
=== bjf is now known as bjf-afk
* rickspencer3 braces for $sudo apt-get dist-upgrade tonight00:26
robert_ancellrickspencer3, have you not gone lucid yet?00:27
rickspencer3robert_ancell, not yet00:28
rickspencer3but tonight00:28
Amaranthrickspencer3: Should be fun00:29
AmaranthI hope your computer doesn't have an accelerometer00:30
AmaranthXorg decided my accelerometer was a joystick so when I'd bump my desk or press on the keyboard it'd cause it to move a little which would move my mouse to the center of the screen00:31
Amaranthwas good times00:31
rickspencer3I will be upgrading my desktop first, so should be ok00:31
AmaranthOnce I figured it out it was pretty awesome, actually00:32
AmaranthI picked my laptop up and moved it around to open a terminal and turn it off :)00:32
KeybukAmaranth: what was the button click?00:36
* Keybuk has images of Amaranth slamming his laptop onto the floor to click on things00:36
AmaranthKeybuk: Probably dropping the laptop but I just used the mouse for that :P00:36
Keybukyou know what this means?00:36
* Keybuk images the possibilities00:37
KeybukI just realised why this kernel build is taking forever00:41
Keybukforgot to comment out the additional flavours00:41
Amaranthbuilding 5 kernels is always fun00:42
KeybukI had to turn my heating off :p00:44
rickspencer3Keybuk, is that kernel build going to make the desktop come up faster?00:44
Keybukrickspencer3: it includes a patch to the i915 KMS driver00:44
rickspencer3we're down to 11.82s00:44
Keybukrickspencer3: I saw00:44
rickspencer3chip chip chip00:45
Keybukrickspencer3: I love the fact that a quick bug fix to the X package got it within budget00:45
Amaranthrickspencer3: based on previous experience I think my compiz packaging changes will drop that down to 1100:45
KeybukI don't think tjaalton even realised it was a performance problem00:45
Keybukthough that being said00:45
Keybukxkbcomp caching isn't working00:45
Keybukso X may get even faster again00:45
AmaranthIf X gets under budget we could use some of that time :)00:45
rickspencer3Amaranth, thank you :)00:45
Amaranthrickspencer3: but seb128 doesn't seem to want me to do it the way I am00:46
Amaranthso I'll have to have ugly package names like compiz-plugins-universe00:46
rickspencer3usually turns out seb128 is right ;)00:47
AmaranthWell I want to add about 70 new binary packages (one for each plugin) instead of just splitting things into "stuff we use" and "stuff we don't use"00:47
asac70 binary packages feels bad ;)00:48
asacwithout knowing anything ;)00:48
Amaranthwe have a lot of plugins :)00:48
Amaranthactually it'd be 54 new binary packages00:48
asacyeah. but maybe packages is not the right mechanism to split them up on a one-by-one base00:48
Amaranthsince I wouldn't split the compiz-fusion-plugins-extra package00:48
asacwhat would we gain by such a split?00:48
Amaranthwell the main goal is to not install plugins we don't use00:49
asace.g. how does that reflect on user experience?00:49
Amaranthbut I figured why I was in there I could make it possible for users to only install the plugins they actually use as well00:49
asacwhy not? disk usage (unlikely) startup time due to unneeded loading?00:49
asac(why not ship not used plugins)00:49
rickspencer3asac, compiz only loads the plugins in use?00:49
asaci dont know00:49
Amaranthwell not installing compiz-fusion-plugins-extra cut 0.5 seconds off login time00:50
asaci want to understand the motiviation. maybe it loads everything on startup and just disregards what is not used (this would indicate that not installing it might help in time consumptioN)00:50
Keybukwhat happens if you link all the plugins into compiz itself?00:50
Keybukso instead of loading 1,461,395 .so files00:50
Amaranthcompiz stats at least the .so and the .xml file and libcompizconfig (and thus compiz via the ccp plugin) loads the information for _every_ installed plugin00:50
Keybukit just has them all built in?00:50
AmaranthKeybuk: I was thinking about that, actually00:50
Amaranthlink at least some of them directly to compiz and hack it so when it tries to load those plugins it just dlopens itself00:51
Keybukno dlopen00:51
Keybuklink them directly to compiz with an array of structures00:52
Amaranthwe already dlopen and I don't want to hack that much :P00:52
Keybukwhich have function pointers00:52
Keybukthat's my whole point you numpty00:52
Keybukdlopen() is slow00:52
Keybukthe relocations caused by dlopen() are slow00:52
AmaranthI was talking to get rid of the IO00:52
asacdlopen is slow for already loaded stuff even?00:52
Keybukthere is no I/O00:52
Keybukasac: yes, because you still relocate00:52
* Keybuk sees nothing but CPU00:52
asachmm. thought some scope might just fail quick saying "already loaded"00:52
AmaranthI see a little IO on mine00:52
Keybukand I would bet money that at least some of that is the overhead of dlopen()ing everything00:52
Keybukrather than just having them builtin with an array of structures00:53
asacinstead of doing all the actual linking etc.00:53
Amaranthoh, that reminds me, we're screwing up huge with compiz right now00:53
asacalso adding so many packages kicks our already slow packaging index a bit further00:53
Amaranththe first time compiz is loaded the ccp plugin loads the XML files and writes out protobuf versions which it can then use instead00:53
Amaranththey load a lot faster00:53
Amaranthbut I'm pretty sure we don't generate those for the .deb so when you guys bootchart the first boot after install...00:54
asacwhere does it load that to atm? user home?00:54
asacprotobuf that is00:54
Amaranthasac: yeah, ~/.cache/compizconfig/00:55
Amaranthmuch less CPU time to parse protobuf vs XML (especially since it uses XPath)00:56
