
=== yoasif_ is now known as yoasif
sebnerasac: is it normal then when I open a mail (new tab) and delete it that nothing happens (tab description is now "Inbox") but the mail remains, with TB2 the mail was deleted and the next mail opened automatically (I'm seeing this on windows though)00:03
asacfor me that worked a while ago in 300:03
sebnernow it does too00:03
asacthere are some focus issues maybe00:04
sebnerThe magic of opensource hnmm?00:04
sebneryeah might be, I'll take a deeper look if it's reproducable00:04
asacthe magic of opensource is that you can fix it if its annoying enough to invest that time ;)00:04
sebnerNah, the magic of opensource is that stuff that seems b0rken works out of a sudden00:04
micahgasac: not sure what to do with bug 49061500:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 490615 in firefox-3.5 "ubuntu modifications 0.8 (and earlier) breaks some flash based apps like o'reilly safari" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/49061500:05
asaci dont think thats a specific opensource property ;)00:05
asacmicahg: reproduciable?00:05
sebnerasac: haha, but actually seen there quite often :D btw, when will TB3 enter the archive and become default? I hope I haven't overread something in the backlog00:06
micahgasac: I couldn't on the music site and I don't have a safari account00:06
asacsebner: this cycle ;)00:06
asacso in lucid there is no choice bascially00:06
micahgasac: would I be allowed to blog about mozilla stuff for lucid if I make a blog?00:06
asacmicahg: yeah. i dont know whats going on then ;) last user also says it doesnt helop00:06
asacso most likely some other extension causing this00:07
asacmaybe with some odd side effect wrt ubufox00:07
asacmicahg: everyone can blog about everything ;)00:07
micahgasac: that's what I figured, had another user blame ubufox when it was firebug 1.400:07
asacwe are in a free-speech world00:07
asacas long as you speak for yourself00:07
asacif you want to speak for mozillateam maybe check with me and fta00:07
asacon the text before publishing00:07
asac(to be nice)00:07
micahgasac: ok, that's what I wanted to know00:08
asacjust apply some common sense00:08
asacif there are things you are sure are the mozillateam opinioon you can probably go ahead without checking00:08
sebnerasac: haha, that means only 5 months left :P00:08
asacbut i think its nice to let us know up front ;)00:08
asacsebner: for karmic there will be no change00:08
asacat least its not planned00:08
asacwe will bring up a ppa when we upload to real archive though00:09
micahgwell, I figure with stuff like TB3 and everyone asking questions with no answers anywhere, it seemed like a blog would be a good idea00:09
asacyeah definitily00:09
asacyou are member=?00:09
asacthen you can add yourself to planet ubuntu00:09
micahgasac: yep :), I just need to lock down a wordpress instance on my server00:09
asacor use some hosted service00:09
asacpersonally i should have used a hosted service rather imo. but well. once the damage is done it doesnt matter much ;)00:10
sebnerasac: PFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFf, who the hell talks aobut karmic. lucid plays the music, bleeding edge ftw! you know that is my motto ;D00:10
asacthen tbird will be there soon for you ;)00:11
asacno way to escape00:11
asacreport bugs ;)00:11
asacthis year should be the goal ;)00:11
asacat best before my holiday burn time00:11
asacthat starts one week ago ;)00:11
asacno i think i will go to burning holiday like mid next week00:12
micahgasac: bug 494941...00:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 494941 in malone "Users are offered a "Target to milestone" link for bug tasks with linked bug watches" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/49494100:12
micahgasac: my "feature" was a bug00:12
asacwhat feature?00:12
micahgtargeting upstream milestones on bugwatches00:12
asacah  ;)00:12
asacthat explains it00:13
asacdo you know if bugs with upstream watches now get upstream mail too?00:13
asace.g. if upstream comments does that get send to subscribers as well=00:13
micahgasac: yes, they do00:13
asacimo it hsould do that to allow users to react on questions00:13
