
=== bjf is now known as bjf-afk
asachmm. those dvi things on babbage boards. are those compatible with VGA? or do they only support digital?00:33
plarsasac: US Central01:17
asacso with commenting out the lines01:18
asaci end up with a console login ;)01:18
asacand i cnanot log in because of these timestamp issues i suspect01:19
asacif you paste that file i can show it you ;)01:19
asacyou need to edit that after "Copying Files ..." (i could change it at about 60%01:19
* asac out01:24
MendocinoxGood morning to everybody07:46
Mendocinoxany Ubuntu issue on ARM9, Anyka 7802L/266Mhz processor it is possible?07:47
loolMendocinox: We don't have any kernel for that, but the jaunty / 9.04 userspace should work08:46
loollater ones will not08:47
Mendocinoxlool: thanks. the distro names 9.04 userspace?08:58
MendocinoxWhere can I find that?08:58
loolMendocinox: I mean Ubuntu jaunty / Ubuntu 9.04 for ARM09:04
loolYou can find it at http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports/09:04
loolUsually accessed with APT09:05
Mendocinoxthank you very much for your help, lool brother09:07
asacogra: so we want to try the new kernel asap i guess? who will get that in?12:52
ogracooloney will care for imx51 i think12:52
asacon the other front i would like to not land uboot for imx51 until we have a booting install image. ... unless we dont find what is going on12:52
asacdoes that make sense?12:52
asacnot saying we shouldnt work on uboot ... just not land it until we have an image that works more or less well to hand out. if we think uboot is safe to land we can just do it once we have it though12:53
asacogra: do you know when ncommander will be back?12:53
asace.g. do we need to find someone else checking dove?12:53
ograyeah, i will do some scripting in my holidays on boring days :)12:53
* ogra checks googlecal12:54
asachey ... holidays should be holy12:54
ograi'll be bored enough12:54
asacogra: so cooloney is imx51 ... who is dove?12:55
ograand i have to read mail at least every second day ... i dont like to return from holidays having thethousands of mails waiting12:55
ograericm i think12:55
ograbut we should probably as in #kernel to be sure12:55
asacmaybe he can help us? those issues dont really feel like they start in user space ;)12:55
* ogra gets between 400 and 600 mails per day ... i wont stay away from my mailbox for more than a week12:56
ograi think they are a combo of HW and toolchain12:56
asaclool: status on my dove board ;)?12:57
ograi want to have the switch to uboot for imx51 done in my first workweek after my holiday12:57
ogra(i.e. by jan. 8th)12:57
ograso we can do some testbuilds before A2 freeze12:57
asaci will probably do some excersizes with uboot just for fun (not really for image, but to get used to the whole procedure etc.)12:57
ograyou should get yourself a beagleboard12:58
loolasac: No, I worked mostly on python policy in the last two weeks12:58
asaci would like to get a working install this year though12:58
loolI'm starting to see the end of it12:58
ograits great for exercises on uboot :)12:58
loolasac: You say on ubuntu-devel@ that thumb2 improves performance, but it generally does not12:58
ograor for any exercises :)12:58
asaclool: thats what was said ;)12:58
ogralool, it should according to arm12:59
loolasac: You said "While this improves performance"12:59
loolasac: And it does not12:59
ogralool, and given that we have smaller binaries it must actually12:59
asaci only carry forward the marketing stuff communicates12:59
ograprobably not noticeabled12:59
loolIt decreases cache pressure12:59
loolBut code will actually run slower12:59
ograbecause of compression ?12:59
asaclool: what counts is that the overall performance of the system is supposed to be better13:00
loolasac: It's just FYI; I personally thought Thumb2 was faster until yesterday13:00
asaclool: ok thanks ;)13:00