asacso can that be pregenerated in a system location?00:56
asacwould that be useful? or does that need to be regenned because of user settings anyway?00:56
Amaranthalthough in the bootcharts by the time you see it spawn compiz-decorator all plugins and settings are initialized and most of the CPU usage is after that00:57
Amaranthasac: It only needs to change when the xml file changes00:57
asacthose are system xml files?00:57
asace.g. could be done by a trigger or update-compiz-stuff in postinst?00:57
Amaranththe user settings are in gconf00:57
Amaranthit could, yes00:57
asacok. but changing those user settings would also require a full cache regen?00:58
asacin .cache... ?00:58
Amaranthbut then compiz would build-dep on libcompizconfig00:58
Amaranthno, changing user settings has nothing to do with the xml or protobuf files00:58
asachow much time would you think will those protobuf files save?00:58
asacis that worth the effort?00:58
AmaranthI'd need to do a clean install of lucid then two boots00:59
asacwhat state do they remember?00:59
Amaranththe protobuf files hold exactly the same information as the xml files00:59
asacso you still need to open .so's to decide whether you want that loaded or not?00:59
Amaranthso plugin dependencies, options, descriptions of the plugins and the options00:59
Amaranthbleh, I bet that's why removing compiz-fusion-plugins-extra saved so much time01:00
Amaranthasac: no, compiz should just be loading the core.xml file and the plugins and xml files for plugins specified on the command line then ccp tells it what the active_plugins setting is and it loads those plugins and xml files01:01
Amaranthbut compiz can also tell you what plugins are enabled and I'm pretty sure it checks that on startup by stat'ing everything in /usr/lib/compiz...01:02
asacstating or dlopening?01:03
asacAmaranth: ?01:04
Amaranthjust stat, iirc01:04
asacthat should be quite quick. if its just a timestamp compare01:04
asacat least i dont have a zilions of files there ;)01:04
asacso the xml files parsing would be saved by doing the caching?01:04
Amaranthok, it doesn't stat all the plugins unless you ask it to via dbus so that isn't a problem01:06
Amaranthso the main thing is going to be core reading the XML files (required) and not having the protobuf cache for libcompizconfig01:06
asacright. and the protobuf saves us from doing more parsing?01:07
Amaranthbut at least on my latest bootchart almost all the CPU usage is _after_ compiz-decorator is started which means at that point compiz has initialized all the plugins and loaded all of their settings from gconf01:08
Amaranthso the only way to know if there is any win at all is to try it01:08
asacyeah. probably01:08
Amaranthso I need a clean lucid install and bootcharts for the first boot and the second boot01:08
AmaranthI have no idea how people are producing bootcharts for their mini 10v systems though01:09
AmaranthIf the first boot already has bootchart and that is being used this could be a win01:09
Amaranthif not, we've already got the protobuf files01:09
Amaranthbut that does seem to prove dlopen isn't hurting at all unlike what Keybuk was saying01:10
KeybukI produce lots of bootcharts for mini10vs01:11
Keybukwhat charts would you like?01:11
AmaranthKeybuk: When you do the daily bootcharts is that automated?01:11
AmaranthIf so, is that the very first boot into the installed system?01:11
Keybuksecond boot01:12
AmaranthOk, so now I'm lost01:12
Keybukwhat would you like to know?01:12
AmaranthWhat the heck compiz is doing using so much CPU _after_ it has loaded all of the plugins and their configuration :)01:12
KeybukI suspect printf() will be your friend01:13
AmaranthIf you look on your bootchart all the compiz CPU usage is after compiz-decorator starts but that doesn't start until compiz is "finished" loading01:13
Keybuksome deferred work in the main loop perhaps?01:14
Keybukan idle timer function?01:14
AmaranthI don't think we even have those01:14
Amaranthwow that's a very long chart01:14
Keybukthat's a "first boot" chart of alpha 101:14
Keybukthat's the "second boot" chart01:14
Keybuk(the second boot charts are the ones that get published on daily-bootcharts)01:15
KeybukAmaranth: mine are longer than most people's ... I don't like to brag01:15
Amaranthheh, what is up with udevd there?01:15
Keybukbootchart normally condenses things a bit01:16
Amaranthok on your charts compiz is showing a lot of CPU usage before compiz-decorator loads too01:16
Keybukhides a lot of the detail01:16
Amaranthbut most of it is still after01:16
Keybukwhen I generate them myself, I tell it not to do that, so I get all of the processes and detail01:16
Keybukthey're less easy to read, but have more information01:16
KeybukAmaranth: so what I'd do is start sticking printfs throughout compiz01:17
Amaranththis is going to suck :P01:17
Keybukgrab the kernel uptime clock and put that at the front01:17
Keybuk(or just write to the kmsg device)01:17
Keybukthen you'll have numbers that tell you how far into the boot it was doing what01:17
Amaranthoh, it looks like robert-ancell already did all of this01:19
Amaranththere is a nice 090_profiling patch in compiz that just needs a build flag to enable01:19
Amarantha nice patch which I broke with my changes, whee01:20
Keybukdon't you just hate that01:30
Keybukgcc has stuff to add profiling hooks to functions too01:30
Keybukthat's quite handy01:30
Keybukyou build your source with extra flags01:30
Keybukand LD_PRELOAD in a hook library when you run it01:30
Keybukyour hook gets called for every function call01:31
Keybukso you can instrument it01:31
Amaranthif I'm reading this correctly even with a warm cache and already logged in compiz takes 2.14 seconds to load :/01:33
