
Doorman352How do I setup software raid 1, I just want to mirror a hard drive for redundancy, not performance.00:05
qman`Doorman352, it's done easiest at install time00:06
qman`in the partitioner00:06
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Doorman352OK, 9.10 didn't give me anything to work with..... sorry got a call. BRB00:06
unit3desktop installer doesn't do raid / lvm setup, IIRC.00:08
unit3which is too bad.00:08
yann2its not suited for most people... for those who wish, there is still the alternate right?00:09
qman`well, this is #ubuntu-server00:10
qman`I simply assumed that's what he was using00:10
unit3oh, good point.00:11
unit3yeah. server install it should be right there.00:11
qman`IIRC, it's even an option right in the menu now00:11
qman`but even if it isn't, you can still do it manually00:11
unit3yeah, it's in the partitioning setup, I used it recently.00:12
unit3The defaults are fairly dumb for things like stripe size, mind you, but it is there. ;)00:15
YagisanG'day all - has anyone in here deployed buildbot on ubuntu server in here ?00:18
YagisanI deployed it on the weekend, but it is crashing in the buildsteps ( bug #493575 )00:19
uvirtbotYagisan: Error: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: The read operation timed out00:19
YagisanI was hoping someone could have a quick look at the bug and confirm or deny it's a bug00:19
Yagisanrather than user error on my behalf00:20
* Yagisan grabs a linky https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/buildbot/+bug/49357500:20
uvirtbotYagisan: Error: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: The read operation timed out00:20
bcurtiswxi have a question about the setup of a three computer mini cluster00:28
bcurtiswxwe have Ubuntu 8.04, and we want /home on one computer00:28
bcurtiswxand an FTP server on one00:29
bcurtiswxtwo will be workstations00:29
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bcurtiswxwe have a www server as well00:29
bcurtiswxhow should we set it all up00:29
unit3that's sort of a design question depending on more factors than you've listed here... it's really up to you what makes the most sense.00:30
unit3I mean, generally you'd do all the serving from one system, and the workstation stuff from the other two, but it'll really depend.00:31
Yagisanbcurtiswx, that is hard to say - it's a design issue00:31
jeeves_Mossis there a way to make a totaly fresh install of Apache?  I think I've got this system so hooped it dosn't know who it is.  I'm still getting the suexec wrapper errors00:31
Yagisanbcurtiswx, I can say that for _my_ setup - my server supports kvm, so I put my www server into a virtual machine on there, and other servers into different virtual machines00:32
unit3well, normally you'd just purge the packages and then reinstall them. but IIRC you said you had some atypical install?00:32
bcurtiswxunit3, Yagisan: thx.. I think the smarter decision is all outgoing stuff (apache, ftp, etc..) should be all on one computer.. leaving the other 2 for heavy lifting (code compiling/running)00:32
unit3bcurtiswx: that'd be my feeling, unless you have any reason to do it differently.00:32
bcurtiswxYagisan: how can you do it with Virtual Machines?? would virtualbox work?00:36
Yagisanbcurtiswx, I'm using kvm and virt-manager - just set each one up as if it was a "real" machine00:37
unit3Yagisan: that seems overly complicated for what he wants, considering he has 3 different physical machines.00:37
bcurtiswxYagisan: im going with my previous mention.. i'm just thinking about how Yagisan has that going.. thx for the reply about that00:38
Yagisanunit3, possibly - I was just giving one example of a possible setup00:38
Yagisanunit3, in my case I have 6 physical machines here, and 22 virtual machines00:39
Yagisanso I have a slight bias towards sticking things into virtual machines00:39
unit3yeah, I'm big on VMs too, but unfortunately (in my testing) the open source framework stuff still has a fair amount of bugs in it... so I don't advise people commit to it unless they really know what they're doing. ;)00:40
Yagisanand if I ever solve my buildbot problem, I can expect a large increase in virtual machines :D00:40
unit3never played with buildbot, I probably should at some point.00:40
YagisanI haven't used it since dapper00:41
Yagisanthen it was with a subversion repo00:41
Yagisansince then buildbot has had security issues, and I switched to Git, so I thought, lets deploy it on karmic00:41
Yagisanwell - I built the slaves first, then the master00:42
Yagisanand got nothing :/00:42
qman`Jeeves_, sudo apt-get purge apache; sudo apt-get install apache00:47
qman`I think that's the right package name00:47
qman`oops, jeeves_Moss ^00:48
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jeeves_Mossqman`, lol. I think this server is a mess.  and I'm tempted to rip out everything and start over.  all I know is that this vhost is causing problems00:48
* Yagisan still isn't used to this small keyboard00:55
Yagisankeep missing the tab key :/00:55
Doorman352sorry, got a phone call.00:57
Doorman352I'm setting up a Dell PowerEdge 850 as a server, but per the advice here I used the desktop media so I can use the gui...... I'd like to setup Raid 1 on this system for redundancy.00:58
Doorman352Server does NOT have a hardware raid controller.00:59
Hypnozyou would use the command mdadm00:59
Hypnozmight have to apt-get install mdadm00:59
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Doorman352OK, read the Ubuntu How-to on mdadm and It is not clear how to mirror a drive. It looks like it has to be done before installing, but then how would I use mdadm?01:05
qman`Doorman352, I can't really help you with doing it on desktop, but here is a simple guide for server: http://advosys.ca/viewpoints/2007/04/setting-up-software-raid-in-ubuntu-server/01:05
qman`if you want to mirror the partitions the system is installed on, then yes, it has to be done during install, at the partitioning stage01:06
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qman`I don't know who advised you to use desktop or why, precisely, but the GUI is not supported in this channel01:07
qman`it depends entirely on what you want to do01:08
Doorman352I asked a while ago about using a gui to build and familiarize myself with ubuntu server and was told in this channel that the distros were interchangeable and to use the desktop until I was comfortable. Sorry to have crossed the boundary here.01:10
unit3well, it's not a boundary, it's just use cases. the desktop installer doesn't include a bunch of server functionality, like RAID setup.01:11
unit3you really need to install the server version to configure these things properly, unless you really know what you're doing.01:11
