
macowhen i went silent in the middle of the FS convo, i was walking to the grocery store. i spent that walk (and the shopping time) on the phone with a friend who does FS hackery. she doesnt understand why anyone would use ext4 anyway.00:01
txwikingerwhy wouldn't they maco?00:04
macoi said "its fast" she goes "but it ate your data" "but i can boot in under 15 seconds" "but it ate your data"00:05
txwikingerpretty hungry fela00:05
dtchenboot speed is important for some people00:07
macothough at the moment my / is ext3 because im on the laptop that has a broken cd drive and thus cant be easily reinstalled00:08
macoya know. when ext4 eats /   ...again00:08
macodtchen: and yes, thisd be valerie00:09
nixternalRiddell: cjwatson fixed their script to pick our stuff up :)00:10
dtchenoh crap, I need to fix my upload checker00:14
DarkwingDuckOkay, hold my breath and update my netbook00:20
=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk
nixternalhey, I am fixing up our todo list, don't edit :)00:28
DarkwingDuckOh, nixternal I still need to send out that email.00:29
nixternalDarkwingDuck: hold off on that00:30
nixternalI am restructuring some stuff now..then I am going to fire off an email asking for a current report from everyone00:31
DarkwingDuckahhh. Okay.00:31
nixternalRiddell: Nine == kubuntu ninjas on the todo list I take it?00:31
Riddellnixternal: hmm?00:31
nixternalI am fairly stupid today00:32
nixternalunlike every day :)00:32
DarkwingDucksuper cow powers? :D00:32
skreechnixternal: Actually I think most of the time you are unfairly stupid00:34
DarkwingDuckI'm about to drop this stupid computer on it's head00:34
nixternalok, todo list fixed00:34
* DarkwingDuck wanders off to look at it00:34
nixternalDarkwingDuck: our todo items are now at Kubuntu/Todo/Lucid on that bottom00:35
nixternalI have redirected Kubuntu/Documentation/Lucid/Todo to current page ^^00:35
nixternalScottK: going to work on kdeedu now00:36
DarkwingDucknixternal: Looks good other then loosing half of the wiki pages links for whe is taking care of the topics00:37
nixternalyeah...they are easy enough to find00:37
DarkwingDuckTrueish :) What are we looking for as a projected deadline?00:38
DarkwingDuckbecause I know that we need time to get it to the translators00:41
* DarkwingDuck mutters at his netbook00:42
* Kubuntiac_ tests Quassel to see if it's behaving...00:43
macoKubuntiac_: nope. youre invisible. didnt see that /me message at all00:43
DarkwingDuckKubuntiac_: I think it works :D00:44
DarkwingDuckKubuntiac_: at times ;)00:44
DarkwingDuckall I know is that the upgrade to 4.3.80 is being a major pain right now00:45
Kubuntiac_I try not to do it too much. Bad for the brain, you know.00:45
DarkwingDuckKubuntiac_: I hear ya... Plus I work in a job that doesn't require too many brains00:46
nixternalholy shit...that's all00:46
DarkwingDuckOkay, without using apt-get upgrade, dist-upgrade what is the one package to upgrade to 4.3.80?00:47
Kubuntiac_DarkwingDuck: Sorry. Don't know.00:50
nixternalScottK: that list-missing list is more than cantor and rocs :)00:50
Kubuntiac_Anyone have an idea of when we're likely to see a package for xserver-xorg-input-aiptek in Lucid?00:50
nixternalKubuntiac_: wrong channel for that question :)  you need to speak with the x people on that one00:51
Kubuntiac_k thx. I'll ask over there00:51
Kubuntiac_Why would they be handling our packaging though?00:52
Kubuntiac_This is something already in Karmic00:52
nixternalnot those x guys...the ubuntu x guys :)00:53
Kubuntiac_Ahhhhh... of course00:54
Kubuntiac_Lotta X (wo)men goin' around I guess... ;)00:54
verbalshadow_http://pastebin.ca/1710384 <- ubiquity bug not sure it is kubuntu specific00:56
DarkwingDuckOkay, lets see if fixing it this way will work...00:58
nixternalkdedu @ 180kB/s sucks01:17
nixternalkdeedu that is01:17
dtchenbeats 5.5 kB/s01:19
nixternalhrmm, where is phonon from kde at in lucid?02:11
nixternalJontheEchidna: glad you showed up...eveyrone else is gone :)  what is the deal with phonon in lucid? I can't build anything cuz the phonon is qt and not kde02:17
JontheEchidnasandsmark is working on a patch for that02:18
JontheEchidnasandsmark == current phonon maintainer02:18
nixternalso how are we building packages then for kde4? ie. kdeedu that I am working on for the 2 new binaries02:19
JontheEchidnaonly kdebase-runtime fails to build without kde phonon02:19
nixternalkdeedu is failing as well02:20
JontheEchidnaand luckily it has a KDE_ENABLE_MULTIMEDIA switch we can throw to castrate the phonon config02:20
nixternalerror: Phonon/MediaObject: No such file or directory02:20
JontheEchidnaanyways, we're pretty much screwed until Qt phonon can be patched to have the new api methods02:21
nixternalI want to know how ScottK figured out the list-missing on kdeedu02:23
JontheEchidnafigured out?02:25
=== JontheEchidna changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Lucid Alpha 1 Released! | Kubuntu has the Doctor on the brain | https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Todo
JontheEchidnano space between 1 and R :P02:25
skreechJontheEchidna: are we waiting on that for the Karmic release?02:27
JontheEchidnadunno what's up with karmic packages; I've not been involved with the backports tbh02:27
* JontheEchidna restarts X, to fiddle with xorg.conf02:28
=== dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates
skreechDoes anyone have skype?02:36
skreechIt's gone pyscho since Qt 4.602:37
txwikingerwhy does launchpad say that kdewebdev in karmic has version Karmic (4:4.3.2-0ubuntu1): main/kde but apt-cache policy says 4:3.5.10-0ubuntu4?02:41
skreechIt throws out network messages like 6 a second02:41
nixternalahhhhhhhhhh, I see with phonon02:41
nixternalJontheEchidna: I take it the libqt4-phonon* packages were stripped purposely?02:41
nixternalis the qt/kde phonon work documented anywhere for us? so I can read to figure out why stuff is getting patched02:42
JontheEchidnayeah, Debian thought that keeping libphonon-* was a better idea so we made those transitional packages02:43
JontheEchidnawell, keeping the name libphonon-*02:44
nixternalahh, OK02:45
JontheEchidnaWanna hear my attempt to explain the phonon mess?02:46
* skreech gets popKorn02:48
JontheEchidnaOk, here it goes: Currently phonon development takes place in the kdesupport branch in KDE02:50
JontheEchidnaKDE developers, not being distributions, have no trouble compiling phonon from kdesupport since it meets all their needs.02:50
JontheEchidnaDistributions, however, cannot compile libphonon from kdesupport, since they need to compile it in Qt to be able to get many Qt features essential for a distribution.02:51
JontheEchidnaThese features include: Any phonon support at all in pure Qt apps, PyQt Phonon bindings, and HTML5 <video> tag support in QtWebKit02:51
JontheEchidnaBut since phonon development goes on in kdesupport, KDE finds it fine to use new API not in Qt phonon yet as long as things compile with kdesupport02:52
JontheEchidnaQt Software hasn't merged in the changes from kdesupport yet, leaving portions of KDE uncompilable as of now02:53
skreechwhat's the solution?02:54
JontheEchidnaSo we're waiting for the Phonon maintainer to write a patch to bring Qt phonon up to the API as is now in kdesupport02:54
JontheEchidnaor waiting for Qt Software to merge the changes from kdesupport, whichever comes first02:54
skreechwell that's short term02:54
JontheEchidnaLong term solution: Get Qt software to sync with kdesupport more often or tell KDE not to require the new api until it's in Qt02:58
JontheEchidnaand hope they comply02:58
dtchenthat's a mess, indeed03:09
DarkwingDuckto upgrade from Karmic to Lucid alpha 1.. what acommand?03:18
DarkwingDuckdist-upgrade isn't working03:18
jjessedon't you do a dist-upgrade -d03:19
DarkwingDuckthat's what I thought...03:20
DarkwingDuckBut it's not digging from Lucid but, karmic-proposed....03:20
skreechdo-release-upgrade -d03:22
nixternalScottK: kdeedu done...just fired off an email to the list03:23
DarkwingDuckskreech: Thanks!03:27
DarkwingDucknixternal: Doc freeze in March for Lucid... Should we shoot for end of january for doc drafts, review all docs in Feb and iron out minor things in March till the freeze?03:29
skreechDarkwingDuck: Welcome03:29
DarkwingDucknixternal: or, is that cutting too close?03:30
DarkwingDuckjjesse: what you think?03:30
nixternalDarkwingDuck: works for me03:35
jjessesry was away from computer03:36
jjessei think i've got a lot of the bugs fixed and committed for the karmic branch so we should e able to do a SRU hopefully?03:37
nixternalwhat do we do about translations though? if we upload a new package, it won't have recent translations03:38
nixternaldo we manually upload a tarball I guess?03:38
nixternalwait a month, then SRU?03:38
nixternalafter the manual upload of the translation templates03:38
jjessei guess isn't david panella or whatever his name is involved in the bug?03:39
nixternalyeah, dpm on irc, but he isn't online right now03:39
jjessete translation guy03:39
jjesselet me ping him on how it is going to work03:39
nixternalI think he will want us to manually upload the templates03:39
nixternalthat is the only way for them to get translated03:40
nixternalyou know how to do that?03:40
nixternalit is fairly simple...the hard part is finding the damn stuff on LP to upload to03:40
jjessewell let me try and figure it out and i'll ask for help03:41
jjessehow does that sound?03:41
nixternalworks for me03:41
nixternalget_pot.sh is your friend :)03:41
nixternalrun that from the docs dir, that will update all of the pot files03:41
jjesseif we are uploading the docs in january for doc drafts, nixternal and i we  should plan on getting together IRL sometime around then as well03:42
nixternalthen you have to go onto LP and manually upload each pot file for the topic/template03:42
jjessethoughts on that?03:42
nixternaljjesse: works for me03:42
nixternaljan/feb...whenever you are in town again...which is like every other week I think :)03:42
jjessewe could always meet in benton harlem03:43
nixternalheh, they don't have Internet03:43
nixternalhow long does it take you to get to bh?03:43
jjesse2 hrs?03:43
nixternaloh wow03:43
jjessest. joesph/bh03:43
nixternalso it is the same distance for me too03:43
nixternal2 hrs for me03:44
jjessei think 2 hrs to the 96/94 interchange03:44
nixternaldidn't realize gr was that damn far north03:44
jjessenorth and east for you03:44
jjessei would take 196 until it merges/ends in 9403:45
jjessemeant to say 196/94 interchange03:45
jjesse96 ends at muskegeon right?03:45
nixternalI think so03:46
nixternaliirc it become US3103:46
nixternalwe used to have a beach house up that way03:47
nixternalshtylman: what needs to be done for the netbook installer slide show?03:50
skreecha) make up crap03:50
skreechb) take pictures that make it look real03:50
shtylmannixternal: well, I still need to make the codebases coexist.. .but from a literature standpoint  yes03:50
skreechc) have a marketing campaign to make it really sound real03:51
shtylmansee what needs to be different from the kubuntu installer slideshow03:51
skreechd) make a slideshow03:51
shtylmanand then make the slides for it :)03:51
shtylmane) profit03:51
skreechOh Kubuntu installer Sorry thought we were talking WIndows 7 netbook. Continue!03:51
nixternalRiddell: per the feedback applet, I can still host that and maintain that...I want to make it so you, or whoever is doing the release can go in and copy over and create an updated questionnaire03:51
jjesseare there documentation stuff that goes alng with each slide?03:51
nixternalshtylman: roger that...literature being layed out like the last way?03:51
shtylmannixternal: yes, as far as I know the format will not change03:52
