
=== robbiew is now known as robbiew_
shtylmancjwatson: have you noticed that the installer is slower in general as of late (including the last release?)02:05
shtylmanhave their been any complaints about its speed (not just partitioner) .. cause I got some feedback on the kde side saying it is slow moving through steps02:06
shtylmanim just wondering if we have some poor interaction happening or something else related to plugins and whatnot02:06
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cjwatsonshtylman: not particularly slower *of late*, but most of the inter-step slowness is spent restarting debconf-communicate; I did try to fix that recently, but it's not entirely trivial because it does genuinely have to be restarted when switching language10:04
CIA-15debian-installer: cjwatson * r1212 ubuntu/ (9 files in 3 dirs): Move to 2.6.32-7 kernels.10:43
cjwatsonshtylman: (what I mean is, it's always been slow)10:43
CIA-15debian-installer: cjwatson * r1213 ubuntu/debian/changelog: releasing version 20081029ubuntu7310:45
CIA-15debian-installer: cjwatson * r1214 ubuntu/ (build/config/armel/imx51.cfg debian/changelog): Move iMX51 images to 2.6.31-601 kernels.10:48
CIA-15debian-installer: cjwatson * r1215 ubuntu/ (build/config/armel/dove.cfg debian/changelog): Move Dove images to 2.6.31-701 kernels.10:48
CIA-15debian-installer: cjwatson * r1216 ubuntu/debian/changelog: releasing version 20081029ubuntu7410:51
CIA-15ubiquity: cjwatson * r3615 ubiquity/ (4 files in 2 dirs): merge lp:~pitti/ubiquity/halsectomy10:54
CIA-15ubiquity: cjwatson * r3616 ubiquity/debian/changelog: bug closure for Mario's change11:14
davmor2cjwatson: anything you need adding to bug 492873?11:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 492873 in ubiquity "ubiquity crashed with TypeError in isfile()" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/49287311:54
cjwatsonit's fixed11:55
davmor2cjwatson: ah okay cool :)11:56
CIA-15ubiquity: cjwatson * r3617 ubiquity/ (d-i/manifest debian/changelog debian/control):11:58
CIA-15ubiquity: Automatic update of included source packages: base-installer11:58
CIA-15ubiquity: 1.103ubuntu2, preseed 1.43.11:58
CIA-15ubiquity: cjwatson * r3618 ubiquity/debian/changelog: releasing version 2.1.412:08
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evshot myself in the foot for the last time (accidentally rebooted the live CD with lots of changes not copied out), time to set up NFS mounts.13:47
zortecI just got done installing ubuntu 9.10 and have a few things to say about the installer13:48
zortecit would help out people changing from windows to linux to explain during the installer what a primary and logical partition would be13:49
zortecalso if there is any adverse effects of doing the end of the drive instead of the beginning13:49
cjwatsoncould you file bugs, please? IRC is not really a good medium for bug reporting13:50
zortecI was told to come to the channel and voice my concerns13:51
cjwatsonthough primary/logical is not a Linux-specific thing, so I'm not sure why this would particularly apply to Windows switchers13:51
zortecfrom the #ubuntu channel13:51
cjwatsonand I'm telling you to voice them in the bug tracker ... :-)13:51
cjwatson(well, asking)13:51
zortecwell I can understand how primary/logical is not necessarily a linux-specific thing, but I didn't know the difference when installing ubuntu whether or not to make them primary or logical partitions13:52
zortecI set / to a primary and the rest of the mount points as logical partitions13:52
cjwatsonTBH, people who aren't familiar with partitioning shouldn't use the manual partitioning interface at all13:52
cjwatsonbetter to use the automatic partitioner13:52
zortecI used it because I wanted a /home partition13:52
zortecand was told manual partitioning is the best way13:52
cjwatsonthat's definitely not a novice thing13:52
cjwatson(reason: because novices won't know a reasonable split)13:53
zortecdoes logical and primary make a lot of difference?13:53
cjwatsonyou can have up to four primary partitions; if you have any logical partitions, that number decreases by one13:53
cjwatsonand there are some constraints on where they can go, but the installer won't let you violate this13:54
cjwatsonit doesn't matter for Linux, anyway, but might matter for some other OSes13:54
zortecso either way would have been fine, I do remember reading that there was a limit on primary partitions13:55
