=== Alblasco1702_ is now known as Alblasco1702 | ||
cprofitt | bodhi_zazen: you here? | 00:56 |
nigel_nb | morning learning team :) | 02:03 |
doctormo | hey nigel_nb | 02:05 |
nigel_nb | hey doctormo :) | 02:05 |
nigel_nb | Pendulum: ping | 02:08 |
Pendulum | nigel_nb: heya, what's up? | 02:09 |
nigel_nb | Pendulum: heya :), did u get the link to the video ? | 02:09 |
Pendulum | yep, i downloaded it | 02:10 |
Pendulum | and now my sound has died (again) so it will have to wait until I have time to sort that first (so this weekend) | 02:11 |
nigel_nb | no problem :) | 02:11 |
nigel_nb | is the video okay ? was I too fast or somethin? | 02:11 |
doctormo | nigel_nb: Did you see Sita sings the Blues? | 02:13 |
pleia2 | nigel_nb: hey, sorry I didn't return last night, was dead tired | 02:13 |
nigel_nb | doctormo: lemme try today. Yesterday my flash was acting up | 02:13 |
nigel_nb | pleia2: no problem, thought so :) | 02:13 |
doctormo | nigel_nb: should be for download too | 02:13 |
* pleia2 started watching sita | 02:13 | |
nigel_nb | doctormo: lemme check out | 02:13 |
pleia2 | great stuff :) | 02:13 |
nigel_nb | doctormo: I finally started blogging :) | 02:14 |
doctormo | nigel_nb: Welcome to the fold, what is your reasoning? | 02:14 |
Pendulum | nigel_nb: looks good to me | 02:14 |
nigel_nb | doctormo: basically anything that I'd like to share, now its about ubuntu user days and using IRC | 02:14 |
nigel_nb | Pendulum: I was afraid I would be too fast | 02:15 |
* nigel_nb and flash are friends today :) | 02:16 | |
nigel_nb | doctormo: if some hard core religious facists see its, you might get executed :P | 02:18 |
doctormo | nigel_nb: If some religious facists see it, then _I_ might get killed? why me? | 02:19 |
nigel_nb | doctormo: basically, they dont care, they just need to make a point... hehe | 02:19 |
doctormo | nigel_nb: No I'm saying, I don't understand your english, I think I'm reading it wrong. | 02:19 |
doctormo | could you repeat please? | 02:19 |
nigel_nb | doctormo: they dont really care who they kill, they'll make an example of you for posting it | 02:20 |
nigel_nb | just kiddin though :P | 02:20 |
nigel_nb | I hope you didn't take it seriously :) | 02:20 |
nigel_nb | pleia2: the best part, I totally forgot what I wanted to talk to you about :P | 02:21 |
pleia2 | nigel_nb: hehe | 02:21 |
pleia2 | I know bios and you were combining your quickstart document, maybe that? | 02:21 |
pleia2 | I know cprofitt is eager to get his hands on it to start looking into the transfer to moodle | 02:22 |
cprofitt | yes -- I think it is a critical step for our project | 02:26 |
cprofitt | we need to ensure that the asciidoc 'content' can be migrated to Moodle and vice/versa | 02:26 |
cprofitt | we also need to get things set so people can contribute | 02:26 |
doctormo | Indeed it is. | 02:27 |
pleia2 | nigel and I will be fleshing some of it out on saturday, looks like | 02:28 |
pleia2 | hopefully finishing | 02:28 |
cprofitt | sounds great | 02:28 |
doctormo | cprofitt: Which part of the process is more interesting for moodle to take from? Currently it goes: asciidocs -BUILD> docbooks -RENDER> html/pdf | 02:28 |
pleia2 | I think html | 02:29 |
cprofitt | doctormo: hard to say until I try it. | 02:31 |
cprofitt | I still have serious doubts about it actually working as a source since there are significant differences in pedagogy in the delivery of the course | 02:31 |
cprofitt | but I am willing to give it the old college try and see if it can work | 02:32 |
cprofitt | the raw text parts of the course can certainly transfer, but even has HTML it ends up being cut-n-paste | 02:33 |
nigel_nb | doctormo: a small doubt | 02:33 |
cprofitt | unless I am missing something | 02:34 |
nigel_nb | cprofitt: it mind up with you taking the text from html | 02:35 |