asaci am not sure what exactly is faster/slower on the CPU level13:00
asacjust that what we are doing is supposed to improve performance summed up13:00
loolDid someone look at how big the .kos are on armel?13:00
looldu -hs `find /lib/modules/2.6.32-7-generic -type d -name crypto` => stupidly small numbers13:00
loolBiggest is 852K    /lib/modules/2.6.32-7-generic/kernel/crypto13:01
asaclool: the problem is that all modules are copied13:01
asacits a bug13:01
lool(uncompressed -- don't see how that could bloat by MBs on armel)13:01
shenkilool: do you have some sources for your claims (not that i'm questioning you, I'm interested in this topic)13:01
loolasac: What's the list of dirs?13:01
asacor are you not referring to the bug?13:01
asaclool: all dirs. we tracked it down13:01
ubot4Launchpad bug 495161 in cryptsetup "initramfs cryptroot hook bloats armel initrd by adding >13M of compressed modules" [Critical,Triaged]13:01
loolshenki: A Freescale guy who told me it was documented in ARM docs13:01
loolshenki: Note that performance of some programs might improve if they fit in the L2 cache thanks to T2 instead of having to be read from RAM on e.g. every loop13:02
asacis thumb2 realized in microcode?13:02
loolshenki: But in general, without taking care of cache it's actually slower13:02
asac(/me thought arm doesnt do microcode ... but has no clue to be honest)13:02
loolasac: I have no idea13:02
shenkilool: the instruction decode slows it down? or...13:02
loolshenki: I have no idea13:02
shenkilool: is this in comparision to 'thumb' (not v2) or ARM?13:03
asacwe hopefully will get some benchmarks at some point ;)13:03
loolI didn't look at that ARM errata, but that guy was reasonnable and very confident on this13:03
loolshenki: It's thumb2 versus arm13:03
shenkiasac: im thinking i might re-do my tests with thumb2 vs ARMv7 :)13:03
ograasac, heh, we seem to have a race on the bug both duplicating each other :)13:03
shenkiasac: there is a writeup of the tests ive done13:03
asacogra: really?13:03
asaci am just posting things we find13:04
ograme too13:04
asacthe bug seems ok to me13:04
loolasac: I've read the comments on that bug already13:04
loolasac: I don't know what the find outputs on armel systems13:04
asacogra: i was faster ;)13:04
loolOn my ubuntu install it's really small13:04
ograyeah, you definately win :)13:04
asaclool: the find outputs empty13:04
asacthats one of the things we are investigating:13:04
ogralool, see the last two comments13:04
asaca) add a safety belt: dont call copy_modules_dir if archcrypto is empty13:04
asacb) find out why on arm archcrypto is empty in the first place; if the find needs to be adjusted to it.13:04
loolSo your find returns empty13:04
loolasac: Both have to be addressed13:05
ograasac, b) is easy ... there is no crypto dir at all13:05
loolshenki: I asked about power usage too, but he said it was similar or identical13:05
asaclool: yes. title of those is:13:05
asactwo things to do here:13:05
ograroot@ubuntu:/# grep SAHARA boot/config-2.6.31-601-imx5113:05
ogra# CONFIG_MXC_SAHARA_POLL_MODE is not set13:05
ogra# CONFIG_MXC_SAHARA_USER_MODE is not set13:05
ograthe crypto stuff for imx51 is compiled in13:06
asacogra: yeah. so a) is enough ;)13:06
ograno modules you could find13:06
loolasac: I was suggesting to do both because you wrote here "thats one of the things we are investigating"13:06
shenkilool: what kind of engineer was your freescale friend? (how far down in the stack)13:06
loolI thought it meant you would only do one of the two13:06
asacright. sorry13:06
loolshenki: *cough*13:06
asacmaybe it was a powerpc fanatic ;)13:07
asaci can only say that i can act quicker with 2 thumbs ;) rather than one cut off ;)13:07
ograor the office gardener :)13:07
loolshenki: Actually http://www.arm.com/products/CPUs/archi-thumb2.html shows that thumb2 is not higher performance13:07
