
=== thumper is now known as eric-the-viking
=== eric-the-viking is now known as thumper
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=== salgado is now known as salgado-lunch
=== matsubara-lunch is now known as matsubara
MootBotMeeting started at 10:00. The chair is matsubara.16:00
MootBotCommands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]16:00
matsubaraWelcome to this week's Launchpad Production Meeting. For the next 45 minutes or so, we'll be coordinating the resolution of specific Launchpad bugs and issues.16:00
matsubara[TOPIC] Roll Call16:00
MootBotNew Topic:  Roll Call16:00
rockstarni! ni!16:00
matsubaraChex, bigjools, hi16:01
ChexChex: hello16:01
matsubaraok, everyone is here.16:01
Chex.. /o\ err, hi16:02
matsubaraapologies from Ursinha and stub16:02
matsubara[TOPIC] Agenda16:02
MootBotNew Topic:  Agenda16:02
matsubara * Actions from last meeting16:02
matsubara * Oops report & Critical Bugs & Broken scripts16:02
matsubara * Operations report (mthaddon/Chex/spm/mbarnett)16:02
matsubara * DBA report (stub)16:02
matsubara * Proposed items16:02
matsubara[TOPIC] * Actions from last meeting16:02
MootBotNew Topic:  * Actions from last meeting16:02
matsubara* Ursinha to send one email to lp list explaining the qa-tags experiment16:02
matsubara* Chex to follow up with thumper about the multiple git import failures on the importd16:02
matsubara* matsubara to file a high/critical bug for OOPS-1430F257416:02
matsubara* matsubara to email tim about https://lp-oops.canonical.com/oops.py/?oopsid=OOPS-1427EA4516:02
matsubara* matsubara to email tim about https://lp-oops.canonical.com/oops.py/?oopsid=OOPS-1426EC153616:02
matsubara    * emailed Tim about it16:02
matsubara* matsubara to talk to TL about not having the LP production meeting anymore or change its format16:02
matsubara* matsubara to email QA contacts about next LP prod. meeting at 16UTC16:02
matsubara    * emailed the list and QA contacts about this :-)16:02
matsubara* matsubara to email losas about their weekly report16:02
matsubara    * emailed them requesting that the operation report be sent to the list16:02
matsubaraI talked to salgado about OOPS-1430F2574 and it wasn't necessary to file a bug for that one. it was a one off problem and I'm keeping an eye on oops reports if it shows up again16:03
matsubaradanilos sent the email about the qa-tags experiment16:03
danilosmatsubara, Ursula is on vacation, I'd like her to give us her PoV as well16:04
matsubaraChex, did you sort out the failures in the git import with thumper?16:04
danilosmatsubara, though, that will likely happen as part of the discussion on the list, so we can probably take the action item off16:04
matsubaradanilos, right. thanks for starting the discussion16:04
Chexmatsubara: I followed up with him briefly, but was not able to resolve anything, I need to talk to him again, sorry about that16:04
danilosnp, it was way overdue16:04
matsubaraChex, shall I re-add the action item to the list?16:05
Chexmatsubara: yes please do16:05
matsubara[action] * Chex to follow up with thumper about the multiple git import failures on the importd16:05
MootBotACTION received:  * Chex to follow up with thumper about the multiple git import failures on the importd16:05
matsubaraok, thanks Chex16:05
matsubaralet's move on16:05
matsubara[TOPIC] * Oops report & Critical Bugs & Broken scripts16:06
MootBotNew Topic:  * Oops report & Critical Bugs & Broken scripts16:06
matsubarabigjools,  https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/soyuz/+bug/49370316:06
ubottuUbuntu bug 493703 in soyuz "LocationError raised in build page and distribution arch series binary package page" [High,Triaged]16:06
matsubarait's targeted to .12, currently not assigned and the cycle will end tomorrow. Any chance of have that one fixed before the holidays? it's generating > 1K OOPS a day (most of them from robots but it's pretty importante nonetheless)16:06
bigjoolsmatsubara: zero chance16:06
matsubaras/importante/important/ sorry for the portuguese leakage there :-)16:06
bigjoolsheh I am used to it from working with cprov :)16:07
matsubarabigjools, :-(16:07
matsubarathe sad smile is for the zero chance comment btw16:07
bigjoolsyeah, there's another serious problem that is taking precedence.  If by some miracle I get that fixed then we can look at the oopses16:07
matsubarahmm that's the top OOPS we have16:07
bigjoolsgar sorry16:07
bigjoolswhen will the pain end this week16:08
matsubaraoh, the retry dep thingie?16:08
matsubararight. ok then16:08
matsubaragary_poster, https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad-foundations/+bug/40361816:08