nigel_nb | s/mind/might | 02:35 |
cprofitt | I agree nigel_nb | 02:35 |
cprofitt | the issue I have been most concerned with is how to plug the asciidoc stuff in with activities, assignments and quizes | 02:36 |
cprofitt | I also want to see how asciidoc handles the stufff we just link too | 02:36 |
nigel_nb | cprofitt: we have to work full time on conversion, they are a bit different type of formats | 02:36 |
cprofitt | I agree... | 02:36 |
nigel_nb | though the team has to decide whether there should be a group of people to handle or the course writer only | 02:37 |
cprofitt | I think doctormo downloaded the zip file to look at it -- not sure how his analysis went | 02:37 |
doctormo | cprofitt: There was a lot of stuff in those xml files | 02:37 |
nigel_nb | cprofitt: moodle is the same thing that corporate training takes place right? | 02:37 |
nigel_nb | our moodle site looks extremely familiar from my company's intranet learning site too | 02:38 |
cprofitt | Well... unless a decision was made that I am unaware of the course writer was able to pick their development tool and the 'team' would translate | 02:38 |
pleia2 | canonical uses moodle for their online classes, if that's what you mean | 02:38 |
doctormo | cprofitt: It scared me a little, complexity. But I think the core of items should be transferable. If my understanding of moodle from what you were showing is correct. | 02:38 |
cprofitt | doctormo: that is very good news... | 02:38 |
cprofitt | you think you might be able to develop an automated process to produce an uploadable course instead of cut-n-paste? | 02:38 |
pleia2 | Pendulum: thanks for dropping that note about UUD to -women! | 02:38 |
Pendulum | pleia2: no problem. i meant to get it out days ago and it's been sitting on my todo list | 02:39 |
doctormo | cprofitt: When I'm not coughing every 5 seconds, sure thing! :-) | 02:39 |
doctormo | At the very least, I think an automated html submit should be trivial. | 02:39 |
nigel_nb | cprofitt: okay, I didn't know about it | 02:39 |
nigel_nb | I joined later | 02:39 |
nigel_nb | doctormo: do u want me to update my trunk to the new rev that you pushed? | 02:40 |
cprofitt | doctormo what woudl the html submit do? | 02:40 |
doctormo | nigel_nb: Please do, if you have dificulty merging, let me know and I'll do the merge. | 02:40 |
doctormo | cprofitt: It's possible. | 02:40 |
cprofitt | nigel_nb: I think as we grow we may be able to require one format or the other... | 02:40 |
cprofitt | but to get started that may inhibit would be contributors | 02:40 |
nigel_nb | I agree | 02:41 |
cprofitt | that and if we have courses on how to use Moodle ... How to use Asciidoc it should help -- currently we do not have those... | 02:42 |
cprofitt | though we are close to Asciidoc | 02:42 |
cprofitt | I hope :-) | 02:42 |
pleia2 | yeah, hopefully we'll have something pushed up by sunday | 02:42 |
cprofitt | what document type are we using? | 02:42 |
cprofitt | I assume article or book | 02:42 |
pleia2 | nigel has all the basic bzr stuff down, and we have loads of documentation to base on | 02:43 |
pleia2 | base the asciidoc stuff on, I mean | 02:43 |
pleia2 | plus nigel's example | 02:44 |
cprofitt | so hopefully soon we can reach the milestone of one complete course published | 02:44 |
pleia2 | I don't know about "articles" or "books" - if you take a look at doctormo's trunk it has the structure though | 02:44 |
nigel_nb | pleia2: the best way for an asciidoc course is an example course | 02:44 |
cprofitt | I was just reading the Asciidoc user guide | 02:44 |
nigel_nb | I worked on top of doctormo's course | 02:45 |
pleia2 | nigel_nb: yeah, that helps a lot :) | 02:45 |
cprofitt | and it had three doct types -- Man Page, Book, Article | 02:45 |
