
ftaor file a bug00:06
BUGabundomaybe its just me, but from my last streak of chromium bugs I've filled00:07
BUGabundoall ended up forgoten or won't fix00:08
BUGabundoit kinda puts you down00:08
ftalooks like my moz bugs00:10
BUGabundoat least you can nag reed00:12
BUGabundoI don't know many ppl at google, much less on chromium00:12
ftaBUGabundo, got 4 wontfix, 4 dupe, 15 fixed, 2 upstreamed, 3 assigned and 2 available00:16
ftanone ignored00:16
ftajust for the one i filed, but i jumped in many others that are fixed now00:18
BUGabundofta how can the be upstreamed?00:19
BUGabundoisn't mozilla upstream already?00:19
ftai'm talking about chromium00:19
ftaso upstream could be webkit or the zillions of libs they use00:19
BUGabundo(12:10:26 AM) fta: looks like my moz bugs00:20
ftait was for your "all ended up forgoten or won't fix" "it kinda puts you down"00:20
BUGabundoyes I know00:21
=== asac_ is now known as asac
=== BUGabundo1 is now known as BUGabundo
=== asac_ is now known as asac
asacNafallo: can you go and reset the broken armel builders ;)10:18
asac4 out of seven are broken10:18
asacand we have huge backlog which puts our alpha-1 at risk ;)10:18
asacwaiting for lamont wastes precious time ;)10:19
asacNafallo: or do you need to do a pair action to get those things back up?10:20
Nafalloasac: I need to be in the right building :-/10:21
asacNafallo: and only lamont can tell you where that is ;)?10:21
Nafallonope. but I have another things to take down. ports.ubuntu.com is next on my list.10:22
asachttp://ports.ubuntu.com/ is responsive ;)10:22
asacno action needed for the stupid outsider ;)10:23
micahgfta: asac: daily bustage was due to dbus problem :) https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/dbus/1.2.16-2ubuntu211:14
mac_vargh! chromium is all messed up :(12:42
mac_vwave renders horribly and the page is not properly rendered :/12:50
mac_vyay... update available.. hope that fixes the problem :)12:51
mac_vfixed within 12hrs , nice ;)13:01
nigel_nbhey, there is a bug filed about firefox and I can confirm it, can any of you guys take a look?14:47
ubottuUbuntu bug 493828 in firefox-3.5 "the Linux version doesn't show a mavic.fr page although the Windows version does it" [Undecided,New]14:47
gnomefreaknigel_nb: im working on catching up email but i will look as soon as i can14:56
nigel_nbgnomefreak: just so that you know, the user reports a site cannot be opened in firefox (linux) but okay with firefox (windows)14:57
nigel_nbI can confirm the bug, and it works okay with epiphany14:57
nigel_nbcan I go ahead and confirm it and you'll look into it later?14:57
gnomefreakhttp://www.mavic.fr/home.aspx this page?15:02
gnomefreaknigel_nb: looking at it now and 3.6 so far opens it i am taking screenshots and testing on 3.5 in a minute15:04
nigel_nbgnomefreak: yes and I can confirm 3.5, set the bug to confirmed15:05
gnomefreaknigel_nb: 3.6 works i will test 3.515:06
nigel_nbokay :)15:06
nigel_nb3.6 is already available with ubuntu?15:07
gnomefreaknigel_nb: no just from our daily PPA atm15:08
gnomefreak!firefox-3.6 lucid15:08
nigel_nbso whatever is the problem, its probably going to be fixed in lucid, right?15:08
gnomefreaknigel_nb: not sure if it is a problem yet.15:08
gnomefreaknigel_nb: open a link using the following only: mavic.fr15:11
gnomefreaknot sure why the link posted on the bug doesnt work the same15:11
nigel_nbthat works15:11
nigel_nbgnomefreak: but thats not the same page that comes up when you try the link he gave15:12
gnomefreaknigel_nb: what is not the same http://www.mavic.fr/home.aspx and he provided http://www.mavic.fr/home.aspx15:14
gnomefreakit is the same to me :)15:14
nigel_nbhold on, I'll give you a screenshot15:14
nigel_nbjuggling a couple of things at the moment :)15:14
gnomefreakfirst is just mavic.fr and the other is the link he gave15:14
nigel_nbuploading what I see in epiphany15:18
gnomefreakthe link locations are the same nad rightclicnking ont he link i posted to bug opens fine not sure why his link isnt opening. I will be back in a few minutes15:19