Amaranthtakes 0.01 seconds to load and parse the core.xml file, not as bad as I thought01:34
Amaranth0.06 seconds to load our "required" plugins (ccp, move, resize, decoration, place)01:35
Amaranthoh, and crap01:35
Amaranthit loads the settings for each plugin as it loads the plugin (duh) so we've only loaded those 5 plugins when compiz-decorator starts01:36
AmaranthI'll have to check this on boot but it looks like loading most of the plugins is "free"01:37
Amaranthexcept of course for the ones we absolutely want to have (wall, animation, commands, etc)01:37
Amaranthbrb, rebooting01:37
=== eeejay_away is now known as eeejay
Amaranthhmm, according to this compiz starts in about 0.6 seconds on boot01:44
Amaranthbut 0.77 the second boot (with ureadahead that time)01:45
Keybukon your bootchart?01:45
Amaranthno, with this profiling patch01:46
KeybukI think you're getting too preoccupied with when compiz hits the main loop01:46
Amaranthit goes from startup to the first time eventLoop is idle01:46
Keybukif it hits the main loop quickly, that's nice01:46
Keybukit's still churning away01:46
Keybukso whatever is eating all the CPU must be happening afterwards01:46
Amaranthand apparently compiz does have idle timers because all plugin loading happens in the eventLoop01:46
Amaranthso the first time it is idle that should mean it is done loading01:47
Amaranthit hits the first idle after it has loaded all of the plugins and their settings, anyway01:47
Amaranthso any further processing is within the plugins and the (most likely) unavoidable overhead of using compiz01:48
Amaranthat this point I'm thinking using metacity by default in lucid is going to be far less painful then trying to optimize the animation plugin01:51
Keybukwhy is there any animation?01:54
Keybuknothing is happening on screen01:54
Keybukjust a big window in front of everything with a bit of a throbber01:54
AmaranthKeybuk: the animation plugin does something with basically every X event01:54
Keybukcan we turn that plugin off until we're ready? :p01:55
Amaranthcompiz sort of "flashes" when you enable/disable a plugin01:55
Keybukso make the plugin start "off"01:55
Keybukand don't hook into X until it's turned "on"01:55
Amaranthhmm, actually it doesn't seem to flash anymore01:55
Amaranthheck we could delay enabling every plugin except ccp, move, resize, place, and decoration if you want to go down that route01:56
Amaranthoh, and session01:56
Keybukwhy do we even need those?01:56
Keybukwe have no windows to move, resize, place or decorate01:57
Keybukjust one big plymouth/xsplash window which was already in the right place anyway01:57
Amaranthwell we need ccp, session, and decoration so we can put everything back where it was before (if you saved a session)01:57
=== eeejay is now known as eeejay_away
Amaranththe others are just the ones we force you to have enabled and the way we do that prevents us from doing any tricks with delayed loading01:57
Keybukit doesn't need to get put back until after everything else is loaded surely?01:57
=== eeejay_away is now known as eeejay
AmaranthDo you want xsplash to go away _then_ have all of your windows gain a decoration and jump to the proper position?01:58
Keybukjust do it last01:59
Keybukin one step01:59
Amaranthotherwise for the rest I guess I just need compiz to hook into the same thing xsplash does to know when to go away01:59
Amaranthof course now we're cheating and dumping all the CPU load right at the time the user is going to start trying to use the system...02:00
Keybukno, just before02:01
Amaranthbut I guess we do that with other things too02:01
Amaranthright, it'll start happening while xsplash is doing the fade02:01
Keybukif you're saying that CPU load is all compiz responding to things that are happening that the user can't see anyway02:01
Keybukwhy not disable all that02:01
Keybukand then, just before xsplash goes away, do it all in one great big lump02:02
Keybukthen take xsplash away02:02
Keybukdo it before xsplash fades02:02
Amaranthuh, how?02:02
Keybukco-operate between the two02:02
AmaranthI'd like to point out compiz doesn't do dbus02:02
Keybukxsplash tells compiz it's going to fade, and waits for compiz to say "I'm done"02:02
Keybukthat kind of thing02:02
* Keybuk spies a compiz dbus plugin02:02
Amaranthwell, we have a dbus plugin but then we'd have to load a plugin :P02:02
AmaranthYeah, I sort of wrote that plugin :P02:02
Keybukyou said loading plugins was free :p02:03
Keybukand were blaming what the plugins did when nobody could see <g>02:03
Keybukall I'm pointing out is that there's a solution for any problem :D02:03
Amaranthwell looking at the profiling the delta between loading that plugin and loading the next is 0.01 or so02:03
Amaranthsure but a solution that requires 10 hours of work is going to take a month for me to finish02:03
Keybukthat's cool02:04
Keybukwe have more than four02:04
Keybukfor now, adding sleep (10) into compiz startup would be a good way to find out if that was the problem? :p02:04
Keybukif we make compiz start, init, then just sleep02:04
Keybuksee what happens02:05
Amaranthyeah, I could put that right before eventLoop, would be a great way of seeing if all of this is happening in the eventLoop anyway02:05
Keybukif you throw me a deb (PPA is good) then I'll happily test it out on the mini02:06
Amaranthhrm, I really need another computer to run this stuff on02:06
Amaranthhaving to keep rebooting the one I'm on IRC with is lame02:06
* Amaranth debates wiping out the computer people play games on02:08
AmaranthKeybuk: btw, that idea of linking plugins directly to compiz is starting to sound better and better02:14
AmaranthI've thought up a way to do it without getting too crazy and would still allow loading plugins the normal way02:15