* asac should check bugmail ;)00:13
micahgbut, bug 48853600:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 488536 in malone "subsequent upstream comments in email have no title or note that they are from upstream" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/48853600:13
asacvery good. so now we are at the stage where we can just verify bugs, forward and then let upstream work together with ubuntu users00:13
asacwhile we provide the dailies to verify00:14
* asac happy 00:14
asacso new bug triage rule is to aggressively forward new bugs to the right upstrema compoennt00:14
asacand then let them deal with that00:14
micahgasac: users can reply to upstream by clicking a link in LP (the comment is fwded upstream AFAIK, but I havent' tested00:14
asacjust wanted to check if they also get mails00:15
asacfor upstream replies00:15
sebnerasac: hahah, holidays, I remember 1-2 years ago when new ff appeared like now and you updated it mid january ^^00:15
micahgasac: I'm assuming we still try to verify/deuplicate?00:15
asacor if we have to hunt that down00:15
asacsebner: i dont think that ever happened00:15
asacsebner: we always had the latest and greatest00:15
asacin hardy even the beta5 ;)00:15
asacmicahg: sure. we do initial verification. and then forward - checking for upstreams00:17
asacin theory we dont need to check for downstream dupes ;)00:17
asacthough having two roads might help to better find dupes ;)00:17
micahgasac: there's a new dupefinder script00:17
asacfor moz or launchpad?00:18
micahgasac: also, there's a new PPA bug policy00:18
asacfrom our qa team?00:18
asacwhats that policy?00:18
micahgasac: qa00:18
asac(in short words)00:18
micahgPPA bugs can be filed against packages and get tagged PPA00:18
asacthats good news00:19
micahgbut it's supposed to be limited00:19
asacwill they appear under /ubunt7 ?00:19
asacliminted in what way?00:19
* micahg is looking for the email00:19
av`asac, what's your suggestion to have all the folders watched for new emails?00:22
av`asac, I mean, how can I see a specific folder received a mail00:23
av`asac, since it says new messages arrived just for the INBOX folder actually00:23
asacask me tomorrow ;)00:24
asachave to look in my muttrc00:24
asaci think its the "mailboxes = ..."00:25
asac(out of my head)00:25
asaccheck the muttrc or something00:25
asacthere is an example i am sure00:25
av`asac, yup, works now00:30
av`added mailboxes thing00:30
asacmy brain still works it seems ;)00:31
micahgasac: here's the basic premise: https://lists.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bugcontrol/msg00496.html00:32
sebnerasac: jajaajaa, wer's glaubt :P00:33
asacsebner: show me when that happened00:34
asacreally. my track record is flawless ;)00:34
asacat least for stable distributions i am sure00:35
asacmaybe 3.5 wasnt rolled on first day ;)00:35
asacto karmic00:35
av`asac, yup, looks like that running imapfilter and mutt on the same pc it's not the best, got some segmentation faults when they were running together00:35
asacnot sure00:35
av`asac, gonna move imapfilter to my server00:35
asacnever used imap filter00:35
asacserver side filtering feels better00:35
asaci use procmail00:36
asacthen export with some imap i cant remember ;)00:36
asacand then use offlineimap to sync to mdirs on each system i am using00:36
micahghi hggdh, do you know where the wiki page is for the new PPA policy?00:36
micahg*bug policy00:36
av`asac, and tomorrow it's irssi time00:49
av`going to sleep now00:49
av`have a great night00:49
sebnerasac: hmm, it was a stable release update for ff 3.0 iirc. I don't say bullshit just to annoy you ;)00:53
asacthe only delay was for ffox 3.000:55
asacwe had to do a beta to final transition with string changes00:55
asacand at the day they released 3.0 final i was on my way to prague UDS ;)00:55
asacso it got out 10 days afterwards00:56
sebnerasac: UDS are never in December so I'd say no01:15
asacshow it to me ;)01:17
sebnerasac: what FF stable release update appeared in December 07? Might be a FF2.0 thing01:32
asac30th nov01:36
asacdec 4 is ok i guess ;)01:37
asacmost likely a friday release01:37
asacwhich we dont do01:37
