
dtchenmachine freezing upon gdm start00:00
RAOFI _think_ that's fixed.00:00
RAOFBut I can see why you might not want to play around with it :)00:02
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RAOFdtchen: Have I managed to send my mail to ubuntu-x@ & kernel-team@ using the right email address this time? :)00:13
dtchenboth posts came through to kernel-team@00:15
dtchenI'm no longer subbed to ubuntu-x@, can't comment on that without looking at mailman archives00:15
RAOFUrgh.  Sorry.00:15
RAOFWell, kernel-team@ will do.00:15
IknowEverythingI know everything!01:10
IknowEverythingBan me!01:10
ubot3Help! lamont, zul, T-Bone, mdz, or jdub01:11
ubot3Help! lamont, zul, T-Bone, mdz, or jdub01:12
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wzssyqai am on lucid,why it not run update-grub automatic?03:15
lamontwzssyqa: /etc/kernel-img.conf probably lacks these lines?03:25
lamontpostinst_hook = update-grub03:25
lamontpostrm_hook = update-grub03:25
lamontif so, there's a bug about that03:25
wzssyqalamont: do_symlinks = yes03:26
wzssyqarelative_links = yes03:26
wzssyqado_bootloader = no03:26
wzssyqado_bootfloppy = no03:26
wzssyqado_initrd = yes03:26
wzssyqalink_in_boot = no03:26
lamontyeah, so workaround is to add the postinst and postrm hook lines... 03:26
wzssyqalamont: o,ok,need report a bug?03:27
ubot3Malone bug 470265 in grub "jaunty to karmic upgrade failed to update menu.lst (update-grub missing from kernel-img.conf)" [High,New] 03:28
lamontfeel free to add more detail if you can03:28
wzssyqalamont: o ,it happens when update from 2.6.32-6 to 2.6.32-703:29
lamontwell, the issue is that the hooks aren't there, so installing a kernel isn't told to run update-grub03:31
ncssi am having a problem with karmic (also same problem with jaunty) where kde freezes and on the serial console and syslog there are various Call Traces.  Caps/Lock lights/unlights when pressed and I can do the magic sequence to reboot.  while its initially frozen I can still ping from another machine and usually at some point afterwards the serial console and ssh becomes responsive so i can log in and then do a clean reboot.   i have s03:32
wzssyqalamont: when install a new kernel,it will update /etc/kernel-img.conf?03:33
lamontI don't believe so03:35
lamontas in you'll want to manually add those lines to kernel-img.conf03:35
lamontand then installing a kernel will run update-grub03:35
lamontthe bug is around "why did this go away?"03:35
wzssyqalamont: why it work well before?03:35
lamontI haven't been following it that closely, other than being affected by it.03:35
lamont(if we knew, then the bug would be fixed already)03:36
wzssyqalamont: haha03:36
wzssyqalamont: i run dpkg -S /etc/kernel-img.conf,it display noting03:37
lamontno.  edit the file /etc/kernel-img.conf as root, add those two lines at the end of it03:38
wzssyqalamont: i want to ask ,how the file produce03:39
lamontI haven't dug into it at all03:45
wzssyqalamont: o ,thx03:46
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mdzogasawara: I went ahead and fixed the bug reporting instructions for linux09:53
apwKeybuk, there are two DEVTMPFS options, which ones do you need?09:57
amitkapw: I'm about to switch my dev box kernel to lucid. Any gotchas you know about?12:48
artirit may eat your kitten12:53
artirnothing serious12:54
amitkartir: kittens are overrated. Good riddance!12:54
ghostcube:D 13:00
artiri'd wait till alpha113:01
artirwhich is this thursday13:01
apwamitk, i updated one of my crashies to it yesterday and its in one piece so far13:39
apwthe kernel seems fine, am on it on here.  though i have no sensors13:39
amitkapw: thats good enough for me. karmic userspace/lucid kernel on its way.13:42
apwi have a couple of boxes in that configuration, the only oddy so far is the loss of sensors on one lappy13:43
apwi am suspicious i have i915 hangs in there, yet to be proven13:43
Keybukapw: both options are sane15:19
KeybukDEVTMPFS_MOUNT only affects people who don't use an initramfs and gives them a ready-populated /dev15:20
Keybukit makes init=/sbin/sulogin work particularly well15:20
apwKeybuk, ok will enable both then :)15:23
apwKeybuk, pgraner is saying that his machine loses KMS if he doesn't disable vga16fb15:23
apw(disable == blacklist)15:23
Keybukyeah, I found it odd that vga16fb stays loaded15:23
KeybukI had expected it to fail to load as the driver was already taken15:24
apwKeybuk, any suggestions as to resolution?15:24
pgranerKeybuk: bug 49406215:26
ubot3Malone bug 494062 in linux "KMS Intel Fails with Lucid Kernel" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/49406215:26
Keybukapw: find out why you get a framebuffer even when vga16fb fails to bind to a device15:30