Keybukoh? :)02:15
Keybukusual way is that each plugin has some kind of struct-o-function-pointers02:16
Keybukwhich is what you find with dlopen() anyway02:16
AmaranthAnd we do, right02:16
Keybukto build them in, you just have a script make a C file that turns those into an array02:16
Keybukthen for (plugin **p = builtin_plugins; p && *p; p++)02:16
Keybuk  *p->init()02:16
Keybuktype thing02:16
Amaranthyep, will look at that this weekend02:17
Keybukthis is02:17
Keybukhow the kernel works ;)02:17
Keybukif you =y, you get the same code (mostly)02:17
Keybukthen an auto-generated C file that has pointers to them all02:18
Amaranthof course if I also want to make compiz stop loading the XML for the plugins this could get somewhat more complicated02:18
Amaranthbut XPath is apparently not as slow as I thought02:18
AmaranthEither way compiz in lucid is going to look nothing like upstream though :/02:18
Amaranthbut they do want to be able to compile plugins into core upstream as well so I suppose I could just port the stuff to the C++ code and submit it there once I'm done02:19
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Omen_20hi. can u use the same image ud install from a cd, on a usb pendrive?05:21
robert_ancellOmen_20, yes, use System>Administration>Startup Disk Creator05:23
jmarsdenSee also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick05:23
Omen_20oh ok. so this makes an iso image usable from a pendrive?05:24
Omen_20sweet. thanks! I hoped there was an easy way. CDs were starting to feel wasteful and now that im on break and have a TB drive I want to try out tons of stuff.05:25
robert_ancellOmen_20, np, have fun!05:25
pittiGood morning06:49
didrocksGuten Morgen pitti06:53
pittibonjour didrocks06:53
glatzormorning pitti07:29
pittihey glatzor07:32
glatzorhello bryce, do you know how I could access the icon of a window from gtk?07:49
glatzorbryce, the WM_ICON_NAME property doesn't seem to be handled very well by metacity07:49
glatzorit is just the same as WM_NAME07:49
tjaaltonKeybuk: what was a performance problem?07:54
chrisccoulsongood morning everyone08:36
seb128hello desktopers08:39
chrisccoulsonhello seb12808:41
seb128hey chrisccoulson08:41
seb128did you manage to sleep at all? ;-)08:41
seb128you seem to always be there :-p08:42
chrisccoulsonseb128 - i slept for 3 hours :)08:42
seb128you must be glad that tomorrow is saturday ;-)08:43
chrisccoulsoni shall be brewing my coffee extra strong this morning08:43
chrisccoulsonyeah, i'm glad that tomorrow is saturday ;)08:43
didrockssalut seb12808:43
didrocksmorning chrisccoulson08:43
chrisccoulsonhey didrocks08:43
seb128hum, coffee, looks like a good idea indeed08:43
seb128hey didrocks08:44
pittibonjour seb128, hey chrisccoulson08:48
* pitti back from pm-utils debugging08:48
chrisccoulsongood morning pitti08:48
seb128hey pitti08:49
seb128how are you?08:49
seb128pitti, btw not sure if you read log from night in the morning or not08:51
seb128pitti, the work item count for lucid is somewhat wrong08:52
pittihttp://piware.de/workitems/desktop/lucid/report.html ?08:53
pittiseems fine to me08:53
pitti(no, I didn't see that bit)08:53
seb128pitti, somewhat around 1am hour time08:54
seb128if you have log08:54
pittiI do08:54
seb128basically some specs have alpha3 or beta1 wis08:54
seb128and those are on no count08:54
pittithat's a current limitation in the parser08:55
seb128hum, it should perhaps list anything in the "work item.*:" format as for lucid now?08:58
seb128right now we have tens of items not on the charts08:58
seb128so the trend and counts are somewhat biased08:59
pittiok, let me look into that09:01
seb128pitti, btw while I'm a it review from the indicator package in new is welcome09:06
seb128I sponsored it for kenvandine yesterday09:06
seb128but I didn't want to source NEW since I uploaded09:06
* seb128 stops bothering pitti now09:08
chrisccoulsonit seems my phone was playing up when i went away for breakfast09:25
* seb128 start looking at strace and http://people.canonical.com/~seb128/nautilus again now09:25
chrisccoulsonexcellent, that will probably keep you occupied for some time ;)09:26
seb128I wonder if we could reduce the number of stats on alternative paths09:26
seb128like /usr/local/...09:26
seb128and if that would make a difference09:26
seb128I guess stat calls are cheap usually09:26
chrisccoulsonyeah, i'm not too sure09:28
chrisccoulsonhow come it needs to stat() user folders such as downloads and public when it starts?09:29
chrisccoulsonif it's not displaying a window09:29
chrisccoulsonanyway, time for me to grab another coffee:)09:29
seb128could comment09:29
seb128ups, "good comment"09:29
seb128grep stat nautilus.strace | grep ENO | wc -l -> 70709:33
seb128652 of those being for icons09:33
seb128I'm wondering if we could check for /usr/local/icons earlier and avoid stating each subdir09:34
seb128or /usr/local/share/icons rather09:34
chrisccoulsonseb128 - so, it checks for subdirectories of /usr/local/share/icons before making sure that the parent directory exists?09:37
seb1281420  14:24:08.630795 stat64("/usr/local/share/icons/hicolor/16x16/apps", 0xbfb17340) = -1 ENOENT (No such09:38
seb128file or directory)09:38
seb1281420  14:24:08.631034 stat64("/usr/share/nautilus/icons/hicolor/16x16/apps", 0xbfb17340) = -1 ENOENT (No su09:38
seb128ch file or directory)09:38
seb1281420  14:24:08.631357 stat64("/usr/local/share/icons/hicolor/16x16/categories", 0xbfb17340) = -1 ENOENT (No09:38
seb128 such file or directory)09:38
seb128it does that for each dir from the index09:38
chrisccoulsonvuntz - do you know what is happening about implementing a new shutdown API in consolekit, to unbreak the current situation in gnome-session with policykit-1? (i think i've asked you about this before). Do you know if anyone has offered to do the work in either consolekit or gnome-session yet?09:40