Hypnozi believe you could apt-get install linux-server01:11
qman`yeah, it's not that big a deal01:11
Hypnozand that would give a bunch of server packages01:11
qman`I just meant, we don't support the GUI installer and tools here, so I can't really help with that part of it01:11
unit3yeah, exactly.01:12
Doorman352sorry, but I was told here to do it.....01:12
qman`not knowing how to accomplish raid 1 with the GUI, I'd suggest using server or alternate, and installing the GUI on top with the ubuntu-desktop package01:13
Doorman352I had that before, and tried ebox and webmin, neither worked very well at building new servers..01:13
qman`I'm not fond of any of the web GUIs01:14
qman`webmin is not nice to debian-style conf, and ebox has a long way to go01:14
qman`the ubuntu-desktop package installs the same GUI that ubuntu desktop uses01:14
unit3yep. generally you're better off just doing work on the CLI.01:14
qman`but doing it taht way would allow you to install the system using the server menus and RAID functions01:14
qman`and then install the GUI on top01:15
Doorman352Ok, well my microsoft server experience doesn't translate well to the terminal.01:15
jmarsdenDoorman352: Use a Desktop install to learn Ubuntu and play with if you want, but when it is time for a production server install, install from the server CD and ssh into it.01:15
Doorman352Thats what I'm doing.01:15
qman`that's very true01:16
qman`but all the server functions on linux are CLI-based01:16
qman`so even with a GUI, you still really need to learn the commands and configuration files01:16
unit3Doorman352: nope, unix-y OSes are *very* different from Windows.01:16
jmarsdenDoorman352: cacls is pretty hardcore commandline stuff, if I remember rightly :)  Theres a bunch of command line things necessary as a good Windows server admin.  ntdsutil has no GUI either, does it?01:16
qman`jmarsden, that's right, but you only need to use those things when you have a problem01:16
Doorman352yes, but I don't have to do most things from a command prompt.01:16
qman`and unixy command lines are MUCH easier than windows command lines01:17
qman`windows is too wordy and lacks the nice features like proper tab completion01:17
unit3not to mention proper documentation. :P01:17
Doorman352qman`: perspective, I'm more comfortable with DOS/Windows because I've been using them for many years....01:17
jmarsdenqman`: never had a problem?  So either you've never had a problem with Windows over some time (in which case, stick with it!), or you've not been a Widnows admin for very long? :)01:18
qman`Doorman352, I started on windows/DOS too, linux is far better01:18
qman`jmarsden, plenty of problems, but it usually ended up googling the microsoft site and copy/pasting some bits01:18
Doorman352no doubt, but I have to start somewhere and so far Linux isn't very easy to work with at the prompt without guides and there are some really bad ones on the web.01:18
qman`never bothered to actually learn windows commands like I do linux ones01:18
jmarsdenDoorman352: The one you care about is the Ubuntu Server Guide.  The one in the topic of this channel.01:19
qman`the server guide is great01:19
Doorman352Yep, read it and had a horrible time with Samab and my domain controllers.01:19
qman`well, there's the problem01:20
qman`integrating with windows domains is always a pain01:20
qman`no two ways about that, not until samba 4 comes out01:20
jmarsdenDoorman352: How will a GUI on Ubuntu Desktop fix windows domain integration issues??01:20
Doorman352well, I can't just throuw my WAn away and use linux yet, so I have to start somewhere.01:20
YagisanNT4 style domains work very well01:21
skritehey all, looking for some hardware advice, going to upgrade company webserver soon, and had a couple of questions.01:21
Doorman352jmarsden: the more tasks I can accomplish with ubuntu, the closer I get to replacing my wiindows servers. The Gui is a means to familiarize myself.01:21
qman`yeah, but full AD integration isn't possible, and the parts that are are very difficult to get working01:21
Doorman352qman`: I noticed.01:22
qman`it's largely due to the complete lack of documentation and standards in AD01:22
jmarsdenDoorman352: Cool, so run it on a workstation or in a VM on your windows workstation, then when you are familiarized, set yup the server.01:22
Yagisanwell, to be fair, AD is only meant to be "integrated" with AD01:22
qman`skrite, go ahead and ask01:23
jmarsdenskrite: Ask your real question(s), if you want people to have a chance of answering them :)01:23
Doorman352AD works in the Microsoft world, but not so good for other things.01:23
Doorman352I'd dump AD and use an alternative, but I lack the skills to use Linux. But I keep trying.01:24
qman`Doorman352, while you continue to have windows clients, there isn't much of one01:24
qman`but samba 4 will change that01:24
qman`a ways off but it's coming01:24
skriteok, thanks.  what is more important, more cores? or higher clock speed. I am looking at a system with two quad cores at like 2.23ghz.. Just wondering how much bang i would get trying to get higher clock speed01:24
Yagisanqman`, that would depend on how he has his network set up, and what he uses from AD01:25
qman`skrite, for a server with threaded applications, more cores would be more valuable01:25
Doorman352qman`: I'm hoping so, but the Samba.org guide for Kerberos and LDAP is terribly wrong and breaks Domain Controllers....01:25
skriteqman`, my system has a lot of different processes going on all at once.01:25
skriteso more cores.01:26
Yagisanskrite, have you measured the bottleneck ?01:26
jmarsdenskrite: It all depends on your workload.  On a fixed budget, add RAM before bumping CPU clock speeds01:26
skriteis there much speed increase in having 5 drives in a RAID 5 over having 3 drives?  they are SATA 15krpm01:27
qman`skrite, your read speeds will increase a bit01:27
Yagisanskrite, it's workload dependent01:27
jmarsdenskrite: "It all depends on your workload" ... is the server CPU bound or I/O bound, the current server I mean?01:27
skritejmarsden, i don't know.01:28
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Yagisanskrite, indeed - could it also be network bandwidth bound ?01:28
jmarsdenskrite: Then measure it before you spend your dollars... :)01:28
skriteno, not network01:28
skritewhat kind of workload is better to have more drives?01:28
jmarsdenAn I/O intensive workload.01:29
skriteour server does more writing than reading to the db01:29
Yagisandatabases/file servers01:29
skriteok, gotcha.01:29
skritelike what i am doing01:29
skritespeed increase very significant?01:29
skritewith more drives?01:29
Yagisanvirtual machine hosts also hammer disks01:29
Yagisanskrite, there are diminishing returns - it depends on the system, and the type of I/O01:30
