
mkanatwgrant: Yeah. What made me concerned was that it said "registrant".00:50
mkanatwgrant: I didn't think that was a project field--it sounded like a remote-bugtracker field.00:51
doctormoI can't find the information on what the status URL is for a user's avatar icon.02:00
nomnexhelp with sign code of conduct02:00
doctormoDoes someone here know?02:00
nomnexgpg --clearsign UbuntuCodeofConduct-1.0.1.txt02:01
nomnexI have 2 gpg keys and profiles, how do I select the good one?02:02
nomnexgpg --clearsing <my profile something?> UbuntuCodeofConduct-1.0.1.txt?02:03
oojahnomnex:  -u, --local-user USER-ID   use USER-ID to sign or decrypt02:04
nomnexoojah: what's the command to find the user-id?02:05
nomnexoojah: is this correct: gpg --clearsign -u <nomnex> UbuntuCodeofConduct-1.0.0.txt?02:10
nomnexoojah: man page helped a bit, I am good now, thanks.02:12
nomnexI am back: error message: (7,8, 'Bad signature') not good.02:14
nomnexnomnex: finally:)!02:17
=== MTecknology is now known as MTeck-ricer
plarsanyone awake who might be able to tell me how to go about specifying a milestone in searchTasks() with launchpadlib?04:01
plarsI can just pull the ones for a specific milestone out of the total results if needs be, but if my understanding of the API is correct, it seems I ought to be able to specify it in the search04:03
moradanhello, my problem is that I have manually downloaded .pot-file and a .po-file for the translation about 5 days ago and thay still in the state "needs review". Who can help me with this situation? They are in https://translations.launchpad.net/gretl/trunk/+imports05:20
albertcahas anybody had any problems with bazaar lately?07:32
albertcaour repository (https://code.launchpad.net/~openerp-spain-team/openerp-spain/5.0) has gone back in time07:32
albertcaand now the latest commit we have is from 2008-10-07!!!07:33
moradanSorry for repeating, my problem is that I have manually downloaded .pot-file and a .po-file for the translation about 5 days ago and they still are in the state "needs review". Who can help me with this situation? They are in https://translations.launchpad.net/gretl/trunk/+imports07:40
thumperalbertca: it is possible that one of the team did 'push --overwrite' with an older branch08:02
albertca@thumper: I don't think so, however, I'll ask all of them08:12
albertcais there a way to find that?08:12
thumperwe could trace the logs08:12
thumperbut otherwise, not really08:12
albertcawell, if that was possible it'd be great08:13
thumperto track it, ask a question on the launchpad project08:13
thumperwith all relevant details08:13
thumperincluding when you noticed the revisions missing08:13
albertcaI'll post the question, thanks!08:14
=== noodles775_ is now known as noodles775
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dpmhi all, does anyone know whether there is any means to find out how many users are actually using a particular PPA package?09:41
bigjoolsdpm: there isn't right now but I think wgrant started a patch to do that09:42
noodles775Hi dpm, not yet for public PPAs, but we're hoping to add more statistics to the ui soon.09:42
dpmbigjools, noodles775, thanks!09:42
noodles775dpm: np, the last comment on bug 139855 has more info on the current status.09:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 139855 in soyuz "Display stats about PPA usage" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/13985509:44
=== matsubara-afk is now known as matsubara
moradanhello, my problem is that I have manually downloaded .pot-file and a .po-file for the translation about 5 days ago and thay still in the state "needs review". Who can help me with this situation? They are in https://translations.launchpad.net/gretl/trunk/+imports12:08
henningemoradan: I just approved it. Sorry about that, didn't get to do queue review this week.12:11
moradanthanks a lot12:11
moradanI think there 1511 large strings will be imported in some hours?12:15
=== henninge is now known as henninge-lunch
moradanTranslation page is now available -thanks a lot!12:46
=== mrevell is now known as mrevell-lunch
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henningemoradan: but the po file has not been imported yet.13:00
henningemoradan: ah, it's empty.13:01
ronnyis there any python api to launchpad branch management that supplies mocking/testability13:22
tsimpsonyou can use the staging service root for testing13:23
ronnygot a link on docs for me?13:23
ronnyi just started to take a look at all code-hosting services, trying to figure if i can build a reasonable api around them13:24
tsimpsonif you look at https://help.launchpad.net/API/launchpadlib#Getting%20started it uses the STAGING_SERVICE_ROOT13:24
