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shikibui'm getting repeated launchpad timeout errors when I try to file a bug here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/canonical-salesforce/+filebug01:02
mwhudsonshikibu: try a shorter summary first01:03
mwhudson(this sucks, yes)01:04
shikibumwhudson: yes, that helped. I shortened from "[ISD] Closed case comment workflow seems buggy" to "[ISD] Closed case comment workflow"01:04
RenatoSilvaIs it possible to remove automatic branch linking when you change a bug to "Fix Committed"?02:05
RenatoSilvaI don't like linking trunk, only branches specially targeted at fixing that bug02:06
mwhudsonRenatoSilva: something like that has been talked about as a good idea but it's not possible yet02:06
ftaany LOSA for https://answers.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/93418 ? thanks02:11
RenatoSilvaok thanks02:12
RenatoSilvayes I think it's a good idea, main branch is always related (because special branches for fixing the bug are merged in mainline anyway), so no need to link it. If the project has different series, then the developer would link the series, not their branches02:17
chrismurf"Please try again - Sorry, there was a problem connecting to the Launchpad server."02:34
mwhudsonchrismurf: which page?02:35
chrismurfmwhudson, my apologies - I guess I didn't wait long enough02:36
chrismurfit just loaded02:36
mwhudsonchrismurf: ah ok02:36
chrismurfI'll give it longer next time02:36
mwhudsonwell, we should make it faster too :)02:36
spmfta: done03:01
AnAntmwhudson: thanks08:58
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DavieyAnybody else notice branching is slooooooooooow today?11:36
henningeDaviey: it has had problems, AFAICT11:51
Davieythanks henninge11:51
bigjoolsit's fine for me12:02
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geserare the buildds building in parallel by default?12:12
maxbin parallel?12:13
geserlike make starting several process at the same time12:15
maxbOh. I think that's up to your debian/rules12:15
geserbecause a package from the main archive FTBFS but builds fine in my pbuilder. it's probably due the build happening in parallel on the buildds12:16
wgrantlib/canonical/buildd/sbuild:"DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS=\"parallel=".$main::nr_processors."\" " : "").12:17
geserso it looks like a bug in the package as it support the "parallel" option but fails if it's get used12:20
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srapsHi, all!13:02
srapshow to delete a project?13:03
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beunosraps, file a question requesting it13:04
srapsbueno, have done it allready...13:04
beunosraps, how long ago?13:05
henningesraps: then wait, I am working down the queue of question atm ... ;)13:05
srapscouple of weeks...13:05
henningesraps: do you have the quesiton URL ?13:05
henningesraps: ah, you should have filed it for *launchpad* ;-) I'll move it.13:09
henningesraps: I'll take care of it.13:10
dvz-'lo all.  anyone around?13:14
beunodvz-, there seems to be around 155 people. What's up?13:15
dvz-i'm trying to push an item to launchpad through bzr....  i did the bzr whoami '...',  bzr launchpad-login ...  and i've even checked items out....but now I can't check any items out nor can i push any items...it keeps telling me Permission denied (publickey)...13:16
dvz-but i have ssh-agent running with the key that i'm using on the lp site...I even readded the key to make sure13:16
dvz-and i can't figure out for the life of me what could be the issue.13:16
beunodvz-, can you sftp into launchpad?  sftp bazaar.launchpad.net13:17
dvz-permission denied again13:17
beunodvz-, and does -v give you any insights?13:18
beunomaybe your local user difers from the one on Launchpad?13:18
dvz-let me just create a new one..brb13:19
spivdvz-: in case it wasn't clear, beuno means that perhaps SSH is trying the wrong username13:20
dvz-hrm.  the system username is different from launchpad...13:22
dvz-but i haven't changed anything and I've been able to checkout without problems (until just recently...not sure why)13:22
spivdvz-: does 'sftp -v yourlaunchpadusername@bazaar.launchpad.net' give you any hints?  It should show you which keys it is trying.13:23
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dvz-spiv: yes.  kt keeps trying to use /home/dvz/.ssh/id_rsa and id_dsa....the defaults...13:27