qman`skrite, if you need more write performance, instead of going raid 5, go raid 0+1/1001:30
skriteYagisan, ok, not doing that01:30
jmarsdenskrite: First you said is was a web server... now you are saying it is a fileserver/database server?01:30
Yagisanskrite, raid5 writing is both CPU and I/O bound (need to calculate those checksums)01:30
skritejmarsden, well, it is both01:30
laenskrite: raid 0+1/10 increases read performance above raid 5/6 too afaik01:30
Doorman352Anyone use Ubuntu as a inter-vlan router?01:31
jmarsdenskrite: Ok, so how many database transactions per second is the current hardware doing?  And is that the majority of disk I/O on the machine?01:31
skritewe take data in from machines and show the customers all kinds of performance data, graphs, etc.. but we are writing about 8 records per second01:31
YagisanDoorman352, no - but quagga IIRC is suitable for routing01:31
skriteyes, is majority of disk i/o01:32
skritedon't know how many transactions per second.01:32
skritelots :)01:32
skritewe actually write more than that, because all the records get updated often as the machines change state01:33
jmarsdenskrite: Then a RAID 10 setup might buy you extra speed for the database.  Maybe Raid10 for the database and raid1 for the rest of the filesystem, if you can afford lots of drives... but without numbers it's very hard to really advise you.01:33
skriteok, well cool01:33
skritewill try to benchmark out what we are doing here01:33
skriteexactly the bottlenecks, then will come back with numbers.01:34
skritethanks all01:34
jmarsdenGo for it :)  You're welcome.01:34
Yagisanskrite, useful tools include iotop and top01:34
Doorman352Yagisan: Doesn't say it supports vlan routing....01:35
jmarsdenDoorman352: ?  Surely that's more a matter of whether your NICs support VLAN tags, all Linux kernels will have an 801q module you can use...01:37
jmarsdenQuagga itself does not need to directly support VLANs, as long as you can gen your NICs to do so and set up a virtual interface per VLAN that quagga can route to and from.  I'm pretty sure...01:37
uvirtbotNew bug: #493864 in bind9 (main) "package bind9 1:9.6.1.dfsg.P1-3ubuntu0.2 failed to install/upgrade: 子进程 已安装的 post-installation 脚本 返回了错误号 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/49386401:42
Doorman352jmarsden: Are you describing using physical NICS for each subnet instead of trunking? I was interested in trying to use a linux server as a router for 4 VLANS with a single nic setup as a trunk. Instead of a CISCO router or layer 3 switch. Lots of chatter about it, but nothing in detail about how.01:42
jmarsdenNo... you can configure one NIC to be seen as multiple virtual interfaces, one per VLAN... then quagga routes between those virtual interfaces.01:43
YagisanDoorman352, your NIC needs to support 802.1q vlan tagging, if so you can configure subinterfaces for each vlan01:43
qman`Doorman352, no, you'd only need to set up virtual interfaces for the vlan on one NIC01:43
YagisanDoorman352, then you can set up a routing daemon like quagga to do the work for you01:43
jmarsdenRight.  It's  much more about NIC choice than anything else :)01:43
bcurtiswxanother question.. should a machine that interacts with the outside (www, ftp, etc...) also contain the data it's hosting.. or is it better for that to be hosted on another computer?01:44
YagisanDoorman352, eg Billion does exactly that for my home ADSL router01:44
jmarsdenNice to see we're all in agreement on this :)01:44
qman`bcurtiswx, that depends on the amount of hardware at your disposal and how sensitive the data is01:45
qman`I would advise against hosting multiple services on one machine connected to the net01:45
qman`connected directly*01:45
qman`I'd also advise against running certain services together without proper chrooting01:46
bcurtiswxqman`, i've got three01:46
bcurtiswxearlier discussions make me think having outgoing stuff like www,ftp etc... on one computer01:46
jmarsdenbcurtiswx: Without knowing your budget and info security plan, that might be fine, or it might be terrible :)  Your question is really too broad to be easily answered here.01:47
bcurtiswxbut it will need to have access to data.. would it be better to have that on one of the other two computers?01:47
* Yagisan goes for the virtual machine rather than chrooting - but yes - I'd separate services if possible01:47
qman`bcurtiswx, the issue at hand here is contingency01:47
qman`should one service get compromised, you don't want that to grant access to the data for the others01:47
qman`ftp is a relatively insecure service01:47
qman`so it should be chrooted and preferrably separated from other data as much as possible01:48
* Yagisan would ask - do you really need ftp before deploying it01:48
Yagisando you expect outsiders to upload data to your server ?01:49
Yagisanor you to remotely do so ?01:49
bcurtiswxwe have outsiders constantly changing and updating the data (trusted people) not random01:49
bcurtiswxim no where near an expert, sorry if i'm not quite forming the correct information in my questions01:50
jmarsdenbcurtiswx: CAn you persuade them to use something other than FTP?  Like something ssh-based -- FileZilla if they need a GUI tool to upload with?01:51
bcurtiswxi can def talk with them about it01:51
jmarsdenIf you can, that's one less service to run... which is a Good Thing <TM> for your overall security01:51
bcurtiswxjmarsden: all good things to think about.. im gonna think through this and i'll probably have a few more questions01:52
jmarsdenThinking ahead of time is good :)01:53
* Yagisan needs to head out now - back in a few hours. Would love it if someone could offer advice on my buildbot issue #49357501:53
Doorman352qman`: I checked and my adapter supports 1q tagging, so how would I configure it in Ubuntu, as the Intel proset tools are windows based.01:54
qman`Doorman352, this should help: http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/howto-configure-linux-virtual-local-area-network-vlan.html01:55
qman`it's debian-oriented, so you'll have to insert some sudos01:55
qman`shows centOS, but looks like debian?01:56
qman`let me find something better01:56
jmarsdenDoorman352: Simple overview at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/vlan01:56
Doorman352qman`/jmarsden: Thanks, I'll try working through the guide.02:00
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bcurtiswxjmarsden: whats the best way to handle backing up computers..right now we back up our /home directories and the data, but this is all over the place, no central location.. how should this be handled best? (sorry if i haven't framed the question in the right way)02:24
jmarsdenWell, "best" is always subjective... a central on-site archive machine is a common approach, backup to that using rsync-based backup tools, keep multiple revisions not just one, and backup anything critical offsite as well.02:27