nixternalI need to also fix our old literature as well....it needs to smack you in the face :)03:52
nixternalok, I will add that to my TODO03:52
shtylmanobviously we are always last to know :) but yea... I think it should be the same format03:52
shtylmanif not, I will worry about the transformation03:52
shtylmanwhich reminds me I need to see if I can get to updating the codebase and making the kubuntu slideshow package this weekend03:53
shtylmanits way over due03:53
skreechUgh I shuld learn vi04:16
skreechhow can I insert a hash at the start of the next 12 lines ?04:16
ScottKnixternal: The burndown thing is funnier than that.  ScottK on LP isn't me.  It's someone else.  I'll have to fix that.04:49
nixternaloh yeah, that's right04:49
nixternalI remember going there one time and was like wtf04:49
Darkwing-Netbookwoah... it works04:54
Darkwing-Netbooknixternal: I'll need to update the netbook doc with 4.4 now04:55
nixternalwhat works?04:55
nixternaldid you have to do anything funky?04:55
Darkwing-Netbookstart from 9.1004:55
Darkwing-Netbookit wouldn't update to alpha1 from my older daily build04:55
Darkwing-Netbookhad a problem getting to 4.3.8904:56
Darkwing-Netbookand 4.4b was being a pain for the update04:56
Darkwing-Netbookstill, I have problems with plasma-netbook auto starting04:56
Darkwing-NetbookBut, I'll update the netbook doc and get one written for the KDE side of the house too nixternal04:57
ScottKplasma-netbook autostart is on the TODO list.04:57
Darkwing-NetbookSaw that ScottK )04:58
nixternalScottK: what needs to be done on that? I was going through looking for tasks on the todo list...but i think some are already taken and the people haven't put their names on it yet04:59
ScottKnixternal: There is supposed to be an upstream way to pick which plasma you want to run if you have both installed.  We need to understand that and make sure we autostart the right one or the one and only one if only one is installed.04:59
nixternaloh, that sounds easy enough05:01
ScottKNot horrible hard, just needs someone to look at it who has all the bits running.  Feel free to take it on.05:01
Darkwing-NetbookScottK aside from documentation what else can my non-progamming skills work on for the testing?05:02
ScottKmaco: I'm with valerie on "but it ate your data"05:02
Darkwing-NetbookOr, rather, what do you need tested?05:02
ScottKDarkwing-Netbook: Bug triage.05:02
Darkwing-Netbookon bugs.kde or via LP?05:03
ScottKSince almost all the packages are common between desktop and netbook, we need general triage done for both05:03
ScottKJontheEchidna: ^^^ another pupil for your tender mercies.05:03
macoScottK: i think she needs to hack faster on btrfs then :P05:03
ScottKDarkwing-Netbook: Please join #kubuntu-bugs05:03
Darkwing-NetbookOkay. ScottK correct me if I'm wrong, packages are teh same for desktop and netbook except for the UI right?05:04
Darkwing-NetbookOkay good.05:04
ScottKThat will probably change a bit more in Lucid, but generally still be the case.05:04
Darkwing-Netbooknixternal: did you read what I asked about the docs?05:06
Darkwing-NetbookI left my desktop before I got a reply05:07
nixternalwhat did you ask?05:07
Darkwing-Netbooktimeline for docs.05:08
nixternaloh dude, jjesse and I both replied a lot to it :p05:08
nixternalwe agreed05:08
* ScottK hands Darkwing-Netbook irclogs.ubuntu.com05:08
Darkwing-Netbookyeah, I left my desktop prior to and then my motherboard crashed again05:08
nixternalthen jjesse and I decided we are going to meet up in jan/feb to finalize doc stuff....our meeting place is the half way point between him and I, and it is where I am from originally :)05:08
Darkwing-Netbookwhere is that?05:09
Darkwing-NetbookWait, NM I wont be able to travel then between Camp-KDE and SCaLE I wont be able to get time off05:09
nixternalyou get 30 days a year05:11
nixternalI know you aren't burning that much up05:11
nixternalscale is a weekend anyways05:11
ubottuTeam meetings are held in #ubuntu-meeting - See « /msg ubottu logs » for transcripts.05:11
Darkwing-NetbookChristmas, week for Camp-KDE... I should have enough. You guys doing a face to face on the docs?05:14
nixternalwe only live a few hours a part05:14
Darkwing-NetbookWhere is jjesse at?05:14
Darkwing-NetbookI knwo your in Chi05:14
nixternalGrand Rapids, MI05:14
nixternalI am from Benton Harbor, and that is about the half-way point05:15
nixternalhe drives like an old grandpa, so the extra 30 miles I have to go, I will still beat him there...oh, and I have Chicago traffic to deal with :)05:15
Darkwing-NetbookOh Shoot. :D I did some time when I was a kid in Shipshewana, IN05:15
Darkwing-NetbookAmish Country :P05:15
nixternalbad boy05:15
macoschool gives me a convenient excuse to ignore seele when she says i should apply for sponsorship to campkde :) i have a presentation that week for senior design05:15
Darkwing-NetbookThere in Northern Indiana... I know that area.05:16
nixternalI haven't made up my mind yet on campkde, though I don't think I can make it this time05:16
macoamish? west of PA?05:16
macolancaster is Amish Country05:16
Darkwing-NetbookYeah, North-East Indiana05:16
Darkwing-NetbookHuge gathering05:16
nixternalmaco: pfft PA, Michigan and Indiana is the Amish capital05:17
nixternalthough, I purchased a lot of patio furniture from the Amish in PA05:17
nixternaland in MD05:17
Darkwing-Netbooknixternal: I have family in that area still... I might be able to pull it off if you wouldn't mind a third face05:17
nixternalyou just can't beat their work05:17
maconixternal: my 6th or 7th grade field trip was "go look at amish people"05:17
Darkwing-Netbooknixternal: +105:17
nixternalDarkwing-Netbook: wouldn't mind it at all...it would only be for a day05:18
Darkwing-NetbookLet me know when05:18
nixternalwill do...hopefully we will know something at least a few weeks in advance :)05:18
Darkwing-NetbookThat would be nice LOL05:18
nixternaljjesse likes to call you at the last minute and be like "hey, I am in Chicago"05:18
Darkwing-NetbookEsp since I'll be in Cali till I fly out05:19
nixternalskreech likes to do that too05:19
nixternalScottK: did you ever get your luggage?05:19
nixternalI forgot to follow up on that05:19
ScottKnixternal: I did.  I even blogged about it.05:19
nixternalwho got it to you?05:19
Darkwing-NetbookI'm gonna make some KDE contacts out here at Camp-KDE. Thank god I like like 4 miles away05:19
Darkwing-Netbooklive like rather05:20
ScottKnixternal: http://www.kitterman.org/ScottK/2009/10/ubuntu_community_1_united_airl.html05:20
nixternalI am reading it now :)05:20
nixternalgood, so skiquel actually did something :p05:21
nixternalbesides run my beloved LUG into the ground05:21
skreechnixternal: And then you don't come to the airport to feed me Waffles!!!05:22
nixternalwe had all of chicago on point... ChiPy, ChiPerlMongers, Ubuntu Chicago05:22
* skreech should come and stay with Darkwing-Netbook 05:23
nixternaldude, I made Riddell sleep in the airport cuz I fell asleep waiting for him to call me when he got here...I just figured he would be here for a couple of hours05:23
nixternalnope, he was in that bad boy all night :(05:23
skreechSo was I05:23
nixternaloh, I thought you were temporary05:23
Darkwing-Netbookskreech: I can offer a couch, cooked meals and hangout time with my 3 kids :D05:23
nixternalskreech is sad, he isn't organizing this camp kde05:24
nixternalhow tough must it be to actually live and work in jamaica?05:24
nixternalI think I would move there for work :)05:24
Darkwing-Netbookum, yeah05:24
skreechYeah :)05:25
nixternalI am waiting for that perfect 'work from hom job no matter where you are at' so I can finally move to Mexico :)05:25
skreechOh Gamaral made you that offer as well?05:26
nixternalwhat offer?05:26
nixternalam I missing offers now05:26
Darkwing-Netbookskreech: Let me know. This way I can keep the wiff in the loop...05:26
skreechNo I can't make it to Camp KDE this year05:30
Darkwing-Netbooknixternal? Offer open... I'm also 15 miles from mexico... you can look up realestate...05:31
nixternalCabo San Lucas Mexico05:32
Darkwing-Netbookmaybe an hour/hour and a half AFTER the border crossing wait.05:33
nixternalDarkwing-Netbook: you aren't allowed to go to TEE JAY though05:41
Darkwing-Netbooknixternal: Yes I am now. They changed the rules. All I have to have is a 'buddy' and al long as it's under 48 hours I don't have to have a passport just a birth cirt and ID card.05:42
Darkwing-Netbookand I have to write a chit.05:42
nixternaloh wow05:43
nixternalI got busted for going over in a stolen rental car05:43
nixternalthough I didn't get busted for a stolen rental car05:43
nixternalTJ is so nasty though...I wouldn't ever go back to that place05:45
nixternaland never go on the 1st or the 15th05:45
Darkwing-NetbookOh I know.05:47
Darkwing-NetbookBut, to get to cabo we need to speed through LOL05:47
Darkwing-Netbookhmm, I wonder hwo this order request will go with shipit.kubuntu lol05:47
ScottKDarkwing-Netbook: Just tell them you're from the Chicago loco team.  You'll have CDs in no time.05:48
Darkwing-NetbookI told them I was the Kubuntu contact for Camp-KDE LOL05:48
Darkwing-NetbookI'm sure they will laugh their butts off. I ordered CDs for Camp-KDE and SCaLE... all 100 of them :s05:49
skreechOf which I gave out 505:51
skreechNow I'll just order 100 more....05:51
Darkwing-NetbookI'm sure I'll get some hate mail or, they will just ignore me.05:52
Darkwing-NetbookOk, have to be at work in 7 hours... must get some sleep05:53
Darkwing-NetbookNight guys05:53
apparlehello guys.... where should I start for contributing to kubuntu07:58
markeygood start: fixing up the borked USB stuff08:11
markeythough, leaving from IRC doesn't exactly help08:11
markeyanyone got a package for Thunderbird 3?08:12
markeythe review from Ryan Paul sounds impressive08:12
markeywanna try that08:12
freeflyingmarkey: mozilla-daily-build ppa08:15
markeycool, thx :)08:16
markeyp   thunderbird-3.1                                                                   - mail/news client with RSS and integrated spam filter support08:25
markey3.1 even?08:25
markeyI'm confused08:25
markeythere is 3.0, and 3.108:25
markeywhich is more stable?08:25
markey3.0.1 I guess08:26
markey(latest stable, according to their site)08:27
markeylet's try that08:27
markey"About Shredder"08:30
markeywhy is Thunderbird called Shredder (of all things)?08:30
markeybit confusing08:30
skreechmarkey: It's to offset the Splinter08:35
Tonio_hi there08:50
Tonio_just switch to lucid in order to start working on it...08:50
Tonio_I noticed a strange issue with X...08:50
Tonio_when I login to kde the first time, X crashes, then I login again and it works08:51
Tonio_and also I have no effects enabled08:51
Tonio_is this common for an intel chip ?08:51
amichairTonio_: the double-login issue is known, not sure what the status is08:52
Tonio_amichair: lkk08:54
Tonio_I'll check for the effects :)08:55
hungerTonio_: X is kind of unstable here, too. Crashes even when starting a failsafe session:-( After a couple of login attempts it starts KDE fine.08:55
Tonio_hunger: oki ;)08:55
hungerTonio_: I thought that was due to the ATI KMS drivers I am using for the first time:-)08:55
hunger2.6.32 is the first kernel to support my card, so I got rid of the fglrx stuff (which won't build with that kernel anyway).08:56
Tonio_hunger: got the same problem with an intel GMA 4500HD08:57
amichairmorning ghostcube09:33
ghostcubesup ?09:33
ghostcubefirefox is so lame sometimes o.o09:33
Tonio_rgreening: ping ?09:36
Tonio_Riddell: I was thinking about wine... do we still want some wine integration in kubuntu ? cause in case I found this : http://qt-apps.org/content/show.php/q4wine?content=8575109:37
Tonio_Riddell: tested and approved09:37