nigel_nbgnomefreak: just check out when you get back, this is what I see on empathy (something with flash, I think the problem is flash+firefox) http://www.flickr.com/photos/nigelbabu/4169463986/15:32
nigel_nbgnomefreak: correction to above, thats what I see in epiphany ;)15:39
nigel_nbthunderstruck: did u get time to check the sreenshot?15:43
thunderstrucknigel_nb: hold on a minute15:45
thunderstruckis it on the bug report?15:46
nigel_nbits the screenshot I took15:46
nigel_nbthats what I see on epiphany15:46
thunderstruckmy net dropped before you posted link15:46
nigel_nbwant the link again?15:46
nigel_nbgnomefreak: just check out when you get back, this is what I see on empathy (something with flash, I think the problem is flash+firefox) http://www.flickr.com/photos/nigelbabu/4169463986/15:47
nigel_nbcorrect the empathy to epiphany15:47
nigel_nb(always get confused)15:47
thunderstruckthats what i see in firefox15:47
thunderstruckas long as i dont use his link unless i paste it15:47
nigel_nbI dont see that15:48
nigel_nbI get a blank page15:48
thunderstruckif i paste his link into browser it works fine15:48
nigel_nband when I type only magic.fr, i go to a different page15:48
thunderstruckif trying to open it it fails with. i get same page for somhttp://www.mavic.fr/home.aspxreason15:49
nigel_nbso is it a bug in 3.5?15:50
nigel_nbor something to do with the link?15:50
nigel_nbthunderstruck: since I dont get it on 3.5, it should be some problem...right?15:54
thunderstrucknigel_nb: use a new profile and see what happens. clears your info (cookies/cache/ect..) in epipany and try again. but i am unable to reproduce unless i left click on link15:54
nigel_nblemme try, didnt think of that.. michag always says that..15:55
=== thunderstruck is now known as gnomefreak
gnomefreakprofiles get corrupted for any number of reasons. ectensions are a big problem. they dont corrupt profiles but cause a number of issues (new profile handles most bugs (atleast gives us a clear idea)15:56
gnomefreak/home/j/.mozilla/firefox/yji4nkof.default/extensions/{d40f5e7b-d2cf-4856-b441-cc613eeffbe3} (Not Parsed)15:57
nigel_nbi know, micah gave me a class some time back.. didnt think of t15:57
gnomefreaknot sure what extension that is15:57
AnAntasac: ping15:58
nigel_nbgnomefreak: works beautifully now15:59
asacAnAnt: yes quick :)15:59
nigel_nbI think I'll ask the user to try to create a new profile15:59
AnAntasac: I was asking about building libmozjs1 from xulrunner-1.9.1 last week15:59
AnAntasac: you seen that ?15:59
asacbut the problem is still that upstream doesnt want to support that in any way16:00
gnomefreaknigel_nb: profile/extension thanks for testing :)_16:00
AnAnterm, nevermind, seemed that we did talk together, I really got some bad memory here16:01
nigel_nbgnomefreak: thanks for helping me narrow down the issue16:01
AnAntasac: sorry !16:02
gnomefreaknigel_nb: i updated bug. thanks for helping16:03
gnomefreakhey is pulseaudio-udev needed? in Lucid?16:37
asacwhy wouldnt it?16:40
gnomefreakasac: its been wanting to remove it in lucid since beginning16:49
asachmm. if nothing else goes away, try to let it go16:49
gnomefreakok yeah that is only thing it wants to remove16:51
micahgfta: what happened to tb31?17:06
gnomefreakInstalled: 3.0.1~hg20091206r4489+ <<< installed here17:25
* gnomefreak gone 17:25
eagles0513875hey guys18:33
eagles0513875google chrome beta for linux has been unleashed into the open18:33
BUGabundowe have chromium alreyday18:33
BUGabundo4.0.267.0 (Ubuntu build 34029)18:34
eagles0513875asac: whats the advantage of chromium over google chrome?18:38
asacits free ... ;)18:38
asaceagles0513875: the advantage is that they know what pieces make a release ;) .. while we sit there watching from outside18:39
eagles0513875technically isnt chrome as well or not really18:40
asaceagles0513875: not really. the difference is that they also add some non-free stuff18:41
* BUGabundo is back18:41
=== mac_v_ is now known as mac_v
