
baniirachanDamn, tinypic is slow today or my internet sucks00:04
baniirachanIn the pic, you can see where the task panel is00:04
baniirachanBut the movie player won't go FULL screen.00:04
baniirachanAnd that's where you can see the gap in the back with the other windows behind it00:05
knomehmm, weird00:05
baniirachanI can't maximize ANY window to occupy the full screen00:05
knomebaniirachan, what happens when you press F11?00:05
baniirachanI get same result00:05
knomethat's really weird00:05
knomewhich xubuntu version are you running?00:06
baniirachanI believe it's the latest, 9.1000:06
knome'lsb_release -a' in terminal, please :)00:07
baniirachanDistributor ID:Ubuntu00:08
baniirachanDescription:Ubuntu 9.10.100:08
knomehave you changed the theme? (the default is dark)00:09
baniirachanNo, theme is the same00:09
baniirachanSo far, everything is still default.00:09
knomethis is an upgrade?00:09
baniirachanNo, clean install00:09
knomeare you sure you are not running gnome?00:09
baniirachanHow would I know the difference? I installed straight from xubuntu live disk and it says "let xfce manage windows"00:10
baniirachanPlus I don't have any gnome apps.00:10
knomebaniirachan, well, i wonder this because as i said, the default xubuntu theme for 9.10 is dark. can you pastebin your 'ps -A' ?00:11
knome(or alternatively, see if there is xfce4-session)00:11
knomethat does look like xfce, but it's still weird :)00:11
baniirachanI didn't find xfce4-session verbatim00:12
knomeyes, that is xfce00:13
knomethe process to look after was xfwm4, my mistake :)00:13
baniirachanAh, np00:13
baniirachanOne thing  I should mention00:14
knomeokay? :)00:14
baniirachanIs that it's running on a dell inspiron00:14
baniirachanBut I'm using an external monitor00:14
baniirachanA viewsonic 19"00:14
knomethat might be the cause00:14
baniirachanEverytime I try to change resolution though00:14
baniirachanIt goes out to no signal00:14
knomedoes it look like the are that totem is taking is the resolution of the dell?00:14
knome(the dell is supposedly widescreen, but the viewsonic not?)00:15
baniirachanBoth are not widescreen00:15
baniirachanThis inspiron is ome 7 years old00:15
knomeis the resolution same on both displays?00:15
baniirachanWhich is why I put Xubuntu on it ;)00:15
baniirachanI don't know. I'm using an external because the monitor in the inspiron is dead00:16
baniirachanHow would I test that?00:16
knomea-ha.. :)00:16
knomedon't know.00:16
knomeit's a weird situation00:16
knometotem clearly think it's on a widescreen monitor00:16
knomehave you tried other media players, like vlc?00:17
baniirachanIs there any way00:17
knomedo they do the same?00:17
baniirachanWell it's not just totem like I aid00:17
knomeoh, right00:17
baniirachanIt's all00:17
baniirachan*Windows, damn this S key00:17
knomewhat does applications -> settings -> display say?00:17
al2candI would like anyone to give me a good address on how to install applications to my xubuntu... I am total beginner and used windows since born...00:17
baniirachanBut uh, yeah. Is there any way to perhaps remove the Dell display00:17
knomeal2cand, in the applications menu, do you see a "add/remove applications" link?00:18
knomeal2cand, well, try that... :)00:19
baniirachanBtw, the resolution just says default00:19
knomebaniirachan, right00:19
ubottuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution00:19
baniirachanBut is there any way I could stop Xubuntu from detecting the Dell monitor?00:19
baniirachanI think that would help00:19
knomebaniirachan, see the latest link. i think setting the native resolution of the external monitor in the x configuration file could help00:19
al2candok, i would have tought there would exit some kind of executable into the .zip application downloaded00:19
knomebaniirachan, i don't think so...00:20
baniirachanI'm sure there is. Just neither one of us knows how =P00:20
knomebaniirachan, but you could try the x conf file method00:20
baniirachanI'm a script noob00:20
baniirachanI will shortly. Thx00:20
knomebaniirachan, i'm totally not a linux noob, but just can't think of any easy solution for that.00:20
baniirachanI didn't say you were.00:20
knomehehe, i didn't say you said :)00:21
knomejust to mention it's probably not easy/usual to do that00:21
dunixbaniirachan, what kinda vid card do you have? what driver are you using?00:21
