
mrandprozaconstilts: I've not tried it, but does xine --keymap=lirc produce anything?00:00
prozaconstiltsone sec, let me try00:00
prozaconstiltsit outputs an lirc button config00:02
mrandAnd do the names match up with what's in your .lirc?00:03
prozaconstiltsin terms of the config= lines, the values there are correct00:04
prozaconstiltsthe remote and button lines just have "=xxx"00:04
prozaconstiltsthe mapping I have in place now worked fine for 9.04...00:06
mrandRight.  Normally you'd replace the xxx with various button names and such.00:06
mrandYeah,, I'm sorry to say that I don't have a clue.  If superm1 has time, he might be able to suggest something else, but the fact that you appear to be the only one complaining about it either means no-one else has noticed (unlikely, but possible in my opinion), or there is something wrong on your particular system.00:07
mrandI suppose you could perhaps try dropping back to a previous version of xine.00:07
superm1the best thing to do is do a test run with ircat00:08
superm1rule out problems in the lirc conf files in your home directory00:09
henrik__superm1, I need your help. I have been asking in mythtv-users for several days and no one can help me..00:09
superm1henrik__, and you've posted several contentless pings to me.  post the actual question :)00:10
henrik__Problem 1. In mythweb when I do a free text search for a epg program, it shows the dates of when the shows are shown but not the day. ie. 8/12-2009 instead of mon 8/12 200900:11
henrik__this worked in .21 but not in .2200:11
mrandprozaconstilts: The ONLY problem I've found mention of an lirc / xine problem on archlinux, where they needed to recompile xine. http://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=8255700:12
henrik__and I have gone thru all my videos and added the number from http://www.themoviedb.org/ in metadata, and it downloaded the backgrounds and pictures perfectly. But next time I did a search of the movies in my movie dir all that information was removed, and even if I do a w in the directory or a fetch information in meta menu it does not come back.00:12
prozaconstiltsmrand, i've read that post. I've confirmed lirc was compuled for 9.10 w/ lirc support...let me try ircat. I was unaware of that nice little tool00:14
prozaconstiltser,, xine was compiled*00:15
superm1henrik__, so are you sure that it's the action of the search making the metadata go away?00:15
superm1it can possibly be jamu mucking with things00:15
henrik__well, the way it turned out was that the next day all the information was there, and then when I had added information it just disapered..00:16
superm1prozaconstilts, the other thing to consider is that you can regenerate your lircrc for just xine (look at mythbuntu-lirc-generator --help)00:16
superm1henrik__, well what you want to do is make sure you can isolate what is doing that.  you can disable the jamu cron jobs temporarily to aide in verifying that's what's doing it00:17
superm1they're in /etc/cron.*/00:17
henrik__but right now I have no information00:17
henrik__in my video dir00:17
henrik__is it a known problem with the meta data utility?00:18
prozaconstiltssuperm1: I did that, and diff'd with the original. Aside from a few changes I made to map buttons to config actions, it looked the same.00:18
prozaconstiltssuperm1: ircat shows config strings outputting to the terminal for xine00:20
mrandhenrik__: the meta data utility has had a number of recent updates... are you on autobuilds?00:20
henrik__I'm on avenard00:22
henrik__cause I did not get vdpau working without it00:22
superm1our builds provide 185 and 190 nvidia too00:22
superm1not sure what benefit you get out of there instead00:22
superm1prozaconstilts, hmm.  okay next idea.  can you move the xine conf out of the way and let it regenerate?00:22
henrik__I'll be more then happy to go back00:22
henrik__now I'm on 19000:23
superm1perhaps there is sort of option for enabling / disabling remote that i'm not aware of00:23
superm1henrik__, well on avenard, what's the latest svn revno you're at?00:23
superm1the jamu updates have been backported in very recent commits00:23
prozaconstiltssuperm1: i tired that as well00:23
prozaconstiltsxine config being ~/.xine00:24
superm1prozaconstilts, you've got me then.  if ircat shows it working, there's not much reason for it to not work directly in xine00:24
superm1prozaconstilts, i know it works in 9.10 with xine because i've been using it for xine up until last week00:25
superm1(i stopped because i'm now using a bluray player to upconvert dvds)00:25
prozaconstiltswell, let me compile from source and enable debug. Maybe it'll show me something...or maybe it'll even work :P00:25
henrik__superm1, whats the svn that is in the org.00:25
superm1those are fairly recent.  the latest on mythbuntu autobuilds is 2295700:26