ubottuUbuntu bug 403618 in launchpad-foundations "Launchpad should return a 404 instead of ForbiddenAttribute OOPS" [High,Triaged]16:08
matsubaragary_poster, same thing, that one is happening quite frequently. any chance of landing a fix before the holidays?16:09
gary_postermatsubara: holidays, yes, next release, no16:09
gary_posterwhere yes is "any chance" :-)16:09
gary_posterI suppose it can be an RC then16:09
gary_posterI mean CP16:09
matsubaragary_poster, all right. as long as they disappear from the OOPS summaries, it's good :-)16:10
gary_poster:-) understood16:10
matsubaragary_poster, could you take a look at https://lp-oops.canonical.com/oops.py/?oopsid=OOPS-1439EB784 ?16:10
matsubarait's a timeout error on the api16:10
matsubaraI'm not sure if it's just regular timeouts, if they do, then I'd need to update oops-tools to handle those just like any other timeouts16:11
matsubaracurrently they show up in the exceptions section16:11
gary_postermatsubara: yes, it's another timeout16:11
matsubararockstar, OOPS-1438EA84416:11
matsubaragary_poster, so just a matter of moving that kind of exception to the right section in the summaries?16:11
* rockstar looks16:11
gary_postermatsubara: i.e., this is something that should be addressed by bugs, notfoundatons/leonardr16:11
matsubaragary_poster, ok, looks like a time out using the dupe finder16:12
matsubarabut using the API16:12
matsubaraso, I'll talk to the bugs team about it and sort it out (and file a bug to have oops-tools updated to handle it appropriately)16:12
gary_postermatsubara: right.  the problem probably needs to be addressed in lp.bugs.model.bugtask, line 571, in findSimilarBugs16:12
matsubarasinzui, https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad-registry/+bug/49505116:13
ubottuUbuntu bug 495051 in launchpad-registry "UnboundLocalError editing proposed team membership" [High,In progress]16:13
sinzui'nough said16:13
matsubaraallenap, I have a few timeout OOPSes on +filebug. are you interested in those? I know gmb just landed code to make it async so maybe it's just a matter of waiting for that and see how things will behave16:14
matsubarasinzui, indeed! thanks dude!16:14
danilosmatsubara, how common is eg. bug 493703 in OOPSes? it looks reasonably simple to solve that somebody outside soyuz can fix it? bigjools, is my assessment wrong?16:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 493703 in soyuz "LocationError raised in build page and distribution arch series binary package page" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/49370316:14
allenapmatsubara: gmb's async stuff probably won't make the timeouts any different, it's just that the user won't be so affected.16:14
bigjoolsdanilos: noodles is going to look into it16:15
matsubara[action] matsubara to talk to bugs team about https://lp-oops.canonical.com/oops.py/?oopsid=OOPS-1439EB784 and file a bug on oops-tools to handle LaunchpadTimeoutError correctly16:15
MootBotACTION received:  matsubara to talk to bugs team about https://lp-oops.canonical.com/oops.py/?oopsid=OOPS-1439EB784 and file a bug on oops-tools to handle LaunchpadTimeoutError correctly16:15
allenapmatsubara: The URL will change slightly, to +filebug-inline-form. Timeouts for this page are far less important.16:15
danilosbigjools, ok, if you need help finding someone to work on it (though, looking into it might be most of the work anyway), I'd be happy to give a hand tomorrow (in looking for someone, not doing it :)16:15
bigjoolsdanilos: ok thanks :)16:15
matsubaradanilos, thanks. we have around 1K of those a day (mostly from bots triggering it)16:16
danilosmatsubara, right, thanks16:16
matsubaraallenap, all right. yesterday bigkev was trying to file some bugs and couldn't due to timeouts. I wonder if you need more OOPSes to help investigate the issue16:17
allenapmatsubara: He should be able to file bugs today, because the async dupe-finder is there now. But more OOPS reports are useful, if you have a bug to attach them to?16:18
matsubaraallenap, cool. I'll add those to the bug report then16:19
allenapmatsubara: Thanks :)16:19
matsubara[action] matsubara to add +filebug timeout oopses to the bug report16:19
MootBotACTION received:  matsubara to add +filebug timeout oopses to the bug report16:19
matsubararockstar, that SQLObjectNotFound oops is quite strange16:20
matsubararockstar, have you seen it before? looks like it happened only twice16:20
rockstarmatsubara, yeah, I'm looking at it.  It probably should have 404'd - Not sure though.16:20
matsubaraand I was unable to reproduce16:20
rockstarI have not seen it before.  It's probably some corrupted bmp somewhere.16:21
