
darkmattermac_v: check out the new glyphs in g-i-t http://img42.imageshack.us/img42/3448/screenshotlh.png  :O08:20
mac_vdarkmatter: hehe... i know , i was the initial one who suggested they add the dots to the '<' '>' ;p08:51
mac_vdarkmatter: without the dots they worked well on chrome , but the dropdown arrows were the problem08:55
darkmatterI really am enjoying seeing a shift to actual glyphs none the less08:55
mac_vdarkmatter: those icons might go back to just the < >  , if we can convince the nautilus devs to do away with the drop-down arrows08:55
darkmatterplus the general shift in g-i-t to use silver as a base <308:55
darkmattermac_v: yeah. the dropdowns are fat08:56
darkmattermac_v: convince them to do a single navigational dropdown like FF, since the dropdown is basically just a recent history marker anyway08:57
mac_vdarkmatter: the drop down is of no use , we could just show the history on right-click similar to how chrome does it08:58
mac_vanyway , even firefox is doing away with the drop-down arrows08:59
darkmattermac_v: aye, but right-click lacks discoverability. the idea is to make interface bits simpler and discoverable. so if you do away with the marker, then do away with the menu09:01
mac_vdarkmatter: but the real question is? how often do you really use the history for the nautilus window?  is it worth the visual noise09:02
mac_vdarkmatter: also , if the history for the web browsers are going to behave the same way , it becomes easy to discover too09:03
darkmattermac_v: thats another issue. technically that menu isn't used often even in browsers, so its a waste of code09:03
darkmattermac_v: plus, consistency. right click is traditionally preferences/config on toolbars, context elsewhere. keep its usage consistent09:04
mac_vdarkmatter: yeah , currently there is a discussion about redoing the nautilus design ...09:04
darkmattermac_v: yeah, I saw garretts finderesque mockups :P09:05
mac_vdarkmatter: IMO , the search isnt really essential for a file browser.. that isnt the first thing you do.. it might even be the last thing you need09:06
darkmattermac_v: ANYTHING would be better than the current nautilus ui09:07
mac_vi mean , isnt essential for so much prominence09:07
darkmattermac_v: yeah, but still useful. but it should really do live filtering (like the CC), and if it goes that route, one should really approach things from a collection/library concept.09:10
darkmattersearching a directory is... odd.. searching document, pictures etc makes sense though09:11
darkmatterif ya get what I'm saying09:11
* mac_v notices thorwil hasnt mentioned anything on the nautilus design wave ... wonders if he has something brewing up to surprise us :)09:27
thorwilmac_v: with yesterdays state, i simply had nothing to add ... except that if basically the same design is used for file dialogs, some thought has to be spend on keyboard use09:30
thorwilmac_v: longer term i want tags/categories instead of a hierarchical filesystem, one interface to manage all documents, messages, audio, video ...09:38
mac_vthorwil: yeah , tags seem to be the way nowadays... but i'm just lazy to tag stuff... ;p09:39
* mac_v needs to be more organized09:39
thorwilmac_v: versioning support build in, tracking of remote copies, file dependency tracking ...09:39
thorwilmac_v: it just doesn't work out as long as you also have an hierarchical system and can't be sure you can transfer your tags if you move your library or just a part of it09:41
mac_vthorwil: you need to mention this as Alex is rethinking the nautilus design , and this is a major change , appropriate for gnome-shell09:42
mac_von the ML*09:42
thorwilmac_v: hmm, i worry it is too much at once and a feature list alone won't suffice, anyway09:45
mac_vthorwil: gnome-shell really wants to do away with hierarchy , but they dont know how/what to replace it with... a mention will probably trigger a discussion and spark new thoughts09:47
mac_vthorwil: you could blog your idea , and mention it... would probably be a nice step forward to do away with hierarchy...09:50
thorwilmac_v: i might do that. but first i have a bathroom to clean :}09:53
mac_vthorwil: i didnt have to hear/know that ;p09:54
* thorwil makes plan to inform mac_v of household chores more often09:54
EquietIs Ubuntu getting a new look in Lucid?12:19
thorwilEquiet: answers to that question have been a bit inconsistent. if you add past experience, the answer must be: "definitively maybe"12:20
kwwiino doubt12:21
kwwiiI heard that we might get a new window decoration, but I am not sure about that in the meantime12:21
kwwiiwe'll have a new desktop bg naturally12:21
EquietIn Software Center, will the Home tab (in my mocukps) stay there?12:27
* kwwii reboots, brb13:09
thorwilkwwii: so i guess i should drop "Wallpaper submissions for this cycle will be removed from the wiki once spotted. To make it very clear that they will not be considered and to not encourage others to add theirs." from the wiki, then?13:33
kwwiithorwil: erm?13:33
thorwilnm the arg13:33
kwwiithorwil: yeah, I guess that we can remove that so that people can still work on them as a project there13:35
* thorwil edits13:36