superm1but i think the jamu stuff went in about a week or two ago, so you should be fine there00:26
superm1go disable the cron jobs and see if the problem persists00:26
superm1if it does, then you've at least ruled one area out00:27
henrik__where in the crown can I find the jamu?00:27
superm1you'll have to run mythbackend with debug in that case00:27
superm1<superm1> they're in /etc/cron.*/00:27
henrik__and what is it called?00:28
superm1i don't know off hand00:29
superm1there's a few files there00:29
henrik__this one.. mythvideo??00:29
superm1sounds right00:34
superm1there's a few00:34
henrik__now i removed mythvideo from hourly daily and weekly00:34
henrik__you seem to be right00:40
henrik__Now when I removed that from my crown scripts00:41
henrik__and added them again..00:41
henrik__no problem..00:41
henrik__but as soon as I executed one of thouse scripts it erased all meta data00:41
henrik__superm1, I'm now going back to your repros..00:52
henrik__should I be using the PPA?? is there where the most recent version?00:52
superm1henrik__, they're mirrors00:52
superm1so you can get them anywhere00:53
superm1whatever's closest00:53
superm1so what you want to do is file a bug at svn.mythtv.org about this. file it against jamu, and RDV_Linux should be able to help figure out what's going wrong00:53
henrik__but where is the most recent version.. I know that the uk was days behind00:53
henrik__well superm1 just by removing the cron worked good for me..00:54
superm1PPA is the first place that they get uploaded to00:54
superm1but that means there is a bug in jamu00:54
superm1it's not supposed to be doing this00:54
superm1it's actually supposed to be doing $GOOD things00:54
henrik__should I active testing ppa?00:55
henrik__yes. but I will probelbly not be able to add all the info that the developers want :)00:55
henrik__I can never give enough information they ask for so much.. I would hoever happily give you a shell account..00:56
superm1RDV_Linux will ask you for whatever information is necessary00:56
superm1surely you're not the only one with the issue, so it's beneficial to everyone to file a bug about it00:56
superm1up to you on the testing ppa00:56
superm1we dont use it as much as we should00:57
henrik__then i'll skip it..00:57
henrik__now I'm back to your autobuild00:59
henrik__superm1, the other question?01:00
henrik__superm1, a bug is filed..01:13
henrik__superm1, when you have the time please look at my other question i wrote to..01:17
MistStlkrhello all04:36
MistStlkranyone else having an issue since taking the 2.6.31-16 kernel update?  I can now only boot in recovery mode for some reason.04:37
tgm4883MistStlkr, Linux ares 2.6.31-16-generic #52-Ubuntu SMP Thu Dec 3 22:07:16 UTC 2009 x86_64 GNU/Linux04:38
tgm4883Have you tried booting an older kernel?04:38
MistStlkrI have tried -15 as well and get the hang at the same spot, but a -15 (recovery mode) also works04:39
MistStlkrand once booting into recovery mode, all I have to do is hit "resume normal" on the menu and it boots fine04:39
tgm4883MistStlkr, odd04:40
tgm4883any errors in syslog?04:40
MistStlkrI get what appears to be a white terminal window and a permanent "wait" icon04:40
MistStlkrThe system can actually be used as long as I jump thru a few hoops, including changing the permissions on the sound card.. so each time I reboot I can tinker to get it working, but it seems awfully odd.04:41
MistStlkrperhaps the chmod on the audio is a result of having to boot in recovery mode?04:42
MistStlkrwife is watching a video at the moment, she got tired of not having it and jumped all over it once I got eh audio issue "fixed" LOL  I'll have to check the syslog later.  what might I be looking for?04:45
tgm4883anything with error, failed, etc04:45
tgm4883usual troubleshooting stuff like that04:45
MistStlkralright, thought you had something specific in mind.  I'll have a look when I can kick her off :-P  at least i can have it functional as it is, which is a big step up from where it was for the past week or two04:46
MistStlkrthanks for the help04:47
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dtrottIs it possible to do a text only install of mythbuntu (I have some issues with the GFX card and I need to get the system operation so I can install the proper drivers) ?07:08
dtrottok i found the "safe graphics mode option" the latest version of mythbuntu doesn't detect the hard drives correctly thought (I have gone back to 9.04 which seems to be fine).07:55
superm1dtrott, can you file a bug about that?08:21
superm1dtrott, run ubiquity like this: "ubiquity -d"08:21
superm1dtrott, and then after you get to the screen that it tries to detect drives (and fails), you can close ubiquity out and file a bug like this: "ubuntu-bug ubiquity"08:22
dtrottK let me wrap up the install with 9.04 first then I will reboot to 9.1008:22
superm1great thanks08:22