knomei've never bumped into this kind of situation earlier00:21
knomeal2cand, which application are you trying to install?00:22
baniirachanI'm using a mobile radeon 7500 lol00:23
al2candiria, OOo, xpaint ... I am currently donaloading the new apps via the add application section00:23
baniirachanAnd it's the standard xorg ati driver00:23
knomeal2cand, yes, that's the way it's supposed to be done in ubuntu(linux)00:23
djura-sanwill xubuntu 9.10 lts include xfce 4.? is there any plan for that?00:23
knomeal2cand, you shouldn't need to download any files manually :)00:23
djura-sanhello 2 all00:23
djura-san*xfce 4.800:24
dunixyou mean 10.04?00:24
knomedjura-san, 10.04 is the next lts, probably it'll have 4.6, unless 4.8 is released really soon and is really bugfree, which i doubt.00:24
knomewe want as stable LTS as possible00:24
djura-sanit should be released (xfce 4.8) in q1 201000:24
knomeso we are not risking it with too fresh stuff00:24
djura-sanso you are xubuntu devs?00:25
knomedjura-san, i know, i'm in contact with the xfce devs also00:25
knomedjura-san, yes, i'm the marketing lead00:25
djura-sannice to meet you :)00:25
knomedjura-san, nice to meet you too00:25
djura-sanso i have another question: will 10.04 include gimp?00:25
djura-sani now that ubuntu will not00:25
knomedjura-san, not by default00:25
knomedjura-san, it will stay in the repositories, i suppose00:26
knome(why wouldn't it...)00:26
djura-sanand i have a lot of other questions... i used xubuntu for a long time but without interent (yeah, it is pain GREAT pain)00:26
knomeheh, okay, feel free to ask00:27
djura-sanwhy totem over mplayer? Mplayer has its own firefox plugin, mplayer is beter than totem (personal xp). I had many times errors with totem playing some clips00:28
djura-sanbesides that is uses gstreamer00:28
knometotem has been the default for a long time00:28
djura-sani know00:29
knomefor the lts we are probably not going to change that00:29
knomebut after that, we might switch to parole, which is a new xfce media/video player00:29
knome(and probably will do that, if the development of parole is continued)00:29
djura-sani used it a little in fedora 12 but not enough...00:30
knomeit's not ready to be the default player yet00:30
knomedjura-san, there is a conversation going about the default application choices in xubuntu-devel mailing list (see https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/xubuntu-devel/2009-December/thread.html, thread "idea for lucid...")00:31
djura-sanso form your pow, why is totem favored over mplayer? I mean mplayer plays all possible codecs so i always asked myself why totem? Gxine was good but mplayer never failed in any task+ you can convert/extract files in mplayer00:31
djura-sanokay i will check it out00:31
knomedjura-san, you can also subscribe the list and give your own opinions if you're interested00:32
knomewell, i think it's just inherited again and again and there hasn't been any concerns about changing00:32
knomealso totem is quite a basic player, which is always ++ for a default xubuntu application00:33
djura-sanwhat about bluetooth?00:33
djura-sanany chance to get that by default?00:33
djura-sanits only 1-2mb00:33
knomethat's an interesting question00:33
knomemaybe if it was working a bit better?00:34
djura-sanhow so?00:34
al2candthanks knome00:34
knomeal2cand, no problem00:35
knomedjura-san, we don't want to ship broken packages00:35
djura-sanit works enough to use it on everyday basis.00:35
knomedjura-san, maybe you should propose that on the -devel list00:35
knomedjura-san, i have no answers on why it is not installed00:35
djura-sanyeah. im kinda new to mailing lists so i will try to use it more :)00:36
knomedjura-san, when you've subscribed, just send mail to xubuntu-devel@lists.ubuntu.com and it will be forwarded to anybody on the list00:36
knomedjura-san, also, you'll get all the messages sent to that address00:37
djura-sanso it basically is a e-mail collector that ships all mails to my inbox?00:37
knomedjura-san, kind of yeah.00:37
knomedjura-san, only that it ships them to everybody on the list00:38
knomedjura-san, that's how the lists work00:38
djura-sanwell its simple00:38
knomeit is :)00:38
djura-sanyou will continue to include office on alternate disc? Im using desktop edition now but i really hate desktop installer and lack of oo.org so i will start transmission00:40
