
JontheEchidnathere's no polkit-1-qt yet, is the problem00:08
=== nhandler_ is now known as nhandler
nixternalJontheEchidna: why doesn't it fall back to regular polkit-qt then?00:11
JontheEchidnait does. if you didn't have polkit-qt it'd complain about that too ;-)00:11
nixternalI built polkit-qt though from kdesupport00:12
JontheEchidnathat's still regular polkit-qt00:13
nixternalkauth can't use regular polkit-qt?00:13
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RiddellI'd have expected it still to have polkit 0.9 in there but maybe not00:15
nixternalcmakelists has both polkit and polkit-100:16
nixternalendif (NOT POLKITQT_MIN_VERSION)00:18
nixternalthat is the FindPolkitQt module00:18
JontheEchidnakde4libs-4.3.80/kdecore/CMakeLists.txt suggests the existence of two backends for KAuth00:19
nixternalpolkit and polkit-qt-1 are in kdereview00:19
nixternalsneaky lil bastards :)00:20
* JontheEchidna was wondering where the work/ branch for polkit-qt-1 went00:20
nixternalpolkit-kde and polkit-qt-1 that is00:21
nixternalfind * | grep polkit-qt-1 FTW00:21
JontheEchidnahmm... the webkit kpart is pretty good00:25
Sputfwiw, on my box 4.3.81 builds fine with the older version00:30
Sput0.9.2 or whatever it was00:30
JontheEchidnaI do find that the KAuth stuff mostly doesn't work, though. Throughs a really helpful "error 4"00:30
ScottKdebfx: Thanks for the patch update.  I'll take care of uploading it after the Alpha 1 freeze is over.00:40
ScottKDid kde4libs get fixed?00:41
=== ScottK changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Archive: Main frozen for Alpha 1 | Kubuntu has the Doctor on the brain | https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Todo
nixternalSput: yeah, it builds fine but kauth isn't working as it should00:44
Sputnixternal: might be :) just saying it doesn't build the fake backend for me, but the real one00:45
nixternalreally...damn thing tells me just the fake one00:45
nixternalI am building on debian unstable00:45
Sputlemme doublecheck00:46
nixternalshit, it is building it now00:46
Sput--   found polkit-qt, version 0.9.200:47
Sput-- Found PolkitQt: /usr/include/PolicyKit00:47
Sput-- Building PolkitQt KAuth backend00:47
Sputyeah :)00:47
nixternalhrmm, ldconfig might not have updated or something...who knows, but it is working today00:47
RiddellMamarok: if you ever think kubuntu-users is bad, I just had the misfortune to read the "car news" thread on ubuntu-users which is much worse01:13
nhandlerRiddell: Put me in line for a Kubuntu sweater like that ;)01:20
Riddelltalk nicely to davmor201:22
dtchenyet another reason to love Konsole: it notifies me when I press C-s01:25
JontheEchidnanothing else compares01:25
jjessei wonder if my wife would like a kubuntu sweater for christmas :)01:32
dtchenI think we all need Tardis usb hubs01:35
jjessei want one :)01:40
claydoh Riddell actually kubuntu-users is pretty calm and quiet these days, tho we could use more techically-minded subscribers in there02:48
nixternalRiddell: that is a spiffy sweather you got on there :)03:31
nixternaldtchen: if only yakuake would follow suit on C-s03:31
dtchenhaven't used it before. Does it pop up notifications, too?03:33
nixternalnah...but I am guessing it will with the next release that contains a lot of the fixes for konsole though03:33
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: Internet submenus are back :s04:22
JontheEchidnanever was reverted in trunk, nor anything done further it seems04:24
freeflyingkmail re-get all my mails from pop server again, no idea what happens04:26
freeflyingand unfortunately, I'm using a limited 3G subscription04:27
freeflyingguys, is there any backend changed i last couple of days?04:28
ScottKfreeflying: Karmic or Lucid?04:28
freeflyingScottK: lucid04:28
ScottKfreeflying: Yes. Just uploaded an entire new KDE.04:29
freeflyingScottK: so its a bug of kmail?04:30
ScottKI'm not sure.04:30
ScottKIt may be akonadi.04:30
ScottKAnyone know if kmail for 4.4 ended up using akonadi for mail?04:31
freeflyingScottK: at least it should tag all exist mail as feteched, right?04:31
ScottKfreeflying: Normally, but if something happens that it forgets it's download history.04:31
freeflyingScottK: luckly, I'm just using kmail for working mail, so onle 1.5G data there :)04:32
JontheEchidnaScottK: It's not set to use akonadi for mail until 4.504:32
ScottKJontheEchidna: OK.  Thanks.04:32
JontheEchidnaKAddressBook should use akonadi now, though04:32
ScottKkdeadmin FTBFS should be fixed.04:54
JontheEchidnashould just need a rebuild04:55
ScottKToo late.04:55
JontheEchidnathough for all my kubuntu-dev powars I don't see a rebuild button04:56
ScottKEven if there is normally an indirect depends on  libx11-dev, it's still a bug to not have it as a package depends04:56
* ScottK already uploaded ubuntu204:56
nixternalof course, I can never build kdebindings in trunk05:05
nixternalaye, google chrome beta == shit05:07
nixternalno user scripts, no bookmark syncing05:07
nixternalerr, wrong channel05:09
ScottKLooks like kdepim on amd64 just needed a retry.05:22
ScottKJontheEchidna or nixternal: Any ideas on http://launchpadlibrarian.net/36603315/buildlog_ubuntu-lucid-i386.kdeplasma-addons_4%3A4.3.80-0ubuntu3_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz05:23
ScottKI assume a missing include, but what?  Google didn't help me on that one.05:24
JontheEchidnanope, though I do see that the libkexiv2-7 build-dep needs to be bumped to libkexiv2-8-dev05:26
ScottKSo what's the replacement for kivio?05:30
* ScottK is so screwed without that.05:30
ScottKLure: Help.  Rebuilding kdeplasma-addons with the libkexiv2-8-dev causes http://paste.ubuntu.com/337793/06:17
ScottKRiddell: Looks like we are still without a building kdeplasma-addons.  I need to sleep, so good luck.06:19
markeyRiddell: that knitted thing is freaking amazing :)07:21
markeylooks really neat07:21
nixternalooh, kubuntu lucid looks pretty dressed in all black07:21
* nixternal kicks the desktop07:22
* markey remembers some kind of garb that akalabeth once made, let's say it looked more like a trash bag07:22
Tm_TI'm puzzled with what those are doing in #k07:28
nixternalheh, you and I both07:44
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: didnt we revert them upstream or something?07:59
apacheloggeranyhow, now is the time to revert it upstream I suppose07:59
apacheloggernixternal: ping08:00
Darkwing-Netbookis the Lucid upgrade to 4.4 workable yet?08:03
Darkwing-Netbookand by workable I mean a very very fuzzy workable08:04
nixternalapachelogger: pong08:04
apacheloggernixternal: is there some sensible way to launch kdesu in kde4 you know if?08:05
apacheloggersensible being not manually pathing to libexec/kdesu08:05
nixternalif there is, I haven't come across it yet, and neither has any other distro that I know of08:06
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apacheloggernixternal: one could obtain the libexec path via kde4-config though08:09
apacheloggerseems a bit too cpu heavy considering the use though ;)08:09
Darkwing-Netbookyofel: you know if the newest update for lucid still freezes the system?08:09
apachelogger`kde4-config --path libexec`/kdesu08:13
apacheloggeroh my08:13
apacheloggerlooks fancy after all :D08:13
apacheloggerhttp://imagebin.ca/view/z8-2iLi.html :(08:14
LureScottK, Riddell: re kdeplasma-addons failure: it looks like kdegraphics package is wrong and not including all include files08:17
