faganOh on the testing front is there any reason to start testing upgrades from karmic and hardy for alpha 1?16:56
pittifagan: testing is certainly appreciated16:56
faganBut is there any point in testing yet?16:56
pittifagan: we don't need a report about little errors yet, but if the upgrade fails completely we are certainly interested in fixing that ASAP16:58
fagancool pitti ill see if there are any issues at alpha 116:59
pittifagan: cheers!16:59
faganThere have been some weird updates recently that removed nvidia, dkms and some x components.17:01
faganThats the only thing ive noticed17:01
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pittifagan: that was the middle of the X.org transition presumably17:04
pittibut the dust should have settled now17:04
faganill see if its fixed now17:05
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rickspencer3phew, back17:18
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kenvandinehey rickspencer317:19
rickspencer3kenvandine, how did the meeting go?17:20
kenvandinegood and short :)17:21
seb128what brasero is doing at nautilus init is ridiculous17:23
seb128it calls tons of commands to get versions17:24
seb128wodim --version, dvd+rw-..., etc17:24
faganseb128: whats going to happen with brasero now?17:25
seb128what do you mean?17:25
kenvandineseb128, how much time does that take?17:25
faganDo we need to patch it?17:26
seb128kenvandine, on the mini10v drop the .so wins a good 0.5 seconds boot17:26
seb128it seems to take almost 5 seconds on my laptop config17:26
kenvandinethat has to be easy to clean up :)17:26
kenvandinesuch a hack17:26
seb128fagan, well there is no reason they need to do that at nautilus start, I opened an upstream bug to start17:26
pittigood night everyone!17:26
seb128'night pitti17:27
fagannight pitti17:27
kenvandinelater pitti17:27
seb128fagan, let's wait for upstream comment that's the right place and they know their code better and why it does what it does now17:27
seb128if they don't reply or come with good suggestions we will have a look17:27
seb128for now I try to list issues17:27
faganOh cool17:27
seb128then we can work on those in order17:27
seb128I will not say no if upstream want to fix their software ;-)17:28
chrisccoulsongrrrrrrrrr, ISP's18:39
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mac_v_mpt: http://i47.tinypic.com/2q1aseg.jpg someone has done this mockup  ;)18:59
=== mac_v_ is now known as mac_v
dobey"internet" and "office" and "education"19:03
mptmac_v, I explored a layout like that one around the time of UDS19:08
mpttrying to solve the problems of (for example) where does an inserted CD go, how do you display which repository you're viewing, etc19:09
mptI wasn't smart enough to make it all work19:09
mac_vmpt: yeah , but didnt you have an idea to use the space in the lower left pane too..[from current design]19:09
chrisccoulsonwhats the difference between "featured" and "recommended" in the screenshot?19:10
chrisccoulson(sorry if it's obvious ;))19:10
mptdobey, we'll be doing card sorting to find better categories, if we can figure out how to print the cards to do it with <http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1348591>19:10
mptmac_v, yes, see <https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SoftwareCenter#Eventual%20scope>19:11
mpthi glatzor19:12
mptglatzor, I'm going on holiday for the rest of the week, but remind me sometime next week when you're available, and we can finish working on those error messages. :-)19:13
mptchrisccoulson, maybe "Featured" would be the same for everyone, whereas "Recommended" would be based on things already installed on your computer in particular19:14
glatzorhi mpt! Enjoy yourself!19:14
chrisccoulsonmpt - yeah, that makes sense. i just wasn't sure at first glance how the applications would be selected19:15
glatzormpt, I would also like to have your advice on the sessioninstaller user interface - which should in the long run be merged with software-center for code sharing19:16
glatzormpt, sessioninstaller handles the session PackageKit D-Bus interface.19:16