dvz-ah. i think i'm on to something.13:28
dvz-apparently ssh-agent only works for the same terminal ?13:29
spivIt works partly by setting environment variables.13:29
spivAnd those won't automatically be propagated to other terminals.13:30
dvz-spiv: hrm. good to know.13:31
dvz-if i run is as a background process not in a terminal, will that affect the other terminals then?13:31
spivEnvironment variables are inherited by processes.  So if it's set in the process that starts your desktop session, then all other processes in your desktop session will have those variables set too.13:33
spivHmm, I just realised that might be a bit unclear: when a process is created, it inherits the environment from the process that spawned it.  But subsequent updates to the parent's environment won't affect the child.13:38
L1peHi guys.14:20
L1peI'm trying tu push a branch through https and I get this error "you have a valid .bzr control directory, but not a branch or repository. This is an unsupported configuration. Please move the target directory out of the way and try again."14:21
L1pecan anybody give me a hint on that?14:21
henningeL1pe: I wasn't aware that pushing through https is possible.14:22
henningeL1pe: you could ask in #bzr, too.14:22
srapshenninge: thanks, I have not noticed that...14:25
blackxoredsomeone can rename my launchpad account plz14:25
henningeblackxored: Please file a request on answers:14:26
blackxoredhenninge, I did that already14:26
henningeblackxored: when?14:26
blackxoredhenninge, yesterday14:27
henningeblackxored: Patience ;)14:27
henningeWe will get to it.14:27
blackxoredYes I know14:28
blackxoredI just wanted it to be renamed before my ubuntu alias gets updated so I don't have to wait 2 more days for nothing :P14:28
henningeok, urgent it is ...14:28
henningebut then, what is not :)14:28
* henninge looks at it14:28
blackxoredhenninge, heheheh, great!!!14:29
henningeblackxored: the ppa will be a problem14:30
henningebug 39288714:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 392887 in soyuz "Cannot delete or rename a PPA" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39288714:30
blackxoredhenninge, no packages, and I'm the only one who's ever used it14:30
henningeblackxored: so it has deleted packages?14:30
blackxoredhenninge, is empty14:31
henningeblackxored: yes, but did it have packages that are now deleted?14:31
henningeI am just asking because you said you "used" it.14:31
blackxoredhenninge, probably one version of swt14:31
blackxoredages ago14:32
blackxoredhenninge, when I was running 32 bits, I had to test it on 64 bits14:33
blackxorednow I have schroots of both sid and lucid for both archs14:34
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henningeblackxored: I understand but AFAIK accounts cannot be renamed if they have a ppa14:34
dpmHi all, I'm trying to use launchpadlib to get rosetta import queue entries with a given status for a given distro14:34
blackxoredhenninge, that's why they told me to contact an admin here14:35
henningeblackxored: and a ppa cannot be deleted if it ever had packages.14:35
dpmI've read https://edge.launchpad.net/+apidoc/#translation_import_queue_entries and so far I've managed to get all import queue entries in Launchpad with a given status, but I still haven't figured out how to filter on distro at the API level14:35
dpmdanilos tells me that they should be available from an URL such as e.g. https://api.edge.launchpad.net/beta/ubuntu/karmic/translation_import_queue_entries, but I can't figure out how that URL is available. Has any of you got any pointers?14:35
henningeblackxored: who's "they" ? ;)14:36
blackxoredhenninge, there's a status set for an account when you add a ppa right, can we just revert that change manually as if the ppa never existed?14:36
blackxoredhenninge, #ubuntu-devel, bdrung, launchpad answer14:36
henningeblackxored: ah, that is SQL magic on the production database ... ;)14:37
blackxoredhenninge, should be that hard, should it?14:38
danilosdpm, btw, it's probably worth looking at some bug scripts ubuntu team is using, since bugs are also registered on a generic interface (IBugTarget), so it's probably useful to see what they are doing :)14:39