Tonio_it can even bind your Qt settings to your wine session for fonts and colors :)09:38
ghostcubeTonio_: oh thats cool10:26
Tonio_ghostcube: yup, qt-apps has some interesting things on it ;)10:37
ghostcube;) cool go on find some more :)10:37
RiddellTonio_: worth a package10:43
LureTonio_: hi - have time to add endorsment to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LukaRenko/DigikamKipiPluginsApplication10:45
Lureapachelogger: ^^^10:45
Tonio_Riddell: my opinion too10:46
Tonio_let's go10:46
Tonio_Riddell: count me in starting now, I finally got some free time in the next weeks/month...10:46
* apachelogger recommends Lure to hand kubuntu.org urlies when he wants to be endorsed by apachelogger :P10:48
Lureapachelogger: ;-)10:48
* Lure never gor used to wiki.kubuntu.org ;-)10:49
LureTonio_: great to have you on board for Lucid10:49
Tonio_Lure: done :)10:50
Tonio_Lure: yeah, new job, new girlfriend, I needed to take a break really10:50
Tonio_but... I have to come back to things I love :)10:51
Tonio_Lure: that's the way I do to stay motivated on the long term :)10:51
Tonio_Lure: without those breaks I suspect I would have gone some day, burning myself :)10:51
Tonio_let's go with q4wine packaging...10:51
Tonio_Riddell: I will also package recordmenow, seems a very good kde4 app, and very usefull in corporate env imho10:52
LureTonio_: sure - new baby daughter also kept me away from kubuntu for most of karmic10:52
Tonio_Lure: that's life10:52
Tonio_Lure: what is really nice is that the community grown in the last year, so that getting rid of kubuntu for a moment isn't much of a problem now10:52
Tonio_in the past, it was, I think10:53
Lurethe good thing is kubuntu is always there with great community, so it is easy to come back ;-)10:53
Tonio_Lure: yep10:53
* apachelogger really used to be better on that endorsment writing10:53
Tonio_the good point is that if I don't do something, I know there are people that can and will do it, probably even better than I10:53
Lureyep, lots of enthusiastic people10:53
Lureand I like the Timelord move: we needed some positive story to reposition our marketing a bit10:54
Tonio_and looking at kubuntu karmic review, I considered I could have been a problem for the distro :)10:54
Tonio_first time I'm not there for a very long time, best release ever :)10:54
Tonio_haha, that makes you think :)10:54
apacheloggersave fail10:54
* apachelogger just used brower-back to leave preview because he was working with twiki all morning -.-10:55
RiddellTonio_: we have a package of recorditnow already10:55
Tonio_Riddell: hu ?10:55
Tonio_Riddell: ho it isn't in the archives yet.... yeah I have to get the kubnutu status, might take a week or so10:56
Tonio_Riddell: one thing important to me, what are the plans for the kubnutu default web browser ?10:56
Tonio_Riddell: I suspect rekonq ?10:56
Tonio_Lure: shouldn't we get rif of the digikam configuration dialog ?10:58
Riddellit's an LTS, not a good time to be changing browser10:58
Tonio_Riddell: hum, except if the web browser is an issue imho, but that's just my opinion10:58
Tonio_Riddell: but I agree it needs to be evaluated as much as possible10:58
Tonio_Riddell: our users don't use konq anyway...10:59
Tonio_that reduces the impact of the change, don't you think ?10:59
Tonio_even for an LTS10:59
Riddellmaybe webkitkde will be ready10:59
Tonio_Riddell: hopefully11:00
Tonio_Riddell: I think rekonq dev also works on that11:00
Tonio_Riddell: but switching from khtml to webkitkde in konq is probably more risky than a new web browser11:00
Tonio_Riddell: there will probably be lots of bugs in konq's config and so on...11:01
Tonio_Lure: we could go with a default configuration pointing digikam catalog to the "picture" xdg dir I think...11:01
LureTonio_: yep11:02
Tonio_Lure: I'll try to fix this correctly11:02
LureTonio_: I tried to persuade upstream, but it seams gilles likes it :-(11:02
Tonio_Lure: nevermind, that what distros are made for :) implementing stuf ;)11:02
LureTonio_: and it is in RC now (string freeze), so it will not change for 1.0.0 final11:02
Tonio_Lure: great11:03
LureRiddell: if we would get ack from u-release to get digikam 1.0.0 final to karmic-updates, what would that mean for translations?11:03
LureRiddell: I suspect langpackgs would mess things up...11:04
Tonio_I still have to fix THE qt bug I want to...11:04
* Lure thinks that it is unlikely we will get approval11:04
Tonio_one year tracking that little thing11:04
Tonio_no real success so far :/11:04
Tonio_I'm so close.... for 6 month...11:04
Tonio_I also have to make a point with rgreening about the samba sharing stuff11:05
amichairTonio_: what's THE qt bug?11:12
Lureapachelogger: problem with more involved: hard to split limited time between kde and kubuntu ;-)11:15
Tonio_amichair: drag and drop files break cursor11:15
Tonio_amichair: check in dolphin11:15
Lureapachelogger: and I like to code, so currently kde is winning, but that is win for kubuntu too ;-)11:15
Tonio_amichair: I have an idea of how to fix, and I did11:15
Tonio_but that introduces new bugs...11:16
amichairwhat do u mean 'creak cursor'?11:16
Tonio_break sorry11:16
amichairno need to apologize for my typos :-)11:16
amichairbut I don't see a bug11:17
RiddellLure: I don't see pitti approving a new release for -updates11:17
apacheloggerLure: just saying :P11:21
Tonio_amichair: what when you drag a file in dolphin ?11:21
apacheloggercan someone answer the kubuntu performance mail on the list?11:21
Tonio_amichair: don't you switch back to the black cursor ?11:21
* apachelogger cannot resist applying sarcasm on that mail11:21
Tonio_amichair: I do, and for... 4 years now :)11:22
amichairTonio_: oh, I think I see it. black cursor + little icon moving along11:22
apacheloggerTonio_: yet no one bothered to investigate11:22
* apachelogger is actually wondering if it also happens on distros other than buntu11:22
Tonio_apachelogger: I know :) and I have a working fix.... just that it... segfaults sometimes :)11:23
Tonio_apachelogger: http://bugreports.qt.nokia.com/browse/QTBUG-666911:23
* apachelogger starts 3rd try to write a project background11:23
apacheloggerthat reminds me on my infamous reallocateMemory() functions for my C class :D11:24
Tonio_apachelogger: I could post my fix explaining what it fixes and what it breaks.... maybe that would help someone to fix the fix11:24
apacheloggermy tutor got all annoyed by how much I can produce for just that :D11:24
Tonio_incomplete fix is better than nothing :)11:24
apacheloggerTonio_: yeah, then at least someone can use that and fix the segfaults instead of rewriting it altogether11:25
apacheloggeryou know, from having read loads and loads of opinons about the vision and background of kubuntu it would appear that osx is considered at least barable, usually to explain either of the 2 kubuntu gets put into relation with windows, gnome, debian or other kde distros11:27
apacheloggernever ever osx though11:27
Tonio_apachelogger: I don't get your point there :)11:28
Tonio_apachelogger: what the problem with osx ? ;)11:28
Tonio_apachelogger: appart from working and being stable ?11:28
apacheloggerthere is none11:28
apacheloggeri.e. kubuntu <= osx11:28
Tonio_oh yes, definately11:29
Tonio_well it depends on what11:29
apacheloggereither that or no one considers osx competition11:29
Tonio_for experienced users, osx can be a nightmare11:29
amichairthe new kde sliding button control thing is pretty wierd11:29
Tonio_but when it comes to polishing stuff, it's unbeatable11:29
Tonio_and that's what people see first11:29
apacheloggeryou mean breaking stuff11:29
amichairI thought 4.4 was supposed to finally bring stability to the kingdom, not more innovation11:30
apacheloggerthe most interesting aspect of that might be that the UI still allows file permissions to be set11:30
apacheloggerso you can set file permissions, but they have no effect I suppose11:31
Tonio_apachelogger: crap, indeed :)11:32
apacheloggerTonio_: doing some more interpretation I might end up stating that Kubuntu is about quantity not quality11:32
apacheloggercompare to windows (quantity) and mac (quality)11:32
apacheloggersince windows is used to compare kubuntu with, and mac is not, I could think that we are indeed not striving for quality but reaching the masses11:32
Tonio_apachelogger: s/kubuntu/kde/ ?11:33
Tonio_apachelogger: kde tends to try to offer the maximum options, config dialogs etc...11:33
apacheloggernot because of that11:33
Tonio_apachelogger: not always considering the added value or quality of it11:33
apacheloggerI do not htink that the option paradigm is mutually exclusive with the usability paradigm11:33
amichairTonio_: I agree with that11:33
apacheloggeras you said, osx is all about polish and quality and niceness11:34
Tonio_it's more a matter of what is the target11:34
Tonio_osx doesn't want to compete with windows11:34
Tonio_we try to11:34
apacheloggerwhereas kubuntu does not seem to be, and does not seem to want to go there11:34
Tonio_am I correct ?11:34
apacheloggerI am not sure that is a good thing though11:34
Tonio_apachelogger: I agree with you11:34
Tonio_and I think we should consider polishing stuff11:34
Tonio_apachelogger: note that a 6 month release cycle might be considered a problem in the polishing area11:35
Tonio_consider the time spent between windows 7 beta and stable version11:35
Tonio_and same for OSX...11:35
Tonio_the beta -> stable time was between 6 to 12 month11:35
apacheloggernot necessarily, we would just have to cut down on new software11:35
LureRiddell: will discuss with him anyhow, but I expect the same answer11:35
Tonio_that's what polishing takes11:35
apacheloggerTonio_: yeah11:36
Tonio_apachelogger: but yeah, too much svn components on kubuntu anytime11:36
apacheloggerTonio_: possibly we need to change our own view there11:36
Tonio_I agree this is something we should consider fixing11:36
Tonio_apachelogger: I totally agree11:36
apacheloggerfrom release based to LTS release based11:36
apacheloggerlike ubuntu does seem to do it11:36
apacheloggerregular releases just seem to be steps towards LTS (beta if you will)11:36
apacheloggerwhich is a more sensible approach IMHO11:37
apacheloggertrying to do kickass releases in a 6 month cycle is quite demanding11:37
apacheloggerwhereas usable every 6 months and kickass every 24 months is a more sound approach11:38
amichairisn't KDE's aim for innovation rather than quality a problem?11:38
apacheloggeramichair: innovation and quality are not mutually exclusive either IMHO :P11:38
Tonio_amichair: hum, well it depends what they expect on the long term11:38
amichairapachelogger: not in general... but in KDE is seems to be the case11:38
apacheloggeronly KDE 4 :P11:39
Tonio_amichair: when you go from kde3 to kde4, quality ain't of any subject11:39
Tonio_it has to go, work, and be finished11:39
Tonio_amichair: when you see the speed improvement between 4.2 and 4.4, I consider this quality11:39
Tonio_they seem to tend to go that way11:39
Tonio_but yeah, kde4 might not be considered "finished" before 4.5, eventually11:40
Tonio_there are still lots of stuff that need to be done... like akonadi transition11:40
amichairTonio_: when I see things crashing more, and plasma-desktop taking up 800MB of memory... 'quality' is not the word that comes to mind11:40
Tonio_like the network manager backend etc...11:40
Tonio_amichair: using ram isn't bad11:41
Tonio_amichair: look at windows 7 :)11:41
Tonio_probably the best OS out there right now11:41
Tonio_fast, and stable, but using lots of ram11:41
Tonio_amichair: ram is there to be used11:41
amichairTonio_: how is it not bad? it means other apps start swapping, and the entire desktop experience grinds down to win 3.11 times...11:41