ftaeagles0513875: i was aware that google was ready to release a beta, but as asac & BUGabundo said, there's no difference for us, at least none i'm looking forward to have (multicolor logo, various trackers, and a known brand name)19:07
ftai can still build the same revision, if people are really willing to stick with it19:09
ftaasac, btw, we fixed the codecs that ftbfs on arm yesterday, and i'm trying to move to the sumo codec like upstream did19:11
asaclet me know hen i should copy something19:11
asacbuilders seems to be back for the time being19:11
ftawell, you can take the current codecs, they should build fine on arm now19:13
ftathe sumo will come later, it needs some work19:13
ftaasac, yasm exists on arm but is useless (and unused), it's not able to generate code for arm19:16
ftaso it means the codecs using it are less optimized on arm19:17
debfxasac: I put together the necessary changes for the firefox kde integration in bug #49406719:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 494067 in xulrunner-1.9.1 "Provide better Firefox KDE integration" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/49406719:20
ftaasac, in case you missed that, http://identi.ca/notice/16085460 http://identi.ca/notice/1609644419:26
asacstemp is a whiner19:27
ftano reply so he is ;)19:28
asache whines since when? 2 month?19:29
ftamicahg, what did you mean about tb31?19:33
ftamicahg1, ^^19:33
asacfta: less optimized? or not working at all?19:36
asacfta: otherwise i would suggest to drop the -ffmpeg depends for [!armel]19:36
asacerr restrict i mean19:36
ftaasac, just less optimized. for a long time, i used to build those codecs without yasm (like google), until the ffmpeg author told me to use it19:46
micahg1fta: upload size19:46
=== micahg1 is now known as micahg
ftathunderbird-3.1 (3.1~a1~hg20091207r4499+nobinonly -> 3.1~a1~hg20091208r4502+nobinonly) [12.56MB (-48163kB, -383.23%)]19:47
asacfta: k i think its fine for now for arm19:47
asactb 3.0 is out today afaik19:47
fta-383.23% lol19:47
ftabad math19:48
asacfta: so new ffmpeg avail in ppa already?20:18
asac17h ago ... seems not to be it i guess20:19
ftait is20:19
bdrungasac: i am working on restructuring xpi.mk and make it simpler and more scalable. can you rewrite the xpath commands in python?20:26
asacprobably. do we really have scalability issues?20:27
asacalso do we really want to build depend on python ;)?20:27
asacj.k. i think if it helps it shouldnt be a blocker ;)20:28
ftachromium-browser                 24172   1.77%      4822   12186    7159       520:29
ftagoogle-chrome-unstable           20017   1.47%      5084    9117    5798      1820:29
bdrungasac: yes, we love python. 1. my makefile code is not very easy to debug (even for me) 2. supporting multiple xpi files is currently not possible, but should be possible with the new design20:29
ftafor the records, before the buzz kills it20:29
bdrungasac: j.k. means what?20:29
asacjust kidding20:32
micahgasac: what are your plans for TB3 in lucid?20:33
micahgnow that it's been released20:33
asacget up asap ;)20:33
asaci am not sure we want to use the versioned package name though20:33
asacgiven that we probably want to drop tbitd support right away20:34
asaci mean20:34
micahgso just morph thunderbird source into TB3?20:34
asactb3 into tbird source ;)20:34
micahgasac: that's what I meantr20:36
micahgasac: I guess I never built the final version20:37
micahgasac: do you need me to do anything for TB3?20:39
asacmicahg: yes. i just noticed that we ignored the -dev package completely, right?21:13
asace.g. no -dev package at all21:13
asacthats actually an upstream issue i should have raised before ;)21:13
bdrungasac: i need XPI_TARGET_EMIDs and TARGET_VERSION as python code21:17
bdrung(either object or function)21:17
ftaasac, http://src.chromium.org/viewvc/chrome/releases/LATEST.txt?view=markup  \o/21:17
micahgasac: for TB3?21:18
micahgasac: it's pretty much empty21:19
=== asac_ is now known as asac
ubottuyes, I'm alive.21:37
ftaasac, you're alive but freenode is dying22:07
micahgfta: I figured why my builds took so long, I'm using xfs :)22:11
ftaeh? what's the difference in % ?22:13