asacbecause noone can react on regressions01:37
sebnerasac: grr, I'll find the specific stuff and if that's the last thing I'll do in my life *muahahahaha*01:39
asachave fun ;)01:39
asacflawless history as i said ;)01:39
asacanyway. good night.01:39
ftagoogle-chrome-unstable           20255   1.48%      4923    9482    5831      1901:39
ftagoogle-chrome-beta                1174   0.09%       100       4    1069       101:39
asacotherwise future will be doomish01:39
ftachromium-browser                 24511   1.79%      4522   12500    7484       501:40
asacwell. popcon is not really a good reflection of the current usage imo. nobody knows whats going on there ;)01:41
ftabut that's all we have :(01:41
asaclets work on spy ware ;)01:41
asacprobably a good selling point ;)01:41
sebnerasac: gn8. /me goes too though I'm ditching university tomorrow :P01:41
asacdont ditch university ;)01:42
asacno ... ditch it and learn at home instead ;)01:42
asacusually is more productive01:42
sebnerthat's partially my plan yes01:42
asacthan goin there and then learning at home on top ;)01:42
asaconly prob is that you need to have a good work attitude ;)(01:42
asacotherwise all is lost01:42
sebnerand I don't want to get up early and travelling all in all 1 hour for a 45 min lesson01:42
asacand you end up learning everything at the last two days before exams ;)01:43
asacthats how it starts...01:43
asacget up early ... travel there. dont go in session, but learn in front of it ;)01:43
* sebner has the suspicion asac knows about the stuff he speaks :P01:43
asacnot really ;)01:43
asaci just know what can happen01:44
sebnerdon't worry, I'm not that kind of person where this happens. I still participate in at least 90% of the lessons where some of my friends visit ~10%01:44
asaclike other problemns ... you dont see it until its too late ;)01:46
asacanyway off ;)01:46
sebneryeah gn801:48
asac[reed]: http://people.canonical.com/~scott/daily-bootcharts/ ... does not display images in firefox12:07
asacbut in chromium it works12:08
asaci think its svg with <img tags12:08
[reed]that's also why images are broken12:10
[reed]for mime-types12:10
[reed]of .svg themes12:10
ftayep, ff sucks with svg, can't do anything with them beside displaying them alone12:11
ftai gave up on ff for my svg devs12:11
ftaasac, ^^, it's also possible to trick it by moving to xhtml12:20
ftabut it's just ugly, whatever you try12:20
asacfta: so you say using xhtml will cure that bootchart page?12:26
ftaasac, http://wiki.svg.org/SVG_and_HTML12:30
ftayou'll quickly realize it's a mess12:31
asacare there moz bugs for that?12:51
asac[reed]: do you know?12:51
ftaasac, some users keep asking me to enable webgl in chromium, i thought i did, but apparently, google enabled it only in the their dev channel: http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=21852#c913:01
ftaso the question is should i add it too?13:02
asacfta: right. so maybe instead of real dailies, track the dev channel for now13:03
ftanm, it's both in trunk and in the beta13:04
ftabut it doesn't work13:04
=== pace_t_zulu_ is now known as pace_t_zulu
ftaBUGabundo_work, hey13:05
ftaBUGabundo_work, did you test the beta?13:05
BUGabundo_workola fta13:05
BUGabundo_workwhats up ?13:05
ftaBUGabundo_work, ^^13:10
asacBUGabundo_work: beta beta beta test13:11
asacfta: /usr/bin/make  -C build-tree/mozilla  -j013:13
asacis that -j something we add ?13:13
asace.g. guessing processor count?13:13
ftayep, i did13:13
asacwe have to check to use at least 1 ;)13:13
ftai have a test for 1, let me see13:14
ftaPROCESSORS := $(shell grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo)13:14
ftaifneq (1,$(PROCESSORS))13:14
ftaok, 0 != 1 :(13:14
ftagrep -ic should work13:15
asacshouldnt we use PROCESSORS + 1 ...?13:15
asacso if its 0 we still have 1 ;)13:15
ftaiirc, your cpuinfo was weird. could you try grep -ic ^processor /proc/cpuinfo ?13:15
asacthat works13:16
asacbut seems not to work on builders13:16
asacadding a safety net would be great13:16
ftaInitiating build 1390038-2870504 with 0 processor cores.13:16
ftaeven sbuild is confused13:16
asacjust add a safety net13:17