* apachelogger still doesnt think that plasma leak is caused by plasma but the graphics stack11:42
Tonio_amichair: not at all11:42
apacheloggeramichair: now, no foul talking about win 3.11!11:42
Tonio_amichair: you can consider keeping datas in ram as long as other apps don't need it11:42
* apachelogger loved win3 :)11:42
apacheloggerthe first windows I ever killed11:42
Tonio_amichair: that's good memory management11:43
apacheloggermade me go back to dos11:43
Tonio_amichair: with good ram management, you would tend to have 0 swap11:43
Tonio_and 0 bytes of free mem :)11:43
Tonio_q4wine package mostly done11:45
Tonio_amichair: kubuntu works correctly on a 512megs of ram box11:46
Tonio_which means plasma is just using depending the ram available11:46
Tonio_amichair: and as apachelogger said, X is more or less the problem there11:47
amikso if we want to go for a polished kubuntu, where would we start?12:07
=== amik is now known as amichair
apacheloggerwith defining what polished exactly means12:08
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: ping ping12:09
Tonio_amichair: for me it starts with having good eyes12:13
Tonio_amichair: geeks don't have this :)12:13
Tonio_amichair: this broken cursor issue wasn't seen by many people12:13
Tonio_amichair: also we have a formated usage of the computer12:13
Tonio_amichair: therefore clicking the bad place at the bad moment isn't something we would do12:13
* apachelogger saw it complained about it, didnt get to fix it and stopped caring :P12:13
Tonio_amichair: we need end users testing12:13
Tonio_amichair: real end users :)12:14
Tonio_amichair: we need to remove anything that can be done from the kmenu12:14
Tonio_for example12:14
Tonio_I can see there "akonadi tray utility"12:15
Tonio_should I need an entry in the kmenu for that ?12:15
Tonio_I don't think so12:15
Tonio_lots of things like this should get fixed12:15
Tonio_hundreds to be honnest12:16
Tonio_why should kdebluetooth be in the menu too ? no need for that, I want it started in the tray, nothing else12:17
Tonio_cleaning the mess the menu has become is really something we should change :)12:17
Tonio_apachelogger: to many useless entries there12:27
Tonio_by far too many12:27
apacheloggerthough I find app menus utterly useless anyway :P12:30
rgreeningTonio_: hey12:48
rgreeningTonio_: what point wrt samba :)12:49
Tonio_rgreening: I think you starting the code right ? at least I heard about that :)12:49
rgreeningYeah, I have the spec written, and have documented the code changes that are required and have poked around the code a bit (even got a basic tab to show up - pagedialog)12:50
rgreeningTonio_: see https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Specs/LucidFileSharing12:51
Tonio_rgreening: nice12:53
Tonio_rgreening: if you have the basic tab, then I can start helping12:54
Tonio_rgreening: is the code somewhere ?12:54
rgreeningSo I think we are in good shape to make this happen this cycle.... no code/patch ready to upload yet... I'll ping you as soon as I have something ready to upload as a patch....12:54
Tonio_rgreening: nice12:57
Tonio_rgreening: about the samba actions and commands, I already have and know what to do, so please ping :)12:57
Tonio_rgreening: I already saw the spec fyi :)12:57
rgreeningok. cool12:58
jussi01so doesnyone know if there was an automounting verion of the device notifier?13:17
rgreeningRiddell: this may be interesting for plymouth + kdm (https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=475890)13:17
ubottubugzilla.redhat.com bug 475890 in kde-settings "KDM is set to use tty1 even if there's already a console on it" [High,Assigned]13:17
Riddelljussi01: I think something was ment to happen for 4.4 but I'm not sure it got in13:18
Riddellrgreening: mm, plymouth, I just love large architectural changes for LTSs13:18
rgreeningso we really need to keep on top of this one, otherwise our statup is gonna look like shite13:19
rgreeningRiddell: Here's the KDM upstream bug for Plymouth->Kdm smooth transition...https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=20608913:24
ubottuKDE bug 206089 in general "Smooth transition from Plymouth to KDM when KMS is enabled " [Wishlist,New]13:24
rgreeningI don't think it's on anyones radar. Maybe agateau or someone could help us with that and get it upstream?13:24
* agateau reads backlog13:25
rgreeningit's a Dx experience related piece of work  IMO...13:26
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: pong pong13:28
agateauI may be able to help, assuming I get assigned some time to it, my plate is already quite filled :/13:29
amichairTonio_: sorry, was out a bit -13:33
amichairTonio_: I think a first step is caring. there are already lots of open bugs of the sort that ruin the polish, and they just sit there for several releases...13:34
amichairTonio_: there are plenty of users to report things. I think having many glitches discourages ppl from reporting, because why bother... but everything was kept in top shape, any little glitch would stand out and more reports would come in13:38
Tonio_amichair: yup13:49
ubottuKDE bug 218064 in widget-systemtray "Plasma-desktop crashes on boot, or on subsequent running [Plasma::PopupAppletPrivate::updateDialogPosition, Plasma::PopupAppletPrivate::popupConstraintsEvent, Plasma::Applet::flushPendingConstraintsEvents]" [Crash,Unconfirmed]13:50
amichairJontheEchidna: looks like our friend13:51
amichairJontheEchidna: I don't think it happens when systemtray plasmoid is missing - any containment (even with no applets) prevents the crash. but no big difference.13:53
amichairJontheEchidna: I think it just happens whenever a default desktop needs to be generated.13:54
amichairI must say, a method which ends with a single shot timeout to call another method 1 second later, always looks like something isn't quite right with it.13:55
ScottKsebas: Would you be able to help me with an armel porting problem with 4.3.80?  Our armel guy, NCommander, doesn't seem to be around. https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kde4libs/4:4.3.80-0ubuntu6/+build/1386983/+files/buildlog_ubuntu-lucid-armel.kde4libs_4:4.3.80-0ubuntu6_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz13:55
Riddellrevu needed http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/freespacenotifier13:56
JontheEchidnaoh neat, mck122 actually got it ported13:59
freeflyingRiddell: missed debian/watch :)14:00
Riddellfreeflying: it doesn't have releases so hard to watch14:00
JontheEchidnaoh, maybe that's not mck's port...14:01
JontheEchidnastill, pretty cool14:01
RiddellJontheEchidna: that's lubos finally putting it upstream14:01
JontheEchidnaRiddell: clever way to get the localization stuff in too, if only it didn't have to bring in cdbs14:02
sebasScottK: make line 235 in kdelibs/plasma/private/applethandle.cpp this:14:03
sebasg.setColorAt(qMax(qreal(0), opaquePoint), transparencyColor);14:03
RiddellJontheEchidna: it doesn't bring in cdbs, it uses debhelper14:03
sebasit's already fixed in trunk14:03
JontheEchidnaRiddell: oh, you're right14:04
ScottKsebas: Thanks.  Will you commit it upstream.14:04
ScottKRiddell: Can you try sebas's fix in the armel porter box so we can see if there are more without one upload to the archive per armel bug?14:04
QuintasanJontheEchidna, ScottK: The MOTU meeting is about to start14:04
ScottKQuintasan: OK.14:05
amichairJontheEchidna: btw I saw in our patch that the systemtray applet is created twice... unrelated to the crash, but doesn't look right14:05
JontheEchidnaamichair: yeah I saw that too. It was my first suspicion14:05
freeflyingScottK: so you don't have any arm machine can be accessed?14:05
=== hunger_t is now known as hunger
ScottKfreeflying: No, I don't.14:06
hungerWill nepomuk finally work on lucid out of the box?14:06
Quintasanhunger: quite possible14:06
sebasScottK: it's already committed14:06
sebasIn fact I just c/p'ed that line14:06
ScottKsebas: Excellent.14:06
hungerQuintasan: Great! Thanks!14:06
sebasthe usual double/qreal mixup14:06
sebasThere was email on the plasma list to pay more attention to this14:07
Quintasanapachelogger: https://launchpad.net/~neon/+archive/ppa/+packages :/14:10
JontheEchidnaRiddell: ack on freespacenotifier here14:12
JontheEchidnabuilds perfectly14:12
rgreeninghmm... can't seem to get ubiquity to launch from latest daily build... shtylman?14:14
rgreeningRiddell: it seems ubiquity requires sudo but it isn't set to launch this way. Is this a policykit/kauth question?14:18
Riddellrgreening: it's a known problem in alpha 1, I havn't looked into it14:20
Riddelldebfx: some comments http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/kmozillahelper14:21
RiddellScottK: I wonder if I can remember how to access it14:21
ScottKRiddell: If you can't, let me know and I'll just upload.14:22
QuintasanLex79: \o14:23
Lex79Quintasan: \o14:23
RiddellScottK: ~kubuntu-dev is a member of ubuntu-dev, so ~k-ds can upload to motu I think(?)14:24
refichmm.. nouveau's going into 2.6.3314:25
ScottKRiddell: No, ubuntu-dev doesn't give upload rights.14:25
ScottKThe per-package uploaders are in that team for voting rights.14:26
ScottK(it got changed earlier this year)14:26
RiddellScottK: ~motu gives upload rights?14:26
ScottKRiddell: Yes.14:26
freeflyingScottK: so we don't have uploads right now?14:27
RiddellI always confuse those14:27
ScottKfreeflying: kubuntu-dev can upload anything in the kubuntu package set.14:27
ScottKExcept for JontheEchidna, all the current kubuntu-dev are also core-dev so it doesn't come up much.14:27
JontheEchidnaScottK: plasma-desktop needs a better dependency than just being part of the seed (think people installing from the kde metapackages rather than kubuntu-desktop) How would you feel about the kdebase-workspace metapackage depending on plasma-desktop | plasna-netbook?14:29
ScottKJontheEchidna: That's exactly what I'd been thinking about.14:29
ScottKJontheEchidna: What I'd like to do next is prepare a mail to the Debian folks to describe what we've done, how it's incomplete, and try to reach a consensus.14:32
ScottKRiddell: I see there are a couple of kde4libs bug fixes waiting in bzr for upload, so unless you think you'll have the armel porter box sorted soonish, I think perhaps I ought to just upload.14:35
RiddellScottK: I found it14:37
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: can you please head over to google docs, check out my fancy management doc and tell me if the project background description makes any sense at all>14:37
Riddellit's a PPA not a box I have command line access to14:37
ScottKEven easier.14:37
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: after Quintasan's meeting, yes14:37
RiddellI'd have thought 3 was quorum for motu council14:45
=== Riddell changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Lucid Alpha 1 Released! | Kubuntu has the Doctor on the brain | https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Todo | almost congatulations to Quintasan
Quintasanthat was tough one :)14:46
apacheloggernow that didnt went too bad, did it? :)14:46
RiddellQuintasan: well done on not cracking under the pressure :)14:46
QuintasanI guess I can go for my stick and poke apachelogger to help me sort out what's with missing cdbs14:47
apacheloggerI told you :P14:48
apacheloggerboth the amarok and kde stack share common build helper stuff14:48
apacheloggerwhich is either a seperate pkg amarok-nighly-tools or amarok-nightly-cdbs14:48
apacheloggercant remember which14:48
apacheloggerboth should be living somewhere in the neon src tree though14:48
apacheloggercdbs probably in distros/ubuntu/ and tools in tools/ (from latter at least you can build a src pkg using a script in scripts/)14:49
apacheloggerfor cdbs a debuild should suffice14:49