* thorwil comments wiki edit: "Kenneth lacks killer-instinct, so I have to be nice and not auto-kick every wallpaper I see here :)"13:44
thorwilmac_v: http://thorwil.wordpress.com/2009/12/11/file-handling/13:50
thorwilrecently i was quite amazed about a few ancient attachments hanging around on random pages13:52
* mac_v checks out thorwil's blog14:23
mac_vkwwii: karmic koala== 9.10 ;p14:23
mac_v" If you saw Ubuntu 9.04 (the karmic koala), "14:24
kwwiiI stand corrected14:29
kwwiithanks for pointing that out14:29
Equiet_New mockup for History. http://stelmaria.equiet.operaunite.com/file_sharing/ history-v7.png15:10
Equiet_November (selected) is showed all, previous month only 15 days. October is not visible, because nothing happened.15:13
Equiet_When you click on September or on that arrow button, months move to the right and September will be selected and shown all.15:15
Equiet_But for November, show all days or just until 24.11. (the today day)?15:17
Equiet_And for previous month, show last 15 or every second day?15:17
mac_vEquiet_: hiding months , isnt good ;)  ... BTW , why have you designed history to be selected for 1week at a time? 1day selection would be more ideal15:33
Equiet_mac_v: Only one day will be selected by default?15:35
mac_vEquiet_: the list in the history you've used is a small one , but when user updates only once every week the list would be longer and ... if user has installed something else during the week , it would be lost in the bug list... user would want to select the day rather than the week15:38
Equiet_Is Home tab necessary?15:39
Equiet_mac_v: Ok, np.15:39
mac_vEquiet_: home is for the picks and stuff15:40
mac_vEquiet_: also , for search ,IMO , the top level is more ideal , since... User can just search in the toolbar and just switch tabs home/installed/available to view the narrowed down search...15:40
mac_vrather than having to search each time within the tabs15:41
Equiet_When you click on the department in Home tab, what happens?15:43
mac_vEquiet_: have you checked out the current software store?15:44
mac_vEquiet_: another issue , is for the future there will be apps *sold* from there... so they want "get free software" and "buy software" sections15:46
Equiet_mac_v: I thought, that it would be possible to select from what sources to search for the software in the main menu (_Sources).15:52
Equiet_But, is that chart better than rectangles?15:52
mac_vEquiet_: seems better.. but how is it without dots for the days where there isnt any history? having dots only for the days which had activity?15:53
Equiet_Not sure what you mean, but check out my File sharing.15:58
Equiet_mac_v: What about having only Get Software tab and inside page would be checkbox whether to display also paid software?16:11
mac_vEquiet_: mpt was really picky about stressing "free" , since the user testing seemed to reveal that users didnt know that they could get software for free16:14
Equiet_Ok, 2 tabs.16:15
Equiet_But that makes no place for searchbox. I find it more intuitive to put it into the page.16:15
mac_vEquiet_: check out how synaptic works for search... you can search and just switch sections16:17
mac_vEquiet_: thats is how the software center also works16:17
mac_vEquiet_: history tab will not be shown by default ...16:18
Equiet_Ok, then... :/16:19
mac_vEquiet_: not really essential16:19
mac_valso "in progress"  is only when something is in progress16:19
Equiet_So I have to put another tab into already full tab list. Or will the Software Center be fullscreen?16:21
mac_vEquiet_: i think this was why they wanted to use treeview ;)  ... nope it wont be fullscreen ,16:36
mac_vmeh... i like the rectangles better... even fspot does the same17:03
Equiet_mac_v: But users don't know what they means.17:07
mac_vEquiet_: i would think it would make more sense than what Windows does , it simply makes the text bold in system restore... the problem , i believe , with your impromptu user test was the user wasnt actually using the app... if the user had selected the history , and was the shown the bars it would make more sense17:11
mac_vEquiet_: how is a bar chart any different than a line chart... if user doesnt understand charts as a whole both are bound to fail... ;)17:15
Equiet_Let f.e. thorwil decide. :)17:16
thorwilEquiet_: the line implies a continuity, a change over time. the bars are more appropiate17:18
thorwiland the bars usefulness might very well be limited to showing where there any events at all. why would one care about the number?17:19
thorwilthey do look cool, of course, and one might argue they can add to user satisfaction because of that ;)17:20
Equiet_Now I think about reworking the Get Free Software tab.17:25
Equiet_I don't like the blue color there.17:25
mac_vEquiet_: i liked the earlier version of the months , from history5 ,  the scroll/scrollbar was more stylised17:30
Equiet_I don't understand, they are same...17:32
Equiet_Any other ideas? I'm going to send a suggestion to SoftwareCenter/Comments.17:53
EquietWho is developing Human theme? Canonical or community?21:22
DanRabbit1Equiet: Human theme isn't developed anymore21:23
DanRabbit1Humanity (the new theme) is community maintained21:23
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