asaci am not sure whats going on ... maybe /proc is not fully there13:17
asacor something13:17
BUGabundo_work$ grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo 213:21
asacnice ;)13:22
asacstrong system13:22
asacnormal system though in x86 world nowadays13:22
BUGabundo_workwork PC13:23
BUGabundo_workdel optiplex 75513:23
BUGabundo_work8GB RAM13:23
BUGabundo_workmodel name: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU     E6550  @ 2.33GHz13:23
BUGabundo_workcpu MHz: 2327.748 cache size: 4096 KB13:23
ftaasac, http://paste.ubuntu.com/339209/13:24
BUGabundo_workfta: anything you need test for beta?13:25
asacfta: great. so we use PROCESSOR for -j?13:25
BUGabundo_workshould i start to ask users to run that repo?13:25
BUGabundo_workhow many builds do you expect per time unit?13:25
asacfta: why do you use different regexp13:25
ftaBUGabundo_work, install it, use it and if you're happy, blog about it, spread the news13:25
asacin comment and above?13:25
asachsouldnt we just use the same there?13:25
BUGabundo_workfta: u got an ARM ? kewl13:25
BUGabundo_workfta: using daily ppa already13:26
asaci will block once i verified that it works well13:26
BUGabundo_work4.0.269.0 (Ubuntu build 34249)13:26
BUGabundo_workeven on debian :D13:26
asacthen you are ahead13:26
asacdowngrade if you want beta13:26
ftaBUGabundo_work, nope, i wish i did, i won't look dumb poking with fixed in the dark13:26
asacplease verify that it works BUGabundo_work13:26
ftaBUGabundo_work, read the ppa header, at least once13:26
* BUGabundo_work reads https://edge.launchpad.net/~chromium-daily/+archive/beta13:27
ftaasac, the regexp is to match your cpuinfo style13:27
ftaasac, try it13:27
BUGabundo_workbtw chromium-browser-inspector is broken13:28
ftaso i can commit everywhere13:28
BUGabundo_workwont install13:28
asacone sec13:28
ftaBUGabundo_work, you need to downgrade it too, same for -dbg if you have it13:28
asacfta: doesnt work on x86 ;)13:28
asacgrep '^(model name|Processor)' /proc/cpuinfo | head -113:28
ftaasac, oops add -E13:28
asacfta: egrep13:28
BUGabundo_workfta: i wont be using beta :p13:29
BUGabundo_workdaily is enough13:29
BUGabundo_workbut i can get a group of testers13:29
asacfta: go for it13:29
ftai had it right here, but i missed it in bzr13:29
asacwith -E13:29
BUGabundo_work*if* the builds arent very often13:29
BUGabundo_workppl seem to get bored with daily updates13:29
BUGabundo_workgo figure13:29
asacBUGabundo_work: we rely on users helping testing our stuff13:29
BUGabundo_work(if only they had 5 daily ppas with debug package like i do)13:29
asacand since you asked for beta explicitly ... please test the bits prepared for you at least ;)13:29
BUGabundo_worki didnt ask it *for me* but for others13:30
BUGabundo_workwho heard the news and wanted it13:30
asacstill having you on the fore-front to test before we spread the news13:30
asacfeels heroic ;)13:30
ftayep, test plz, then you can move back to trunk, i will too13:30
BUGabundo_workand daily is usual to more pron errors13:30
asacyes. still. we want to spread the news. and helping on testing is heroic ;)13:30
asacthough volunarily ;)13:31
BUGabundo_workasac: ff 3.7 , ch, NM, pidign, gnome-do, nvidia, etc13:31
BUGabundo_workall trunk or daily13:31
asacdoenst mean you can help testing stable bits ;)13:31
BUGabundo_worki run lucid and debian unstable13:31
BUGabundo_worki cant test stable bits LOL13:31
ftayes you can, tiny bits ;)13:33
ftaasac, didn't we say that we could stop adding the " - update ..." in bzr commit logs?13:35
* fta feels unsure13:35
ftabzr log -v already does that13:36
asacfta: no.13:37
asacfta: we said we dont want to add patch rebase stuff to changelog13:38
asacfr things that are under development13:38
asacstill using the same comment in bzr commit13:38
asaclike "rebase patch" -> dont put in changelog if its not a stable release update313:38
asacfta: the webview doesnt do that etc.13:39
asaci think we can think about droppin git13:39
asacbut afair we didnt change that so far13:39
ftait doesn't? you mean turtle?13:39
asacif you log at the log in launchpad13:40
ftaor tortoise, or whatever the name of that slow & blotted thing it13:40
asacthere is no hint about what files are touched on top level13:40