Quintasanapachelogger: that solves everything :P14:52
Quintasankubotu: order cookies for apachelogger14:54
* kubotu slides a whole bunch of world's finest cookies down the bar to apachelogger.14:54
QuintasanRiddell: thanks for giving me access to the computer, now it will go a lot faster :)14:56
RiddellQuintasan: note my IP may change at any time14:57
amichairis there anyone in charge of usability issues/guidelines in KDE?14:57
Riddellthat would be seele14:57
Riddellwho's currently locked away into academia14:58
amichairRiddell: in which channels can seele be found?14:59
Riddellamichair: here if she's online14:59
neversfeldeis someone alread working on amarok beta?14:59
Riddellelse e-mail celeste @kde.org14:59
amichairRiddell: thanks. some of the new 4.4 gui features just don't make much sense usability-wise...15:00
amichairI hope they catch/fix them in time for release15:01
ghostcube4.4 beta 1 in backports so far ?15:01
ghostcubeor still buidling?15:01
Riddellghostcube: you know where to look15:03
ghostcube:P iam lazy you know hehe but i will do15:03
ghostcubeok not there thx Riddell heh15:04
amichairis there a known issue list for tracking alpha issues, or just using regular lp reports?15:05
Riddellamichair: regular bug reports15:06
amichairRiddell: k, thanks15:07
neversfeldebug #492899  needs a sponsor15:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 492899 in plasma-widget-tictactoe "New upstream release 1.1" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/49289915:07
RiddellScottK: kde4libs uploaded to ARM PPA, remind me to check on it in a couple of hours if don't get back before then15:07
neversfeldeand I'll start with amarok, I think my netbook is able to compile it in < 10h15:07
rgreeningRiddell: did we drop the notification patches for Lucid? i cant remember if that's what we decided to do...15:07
rgreeningRiddell, shtylman: ubiquity if run with sudo, doesn't properly restart after clicking restart.15:08
Riddellrgreening: the notification patches are upstream15:08
rgreeninghmm... Riddell, I don't see the option in the systray to enable/disable them .. have they moved somewhere else to configure?15:09
Riddellrgreening: I should say the common freedesktop bits got usptream, the ayatana style noticiations got dropped15:09
rgreeningoh... they were pretty15:10
Riddellrgreening: ayatana style noticiations may get done as a separate package if agateau gets time15:10
rgreeningok. cool. they were much nicer to look at15:10
agateauRiddell: rgreening: http://gitorious.org/colibri15:10
agateauonly missing kcm15:10
macoi'm with rod15:11
macoi use the ayatana notifications15:11
JontheEchidnaneversfelde: taking a look at tic-tac-toe15:14
neversfeldeJontheEchidna: thank you15:15
JontheEchidnaneversfelde: uploaded, thanks for your contribution15:27
neversfeldeJontheEchidna: thanks15:28
JontheEchidnano prob15:29
=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk
rgreeningwow, kde 4.4 is buggy15:33
Riddelljust like a beta ought to be15:34
rgreeningI like the "swallowing" plasmoids15:35
ScottKRiddell: Last time it failed almost 7 hours into the build, so no rush for checking the armel PPA build.15:38
=== dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates
RiddellScottK: how does this look for keep tech board happy for an upstream policy? http://techbase.kde.org/Policies/Minor_Point_Release_Policy/Draft15:46
ScottKRiddell: I'd add something about regression free.  I think fixing minor bugs is OK as long as it is a safe fix.15:49
zoraelI'm getting a bug where it takes precisely 30 or 60 seconds after I unplug the AC adapter from my laptop to when I get the plasma notification that it's been removed. The same happens upon attaching the adapter. Should I do ubuntu-bug kdebase-workspace or just take it to bugs.kde.org right away? (Karmic, 4.3.4)15:51
Riddellhmm, not convinced about this for default wallpaper http://websvn.kde.org/trunk/KDE/kdebase/workspace/wallpapers/Quadros/contents/images/15:51
rgreeningRiddell: "therefor be" -> "therefore be"15:51
Riddellzorael: you should proabably check when hal or udev picks that up15:52
rgreeningRiddell: OMG that wallpaper is hideous15:52
zoraelRiddell: The icon in the Power Management widget picks it up instantly, but any further action is delayed15:53
Riddellyes, I think I prefered my previous wallpaper15:53
rgreeningRiddell: we really should take advantage of upstream branding and/or kiwii to get some kubuntu loking stuff15:53
rgreeninglooking even15:54
Riddellrgreening: well that is upstream, adding a kubuntu logo or using a kubuntu palette won't make much difference15:54
zoraelRiddell: udevadm monitor notices it immediately, not sure how to monitor hal15:54
rgreeningwe def dont want that wallpaper, unless you want a bunch of kubuntu user hanging themselves from going insane looking at it15:54
Riddellzorael: sounds like a kde issue then, maybe check if other notifications take so long15:55
rgreeningnuno must have sniffed some bad stuff making that15:55
JontheEchidnathat wallpaper is disorienting15:56
JontheEchidnait looks like somebody covered my monitor with blue sticky notes15:56
verbalshadowRiddell the wallpaper is not my taste, by it is not bad15:57
verbalshadowJontheEchidna it is disorienting becuase you can't tell where the light source(s) are coming from15:58
JontheEchidnamakes sense15:58
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JontheEchidnaMight be a good time to roll our own artwork, while keeping the general gist of upstream's theming in mind16:00
RiddellI note nookie^ is in the channel16:01
verbalshadowi really think we should at least take a close look at upstreams branding offer16:02
Riddellthis /is/ upstream we're discussing16:02
Riddellif there's changes to make to upstream they may well be open to that but "we don't like it at all" is unlikely to help16:03
RiddellI see plenty of KDE types uncertain about this wallpaper too so it may not stay :)16:03
* Riddell wonders what to say at the release team meeting16:04
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JontheEchidna^lol @nick change16:05
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JontheEchidnawhoa: http://kde-apps.org/content/show.php/KDE+Network+Management?content=11688416:05
JontheEchidnaonly rpm for download? lame16:06
Quintasanlol @ wallpaper\16:07
nookie^Riddell: yes?16:09
Riddelldebfx: this interesting to you? http://kde-look.org/content/show.php/Firefox+addon+for+kwallet?content=116886&PHPSESSID=e06d4a06d525e5ced405df35ce79624816:09
Riddellnookie^: we're just musing about upstream's new wallpaper16:09
nookie^i've see16:10
nookie^is there anywhere i can see it aswell?16:10
nookie^i guess there are better ones out there16:12
nookie^this will only confuse the users16:12
nookie^specially when you have incons on desktop16:12
verbalshadowRiddell thanks for the FF kwallet addon link, i have been looking for something like that16:12
verbalshadowwonder if it stores them in the same place place in kwallet that konquerer does so i can have them in both browsers16:15
Riddellnixternal: KDE docs question.  can new docs be added to minor point releases?16:51
ScottKTranslations emails are sucking the fun out of uploading Kubuntu stuff.17:11
apacheloggerScottK: filter rules ftw17:16
neversfeldewe have blogilo and bilbo in lucid, is it correct to make blogilo conflict bilbo and remove bilbo from the archives? bilbo was renamed to blogilo and is part of kdepim now.17:17
ScottKneversfelde: It is correct to have blogilo provide a transitional package of bilbo that depends on blogilo and remove the bilbo source from the archive.17:19
ScottKThe transitional package can be dropped after Lucid release.17:19
neversfeldeScottK: ok, who can remove packages, do I need to open a bug about it?17:21
ScottKneversfelde: Yes or ping Riddell and maybe he'll just do it.17:21
ScottKThere's a mention of the process on one of the developer wiki pages.  I don't recall where17:22
neversfeldeScottK: thank you, I'll do it.17:22
ScottKWho is updating our PPAs for the kde4libs and kdebase-runtime security announcements that came out yesterday and today?17:22
nixternalRiddell: no they can't17:23
nixternalRiddell: err, yes they can...sorry17:23
nixternalthey just can't be edited after the string freeze....which package is this referring to?17:24
nixternalI don't know how extragear/playground is effected honestly by string freezes....but I know KDE main mods can't be edited or news docs added there17:25
apacheloggereach extragear/playground app handles freezes on their own17:26
sebasplayground is not affected at all17:28
sebasextragear depending on wether the author wants it shipped with KDE SC, in that case normal rules apply17:28
* al likes the blue Post-Its wallpaper17:30
* nixternal hugs sebas17:31
* sebas kisses nixternal :D17:32
* nixternal faints17:32
apacheloggeroh my, he fainted indeed17:32
sebasLadies and gentlemen: The Kiss of Death, now also available on IRC17:33
ScottKsebas: Only because he thought you were too beautiful and out of his league.17:34
sebasI should work on my hooker-like reputation then17:34
nixternalScottK hit the nail on the head there :)17:35
nixternalgrr baby grr17:35
* apachelogger tunes in phantom, part deux and starts pulling a simplified project vision out nixternal's nose17:36
apacheloggerslowly that must be done :S17:36
nixternalprobably the best project vision you will get :)17:36
nixternalapachelogger: google docs?17:36
* apachelogger mastered up a project backgorund based on the stuff from the mailing list and likes the result mostly17:37
apacheloggernixternal: I suppose what yuriy wrote already outlines the vision quite a bit?17:38
nixternalI would think it does17:41
ScottKapachelogger: I didn't get time to write my mail about the topic.  Can I just look at the doc and maybe hack on it a bit?17:44
apacheloggerScottK: technically that is against the point of that particular doc :P17:48
ScottKapachelogger: OK.  I'll write the list then.17:48
apacheloggerScottK: shared my whole timelord folder with you17:48
apacheloggerScottK: well, you can just as well refine the document :)17:48
* apachelogger supposes that he can trust ScottK that much ;)17:49
ScottKapachelogger: Would you please PM me a link?17:49
* ScottK is busy trying to get a new minion working on another channel.17:49
apacheloggerthat reminds me17:50
apacheloggerQuintasan: you still have to recruit a new minion :P17:50
maconew minion?17:50
macodoes that make me old minion?17:50
* apachelogger would suppose that there are only new minions really17:51
* Daskreech hugs the old minion17:51
apacheloggerkubotu: np17:51
kubotuapachelogger is listening to "Roxanne" by The Police [The Very Best Of Sting And The Police]; see http://www.last.fm/user/apachelogger for more17:51
nixternalthere, I have finally responded to the list about apachelogger's maddness :)18:00
nixternalno, I don't need to get any fatter before the holidays are over18:02
lubyouwhats the command again to make kdebug work on kubuntu?18:03
apacheloggernixternal: maybe we should start a kubuntu workout program18:03
nixternalhaha, I have already started :)18:03
apacheloggergoogle doc? :P18:03
apacheloggeryou know, writing it should proof less exhausting ;)18:04
lubyounixternal thanks18:04
nixternalyeah, not that I have responded to the list, I need to take yuriy's list and figure out how we do each point better....I am guessing since yuriy came up with the list, he could continue with it :p18:05
nixternallubyou: no prob18:05
maconixternal: i think the one you cant remember is lenovo. they had suse laptops. had. past tense. got rid last year18:10
nixternaloh yeah, you are absolutely correct maco18:10
nixternalyou can buy them at frys18:10