loolshenki: It's faster than *thmb 1*!13:08
shenkihrm. wtf did they invent thumb2 then!?13:08
loolSo I guess the higher performance stuff comes from thumb1 comparisons13:08
asacthe high level outcome of that is definitly better performance for the whole system13:08
loolshenki: Well it might overall be better than ARM in some cases13:08
asacif no net improvement on CPU level, size reduction is good :)13:08
loolshenki: And your binaries are smaller too13:08
shenkiyeah, cache, memory...all ins13:08
armin76for windows *g*13:08
loolasac: You might see larger code performing *slower* though13:09
loollet's say firefox for instance13:09
shenkichromium is 30% smaller ARM v thumb13:09
loolI don't think firefox fits in cache13:09
loolAnyway, /me returns to python policy stuff13:09
asacno. but if size is smaller its still faster to get from mem to cpu13:09
asaceven if not in cache13:09
asacthats my ignorant idea of this13:10
asacanyway... details ;)13:11
asacreal life will show if this was worth it ;)13:11
asacplars: do we have a bug about busted dove image? maybe we should open one?13:44
asacplars: can you confirm that a lucid chroot on modern dove doesnt work at all?13:45
plarsasac: yes, 49483113:45
asac(to narrow down if its only kernel problem)13:45
asacbug 49483113:45
ubot4Launchpad bug 494831 in linux-mvl-dove "Alignment trap/Unhandled fault errors on boot" [Critical,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/49483113:45
asacplars: feel free to target such obvious release blockers for lucid13:46
plarsasac: will give it a try13:46
asacok added tags13:47
asacalso subscribe dmart13:47
plarsasac: so do you believe that less likely to be kernel, more likely to be toolchain?13:52
ograasac, do we want to duplicate Bug 494827 ?13:53
ubot4Launchpad bug 494827 in ubiquity "Installing on babbage 3, crashed at ~98%" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/49482713:53
asacogra: yeah14:06
asacplars: i dont know . i hope its either or ... and not a combination14:06
asacbut starting with a chroot will help checking that imo14:06
ograthough let me quickly replace the script in a test install and see if ubiquity actually survives14:07
ograwell, FSVO quickly :)14:09
asacogra: it survives14:12
asaci tried it14:12
asacit installs etc.14:12
asacat least when commenting the lines after "Copying files..."14:12
ograa full ubiquity run ?14:12
asacat about 60% you can change the file14:12
asacand it will just succeed14:12
ograwell, i'll do it anyway since i want a lucid install14:12
asacogra: the install doesnt boot here. seems to be usb-storage problem though14:13
asacso maybe with a different disc variant it will work14:13
asacwell it boots14:13
ograi'll check14:13
asacjust doesnt start X14:13
asacyou end up at the console14:13
asacand gdm cannot be killed/restarted without locking up the whole system14:13
ograi'll investigate that once i have a proper install14:14
ograhmm, ubiquity doesnt really like to be re-run if it crashed once apparently14:21
ograthats annoying14:21
asacogra: reusing existing partitions is broken too14:23
asacso delete + create partition to workaround14:23
ograi always to a full reinstall14:23
asacplars: do we have a bug on that already?14:24
ograno need to delete for that14:24
asacogra: maybe your usb is busted now?14:24
ograjust check "use complete device"14:24
asacnot here ;)14:24
asaci have a good karmic partition on that i want to keep14:24
asacuntil i have stacked up hardware redundancy14:24
ograi have an extra disk for that14:24
asacwill get that too soon i guess14:25
ograa well partitioned disk with separate home etc ...14:25
plarsasac: on what?14:25
ograthough i started doing my work on SATA recently14:25
asac15:23 < asac> ogra: reusing existing partitions is broken too14:25
asac15:23 < asac> so delete + create partition to workaround14:25