mptglatzor, I haven't heard of sessioninstaller. What does it do?19:16
mptoh, right19:16
glatzormpt, there hasn't been a release yet. But we can talk about this next week!19:17
dobeympt: but where do those categories come from?19:17
dobeympt: we ask users to make up categories to fit the applications into?19:17
mptdobey, a sample of users with a sample of applications, yes19:18
Keybukdid anyone notice that xsplash went away?19:24
mac_vmpt: regarding the system indicators mockups... i didnt know where to add the comments so , i just added them to the end of the page.. > https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SystemIndicators19:30
mac_vmpt: or... was there any technical reason why the volume slider was chosen to be placed below the options?19:32
mptmac_v, it was so that you could set the volume with a single drag (mouse down on menu title, mouse over desired volume, mouse up), without accidentally blaring the volume if you passed over it on your way to the Settings item19:33
mptmac_v, but the quickness wasn't worth the inconsistency, so since then I've moved the Settings item back to the bottom, I just haven't uploaded a newer mockup yet.19:34
* mpt reports a KDE bug19:35
mac_vmpt: is the session-menu order fixed or might what i'm mentioned be considered ?19:35
mptIf mac_v comes back, tell him "it's worth considering, thanks" :-)19:38
* mpt -> home19:38
gesermac_v: mpt | If mac_v comes back, tell him "it's worth considering, thanks" :-)19:38
mptmac_v, it's worth considering, thanks19:38
mpthar har19:39
mptboth "Log Out" and "Suspend" have claims to the top of that section19:39
* mpt -> really home now19:39
mac_vmpt: hehe ;) thanks19:47
seb128Keybuk, noticed? yes, read the gdm changelog or my activity reports19:54
seb128Keybuk, it was costing 1 second to login19:54
Keybukfair enough :)19:56
KeybukI wasn't upset19:56
hugolpHi, I have installed empathy from the launchpad ppa (for Karmic) but I can not get the msn audio calls to work20:22
hugolpAm I missing something, its a known bug, or what? Its the first time using empathy.20:23
asac> In file included from /usr/include/dbus-1.0/dbus/dbus-glib-lowlevel.h:28,20:32
asac>                  from main.c:21:20:32
asac> /usr/include/dbus-1.0/dbus/dbus.h:29:33: error: dbus/dbus-arch-deps.h: No such file or directory20:32
asacis that due to some dbus/glib restructuring?20:33
seb128asac, what dbus version was that?20:34
seb128asac, it's supposed to be fixed in 2ubuntu220:35
asacok thanks. awe just mentioned that as an issue for NM dailies in lucid20:35
asacso i would assume thats fixed then. thx!20:35
seb128right, pitti fixed that today20:35
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rickspencer3robert_ancell, hi22:01
robert_ancellrickspencer3, hi rick22:01
rickspencer3I think TheMuso is still on vacation22:01
* rickspencer3 looks at meeting notes wrt Easter Edition22:02
robert_ancellrickspencer3, small meeting then.  Reading notes now...22:02
robert_ancellSimple scan ppa moved to: https://launchpad.net/~robert-ancell/+archive/simple-scan22:02
rickspencer3our burn down is quite painful22:03
rickspencer3it's only near the trend line because I keep moving things in a3 :(22:03
rickspencer3robert_ancell, I guess, could you please update the wiki with the new location and check with ArneGoetje to see why it didn't work for him?22:05
rickspencer3he should be online in about 3 hours22:05
robert_ancellArneGoetje, ^^^22:08
rickspencer3thanks robert_ancell22:10
seb128rickspencer3, I think your assumption that task ticking is linear is wrong22:13
seb128rickspencer3, lot of things get started and take time to get done22:14
seb128it's normal that the done items start going done after a work period and not from start imho22:14
rickspencer3yeah, they should start burning down soon enogh22:15
seb128to get what you want we would need to have a % by task22:15
rickspencer3yeah, but that would add too much overhead22:15
seb128so we would see some moved from 0% to 25%22:15
rickspencer3it's like the stock market, better to look at it over time, not day by day22:15
rickspencer3seb128, some people burn down estimated hours, which is kind of like what you mean22:16