LureI see in build log that kexiv2data.h is installed by build: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/36539779/buildlog_ubuntu-lucid-i386.kdegraphics_4:4.3.80-0ubuntu1_FULLYBUILT.txt.gz08:18
Lureso I suspect somebody forgot to update .install files08:18
nixternalLure: yeah, I was just looking at the package.... kdegraphics seems hosed right now08:18
LureAnd it seems many files are missing: http://packages.ubuntu.com/lucid/i386/libkexiv2-8-dev/filelist08:18
nixternalactually, kdepim is hosed, kdegraphics is hosed, kdebase-runtime had issues with a shitload of file overwrites08:19
apacheloggeroh my08:19
Lurenot a great start of -1 day for alpha :-(08:19
nixternalLure: I thought the same08:21
nixternalI got to the point I just shut off my build box08:21
nixternalkde-trunk and kubuntu lucid both pissed me off08:21
apacheloggeruh uh uh08:25
apacheloggernixternal: most perfect option is PATH=`kde4-config --path exe` kdesu -- "/usr/bin/do-release-upgrade -d -m desktop -f kde -p"08:25
LureScottK, Riddell: I think we should not include individual include files as in .install file: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-members/kdegraphics/ubuntu/annotate/head:/debian/libkexiv2-8-dev.install08:25
nixternaljesus, seriously?08:25
* apachelogger migt be going crazy here :S08:25
LureI think inclduign whole dir, i.e. "usr/include/libkexiv2" is more correct (future proof)08:25
apacheloggerLure: I think debian likes it file-by-file08:26
Lureapachelogger: do you know the reason?08:26
nixternalLure: I typically always do 'usr/include/foo/*' or 'usr/include/*'08:26
apacheloggercant think of one either08:26
apacheloggernixternal: +108:26
nixternalapachelogger: you are correct, it is because debian likes to list out every damn file08:26
nixternalbut...and a big but....Debian doesn't have these issues when they upload?08:27
Lurefor these dirs, it really does not make sense...08:27
Lurethat is the reason why they are in subdir, right08:27
nixternalmy question is this...why is this package getting thrown up to the build servers? obviously it wasn't test built locally08:27
Lurenixternal: problem is that it fails on build-deps08:27
apacheloggerwell, that could even be if it was testbuilt08:28
nixternalit didn't fail build-dep for me locally, the addons package that is08:28
Lurenixternal: so kdegraphics is "fine", but kdeplasma-addons is not, as it depends on kdegraphics08:28
* apachelogger thinks about a pocket restriction hook for pbuilder08:28
nixternalif my build-dep fails, pbuilder kicks out right away with the error code08:28
apacheloggerI imagine even if testbuilt a universe dep could slip in and thus cause build-wait on the buildds08:28
nixternalthe code never makes sense, but it at least tells me which package it failed on08:29
Lureso, should we go debian way or more pragmatic way (there are 5 -dev packages in kdegraphics)08:30
apacheloggera) do-release-upgrade needs a desktop file for fancyness when launching with kdesudo08:30
nixternalLure: we have to stay the debian way somewhat, otherwise merges become a bigger pain than they already are08:31
apacheloggerb) we need to backport a fix to enable kpk to export a env var so that a dist-upgrade script can check this08:31
apacheloggerc) we need to make the pk dist-upgrade script do that08:31
Lurenixternal: ok, will then add list of missing files to bzr08:31
nixternalI would love to find a happy medium...I would love to ship kick ass packages, I don't care how they were built :)08:31
apacheloggerd) we need to kill off the upgrade checking of update-notifier-kde in karmic08:31
* apachelogger does not think that the chain of a to d qualifies for SRU :D08:32
* Lure checks all 5 -dev packages08:32
* apachelogger would be interested if the list-missing magic did fail08:33
nixternalright, list-missing has been hit or miss with me in the past08:35
apacheloggerI noticed that too, I didnt find out why though08:38
* apachelogger should just reimplement in ruby :P08:38
Lureapachelogger, nixternal, Riddell, ScottK: kdegraphics fix for -dev packages pushed to bzr - should fix kdeplasma-addons build08:45
nixternalgroovy...I will go ahead and grab it, then uplaod it08:46
Lureand I have again forgot to add UNRELEASED, but you got the point ;-)08:47
Lurenixternal: thanks08:47
nixternalLure: I forget to add it all of the time, but it is going straight for upload08:52
LureRiddell: I am missing sandals on the knitware picture ;-)09:07
apacheloggernixternal: Lure: indeed IMHO UNRELEASED only makes sense when no immediate upload is happening09:12
apacheloggeri.e. to prevent people from creating a new version when the current one is not even uploaded yet09:12
davmor2Riddell: nice blog post and pic boy it looks cold up there.  I'll let Sue see it, it'll cheer her up immensely :)09:15
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nixternal<lp.archiveuploader.permission.CannotUploadToPocket object at 0x7792ed0>09:28
nixternalLure: ^^ kdegraphics was rejected for that reason09:28
nixternalLure, apachelogger, ScottK, Riddell: https://answers.edge.launchpad.net/soyuz/+question/93441  <- kdegraphics was rejected due to:  <lp.archiveuploader.permission.CannotUploadToPocket object at 0x7792ed0>09:34
* nixternal goes to bed09:34
MamarokRiddell: about kubuntu-users: since I sent some of the 4 yorkshiremen off-topicres to sounder, they are making sounder going berserk09:44
Mamarokbut Kubuntu-users has pretty much turned into something useful now09:44
Mamarokbut it really needs heavy moderation and vigilance09:45
jussi01Riddell: nice jumper! :D10:25
Tm_TMamarok: appreciate your hard work (:10:34
ghostcubeheh everyone knows bofh ? i got a new one for kubuntu users and devs10:35
ghostcubechief operator from earth :P10:35
MamarokTm_T: thanks :)10:50
MamarokI don't remember, but I think we did point you folks to this problem with glibc, right? -> http://www.purinchu.net/wp/2009/11/16/malloc_check_-crashes/11:11
Mamarokwe have a lot of crash reports with Amarok because of that11:12
MamarokRiddell: ^^11:12
Sputhalf of KDE crashes with that11:17
Sputeasiest fix: MALLOC_CHECK_=11:18
Sput(e.g. in $KDEHOME/env)11:18
LureRiddell: it seems I was able to trick nixternal to try to upload kdegraphics to karmic instead of lucid. Have marked as UNRELEASED in bzr. Can you grab and upload to lucid?11:20
ScottKLure: You test built this?11:36
apacheloggermalloc \o/11:45
apachelogger*file_path = malloc(strlen(argv[1] + 3) + 1);11:45
apacheloggerall I say regarding that matter :P11:45
Quintasan|Szelnew > malloc11:45
* apachelogger tends to disagree11:47
* apachelogger contineus with if(*file_path == NULL)11:48
apachelogger    return ERR_CODE_OUT_OF_MEM;11:48
Quintasan|Szelwell whatever, I need to work on project neon files :P11:48
ScottKLure: Uploaded.11:48
apacheloggeroh my, that is still not done? :P11:48
ScottKRiddell: You can ignore Lure's plea for an upload.11:49
Quintasan|Szelapachelogger: I will do it from Riddell's computer in back room sice my connection is a PITA11:49
apacheloggersupporting my claim that soyus is currently unfitted for daily builds11:50
Quintasan|Szeluploading 150 MB with 20kb/s will take hell lot of time11:50
Quintasan|Szelat thats only libs '11:50
RiddellScottK: ok, thanks11:50
apacheloggerQuintasan|Szel: what libs is that?11:50
RiddellQuintasan|Szel: I'll need to turn it on when you want it11:50
Quintasan|Szelapachelogger: amarok-nightly-kdesupport :P11:50
apacheloggernow that is really pics :P11:51