chrisccoulsonseb128 - there seems like an opportunity for some optimisations there :)09:40
seb128those stats are cheap though09:41
seb128like 1ms or less09:41
seb128but if we could spare some hundred calls...09:41
chrisccoulson1ms each, or for all of them?09:41
seb128look at the lines I copied09:42
seb128it's like 0.3ms each09:42
chrisccoulsonah yes09:42
seb128I will start by looking at backgrounds and what you pointed about standard dirs09:43
vuntzchrisccoulson: mccann is supposed to do the work in consolekit, and I'm supposed to do the work in gnome-session09:56
vuntzchrisccoulson: but if you want to help, that would certainly be welcome!09:56
vuntzchrisccoulson: https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=2449309:57
ubottuFreedesktop bug 24493 in Daemon "a better shutdown api" [Normal,New]09:57
chrisccoulsonvuntz - yeah, i was thinking of helping:)09:57
pittiseb128: http://piware.de/workitems/desktop/lucid/report.html10:00
pittiseems more realistic now10:00
* pitti fixes the y steps10:00
seb128pitti, you rock10:00
pittiI updpated the howto, I'll mail an announcement10:01
pittisince the semantics now slightly changed10:01
pittiasac: ^ this should address your concern from a week ago, too10:01
seb128pitti, thanks!10:01
baptistemmseb128, for system call performance you might be interested by systemtap10:32
baptistemmie benching open, read, ...10:32
seb128baptistemm, did you ever use it?10:33
baptistemmjust a little bit, it requires to have debuild package for kernel, it might difficult a first sight but it is rather powerful10:34
baptistemmthis is d-trace for linux10:34
seb128waouh, alex rocks as usual ;-)10:41
seb128that fixes the .gtk-bookmarks being opened and rewrite 5 times on start10:41
seb128it's read only once now10:41
MacSlowHow can I avoid being asked for my password everytime I push or pull something to lp?10:49
seb128use a ssh agent, gnome-keyring for example?10:50
MacSlowseb128, reading up on http://live.gnome.org/GnomeKeyring makes me not want to touch this at all atm11:02
seb128MacSlow, why not?11:04
MacSlowseb128, uncharted lands... for me at least and I don't want to mess up and lock myself out11:05
seb128gnome-keyring is running on your box in any case11:05
MacSlowseb128, besides... I would really like to know when (what) I did to have this in place11:05
seb128I'm surprised the agent doesn't kick in when you use ssh, it should11:05
seb128it works out of the box usually11:06
MacSlowseb128, on my laptop I don't ahve those issues11:06
seb128env | grep SSH?11:06
Keybukseb128: just so you know, there may still be a "gdm doesn't start" bug11:06
KeybukI'll fix that today if there is :p11:06
seb128Keybuk, ok11:06
seb128Keybuk, good to see that today's upgrade bring some speedup to boot ;-)11:07
Keybukdoes it? :p11:07
KeybukI would have thought it'd be slightly slower11:07
seb128today's upgrade reduced boot from about 1 second apparently11:08
Keybukoh right11:08
Keybukmaybe all that mucking around with gdm and plymouth did actually work out11:08
seb128well guess-time seems to think the linux time went down 2 seconds11:08
* Keybuk was mucking around with kernels as well11:10
Keybukcertainly one apw uploads the next kernel, it'll go down a second or so <g>11:10
seb128xorg time when 0.5 seconds down too11:10
Keybukah that's good to know11:10
seb128when -> went11:10
KeybukI thought xorg might get faster11:10
Keybuk(no vt mucking around now)11:10
pittiseb128: did that already include dropping of usplash?11:10
Keybukthere's actually a bug in the xorg packages11:10
Keybuktjaalton: you might want to look into it11:10
Keybukthe xkbcomp caching patches aren't working11:11
seb128pitti, could be, let me look11:11
Keybuk(nothing ends up in /var/lib/xkb :p)11:11
seb128Keybuk, and after 1 day of looking at nautilus I managed to get one improvement :-p11:11
pittiseb128: ooh?11:11
seb128it opens .gtk-bookmark 1 time now11:12
seb128before it was opening it 11 times11:12
seb128and renaming it 5 times11:12
tjaaltonKeybuk: yes, I knew it's disabled. bryce fixed the pacth to apply, but it still doesn't build11:12
seb128thanks to alex for the actual fix in git, I've just been spotting the issue11:12
Keybuktjaalton: oh, right, would be nice to get that working ;)11:13
Keybukthat's another .25-.5s :)11:13
seb128pitti, right, no usplash11:15
seb128no plymonth either apparently11:15
pittiplymouth> no MIR yet, still in universe11:16
Keybukpitti: there so is an MIR11:21
Keybukbug #49518411:21
ubottuError: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: The read operation timed out (https://launchpad.net/bugs/495184)11:21
pittiKeybuk: ah, wasn't there yet on my review yesterday11:22
Keybukpfft. *yesterday* :p11:22
seb128MacSlow, it seems that you have an another agent than gnome-keyring11:27
mac_vpitti: hi... i found this in the sudo changelog... "Rename pwstars to pwfeedback"  , is that for the helper too?11:28
seb128MacSlow, ps ax | grep 380011:28
pittimac_v: grepping for "pwfeed" doesn't give anything in our sudo version11:28
pittiperhaps it's in a later version, or only cvs head11:28
MacSlowseb128, got a hint from pedro_ ... all I was missing was to call ssh-add11:28
mac_vpitti: aw :( , nvm then :)11:29
MacSlowseb128, still no clue why this was needed on my desktop but not on my laptop11:29
seb128MacSlow, you shouldn't need that11:29
seb128MacSlow, well you have an agent taking over gnome-keyring...11:29
mac_vpitti: maybe our version is very old. i found the changelog entry in git , it seems to be done somewhere in feb11:31
mac_vanyway , thanks for looking into it :)11:31
