
* Ahmuck pings the forum05:06
Ahmucki'm looking at doing some live tutorails for our lug, and educational venture05:07
Ahmuckthis of course is outside the standard ltsp installation and is via the web05:07
Ahmucklooking at intergrations in dimdim, i notice moodle, and some other tools05:07
Ahmuckare there others i should consider?05:07
=== Ahmuck-Jr__ is now known as Ahmuck-Sr
alkisghighvoltage: who can vote for the edubuntu council? Only the edubuntu members?10:42
highvoltagealkisg: yep10:45
alkisgAh, thanks, I thought it was open to all launchpad members :)10:45
=== _nubae_ is now known as nubae
=== alkisg1 is now known as alkisg
=== vorian is now known as Obama
=== Obama is now known as LordObama
sbalneavEvening all23:43
Ahmuck-Jrhi sbalneav23:50

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