pleia2 | so you can see the trunk/Subject Area/Topic/01 structure in action, plus the asciidoc markup | 02:45 |
pleia2 | cprofitt: ah, book I think | 02:45 |
cprofitt | Cool. | 02:46 |
pleia2 | but you can compile individual chapters (is that what they are called?) independently of the book | 02:47 |
cprofitt | right... and I think we have a way to break it down even more than that... from talking to bios | 02:48 |
pleia2 | so far the chapters have been pretty small | 02:48 |
pleia2 | but that's something that will evolve as we get more done | 02:49 |
cprofitt | I am just reflecting on many 'books' I have read -- that may cover a subject -- and parts of that chapter may be needed for another 'book' but not to the same depth | 02:49 |
pleia2 | ah, I think while our format is "book" each "book" only covers a portion of a subject (so, something that can probably be taught in an hour or so) | 02:50 |
doctormo | cprofitt: I was always taught that you should be brief in the first paragraph, and then add depth with each paragraph afterwards. | 02:50 |
* pleia2 gets dragged off by phone call | 02:50 | |
cprofitt | paragraph? | 02:51 |
doctormo | cprofitt: Er, yes, I've spelt that right? | 02:58 |
cprofitt | I need to go assist my wife... be off for a little while | 02:58 |
nigel_nb | doctormo: how long are you gonna be around? | 03:20 |
doctormo | nigel_nb: I don't know yet. | 03:25 |
nigel_nb | doctormo: If possible when I finish the bzr course I want a review, fixing some stupid formatting mistakes (my very own) | 03:25 |
doctormo | nigel_nb: ok | 03:25 |
pleia2 | doctormo: wait, which side of the ocean are you on now? | 03:28 |
doctormo | pleia2: UK | 03:28 |
* pleia2 peers at thet ime | 03:28 | |
doctormo | It's 3:30 | 03:28 |
pleia2 | don't you sleep? :) | 03:28 |
doctormo | Not very well when I'm sick, not coughing like this. | 03:29 |
pleia2 | I was taking cough medicine at night so I could sleep | 03:29 |
nigel_nb | doctormo: you need a cough syrup | 03:29 |
nigel_nb | keeps you cough away | 03:29 |
nigel_nb | and you'll be floating ;) | 03:29 |
pleia2 | hehe | 03:29 |
doctormo | I think i do, but with not a chemist in sight at 3am | 03:30 |
pleia2 | yeah :\ | 03:30 |
nigel_nb | I suppose pleia2 was doing that a few days back | 03:30 |
pleia2 | yeah, it was great | 03:30 |
pleia2 | knocked me right out, I'd sleep for like 10 hours :) | 03:30 |
pleia2 | then wake up coughing after 10 hours, but at least I got the sleep | 03:30 |
nigel_nb | pleia2: thats why cough medicines are q.h.s. | 03:31 |
nigel_nb | oops, I mean "at bed time" | 03:31 |
pleia2 | yeah | 03:31 |
nigel_nb | Imagine me taking a cough medicine at night time | 03:32 |
nigel_nb | I'll sleep on the way to work lol :P | 03:32 |
cprofitt | hey bodhizazen | 04:06 |
cprofitt | doctormo: you here? | 04:46 |
doctormo | yes | 04:46 |
cprofitt | sorry I had to cut and run on you... | 04:47 |
cprofitt | wife called | 04:47 |
doctormo | cprofitt: No problem | 04:59 |
=== bodhizazen is now known as bodhi_zazen | ||
=== bodhi_zazen is now known as bodhizazen | ||
AlanBell | hi | 10:32 |
AlanBell | I like the concept of the Ubuntu user days | 10:32 |
Pendulum | hiya :) | 10:32 |
AlanBell | and it will be a great opportunity to give Lernid a bit of a hammering | 10:33 |
Pendulum | heh | 10:33 |
AlanBell | I would like to suggest doing a business focussed event on the same lines | 10:33 |
AlanBell | "how do I start using Ubuntu in my company" | 10:33 |
Pendulum | (btw, most of us doing a lot of User Days stuff are in the US so I may be the only one around) | 10:33 |
Pendulum | that's a really good idea | 10:33 |
AlanBell | there are an assortment of companies that are Canonical partners and lots of people who do Ubuntu stuff as their day job | 10:34 |
AlanBell | who could run sessions | 10:34 |
Pendulum | *nods* | 10:35 |