danilosmatsubara, that strikes me as replication-related, but I am no expert :)16:21
matsubararockstar, worth a bug rpeort for that one?16:21
rockstardanilos, yeah, that's what I thought.16:21
rockstarmatsubara, not sure.  I'll look into it, and file one if need be.16:21
matsubaradanilos, rockstar  yeah, same thought here16:21
matsubararockstar, cool. thanks! I'll let you know if it happens again16:21
matsubarawe had some script failures since last week16:22
matsubaraScripts failed to run: loganberry:allocate-revision-karma, loganberry:flag-expired-memberships16:23
matsubarasinzui, ^ I think that one is yours?16:23
matsubarathe retry depwait script failure is being worked on by bigjools16:23
sinzuimatsubara: We have had intermittent timing issues because of long processes16:23
bigjoolsfloundering on16:24
sinzuimatsubara: there are no errors and the script do run when they get their turn16:24
matsubarasinzui, ok, so that means that the failures on mizuho:librarian-gc and loganberry:karma-update, loganberry:allocate-revision-karma, loganberry:launchpad-stats, loganberry:expire-questions, loganberry:productreleasefinder, loganberry:update-cache, loganberry:launchpad-targetnamecacheupdate are probably related to that?16:25
matsubaraI guess so, since the last failures for those were 2 days ago16:25
matsubarawe have only one critical bug which bigjools is on it.16:27
sinzuimatsubara: right. I do not investigate a failure to run for 24 hours after the notice because ANOTHER process is responsible for that. When all scripts fail, I might investigate withing 24 hours16:27
matsubaraI see. all right then. thanks sinzui16:27
matsubaraand thanks everyone. let's move on16:27
matsubara[TOPIC] * Operations report (mthaddon/Chex/spm/mbarnett)16:28
MootBotNew Topic:  * Operations report (mthaddon/Chex/spm/mbarnett)16:28
sinzuimatsubara: and i check if we changed production code in the last 24 hours16:28
Chexhello everyone, a rport focused on the LP rollout:16:29
matsubaraChex, ?16:29
matsubarawow, nice timing :-)16:29
Chex- The LP 3.1.11 rollout was last week, and there is a upcoming 'short' LP rollout next week.16:29
Chex- 3.1.11 roll-out took 2 days, due to some problems with the rollout16:29
Chex          process. We are working to address these issues for next time.16:29
Chex    Steps we are taking to improve the process are:16:29
Chex        : moving to build centrally before pushing code out to speed up pushing and building of code16:29
Chex        : investigating less error prone ways (and quicker ways) of switching to read-only mode16:29
Chex        : ensuring we're not interrupted by other DB jobs on other servers in the cluster that block the DB upgrade16:29
Chexand thats all for this week, questions/comments, anyone??16:29
matsubaraChex, thanks16:31
Chexmatsubara: your welcome16:31
matsubara[TOPIC] * DBA report (stub)16:31
MootBotNew Topic:  * DBA report (stub)16:31
danilosChex, yes, are we getting any of this for 3.1.12?16:31
matsubaraoops, sorry, go ahead danilos16:31
matsubara[action] matsubara to email stub about the DBA report16:32
MootBotACTION received:  matsubara to email stub about the DBA report16:32
Chexdanilos: yes, most of those items I listed should make it into the 3.1.12 release, I believe16:32
danilosChex, ok, cool, that sounds great then, but there's always potential for failure with new features like that; I'll try to keep an eye on that :)16:32
Chexdanilos: ok, great, we appreciate all and any eyeballs on the process16:33
danilosChex, fwiw, I'll be doing a release manager rotation, it's not that I don't trust our lovely LOSA team :)16:33
danilosbigjools, (add a link to the image :)16:33
MootBotLINK received:  http://people.canonical.com/~ed/losa-team.png16:34
danilosthank you, we can move on :)16:35
matsubarasorry, got very distracted by that picture hehe16:35
matsubara[TOPIC] * Proposed items16:35
MootBotNew Topic:  * Proposed items16:35
matsubarathere's no new proposed items16:35
matsubarathe new meeting time seems to work fine for everyone16:36
matsubaraanything else before I close?16:36
danilosAnd if anyone has any issues that may need tracking, please ping me as the release manager for 3.1.12. Thank you.16:36
bigjoolsdanilos, my hero16:37
=== salgado-lunch is now known as salgado
matsubaraThank you all for attending this week's Launchpad Production Meeting. See https://dev.launchpad.net/MeetingAgenda for the logs.16:37
MootBotMeeting finished at 10:37.16:37
=== danilos is now known as danilo-bblot
=== salgado is now known as salgado-afk
=== matsubara is now known as matsubara-afk
=== EdwinGrubbs_ is now known as EdwinGrubbs

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