jmarsdenHow fancy you get depends on the time and hardware and network bandwidth and money available :)02:27
bcurtiswxhaha, ok02:28
qman`and for relatively inexpensive backup media, I'd suggest hard drives for large data, and flash drives or DVDs for smaller data02:29
jmarsdenbcurtiswx: Simple tools like rdiff-backup can work well, if you need more complexity look at bacula or amanda.  And yes, here at home, DVD's work fine :)02:30
qman`hard drives are still the cheapest media per gigabyte, and building a system around them is cheap too02:31
bcurtiswxwe have growing data amounts.. up to about 1TB so far.. and growing02:31
bcurtiswxall on hard disks at the moment02:31
qman`it's all budget permitting, but I'd suggest an active server you back up to, then copying backups to removable drives and sending them offsite if needed02:32
bcurtiswxhow would you set the initial rdiff start?, i know rdiff would be great for a "time machine" esque app02:32
bcurtiswxwould it be backing up the system and rdiff nightly based on current filesystem and backup?02:33
jmarsdenbcurtiswx: Once you have an initial copy of each machine on the archive server, you can just do nightly updates that copy, keeping older versions around... rdiff-backup and many other similar tools do this for you.  You have to decide how far back to keep incremental copies, of course.02:37
jmarsdenYou might want to play with rdiff-backup for a few unimprtant files and get comfortable with how it works, then start using it "for real".  Same with any backup approach really!02:38
bcurtiswxyeah, thats how i typically do things.. testing phase first in a very basic setting02:38
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bcurtiswxwell thanks for your help all.  ttyl02:53
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alex88why does apt-get upgrade don't update packets?02:55
alex88it writes something like "packets are keeped at current version" and the list of packets to update..but it doesn't do it02:55
jmarsdenalex88: You need to provide more detailed information if you want a helpful answer.   Can you pastebin the exact output so we can see it?02:56
alex88jmarsden: how can i output it in english? it's in italian now02:56
jmarsdenalex88: LANG=C apt-get update02:56
jmarsdenBut I can probably read it in italian if necessary :)02:56
alex88np..pasting in en02:57
alex88i've configure ubuntu 9.04 with unattened-updates as in ubuntu wiki...screen shows 10 packets to be updated but the result of apt-get upgrade is that02:58
qman`alex88, those packages require installing some new packages, so they are not automatically upgraded02:58
qman`if you want to upgrade them, do sudo apt-get dist-upgrade02:58
jmarsdenYou just need to do a full-upgrade to let the system update those.  sudo apt-get dist-upgrade02:58
jmarsdenqman beat me to it :)02:58
alex88oh thanks you all guys..02:59
alex88that worked fine..02:59
jmarsdenYou're welcome.03:00
alex88btw, going to sleep.. 3 am here in italy..cya tomorrow guys..03:00
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qman`back to visual basic homework...*/headdesk*03:02
Clusty_is there a way i could create a username on a machine such that he is just able to upload stuff with ssh, but cannot log in interactively ?03:14
qman`Clusty_, http://www.debian-administration.org/articles/59003:15
Clusty_qman`: the match part is a aprt of sshd_conf file?03:16
trimetaI'd like to turn my server into a DNS server; presumably I could Google for a tutorial, but there was a checkbox on the installer which I didn't tick. Is there a way to simply add whatever packages that checkbox would have pulled in?03:17
qman`Clusty_, yes03:17
qman`trimeta, sudo tasksel03:18
Clusty_qman`: i need to make sure i am not screwed (lock myself out). if i restart the sshd server all existing connections remain open?03:18
qman`Clusty_, I don't think so03:18
qman`make sure you only add that at the end of the file03:19
qman`a match block includes all code until the next match block or the end of the file03:19
qman`so if you just add it onto the end, users not defined in the match block won't be affected03:19
Clusty_qman`: /etc/ssh/sshd_config: line 81: Bad configuration option: ChrootDirectory03:21
Clusty_/etc/ssh/sshd_config line 81: Directive 'ChrootDirectory' is not allowed within a Match block03:21
qman`oh, you must be using an older version03:22
qman`this is a somewhat recent thing in sshd03:22
qman`you'll probably have to do it the old fashioned way with full jailing03:22
Clusty_qman`: on ubuntu 8.0403:22
qman`yeah, it's not in 8.0403:22
Clusty_how can i jail the user?03:23
qman`I've used jailkit in the past03:24
qman`it allows for jailed and non-jailed users side by side03:25
qman`the hardest part is building a working jail, but that's what jailkit helps with03:25
trimetaqman`: Thanks.03:25
Clusty_this makes it a salto mortale: 1 wrong move and I am screwed03:25
Clusty_gonna wait on the jailing for now03:25
Clusty_will update in 2 weeks to karmic03:26
Clusty_is that a good idea actually?03:26
Clusty_since it is not LTS03:26
qman`karmic has a recent enough version of sshd to do it the first way03:26
Clusty_qman`: i mneant if it's a good idea generally03:27
qman`depends on your needs, but truthfully you're probably going to upgrade to lucid in april anyway03:27
Clusty_if this machine goes down a lot of ppl will cry03:27
qman`and it'll be a single step from both hardy and karmic03:27
Clusty_machine is NFS/LDAP/DNS/Router03:27
qman`well, karmic itself is plenty stable enough, it's the package versions and odd bugs you might worry about03:28
Clusty_i can imagine that03:28
qman`it was a little rough right at launch but most of those problems have already been sorted03:28
Clusty_i still annot change the passwords proprely: make PAM synch unix passes with LDAP ones03:28
Clusty_the other nodes are karmic03:28
qman`but if downtime is your main concern, running an upgrade may break you03:29
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Clusty_problem is i am working remotely03:29
Clusty_if the machine is unaccesible i need to go to germany :D03:29
Clusty_in 2 weeks i am going for 4 days :D03:29
qman`upgrading from hardy to karmic is a three-upgrade process and could cause some problems03:29
qman`if you're right in front of it, it shouldn't be that big of an issue03:30
Clusty_qman`: ohh. so from 1 LTS to another is 1 step move?03:30
Clusty_then it is settled03:30
Clusty_no upgrades now03:30
qman`so if you can wait until april that's preferred03:30
Clusty_only reason is no postgres 8.403:30
Clusty_but that si not a major crime03:30
Clusty_got another pg 8.4 machine03:31
