[08:02] i really like the nex expander of murrine git [08:02] new* === mac_v_ is now known as mac_v [18:10] mac_v, thorwil, all: New version at http://i47.tinypic.com/34hz79x.jpg and http://i50.tinypic.com/a3fo61.jpg . But I'm still not sure about that blue color. [18:14] Equiet: the second image shows less space being used for the actual content browsing , but rather more space is used for the icons[categories] , which IMO , is a bit too much [18:15] Equiet: maybe the selected category could move up , as in it shows "All departments > Sound & video" and the sub-category displayed in the space of the categories [18:16] mac_v: Interesting idea. [18:17] But has every department subsestions? [18:17] *subsections [18:17] Equiet: that is the planned eventual scope [18:20] Equiet: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SoftwareCenter/History , also has some mockups [18:50] http://i47.tinypic.com/282kr51.jpg , http://i50.tinypic.com/sd2tti.jpg [19:20] Equiet: is that a working mockup or... something that has been gimp'd ? [19:21] or photoshopped [19:21] mac_v: Fireworksed. :) [19:21] heh ;p [19:23] I tried a lot, but I haven't done nothing else than gradient in Gimp. [19:24] *anything [19:41] Equiet: your Programming icon is black :p [19:42] I don't have Karmic yet, so I'm just copying from screenshots. :) [19:42] Ah, you should just download the icons ;) [19:45] This weekend I am hopefully upgrading, so...