[03:10] someone with a laptop with karmic on it, what happens if you click shutdown on the user applet thingy and the shut the lid? (i.e. don't click on shutdown now on the countdown box) [03:12] I just thought it would seem to make sense in that case to shut down as soon as the lid is closed, but I don't have a laptop at the moment so I don't know exactly what happens at the moment :) === MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch === MacSlow|lunch is now known as MacSlow === beuno is now known as beuno-lunch === beuno-lunch is now known as beuno === mac_v_ is now known as mac_v [21:45] What daemon in Ubuntu listens for volume/brightness keys and sends the special x-canonical notification? [23:04] Sounds like notify-osd [23:19] I didn't think notify-osd did that. [23:19] libnotify? [23:19] something or other.. [23:21] Did what? (Just joined, no context, but I know a thing or two about notifications.) [23:21] What daemon in Ubuntu listens for volume/brightness keys and sends the special x-canonical notification? [23:22] Ah, now that I do not know. [23:22] I know libnotify doesn't [23:22] Because Canonical didn't rewrite that. [23:22] (unless they patch it upstream... tee hee) [23:23] I think that they use the same notification daemon [23:23] just notify-osd catches and displays them [23:23] But, I have no idea what I'm talking about :) [23:24] magcius: I'm going to test something that might give some insight to this, I will be right back. [23:24] DanRabbit, notify-osd is the notification daemon [23:24] DanRabbit, that receives D-Bus events. [23:25] DanRabbit, there's no intermediate daemon, that's D-Bus [23:25] haha, well obviously you know more than I :) [23:28] magcius: If you install gnome-stracciatella-session you get old notification-daemon bubbles for notifications, but for brightness, you get the standard GNOME widget thing. [23:28] So if you don't have an answer already, looking at what's different between those two might give you some answers. [23:28] GreySim, sorry, I don't run Ubuntu. [23:28] Unless Karmic removed gnome-stracciatella-session. I am on Jaunty still. [23:29] Ah, no clue what to do then. I don't know enough to figure that out myself, I don't think. Hopefully someone else here does...