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Clusty_qman`: for FTP what ports need to be open?03:32
Clusty_21 is enough?03:32
Clusty_i know it uses 2 ports03:32
qman`I'm guessing you're running passive FTP03:32
Clusty_i got no ftp for now03:32
qman`and in that case you need port 21 and the upper port range all open/forwarded to your FTP server03:33
qman`and you need to allow outgoing on 2003:33
Clusty_but it was a pain punching the right holes insde the FW03:33
qman`FTP is legacy and always a pain with firewalls03:33
qman`it was designed before firewalls existed03:33
Clusty_i set up some lame machine in the DMZ03:33
qman`if at all possible, you should avoid using FTP03:33
Clusty_but this is a quick patch not a proper solution03:34
Clusty_are people aware of non-FTP ways to put/get data?03:34
Clusty_most ppl give me faces when i give them WinSCP03:34
qman`web interfaces and SFTP03:34
qman`filezilla is another free SFTP-capable client03:34
qman`and many non-free clients like smartftp support it03:34
Clusty_but is popular?03:35
Clusty_i guess so..03:35
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* Yagisan wanders back in05:36
jongbergshi, i05:40
jongbergshi, i'm planning to setup an ubuntu dns server, however we onl have 1 public ip..how would i configure my dns to work behind the router?05:41
jongbergsis it alright with this kind of setup?05:42
jmarsdenjongbergs: You can open TCP and UDP ports 53 inbound through your router to the DNS server and it should work, is that what you mean?05:43
jmarsdenOR do you need the DNS server go give two different answers depending on whether the client asking it is on your LAN or on the Internet??05:43
jongbergsjmarsden: yes, can i have both roles LAN and Internet? I also wondering whether it the dns server should act as authority or cache05:45
jongbergsjmarsden: which dns funtion should i choose: caching, primary ,secondary or hybrid?05:52
Yagisanwhat do you want it to do ?05:53
jmarsdenjongbergs: You can, it's just more work to configure it.  And whether it should be authoritative or caching only depends on whether you want it to do/05:53
jmarsdenDo you have domains you need it to be authoritative for, or just to get info from other existing DNS servers out there and make that info locally available.05:53
jmarsdenThe first measn authoritative, the second is caching.05:54
jmarsdenBut if you don't already know this you could find setting up a DNS server quite difficult, I think :)05:54
jmarsdenWHat are you trying to achieve by setting up this DNS server?  How will it help you do something?  What do you want it to *do* for you?05:55
jongbergsjmarsden: we plan to put up a campus website in which we have our own registered domain name05:55
jmarsdenAnd the new DNS server will be authoritative for that domain?  Is there another one somewhere which will be the secondary for it?05:56
jongbergsjmarsden: no dns servers yet except from our ISP05:58
jmarsdenwell, you need two when you register a domain, so which two did you provide to the registrar?  or is the domain not set up yet?05:59
jmarsdenYou could try using a public (free) DNS service for the secondary and use your own as the primary authoritative server for your domain.06:00
jongbergsjmarsden: not setup yet..the domain name is in the process of approval06:00
jmarsdenOK.  well, somehow or other you will need there to be 2 authoritative DNS servers for it before it will "work" on the Internet.06:01
jongbergsjmarsden: you mean i need two dns servers?06:01
jmarsdenEither that or you needs yours plus use someone elses for the second one, yes.06:01
jongbergsjmarsden: is it ok for now if im going to setup only one dns server to be authoritative?06:02
jongbergsjmarsden: will it work?06:02
jmarsdenYes it will work for you to test with06:03
jmarsdenBut I don't think you will be able to make your domain go "live" with just one DNS server.  Your registrar will not allow that.06:03
jmarsdenFor now set up this one, then find a free secondary one and use that.06:03
jongbergsjmarsden: i was thinking of that also when i review their requirements, you need to have at least two06:04
jongbergsjmarsden: free dns like OpenDNS?06:04
jmarsdenNot exactly.  Free secondary DNS service.  I don't know if OpenDNS offers that.  Let me look for a provider for you...06:05
jongbergsjmarsden: thanks06:05
jongbergsjmarsden: i also happen to drop into www.everydns.com website it says they offer free dns service, but im not sure exactly06:06
jmarsdenCould work.  freedns.afraid.org may also work for you.  The one I was thinking of no longer exists, it has been a while since I used a free secondary :)06:07
jongbergsjmarsden: ok i'll try that, so what's the first thing that im going to do now?06:08
jongbergsjmarsden: i have the ubuntu server already running06:09
jongbergsjmarsden: ready to be configured06:09
jmarsdenI can't handhold you through all of this, it's too much.  You could configure your server to be authoritative for your domain and create the zone file, and test that.  Then open ports in your router, then set up the secondary to use your server  as the primary for that domain, and test *that*.06:10
ragsHi, I'm using Hardy and I use IPsec-tools version 0.6.7, which I want to update to the latest available.  0.7 is available in intrepid. Can I just install the .deb on hardy?06:15
jmarsdenProbably not; most likely they depend on versions of other libraries that are not in Hardy either.06:15
ragsIt's not available in the backports repo06:15
jmarsdenYou could try it, but no guarantees it will work :)06:16
ragsWill it break anything...I mean if anything goes wrong would I be able to recover easily?06:17
jmarsdenIf you know what you are doing with dpkg, you could recover easily enough, it's not like ipsec-tools is a system library or anything like that.  BTW, latest in Ubuntu seems to be   ipsec-tools | 1:0.7.1-1.5ubuntu4 |         lucid | source, amd64, i38606:19
jmarsdenSo if you truly need "latest", 0.7 in Intrepid is not it.06:19
ragsI thought that will be too bigger a jump...intrepid being after Hardy unlike Lucid which is still in dev...:)06:21
ragsPlus I have to get racoon as well...I'll get them from Lucid and hope it works...06:22
jmarsdenGood luck... I think you'll need it :)06:23
Clusty_rags: any reason for not self compiling it?06:30
Clusty_if it follows the trivial configure/make/make install pattern and there are no crazy things being done you can even make a deb out of source directly06:30
twbI do that sometimes.06:32
ragsClusty_: I guess I can...but I hope it wouldn't make a dependency mess...I'll give a try then...My main concern is that it should not affect my current config...:-S06:32
Clusty_rags: can even get: apt-get build-deps <fill in package name>06:33
Clusty_to get dependencies to build the stuff06:33