knomedjura-san, openoffice.org will not be included by default, but you can always install it from the repositories, naturally00:41
knomeabiword and gnumeric(?) will continue being installed by default00:41
djura-sani know that but in previous releases there was oo on alternate disk. Is it on 9.10?00:41
knomedjura-san, if openoffice has been on any cd, that's been a bug.00:42
al2candis there a way to install OOo via a zipfile on my usb without having to download it again through add apps.00:42
knomedjura-san, if i am correct. :)00:42
knomeal2cand, i suppose there is, but installing through add applications is safer if you are not exactly sure what you are doing00:43
djura-sanknome, there was oo in xubuntu alternate disk. i used it to install xubuntu on offline computers (dont remeber version of xubuntus). I should check my cd rack00:44
al2candok, I'm not.. so I'll keep it simple00:44
knomedjura-san, oh, right. i'm not sure about that.00:44
knomedjura-san, i haven't used the alternate cd myself00:44
djura-santhank you for answers :)00:45
knomeno problem, happy to help you00:45
djura-sanoh yeah: why there are no text editors with syntax highlight in xubuntu? Mousepad is good but its like notepad. Are there plans to use some other editor?00:48
knomedjura-san, syntax highlighting is not a totally trivial thing to include to a text editor. gedit does that, but it's a bit too heavy for a text editor, we think. i've been asking the xfce devs to include bg/fg color changing support for mousepad for start00:50
knomethen maybe later they'll add syntax highlighting, but i know that's not high on their priority list00:50
knomealso the xubuntu developers do not have the time to do that00:50
djura-sani know00:51
djura-sanits up to xfce devs00:51
knomeif they did have that much time, they'd probably use it to even more important things :)00:51
knomeyeah, it's been discussed lately00:51
dunixvim is all you need! ;P00:51
knomethey have a new branch of the mousepad code, if i have understood correctly00:51
knomenot sure when that is going to be public, though00:51
al2candhow to make my system take charge of python gtkgelxt and opengl01:09
knomeal2cand, sorry?01:10
al2candi just tried to launch chess on 3d mode and it wont allow cause my system is not equipped of python opengl and python gtkgelxt01:11
knomeal2cand, i suppose you have to go to synaptic for those packages01:12
knomeal2cand, applications->system->synaptic package manager01:12
djura-sanal2cand, sudo apt-get install python-gtkglext1 python-opengl01:16
djura-sani think01:16
djura-sanwait to try it01:16
djura-sanit works01:17
djura-san(and its ugly) :D01:17
al2candi found the opengl on the list but not the gtkgelxt, it might work with the first one only though01:19
al2candi dont know what 'sudo apt-get' mean01:20
knomeal2cand, that was a command you were supposed to type in a terminal01:20
djura-sanal2cand, open terminal and paste this "sudo apt-get install python-gtkglext1 python-opengl"01:20
djura-sanenter you password and enjoy01:20
djura-san"sudo" is (one way) to get admin privileges and "apt-get" is package manager for console.01:21
al2candok this all makes alot of sense, your help is appreciated01:27
djura-sanyou are welcome01:27
al2candI just found out the 'working space splits we can perform with xubuntu, that's nice :)01:31
djura-sandont get it :)01:32
al2candapplication/parameter/working spaces (names might be different my xubuntu is french01:32
djura-sanstill cant found that01:33
al2candI am talking about the possibility to left click on the bottom right side of the desktop on the black/white squares to switch from destop 1 to desktop201:34
djura-sanscroll works too :)01:36
al2candok nice :)01:37
mizeryXorg/xfce/desktop environment freezes after some time of usage.  What log file can I check to find out what is causing freeze?  I am logged in remotely.02:01
djura-sanplease give us more info about freezes: after what time it starts and "how" it freezes (totally or...)?02:03
mizeryI'm following https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters/LexmarkMultifuncPrinters and at step 9 I added ` cd /usr/lib; ln -sf libstdc++.so.6 libstdc++.so.5` and output of `/usr/lib/cups/backend/z600` is http://pastebin.com/d3aca6643  -- Without the symbolic link, output is "/usr/lib/cups/backend/z600: error while loading shared libraries: libstdc++.so.5: cannot open shared object file: No such file02:13