noodles775blackxored: currently we can only delete the PPA if it's never had any packages published to it (although we hope to fix this soonish). If you just want to rename your account, another option might be to create a new account and then merge your memberships/karma etc. from the old one?14:40
henningeblackxored: I think this is a matter of cost-benefit calculation on our side. It is much cheaper if you just create a new account.14:40
blackxoredwhat can I loose?14:40
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blackxoredhenninge, I really would thank some "sql magic" as you told me, since reading the merge page that won't be great for my purposes14:42
noodles775I only know as much as is on that wiki page (ie. branding of your account, displayname etc.), but someone from registry might know if there is anything else lost when merging accounts... bac?14:42
dpmthanks danilos14:43
henningeblackxored: yep, same for me what noodles775 said.14:43
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danilosdpm, ok, the only thing you need to use is a different API call: getTranslationImportQueueEntries(), directly on the distribution series object14:58
danilosdpm, or, perhaps, using getAllEntries on "objects_with_translation_imports"14:58
* dpm tries, thanks!14:59
* danilos goes to bank15:01
danilosmthaddon, Chex, mbarnett: hi guys, can you please get the script from DB queries on LPS going?15:01
mthaddondanilos: let me check15:01
danilosmthaddon, it looks more involved than it is :)15:02
danilosmthaddon, it basically just runs a LP script over and over with different parameters, read from a file15:02
danilosmthaddon, btw, thanks15:02
dpmdanilos, getTranslationImportQueueEntries() doesn't seem to be exposed in the API, and I tried getAllEntries on objects_with_translation_imports earlier on and didn't seem to work. I'll leave it for now and come back to it some other time, but thanks for the tips15:03
danilosdpm, right, sorry about that15:04
dpmno worries15:04
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danilosrockstar, abentley: hi, is "bzr branch" supposed to report "Not a branch" for branches created through LP UI? i.e. https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~adiroiban/ubuntu-start-page/trunk-l10n-export15:46
abentleydanilos: Yes, until you've pushed something into them.15:47
danilosabentley, ah, ok... so, our bzr exports sometimes fail because location is not a branch: what do you think would be the best thing for us to do? should we bzr init it or something?15:48
abentleydanilos: If there is an existing codebase, you would want to branch from it into the export branch.15:50
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abentleydanilos: If there's no existing codebase, then maybe init would make sense.15:50
danilosabentley, right, thanks for the input15:50
abentleydanilos: I think actually it would make the most sense to request the user to populate the branch.15:51
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danilosabentley, right, at the moment that's what we have except that we do not inform them of the fact :)15:51
abentleydanilos: It would be possible to forbid setting the branch up as a translation export branch until it has been pushed to.15:52
abentleydanilos: Alternatively, you could warn the user in the web UI when they set it up as an export branch, and then send them an email if they still haven't done it.15:53
danilosabentley, that's never going to be perfect since people can remove it after the fact15:53
danilosabentley, right, I think we should just email the user about it15:53
abentleydanilos: True.  But we care more about helping people avoid shooting themselves in the foot than about stopping people from jumping off a cliff.15:54
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abentleydanilos: I think catching NotBranchError and emailing the user makes a lot of sense.  You could also forbid it in the web UI as an additional thing.15:56
danilosabentley, right, should we trust the "has not been pushed to yet" for the web UI thing? that may introduce unwanted delay, but checking for real branch might take too long to be done from the UI code15:57
danilos(unwanted delay in the sense that it probably needs to wait for scanner to run)15:57
abentleydanilos: I think the "not pushed to" condition is separate from the "not scanned yet" condition.15:58