ScottKRiddell: I think we will need rebuilds of digikam, kipi-plugins, and kdeplasma-addons after the kdegraphics upload I just did gets built.11:51
apacheloggereven though oxygen is just one big load of pixels and vectors :P11:51
apacheloggerQuintasan|Szel: that said, you probably could strip the SVGs11:52
apacheloggerthat should make the tar a bit lighter11:52
apacheloggereven then I find 150 a bit on the heavy side11:52
ScottKRiddell: Would you have a look at the most recent kdeplasma-addons build failure?  When we were testing it, we had marble from KDE 4.3 (as EDU was late).  It seems not to like the 4.3.80 marble.11:52
Riddellcan do11:52
ScottKRiddell: I also just did a meta upload to get the new plasma-desktop package in kubuntu-desktop.11:53
ScottKAlso dropped lpia, but I now notice I forgot to mention that in debian/changelog11:54
Quintasan|SzelRiddell: I will be back in home within half and hour so turn it on by then please11:55
Quintasan|SzelWTF gluon's still building on amd64?! wtf 23 hours11:55
Riddelldoes it use kdelibs?  could it be the issue we had yesterday with endless locales?11:56
Quintasan|Szelhmm, can't really rember now but it probably does depend on kdelibs5-dev11:57
Quintasan|Szelit built on i386 with no problems11:57
ScottKRiddell: No, it's kde support stuff.11:57
Lex79good morning12:00
Quintasan|SzelLex79: hi12:00
Quintasan|Szelhm, japanese grammatic book, nice12:03
Quintasan|Szellooks like I need to plan my free time :O12:05
LureScottK: thanks12:06
LureScottK: for digikam, we also need to wait for latest marble12:07
ScottKLure: We have it now.12:07
LureScottK: ok, great12:08
ScottKThe problem with plasma-addons is it doesn't work with the new ones.12:08
LureScottK: how can this be?12:08
ScottKNot sure.12:09
ScottKThat's why I asked Riddell to look into it.12:09
Lure.me checks12:09
LureScottK: according to http://launchpadlibrarian.net/36603514/buildlog_ubuntu-lucid-amd64.kdeplasma-addons_4:4.3.80-0ubuntu3_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz it looks like wrong version of libkexiv2 is tried12:11
Lureor you are looking on some other build log?12:11
ScottKLure: That's true and I have a fix prepared for that.12:11
Quintasan|SzelScottK: wait, wasn't it building properly?12:11
ScottKPerhaps I misread the cause of the error.12:12
ScottKRiddell: ^^^12:12
ScottKQuintasan|Szel: We didn't switch to the new versions of the kdegraphics libraries (both of us missed that).12:12
Riddellit does look like it's after the wrong libkexiv12:13
RiddellI'll try it in a chroot12:13
Quintasan|SzelOh I see, well my bad then. And it has problems with libs?12:13
Quintasan|Szelurgh, 7 UTC seems impossible for me, 5th January left then12:14
ScottKLure: Did you do the new digikam/kipi-plugins uploads yet?12:22
Riddellkdeplasma-addons compiling fine with new libkexiv12:23
RiddellI'll uploading it build-deping on libkexiv2-8-dev (>= 4:4.3.80-0ubuntu2)12:24
ScottKSo once kdegraphics is published, we'll need digikam, kipi-plugins, kdeplasma-addons, and showfoto then?12:24
Riddellyes although we don't need to wait on digikam stuff for CDs12:25
ScottKRiddell: Also koffice shows up on the NBS list for libkdcraw7-dev too.12:26
RiddellI'll also upload kdebase-runtime which doesn't recommend pmount12:26
Riddellkoffice needs s/-kde4// done anyway for its package names12:26
Riddellwhich is a job for after alpha 1 I think12:27
ScottKEDU needs a post-alpha 1 update for new applications.12:28
* ScottK got the existing stuff building, but didn't get to the new binaries.12:28
Riddellyeah, and MIRs for libssh and libortp (although I seem to remember having looked at those in the past)12:28
ScottKlibssh MIR is done.12:29
ScottKJust waiting for review.12:29
Quintasan|SzelRiddell: so we are promoting libortp? I just removed it bzr.12:29
Riddelland of course there's the phonon and kdebindings lark12:29
ScottKThe shared-desktop-ontologies MIR also needs  approval (but I put it in Main anyway for now)12:30
ScottKQuintasan|Szel: We need to remove it until it gets approved for Main.12:30
Quintasan|Szelokay, I will push it then12:30
ScottKRiddell: I think we need a kdenetwork upload yet so we have that on 4.3.8012:30
ScottK(since the first one is depwait)12:30
Riddellhmm?  kdenetwork 4:4.3.80-0ubuntu2 is built12:31
ScottKOh, is it?12:31
ScottKNevermind then.12:31
ScottKAh, I see it got taken care of yesterday.   Missed that.12:32
Riddellkdegraphics done, I'll upload kdeplasma-addons and then we're ready to look at CDs12:35
ScottKRiddell: Would you please remove the plasma-netbook source from Lucid?  The binary is built from kdebase-workspace now.12:37
* ryanakca grins at his good fortune, snow day today :)12:38
ryanakcaAnybody interested in testing Kobby packages?12:38
Riddellryanakca: do we have a server?12:39
ryanakcaRiddell: I can setup an IPv6 one...12:39
ryanakcaOr here, just a sec, I can fix my router to forward the infinoted port to my desktop for those without IPv612:40
RiddellScottK: vamoosh12:41
ScottKRiddell: Nice.  Thanks.12:41
Riddellug, kdeplasma-addons failed12:46
Riddelloh, maybe that's just the old broken libkexiv2-8 packages12:46
ScottKRiddell: If you're going to do another upload, I just remembered that debfx updated his brightness patch.  Want that too?12:48
RiddellScottK: wasn't planning to but I'll add it to bzr12:52
Riddelldebfx: any luck getting the keys patch upstream?12:53
Riddelldebfx: qt picked up the qt bit didn't it?12:54
* amik pokes Riddell13:10
Riddellamik: hello?13:11
Riddelloh, reviews!13:11
amikRiddell: u said I should keep poking :-)13:11
=== amik is now known as amichair
Riddelltrue true, let me do that now13:12
ScottKRiddell: I know debfx asked about it on kde-devel recently and got some positive feedback.  I don' t know if it got committed yet.13:12
Quintasanapachelogger: nightly@getamarok.com <-- was gpg key to this email linked to your normal key or you had a separate?13:15
apacheloggerQuintasan|Szel: seperate13:26
Quintasanapachelogger: I suppose you know what I'm thinking about :P13:29
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: you only reverted in 4.3 branch13:33
Riddellamichair: uploading software-properties13:34
Riddellamichair: anything else I need to look at?13:34
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: well, feel free to revert in trunk due to lacmk of progress, referencing my revert for 4.313:34
ScottKRiddell: kubuntu-meta is now all set up on Lucid.  I also dropped lpia.13:34
ryanakcaRiddell: 'deb http://packages.ryanak.ca/ubuntu/ karmic' should give you  the latest kobby/libqinfinity, ryanak.ca:6523 will be the infinoted.13:35
amichairJontheEchidna: should Riddell look at jockey or u have it covered?13:35
RiddellScottK: great13:35
ScottKSomeone have time to work on kdeedu?  There are (IIRC) two new binary packcages that need to be added to it (list-missing is in bzr).13:36
jtechidnaScottK: I can do that13:37
ScottKjtechidna: Great.  It'll be good to get that in soon after Alpha 1.13:38
=== jtechidna is now known as JontheEchidna
ryanakcaRiddell: sorry, 'deb http://packages.ryanak.ca/ubuntu karmic main'13:40
JontheEchidnaoh, plasma-desktop needs to be added to a seed of some sort13:40
Riddellryanakca: ok I'm connected13:40
QuintasanJontheEchidna, ScottK: MC guys told me they will try to setup a adhoc meeting at Friday 14UTC, do you have time then?13:40
Riddellryanakca: how do I edit a collaborative document?13:40
ScottKQuintasan|Szel: Likely.13:41
