
=== Pendulum_ is now known as Pendulum
dholbachgood morning08:01
dholbachczajkowski: are you in touch with Daniel Dolinov?10:23
dholbachczajkowski: I have a bunch of mails I didn't answer yet and not sure where things stand there :)10:24
czajkowskiI'm waiting to hear back from him in fact10:24
dholbachah nice :)10:24
czajkowskihe;s on my to email today list10:24
* dholbach hugs czajkowski10:24
czajkowskiI chatted with him and Paolo over 2 weeks ago re marketing the ngo interviews and a possible webinar10:25
czajkowskialso this channel is now logged10:25
czajkowskiso if folks aren't in here10:25
dholbachprogress! :)10:25
czajkowskibut they can see conversations10:25
czajkowskislowly but surely :)10:25
czajkowskidholbach: I was gonna update the bp, but saw it was done so just mailed the gobby doc out to the mailing list in case folks hadn't seen it10:43
dholbachczajkowski: good thinking - it was good to get it on the ml10:45
czajkowskijust wanted to keep everyone in the loop and I know the gobby doc is there, just folks may not think of going and getting it10:49
* dholbach hugs czajkowski10:52
* czajkowski grins 10:52
czajkowskiyou are the king of hugs my dear10:52
AlanBellis it good practice to put a link to the logs in the /topic?11:07
AlanBellalthough the topic is a bit link-heavy :-)11:07
czajkowskiAlanBell: some channels do others don't11:08
czajkowskiI don't mind11:08
AlanBellI kind of like it in the -uk topic11:08
czajkowskiyes, but yer a noisey bunch11:09
AlanBellnot quiet and refined like our friends to the west :-)11:10
dholbachwe could put all the links in the header of the NGO wiki page11:13
czajkowskioh nice idea11:15
AlanBellI am not that bothered either way to be honest, I was just curious about the IRC etiquette of it. I am a bit of a newcommer to IRC11:15
czajkowskiAlanBell: I only got the channel logged in the last week or so11:16
czajkowskijust so folks could read if stuff happens in here and don't run screen sessions or don't use irc11:16
AlanBelllogging is a good idea11:16
czajkowskiAlanBell: what was that payroll software you mentioned that ran on linux ?12:57
AlanBellpayroll is a tricky one12:58
AlanBellI use gnucash and payroll is a bit manual and a bit casual12:58
AlanBellthere is a plan to add a payroll module to openerp12:59
czajkowskiAlanBell: oculd you put this on the wiki somewhere?12:59
czajkowskisave me asking and I'm sure others would be interested?12:59
AlanBellmost people of a certain size outsource their payroll and just treat the payroll supplier as a regular supplier that bills them 12 invoices per year12:59
czajkowskibut for contractors adn small companies..13:00
AlanBellwell what I do is transfer money from the company account to my account13:00
AlanBellmy accountant gives me 12 payslips at the start of each year13:01
AlanBelland it just goes in gnucash as a transaction and I set up an account like a cost code for each of us13:01
AlanBellwhat is NGO about it?13:02
AlanBellI would have thought that the smaller NGOs would be staffed by volunteers and would not run payroll13:02
AlanBelland do all the national insurance stuff that goes with it13:03
AlanBelljust pay expenses13:03
czajkowskinope all use a form of a payroll13:03
czajkowskiplus I was also interested as read about it elsewhere and looking for an oss solution13:03
czajkowskiAlanBell: is that the same as quickbooks?13:04
AlanBellI believe gnucash and quickbooks are in the same ballpark13:04
AlanBellbut I have never seen quickbooks13:05
AlanBelland google gears has broken my firefox so I can't even look it up :-(13:06
AlanBellok, fixed. Quickbooks would appear to be somewhat similar to gnucash13:14
mhall119|workfrom what little quickbooks exposure I've had, gnucash seems very similar14:02
AlanBellI am happy to do something about accountancy and payroll and suchlike, but I don't know how I would put an NGO spin on it15:41
czajkowskiAlanBell: well just from an oss slant15:42
czajkowskion the wiki page15:42
czajkowskiso we can reference it15:42
AlanBellthat I can do, I will have a think about it and do something15:43
AlanBellpossibly over christmas15:43
czajkowskiokie dokie15:47
=== ebel_ is now known as ebel
czajkowskiso I'm working on paper Jams for the NGO20:28
czajkowskibasically something that;s bigger than a paper cut20:28
czajkowskilike a typo, or naming conventions20:28
czajkowskithat are across teams20:28
czajkowskiso documentaion20:28
czajkowskiworking with the design team on this20:29
czajkowskiand I've to chose one of the interviews to be used as a test case20:29

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