ftaoh, the lp extract, not the bzr viewer13:40
asacthat for one13:41
fta*sigh* looks redundant to me13:41
asacas i said. we can review what we do13:42
asacbut we didnt change it yet13:42
asaci think stuff added to changelog still should have that13:42
asacfor stuff not in changelog i dont care13:42
asacif you say its better without, then go for it ;)13:42
asacbut stuff committed with debcommit will include that info if we add it to changelog still13:42
asacso it might look inconsistent13:43
* BUGabundo_work just got one more Ch beta tester13:44
* BUGabundo_work updates to latest flash 64bits13:45
BUGabundo_workdarn we are never gonna get this packed :(13:46
BUGabundo_workgnomefreak: did you ever did manage to do any progress on it ?13:46
ftaasac, all branches fixed13:47
gnomefreakBUGabundo_work: on what?13:49
gnomefreakah flash no i didnt but i also remembering someone say they were working on it13:49
BUGabundo_workfta: common question i get: whats the diff on Chromium and Chrome builds??13:55
BUGabundo_worki know you build them for all our supported releases13:55
BUGabundo_workand that googles one is binary for somethign like 8.0413:56
BUGabundo_workbut nothing more then that13:56
BUGabundo_work[13:57] <IdleOne> Chrome is 1 second, Chromium 4-5 seconds to load13:57
gnomefreak2.6.32-7-generic is not a package :(13:59
ftastrange, did he try with an empty profile / cache for both?13:59
ftaBUGabundo_work, at least, chromium doesn't have that http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Google_Chrome#Usage_tracking14:01
ftathe RLZ and clientid part14:01
ftaand who know what else chrome also adds14:01
gnomefreakah its linux-image-2.6.32-7-generic14:01
ftait's not just a branded chromium with a shiny icon14:02
BUGabundo_workfta: [14:00] <IdleOne> I did not. will try14:05
BUGabundo_worklolol i never notice the icon, anyway14:06
gnomefreak:) i think it works. i will know in ~3 hours14:07
* gnomefreak gone for a little bit14:12
ftaBUGabundo_work, the build flags are the same, it use more system libs but google told me they will use the same as i do by default in the next version. so the only remaining difference is the toolchain. if it want to give it a try, install the same version of chromium from the ppa but try hardy vs karmic/lucid14:19
ftaBUGabundo_work, if hardy is faster, we have a problem with our toolchain14:20
BUGabundo_worki have hardy here on debian14:21
BUGabundo_workand lucid at home14:21
BUGabundo_workdont notice any diff in speed14:21
ftano, you should compare in the same conditions, meaning same h/w, same kernel, same everything else14:24
gnomefreakthere was a package in a ppa that enhanced websites made by google. dont recall name or what PPA it is in14:24
ftajust change 1 variable at a time14:24
BUGabundo_workwont work on debian14:24
BUGabundo_workanything above hardy14:24
BUGabundo_workthats why i use it14:24
ftayou don't understand. try at home on your lucid box, select the lucid ppa, install, clear the cache/profile, test, select the hardy ppa, downgrade, clear the cache/profile, test, then compare14:25
gnomefreakPPA supports lucid?14:26
ftaBUGabundo_work, ^^, you can tell IdleOne to try that if you want to help14:27
BUGabundo_workfta: i did understand it14:28
BUGabundo_worki'm just to lazy to do all those tests14:29
ftaasac, we should have something like that: http://build.chromium.org/buildbot/perf/dashboard/overview.html#Chromium-Linux14:29
ftamaybe something slightly easier to read14:30
asachmmm interesting14:30
asaccan that be run on mozilla too?14:30
asacfor comparison?14:30
gnomefreakfta: thanks trying them now14:30
ftaasac, well, it's based on the chromium perf tools built with the unitests, but moz has an equivalent14:31
ftaasac, http://build.chromium.org/buildbot/waterfall/builders/Linux%20Perf/builds/440014:32
asacfta: can you uploa da new codecs snapshot?14:33
asacthat should be fixed upstream now14:33
ftaa fix landed in the last 12h?14:34
asacfor chromium we sitll need those armv7 droppage and the skia.gyp change i suggested14:34
asacnot sure when exactly14:34
asacguy pinged me this early morning14:34
asacor 214:34