mizeryor directory"  -- How can I configure my system to recognize a Dell a920 printer (lexmark z600 series?)02:13
mizeryRegarding the freezes, /var/log/xorg does not exist =/02:14
mizeryRe:Freezes - I can still move the mouse cursor, but I cannot click and the keyboard does not function.  Pushing caps lock does not toggle led light02:15
knomemizery, /var/log/Xorg.0.log02:15
mizeryI had the freezing issue with another ubuntu-based distro linux mint as well.02:15
mizeryknome, /var/log/Xorg.0.log: http://pastebin.com/d50d3ebaa02:21
mizeryIt appears to be using a built-in configuration instead of one configured specifically for the hardware in the system.02:22
mizeryI installed xubuntu on a Dell Dimension 2400.  lspci( http://is.gd/5j2xd ) xorg.conf( http://is.gd/5j2BD ) Xorg.0.log( http://is.gd/5j2Ii ) -- After using the desktop environment for about an hour, it froze again.  The mouse cursor can be moved, but no clicking, and no keyboard functionality.  I can log in to the system remotely still.  I didn't notice any log or update from `dmesg` indicating any kind of issue as to why th04:11
mizerye desktop environment froze/stopped responding.  I'm not sure how to proceed.  Any ideas?04:11
mizeryp.s. I created a config and am using driver intel04:11
mizeryAn update to my issue from previous message: syslog( http://is.gd/5j34W )04:16
oOarthurOoGreetings, does anyone know how to disable tooltips in xfce?06:51
Ubuntu_useris there an xubuntu netbook edition?06:51
TheSheepoOarthurOo: why would you want to do that?07:14
TheSheepoOarthurOo: many applications rely on tooltips07:14
MaxFramesI have a problem configuring arpwatch, can someone help?08:55
MaxFramesthe issue is that /etc/arpwatch.conf seems to be ignored, the daemon runs with the default options and I cannot seem to be able to change them08:56
tavastiMaxFrames, stupid question, have you restarted arpwatch after changing config?09:02
MaxFramesin arpwatch.conf I have added this line:09:03
TheSheephow did you start it?09:03
MaxFrameseth0 -n -f net192168.dat09:04
MaxFramesand I started it with:09:04
MaxFramessudo /etc/init.d/arpwatch09:04
TheSheepsudo /etc/init.d/arpwatch restart09:04
MaxFramessame thing... it says "starting ethernet/fddi station monitor daemon: chown arpwatch /var/lib/arpwatch/eth0.dat) arpwatch eth-0."09:06
MaxFramesit should be logging to net192168.dat, and it should ignore traffic on other logical networks on the same wire, but it doesn't09:06
MaxFramesI think the problem is in the /etc/init.d/arpwatch script09:08
LucidFoxThis question must have been asked many times, but how do I make Compiz start in the Xfce session instead of xfwm?09:26
ablomenLucidFox, simplest way i see is add compiz --replace (or whatever the command was) to autostarted applications in the settings manager09:31
LucidFoxThanks, I'll try that.09:34
LucidFoxAnd how do I make Alt-F1 and Alt-F2 work in Compiz under Xfce?09:34
ablomenehm im guessing you have to install the compiz settings manager thingy and do it there09:39
ablomencompizconfig-settings-manager << that one09:39
ablomensimple-ccsm << or that one09:39
xandermannDoes the Composite things run well under XFCE?11:01
xandermannSo as Shadows, etc.11:02
xandermannNice IRC... Bye.11:03
knome!hi | dustman12:29
TheSheep!hi | dustman12:29
ubottudustman: Hi! Welcome to #xubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay!12:29
knomeTheSheep, ha!12:29
dustmanI've got bit strange problem with logging in: log in screen just re-appears12:29
dustmanagain and again12:29
knomedustman, which xubuntu version12:29
TheSheepcan you log in from the text console?12:29
TheSheepan, of course, what did you do just before that happened?12:30
dustmanuname -a12:30
dustmanLinux pine 2.6.31-16-generic #53-Ubuntu SMP Tue Dec 8 04:01:29 UTC 2009 i686 GNU/Linux12:30
knomedustman, that's karmic12:31
dustmanI actually managed to get into xfce by first getting into gnome and than removing .ICEauthority12:31
knomedustman, (lsb_release -a tells the ubuntu version - just for future reference)12:31
dustmanknome: ty12:31
dustmanTheSheep: actually, the boxed crushed due to disconnected battery12:33
knomedustman, i remember somebody having a rather similar problem which disappeared when he removed some config files12:34