ograso its not that important anymore14:25
asacplars: ^^14:25
ograits partman, not ubiquity14:25
plarsasac: hmm... sounds familiar, like possibly something we filed a while back and got untagged because it was not specific to armel14:26
plarsasac: will have to search around for it14:26
asacogra: yeah14:26
asacalso ubiquity is really really slow on arm imo14:26
asacnot sure what they do, but it feels not really designed for speed14:27
asacsimilar to update-manager :)14:27
ograyes, lool filed a bug for that around jaunty14:27
ograstill open iirc14:27
asacactually i edited the hook file at about 58%14:27
asacthen at about 60% the change was gone14:27
asacfeels like it copies everything twice or something14:27
asacor i didnt hit save properly14:27
ograi'll replace the file while langpacks are downloaded ;)14:27
asacbut that doenst make the general slowness go away14:28
ograits the throughput ...14:28
asacgrapics driver is also sucky ;)14:28
ograthe USB controller gets you something like 16MB/s14:28
asacdisplaying stuff alone is really slow14:28
asaccould be14:28
ograthere is no graphics driver14:28
asacbut but but14:28
ograits framebuffer14:28
asacits also happning for things like timezone selection etc.14:28
armin76video killed the radio star14:29
ograthe driver that exists is 100% closed source14:29
asaci know.14:29
ograand we dont include the imx-libs package yet14:29
asacis that something for restricted?14:29
ograi'll push that to the archive during this cycle14:29
ograparts of it ...14:29
ograthere are binary files for video codecs14:29
ograbut i split the package already, look in the P3A14:30
ograwith imx-libs we at least have a 2D gpu API available ...14:30
asacwill check14:31
ograand a vpu for gstreamer14:31
asachave to run for lunch and then prepare the release report14:31
ograweird ... ubiwuity is sitting at partitoning at 5% since 20min15:02
ograno errors or anything15:02
ograso now i'm confused, i got dropped back to the partitioner step15:05
plarsogra: this sounds like the usb problems I was seeing15:16
ograthere are no errors anywhere15:17
plarsogra: I got an on screen error, and a lot of spam in dmesg though15:17
ogranothing ...15:17
ogradmesg is fine, installer debug log is fine15:17
ograit just starts over15:17
ograi rebooted now15:17
loolsuihkulokki: Did you manage to get your LD_PRELOAD exec() wrapper working with qemu-arm?15:18
* ogra doesnt get it, same issue, no errors ... the same image worked fine on the same hardware yesterday15:26
asacJamieBennett: can you check if there is more to add to weekly summary?15:27
ograits also extremely slow15:27
ograsigh, what is that15:28
asacogra: there are bugs with usb imo15:29
ograasac, no errors at all15:29
suihkulokkilool: yeah, I have even a nice demo ready15:29
ograand after the first try the disk was properly partitioned15:29
suihkulokkinow I just need to get it uploaded somewhere with a readme15:29
asacogra: yes. repartitioning is a problme15:29
asacdid you unmount it before starting ubiquity?15:30
asacyo uneed to do that15:30
ograi never had to do that15:30
ograand i would expect any errors to show up in any log files15:30
loolsuihkulokki: Cool!  may I help?15:30
asaci think its a regression, but we seem to have big bugs on resetting usb devices/ports15:30
ograi see the partitioning steps in the logs and in dmesg15:30
loolsuihkulokki: It looks like it's something I definitely want to use instead of the static binary15:31
ograand they finish properly15:31
asacogra: for me ubiquity crashed15:31
loolsuihkulokki: Do you have a name for it?15:31
asacand UI stayed up15:31
asacso you didnt see it15:31
ograthen ubiquity jumps back to the partitioner15:31
asacthink it forked a process that crashed and then waits for ever fo rthat to end15:31
loolsuihkulokki: Perhaps in qemu itself?15:31
ograi can even watch the slideshow while it hangs at 5%15:31