macoyou used to get $89 off if you got suse instead of windows18:10
macoi was looking at them when i bought my zareason18:10
nixternalit tripped me out, they have this big green board with a penguin on it, with 3 different laptop/netbooks all running SUSE18:10
macoa few months later, they stopped offering it though18:10
nixternalI know we have System76 and Zareason, but in the marketing world, only Dell counts there at this time...hopefully System76 and Zareason get stronger over time18:11
macowait wait18:12
macoyou're sending puppies?18:12
macozareason actually has a physical walk-up store now!18:12
nixternalmaco: oh that's cool, I didn't know that18:13
macoin berkeley18:16
macoi think theyd like to expand farther, as they get the resources to do so18:16
macoi know they have another workshop (but no store) in germany18:16
macoso they can ship in europe just fine18:16
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txwikingermaco: Not only your fs is eating data:  http://www.theinquirer.net/inquirer/news/1565796/how-eat-day18:18
ScottKnixternal: From talking to some OEM reps, we need two things we don't have now to get our foot in the door: A good bluetooth experience and pulseaudio support.18:29
ScottKFortunately we should get the pulseaudio support in 4.4 once phonon gets sorted.18:30
macobahh bluetooth18:30
macoi blacklist the driver so i dont forget to do it when i go to hacker cons18:30
ghostcubeneeds love18:30
maconot leaving that wide open...18:30
ghostcubei need bluetooth sometimes18:30
ghostcubeand i must use my winbox for it18:31
macotxwikinger: american and british million are the same. its billion on which we differ. silly writer.18:31
verbalshadowghostcube kbluetooth does not work for you18:31
ghostcubenah but i havent tested since 4.3.018:31
txwikingermaco: Well what do you expect from those brits ;)18:32
* txwikinger corrects himself from brits to English18:32
ghostcubehmmm kernel update :)18:33
macohehe dont want to tick off Riddell?18:33
macomixin' 'im in with those english?18:34
txwikingerwell.. for instance :D18:34
txwikingerJust ask him about those English, and you know what I mean ;)18:35
macoi have a teacher who is welsh. he has a corgi because the queen has a corgi. not because he wants to be like her, but because hers bit her. thus, corgis are good anti-monarchy dogs18:36
maco"More than 41 per cent of an American's day is spent watching some of the worst telly in the world - some of it makes even Italian TV look good" <-- i dont have a tv. and when i watch tv from DVD, it's BBC18:36
txwikingeromg... you can do better than BBC18:37
macobut its Doctor Who!18:37
macoand Torchwood!18:37
macoand Sarah Jane Adventures!18:37
* txwikinger didn't even watch BBC while in England18:38
jjessehrmm i never watched sarah jane18:38
jjessethat one any good?18:38
* txwikinger just paid license fee.. no idea for what18:38
macobut the clown episode was scary18:39
* txwikinger has no idea which series had a clown episode18:40
macoseason 218:40
nixternalScottK: we will get solid bluetooth support when the industry finally realizes what a waste bluetooth really was18:40
apacheloggeranyone wonna fix bug 41977118:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 419771 in kdebindings "Missing symlink/misplaced file in libqyoto4.4-cil" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41977118:40
macothe pide piper18:40
apacheloggerand SRU it18:40
maconixternal: sounds about right18:41
nixternalapachelogger: I don't touch mono!18:41
nixternalbluetooth is good for one thing...stealing photos off other people's phones in the mall :)18:41
nixternaland then selling them to TMZ and the like18:41
txwikingerthat is mono?18:42
* txwikinger does not volunteer for mono stuff18:42
ScottKIt is.18:42
maconixternal: you forgot "figuring out which cars in the parking lot have laptops in the trunk, then breaking in and stealing them"18:42
txwikingerSince when do we have mono in KDE?18:43
macotxwikinger: yes. -cil18:43
nixternalcil? crap I loathe?18:43
ScottKtxwikinger: We've always provided bindings.  We don't ship any apps.18:43
ScottKalways meaning for several releases18:43
txwikingerI think it is not a bug.. it is a feature18:44
nixternalyeah, actually there is an awesome twitter client built with qyoto18:44
ScottKWe could sure get some press if we shipped that.18:44
freinhardnarf, alpha software in the repositories does suck! had to burn a CD today and was running out of time and k3b didn't do it's job!18:45
nixternalhttp://synapse.im/  <- Qt + Mono Instant Messenger...not twitter my mistake18:45
nixternalI love in the image, you see ken-vandine's big head18:46
nixternalScottK: oh man, we should package it up if it isn't already and put it on for april fools day18:48
nixternalthough I think the project is dead already18:49
* txwikinger prefers not to touch mono18:49
maconixternal: like when jdong said he was uploading automatix on april fools day?18:49
macoi was thinking we ought to have a brown theme on april fools day18:49
nixternalhe actually uploaded it18:50
txwikingerwe can make the kubuntu desktop look like ubuntu18:50
nixternalhe packaged and dput automatix...I got the emails that day and fell out laughing18:50
ScottKmaco: That or Hannah Montana linux is no longer a derivative because we've adopted their styling.18:50
* apachelogger would advocate that18:51
txwikingerapachelogger: Why? What problem would that solve?18:51
apacheloggeranyhow, the problem with qyoto is that we do not have means to testing really18:51
apacheloggersince there is a gross lack of apps18:51
apacheloggerwhich kind of makes shippint the bindings at all kind of pointless (considering we are currently offering broken bindings :S)18:52
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ScottKApparently someone is using them, so we just fix it and move on.19:00
apacheloggerThe logo of Mono is a monkey's face, mono being Spanish for monkey. The name relates to the monkeys and apes that are a central theme within Ximian, such as the GNOME Project's logo (a monkey's footprint), the Bonobo project (bonobos are a species of chimpanzee), the Novell Evolution (formerly Ximian Evolution) Project, and the Ximian logo itself (a monkey's silhouette). According to the Mono FAQ, the origin of the name is "We19:13
apachelogger like monkeys."19:13
apacheloggeryou know, someone within ximian must have been insulted by a monkey in some way in their childhood19:14
apacheloggerhence the obsession with monkeys19:14
JontheEchidnaSo did anybody else buy that linux format issue w/ all the KDE distro reviews?19:16
JontheEchidnaI bought it, because on an unrelated page it had a sentence about the weather wallpaper with a screenshot. :319:17
JontheEchidnaanyways, we got an 8/10 and suse got a 9/1019:18
JontheEchidnaand from the looks of it suse got a 9 because they turned air green :P19:18
JontheEchidnaThey did have this to say, though:19:19
* apachelogger really doesnt get what people always have with us sticking to KDE default19:19
JontheEchidna"Kubuntu's best feature is unofficial. It's the updated versions of KDE that appears in the PPA repositories. These are the best packgaes we've found for keeping KDE up to date, which is especially important when so many changes are still being made."19:20
ScottKWhere is that from?19:20
apacheloggerso if we provided the updates more officially we would get 9/10?19:20
ScottKWell if the updates didn't also include regressions we could do that.19:21
JontheEchidnaLinux Format magazine I saw/bought at Borders bookstore19:21
apacheloggerScottK: I mean driving minor updates to -updates19:22
JontheEchidnathey put openSUSE on the DVD they shipped with the magazine because it won.19:22
apacheloggersince there are only 3 months between KDE release and Kubuntu release I think people will survive19:22
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: lam0rs19:22
zoraelIs Quadros to be the new default wallpaper? It's... uh. Difficult to appreciate.19:22
ScottKapachelogger: I know.  So far the 4.3 updates aren't so great on being regression free.19:22
ScottKzorael: Very delicately put.19:23
apacheloggerNightrose: if anyone cares ... sloccount on extragear spits out Total Estimated Cost to Develop                           = $ 59,115,18219:23
apacheloggerthat is without amarok and konvi obviously19:23
JontheEchidnaThe DVD also came with UNR and a GNOME 2.8 live environment on it19:24
JontheEchidnaI think it'd be neat if we could get on a DVD for $MAGAZINE one day19:24
apacheloggerwe only require a CD so that aint gonna happen :P19:25
JontheEchidnaI think that people bust on us for not changing the default is more of a social issue.19:26
JontheEchidnaThey think that since we didn't change the artwork that we don't care19:26
* ScottK considers the total lack of an artwork team a hinderance to change anyway.19:26
JontheEchidnaEven though it's perfectly acceptable to use the upstream artwork, it still stands that not changing it leads to this perception19:27
JontheEchidnaI think part of why we lack an artwork team is our attitude that we wanted to stick to upstream artwork early on in the 4.x days.19:27
JontheEchidnaNo need == on artwork team19:27
apacheloggerwe certainly could bribe ruphy19:27
JontheEchidnathen that leads to a chicken/egg situation19:28
JontheEchidnawhere since we don't have an artwork team we don't get artwork19:28
JontheEchidnaI'm sure that there are a lot of artists in the community that would jump at the opportunity to make artwork19:28
ruphyyou can ask upstream artists :)19:28
* apachelogger thinks someone should hook up with ruphy and make him a kubuntu dude working upstream :P19:29
JontheEchidnaI think somebody just needs to care enough about it to get it done, or something. Since I recall that we did want to work wiht upstream but nobody ever really did except for the ubiquity theme19:29
ruphyeheheheh :)19:29
apacheloggerthere ruphy is all in favor of that19:29
ruphyi might spare some time on it, sure19:29
ruphywhen i'm less busy with school than this precise moment though19:30
* apachelogger hugs and kisses ruphy and leaves him to do school work stuff19:30
ScottKLast cycle we wanted to explore taking up the upstream offer of distro specific help, but except for shtylman and the installer, no one did it.19:30
ruphyapachelogger: :*19:30
JontheEchidna^My point exactly19:31
apacheloggerScottK: as always I will blaim the lack of long-term vision for that ;)19:31
ruphyapachelogger: ah, while i'm at it, please update your kubuntu packages of kmess. the name resetting bug is just... painful :-)19:31
ruphyand patch has already been released19:31
apacheloggerruphy: will do19:31
macoi dont think anyone would like my attempts at artwork19:31
macohavent gotten very good with this tablet yet19:31
ruphyapachelogger: thanks19:31
apachelogger^ some minion do update kmess so that I can get credit for that :P19:32
* apachelogger spots maco19:32
JontheEchidnaI'll update for lucid then get the patch for the name reset SRU'd19:32
macoapachelogger: what are you spotting me for? packaging or artwork?19:32
macoand i thought i was old minion now!19:33
JontheEchidnamaybe that'll get me in the mood to do other sru's I've been meaning to do :x19:33
macommm the great thing about december: apple cider!19:33
macooh! i can make it *hot* apple cider!19:33
apacheloggermaco: kmess SRU I suppose19:33
macois there a bug number i should look at?19:35
macoow shocking kitty19:36
macoare cats normally electrically charged?19:36
* JontheEchidna files a sync request for kmess in lucid19:36
macoevery time i pet this one's ears, i get a shock19:36
yuriymaco: mine haven't been shocking me, but yeah with the fur and always rubbing up against things19:37