ragsoh...ok..I'll try that as well..06:34
twbClusty_: what's he packaging?06:34
BalSakhi guys. I06:34
Clusty_twb: ipsec06:34
Clusty_i never used it...06:34
BalSak'm having trouble logging into my enterprise cloud I've just ser up. credentials I'm able to use via ssh doe not take on https06:34
BalSakany ideas please?06:34
Clusty_only package i recompiled from sources into a package was netatalk06:35
twbrags: you need ipsec 0.7 on hardy?06:35
ragstwb: Yes...mainly because I can't get some functions working in the current version, such as deleting individual SA's and manipulating individual tunnels...06:37
twbThe first thing I would normally try is adding a deb-src for (say) intrepid, and then apt-get build-dep'ing and apt-get --build source'ing ipsec/<version>06:37
ragstwb: That's cool....That will be way simpler then getting the tar balls...06:41
ragstwb: Only concern, hope it does not break anything and is recoverable...:-S06:42
twbrags: well, it'll be completely unsupported and unmaintained.  You certainly won't automatically get any security updates that are made to intrepid's ipsec package.06:43
twbBut that'd be the case if you installed from the upstream source, too.06:43
ragsNo matter....I'll keep a manual check...till I do a dist upgrade...06:44
`jpgAnyone got any tips on helping make Eucalyptus's control services more redundant other than running them on a HA cluster?08:33
`jpgCurrently I am thinking run 2 (or more) servers with heartbeat.08:34
maxagazi have a printer/scanner plugged on a switch, the printer works well in the network, can i also use the sanner through the network or do i need to plug it to a machine first ?08:56
arjonly god knows09:01
arjand maybe the manufacturer/manual of your printer/scanner09:01
maxagazarj, according to the docs i'm reading, it seems i have to plug it first to a computer via usb09:02
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uvirtbotNew bug: #493982 in munin (main) "Munin-Node missing device files in iostat" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/49398210:22
SandGorgonguys.. i'm on Hardy Server. I have a service installed that I want to disable - but NOT uninstall. How do I do that?  is there a utility to do service management from cmdline ?11:02
qman`SandGorgon, services in Ubuntu are handled with init scripts, started and stopped with /etc/init.d/, and enabled and disabled with update-rc.d11:19
qman`not sure how upstart complicates things, but in hardy it still basically works like sysv-init11:19
SandGorgonqman`, thanks.. i found 'sysv-rc-conf'. Looks good11:22
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twbI like rcconf, but I think insserv breaks it11:39
twbAs a text GUI for update-rc.d, that is11:40
smoserwow, ec2: *Free Inbound Data Transfer (until June 30, 2010)*12:43
ttxsmoser, zul: o/12:45
zulhey ttx12:46
Yagisananyone have any suggested alternatives for buildbot ?13:05
* Yagisan has confirmed a bug in it on 3 different versions of ubuntu, so it's not working out for me13:06
uvirtbotNew bug: #494015 in bind9 (main) "named warns: max open files (1024) is smaller than max sockets (4096)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/49401513:06
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hackeronI see error messages like: "Dec  8 12:58:12 AmurgDVR udevd-work[598]: pipe failed: Too many open files" and "unable to create db file '/dev/.udev/db/block:sda': Too many open files" - even though there are only ~3k open files according to lsof? - any ideas?13:19
* zul really really needs to move to somewhere warmer13:32
sommerit's warm in NC :-P13:33
hackeronsommer: newcastle? - no it isn't, lol13:33
sommerheh, north carolina :)13:34
zulsommer: 20-30 cm of snow expected tomorrow13:35
sommerfun fun, heeh13:36
zoopsterit's warmER in Tampa today  and the sun is coming out after a foggy morning13:37
zoopstercome on down zul...plenty of room for you and the fam13:38
SandGorgonguys.. i'm trying to get php5-cgi and nginx working under ubuntu 8.04. I am able to see .html files properly, however for .php files I am getting constant "connection refused" errors. Any idea why ?13:56
arjwhat does telnet say?13:56
arj(to the port nginx should connect to)13:57
SandGorgonarj, checkin13:58
SandGorgonarj, telnet works for the port14:01
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Jeeves_chpasswd no longer accepts '-e' as an option14:12
Jeeves_does anyone know why that is?14:13
sorenchpasswd uses pam now. PAM does not support providing encrypted passwords.14:24
Jeeves_soren: Hmm, that sucks. I don't like putting plaintext passwords in scripts14:25
Jeeves_Any clue how I can nicely work around this (imho regression)?14:25
orudie_how can I archive a directory with all the subdirectories and files ?14:26
sorenJeeves_: usermod --password14:26
sorenorudie_: tar?14:26
Jeeves_soren: Thanks14:30
sorenJeeves_: np14:30
uvirtbotNew bug: #494047 in bind9 (main) "package libdns53 1:9.6.1.dfsg.P1-3ubuntu0.2 failed to install/upgrade: Unterprozess installiertes post-installation-Skript gab den Fehlerwert 2 zur?ck" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/49404714:56
Jeeves_those bloody germans!14:59
smoserttx, ping15:18
smoseror kir15:18
smosercan one of you verify that images currectly bundled with '--arch' have that --arch represented in describe-images ?15:18
ttxsmoser: yo15:18
ttxsmoser: I could verify that. It would have recently changed ?15:21
ttxI remember checking that for karmic RCs15:21
smoserjohn pugh is seeing images loaded from the store all showing up as x86_6415:22
smoserso i wanted to verify that images bundled otherwise weren't also15:22
smoseri dont think they are15:22
smoserso i think the store is incorrectly bundling15:22
mrchuchoI'm using vmbuilder on karmic: if I put "bridge = br0" in the [kvm] section of my config file, will that set the $bridge in the libvirtxml.tmpl?15:22
ttxsmoser: what is sure is that if you don't specify --arch, it does x86_64, even if you are on a i386 UEC.15:23
smoseri thought that it defaulted to 'uname -a'15:23
smosererr.. .uname -m15:24
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 451358 in eucalyptus "euca-describe-images reports all UEC images as x86_64" [Low,Invalid]15:25
ttxsmoser: it defaults to x86_64.15:26
ttxsmoser: do you still need the verification ? Or can it wait until my alpha1 tseting tomorrow ? I'm pretty sure it works (as long as you pass the -r option)15:27
smoserit can wait.15:27
hackeronI see error messages like: "Dec  8 12:58:12 AmurgDVR udevd-work[598]: pipe failed: Too many open files" and "unable to create db file '/dev/.udev/db/block:sda': Too many open files" - even though there are only ~3k open files according to lsof? - any ideas?15:27
ttxsmoser: cool. I prefer not to spin up the setup if I can avoid it.15:27