apwKeybuk, what i don't quite get is i don't get the same behaviour no karmic userspace (even with vga16fb) disabled15:31
apwenabled eve15:31
apwKeybuk, it makes no attempt to try and confirm it can get the device15:33
Keybukmaybe it's because the vga16fb doesn't claim devices15:33
Keybukbut writes to some special vga bios thing?15:33
apwi think it just used the vgastate module to handle things15:34
apwits entirly possible if you opened it it would work even with kms enabled15:34
KeybukI guess we'll have to go with userspace trickery for this one then15:35
apwKeybuk, what i need to understand is why it works fine in karmic userspace15:35
apwfor me its completely consistant15:35
Keybuklucid works fine for me to btw15:35
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apwam updating to there to test there now15:35
apwhrm ... what i don't see on karmic userspace is the double fb loaded thing15:36
apwif i have modeset i just get the kms one15:36
pgranerapw: bug 494066 for the resume issue15:36
ubot3Malone bug 494066 in linux "Resume from Suspend has no videowith Intel graphics on Lucid" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/49406615:36
apwif i don't i get the vga16fb as well15:36
apwpgraner, thanks ...15:36
pgranerapw: I'll get the rest of the data in the bug, apport-collect just crashed and won't upload anything right now15:36
apwheh nice15:36
apwKeybuk, what userspace trickery would you use ...15:37
apwsomething based on the uevent still?15:37
Keybukon lucid, if I resume from suspend, I get a black screen15:37
Keybuk(backlight doesn't switch on)15:37
Keybukand that's without vga16fb loaded15:38
apwKeybuk, that sounds like other people's whinge, and pgraner confirmed blacklist of the vga16fb didn't help either15:38
apwKeybuk, the same kernel seems to work for me on karmic userspace15:38
pgranerKeybuk: just filed 494066 on that issue15:38
Keybukright, so not the same thing15:38
Keybukthat's odd15:38
apwyep, i think so too15:38
Keybukwonder whether some old karmic userspace was doing something15:38
apwwell quirks have potentially just stopped working haven't they15:39
apwas part of pitti's halsectomy15:39
Keybukyes... but shouldn't *have* quirks15:39
apwwe're in a world of hurt :)15:40
apwyay upgrade wants to remove libc6, that should be fun15:40
Keybukso I guess a plan B will be to load vga16fb manually in userspace15:41
Keybukrather than relying on udev auto-loading15:42
apwKeybuk, can you trigger that from the uevent still ...15:42
gaokaihello,my kernel boot arguments are CONFIG_CMDLINE="console=ttyS0,115200 mem=64M root=1F02 rw".My question is,what does the "root=1f02" mean?15:42
Keybukapw: yes, I think so15:42
gaokaianyone help me?please15:42
KeybukI was thinking, for pci 0x03 devices (graphics cards), if we don't load anything by modprobe then load vga16fb15:43
apwi thought root= was your root paritition, its possible its allowed to be a major,minor encoded as hex15:43
apwyep, thats what the modalias does15:43
apwmatch wise15:43
apwKeybuk, so is that a 'drop that vga16fb modalias patch?'15:47
Keybukif it's causing problems, yes15:49
KeybukI think we should attempt a few hours of honest debugging first15:49
Keybukbut we can do this a different way if needs be15:49
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apwKeybuk, it can be worked round it seems with i915.modeset=1 so i don't think its a disaster, any more than the suspend not working is16:00
leleobhzits possible today to backport lucid kernel to karmic (or use the same package) or its better to use http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/ ?16:00
apwleleobhz, depends what you are trying to achieve, whats in the lucid kernel that you need16:00
leleobhzapw: i generally dont use mainstream kernels, but i want to test energy management and intel performance increase in my netbook and notebook16:01
leleobhzi have a dell inspiron 9 and a intel centrino notebook16:02
leleobhzive read these things have improved a lot in 2.6.3216:03
leleobhzapw: what you think about?16:06
apwleleobhz, depends what you are trying to achieve, whats in the lucid kernel that you need16:10
leleobhzapw: not specifically to lucid kernel, as kernel-ppa have the mainline packages16:11
leleobhzi just want to know the best way to have the kernel 2.6.32 and if possible, be updated about new build of .3216:12
apwthere is nothing out there right now that will get you updates like that no16:13
leleobhzapw: i thing i ill get a little speedup and a better energy control (i have a lot of issues with power consuption)16:13
leleobhzso make no difference use lucid kernel in karmic and use mainline from kernel-ppa?16:13
bjf** Ubuntu Kernel Team Meeting - Today @ 17:00 UTC - #ubuntu-meeting16:17
bdmurraymdz: the '-p' option is there since you need it Hardy - I was planning on removing it in April.16:19