AlanBell | I am absolutely willing to put time, effort and, if needed, money into such a thing | 10:36 |
Pendulum | AlanBell: I think it's a good idea for a future user day (not this one because we're also kinda finding our feet with it) :) | 10:45 |
AlanBell | oh, certainly not for this one | 10:47 |
AlanBell | because for one thing it is on a saturday :-) | 10:47 |
Pendulum | yeah, that's because we figured most new users weren't about to skip work to attend a user day :P | 10:48 |
AlanBell | yes, totally understand the target audience for this one | 10:48 |
_marx_ | interesting idea AlanBell ; accounting software (read Quicken) seems to be one _big missing piece | 12:22 |
AlanBell | actually gnucash works pretty well | 12:23 |
_marx_ | nigel_nb: ping | 12:23 |
AlanBell | been running a business on it since . . . | 12:23 |
_marx_ | it does but there is a large existing user base for quicken | 12:23 |
pleia2 | AlanBell: I think the consensus was that lernid won't be ready for primte time use in time | 12:24 |
pleia2 | -t | 12:24 |
pleia2 | plus it's still hard for newbies to install (ppa and all) | 12:25 |
AlanBell | 30/04/2003 was the first transaction | 12:25 |
Pendulum | yeah | 12:25 |
pleia2 | a couple of folks on the team were working on an irc screencast though | 12:25 |
AlanBell | well you can't really stop people using Lernid if they want | 12:25 |
pleia2 | so make getting on irc through a client easier :) | 12:25 |
AlanBell | but you can indeed not push it very hard | 12:26 |
pleia2 | sure, they can if they want | 12:26 |
Pendulum | pleia2: not to mention I have at least one friend who has shown interest in attending who probably won't actually be running Ubuntu on that day, but will use it to figure out how to get started | 12:26 |
pleia2 | Pendulum: ah, good to know :) | 12:26 |
AlanBell | I think some people will be using Lernid (me for a start) in order to give it a good test | 12:26 |
Pendulum | I'm going to set her up with webchat or some sort of Windows IRC client (probably webchat since I know nothing about windows IRC clients) | 12:27 |
AlanBell | OpenERP is quite a powerful accounting tool for the larger business | 12:27 |
* _marx_ hates accounting therefore subs it out | 12:27 | |
AlanBell | Pendulum: yes, it would be good to have lernid running cross platform | 12:28 |
_marx_ | Pendulum: XChat is available for windows and a big plus for XChat is detachable tabs | 12:28 |
_marx_ | so one can have -classroom in a window and -classroom-chat in another window | 12:29 |
Pendulum | _marx_: the official xchat for windows is also free 30-day trial and then pay | 12:29 |
_marx_ | no swithcing between tabs to see both parts of the action | 12:30 |
* _marx_ not aware of that | 12:30 | |
_marx_ | i've never used winders much | 12:30 |
Pendulum | yeah, I discovered this when we first got my roommate on IRC | 12:31 |
Pendulum | i should ask him what he's using now since I can't remember. I think it has detachable tabs | 12:34 |
_marx_ | empathy doesn't and i can see that being a problem | 12:34 |
pleia2 | there are some great completely free builds of xchat | 12:35 |
pleia2 | most people use the silverex.org build | 12:35 |
pleia2 | (for windows) | 12:35 |
Pendulum | _marx_: empathy on Ubuntu has detachable tabs | 12:35 |
_marx_ | it does! | 12:36 |
Pendulum | yes | 12:36 |
* _marx_ goes to redo some screencasts :( | 12:36 | |
Pendulum | just double checked | 12:36 |
Pendulum | aww | 12:36 |
_marx_ | having video issues anyway | 12:37 |
_marx_ | issues = problems | 12:37 |
Pendulum | if you have tabs open, in the "Tabs" menu there's the option to detatch each tab | 12:37 |
Pendulum | and in preferances you can select the option to open each chat in a new window | 12:37 |
_marx_ | Pendulum: thanks that's really good to know | 12:39 |