micahgidk, xulrunner took me 3 hours to build22:13
asaci think ext4 is best atm22:14
micahgit's great for large files, but bad for small ones22:14
micahghg clone is a nightmare22:14
micahgnext time I rebuild, I'm making an ext4 partition for builds :)22:14
micahgasac: I'm running a test build of TB3 final now22:15
micahgor as soon as I have an .org.tar.gz22:15
ftamicahg, you're using the DEBIAN_TAG feature, right?22:16
micahgfta, yes, and appending ~micahg :)22:16
micahgI'm building this tag:  THUNDERBIRD_3_0rc3_RELEASE22:17
[reed]micahg: why?22:17
[reed]thunderbird 3.0 released today22:17
[reed]no need to build the rc22:17
micahgyep, that's the last tag22:17
asac[reed]: no new tag ;)22:17
micahg[reed]: I'm not building the production version22:17
asaci didnt find it at leased22:17
[reed]you should complain22:17
asacso i am too doing a build with rc atm22:18
asac[reed]: i was about to complain. but then got distracted ;)22:18
asacand since i alrady fired a 3.0rc3 build up i thought i can complain later ;) (maybe they will do it still)22:18
mconnorasac: they're new at this, they probably didn't think about it much22:20
asac_Tsk_: remember to tag your final tb 3.0 ;)22:23
[reed]yeah, I already brought it up with tb-drivers22:24
asachopefully they dont stop the deserved party because of this now ;)22:25
micahgasac: do you need any help cleaning up the changelog for TB3/TB222:26
ftamicahg, it's a new package, iirc, i made it from scratch, it should be almost empty22:31
micahgright, so it has to be merged22:31
ftawhy? they don't any common ancestor?22:32
micahgfta: same sounrce22:32
micahgin lucid22:32
ftawell, do as you want, i don't mind in fact22:32
micahgit's up to asac22:33
ftai wanted to write: why? they don't share any common ancestor!22:33
ftalol http://launchpadlibrarian.net/36602796/buildlog_ubuntu-intrepid-lpia.chromium-browser_4.0.267.0~svn20091208r34059-0ubuntu1~ucd1~intrepid_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz22:39
ftadh_md5sums -pchromium-browser-dbg22:39
ftamd5sum: write error: No space left on device22:39
micahg[reed]: do I need to register a nick on irc.mozilla.org?22:50
[reed]you don't have to, but you can22:51
micahg[reed]: is it the same process as freenode?22:51
[reed]no, but similar22:51
[reed]/msg nickserv help register22:51
[reed]gives you directions22:52
[reed]I'm "reed" (without the quotes or brackets) on irc.mozilla.org22:53
micahg[reed]: I did it, thanks22:58
* micahg wanted to add a nick on LP for irc.mozilla.org22:58
micahgasac: what's the story with enigmail?23:45
asacthe story with enigmail is that we need thunderbird-dev headers23:47
asacand what is in dist/sdk isnt enough (not that it matters)23:47
asacwe need the full include/ dir i guess23:47
asacand upstream system isnt really prepared to install that in make install from what i see :/23:48
[reed]glandium was working on getting stuff moved to frozen linkages23:49
[reed]or frozen glue23:49
micahgasac: anything I can do to prepare for it?23:51
asac[reed]: working on moving enigmail to frozen glue ;)?23:55
asacthey use mime*.h headers23:56
asaci guess he works on mail/mailnews23:56
BUGabundofta so what's in the new PPA for chromium beta?23:56
[reed]on tbird23:56
ftaBUGabundo, it's still empty23:56
asacmicahg: check with mailnews folks and ask them how they want to make the build system export all headers23:57
asacthen do it ;) or do it differently23:57
asacbasically on make install the stuff currently in dist/include needs to be in debian/tmp/... somewhere23:57
asacafter make install ;)23:57
ftaBUGabundo, i just need to bend my get-orig-source code a bit further without breaking it23:57
asac[reed]: yes. thats mail/mailnews and some other stuff afair23:57
micahgasac: we don't have an enigmail bzr repo do we?23:58
BUGabundofta so it's the same as in daily?23:58
BUGabundodon't want to loose any juicy bits23:58
ftaBUGabundo, will be there: https://edge.launchpad.net/~chromium-daily/+archive/beta23:58
BUGabundofta but what will bring that dailies don't ?23:59

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