ograuntil it gets me back to the partitioner15:32
ograwhere i then see that it properly formatted and partitioned15:32
asacgood. cant you then continue?15:32
asacoh reusing existing partitions definitly crashes ubiquitiy ;)15:32
ograyes, to get into the same loop15:32
asacogra: try advanced.15:32
asacremove partition, add new ... continue15:32
asacthats what i used15:32
asacand it worked15:32
ograi *dont* reuse existing partitions15:32
suihkulokkilool: will you be arount in ~2h ?15:32
suihkulokkibit busy atm15:33
ograi click "use entire disk"15:33
asacogra: well. still just try that. if that works we can have someone else gather the details for the bug15:33
ograi did the exact same thing three or four times yesterday15:33
asacogra: dont use that. maybe thats broken ;)15:33
ograand it worked flawless15:33
asacwell. ;)15:33
asacmaybe reboot and try again ;)?15:33
ograi did that two times already15:33
loolsuihkulokki: Yes15:33
asacogra: then try what i suggested. use advanced15:34
loolWell I might leave a bit at that time, but worst case leave a message here15:34
ograi'm using the same image (same SD even) in the exact same HW i used yesterday15:34
ogragoing the exact same way i did yesterday15:34
ograwell, i'll try your suggestion15:34
ograthough i dont get why that issue shows up at all15:35
ograespecially without *any* error messages15:35
* ogra reboots15:35
ograasac, i agree though that if its in that state everything gets unusable slow15:35
suihkulokkias for the name, it is called croco atm15:36
loolW: Bizarre Error - File size is not what the server reported 65872 115:36
suihkulokkinot tried on ubuntu, but I think croco too is affected by https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/45217515:38
ubot4Launchpad bug 452175 in bash "Random segfaults when using ld.so explicitly to start a program" [Medium,Confirmed]15:38
loolNever seen that one yet15:39
loolsuihkulokki: The loop doesn't segfault for me (on amd64)15:40
loolwhile :; do /lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2 /bin/bash -c '/usr/bin/which apt-get'; done15:41
loolAh right it's noted in the bug that amd64 works15:41
ograso i zeroed out the disk ...15:49
ograsame issue15:49
asacyes. not sure. i had tons of issues with partman15:54
asaconly way it worked was to remove a partition manually, add it then15:54
asaci will do another install i guess15:54
asacogra: how can i make an install image out of a converted boot image without needing to put everything on it?15:55
asacis there a trick or should i just do a fresh dd ?15:56
ogrado a fresh dd15:56
ograyou would need to manually replace the initrd and change the cmdline15:56
ograto get the casper bits15:56
ografunny is that the led on my usb key flashes madly15:57
ograif i wouldnt knoe better i'd say its copying15:58
asacogra: would it be easy for you to check whether its ok with the old kernel?16:01
ograha !16:01
ograthis time it moved on16:01
asacsee ;)16:02
ograformatting just took ages16:02
asacbe patient ;)16:02
ograit has never been that slow16:02
ograand i use the same USB key for all my test installs since jaunty16:02
asacok doing an install on a SD card now16:02
asacsince the ext4 issues feel liks usb related16:02
asacalso i want a fixed hwclock :/16:03
* ogra has no hwclock probs 16:06
ograjust give up your resistance to ethernet cables ;)16:06
armin76use reiser4 *g*16:07
asacnework manager works great ;)16:08
asacjust not on livecd before X16:08
ograoho !16:15
ograwrite error on swap device16:15
ograi guess thats my issue16:15
ograits spilling the console but doesnt show up in any log16:16
* ogra suspects compcache is broken16:17
ograoh my16:24
ograhmm, calling swapoff -a wasnt so clever it seems16:28
asacogra: so my test install is now at apt stage ;)17:00
asac(test install on SD as usb was broken)17:00
ograas USB ?17:01