JontheEchidnawhoops, already seeded it looks like. /me reads backlog13:41
JontheEchidnaQuintasan: lemme convert timezones13:41
Riddellryanakca: I made one called "foo"13:41
amichairJontheEchidna: should Riddell look at jockey or do you have it covered?13:41
JontheEchidnaQuintasan: yeah, I can make it then13:41
ryanakcaYep, Iam connected to it too13:41
ScottKJontheEchidna: Yes, I added plasma-desktop last night.13:42
rgreeningLex79: ping13:42
Lex79rgreening: pong13:42
ScottKJontheEchidna: Also just did a kubuntu-meta upload to get it into kubuntu-desktop.13:42
JontheEchidnaamichair: I really will ping pitti today :D13:42
rgreeningLex79: kdesdk seems missing in staging13:42
JontheEchidnaScottK: btw, I think those plasma applets in plasma-desktop really belong in plasma-widgets-workspace13:42
JontheEchidnaor at least windowlist13:43
ScottKJontheEchidna: They all get built out of workspace/plasma/desktop, not workspace/plasma/generic.13:43
amichairJontheEchidna: :-P13:43
Lex79rgreening: right, I'm going to upload13:43
JontheEchidnahmm, ok13:43
amichairRiddell: thanks :-)13:44
rgreeningLex79: cool. ty :)13:44
ScottKJontheEchidna: I split plasma-desktop out based on the upstream split.13:44
amichairRiddell: any comments/suggestions/something to learn for next time?13:44
rgreeningLex79: Im going over the failed builds and retrying where appropriate...13:44
Riddellamichair: poke harder :)13:44
Lex79rgreening: ok, thanks :)13:44
JontheEchidnaScottK: ok, I can accept that.13:45
amichairRiddell: and there I was thinking I was being a nuisance poking everyone in circles...13:45
rgreeningJontheEchidna: did we get that patch/fix for kdebindings? Or will it have to wait until next release beta..13:49
JontheEchidnano clue what's up with kdebindings. dirk respun the tarball like twice and it still wouldn't built13:49
ryanakcaAnybody else interested in testing Kobby?13:50
rgreeningJontheEchidna: strange...13:50
JontheEchidnanot too terribly strange; bindings don't really get worked on until after the first beta13:51
JontheEchidnadue to changing apis and such13:51
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=== markey_n810 is now known as markey
ScottKJontheEchidna: Is konq-plugins uninstallabe? http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/testing/lucid_probs.html seems to think so.13:56
JontheEchidnaIt's installed fine here13:56
QuintasanScottK, JontheEchidna: okay, thanks I would be very grateful if you could show up then :)13:57
amichairdoes anyone know how many alpha users are out there (ballpark)? any stats from previous releases?14:02
JontheEchidnaamichair: pinging pitti in #ubuntu-devel, but he looks very busy at the moment.14:02
JontheEchidnamaybe I can convince him to add ~kubuntu-dev to ~jockey-hackers so that I can sponsor the fixes to trunk myself14:03
JontheEchidnabtw, that software-properties debian changelog looks just so awesome14:03
amichairI just like seeing the entire soft-props bug list on lp fit on one page now :-P14:05
amichairI hope someone on the gtk side does some cleanup too, to really bring this package to release quality14:08
ScottKRiddell: kdeplasma-addons failed14:08
ScottKRiddell: This is the marble related error I saw before.  I don't know how to fix it.14:10
ScottKJontheEchidna: ^^^ ?14:10
JontheEchidnaI sadly don't either :(14:11
ScottKJontheEchidna: Different issue: konq-plugins: Depends: libjpeg-progs but it is not going to be installed14:13
JontheEchidnamm, libjpeg-progs held back here, too14:13
JontheEchidnabut dist-upgrade doesn't say it's going to remove konq-plugins14:14
ScottKLooks like a Main/Universe issue14:14
JontheEchidnaGet:13 http://us.archive.ubuntu.com lucid/universe libjpeg7 7-1 [123kB]\14:17
ScottKI just pinged pitti on #ubuntu-release.  Or maybe Riddell will promote it...14:18
ScottKJontheEchidna: Will kdeplasma-addons build if we drop the libmarble-dev build-dep?14:19
amichairJontheEchidna: thanks for killing off some more issues, in real-time no less! :-)14:20
JontheEchidnaScottK: the marble wallpaper plugin would need to be removed from the .install, but otherwise yes14:21
ScottKJontheEchidna: Would you have time to look at that?14:21
JontheEchidnaScottK: should I upload when I'm ready?14:21
ScottKIt's what's blocking our CD builds for Alpha 1.14:21
JontheEchidnathat answers that14:21
ScottKJontheEchidna: Unless Riddell appears with a fix.14:21
Lex79maybe disable marble wallpaper in cmakelists http://websvn.kde.org/trunk/KDE/kdeplasma-addons/wallpapers/CMakeLists.txt?revision=1040783&view=markup14:22
JontheEchidnaQuintasan's patch makes it try to use the old api14:23
JontheEchidnaremoving 99_fix_ftbfs_on_marble_wallpaper.diff should fix this14:24
* JontheEchidna tests14:24
Quintasanit worked when I was building it :P14:24
QuintasanJust replaces NormalQuality with Normal14:24
JontheEchidnait was building against the libmarble-dev from KDE 4.3.314:25
Quintasanwait, I didn't bump again?!14:25
JontheEchidnalibmarble-dev (>= 4:4.3.0)14:26
Lex79btw I said yesterday lol14:26
Lex79JontheEchidna: great :)14:26
* Quintasan endures his self-hate14:26
rgreeningLex79: is that fixed in staging14:26
JontheEchidnaLex79: heh, you did say that yesterday :P14:26
Lex79rgreening: is a question? :P14:26
* Quintasan 's heading to shop14:27
rgreeningLex79: the marble dep above14:27
QuintasanI'd better bump then build :/14:27
JontheEchidnaScottK: if this pbuilds I'll upload14:27
Lex79rgreening: no, I'll fix when JontheEchidna will upload14:28
ScottKJontheEchidna: Excellent14:28
ScottKJontheEchidna: libjpeg7 is promoted, so konq-plugin installability should be fixed.14:31
Riddellhmm, marble sillyness14:33
rgreeningLex79: can you look at this? http://launchpadlibrarian.net/36604228/buildlog_ubuntu-karmic-amd64.kdewebdev_4%3A4.3.80-0ubuntu1%7Ekarmic1%7Eppa1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz14:33
ScottKRiddell: I think JontheEchidna has it sorted.  Waiting for a test build.14:33
rgreeningLex79: seems there's a build dep not bumped14:33
Lex79rgreening: I uploaded a new version right now, 0ubuntu214:35
txwikingerrgreening: Gotten snow today?14:37
rgreeningtxwikinger: nope.. tomorrow I think, unless we dumped it all on u14:37
txwikingerwell... we got about 20cm so far14:37
txwikingerand people still haven't learned how to drive in it :D14:38
ghostcubehave i mentioned working on balance sheets and so is not funny :P14:45
debfxScottK, Riddell: the multimedia key patch got committed to trunk14:50
ScottKdebfx: Great news.  Thanks.14:51
Riddelldebfx: the one for kdelibs?14:51
Riddelldebfx: next task kdebase patch?14:52
Riddellprobably too late for kde 4.4 though14:53
RiddellJontheEchidna: removing that patch does fix kdeplasma-addons14:56
JontheEchidnafeel free to upload, my computer sucks and is still pbuilding14:56
JontheEchidnaamichair: jockey stuff merged. :-)14:56
JontheEchidnaand now I can merge stuff with jockey trunk14:57
ScottKRiddell: Once kdeplasma-addons builds and gets published, I think we're good to go for CD builds.14:57
ScottKRiddell: Do we need to switch kipi-plugins to the new build-dep for Alpha 1?15:02
Riddellyes I'd expect so15:02
ScottKOK.  I'll do that one.15:03
rgreeningLex79: why bumping the ubuntu1 to ubuntu2 instead of ppa1 to ppa2 instaging?15:04
Lex79to see if the packages is sync with lucid15:05
Lex79*with lucid changes15:05
debfxRiddell: I'm not so sure about the kdebase patch, someone who knows more about how the brightness is handled in the different layers should have a look at it15:08