leleobhzapw: ?16:25
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apwleleobhz, the lucid kernel in karmic is going to be more likely to have ubuntu things enabled yes, though its in a lot of development instigated instability right now as we head into alphas16:26
leleobhzapw: ok, but comparing http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/ to actual lucid kernel package, what of them can be more stable / less broken?16:34
leleobhzor is the same thing16:34
apwwell the 2.6.32 package there will never change, its a one time deal16:34
leleobhz(the idea is: i dont know the diference from 2.6.32 from lucid and from mainline kernel)16:35
apwour lucid kernel changes as i change it to add features etc for the release16:35
apwthe lucid kernel tracks with the lucid userspace for which its designed16:35
leleobhzapw: so mainline is more approach to vanilla kernel?16:35
apwit may work with karmic, and indeed many of the kenrel team run it that way, but its a lucky dip16:35
apwyes the mainline builds are literally mainline commits built with our config16:36
leleobhzi know its designed for lucid, but i think i should get a chance, because improvements in power saving, ssd handle and intel improvements is a very interesting thing16:36
leleobhzi think so ill try lucid kernel16:37
apwneither will be idea with karmic userspace16:37
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leleobhzapw: but at point to broke things and kill my dog?16:38
apwits not something we plan for, so if it does break you get to keep both pieces :)16:40
leleobhzapw: i think i shoud give a try16:41
leleobhzits you that was published in wiki some tests with dell mini 10v?16:41
apwi am running it here right now, its 'ok' considering the time of the cycle16:41
apwa number of us test on that as a 'reference platform' for comparison16:42
leleobhzbut performance and energy consumption is visible from .31 to .32?16:42
leleobhzapw: because as i said, ill test it also in my inspiron mini 916:42
apwnot something i am focused on directly, interested in boot performance mostly at this point16:43
apwand getting new features such as radeon kms enabled16:43
leleobhzapw: boot performance is good too. and i use ssd, so i think i can get a great improvement16:58
leleobhzbut the idea is make things with intel vga faster and reduce energy comsumption16:58
leleobhzwill test lucid kernel16:58
leleobhzapw: thanks a lot for you time16:58
syn-ackDoes John Johansen lurk these parts?18:05
amitkyes he does, as 'jj'18:06
syn-ackGood good18:07
smbI believe as jjohansen, but does not seem to be around18:07
Keybukquest linux-lucid% sudo ARCH=i386 pbuilder --build ../linux_2.6.32-7.11.dsc18:07
syn-ackI think I'll hang here till I happen to see him... I found a bug in his mainline apparmor patch18:07
Keybuk... I wonder whether that will work18:07
evI'd like to set apparmor=0 for the live CD kernel command line moving forward, given that the network-interface-security upstart job causes apparmor to run, which we definitely don't want on the live CD.18:25
evDoes anyone have an objection to that?18:25
evI should note that while I could just remove that upstart job inside casper, I'd ideally like to guard against any job on the live CD from causing apparmor to run.18:26
syn-ackjjohansen, Ah, just the man I was looking for. :P18:26
syn-ackjjohansen, I was the one who just sent you that email re: apparmor mainline18:27
jjohansenokay, just give me a few seconds while I bring up my mail18:28
syn-ackNo worries.18:28
syn-ackI'm gonna go have a smoke anyway. brb18:28
jjohansensyn-ack: when did you pull the kernel?18:29
syn-ackjjohansen, first time about 12 hrs ago and just an hour ago18:29
jjohansenokay, just an hour ago should be good, give me a few minutes to look at this18:30
jjohansen12 hrs ago was probably bad as it has been really unstable with lots of updates being pushed in18:31
syn-ackWill do.18:34
syn-ackAh, the update just showed up on gitweb, jjohansen... lemme give this one a shot18:49
jjohansensyn-ack: just wait a minute there is something wrong with that update18:49
syn-ackack. :/18:49
jjohansensyn-ack: give it a try now18:52
syn-ackjjohansen, Give me a bit as I'm dealing with my baby and this resync is kinda slow going ATM18:59
jjohansensyn-ack: np19:00
syn-ackjjohansen, Building now.19:09
apwjjohansen, whats the status of the AA update, the meeting implied it was ready?19:15
jjohansenapw: I am having success building it, and ran through testing.19:16
jjohansensyn-ack: reported a problem with his building and he is trying again right now19:16
syn-ackjjohansen, No go on my end, it left me with this nice error again: http://pastebin.com/d60d5e17f19:16
jjohansenhrmm, strange give me a minute19:17