knomeiirc, from .config or .xfce4 or sth.12:34
dustmanbtw, anyone has problems with right-clicks?12:35
TheSheepknome: .dmrc maybe?12:35
TheSheepdustman: no, we are tolernat here12:36
dustmanfor me right-click works bit inconsistent12:36
TheSheepI have no idea what that means12:37
dustmanoften menu appears and disapperas almost immediately12:37
knomeTheSheep, can't remember.12:37
dustmanlike right click -> window -> didn't have time to select anything -> command under cursor executed12:38
vinnlHave you tried using a different mouse? ;-)12:39
dustmantouch pad and mouse12:39
dustmanproblem is that in many other cases it works fine12:39
TheSheepI remember that there was someone with similar problem once12:40
TheSheepbut I can't recall what he did to fix it12:40
TheSheephe fixed it though12:40
dustmanyou know, I can't pinpoint it to whatever12:41
dustmanmouse sensitivity doesn't affect it12:41
TheSheepdid you try looking at the forums and/or bugtracker?12:41
dustmanTheSheep: is there xubuntu specific bugtracker?12:43
dustmansince it works fine with gnome12:43
TheSheepno, xubuntu uses the same one as ubuntu12:43
TheSheepbut there are xfce-specific bugs in it too12:44
dustmanjust looked through open bugs and couldn't find one related to right mouse click12:48
dustmansorry, should go12:49
dustmansee ya12:49
vaguerant_Hey Xubuntu folks. I'm currently an Ubuntu 9.10 user, and it's been all right for the most part but also frustrating at times. My computer is a netbook, so I'm running the Netbook Remix version, but I was considering switching to Xubuntu to a) get away from GNOME and b) take advantage of the lower specifications I imagine Xubuntu requires.15:04
vaguerant_I'm basically a complete Linux noob, I ran 9.04 before this and have used live CDs for recovering data, etc. from Windows systems, but I haven't been using Linux full time for very long.15:05
djura-sanvaguerant_, so what is holding you to switch fully to xubuntu?15:06
vaguerant_Lack of knowledge, basically.15:06
vaguerant_I'm primarily wondering whether Xubuntu will be familiar enough for me to get used to coming off of UNR.15:06
vaguerant_Also I'm curious whether there's any kind of desktop setup similar to UNR, which is great for preserving vertical real estate, which is handy on a netbook.15:07
dunixyou can also run Xubuntu as a livecd to test it out15:08
vaguerant_I'm not interested in the Fisher Price My First Computer style of Netbook Remix at all, just the way the toolbar/taskbar/tray is all one bar.15:09
vaguerant_That's a good point, I should have thought of that.15:09
vaguerant_Not sure how much you guys follow niche versions of your sibling releases, so here's what UNR looks like: http://www.greenhughes.com/files/eeenetbook.png15:10
vaguerant_The whole bottom section is their stupid computer for grandmas setup nobody needs, but the toolbar is really great.15:10
vaguerant_In the meantime, you made a good point, so I'll start grabbing a live image.15:11
dunixthe Xubuntu install disc can be used as a LiveCD15:11
David-Avaguerant_: re: real estate, xfce panels are highly configurable15:11
dunixThe default install will setup 2 bars (top and bottom), you can move everything to a single bar15:12
vaguerant_Cool, that sounds good.15:12
dunixWhich is what I've done, on my eee15:12
David-AI have one auto-hidden panel at the bottom of the screen in my netbook, and one small (2cm wide) panel at the top with network and battery status.15:13
vaguerant_Is there anything similar to UNR's Maximus (undecorates windows, saving you an extra ~20px)?15:14
djura-sanvaguerant_, you can turn of decoration in xfce and use ALT+mouse cursor for moving them15:15
vaguerant_Huh, cool, that works for me.15:15
djura-sanstill it will look poor since there are no windows decorations. YOu can use slim xfce theme for window manager to get slim borders.15:16
dunixalt+mouse is the greatest thing, for netbooks15:16
vaguerant_What's Xubuntu's default sound setup like, and is it easily changed?15:16
djura-sanor you could use some tiling wm. it looks kinda nerdy but it is awesome for netbooks15:17
vaguerant_PulseAudio is something that's really bugged me about Gnome.15:17
djura-sanvaguerant_, sound setup?15:17
vaguerant_And it's basically impossible to escape in 9.10.15:17
djura-sanwell it good since you could apply eq system wide15:18