debfxfor example the fn keys work on my laptop without the patch when KMS is disabled15:08
debfxbut with KMS enabled they only work with the patch15:09
amichairJontheEchidna: cool!15:11
Lex79rgreening: if there are changes in lucid packages I have to see every time the changelog in karmic package if is sync. With bumping 0ubuntuX I have to see only the version (0ubuntuX) to see if the karmic packages are sync with lucid changes, maybe JontheEchidna can explain better my thought :)15:11
rgreeningI believe there are better ways of doing this15:11
rgreeningi.e. bzr diff the karmic package debian dir against our bzr archive for one.15:12
rgreeningsry.. I mean diff the bzr archive against karmic package (debian dirs)15:13
rgreeningthe bzr contains lucid changes now... and should be updated as each package is updated15:13
rgreeningthat way you don't end up bumping the revisions of the package needlessly (i.e. the ubuntuX part). Though feel free to update the ~ppaX and achive the same thing you are doing now...15:14
rgreeningat least if I am understanding you...15:15
seelesoooo close to the end of the semester, just one more paper15:15
seelethen i can rejoin the land of the living15:15
Riddell"just one more paper" can't people spend years writing a single paper?15:17
ScottKRiddell: I whole lifetime.15:19
JontheEchidnargreening, Lex79: if you are incorporating all the changes from the lucid packages then technically you are backporting ubuntux, so it would make sense to say so15:19
ScottKrgreening an Lex79: Please do.  It makes it a lot easier later to figure out what fixes aren't in the PPA.15:19
rgreeningJontheEchidna: exactly... if its ubuntu2 in lucid, then it's ubuntu2 in karmic15:20
rgreeningwhich was my point :)15:20
rgreeningusing the ~ppaX to get it right for the backport, prior to removing :)15:21
Lex79rgreening: I don't understand, I bumped every time  0ubuntuX, what's the problem? :(15:22
Lex79if the package in lucid is 0ubuntu3 in staging is 0ubuntu3~karmic1~ppa115:24
rgreening1 sec... let me look again...15:27
rgreeningI may net have the latest cache and was looking at older maybe..15:27
Lex79ok, anyway, you said <rgreening> Lex79: why bumping the ubuntu1 to ubuntu2 instead of ppa1 to ppa2 instaging?15:28
Lex79this is the cause of the misunderstood I think, anyway ok :)15:29
rgreeningLex79: sorry, I was looking at the ninja PPA and didn't realize the packages had updated in archive15:29
rgreeningmy bad15:29
Lex79ok no problem15:29
Riddellooh, 300 e-mails from launchpad, that'll be kdebase-runtime compilied15:35
JontheEchidnahttp://kde-look.org/content/show.php/KDE4+Google+Chrome+Theme+'Sky'?content=116811 oooh...15:39
RiddellScottK: going to upload kipi-plugins?15:45
ScottKRiddell: Uploaded it (I thought)15:45
Riddelloh yes15:45
Riddelljust launchpad doesn't update its version number until the source is published now15:45
ScottKLooking at digikam now.15:46
apacheloggerRiddell: please replace your released.png with http://aplg.kollide.net/tmp/released.png15:51
apacheloggercompressed that is ... not that it makes much diff for png :S15:51
Riddellapachelogger: you're that concerned about canonical's bandwidth bill?15:54
apacheloggerRiddell: no, mine :P15:54
apacheloggeror rather the $vistors15:54
RiddellI don't follow15:54
Riddelloh, as viewer of site you want to save 10KB15:55
Riddellfair enough, done15:55
apacheloggeraye, thx15:55
apacheloggerRiddell: actually, I also compressed other images too (some in the theme, so once ryanakca gets that on the servers..) the viewer will be saved about 200 all in all15:56
apacheloggerwhich is a lot for 56k, and for rme it means snappier interwebs :)15:56
rgreeningplus speedier15:57
* ScottK hands rgreening a thesaurus.15:57
rgreeningeveryone nose I kant spel :)16:04
rgreeningbtw, I typed my comment (and due to interweb lag) it landed after apachelogger's comment, but we in fact in response to the before comment. I already have a thesaurus :016:06
JontheEchidnathe interwebs are not like a truck.16:06
JontheEchidnathey are like a series of tubes...16:06
* txwikinger is testing chromw16:27
* txwikinger is testing chrome16:27
rgreeningJontheEchidna: I'm building kdebindings via pbuilder, restarted cmake CMakeLists.txt && make manually and that seems to be building. Seems the debian/ubuntu build env has some issue...16:30
rgreeningany ideas on how to troubleshoot that?16:30
rgreeningScottK, Riddell ^16:31
davmor2txwikinger: I'd say it failed if it didn't notice a misspelling of it's own name ;)16:31
ScottKrgreening: I wouldn't worry about bindings now, that's still my suggestion.16:31
txwikingerdavmor2: Well.. quassel != chrome16:31
davmor2txwikinger: :D16:31
rgreeningScottK: well, if its a build issue, then I'd like to resolve... as it seems it may not be a bindings issue.16:32
nixternalLure: doh, I can't believe I didn't catch that16:43
ScottKdigikam is transitioned16:43
Lex79JontheEchidna: I've ktorrent ready16:44
ScottKLex79: Not until after Alpha 116:45
ScottKRiddell: kipi-plugins is done on i386, so I think an hour from now we're ready for that build.16:45
=== dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates
nixternalhaha, screensaver trojans!!! ftw...this totally validates the "forget the single click install/apt-url crap"17:03
nixternalScottK: anything need to get uploaded or packaged?17:04
ScottKUploads we're good on.17:04
ScottKThere was something we needed packaged ....17:05
ScottKAnd Jon the Taco is not here.17:05
ScottKI think someone did that already17:10
rgreeningoh, cool17:11
RiddellScottK: I'd rather use the todo page for our work items than blueprint whiteboards, just for consistency17:12
ScottKRiddell: Oh.  Right.17:12
ScottKClearly your claims to being behind on LP mail are exaggerated ....17:13
* txwikinger wonders how difficult it would be to create a qt/kde theme for chrome17:38
* ScottK imagines shtylman has already done it.17:40
markeyhm, did I leave the channel?17:54
markeymust have clicked some wrong button17:54
markeyBNC got confused17:55
markeythat's why17:55
markeygot a question:17:58
markeyanyone here using Chromium?17:58
ScottKmarkey: Yes.17:58
markeyScottK: with the latest daily build, Gmail doesn't load here17:59
ScottK(sorry, but today you got the sarcastic, answer the question asked ScottK)17:59
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markeyonly "Basic HTML Mode" works17:59
ScottKmarkey: OK, but it's not me that runs it.  You'll want shtylman.17:59
* Daskreech yawns17:59
* ScottK doesnt' use chromium, but shtylman does.17:59
markeythat was a bit confusing :)17:59
jjesseafternoon :)17:59
DaskreechHow is Lynx? is it in a SC mood ?18:00
ScottKYep.  It's all built now.18:01
DaskreechHooray :) does it work?18:01
JontheEchidnait's definitely a beta18:02
* ScottK is happy it built.18:02
JontheEchidnabut it's fairly stable18:02
ScottK\o/ dpkg-deb: building package `libqt4-dbg' in `../libqt4-dbg_4.6.0-1ubuntu2_armel.deb'.18:07
ScottKNow if it doesn't timeout ...18:07
Lex79oh :)18:08
highvoltageRiddell: I wanted to comment on your blog entry, but kdedevelopers.org doesn't accept my openID login (my LP OID login)18:09
Lex79ScottK: what about this my fix? http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-members/kdelibs/ubuntu/revision/14518:10
Lex79after alpha1 ?18:10
ScottKLex79: Nothing on CD now until after Alpha 1.18:10
highvoltageRiddell: nm, I see I have to link it first before it will work18:10