asacusb-storage big thing that is17:01
ograoh, as usb was broken ...17:01
* ogra read SD as usb :)17:01
ograwell, there is definately something wonky with swap17:01
ograbut i couldnt find out if its compcache or the swap device on disk17:02
ograthe latter would explain your usb issues though17:02
ogra(that you have to unmount etc)17:02
ograand also the slowness17:02
asacogra: swap might be related to the usb prob17:05
asacbut not 100% sure17:06
asacogra: can i disable this bootsplash thing easily with redboot?17:06
asaci hav ethe feeling i dont see enough ;)17:06
ograinstall redboot-tools on your x86 machine17:07
asachmm. installer downloads language packs if there is net17:07
asacthats bad ;)17:07
ograperferct time to apply the crypto fix :)17:07
asaci dont need lang packs17:08
asacoh there is a skip17:08
asacnot sure if should hit that ;)17:08
asaclets wait17:08
ograswapoff /dev/ramzswap0 ...17:21
ograthats speeding things up a lot17:21
* asac doesnt try that at 98% ;)17:22
ograand i didnt have any issues with partitioning this time17:22
ograheh, no17:22
ograyou have to do it right after boot17:22
ograbefore anything has swapped17:22
asac100% ;)17:24
asacits getting late17:24
ogra40% in 20min .... new speed record17:24
asacyes. restarting now ;)17:24
asaci saw an odd diff when looking through the kernel update we had in lucid17:25
asacogra: why was there an update?17:25
asacthought there were no changes17:25
ogramerge with the latest upstream source17:25
asac                uv_cpu_hub_info(cpu)->m_val = m_val;17:25
asac-               uv_cpu_hub_info(cpu)->n_val = m_val;17:25
asac+               uv_cpu_hub_info(cpu)->n_val = n_val;17:25
ograif .31 gets updated the branch gets re-merged17:25
asaceither it was a bad bug before17:25
asacor its a bad bug now ;)17:25
ograi guess the latter17:25
ograbut lets wait for the new kernel17:26
ograpatches are there17:26
asacthough n_val = n_val sounds so right ;)17:26
asacso our imx51 kernel contact is on vacatioon till end of year?17:26
ogranot that i know of17:26
asacme triggers some panic in team ;)17:26
asache is not here yet ;)17:27
ogradepends whom you refer to :)17:27
ograright, i mailed him the link to the tgz17:27
asache works offline?17:27
ogradid he say anything about vacation ?17:27
asacso .... yay!17:27
asacthe install works17:27
asacjust usb storage was the problem17:27
ograhe works in asia ...17:27
asacinstall on SD works well17:27
asaci am using it now ;)17:27
* asac happy17:27
ograwhere its 1:30 am now17:27
asaci guess the m_val above is the problem ;)17:28
ogragood to hear17:28
asacfor the usb-storage thing17:28
ogratalk to the kernel team then17:28
asacwe should really get two kernel folks on the team17:28
asacwe have separate kernels anyway17:28
ograbut thats coming from the upstream core17:28
asacsure? maybe its a merge issue17:28
ograthere were no changes in the board patches17:28
ograeven then its coming from upstream17:29
asaci wouldnt think that our kernel folks are perfect at merging17:29
asacespecially since they have zillions of patches to go through17:29
ograthe code didnt change on the imx51 side17:29
asacthats x8617:29
ograso while it might be a merge issue, the *cause* is upstream changes17:29
ograi think apw does the rebase17:30
asacright. merge issue is for me: mistake on rebase17:30
asacrebasing also requires merging17:30
asacthat particular hunk ix x8617:30
asacand hopefully doesnt change anything for us17:30
asacogra: what does it take to make a kernel from the fsl code drop?17:31
ograi think the most imx51 stuff is in platform specific subdirs anyway17:31
ograasac, a .31 tree :)17:31
asacwe have that17:31
ograthen you should just be able to apply them one by one17:32
asaci mean we could just clone the current .31 tree17:32
asacand apply them17:32
ograits 170 patches17:32
asacdo we reall yneed to base that on ubuntu tree?17:32