smosermainly i was doing the same15:28
alex88if i've on eth0 2 ips, does apf firewall protect both? cause it's eth0 and eth0:0 but on apf reload says: determined (IFACE_IN) eth0 has address (IP), but nothing about the second ip15:39
mrchuchoah, answered my own question... according to docs "--bridge=BRIDGE     Set up bridged network connected to BRIDGE."15:48
orudie_how can I disallow access to all my users to use dftp except for one user ?16:06
orudie_how can I disallow access to all my users to use vsftpd except for one user ?16:10
alex88orudie_: there is a user list that cannot connect to ftp16:22
alex88in default vsftp server install16:23
orudie_aleks, yup I remember now, trying to find the list :)16:24
alex88it has something about pam auth..so search in the pam folder, you'll find the vsftp plugin with the name of the file16:30
marks256can i setup a machine that will only allow users on the other end of the machine to download/upload at a set rate? For example, if i had a 15MB/s internet connection, but only wanted half of my users to be allowed 5MB/s, how would i do that? i believe it is called QoS (Quality of Service)16:33
yann2should whole discussions happen her: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidServerSeeds#proposed-universe-demotions ?16:39
alex88marks256: you can limit the connection speed via ip-tables16:39
LaireTMSomebody here have expirience with plesk?16:42
arja little bit16:43
marks256alex88, server side?16:45
alex88marks256: http://zedomax.com/blog/2008/09/25/linux-server-hack-how-to-limit-bandwidth-with-linux-tc-and-iproute2/16:48
marks256alex88, that looks be be exactly what i want to do. thank you kind sir!16:48
alex88marks256: glad to help! =)16:49
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=== Dragon is now known as Guest57254
Guest57254hi, I have a 32-bit computer, can I use ubuntu server 9.10?17:08
jmarsdenGuest57254: Yes, just pick the x86 (32bit) version of the Ubuntu Server install CD.17:10
Guest57254ok, thanks17:10
jmarsdenYou're welcome.17:10
arturo_on_railsHi all, quick and simple question.  I want my servers to send me monitoring e-mails (cron status, periodic monitoring, etc...).  What package should I use? sendmail?17:11
arturo_on_railsI would like to use 'what everybody else uses'...17:12
jmarsdenarturo_on_rails: Any MTA is fine for that.  Postfix is a common choice.  Sendmail is relatively rare these days.17:12
ScottKOne potential source of confusion about this is that Postfix, Exim, etc all provide a binary called sendmail for compatibility purposes.17:13
arturo_on_railsjmarsden: but isn't postfix a bit too much?  I just want to execute 'sendmail'  I have my own MTA in the network running postfix17:14
jmarsdenThen you can use something less common; you said you wanted to use what "everyone else uses".  Try ssmtp or similar for a minimal MTA if that is what you seek.17:14
arturo_on_railsjmarsden: ScottK: Oh, so people ACTUALLY use postfix for this...17:15
arturo_on_railsjmarsden: ScottK: no probs... ok, so for minimal, ssmtp.17:15
jmarsdenOr msmtp, or one of a few other minimalist ones.  But it's easier to find config help on Postfix, so there's a mild tradeoff there.17:16
arturo_on_railsthanks guys.  Bye for now...17:19
hans38can some one here hlp me17:22
hans38some one here¨17:23
Picihans38: You'll need to ask a question before we can help :)17:23
laenOr, we just answer the question. hans38: Yes :)17:24
laenDid that solve your problem so far?17:24
laenGuess you asked the wrong thing then hehe.17:24
hans38how to become root user in ubuntu17:24
Pici!sudo | hans3817:24
ubottuhans38: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)17:24
hans38i try to login as root17:25
laenhans38: never do that17:25
laenSecurity issues..17:25
laenSee it like this: You are a user on the machine.. root is not, it's just a privilege.17:25
hans38i want to change some files in var/www/17:26
hans38and i cant write there17:26
laenhans38: no problem, just use sudo in front of your commands.17:26
Picihans38: The website that ubottu linked to explains why we use sudo and the proper commands for invoking it.17:27
hans38okay. but the problem if i sudo is that the one and only pwd i use17:27
hans38dont work17:27
laenYou're giving your own password, right?17:28
hans38same that i'm loging in with17:28
AndyGraybealcan anyone help me w/ ubuntu virtualizatio (kvm) i have a kvm server on 8.10; i rebooted the machine out of frustration, i log back in and run virsh, and type 'list --all' and nothing shows up - can anyone help me?  i feel panicky.17:29
laenhans38: did you make another initial user when installing the machine, besides yours?17:29
hans38some thing else,,  how to run xwindow ?17:32
laenhans38: i have a slight feeling you haven't read any documentation at all, maybe start with that first.17:33
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atyson01Can anyone help me with ldap and tls?18:31
alex88atyson01: never tried ldap18:33
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noobuntuanyone having some experience with LVM so far?18:54
fullstopHi all.  I'm new to Ubuntu server, but I have experience with RHEL.  I'm trying to install a guest 9.10 using KVM, but I'm not following the network settings.18:59
fullstopWhen I used Xen, I was able to specify a real (not private) ip address for each guest.  Is this possible in ubuntu with KVM?19:00
noobuntui installed ubuntu LAMP with openSSH, partitions are swap, / and /home. /home should be in LVM as it will expand later on second disk. but, after completing installation proces, there is nothing in fcstab about mounting /home as separate partition. I edited fcstab, but since this is the first time i use LVM, a would appreciate if someone more experience would review the file before I reboot the machine19:00
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=== dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates
JoeSomebodyhi, i am failry new to linux, old windows man here, have 2003, xp vista and w7 boxes, now a karmic desktop too19:07
JoeSomebodyi am wondering if the server edition has no gui?19:08
JoeSomebodyif not can i add one? :)19:08
arjit doesnt come with one by default19:08
arjand yes you can add one19:08
JoeSomebodyok sounds great19:09
JoeSomebodyis it good for vm-ing with say virtualbox ? or does it have its own?19:10
arjdepends on what you want19:10
arjif you want to run a server with a bunch of virtual machines have a look at kvm19:11
arjif you want graphical stuff virtualbox rocks19:11
JoeSomebodyvm for running various windows as a support tech19:11
arjthen I'd go for ubuntu desktop with virtual box19:11
arjworks for me19:11
JoeSomebodyi have that now, but since i know win2003 server a bit, i guess i am curious19:12
