
=== erUSUL_ is now known as erUSUL
czamHi eberyone, is there a member of the irc council?18:58
czamI want to request an Ubuntu cloak, I'm new Ubuntu Member :)18:59
m4vPici: jussi01 ^18:59
=== fetova_ is now known as fetova
Piciczam: What is your launchpad id?19:00
czamthis is my launchpad account: https://launchpad.net/~carlos.zambrano19:00
Piciniko, nalioth: could either of you please cloak czam with an ubuntu/member cloak.19:01
Piciczam: just a moment please.19:03
czamok ;)19:03
Piciczam: You're all set. congrats :)19:08
czamPici thanks :)19:09
m4vczam: congrats19:18
czamm4v gracias19:18
=== Pici` is now known as Pici
=== elky is now known as Guest85008

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