vaguerant_Yeah, it definitely has its pluses, but there's also issues with some games and stuff with a ~1s sound delay.15:18
vaguerant_And with 9.10 having no way to switch to ALSA/OSS you're kind of stuck.15:19
djura-sanwell pulseaudio is acting like a layer15:20
djura-sanyou could remove it but there are catches15:20
djura-sanlet me see15:21
djura-sanalso there is no pulse in xubuntu :P15:22
djura-sanso no worry for that15:22
vaguerant_Jeez, nice speed on the torrent.15:26
nikolamdjura-san, care for #ubuntu-rs? ;)15:26
vaguerant_I didn't know I could even get 1.3MB/s.15:26
nikolambtw, I run Xubuntu on eeepc. 8.04lts. atm.15:28
djura-sannikolam, hmmm15:29
nikolam:) djura-san  here we are :)15:29
vaguerant_Might be a long shot, but are you guys aware of any problems with internal SD/MMC card readers?15:29
vaguerant_Ubuntu has trouble with hotplugging cards; they only work if someone was in the slot on boot.15:30
zutmeI'm having a login issue. On my user account firefox was crashing, so I decided to restart the computer. I restarted it and now I cannot login. It accepts the username and password, appears to load, but then kicks me back to the login screen before I see a desktop. If I login as root it works fine. Ideas?15:30
nikolamvaguerant_, i had some fix for that applied after installation of 8.04. neceeepc script, something like that15:31
nikolamzutme, is it release version, what version of xubuntu15:32
vaguerant_Uh, *something.15:32
zutmenikolam, karmic15:32
nikolamyou can always log in with console on Ctrl+Alt+F2, 3, 4..15:32
zutmenikolam, yeah I can login on the console15:32
zutmenikolam, I would like to use some gui applications though15:33
nikolamdo some update. if you have network15:34
nikolamsudo aptitude update ,  sudo aptitude upgrade15:34
zutmenikolam, already fully updated15:35
nikolamsee in /etc/X11.Xorg.conf what graphics driver is in use. Try to set it temporarily to vesa etc15:35
zutmenikolam, I doubt that is the problem, because as I stated the login manager displays fine and I am logged in as root right now.15:36
nikolamI am for a long time on Lts 8.04. There were 2/3 times in its history when some updates would make some things not working. After filing a report, they we fixed, sometimes even the same day etc15:36
nikolamzutme, try to make new user while in console15:36
nikolamalnd lo in with that15:37
nikolamalso, try po check if all files in your user`s directory belong to user15:37
nikolamsudo chown user /home/user -R , sudo chgrp user /home/user -R15:38
zutmemy user owns all home directory files.15:38
nikolamalso try to use firefox extension calleed Noscript to stop any unwanted scripts from running on your Browser15:38
nikolamCan you log in as a new user?15:39
zutmeAs I said I am already logged in as root typing this to you right now.15:39
zutmeThe user owns all his own files15:39
zutmein his home dir15:39
nikolamwell did you made new user and see if new user can log in?15:40
zutmenikolam, Ok I tried it and the new non-root user cannot log in15:45
zutmenikolam, So it must be a permissions issue right?15:45
nikolamI would kill gdm15:45
nikolamand try to log in as new user15:46
nikolamand start X with startx15:46
zutmenikolam, Ok so I was checking some stuff out and discovered I'm totally out of disk space. So I uninstalled something, but it still wouldn't let me login16:18
TheSheeptry apt-get clean16:18
nikolamor to delete files in /tmp etc16:20
nikolampater, when log in, try baobab, to see what is taking most of the space16:21
Venimanyone know how to remove things from the applications menu?17:06
djura-sanVenim, see this: http://wiki.xfce.org/howto/customize-menu . Currently there is no option to change menus via xfce tools :)17:07
Venimshoudl've scrolled down when i found that on my own :p17:09
djura-sanno prob17:09
oorahis there a way to select my theme colors in xubuntu? i mean colors i can choose myself?17:43
djura-sanlike in gnome?17:44
oorahdjura-san, yes17:47
oorahanother question. will a customized theme such as ones in xfce-look.org slow down my system?17:47
djura-sanoorah, not sure for color schemes17:47
djura-sanas for other q it will not17:47
oorahok thanks17:48
David-Aoorah: I set colours in a file ~/.gtkrc-2.017:48
oorahi found a rockin theme on xfce-look17:48
djura-sanstill pay attention to roundness in theme since it can be slow17:48