tsimpsonsomeone should change "the K Desktop Environment" on kubuntu.org to fit the new branding18:11
ScottKLex79: Both those binaries got dropped entirely so there's no need to version the conflicts/replaces.18:11
ScottKtsimpson: You should chat with ryanakca about that.  I think it's a good point.18:11
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tsimpsonryanakca: from what I can see, the main page and the FAQ are the places that need changing18:14
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tsimpsonmaybe changing "KDE" to "KDE Software Compilation" or "KDE community" where appropriate18:16
binarylookscurrently the kubuntu daily ubiquity crashes when trying to install kubuntu lucid. is it a known bug?18:17
Lex79ScottK: are you sure? if you have those binaries installed in your system and you want upgrade from 4.3.3 there is a conflict since those binaries was moved to kdelibs from -workspace18:17
ScottKLex79: Agreed.  You need the conflicts/replaces.  You just don't need to specify a version because it's any version.18:18
Lex79ok now sounds good :)18:18
DaskreechSo beta 1 being built for Koala now?18:23
ScottKSome people are working on it.18:27
DaskreechGo ninja Go ninja Go!18:28
ScottKRiddell: Except for koffice, the uploads for the libkipi7-dev, libkexiv2-8-dev, libkdcraw8-dev transitions are done.  I saved koffice for you.18:33
bmungerlooks like 10.04 is really broken.. some error with kdelibs518:34
ScottKbmunger: Some error is not particularly useful feedback.18:35
bmungerhmm thought this was a known thing18:39
Daskreechbmunger: Nope but never hurts to be more specific18:42
bmungerhad to run the command again to get the eror..18:43
bmungersays dpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/kdelibs5_4%3a4.3.80-0ubuntu6_amd64.deb trying to overwrite '/usr/lib/libnepomukquery.so.4', which is also in package libnepomukquery4 4:4.3.3-0ubuntu318:44
bmungerfailing there it cant update further18:45
ScottKbmunger: That is a known issue18:45
bmungerwhich i thought was a known issue18:45
ScottKWe have an update prepared for right after Alpha 1 is released.18:45
ScottKIt is safe to --force-overwrite it.18:45
bmungercan i pass it through aptitude?18:45
* ScottK doesn't recall the precise incantation.18:46
firephotobmunger: i had to remove the libnepomuk stuff... now it seems to be going. didn't try the --force-overwrite18:46
bmungerok forced install from cache seems to be working in dist-upgrade now18:48
bmungerthanks guys18:48
Quintasan|Szeljus git18:57
* ryanakca wonders why wireless connections configured in /etc/network/interfaces are more stable than ones setup in knetworkmanager19:07
ryanakcatsimpson: I'm taking care of it19:07
ryanakcaWho's currently editing the website?19:16
ScottKNot /me and I know Riddell's out for a bit.19:17
ryanakcaScottK: Strange, I got a "Unable to save page because it was modified by another user" type error... *shrug*19:18
ScottKDunno who?19:18
ryanakcatsimpson: done19:23
markeyfwiw, fixed my Chromium/Gmail issues19:27
markeytrick was: disabling the Labs extensions19:28
markeyone them appears to break Chromium atm19:28
markeyone of*19:28
tsimpsonryanakca: lovely, thanks19:39
nixternalalrighty, trying out kontact again...finally downloaded all of my email and didn't crash :)19:45
nixternalsetting up shortcuts to match mutt :)19:45
* ulysses__ finished the upgrade test i386 karmic -> lucid19:52
ScottKISOs to test: http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/build/kubuntu/all19:53
=== ScottK changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Archive: Main frozen for Alpha 1 | Plz test: http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/build/kubuntu/all | Kubuntu has the Doctor on the brain | https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Todo
ScottKulysses__: You can mark that down in the tracker.19:53
ulysses__I can't decide that the upgrade passed or failed. I should fix the broken packages from recovery console, because after login I got a blank screen with error messages19:54
ScottKFile bugs and as long as you get there eventually, I'd call it a pass for Alpha 1.19:55
ulysses__In #ubuntu-testing somebody said me that error messages was bug 49177519:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 491775 in brltty "udevd warnings in /lib/udev/rules.d/85-brltty.rules" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/49177519:56
ulysses__aham, same error, I don't need to report it19:59
binarylooksdon't throw stones at me for looking please, but is it normal that the plasma-desktop and plasma-netbook debs in the staging ppa are basically empty?19:59
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ScottKbinarylooks: Look at the ones in the archive for Lucid and if the contents are different, that's  a problem.20:06
binarylooksi'll check...20:06
ScottKbinarylooks: I assume you're looking at Karmic.  You can ignore staging for Lucid20:06
binarylooksScottK: yes I am20:07
ulysses__Okay, I am ready with a test case: http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/result/3441/8420:07
ScottKulysses__: Looks good.  Could you attempt an ISO install in your VM?20:08
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ulysses__Yes, I will try the i386 (I don't have HW virtualization, so I can't run x64 guests:(20:09
ScottKThat'd be great.20:11
ulysses__I need to download the CD image20:11
* ulysses__ going to make tea20:11
nixternalScottK: fyi, I don't get a desktop with any ISOs20:16
nixternalI get the black screen of death20:16
ScottKnixternal: Did you see the bug that ulysses__ report linked to?20:16
nixternalthe brltty one?20:17
nixternalI can't say the upgrade passed either20:17
nixternaljust attempted it on my desktop, and the desktop is useless, even rm -rf ~/.kde20:18
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nixternalimho kubuntu isn't ready for alpha 1 testing...there are still some borked packages20:19
nixternalsomething about *-strigi-plugins, kipi-plugins, kdebase-* something can't overwrite files20:19
binarylooksScottK: probably not the best time with all the iso testing. I compared the plasma-desktop.deb from lucid and from the staging ppa lucid ~200 kb with a /usr/bin, karmic ~40kb with only a /usr/share and no plasma-desktop binary20:22
binarylooksScottK: maybe I'm looking at the wrong places, i'm not really an expert20:22
ScottKbinarylooks: OK.  I don't recall who was doing those, but that's definitely a problem.20:22
ScottKLex79: Were you working on Karmic?  ^^^20:23
Daskreechmarkey: Which lab?20:23
markeyDaskreech: not sure which of these lab features caused it20:24
markeyI had enabled several ones20:25
markey(3 or 4 or so)20:25
faleany news on 4.4b1, guys?20:29
ulysses__argh, this cdimage server so slow, 18 minutes downloading left20:31
ScottKfale: Packaged for Lucid.  We are testing ISO images now.  See /topic.20:31
faleScottK: mmm that's fun... I'm going to download it20:33
ScottKPhone call just now from middle daughter: "Dad, what time did we say you were going to pick me up from school?" me: "We didn't say a time.  I'll pick you up some time before your bedtime." daughter: "Uhhh ..."20:34
faleulysses__: I agree.. to me it goes at 300kb/s as avarage20:35
SputScottK: you got schools where your kids can hang out after classes?20:35
faleScottK: haha that's is hilarious.... who old is she?20:35
ScottKfale: 15.20:35
Sputwhoa, 15 and she still has a bedtime? :D20:36