ograthere is a script in the tarball17:32
asacwe could just use upstream tree and the patches probably will just apply17:32
ografor your own stuff upstream should work17:32
ografor the distro we need the ubuntu tree17:33
ograyou need apparmor and friends17:33
ograand aufs17:33
ograand the other ubuntu suace patches17:33
asacso apparmore is not upstream?17:33
asacwhat a bad thing ;)17:33
asacwhat is ubuntu sauce?17:33
ograthe stuff on top of the dogfood17:33
asacdoesnt that mean: arbitrary hack-crap added at some point for odd reasons ;)?17:34
asacok. me should stop bitching about kernel trees ;)17:34
ograsee /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/kernel/ubuntu/17:34
ograand i think we also merge staging from greg17:35
ograor at least parts of that17:35
asacwhat is  lirc?17:35
asacbunch of modules there and i have no clue why they are there ;)17:35
ograinfrared remote control17:35
ografor dvb cards etc17:35
asacthats considered esesntial enough?17:36
ograapparently :)17:36
asacto justify forking?17:36
ograits not forked17:36
ograit sits on top17:36
ogralike a sauce :)17:36
asacwell. it requires rebasing each and every release17:36
asacwhich means that merge bugs can happen17:36
asacand sneak in ;)17:36
asacof course better than merging instead of rebasing ;)17:37
ograwe also develop stuff in tree afaik17:37
asacin tree?17:37
ograthat havent been accepted upstream yet but will be soon17:37
ograin our tree17:37
asacbut thats also sitting on top i hope17:37
ograbut better talk to the kernel team about that17:37
asacand not covered by upstream merges that came later ;)17:37
ograi *think* they are knowing what they do ...17:38
ogra... sometimes ...17:38
asaci am not convinced ;)17:38
ogra... depending on beer level ...17:38
asaclike i ping rtg everytime getting from him a hard confirm that the harware magic is disabled in wifi drivers17:39
asacand then during UDS emmet has issues because they are still not disabled ;)17:39
asaceven though rtg confirmed at beta and rc time that its turned off ;)17:39
ogramerge issues :P17:39
asacright ;)17:40
asacanyway. in general situation is much better ;)17:40
asacthan in the past ;)17:40
* JamieBennett needs lirc for his XBMC machine ;)17:40
ograthere you go17:40
ograusecase !17:40
asacbugabundo also needs 70 firefox extensions17:41
asacdoesnt make it better ;)17:41
asacthere are always crackful users out there ;) if you ship something it gets used. - and for them its essential17:41
asacanyway. /me goes back to productive discussion mode ;17:42
asacevn though its friday17:42
asacJamieBennett: so for me lucid images work well with the workaround on SD cards17:42
asacdid you manage to install yet?17:42
* ogra is at 60%17:43
JamieBennettI haven't tried but I can do an install tonight (I've downloaded the image)17:43
asacJamieBennett: ok. the image for tomorrow should work oob17:43
JamieBennettSoooo, today or tomorrow testing?17:43
asacyou can test today and hack cryptroot fs after the file was copied to /target17:44
asac_or_ tomorrow17:44
asacwith an image that should just work (TM)17:44
asacbut tomorrow is saturday ;)17:44
ograthats one day before sunday17:44
JamieBennettdo we get Saturday off or something?17:44
ograor the day after friday17:44
asacJamieBennett: not you ;)17:44
asacyou closed too many work items17:45
asacthats suspicious17:45
asacyou need more work ;)17:45
* JamieBennett has some hot potatoes in there though17:45
JamieBennettwhich I have no control over17:45
ograasac, you are scary17:46
JamieBennettbut we like it ;)17:46
armin76asac: so hows chromium?17:46
asaci think you cant be more scared about me than i am already ;)17:46
asacarmin76: running swiftly with full speed17:47
asacand has some issue with sandboxing17:47
ograasac, lets say we get used to it :)17:47
asacbut now i have a real install17:47
JamieBennettship it ;)17:47