macoaw someone in #ubuntu just said that kde disgusts them19:37
apacheloggerruphy: this one? http://trac.kmess.org/changeset/569319:37
ruphythere's also a bug on launchpad, opened by me19:37
ruphylet me see19:37
ruphyapachelogger: precisely19:38
ruphybugfix released in 2.0.119:38
apacheloggermaco: bug 485640 upstream fix: http://trac.kmess.org/changeset/5693 t19:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 485640 in kmess "Kmess do not keep Friendly name after restart." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/48564019:38
* apachelogger sings I'll derive19:39
apacheloggermaco: lucid version needs to be bumped to 2.0.2 (maybe already in debian), then we can just SRU that fix for karmic19:40
* JontheEchidna is filing the kmess sync request as we speak19:41
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: we can sync?19:41
JontheEchidnayeah, we got our phonon differences settled in Qt19:41
MamarokJontheEchidna: did we?19:42
apacheloggerok, assigning the lucid task to you then :P19:42
JontheEchidnaMamarok: in comparison to debian's packaging, yes19:42
JontheEchidnawe now use the name libphonon-dev instead of libqt4-phonon-dev19:42
Mamarokah... have you seen Thiagos mail to kde-core-devel?19:43
macook so i should ignore those links then?19:43
JontheEchidnaif you want to you can do the SRU19:44
apacheloggermaco: you'll just need to take care of the SRU, JontheEchidna will resolve the issue in lucid19:44
macook on the sru im still doing a normal "apply that patch to that thing" right?19:45
JontheEchidnaMamarok: which thread?19:45
JontheEchidnaoh, that phonon/pa thread?19:45
Mamarokwell, the one of today19:46
macoapachelogger: ?19:46
apacheloggermaco: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/StableReleaseUpdates19:47
apacheloggermost importantly https://wiki.kubuntu.org/StableReleaseUpdates#Procedure19:47
macoyeah with the listing all the reasoning...19:48
apacheloggermaco: you basically just do what you would be doing to fix it in lucid, but with as little invasion as possible, and your changelog entry will list karmic-proposed as distro19:48
macoim just checking that you werent saying something closer to backports since you and JontheEchidna started talking about syncs19:48
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JontheEchidnaI'm just getting the packaging synced for lucid so that people don't go merging things for no reason19:49
apacheloggermaco: backports do not qualify to fix SRUworthy bugs :)19:49
apacheloggerScottK gets grumpy if you try to do that19:49
macoby the way, what is kmess and what is friendly name?19:50
macoi dont know how to write sru justification without those info19:50
apacheloggermaco: a kde msn client19:51
apacheloggerfriendly name is probably some sort of nick type for msn19:51
apacheloggerruphy: ^19:51
ruphyfriendly name is your nickname19:52
ruphyor, your name19:52
ruphypeople see two things of you there19:52
ruphyyour friendly name19:52
ruphyand your personal message19:52
apacheloggerfriendly name is like a nick ontop of your nick19:52
ruphyapachelogger: well, it's actually what you see of other people19:53
ruphyapachelogger: that is considered to be the name (used also in chat logs)19:53
ruphyalthough many people use nicks or colorful stuff19:54
macolike pidgin alias?19:54
ruphyi, as one, use "ruphy" as friendly name19:54
apacheloggeryeah, an ever-changable nick, as opposed to an MSN account name?19:54
ruphythat you can change it19:55
apacheloggermaco: does that make sense to you? :)19:55
ruphywithout the patch, it defaults to your first name of your msn registration19:55
macoapachelogger: yeah19:55
ruphynot even the mail of your registeret account19:55
ruphyin few words, this is really annoying :)19:55
ruphy(also because most people tend to customize it a lot)19:56
macoi guess i can just use the original bug report as the "impact" line. its nice & short19:56
macowow i can read that19:56
macowho'da thunk? qt/c++ i can actually read19:56
apacheloggerruphy: fixes on their way then19:57
apacheloggermaco: wanna give reading my C a shot? :P19:57
* apachelogger wanted to go out for "gluehwein" 2 hours ago....19:57
ruphyapachelogger: :*19:57
apacheloggerI need stricter time management for sure19:57
* apachelogger blushes for the time being19:57
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ruphyapachelogger: how much will it take to go downstream? (approx.)20:02
macoapachelogger: the files to patch dont even exist in karmic20:03
macothat doesnt exist20:03
apacheloggermaco: grepped for prominent source lines already?20:03
nixternalapachelogger: I have broken out all of my uni stuff dude for this marketing expedition you have started....I have all kinds of stuff to get the creative juices flowing....we need to have a Kubuntu summit here in Chicago, 2 weeks of creative work....oh man the stuff I should make you do!20:04
apacheloggerruphy: well, maco needs to get the patched version ready, then it will be uploaded to the karmic-proposed repository where it will be sitting for at least one week to ensure that no regressions were introduced, after that it will be moved to the karmic-updates repo20:04
macoapachelogger: not much context to go on, but what i see...not in any files in there20:04
apacheloggerruphy: karmic-porposed obviously is a repo that is not turned on by default ;)20:05
nixternalI have all kinds of exercises for people to do :)  hehe, I hated most of them, but it is exactly the same exercises you do when working as a marketer or in a marketing firm20:05
* apachelogger likes how that "oh man the stuff I should make you do!" sounds ;D20:05
ruphyhang on a sec20:06
nixternaljeesh, we sure had to write a lot in those marketing classes20:06
ruphywhat version of kmess there is in karmic?20:06
apacheloggerruphy: 2.020:06
ruphythen, this should apply cleanly o.020:06
* apachelogger is taking a look20:07
apacheloggermaco: me@osiris:~/tmp/kmess-2.0$ ls -l src/network/msnnotificationconnection.cpp20:07
apachelogger-rw-r--r-- 1 me me 100309 2009-07-25 00:56 src/network/msnnotificationconnection.cpp20:07
apacheloggerdid you grab the right sources?20:07
macothats not the right file20:08
macoroamingservice.cpp is the missing one20:08
macoin src/network/soap/20:08
macothis patch touches 6 files20:08
apacheloggerjust noticed, my bad :)20:08
apacheloggerwell yeah20:09
apacheloggerthat file got backported from 2.120:09
macoso i just copy and paste the whole file in?20:09
macothis sounds dirty20:09
apacheloggerwould get rejected20:09
apacheloggerbesides, I doubt it works20:09
macoor at least slightly hacky20:09
* ScottK has done worse.20:10
macoScottK: in an sru?20:10
apacheloggermaco: quite possibly the roamingservice change is not required20:11
macoi think it's necessary20:11
macocurrentAccount->setFriendlyName( lastKnownFriendlyName_ );20:11
macoi mean20:12
apacheloggersince the roamingservice introduction commit does not remove any classes or files I suppose it just enhances the codebase, rather than replaces parts of it20:12
macothat looks like its doing the  par tthat does the fixin20:12
* ScottK recalls making a package work in Dapper by grabbing one updated library from Feisty and the Feisty version of the package to talk to that lib and then another updated lib from Hardy, grabbing one file from the Hardy version of the package, using debian/rules and debian/control from the original Dapper package, slamming it all together and it worked.20:12
ScottKIt started out in backports, but eventually ended up in updates.20:13
ScottKSo yes, for an SRU.20:13
ScottKLet's not tell pitti though.20:13
apacheloggermaco: no other change affects a roamingservice object though20:13
ScottK(this was in service of updating clamav for security issues, so a lot of rules get bent pretty hard)20:14
apacheloggermaco: I would give it a try without roamingservice20:14
apacheloggerif it does not fix the issue worst that can happen is it still not remember the friendly name20:14
macoapachelogger: but without roamingservice, what is going to do the "make the current friendly name be the old friendly name" bit?20:14
apacheloggerin which case we would have to digg in the 2.0 codebase a bit20:14
apacheloggermaco: good point20:15
macothe way the patch would work seems fairly straightforward. that file is necessary20:15
apacheloggermaco: I dont see anything doing that for personal msg either20:16
apacheloggermaybe we actually need to drag the file in either way20:17
apacheloggermaco: I suppose consulting with upstream is appropriate20:17
macothink they have an irc channel?20:20
macoor maybe just an msn chatroom...20:21
apacheloggermaco: #kmess it seems20:21
apacheloggerhttp://kmess.org/board/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=3385&start=0 :)20:21
* apachelogger gives up on going out tonight, and postpones to tomorrow20:23
apacheloggerNightrose: playground Total Estimated Cost to Develop                           = $ 59,115,18220:26
apacheloggeroh, hold on, that was extragear again :D20:27
jussi01ScottK: wow, thats dodge to the max...20:27
nixternalapachelogger: should we have a little competition:  Create a product box for Kubuntu, you know the box the software comes in, that you see on the store shelf. Create the front and back. On the front: product name, an image, and 3 selling points...on the back a full description of the product and all requirements20:29
apacheloggerthat actually sounds like fun20:30
nixternalthis was the project we had to do before we created any product visions in school....it was fun, but oh-so-freaking-hard20:30
apacheloggercan imagine20:30
maconixternal: did you go to marketing school?20:30
nixternalmaco: trying to finish my MBA where I majored in marketing and business management20:31
nixternalI will probably never finish it though...I have been working at it for years :)20:31
apacheloggerlol playground is worth more than extragear20:31
apacheloggerNightrose: palyground Total Estimated Cost to Develop                           = $ 89,449,42420:31
jjessedo you really need an MBA?20:31
nixternalI have educational ADD...I start one major, get interested in another...because college is free for me thanks to the military, I have taken courses in just about every topic there is20:32
apacheloggernow lets see20:32
nixternalI even tried HVAC which was god awful boring20:32
Nightroseapachelogger: hehe - sorry was away all day20:32
nixternaljjesse: no, MBAs are nothing more than pissing contests now, because if you don't get it from one of the top 3 schools, it doesn't matter anyways20:32
jjessethats what i figured20:33
apacheloggerKDE as per cornelius 175 million + KO as per adam 35 million + extragear 59 million + playground 89 million20:33
Mamarokway to expensive for me ;)20:34
maconixternal: you sound like me...im getting rather tired of the CS major20:34
macooh! right...i wanted to take Advanced Operating Systems next semester...20:34
neversfeldeseems that my skills are not good enough to package amarok 2.2.2 beta1, there is an error about missing openssl. Debian has a fix for this and I added it, but it does not help :(20:34
Mamarokapachelogger: and what is Amarok worth?20:35
macomust remember to sign up for that20:35
neversfeldeprobably I made a mistake with quilt20:35
apacheloggerMamarok: I have no amarok clone lying around20:35
apacheloggerMamarok: just install sloccount and run it with the amarok folder as arg20:35
* apachelogger notes that KDE is a lot more worth than what sloccount spits out though, since it does not take artwork into account20:37
apacheloggerand artwork is quite expensive I suppose20:37
apacheloggersine it takes so long to create good one20:37
Mamarokwell, ask Nuno what he would charge for all Oxygen :)20:38
apacheloggerthat reminds me that I have to make him use kubuntu :P20:39