ScottKSput: Yes.  There are generally after school activities.  She didn't ride the bus home because she wanted to go to one.20:36
Sputah I see20:36
Sputyeah, not so common here20:36
ScottKSput: You have to provide motivation for them to move out and become economically self sufficient.20:36
falehere neither, but 2years ago I was in California and there it was normal20:36
SputScottK: that's about the best reason I've gotten for a bedtime.. ever :)20:36
* fale still 40 minutes :(20:37
ulysses__me only 8 minutes20:37
ulysses__fale: which test case will you do?20:38
faleulysses__: rsync or http?20:38
faleulysses__: you mean which distro I downloaded?20:38
Daskreechmarkey: Ah ok I have like 11 turned on so here goes trial and error. Well I mean if I cared about Chromium at all20:38
binarylooksdownload finished and booting on my laptop from usb stick20:38
ulysses__fale: no, do you test the alpha ISOs?20:38
faleulysses__: yep20:39
ulysses__and which? desktop install/live, ..?20:39
binarylooksgot a login screen (tried ubuntu and worked))20:39
binarylooksulysses__: live session20:39
faleI downloaded desktop/i38620:39
binarylooksplasma crashed, black screen :-(20:39
davmor2ulysses__: use the dl-ubuntu-test-iso.py tool from the qa ppa20:39
binarylooksalt+f2 plasma-desktop...crashes again20:40
falebinarylooks: maybe some problems with qt?20:40
davmor2ulysses__: then set it for dl-ubuntu-test-iso.py --release=lucid --only=kubuntu20:41
faleor with X at some level (like driver)20:41
ScottKJontheEchidna: Since you got KDE running on Lucid, any advice for ISO testers?20:41
binarylooksfale: this is definetaly a plasma thin, I think it's known to the kubuntu-devs20:41
ulysses__davmor2: what's the repository of QA?20:42
JontheEchidnaScottK: it should just work (tm), now that the locale infinite loop bug is fixed20:42
ScottKulysses__: What was your upgrade bug again?20:43
JontheEchidnaoh... plasma crash? yeah, the default config does cause a crash20:43
ScottKJontheEchidna: nixternal claims a black screen of death.  He may have mistakenly booted Windows 7 though.20:43
ScottKJontheEchidna: Is there a bug, and what's the workaround?20:44
JontheEchidnaYeah, the default config makes plasma-desktop crash20:44
faleScottK: the win7 screen of death is not blue?20:44
ulysses__ScottK: the upgrade process completed, then asked me for reboot the computer. after that, I tried to login, but I got those error20:44
JontheEchidnathe workaround is to use a different plasma-desktop-appletsrc20:44
* ScottK heard it was black, but isn't sure.20:44
ulysses__bug 49177520:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 491775 in brltty "udevd warnings in /lib/udev/rules.d/85-brltty.rules" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/49177520:44
binarylooksJontheEchidna: can u explain a little bit more?20:44
ulysses__this was ^20:44
binarylookswill check the bug report20:44
JontheEchidnabinarylooks: not really... the default config causes plasma to crash. there's nothing you can do except use a plasma-desktop-appletsrc that doesn't cause it to crash such as this one: http://paste.ubuntu.com/338274/20:45
binarylooksJontheEchidna: i'll try, or maybe i take the one from my karmic install20:46
ScottKKubuntu Netbook images up now too.20:49
amichairfale, ScottK: There was a recent issues in windows xp/vista/7 which caused a black unresponsive screen after login, and it was termed 'black screen of death'. it's unrelated to the regular bsod (dunno what color that is in 7).20:51
falethank you :)20:51
binarylooksScottK: This build wasn't found on http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/ubuntu-netbook-remix/daily-live/20091209/lucid-netbook-remix-i386.iso (may no longer exists)20:52
jjessethere was the rumor of a black screen of death in windows 7 that was reported in the press/media the problem was the security company screwed up20:52
ScottKbinarylooks: Thanks.20:52
binarylookswhat did I do ? :-)20:52
ScottKbinarylooks: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu-netbook/daily-live/current/20:53
ScottKNo, the link is bad on the page.20:53
binarylooksok, 23 min left. i'll fight a bit with the appletsrc20:54
JontheEchidnaI believe the systemtray applet is causing the crash, judging by the backtrace20:54
amichairjjesse: true. some security company blamed ms update. ms blamed malware. company apologized. no one fixed the issue.20:54
=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk
binarylooksI'll have to test the netbook iso tomorrow, I have to run now. good luck with lucid and the karmic 4.4 debs20:59
ScottKJontheEchidna: Is there a bug on the plasma crash?21:00
amichairJontheEchidna: need help? what app is crashing?21:01
JontheEchidnaScottK: not yet, I've not downloaded all the -dbg packages yet21:02
ScottKJontheEchidna: OK.21:02
ScottKJontheEchidna: It'd nice to get a placeholder to put on the ISO tracker.21:02
JontheEchidnaamichair: with KDE 4.3.80 in lucid, the default plasma setup causes plasma-desktop to crash21:03
JontheEchidnaScottK: Ok, I'll file a bug for the placeholder21:04
JontheEchidnabug 49473121:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 494731 in kdebase-workspace "The default plasma-desktop configuration causes plasma-desktop to crash" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/49473121:07
binarylooksJontheEchidna: I tried your appletsrc and the desktop is up now21:15
JontheEchidnaI'm glad I had that lying around. It was an attempt to show how easy it is to duplicate gnome.21:16
binarylookscan I help troubleshooting or is everything under control ATM21:16
JontheEchidnaI would say that there's not much to troubleshoot at the moment21:17
binarylooksok, i'll add a comment to the bug report then21:17
binarylooksJontheEchidna: looks very gnomish. sme would say there is no toolbox in gnome :-)21:23
JontheEchidnaI suppose one could always throw the toolbox icon behind a panel or smth21:23
binarylooksJontheEchidna: I actually like the toolbox. it somehow feels right were it is.21:24
JontheEchidnaI totally don't understand the toolbox hate either21:24
binarylooks:-) Well we are visionaries then. Just like Aaron and the crew.21:25
binarylooksI really have to get going now. See you around21:25
nixternalScottK: damn, it was windows 7 :D21:31
nixternalspeaking of windows 7, and I don't understand what I am doing wrong...but it comes with this security suite right, a top dog at that...I browsed to a MSDN link, and all of a sudden I have this stupid pop-up that does not go away telling me I need anti-virus...I don't get it21:32
* nixternal kicks jjesse in the shines for liking Windows21:32
nixternalkicking you in the shine would require research, as I have no idea where the shine is..unless of course you are bald21:33
nixternalhowdy Riddell21:35
ulysses__hello Riddell21:36
* ulysses__ testing Lucid i386 alternate OEM install21:49
Riddellooh, testers :)21:50
RiddellI was going to start with amd64 desktop21:50
JontheEchidnabug 494731 updated with backtrace21:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 494731 in kdebase-workspace "The default plasma-desktop configuration causes plasma-desktop to crash" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/49473121:51
Riddellulysses__: OEM mode rarely works in the early alphas so don't worry too much if that's broken so long as the desktop and install works21:51
ulysses__We are testers, we must find bugs:)21:51
ulysses__first one, after installing the base system, it asked me for the new user's password21:55