Keybukapw: OOI, which magic do you use to cut the generated kernel packages down?19:18
jjohansenapw: so apparently there is some build breakage under some circumstances19:18
KeybukI know about flavours=generic, but how do you get rid of things like source, libc-dev, doc, udebs, etc.19:18
apwKeybuk, cut them down?19:18
Keybukso the build doesn't19:18
syn-ackjjohansen, this is what I'm using to build: CONCURRENCY_LEVEL=3 fakeroot make-kpkg --initrd --append-to-version=-laptop-custom-5 kernel_image kernel_headers19:18
apwoh when i build i generally use like fakeroot debian/rules binary-generic19:19
Keybukyeah that doesn't work with pbuilder ;)19:20
jjohansensyn-ack: got it and replicated19:20
apwah ... that i can imaging ...19:20
syn-ackjjohansen, Good deal19:20
apwjjohansen, so this is likely only going to affect 'mainline' users not me?19:21
jjohansenapw: this should only take a couple minutes to fix19:22
jjohansenits just an include statement not finding its file19:22
syn-ackThats what I figured19:22
jjohansenstrange that it works building one way and not another19:23
syn-ackWhat are you using to build with?19:27
Keybukapw: I think it's funny that I instinctively bump the kernel ABI every time now19:46
KeybukJUST IN CASE19:46
jjohansensyn-ack: give it a try now19:48
jjohansensyn-ack: I had just been using make O=19:49
syn-ackThat is kinda funny that it wouldnt build then19:49
jjohansenit was a stupid little bug19:49
jjohansenyeah, strange that it would work with make O= but not make19:50
syn-ackjjohansen, "ITS ALWAYS SOME MUNDANE DETAIL"19:50
jjohansenyeah mundane love to trip me up19:51
syn-ackman, I'm still getting used to these Blinkenlights on my wifi killswitch19:52
syn-ackSee, the whole reason I went to roll my own was to include some of the HP WMI BS so I could use of my hotkeys and my status indicator on my killswitch working right... well now it works, it just flashes with my TX/RX19:53
apwKeybuk, heh its a way forward for sure19:58
syn-ackjjohansen, alright, thanks again, completely built with no errors20:46
apwKeybuk, i assume our initramfs will wait for the root filesystem source device to appear21:50
amitkapw: you removed nfs kernel support for lucid?21:59
apwamitk, nope21:59
apwthere is a bug in the userspace, the fix was literally just uploaded about 1m ago22:00
apwbug #22:00
apwbug #49314522:00
ubot3Malone bug 493145 in nfs-utils "[Lucid] NFS kernel server doesn't work anymore with 2.6.32" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/49314522:00
Keybukapw: yes, that's basically what it does22:01
apwgive it an hour for the publisher to run and you should ahve the fix22:01
apwKeybuk, ok, just reviewing some patches we have heaped up for x to test to see what may help, now i have a nice way to compare22:01
amitkapw: but I don't run lucid userspace, or is this a bug due to lucid kernel and karmic userspace?22:02
apwyes, its a bug in all userspace with 2.6.31 -> 2.6.32 kernel upgrade22:02
RAOFI'm sorry I couldn't be here at 4am for the kernel meeting; I'm interested in understanding what's happening wrt nouveau so I can work out what to do with the DDX.22:03
amitkapw: will this be sru'ed to karmic (probably not)22:04
apwRAOF we are still reviewing the heap of nouveau delta to work out what we can do safely with it22:04
apwlikely it will be offered as an optional addon22:04
apwamitk, no one has asked, but its a trivial one liner you can apply by hand, the patch is on the bug22:04
RAOFapw: Ok.  Did you notice my recent mail to the kernel-team list, whereby just dropping in the nouveau directories & exporting 4 additional symbols from ttm works on the existing lucid kernel?22:05
RAOF(ie: the only change to shared code is exporting 4 symbols from ttm.ko)22:05
apwRAOF, sorry not seen it as yet, that sounds like a damn fine step forward.  that might make it possible to merge them which would be more approariate22:06
apwwhat was the subject line?22:06
RAOFRe: [ubuntu-x] Nouveau information and proposed plan22:06
RAOFI've also got a git branch at http://cooperteam.net/kernel-lucid-nouveau.git with a nouveau-scratchpad branch that's got all the work to build nouveau in the lucid kernel.22:07
RAOF(That's in the email)22:07
apwRAOF, that is excellent22:08
apwRAOF, its very late here, i'll have a look at it in the morning, but that you for the heads up22:10
RAOFNo problem.22:10
syn-ackjjohansen, If you have any new additions and stuff like that you'd like me to test and you don't see me in here, just hit me up on the email since you have it now.22:36
syn-ackOn the mainline that is22:37
jjohansensyn-ack: will do23:00
syn-ackwoohoo jury duty's been rescheduled23:03
syn-ackGod Love the courts23:03

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