apacheloggerbut he is all pissed because canonical assimilated kwwii :S20:39
* apachelogger is too though :P20:39
nixternalI like how kwwii took his Chicago attitude to Germany...I wonder what the Germans think :)20:42
nixternalit is funny, he is no different today than he was like 5 years ago when he lived here20:42
MamarokTotal Estimated Cost to Develop                           = $ 6,097,002, only Amarok 220:43
Quintasanapachelogger: why do I have to do so?20:46
nixternalTotal Estimated Cost to Develop                           = $ 45,796    <- horseshit, that is for kubuntu-docs20:46
nixternaloh oh, I see20:46
Quintasanapachelogger: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/36698509/buildlog_ubuntu-karmic-amd64.amarok-nightly_20091211%2Bvcsb15e2e8692aa5c66ceb881b129fdfd557c08d230-0neon1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz20:46
apacheloggerQuintasan: because you are not minion no more20:46
nixternalaccording to sloccount, I can make $56k/year writing docs :)20:46
Quintasanapachelogger: hurr, voting wasn't ended, the missing 4 people can vote -1 :P20:47
Quintasanor +020:47
apacheloggerQuintasan: like that is gonna happen -.-20:48
apacheloggerQuintasan: I suppose you need to build amarok-nightly-kdesupprot first20:48
nixternalQuintasan: oh yeah, I need to vote don't I?20:48
apacheloggerand then switch from old libqtscriptbindings1 to new stuff20:48
apacheloggerand from seperate mysql for amarok-nightly to stock karmic one20:49
nixternalhrmm, there is no email20:49
Quintasannixternal: yes you probably have to vote :P20:49
apacheloggernixternal: just take a vote, cant hurt :P20:49
nixternalQuintasan: trying to figure out how to vote now20:49
Quintasannixternal: you'd better not try voting +0 or -1 :P20:49
nixternalQuintasan: -2 then20:49
Quintasanor "dont't" was it20:50
Quintasannixternal: got me20:50
* apachelogger reminds nixternal what happens with people who do question the superior logic of mathematics20:51
nixternalI see the kubuntu ninjas were in effect for the meeting....wonder why it took persia so long to tell you to shut up :)20:51
JontheEchidnawe were too stealthy for persia to tell us to shut up until the end :P20:51
Quintasannixternal: not much threat I am over the internet but at UDS I can bite you :P20:52
nixternalcareful now, people think I am scary for some reason20:52
apacheloggernixternal: would you wanna do that mid-ninja-flood? just imagine, that will cause the flood to finish and then trigger a new one all at once20:52
nixternalhaha, true20:52
Quintasannixternal: scary? I can poke apachelogger with stick and I'm not hurt, I'm not afraid of anyone :P20:53
apacheloggerbesides, questioning one ninja is like questioning all anyway, hence all should be allowed to answer :P20:53
nixternalyes, but ninjas are supposed to be silent20:53
apacheloggerQuintasan: you are just lucky because you are not minion nor motu right now20:53
Quintasanno matter how hard I try I just cant imagine something more scarry than apachelogger hitting the keyboard with caps lock on :P21:00
* apachelogger sets new identi.ca avatar21:01
apacheloggerno :P21:02
Lex79Quintasan: are you motu now?21:03
QuintasanLex79: almost21:04
QuintasanLex79: at least 4 +1 votes are needed21:04
Lex79uhm ? lol21:04
QuintasanLex79: I have 3 :P21:04
QuintasanLex79: few people from council are ill and dholbach said they will catch up with them via email21:05
Riddellnixternal: see release-team mailing list for the docs issue21:17
Riddellneversfelde: you needed something deleting?21:17
neversfeldeRiddell: yes, bilbo is now part of kdepim and is named blogilo, they are bot in lucid21:21
neversfeldeI can push a version of kdepim with a transitional bilbo package21:21
ScottKRiddell: Assuming the armel PPA you test uploaded to is about the same speed as the buildd kde4libs blew up on, we're about 30 minutes away from knowing if that fix worked or not ...21:22
Riddellneversfelde: bilbo gone21:25
macoit has new name21:25
ScottKneversfelde: Did you do the transitional package for kdepim?21:25
neversfeldeRiddell: thanks, I push the changes for kdepim then21:26
RiddellScottK: it's no deid yet21:27
ScottKRiddell: Nice.21:27
neversfeldeScottK: just pushed it to bzr21:28
* ScottK looks21:28
* Riddell made no typo21:29
ScottKRiddell: I know, I was translating.21:29
ScottKRiddell: What's the recommended replacement for kivio?21:30
macoRiddell: scots?21:30
RiddellScottK: umbrello!21:33
Riddell(for UML bits)21:33
ScottKRiddell: I need it more for flow charting.21:34
ScottKI'll have a look at umbrello though.21:34
Riddelldia then21:34
macoyou just say umbrello because you writed it21:34
macodia is a gnome app21:34
Riddellmaco: I won an award for it, it must be good21:35
rgreeningObama got the peace prize.. we know what awrds are good for21:40
* rgreening hides behind a rock21:40
jussi01heh, a rock mustve fallen on his connection...21:43
apacheloggereither karma or the CIA21:45
apacheloggerprobably the latter21:46
Mamaroknah, Freenode staffers seem to be awfully busy tonight21:46
apacheloggerwe need a new rgreening I suppose :S21:46
neversfeldeprobably an attack21:46
Lex79ScottK: you forgot to do "bzr add plasma-desktop.install and plasma-netbook.install" this has caused the problems in staging, since I taken the debian/ dir from bzr for doing the backports21:59
=== Blizzzek is now known as Blizzz
Lex79and plasma-desktop and netbooks are empty in staging :)21:59
Lex79I'm fixing21:59
rgreeningare we close to being able to get stuff from staging into backports?22:00
ScottK(at least if you're an American)22:00
ScottKIt's probably harder for others.22:00
ScottK(read the rest)22:00
ScottKYou didn't qualify for the easy version.22:00
ScottKLex79: Sorry.22:00
ScottKThat's not a good situation.22:00
Lex79it should automatically, every time someone forgot to do bzr add :P22:00
JontheEchidnamy net feels very split22:01
Lex79JontheEchidna: can you upload ktorrent when you got a second?22:05
JontheEchidnaoh yeah, I forgot about that22:05
Lex79JontheEchidna: we have also to remove windowlist and spell check widgets. Binary and source? or only source?22:09
JontheEchidnabinary and source, since they're both incorporated into different packages now (plasma-widgets-workspace for windowlist)22:09
JontheEchidnaLex79: btw, for future reference we can just include /usr/lib/kubuntu-desktop-i18n/debhelper/kubuntu.mk for the langpack stuff22:10
JontheEchidnathat way we don't get depreciation warnings from debuild22:10
Lex79oh ok, thanks :)22:10
JontheEchidnaI didn't know this until today when Riddell did that to his package, so it's not anything you should have known :)22:11
JontheEchidnaA very good merge nevertheless22:12
JontheEchidnaAre you going to apply for motu (or maybe kubuntu-dev) soon?22:12
Lex79uhmm, yes I think motu and after few weeks kubuntu-dev22:13
Lex79or few days, depends :P22:13
ScottKLex79: MOTU is not a requirement for kbuntu-dev22:14
Lex79ScottK: I know, but can I upload kde stuff which is in Universe becoming kubuntu-dev? I think not, right ?22:14
ScottKNo, you can't.22:15
verbalshadowhow does one start helping Kubuntu22:15
ScottKverbalshadow: One shows up here and asks.22:15
ScottKverbalshadow: Welcome.  How are you interested in helping (or do you know)?22:15
Lex79JontheEchidna: there are also new qtcurve packages in bzr22:15
JontheEchidnaLex79: I currently have a sync request for the gtk2- qtcurve22:16
Lex79ok perfect22:17
verbalshadowScottK what is going to be the most help? i know how to compile, write docs, art i kind of want to bang on the plymouth theme22:17
apparlehello guys.... I was wondering.. who exactly decides what is the xsplash for kubuntu22:17
ScottKverbalshadow: We need bug triagers.  I think Plymouth integration is totally available for someone to work on.22:18
JontheEchidnaLex79: oh, you forgot to add the quilt build-dep22:19
verbalshadowmy LP ID is verbalshadow if you need it for bug triage rights22:19
Lex79JontheEchidna: in ktorrent?22:19
ScottKverbalshadow: If you're up for some bug triaging, please join #kubuntu-bugs.22:20
JontheEchidnaLex79: yes, they don't need it for source format 3.0 but we do for the moment22:20
Lex79JontheEchidna: oh yes, I drop for source format 3 and I forgot to readd when I dropped format 3 lol22:21
Lex79sorry, can you add?22:21
JontheEchidnayou might want to testbuild again too. using kde.mk made it not use the CMake flags22:21
ScottKverbalshadow: You should probably ask Riddell about Plymouth integration.22:21
Lex79JontheEchidna: ok I will do and reupload to LP22:22
ScottKapparle: It's part of a spec approved by the Kubuntu Council, but Kubuntu developers generally work together to decide what's best.22:22
* ScottK has to run.22:22
=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk
JontheEchidnaback in a bit22:29
Lex79Riddell: launchpad bug 495690 49569222:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 495690 in plasma-widget-windowlist "Please remove plasma-widget-windowlist source and binary from the archive" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/49569022:41
Lex79Riddell: launchpad bug 49569222:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 495692 in plasma-widget-spellcheck "Please remove plasma-widget-spellcheck source and binary from the archive" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/49569222:41
amichairis the ktorrent widget purposely missing?22:42
neversfeldeLex79: is plasma-widget-windowlist dead?22:44
neversfeldeah and did you see that tic tac toe is updated?22:44
neversfeldesame problem with plasma-widget-mail I think. It did not work in Karmic.22:45
Lex79 plasma-widget-windowlist is in plasma-desktop package since 4.4 beta22:45
Lex79neversfelde: doesn't tic tac toe work?22:46
RiddellLex79: done22:46
neversfeldeLex79: it works, plasma-widget-mail is the one, that dows not work22:46
Lex79Riddell: both?22:46
Lex79neversfelde: plasma-widget-mail is written in python?22:47
neversfeldeLex79: mhh, dunno, I had a look at it some time agon and as far as I remember the actual version does not compile wit karmic22:49
neversfeldeso should be the same problem with lucid22:49
RiddellScottK: waa http://people.canonical.com/~jriddell/tmp/kde4libs-arm.text22:50
Riddell../../plasma/private/kineticscroll.cpp:198: error: no matching function for call to 'qBound(qreal, qreal, double)'22:50
RiddellScottK: guess I'll add another qreal(0)22:52
Lex79Riddell: ensure you have bzr updated in your machine for kdebase-workspace before uploading, I pushed some changes there22:53
RiddellLex79: is this a hint you think I should upload? :)22:55
Lex79nope I fixed your mess but the package is still signed by you :P22:56
Riddellooh, cheeky22:57
RiddellScottK: kde4libs re-uploaded to PPA22:57
=== fjlacoste is now known as flacoste
ScottKRiddell: Cool.  Progress.23:03
=== dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates
verbalshadowRiddell what needs done for plymouth intergration ?23:18
Riddellverbalshadow: I've no idea, I've not looked at it23:22
Riddellbug https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=206089 knows more23:22
ubottuKDE bug 206089 in general "Smooth transition from Plymouth to KDM when KMS is enabled " [Wishlist,New]23:22
verbalshadowRiddell looks like it has a patch :)23:30
Riddellverbalshadow: able to try it?23:42
verbalshadownot yet, i have to grab kdm source and i have been reading bug docs23:43
verbalshadowRiddell ^23:44
ScottKverbalshadow: Source for kdm is in the kdebase-workspace package.23:51
verbalshadowScottK thanks23:54
verbalshadowis ati modesetting on my default in lucid?23:55
ScottKI don't know.23:57
ScottKverbalshadow: You might ask in #ubuntu-x.23:57

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