=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch
huatshi everyone12:50
chrisccoulsonhi huats12:56
huatshey chrisccoulson12:57
chrisccoulsonhuats - how are you?12:57
huatschrisccoulson, I am fine12:57
huatsI am about to see the end of my long lasting work marathon :)12:57
huatsyou ?12:58
chrisccoulsonhuats - yeah, i'm not too bad. i'm just preparing to finish work for the week :)13:01
huatschrisccoulson, :)13:08
huatschrisccoulson, I have been quite away lately, is the baby arrived ?13:09
chrisccoulsonhuats - yes, she arrived during the week of UDS :)13:09
huatsis everything ok ?13:09
chrisccoulsonyeah, she's doing ok. although, she's going through a bit of a growth spurt the last couple of days and is feeding a lot more than she is sleeping ;)13:10
=== MacSlow|lunch is now known as MacSlow
chrisccoulsonpitti - how is it determined whether to show the "Safely Remove Device" option in Nautilus for a particular device?13:16
chrisccoulsoni noticed last night that it is shown for my internal card reader13:16
KeybukI want a second option13:17
Keybuk"Dangerously Remove Device"13:17
chrisccoulsonand clicking it unfortunately leaves the card reader powered down until I reboot (or open the case and reconnect it to the internal USB port)13:17
chrisccoulsonKeybuk - that would be a fourth option (in addition to Unmount, Eject and Safely Remove Device)13:18
chrisccoulsoni see all 3 options for my card reader13:18
Keybukchrisccoulson: I was more channelling mpt; if something can be done Safely then there should be a Dangerously13:18
Keybukif Safely is the only option, why say Safely? :p13:18
chrisccoulsonthat is a fair point13:18
Keybukthe Mini 10v has an odd problem like that13:19
Keybukif you power down a USB device, you lose the port13:19
pittichrisccoulson: the problem with internally-wired USB card readers was the very reason why this option is exposed in the UI in the first place, and isn't the default when you click the eject symbol13:19
pittichrisccoulson: the problem is that it's hard to determine whether an USB controller is system-internal or external13:20
Keybukyou have to power the netbook off and on again properly to get the port back13:20
Keybukpitti: it's not hard13:20
pittisome devices want to be unpowered to stop whining about "dangerous to remove me"13:20
Keybukyou just quirk them13:20
Keybuk"this device on this board => don't power off"13:20
pittiKeybuk: we looked at the udev and dmidecode data, and nothing on the dell thing where it was reported tells you that it's on-board :(13:21
Keybukpitti: right, but the combination of the dmi of the board and the device tells you13:21
pittiright, you'd need per-vendor/product lists13:21
Keybukthat'd be part of the hardware certification process13:21
pittiwhich is a bit crazy to maintain13:21
Keybukit's basically what we have to do for sound cards anyway13:21
Keybuk"this codec, from this vendor, on this device id, on this sound card device/vendor, on this board => these quirks"13:21
Keybukthere's a generic approach to this going into the kernel13:22
pittiI think kay figured a way how to extract it from some device descriptors, so that when the OEM does its job properly it'd just work13:22
KeybukKay tends to think per-device13:22
Keybukthis is for system quirks13:22
Keybukidea being that you end up with a big database of quirks that everyone shares13:22
Keybukquirks are cross-device, that's kinda the point13:22
chrisccoulsonin my case, i just purchased a card reader and shoe-horned it in to my already cramped case. i don't know how a quirks database would handle that13:23
Keybukchrisccoulson: if it were a property of the physical card reader, the device you bought would be quirked13:23
chrisccoulsonso, it seems the problem is more complicated than i first thought :)13:26
chrisccoulsonanyway, home time for me now13:26
Keybukthe problem is because another device, with an identical chip, probably works fine13:26
Keybukand all we see is the chip from a driver POV13:26
chrisccoulsonyeah, the same chip is probably used in a different external card reader somewhere13:27
chrisccoulsonso, i don't know how cases like that would be handled13:27
Keybukthat's where devicetree is supposed to help13:27
Keybukit lets you combine matches across multiple devices13:28
Keybuk"this chip, with three ports numbered X, Y and Z, with this other chip on the same PCI device => this actual device"13:28
Keybukthen you add properties to the actual devices which udev can pick up13:28
chrisccoulsonthat sounds promising anyway:)13:28
chrisccoulsonright, bbl13:29
Ngwhich package should I file a wishlist bug on if I want to propose using a device-specific icon for a particular USB device?14:01
Ng(my iphone looks like a camera in computer:// ;)14:01
virtualdi guess it's nautilus14:05
pittiNg: known bug, I think14:10
* pitti looks14:10
chriscc0bah, ISP fail.14:11
seb128Ng, no need to open a bug14:12
seb128Ng, we don't build the gvfs afc code yet14:12
seb128because required libs are waiting on mir in lucid14:12
seb128iphones are very specific devices14:12
mclasenNg: is it a gphoto mount ?14:12
pepsifx357Has anyone else been having problems with the mouse in 9.10?14:12
pittiasac: do you happen to know why nm-applet constantly updates gconf with the "timestamp" value of wifis?14:14
pittiwhat's that used for?14:14
Keybukwe should have those yummy Fedora nautilus patches14:15
Keybukthat actually let you access all the data on your iphone14:15
mclasenKeybuk: they are all upstream, I hope14:15
pittiit does that every minute or so, which prevents hard drives from ever going to powersave mode14:15
asacpitti: not sure. what timestamp are you referring to?14:16
asacpitti: NM keeps track of "last connected time"14:16