ftawell, if it's a fix in the gyp file, i don't yes it.. yet14:34
fta(damn, i need more sleep)14:35
BUGabundo_worki sleep 6h / day14:35
asacfta: well. the code fix is there too in codecs now14:36
asacand we have to use fPIC for armel14:36
asacit was done in gyp afaik14:36
asacor config14:36
asacnot sure14:36
asacon i386 we must _not_ use fPIC i was told14:36
ftai should speed up the move to the sumo codec / gyp then..14:38
ftakenvandine, any chance to have the stream view fixed in gwibber? the close stream icon does nothing14:47
BUGabundo_workfta: ctrl+w14:47
* kenvandine checks14:47
BUGabundo_workkenvandine: havent worked for me in a *long* time the icon14:47
ftaBUGabundo_work, that's a workaround, not a fix :)14:48
BUGabundo_worki know14:48
BUGabundo_workjsut trying to help14:48
ftayep, same here, it never worked in gwibber 214:48
* gnomefreak would love to close gwibber and it closes *-daemon14:48
kenvandinegnomefreak, it does... if you "quit"14:48
ftagnomefreak, it does that now14:48
gnomefreakfta: kenvandine thanks so use quit instead of "x"14:49
kenvandinethe close button works for me...14:49
kenvandinefor a stream that is14:49
kenvandinesearch stream right?14:49
gnomefreakyeah iirc. i havent opened gwibber in a while (3 weeks or so)14:50
ftakenvandine, try a user14:50
kenvandineyeah, the big X closes the stream for me14:50
BUGabundo_workkenvandine: user doesnt14:51
BUGabundo_worknever use searchs14:51
gnomefreakdoes clear * work now also? i cant run it for a while14:52
gnomefreakclear stream14:52
kenvandinethe close button works for me in a user stream14:53
kenvandineoh... that little close X is next to the stream too14:53
kenvandinei thought ryan removed that until we can fix gtk to handle it14:53
kenvandinethere is also a X at the top when you are viewing a stream14:54
kenvandinethat one works14:54
kenvandinethe one next to the user doesn't14:54
ftayes, the one next to the user name in the stream view pane14:55
* kenvandine will remind ryan to remove that until we can make it work14:55
kenvandineit is a limitation of the gtk cell renderer14:56
kenvandineit is where he wants the close button to be... :)14:56
ccheneyasac: ping15:30
asacccheney: hola15:41
asacccheney: could you please add which package references that?15:42
asaccurrently we cannot see if hte app is on xulrunner-1.9 or whatever15:42
asacthen we start the transition ppa i guess15:43
ccheneyjust need the source package eg xulrunner xullrunner-1.9 or xulrunner-1.9.1 ?15:43
asacccheney: well. xulrunner is redundant as the source in hardy is 1.8 and the binary is 1.9 or even 1.9.1 i think15:43
ccheneyi'm confused, xulrunner in karmic appears to be ?15:44
asacwhy are there things like openjdk-615:44
asacwhere there is no binary package?15:44
asacccheney: ok. then xulrunner, xulrunner-1.9, xulrunner-1.9.1 is enough15:45
ccheneythe source of openjdk-6 depends on a xulrunner package, all packages without binaries are like that15:45
ccheneyeg openoffice.org15:45
asacccheney: right. so check for them which of the binary packages actually uses it15:46
asaclike for openjdk-6 the plugin package15:46
asacfor openoffice also the plugin package15:46
asacmight need manual digging15:46
ccheneynone of them use it at runtime, just a build-dep, do you mean track down inside the source which part of the source uses it?15:47
asacccheney: yes. the plugins use it at runtime imo15:52
asacthey just dont run on their own15:52
asaci think most htat dont have depends in binaries are plugins15:52
asacbut worth checking15:52
asacmight also be just a bad package with missing depends15:52
=== yoasif_ is now known as yoasif
rippswhoa, i just noticed that chromium-daily's scrollbar now matches theme colors. Been a long time coming20:34
ftai like that it also shows all matches when doing a search20:39
ftaasac, gyp_0.1~svn767-0ubuntu1_all.deb20:42
ftaasac, so now, i can fight against the ffmpeg sumo20:42
ccheneyasac: updated to reflect source package it depends against21:10
ccheneyasac: when we update the firefox in the old releases we don't want anything using the old versions of xulrunner at all, is that correct?21:17

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