rickspencer3would you be interested in trying something like that? or are you just telling me no to worry :)22:16
seb128I'm telling you I would not worry so early22:16
rickspencer3thanks seb12822:16
rickspencer3I know, it's just in my nature to worry22:17
* seb128 hugs rickspencer3, everything is on track no need to stress22:17
rickspencer3of course, I'm working on bughugger this week, and none of this work is on any blueprint22:17
* rickspencer3 punishes self22:17
rickspencer3well, I'm also working on Quidgets ... I'm refactoring all the code that I reuse all the time in different projects into it's own library22:18
* rickspencer3 adds bughugger work items to https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-lucid-bug-management22:20
robert_ancellseb128, Is devicekit-disks working in Lucid fine?22:22
robert_ancellrickspencer3, oh that is dangerous - you'll end up with a glib :)22:23
* rickspencer3 feel better now22:23
rickspencer3robert_ancell, I know ... I always promised myself I would never do this, would always get my code into upstream projects instead22:23
rickspencer3but I finally broke down22:23
rickspencer3robert_ancell, what do you think about being able to make a treeview like this:22:24
rickspencer3        dicts = [{"key1_1": "val1_1", "key1_2": "val1_2", "key1_3": "val1_3"},22:24
rickspencer3                 {"key1_1": "val2_1", "key1_2": "val2_2", "key1_3": "val2_3"},22:24
rickspencer3                 {"key1_1": "val3_1", "key1_2": "val3_2", "key1_3": "val3_3"},22:24
rickspencer3                 {"key1_1": "val4_1", "key1_2": "val4_2", "key1_3": "val4_3"},22:24
rickspencer3                 {"key1_1": "val5_1", "key1_2": "val5_2", "key1_3": "val5_3"}]22:24
rickspencer3        grid = DictionaryGrid(dicts)22:24
robert_ancellpracticality always wins.  Anyway, having code downstream for a while means it gets well tested before being promoted22:24
robert_ancellrickspencer3, like a spreadsheet grid?22:24
seb128robert_ancell, it should22:25
* seb128 got mouse cursor blocked in select mode22:25
seb128I hate that22:25
rickspencer3well, it makes a grid, yes22:25
seb128I can't left click anywhere22:25
rickspencer3robert_ancell, and if you want to have a filter with it, you can do this:22:26
rickspencer3    #create a test widget with test database values22:26
rickspencer3    dicts = [{"ID": 0, "key2": 5, "tags": "aaa bbb ccc"},22:26
rickspencer3                 {"ID": 1, "key2": 6, "tags": "bbb ccc ddd"},22:26
rickspencer3                 {"ID": 2, "key2": 7, "tags": "ccc ddd eee"},22:26
rickspencer3                 {"ID": 3, "key2": 8, "tags": "ddd eee fff"},22:26
rickspencer3                 {"ID": 4, "key2": 9, "tags": "eee fff ggg"}]22:26
rickspencer3    grid = DictionaryGrid(dicts)22:26
robert_ancellseb128, oh yeah I get that too22:26
rickspencer3    grid.show()22:26
rickspencer3    filt = GridFilter(grid)22:26
rickspencer3    filt.show()22:26
robert_ancellrickspencer3, looks good22:27
seb128robert_ancell, how do you fix it out of restarting xorg?22:27
robert_ancellseb128, I think that's what I end up doing.  I have a feeling clicking both left and right together rapidly used to fix it sometimes?22:28
robert_ancellseb128, It would be nice if we could get some info on what has occurred for bryce22:28
seb128robert_ancell, thank you22:30
seb128good job ;-)22:30
robert_ancellseb128, worked?22:30
seb128clicking both buttons in a crazy way did it22:30
robert_ancellwhen all else fails, swamp the input with events....22:30
seb128that's the right channel!23:11
chrisccoulsonit's a bit quiet in here!23:11
seb128bratsche, kenvandine: so people report gksu crashing with the gtk ppa version23:11
jcastrohi guys!23:11
seb128hey jcastro23:11
chrisccoulsonhi jcastro23:11
chrisccoulsonare you following us? ;)23:11
seb128jcastro, I hope my banshee reply was ok23:11
bratscheseb128: Yeah, that's nasty.  I'm almost finished with app indicator stuff and I'll switch over to this immediately.23:11
jcastroken is driving home with his kids (just got off the phone with him)23:11
seb128jcastro, I Cc-ed you on it23:11