* _marx_ video captures are coming out 1/3 of audio: 4 minute audio 1:15 minute video | 12:41 | |
pleia2 | doh | 12:42 |
nigel_nb | _marx_: pong :) | 13:47 |
doctormo | nigel_nb: hello | 13:47 |
nigel_nb | hey doctormo | 13:48 |
nigel_nb | doctormo: no sleep? | 13:48 |
doctormo | There was sleep | 13:48 |
nigel_nb | _marx_: went through your screencasts, you might wanna slow down a bit, its a bit too fast | 14:10 |
_marx_ | indeed nigel_nb not sure what is making them so fast | 14:13 |
nigel_nb | just speak out what you think needs to be the voice over and then do, forget your keyboard skills and act like a newbie ;) | 14:13 |
nigel_nb | worked for me | 14:13 |
nigel_nb | the first time I made mine, I couldn't even see it (I was way too fast) | 14:14 |
_marx_ | hum, after 10+ years that is difficult | 14:17 |
nigel_nb | haha | 14:18 |
popey | _marx_: where are your screencasts? can I see? | 15:12 |
nigel_nb | pleia2: forgot to tell you, convinced the BT to put up user day alerts on the /topic in #ubuntu-beginners and #ubuntu-beginners-help :) | 15:21 |
pleia2 | nigel_nb: great! :) | 15:21 |
_marx_ | popey: PM? | 15:23 |
popey | sure | 15:23 |
nigel_nb | popey: got a min? | 16:00 |
popey | ya | 16:00 |
nigel_nb | will give the link for the raw video I made for the screencast | 16:00 |
popey | cool | 16:00 |
nigel_nb | can you tell if I need to change something? | 16:00 |
popey | i cant lok at it for another 3 hours or so, when I get home | 16:00 |
popey | *look | 16:00 |
nigel_nb | um, I'm leaving for work in 20 mins | 16:01 |
nigel_nb | I'll give you my mail id | 16:01 |
nigel_nb | mail you comments | 16:01 |
popey | sure | 16:01 |
nigel_nb | popey: thanks a lot. much appreciated :) | 16:03 |
popey | np | 16:03 |
MrShah | HI THERE | 18:11 |
bazhang | hi | 18:11 |
MrShah | which topic are dicussed here | 18:14 |
MrShah | only 4 ubuntu or othrer linux releted | 18:14 |
bazhang | MrShah, /topic | 18:14 |
MrShah | i have a problem with vim when i give the following command this are not work in ubuntu 8.10 but also work in fc10 the command is vim -x file | 18:15 |
MrShah | can you help me | 18:15 |
pleia2 | you might want to try #vim or #ubuntu | 18:15 |
pleia2 | this channel is for developing learning materials | 18:15 |
MrShah | can you plz tell me which type of learning materials | 18:17 |
MrShah | such as rhce | 18:17 |
bazhang | MrShah, try ##linux | 18:18 |
pleia2 | MrShah: no certification, we just have courses for local teams to teach, or irc sessions, or for moodle | 18:20 |
MrShah | can i learn something form your channel | 18:24 |
bazhang | he is trolling ##windows just a fyi | 18:30 |
mhall119|work | not exactly trolling, just pimping | 18:30 |
bazhang | blogspam | 18:30 |
mhall119|work | yeah | 18:31 |
mhall119|work | though he's stopped that now | 18:31 |
mhall119|work | and dropped the all caps | 18:31 |
bazhang | oh right you are in there, sorry | 18:31 |
cprofitt | hello all | 18:34 |
mhall119|work | hey cprofitt | 18:37 |
mhall119|work | I see the NY Team is now listed as approved | 18:38 |
mhall119|work | proving once again that pleia2 is both omniscient and omnipotent | 18:38 |
=== bodhi_zazen is now known as Guest85297 | ||
nigel_nb | doctormo: got a min? | 19:41 |
nigel_nb | doctormo: merged the new trunk | 19:44 |
doctormo | nigel_nb: Great, do you want me to merge it in? | 19:45 |
nigel_nb | doctormo: you want me to change the formatting to that of the new trunk? | 19:45 |
nigel_nb | i mean the sections being outside instead of side the sections folder? | 19:45 |
doctormo | nigel_nb: So you've modified your code to be like the trunk, but you've not merged in the trunk it's self? | 19:49 |
=== bodhizazen is now known as Guest7262 | ||
cprofitt | bodhi_zazen: you here? | 23:24 |
bodhi_zazen | yes cprofitt | 23:39 |
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