zortecjust wonder if I screwed up at all not making them all primary13:55
cjwatsonno, you're fine13:55
cjwatsonin fact the installer prefers to use logical partitions itself where possible, since their positioning is more flexible13:55
zortecand another thing that happened in the installer was the screen went black... I know that is a screensaver but some people might think their monitor went dead13:55
cjwatsonthat's definitely a bug, the screensaver is supposed to be suppressed13:56
cjwatsonplease report that13:57
zortechow do you report bugs in ubuntu?13:57
zortecthis would be my first one :)13:58
evIs it?  Looking at a live CD, gnome-power-manager is set to blank the screen after 30 minutes.13:58
zortecbut should it blank the screen during the installer?13:58
zortecit was like at 90% and the screen went blank13:58
cjwatsonev: I'm referring to e.g. ubiquity/frontend/gtk_ui.py:poke_screensaver; you may have found the bug then ;-)13:58
cjwatsonzortec: no, it should not13:59
evcjwatson: I take it we don't care about CRT burn in? (I don't, just playing Devil's advocate)13:59
cjwatsonev: no :)13:59
cjwatsonthat hasn't actually been a physical problem for a long time13:59
cjwatsonand even if it were I wouldn't care in the installer13:59
cjwatsonthis is just a straight bug14:00
evfair enough14:00
zortecwhen has CRT burn in been an issue since we have lcds now?14:00
cjwatsonit hasn't14:00
zortecI thought like nobody used screensavers any more14:01
zortecthey are a legacy thing14:01
cjwatsonscreensavers are provided because (a) people like the pretty pictures (b) they double as a screen-lock14:01
cjwatson(b) is certainly not legacy14:02
cjwatsonbut none of this is relevant to the installer. as I say, please file a bug14:02
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superm1cjwatson, FYI the screensaver --poke not working is bug https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/vlc/+bug/428884 . it unfortunately affects a lot of stuff that was relying on --poke to turn off the screensaver15:49
ubottuUbuntu bug 428884 in gnome-screensaver "gnome-screensaver-command --poke no longer inhibits screensaver" [Unknown,Confirmed]15:49
cjwatsonlovely. thanks for the ref15:50
cjwatsonev: ^-15:50
superm1there's an alternate interface available via org.gnome.SessionManager I believe.  it would have been nice if at the same time as telling everyone to go use that, they dropped --poke rather than leaving the broken code in.  (Personally i think it would be best if they just implemented --poke to go use that interface itself)15:51
cjwatsonwe can use the dbus thing15:52
cjwatsonwe already have dbus in the gtk frontend for something else15:53
cjwatsonI agree on the "shouldn't have been done that way" bit15:53
evsuperm1: any idea if that takes care of inhibiting dpms as well? (sorry if the link answers that, my horrendously awful T-Mobile 3G connection is being really bad at dns resolution at the moment)15:53
superm1ev, i'd imagine so, but i'm not certain15:54
superm1ev,  if your hangup is at t-mobile's DNS, and  are the opendns servers (in case you didn't already have them somewhere/try that instead)15:58
zortecI filed the bug at launchpad16:09
zortecbut would like to add that launchpad doesn't stay up very l ong16:09
evnice, thanks16:12
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sorencjwatson: Hey. I'm doing rotation into the QA team, and I'm working on automating the server install test cases. Now, traditionally, we've automated this using preseeding, but I'm working on a setup that will go through an interactive install, typing and clicking its way through it like a regular user would.21:25
sorencjwatson: Personally, I think this is wicked cool, but its usefulness compared to the preseed approach has been questioned, and I'd like your opinion.21:25
sorencjwatson: The way it works is that it waits for the screen (or portion thereof) to look a specific way (so waits for the prompts to appear) and then sends key and mouse events in response.21:27
sorencjwatson: This is part of such an install run: http://people.canonical.com/~soren/kvm-autotest-magic/21:27
sorencjwatson: It looks very much like a preseeded install, but e.g. about two thirds in, you can see the "Write changes to disks and configure LVM?" prompt, where it <TAB>s over to the "Yes" option and hits return.21:29

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