jcastroseb128: I am going to reply in a bit23:12
seb128jcastro, thanks23:12
chrisccoulsonhi bratsche23:12
bratscheHey chrisccoulson23:12
chrisccoulsonso, it's your fault i can't use gksu now? ;)23:12
* ccheney uploaded OOo 3.1.1 to ppa for hardy to make all the LTS users happy :)23:12
seb128jcastro, I should have pinged you before Cc-ing just to know if you wanted to be brough in this discussion23:12
bratschechrisccoulson: I'm afraid so. :)23:12
jcastroseb128: consider me always to want to be in the discussion by default23:12
* ccheney and is trying to track down the weird doc note crasher bug now23:13
seb128jcastro, good ;-)23:13
bratscheBut I'm jcastro's bitch until I get this app indicator stuff done.. I'll debug gksu next though.23:13
seb128jcastro, you rock!23:13
seb128bratsche, no pressure but no lucid upload before that gets fixed ;-)23:13
bratscheseb128: Yeah, I know. :)23:13
seb128joke aside we are frozen for alpha until thursday anyway23:14
jcastrobratsche: porting guide, rhythmbox, and then python bindings and then I'm done with you. :p23:14
jcastrosee, with a freeze that's like plenty of time23:14
bratschejcastro: Uhh.. okay, I'm doing the porting guide now and then rhythmbox and then I'm switching. :)23:14
* bratsche dumps Python on some other poor unsuspecting soul23:15
jcastroIronic isn't it23:15
jcastrohow many pythoners are in ubuntu?23:15
jcastrolike, all of them it seems like23:15
bratscheSorry, I really don't like Python. :)23:15
chrisccoulsonbratsche - do you prefer C?23:16
kenvandineseb128, yeah, glad we didn't upload to lucid :)23:16
* kenvandine goes to eat, bbl :)23:16
bratschechrisccoulson: Yeah.. C, or C# or almost anything else.23:17
seb128you need to be a C master to like or over python I guess ;-)23:17
seb128or -> it23:17
chrisccoulsoni prefer C :)23:17
chrisccoulsonbut then, i've written stuff using machine code before ;)23:18
seb128I like python for small tools writing23:18
seb128it's really efficient23:18
chrisccoulsonyeah, python seems handy for that23:18
asacC ftw23:18
seb128like the versions webpage23:18
seb128you don't want to do webpage download and regexp parsing for a quick thing in C23:18
seb128it so much quicker to do in python23:18
asacyeah. lots of folks would say that regexp is best done in perl ;)23:18
dtchenseb128: we can still upload despite the freeze, correct? i.e., process post-Alpha 1, etc.?23:19
seb128right, I just hate perl23:19
seb128but that's me ;-)23:19
chrisccoulsoni really need to get involved with some python. i keep trying to learn it, but i've got nothing to apply it to yet23:19
seb128dtchen, yes, just try to not break installability...23:19
seb128ie CD builds23:19
seb128like avoid binary changes or renames23:19
bratscheWhenever I want to do little scripting things I end up using Ruby more, but I would usually not do anything 'real' in that language either.23:19
dtchenoh, it's a soft freeze?23:19
bratscheI like static typing.23:19
asacdtchen: please be sensible about armel ;) ... we are waiting for our first potential image built that runs in two hours ;)23:19
dtchenbah, I'll just wait23:20
seb128dtchen, yes23:20
asacso if you have binary all23:20
asacthen that might bust us23:20
seb128dtchen, alpha freezes are always soft ones23:20
* seb128 upload something to break armel23:20
asacyeah ;)23:20
asaca binary all / any combo with failure on armel only would be great now ;)23:20
seb128asac, do you plan to do the gnome-bluetooth merge + 2.29 update btw?23:21
seb128asac, it used to be yours but I don't know now ;-)23:21
asacbaptistemm was working on that23:21
asaclast i heard ;)23:21
jcastroseb128: btw has anyone from online services been talking to whoever at RB about the store?23:21
asaci asked me if i would consider to delegate that and I said yes ;)23:21
seb128jcastro, I don't know for sure but I don't think so23:22
asacbaptistemm: did you bump in any issues with gnoem-blue?23:22
asacif so let me and seb know ;)23:22
jcastroseb128: ok23:22
rickspencer3kenvandine, is there a list of bugs on the csd?23:40

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