asacand i hope it just goes away17:47
armin76asac: had to touch too much stuff or?17:47
asacarmin76: yesterday and today a bunch of fixes got landed upstrema (including mines)17:48
asacarmin76: no. we upstreamed everything basically17:48
asacfta doesnt add new patches to packages unfortuantely17:48
armin76why unfortunately? thats nice if the patches land upstream17:48
armin76*actually* land, that is17:48
asacarmin76: yes. its fortunately that they land upstream17:49
asacbut that fta doesnt even add a patch to get things going quicker ;) ... its ok17:49
ftai do, when upstream refuses the patches, otherwise, i prefer to wait 1 day or 2 to get it upstreamed17:49
ftaif you add a patch in a daily that's going to land upstream soon, the next build will fail so you have to touch the package twice just to gain 1 day17:51
ftaand build 3 times17:51
asachmm. wer realy have usb-storage issues17:51
asaci cannot mount my usb disk at all17:51
asacits not even detected anymore17:51
ograasac, really sounds like a 3.0 issue17:52
* ogra wishes he had a 3.0 to verify such things17:52
asacogra: once i hvae install chromium here i will try the 2.0 and compare17:53
asacbut i think its really a busted kernel ;)17:53
asackarmic worked well17:54
ogra2.0 is bad17:54
asacthats why i am looking for cooloney ;)17:54
ograthey never worked reliably17:54
asacwant someone to blame here ;)17:54
asacogra: loic said just graphics had issues17:54
asacwe will see17:54
ograi think its a v7 issue17:54
ograbut i dont see any usb issues on my babbage17:54
asacww ... chromium doesnt need additional depends on a fresh install18:04
asacfta: ;)18:04
asaceverything built-in ;)18:04
ograffmpeg too ?18:05
asacwe have a different package18:05
ftathere are few libs dlsymed, like opengl for webgl18:05
asacfta: thast --disable-sandbox?18:05
asachmm. doest help ;(18:06
asacstill getting same prob18:06
asacvitual functions etc.18:06
ftaasac, hm, no, --no-sandbox18:06
ftado you get a oh snap! somewhere?18:07
asaci get "oh snap!"18:07
* ogra had that too on arm18:07
asacthat mens that the browser process died18:08
asacbut no .crash file or something18:08
ograright, was the same for me18:08
ograand no errors on cmdline or so18:08
asaci think its a new issue though18:09
asacthe first one got a backtrace and it didnt find neon symbols18:09
asacso now we dont use neon18:09
ograthats good18:09
asacwhich was never intended18:09
ograsince dove doesnt have neon18:09
ftaasac, http://code.google.com/p/chromium/wiki/LinuxDebugging18:09
asacnot sure how to break at the virtual functio thing18:09
asacogra: we sem to have no neon symbols either ... at least not the ones chromium wnated18:10
ograi think imx51 has *some* neon18:10
asacchrome --renderer-cmd-prefix='gdb --args'18:10
ogra(though someone at UDS said bbg3.0 should have full neon support)18:11
asacogra: well. seems that hardware might have it, but our libs didnt have whatever NEON symbol was expected18:12
asacwaiting for the infinit abort backtrace to finish ;)18:12
ograbut we cant use it anyway since dove doesnt have it18:12
* asac installs dbg symbols18:13
* ogra goes afk ... will check back later to look after my babbage18:14
loolThe montavista folks told me gdb is broken with T2  :-/18:28
asacthats bad18:31
asaci get infinite backtrace in libc abort18:32
asaclets see if dbg symbols help there18:32
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ramanahi - what arch. does the marvell dove board run at ? is it equivalent to the marvell sheevaplug boards ?23:04
loolramana: No, dove is v7, sheevaplug is v523:13
loolramana: google for "armada" for dove23:13
ramanalool: ok thanks.23:13
looland for kirkwood for sheevaplug23:13
ramanaaha .. so dove uses armada . I knew that sheevaplug was kirkwood.23:14
ramanathanks - lool .23:17

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