abentleydanilos: The database is notified that the user has done something immediately after they push.15:58
danilosabentley, ah, excellent15:59
danilosabentley, that sounds great then, thanks15:59
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RenatoSilvaI want to provide a link like "download latest development version". In hg's web ui, I just need to create a link to tip.zip or so, and the latest revision of the branch will get packed automatically18:12
RenatoSilvaIs this possible in LP?18:12
beunoRenatoSilva, not at the moment, no18:13
beunoautomatically exporting tarballs is not there yet18:13
RenatoSilvaok :(, so I have to create a download file manually and update the link, ok18:14
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xnoxI've set up a branch for translations & continious import / export19:17
xnoxThe pot file got accepted very quickly. How long will it take for po files to get approved?19:17
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henningexnox: that depends if they are in the same directory as the pot file and if they are named correctly (de.po, fr.po, es.po, etc.).20:07
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cratylushas anyone bumped into instructions connecting an autopackgae builder (like bzr-builddeb or git-buildpackage) to launchpad's Personal package archives? I'm trying to set up an automatic package build/deploy system20:14
jcastrocratylus: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DailyBuilds/BzrBuilder20:19
jcastrocheck out 2nd to the last paragraph20:19
wgrantI wonder if a note should be added there about BFB.20:20
cratylusjcastro, reading it now. this is exactly what i had in mind. thanks!20:20
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cgreganhello Launchpad team! I do not seem to be able to edit or add official tags anymore. Have some changes gone in over the last couple days?21:30
henningecgregan: is this on the edge server?21:31
cgreganhenninge: no....prod21:31
wgrantIt works fine for me on edge.21:32
cgreganwgrant: lemme try that21:32
henningecgregan: no changes there since last week21:32
henninge... last week's roll-out.21:32
cgreganhenninge: ok....could be a local issue21:33
cody-somervillecgregan, /$PROJECT/+manage-official-tags21:36
cgregancody-somerville: yes...very strange....when I enter text in the "add a new official tag" Add and Save button stay greyed21:40
cgregancody-somerville: and the arrows activate when I check an existing tag, but clicking them does nothing21:40
cody-somervillecgregan, What browser are you using?21:41
cgreganfirefox 3.5.521:41
cgreganI wonder if I hit some limit on official bugs that broke something cody-somerville21:42
cgregancould 37 be a magic number?21:43
henningecgregan: it's prime ?21:57
cgreganhehe henninge21:58
cody-somervillecgregan, A quick search of the source code shows no indication of any limit to the number of official bug tags you can have.21:58
cgreganhmm cody-somerville.....I will see if others can manage the tags. If so then I am the lottery winner21:59
henningecgregan: I assume you have done things like shift-reload etc. ?22:02
cgreganhenninge: yeah...actually relaunched, reloaded...etc.22:02
henningecgregan: do you run firebug?22:02
cgreganhenninge: nope22:03
henningeseeing js errors would be an asset ...22:04
mrooneyhey, I've been uploading packages to my PPA and getting no feedback whatsoever, I'm not sure how to debug this22:06
mrooneyI did a first upload, and got a rejected email because of an obvious mistake22:06
mrooneyso I corrected it and uploaded again a few hours, no email, no builds appearing in LP22:06
mrooneydo I have a stuck pending build from a long time ago? https://edge.launchpad.net/~mrooney/+archive/wxbanker-testing/+builds?build_text=&build_state=all22:07
mrooneythat last one looks suspicious and was from a week ago22:07
mrooneyhenninge: are you familiar with PPAs?22:08
henningemrooney: no, I am sorry not.22:09
mrooneyalas, I always spend daysing debuggin PPA problems every release :[22:09
henningemrooney: Also, I don't see any syuz guys around.22:09
mrooneywhat an interesting typo I've made!22:09
bigjoolsmrooney: it means you didn't sign the package or used a key not known to Launchpad22:09
henningehey bigjools!22:10
* bigjools relurks22:10
mrooneybigjools: oh, there are errors that I am not seeing?22:10