dtrottDoes mythbunu have a  runlevel that is not X11 ?08:31
superm1not during the live cd08:32
dtrottI have it installed on the drive now only I can't use RL 1 as the NVidia installer bitches and 2 is already at X1108:33
superm1dont use the nvidia installer08:34
superm1use the hardware drivers tool to enable the driver08:34
dtrottyea that did it i now have a console so I can install the nvidia driver (the stardard hardware tool boned X11).08:39
dtrottSweet up an running watching tv ;-)09:16
jussi01Zinn: is a bot?09:20
dtrottam i right in thinking that mythbuntu 9.04 doesn't have VDPAU support compiled in ?09:48
dtrottsuperm1: Bug #  49397710:03
eddie128Hi,  I've been through a number of howtos on LCD proc and mythtv however I can't seem to get my LCD to do anything but display welcome , time and goodbye messages with MythTV.  I'm using an IMON device.   Can someone advise how I can test the connection between LCDproc and mythtv?12:09
superm1jussi01, yes Zinn is a bot15:13
superm1rhpot1991 maintains him15:13
jussi01superm1: ahh, great, thanks.15:14
superm1!hi | jussi0115:14
Zinnjussi01: Hi $nick, how are you?  Something we can help you with today?15:14
mishehuis there a quick & easy way to set the cpufreq to be performance?16:28
mishehuI found that there was a script in /etc/init.d that ran it, so I removed the symlink from the /etc/rc?.d dirs16:32
* jussi01 waves. 17:04
jussi01Can someone point me to something in regards to setting up the remote for my anysee e 90 combo?17:05
superm1not even sure on that model.  who manufacturers the remote?17:10
jussi01superm1: not sure17:17
jussi01just says anysee on the remote, nothing in it at all...17:17
superm1jussi01, take a look through lsusb and lshal to see if you can find anything more informative about it.  if not, it's probably not going to be worth the effort to try to make work some third party rare remote.  probably just better off buying a mceusb based one17:18
superm1(which work OOTB perfectly)17:18
jussi01superm1: this any use to you? http://paste.ubuntu.com/337422/17:21
superm1jussi01, that tells me that the kernel might be able to handle it directly without LIRC17:22
jussi01oh? :D17:22
superm1see if the keys do anything when pressed (they might emit keypresses)17:22
jussi01how would I check that?17:22
superm1press a button on the remote and see if it does anythign to a terminal window17:22
jussi01oooh, I get numbers17:23
jussi01and volume17:23
superm1there you go17:23
jussi01so how do I then configure it?17:23
superm1well check xev and make sure that all the buttons put out some keycode17:23
superm1as long as they do, you can just map from within mythcontrols17:24
jussi01ahh, excellent. Now I just have to tell my lovely girlfrined that I need her pc for a day... :D17:24
superm1or you can map them from xmodmap too17:25
superm1or other similar standard key mapping tools17:25
jussi01superm1: is there a way to install mybuntu over the top of her kde environment?17:25
superm1jussi01, sure, visit http://mythbuntu.org/existing-ubuntu17:25
superm1as long as kde does apturl, you can click that right from the website to install things17:26
jussi01superm1: great, your a star. thanks very much. (it doesnt)17:26
superm1otherwise, go install the control centre in the kde equivalent of synaptic or software center17:26
jussi01superm1: 1 more quick q,17:34
jussi01I have to pass: jussi@galaxy:~$ sudo rmmod dvb_usb_anysee17:34
jussi01jussi@galaxy:~$ sudo modprobe dvb_usb_anysee delsys=117:34
superm1jussi01, so put it in /etc/modprobe.d/blah.conf17:35
jussi01to it every time. (its a dvb-c and dvb-t and that swithces to the -t)17:35
superm1where blah.conf is your favorite file name17:35
jussi01oh, :)17:35
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jussi01hrm, what exactly do I need to put in my .conf file?17:45
jussi01ooh, thats cool, apt-url in chromium :D17:47
superm1i think it would be:17:47
superm1options dvb-usb-anysee delsys=117:47
jussi01ooh, thats not giving me errors now, lets see...17:48
jussi01thanks again. Ill come bother you all later when ive set it all up... (or am having issues setting it all up.)17:49
superm1okay have fun!17:50
jussi01hrm, I only seem to have lirc remote stuff in the mybuntu control center - where was it that you meant for mapping?17:57
superm1jussi01, there's no support for the standard X mapping tools in MCC, only lirc as you say18:34
superm1you can go into mythcontrols to map inside myth though18:34
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map7_can anyone help me with a frontend client connection problem?22:18
henrik__map7_, what is your problem?22:32
henrik__map7_, I se you are getting help from iamlindoro.22:34
map7_henrik__ i'm working through it with people on mythtv-users22:34
henrik__yes good luck with that22:34

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