asacso it can decide which net to prefer in case there are more than one known in sight14:17
pittiah, that14:17
asacis that an issue?14:17
pittinevermind, it's not actually rewritten each minute14:17
asachow often do you see those updates?14:17
pittiI just mis-looked14:17
Ngmclasen: yes, it's not wrong to give it a camera icon, I'm just being picky because I'd like it to be a icon representing an iphone ;)14:18
Ngpitti: seb128: ok, thanks :)14:18
=== robbiew_ is now known as robbiew
Keybukmclasen: you've not worked with Fedora much, have you? :p15:12
Keybukthey're infamous for carrying patches in Fedora for software they're upstream for!15:12
dobeyNg: hrmm, it really should be specifying "phone-apple-iphone(-{3g, 3gs})" which should fall back to "phone"15:38
seb128dobey, the issue is that iphones are cameras and phones too15:39
seb128ie several devices to list for gvfs15:39
dobeyseb128: device icons should be shown as what the device *is*. they are phones that just happen to have cameras or that can play mp3s15:39
rickspencer3seb128, I found your bug in lazr that was keeping bughugger from working bug #49532615:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 495326 in lazr.restfulclient "AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'self_link'" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/49532615:39
seb128rickspencer3, I got the subscription email, thank you15:40
seb128I didn't try the change yet though15:40
seb128will do that a bit later15:40
rickspencer3seb128, why not wait until the bug is fixed?15:40
dobeya phone is a phone, even if it can microwave a sausage.15:40
rickspencer3should be an update next week15:40
NgI want a phone that can microwave sausages15:40
seb128I wanted to try bughugger15:41
rickspencer3did you guys see this:15:41
seb128but that's probably not for today now15:41
rickspencer3seb128, it's a one line change if you just want to implement it yourself15:41
dobeyNg: with a slight adjustment of power, i'm sure the iphone can do it15:41
pittiNg: you want http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=udlxr8t1nZM thhen15:41
pittiNg: (sorry, German sound)15:41
seb128rickspencer3, nice!15:41
dobeyNg: or http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sgt2dJU2TNk15:42
seb128ok, I've to be away for a bit15:43
rickspencer3note that Dell website is a bit odd ... you can get better Ubuntu options if you go to the small business section of the site15:43
mclasenKeybuk: at least we are upstream...15:51
czajkowskirickspencer3: you had to get quickly into the shotofjaq tweet ;)15:51
rickspencer3czajkowski, you know me well15:52
czajkowskirickspencer3: to be fair you don't tweet it that often15:53
rickspencer3but when I do, I tweet about Quickly15:53
czajkowskiyou tweet quality!15:55
pittirickspencer3, kenvandine: since I need to leave in 35 mins, any chance that either of you could lurk in the release meeting today? I'll cover the desktop part, but just in case there are followup questions/things later on?15:57
Keybukmclasen: only because if you're not upstream, you nih it15:58
rickspencer3pitti, ack15:58
Keybukmclasen: (I'm mostly only teasing really :p)15:58
* rickspencer3 joins15:58
Keybukbut ABRT!15:58
* rickspencer3 join #ubuntu-meeting15:58
rickspencer3seb128, pitti, kenvandine, anybody:15:59
rickspencer3I want to get a python library packaged and in a ppa today15:59
kenvandinerickspencer3, ok15:59
rickspencer3is there a definitive guide that will walk me through this that one of you can recommend to me?15:59
rickspencer3aah the quitessential linux smart ass answer16:00
kenvandineor use my quickly branch that does it :)16:00
rickspencer3kenvandine, that didn't work either16:01
mclasenKeybuk: I know, I know...16:01
kenvandinerickspencer3, oh?16:01
kenvandinewhat happened?16:01
didrockshey rickspencer3 :)16:01
rickspencer3kenvandine, I'd be happy to trouble shoot it with you, but I was hoping not to bother you guys with this today, and just learn how to fish16:01
kenvandineyou need a pretty simple setup.py and run python-mkdebian16:02
kenvandinethat will get you like 90%16:03
kenvandinenot sure of a definitive guide :)16:03
pittithere's always the python policy16:03
pittibut I'd just take a look at an existing small python library package16:03
didrockspitti, seb128: I've almost finished the session thing (both une and gdm default session choice). Do I update the cra... hem, the impacted packages to the desktop team ppa this week-end? :)16:03
pittididrocks: nice! sure, or just upload..16:04
didrockspitti: ok, I'll first check I can upload all packages depending on the change (should be ok)16:04
rickspencer3d'oh! no devscripts installed on this machine16:05
* rickspencer3 face palm16:05
didrockshum... this reminds me that I didn't add a WI for devscripts dependency on Quickly (investigate and remove the postfix install)16:06
didrocksoh no, there is one :)16:07
pittiI'm off for the weekend, cu on Monday!16:26
didrockspitti: have a good week-end!16:28
chrisccoulsonhello everyone16:31
rickspencer3hi chrisccoulson16:45
chrisccoulsonhi rickspencer3 - how are you?16:45
rickspencer3doing well16:46
rickspencer3been working a lot o bughugger, and by extension my new pet project16:46
rickspencer3how is the baby?16:46
chrisccoulsonyeah, she's doing ok. she's actually asleep at the moment :)16:46
=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|break
djsiegel2hey Amaranth19:54
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Amaranthdjsiegel: pong21:42
djsiegelyo Amaranth22:00
djsiegelwill this work for you: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/hundredpapercuts/+bug/495641 /22:00
ubottuUbuntu bug 495641 in compiz "Ensure that Scale appearance is clean, fast, and usable" [Undecided,New]22:00