bigjoolsmrooney: no, we don't email if we don't recognise the signature, or there is no signature22:10
bigjoolsI really need to make a FAQ for this22:11
mrooneyoh geez.22:11
mrooneyhow would I ever debug that?22:11
mrooneyI'll upload this GPG key, I assume that's the issue22:12
bigjoolsif you're signing the upload, yes it will be22:12
mrooneyyes indeed22:12
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mrooneyso that pending (0) build in the log isn't a problem at all though?22:13
bigjoolsno, it's a build for a superseded source22:14
mrooneybigjools: okay, thanks for your help!22:14
* bigjools really relurks22:14
mrooneydo you think it would be useful to email the person though in the future? why not have it email the contact for the ppa22:15
xnoxI did bzr branch import for translations (pot & po's)22:24
xnoxone of the po's failed with error:22:25
xnox"The email address 'hiding@email.gom' is already registered"22:25
xnoxwhat does that mean?22:25
henningexnox: lemme look22:34
xnoxhenninge: what info do you need?22:37
henningexnox: can you please give me a link to your queue.22:37
xnoxI have fixed Welsh errors22:37
xnoxThe rest of templates imported fine and even recognised translators22:39
pedrodf -h22:39
henningexnox: that po file has a last translator with that email address.22:40
henningexnox: Launchpad maintains a table of last translators22:40
henningexnox: so it tries to match email addresses to users or creates an inactive account otherwise.22:41
henningexnox: this looks like something went wrong in that process.22:41
xnoxShall I upload that po with my email? (But I want the real person get karma though)22:42
geserlamont: didn't you had time to check if pkg-create-dbgsym can be un"hold" or is there still some bug? as I see it in recent build logs still being on hold22:43
xnoxhenninge: shall I upload it again?22:47
henningexnox: only if you change the last translator22:47
henningexnox: if it is not urgent you could leave it there for now so we can investigate what went wrong.22:48
xnoxhenninge: I'm gonna leave it for now22:51
xnoxhenninge: do I need to file a bug?22:51
henningexnox: yes, please, so the issue is not lost.22:52
xnoxhenninge: i think this its bug #41151422:55
ubottuLaunchpad bug 411514 in rosetta "Silent PO import failures: EmailAddressAlreadyTaken" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41151422:55
henningexnox: ah, the account-person split. Yes, that's it.22:56
henningexnox: as you can see, Danilo is suggesting the same work-around - change the last translator entry. But do it with care ... ;)22:57
FFEMTcJDoes anyone else have an issue on edge with the sidebar being at the bottom of the page?23:00
geserFFEMTcJ: yes23:01
FFEMTcJgeser: has a bug been reported that I know of, I'm guessing?23:02
geserFFEMTcJ: bug #493518 but no comment till now23:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 493518 in launchpad "Side portlet moved again below the main content on wide-screen displays (1920x1200)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/49351823:03
FFEMTcJconfirmed now23:04
FFEMTcJthanks geser23:04
=== henninge changed the topic of #launchpad to: Read https://help.launchpad.net for help | Help contact: - | Join https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-users | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | Launchpad is open source: see channel #launchpad-dev
lifelessjamesh: drop me a ping when you get it please23:14
lamontgeser: that'll get tested along with some other changes later this week, I expect to roll new chroot tarballs with it  unheld on monday-ish.23:23
wgrantlamont: Hi. launchpad-soyuz-dependencies will exist in ~launchpad/ppa once the build backlog clears. Apparently you organise upgraded packages for the buildbot AMIs -- is dpkg in the appropriate location for that?23:25
lamontwgrant: they'll need to add another suite, but yeah23:27
lamonthow is the request to roll new AMIs handled?23:28
wgrantlamont: By poking spm, AIUI23:28
lamontheh.  spm ftw.23:28
lamontjust tell him to make sure he gets the new dpkg thing23:28
lamontI'll mention it to him too23:28
spmlies. not ftw.23:28
wgrantCan I have a score bump on the build (https://edge.launchpad.net/~wgrant/+archive/launchpad/+build/1388566)?23:30
lamontwgrant: you should be next in line23:31
wgrantlamont: Thanks muchly.23:31

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