tsimpsonthe changes you make there will not effect anything on LP for real13:25
tsimpsonall changes are reset daily13:25
henningemoradan: you should just delete the ru.po file from the au13:28
ronnytsimpson: hmm, im not that interested in the bug management, what about branches, merge requests and the like13:28
tsimpsonronny: that shows you how to get the lp object, https://staging.launchpad.net/+apidoc has the API docs13:29
ronnyjkakar: sup on the testing branch?13:31
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popeyuhm, i think i broke launchpad15:49
popey(Error ID: OOPS-1441EB724)15:49
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jkakarronny: I need to at least do something about lp_open before it can land.16:15
jkakarEr, lp_save, that is.16:15
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sigmonsaysDoes the launchpad ssytem strip e-mail attachments from answers on purpose?17:10
sigmonsaysseems very counter productive17:10
henninge_sigmonsays: I am sorry, but the answers system does not have the notion of attachments to comments. Only bugs do.17:19
henninge_Links get linkified, though, so you can use a public paste service.17:20
sigmonsaysYah, I was digging and hoping I was missing something. Thank You anyhow tho.17:21
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cody-somervilleHow do you create new imports?17:50
maxbcode imports?17:50
sigmonsaysDo they delete answers from LP every?17:52
cody-somervilleIs it intentional to have no link on project code pages?17:53
=== EdwinGrubbs is now known as Edwin-lunch
maxbI would guess no18:03
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bittinHello, can somone merge bittin1 into bittin and give me a new password?19:08
bittini found bittins pw can somone merge bittin and bittin1?19:12
maxbbittin: If you are capable of logging into both accounts, you can merge them yourself19:37
bittinmaxb: should try if i can remember pw for them both :p19:38
maxbOh, actually you need the password for the main account, and access to the registered email of the duplicate19:38
bittinmaxb: will check that later then19:42
zsquarepluscis it possible to get some sort of formating in bug reports? the summary/initial message is in proportional font, following comments with fixed width.. now someont posted a bug with an ascii art figure that uhm, doesn't look so well in proportional :-)19:57
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adhordenhi, I just updated a package and I got rejected: Rejected: msp430-gcc_msp430-gcc-4.4.2~svn20091211-0ubuntu1~msp17~karmic17.dsc: Version older than that in the archive. msp430-gcc-4.4.2~svn20091211-0ubuntu1~msp17~karmic17 <= msp430-gcc-4.4.2-0ubuntu1~msp16~karmic16 I updated the version to reflect this, any ideas?20:25
maxbThat is possibly the most horrible version number I have ever seen :-)20:33
maxbWhy are you including a repetition of the package name in the version number?20:34
beunoadhorden, the lack of svn20091211 may be throwing the comparison offf20:34
adhordenah I just noticed the svn bit got removed somewhere, the packages are built by a script20:35
adhordenmaxb, best string I could come up with as there is no upstream version20:35
maxb4.4.2 looks awfully like an upstream gcc version to me20:36
adhordenah we apply a patch to create a cross compiler based on upstream gcc 4.4.220:36
Pilkyanybody (especially on the launchpad dev team) interested in seeing some mockups I've made for improving the launchpad UI?21:36
Pilkywant to get some feedback on them21:36
adhordenany ideas why I keep getting: Rejected:<lp.archiveuploader.permission.CannotUploadToPocket object at 0x7447750>22:05
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Pilkyno launchpad devs in tonight?23:03
wgrantadhorden: The bad error message is a bug, but you can't upload to the pocket that you specified. Are you sure you're not meaning to upload to a PPA, but are instead uploading to the real Ubuntu archive?23:08
maxbPilky: The weekend is a bad time to be looking for Canonical employees23:22
Pilkymaxb: yeah should have thought of that23:22
PilkyI assume I'd get a much better response on Monday?23:22
maxbvery much so. And prefer #launchpad-dev for development questions23:23
Pilkyok cool, any idea how open they are to ideas for improving the UI?23:23
maxbI would imagine that good ideas will be gratefully accepted23:24
Pilkyok cool, thanks for the help23:24
kb9vqfI'd like to set up a nightly build of the Trinity desktop from SVN in my PPA...is there a document that covers setting up an SVN nightly build?23:56
kb9vqf^^^ Google is being quite unhelpful about this23:56

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