arjthen I'd go for ubuntu server with kvm :)19:13
JoeSomebodykarmic desktop is really great19:13
zulsmoser: users on the ec2 google group complaining about the mirror being down19:14
JoeSomebodyi have looked at redhat, fedora, slackware, knoppix and one i cant remember :)19:14
smoseryeah, and me resonding :)19:14
JoeSomebodylike ubuntu best so far19:14
zulsmoser: oh you saw that..i have to get with th e times19:14
* zul goes back to fibre channels19:15
JoeSomebodyarj thanks for the advice19:15
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noobuntui installed ubuntu LAMP with openSSH, partitions are swap, / and /home. /home should be in LVM as it will expand later on second disk. but, after completing installation proces, there is nothing in fcstab about mounting /home as separate partition. I edited fcstab, but since this is the first time i use LVM, a would appreciate if someone more experience would review the file before I reboot the machine19:29
mneptoknoobuntu: what does "df -h" reveal19:32
Aisoncan I create a software raid1 while installation of ubuntu server?19:33
Aisonand install on it?19:33
andolAison: yes19:37
noobuntumneptok: http://paste.ubuntu.com/337499/19:38
noobuntumneptok: first part is what I want to add to fcstab, second part is df -h listing19:38
mneptoknoobuntu: what is in /dev/VolGroup*/ ?19:43
noobuntumneptok: /dev/vg01/@vg01home19:49
mneptoknoobuntu: then you should be able to add the device to fstab without issue19:49
* RoyK uses zfs instead of lvm these days19:49
noobuntumneptok: like stated in fcstab file I presented to you?19:50
mneptoknoobuntu: no way to tell, as i can't mind-read your UUIDs ;_19:50
noobuntumneptok: UUID is correct, unless copy-paste behavior changed lately :D19:51
noobuntumneptok: i suppose i will lose everything what is now in /home ?19:51
mneptoknoobuntu: not if you make a backup onto the LVM19:52
mneptoknoobuntu: manually mount it (which will allow you to ensure the UUID info is correct) and then rsync to it19:52
noobuntumneptok: never did manual mount in terminal19:53
mneptoksudo mount -t ext(whatever) /dev/VolGroup(whatever)/(whatever) /path/to/a/mount/point19:54
noobuntumneptok: thank you very, very much. I hope I will be able to return you the faver sometime in the future. I will do backup of /home first, it will not hurt :-)19:56
mneptoknoobuntu: my PayPal address is ....19:56
noobuntuI don't have paypal. what would you charge for such advice? (maybe I open it and start charging like you :D)19:57
mneptokhmmm ....19:58
mneptoki'd really like a golden chalice filled with the still-warm blood of my enemies.19:58
mneptokcan you do that?19:58
noobuntudepends on size of a chalice, hm19:58
mneptokwell, let's use LVM for it so you can increase its size later when you have more money.19:59
neonfreondepends on size of your enemies19:59
noobuntumneptok you play fantasy games?20:00
mneptoknoobuntu: i'm on IRC. does that count?20:00
noobuntumneptok always20:00
mneptokand i like to think of myself as a golden-haired Adonis that is the envy of all who encounter him.20:01
mneptokmy wife tells me that's a fantasy game.20:01
noobuntuhahahaha, you have good sense for humor20:01
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noobuntubeside good knowledge of linux20:03
Italian_Plumberare you guys talking about the Sacred Chalice of Reex?20:05
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rtgkirkland, have you ever setup an iscsi target and initiator? I could used some examples of working setups.21:08
RoyKrtg: google is a nice thing https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IscsiInitiator21:10
kirklandrtg: i have21:10
kirklandrtg: i'm a bit tied up right now at a customer/partner site21:10
kirklandrtg: i'll see if i can find some docs for you21:10
kirklandrtg: otherwise, mathiaz has done it too21:10
rtgkirkland, i've been groveling conf files and such, but can't seem to get anywhere after discovery.21:11
rtgI'll bug mathiaz21:11
kirklandrtg: http://www.howtoforge.com/using-iscsi-on-ubuntu-9.04-initiator-and-target21:11
kirklandrtg: that one looks pretty good21:11
rtgah ha!21:11
kirklandrtg: i just skimmed it21:11
kirklandrtg: it has the key commands21:11
rtgcool, thanks21:12
jsalisburyrtg:  I do this on a daily basis with EqualLogic arrays.  I can send you my email you if have specific questions that I can help with.21:17
rtgjsalisbury, lemme mess with it a bit. I'm just verifying that the iscsi target driver in Lucid functions21:18
jsalisburyrtg: Ok21:19
RoyKhm... http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Comparison_of_file_systems&oldid=209063556#Features <-- see last column :)21:23
rtgjsalisbury, so, the initiator/target pairing works in karmic, correct?21:43
glphvgac1hi, i'm trying to boot a mac using netinstall image. My server is running dhcpd with fixed-address for the mac machine. dhcp works and i get correct ip addr. netboot doesn't; do i need to run something to server bsdp on the server?22:04
tgm4883Would this be an acceptable place to ask a question regarding mysql?22:33
sommerso I just upgraded a hardy machine to kvm 84, and now my guests have ata errors... and can't login using pam22:42
Hypnozsay I wanted to chgrp -R /var/log from adm to something else22:47
Hypnozthats all find and good, but once logrotate created new logs, would they be owned by adm group again22:47
Hypnoz/etc/logrotate.conf has nothing about the adm group, and /etc/logrotate.d/ has info for some logs, but not all22:48
uvirtbotNew bug: #494243 in samba (main) "package samba 2:3.4.0-3ubuntu5.1 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/49424322:57
alex88how can i find a file in linux?22:57
kringell find22:58
andolalex88: a specific file, or just any file? :)22:58
kringell"find /path/of/where/to/look -name nameoffile"22:58
andolalex88: if the file permissions are "right" the command locate is usually the fastes way.22:58
kringellit has a lot of options though22:58
kringellsee manpage22:58
alex88i've found a process "afserver" running22:58
alex88and i what to just search recursively in / to find it22:59
alex88i've seen it's the afbackup server but i haven't installed it22:59
andolalex88: well, if it's a binary, and it's in the path, you can always try: which afserver22:59
alex88it's not in the path..23:00
alex88btw, searching with find23:00
alex88cause i have another user using this vps for a irc server, but i don't think that afserver is related with it..23:01
kringelllocate is much cooler!23:01
kringell(i just found out)23:01
alex88no results.. find / -name afserver and also locate23:01
kringellsudo find23:01
alex88i'm already root in the / dir23:02
alex88i think that if i can see it on netstat -tapn i can found the binary somewhere23:08

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