Riddellthat's a good sign21:59
macothats how OEM mode works22:00
ulysses__okay, but the user don't need a name?22:00
Riddellit's just set to "oem" for the first login22:00
amichairshould I be testing from http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/info/3466 ?22:01
Riddellamichair: ys22:03
Riddellit's oversized so you'll need a DVD not a CD22:04
Riddell(or USB disk or virtual machine)22:04
amichairI'm gonna virtualbox. it gets trimmed down later?22:05
Riddellyes, somehow22:05
ulysses__so one more times: the default user is set to "oem", and I should choose its password?22:08
ulysses__(after instaling base system)22:08
Riddellyes, then it'll install, first boot it should auto login and you [set it up as you wish then clone to 1000 machines to sell to customers] click the icon on the desktop, next login it'll run the OEM config tool to create the normal user22:10
nixternalyikes, don't watch a flash video and build stuff at the same time22:10
ulysses__thanks, I used only once OEM, when I bought my laptop with Vista (lived 2 days)22:11
amichairhmmm. I don't see the kubuntu splash/progress screen on startup. is it supposed to be there in a live session?22:19
Riddellwhich one?22:22
amichairwhich what?22:23
ulysses__I got splash screen:P http://noob.hu/2009/12/09/upgarde1.png22:23
amichairgood catch! :-P22:24
ulysses__I did my best :-P22:26
Riddellwell amd64 desktop CD didn't work, KDE starts according to the startup sound but I can't see anything22:38
RiddellI blame X22:38
ulysses__i386 alternate install completed, but won't boot22:38
Riddellulysses__: what stage does it get to?22:39
ulysses__bug 491775 again, and it hangs up on "Starting init crypto disks = to match a parent device in"22:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 491775 in brltty "udevd warnings in /lib/udev/rules.d/85-brltty.rules" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/49177522:39
amichairRiddell: I'm trying amd64 desktop too. no kubuntu splash, but then the kde splash is ok. then the infamous plasma crash. plasma-desktop-appletsrc is almost empty. adding a basic containement to it seems to work.22:44
ulysses__eh, nothing, it hangs up http://noob.hu/2009/12/09/lucidalter.png22:47
ulysses__I think this test case failed:(22:48
Riddellamichair: so you get a drkonqi window?22:48
amichairsometimes. not sure what's the difference between drkonqi and the other... but it's the gui crash handler, yes.22:49
Riddelldoes that crash affect everyone?  didn't ScottK say he had it booted?22:49
amichairI can also alt-f2, konsole, and start plasma-desktop again to recreate... it prints out lots of stuff saying everything looks empty, which it is.22:50
Riddelldoes it crash again?22:51
amichairyep. every time.22:52
Riddelland if you remove /usr/share/kubuntu-default-settings/kde4-profile/default/share/config/plasma-desktop-appletsrc ?22:52
macoamichair: drkonqi asks questions and tells you how good your stack trace is. apport does not22:52
amichairI just caught a glimpse of the darkened splash looking like ulysses__ got it (http://noob.hu/2009/12/09/upgarde1.png). wierd.22:53
amichairmaco: thanks. I didn't see any questions. it looked pretty much like the old one, with the little bug icon thing and two tabs.22:53
JontheEchidnaRiddell: are you thinking of this? [15:41:53] <ScottK> JontheEchidna: Since you got KDE running on Lucid, any advice for ISO testers?22:53
Riddelldunno, maybe22:54
macoamichair: does it tell you about your stack trace and give a few stars on how good it is and ask for your bugs.kde.org login?22:54
Riddellif it's happening for everyone, sounds like we should do a kubuntu-default-settings upload without plasma-desktop-appletsrc and rebuild22:54
ulysses__Okay, I closed the test report, if somebody interested in, link here: http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/result/3465/6822:54
JontheEchidnaI'll see if removing /usr/share/kubuntu-default-settings/kde4-profile/default/share/config/plasma-desktop-appletsrc fixes the crash22:55
Riddellthanks ulysses__22:55
JontheEchidnaCrashes even with the plasma-desktop-appletsrc from k-d-s gone22:56
JontheEchidnaI think that our default desktop patch in kdebase-workspace is a more likely candidate for blame22:56
JontheEchidnafrom kubuntu_71_default_plasma_layout.diff:22:58
amichairmaco: http://imagebin.ca/view/ZYPZbEHk.html22:58
JontheEchidna+    loadDefaultApplet("systemtray", panel);22:58
JontheEchidnabut then three lines down:22:58
ulysses__no more time to another test, it's too late:( I should sleep, but tomorrow I keep up working. Good night!22:58
JontheEchidnaPlasma::Applet *sysTray = loadDefaultApplet("systemtray", panel);22:58
macoamichair: yeah thats drkonqi22:58
amichairmaco: ok :-)22:58
macoamichair: good to see it is indeed taking over instead of apport :)22:59
JontheEchidnamaybe Plasma::Applet *sysTray = loadDefaultApplet("systemtray", panel); fails because we loaded it 3 lines earlier?23:01
JontheEchidnabecause then it does some stuff conditional on sysTray being true23:01
amichairRiddell: I can confirm JontheEchidna's result - after deleting the defaults it still crashes.23:02
amichairfwiw, it does first show a messed-up desktop for a couple of seconds before it crashes and they disappear23:03
amichair(it does so regardless of deleting defaults)23:03
JontheEchidnaah, it loads the plasmoids that are in the systemtray by default conditional on sysTray being true23:03
JontheEchidnaRiddell: I think removing loadDefaultApplet("systemtray", panel); from kubuntu_71_default_plasma_layout.diff may fix this crash. Unfortunately my computer can't build kdebase-workspace in a sane amount of time23:05
amichairand the last output line before the crash is: "Plasma::AppletPrivate::mainConfigGroup: requesting config for "Device Notifier" without a containment!"23:05
JontheEchidnaoh! that makes perfect sense23:05
JontheEchidnait tries to load the device notifier plasmoid inside the systray applet, but only the systray applet pointed to by sysTray was told to load it's default applets23:06
JontheEchidnaor something :P23:07
JontheEchidnamaybe not, now I'm just confusing myself as usual23:07
JontheEchidnabut I still think that removing that line from the patch will fix things23:08
amichairI have no idea where the code is or what it does, but if u run plasma-desktop in konsole the debug messages seem to be helpful23:08
JontheEchidnait lives inside the huge kdebase-workspace source package23:08
amichairJontheEchidna: where is the relevant branch?23:10
JontheEchidnaonly the packaging is kept in a bzr, branch. you can just apt-get source kdebase-workspace23:11
* JontheEchidna goes off for dinner23:14
amichairI'm on karmic23:14
JontheEchidnaoh, right23:15
JontheEchidnadget https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+archive/primary/+files/kdebase-workspace_4.3.80-0ubuntu1.dsc23:15
JontheEchidnathen once that's done dpkg-source -x *dsc23:16
amichairthanks. bon appetit.23:16
ScottKRiddell: I didn't say I had it booted.  I've been stuck doing $WORK, so I haven't tested.23:16
Daskreechfale: They changed it since Vista23:46
Daskreechfale: Blue was choosen early on since it was pyschologically associated with being clam and restful23:47
DaskreechWindows has long since turned that in to being assocaited with Rage and fail23:47
faleDaskreech: I see23:47
DaskreechSo We have a <newcolour> screen of death23:47

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