djsiegelis that enough info to write the patch? it links to a wiki page22:01
djsiegeland tell me what you think of:22:02
ubottuUbuntu bug 495641 in compiz "Ensure that Scale appearance is clean, fast, and usable" [Undecided,New]22:02
Amaranthdjsiegel: Looks good22:02
Amaranthdjsiegel: I can probably make clicking on the desktop exit scale too22:02
djsiegelAmaranth: seriously?22:13
djsiegelthat would be awesome22:13
Amaranthsure, we already have the hook for making it show desktop and the code to exit scale22:13
djsiegelI really dont want clicking on the desktop to Show Desktop22:13
AmaranthI just need to hook the two together22:14
djsiegelI think it should rather be if click on window x, exit scale and focus x; else exit scale22:15
djsiegeli.e. a click in Scale mode either picks a window or exits22:15
djsiegelif we just do click on desktop to exit scale, scale won't exit if the user clicks on the panel, for example, Amaranth22:15
AmaranthAlright, I should be able to do that as well22:16
AmaranthDid you mention that use case in the bug report?22:16
djsiegelTotally rad, you rock.22:16
AmaranthOtherwise I'll probably forget and just make it for the desktop22:16
djsiegelok, I will add that22:17
djsiegelshould I add to the LP bug or the upstream one?22:17
AmaranthI wish launchpad had some way of identifying priority other than the Critical, High, Medium, Low, and Wishlist22:17
AmaranthLP bug22:17
AmaranthI guess I can target the bugs to a release for priority22:17
djsiegelok, I changed the description to suggest "Click to Exit Scale" instead of "Click Desktop to Exit Scale"22:18
jcastrodjsiegel: do you have the settings you are working on someplace? I'd like to follow along22:20
jcastrodjsiegel: something I can click and mess with?22:21
djsiegeljcastro: yeah22:22
djsiegeljcastro: $ bzr branch lp:compiz-settings-lucid; cd compiz-settings-lucid; python compiz-settings.py22:23
djsiegeljcastro: these are pretty close to what we'll use22:23
djsiegela few things don't load right when you do that, like minimize animations and a color in the viewport switcher22:23
djsiegelhey Amaranth, one more quick thing22:32
djsiegelin the specs, I am writing color values as "outline_color = #FFFFFF32"22:33
djsiegelwhere the first 6 hex digits are RGB, and the last 2 are alpha22:33
djsiegelI am not sure how you need to encode RGBA in the patch though22:33
Amaranthwhite with 32% transparency or white with 32 out of 255 transparency?22:33
AmaranthYou should probably encode the alpha in hex too22:33
djsiegel32 of 25522:33
Amaranthoh, you are :)22:33
djsiegelah, wait22:34
Amaranthwait, now I'm confused22:34
Amaranth32 in hex out of FF, right?22:34
djsiegel#32 is 50/255 deciaml22:34
Amaranthok, assuming I don't try to overthink it when making the change that shouldn't be a problem22:34
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cjwhich one of you lives in Bryant again?  would you mind joining us at #ubuntu-wa-us for a moment?23:08
rickspencer3I just received two of the three Dell Mini's that I ordered23:10
* rickspencer3 resists pull to get distracted from work and set them up23:10
Amarantharg, chrome switched from a User Scripts folder to doing some weird thing with extensions being user scripts so I can't just copy the launchpad ones in anymore23:11
chrisccoulsonrickspencer3 - 3 dell mini's? what are you going to do with them all? ;)23:12
rickspencer3one for me, and one for each of my kids23:12
cjrickspencer3: I bet it's you ;)23:12
rickspencer3nope, kind of a christmas gift for my wife in a way, keep the kids off of her computer :)23:12
rickspencer3in any case, I ordered them with Ubuntu 8.04 installed, but I'll put Lucid on my and Karmic on the other two23:13
cjrickspencer3: we're planning a release event at UW for Lucid over on #ubuntu-wa-us ;)23:13
rickspencer3can I come?23:13
cjrickspencer3: yeah.  we want to get a running start23:13
cjrickspencer3: of course ;)23:13
rickspencer3I didn't even know there was a #ubuntu-wa-us23:13
cjit's been quiet.  Paul's the only one who's been there since its inception like 2 years ago23:14
cjrickspencer3: if you don't know Paul, you should get to know him.  I met him at LFNW when he was like 15 or something.23:14
rickspencer3I've been to a couple of gslug meetings, but not for over a  year23:14
cjyeah, me too.23:14
rickspencer3who's Paul?23:14
rickspencer3we could get together with eeejay and do some hacking23:14
cjrickspencer3: peanutb23:15
cjrickspencer3: is he back in town?23:15
rickspencer3eeejay? so far as I know, but I didn't know he left town23:16
cjeeejay_away: where you at these days?23:16
* rickspencer3 hopes he didn't move away23:16
cjI think last time I asked if he wanted to have lunch he was in a different state23:16
rickspencer3cj, I just got from having lunch in the udistrict23:17
rickspencer3is that where you are?23:17
cjrickspencer3: do you think we could hit Canonical up for some bumper stickers or other swag at a table in front of the HUB?23:17
rickspencer3fo' sho'23:17
cjrickspencer3: usually, but my office flooded due to a burst pipe, so I'm working from home23:17
cjyeah.  being at the office would keep me from concentrating on finishing the final anyway ;)23:18
* rickspencer3 gets ready to do a (hopefully not too hairy) merge23:18
* rickspencer3 hates merging23:19
cjmerging's not so bad.  manual conflict resolution is the painful part ;)23:19
rickspencer3I think trunk diverged a bit from my branch23:20
cjheh, pull on every commit!23:20
Amaranthyay, I (mostly) got my user scripts back23:23
Amaranthbleh, I forgot to give the extension permissions23:25
rickspencer3only 1 merge conflict, and it was easy23:35

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