djura-sanpass it :)17:48
oorahwhere do i find the themes folder? i  need to drag and drop a theme17:53
TheSheepit's .themes17:54
TheSheepin your home directory17:54
TheSheeppress ctrl+h to display hidden files17:54
oorahTheSheep, there is no folder there called that, i looked again17:57
TheSheepthen make it17:57
oorahi made the folder, now how do i apply a tar.gz theme?17:59
djura-sanextract it to ~/.themes17:59
oorahin gnome i would just drag and drop to the list of themes, it doesn't do anything in xfce18:00
TheSheepmake sure the gtkrc file goes to ~/.themes/themename/gtkrc18:00
TheSheepoorah: that's correct18:00
oorahTheSheep, how do i find that folder?18:01
TheSheepoorah: just extract that tarball18:01
oorahTheSheep, how do i do that?18:01
TheSheepright-click on it and select 'extract'18:01
TheSheepthen move the directory that was created into .themes18:02
oorahTheSheep, drag and drop didn't work18:04
TheSheepwhat was the error?18:05
oorahi tried to drag and drop it into the list of styles and it didn't land18:05
TheSheepthat's correct18:05
TheSheepit won't work18:05
oorahhow do i find ~/.themes/themename/gtkrc?18:05
TheSheepmove it into the .themes directory18:06
oorahok i did that part18:06
TheSheepok, you are done18:06
oorahall i see is an extracted folder i extracted, it does nothing18:06
TheSheepis there a gtkrc file in it?18:07
oorahthere is a gtk folder and a gtk-2.0 folder and a metacity and index theme18:09
TheSheepah, ok18:10
oorahthis is confusing sorry18:10
TheSheeptha tworks too18:10
oorahhow do i apply the theme?18:10
TheSheepanyways, congratulations, your theme is installed18:10
TheSheepselect it from the list18:11
oorahwhat list?18:11
TheSheepyou probably have t oclose it and open again to refresh18:11
TheSheepin settings->user interface settings18:11
oorahoh ok thanks18:12
oorahits applied18:12
oorahnow gotta get the other 2 parts of the theme18:12
oorahicons and wallpaper18:12
oorahi'll be back if i have another brain block, thanks again18:12
oorahjust got another question18:14
oorahwhere do i put icon themes?18:14
djura-sanin ~/.icons18:15
oorahi need to make that folder lol thanks18:16
oorahone more question. gnome-look seems to have more uploads than xfce look, can i use those themes and icons also?18:27
djura-sanwe are here to serve18:28
oorahi don't know much lol hope i ain't too annoying18:28
oorahi'm gonna test the alpha 1 beta later and see if i find any bugs18:28
djura-sanannoying? lol there is no sucht thing. You are here to get help so feel free to ask :)18:29
djura-sanone day you will server to others (if you like) ;)18:30
oorahi do sometimes, if i know the answers occasionally18:31
TheSheepoorah: note that only the gtk themes will work, not the metacity or compiz ones18:31
oorahTheSheep, oh ok tanks18:31
oorahpart of the theme was partly metacity so no complete work18:33
oorahhow come some themes on xfce-look have metacity when they know metacity ain't for xfce?18:33
TheSheepyou might find an xfce-windowmanager theme that's similar18:34
TheSheepin settings->window manager settings18:34
djura-sanyou can install metacity too but its not good idea.18:35
oorahthanks for the help. wanna see a screenshot of what i got now?18:56
djura-sanwhy not18:56
oorahwait how do i change the pointer color?18:57
oorahi don't see that in appearance settings18:57
djura-santough one18:57
oorahthe pointer18:57
knomeoorah, applications -> settings -> mouse -> tab "theme"18:57
oorahoh ok thanks18:58
djura-sanyeah it will do. for system wide change you have to mess with "default" dir in /usr/share/icons19:00
djura-santhat is tough19:00
oorahfor some reason i click black and it stays white19:03
oorahnot a big deal though, probably just a bug19:03
knomeoorah, maybe try clicking ok to get the change? or maybe you need to login again19:03
djura-sannope. i told you that you have to mess up with default folder19:04
oorahoh ok19:04
oorahi better not lol19:04
knomedjura-san, not if he only wants to change the current user mouse cursor theme19:04
oorahi changed the theme to black, it stayed white19:04
oorahmaybe i should restart?19:05
knomeoorah, did you try to login again?19:05
knomeoorah, that might help as well19:05
oorahno brb i'll try that19:05
oorahor maybe just restart gdm?19:05
knomerestart X, if something :P19:05
djura-sanjust restart x19:05
oorahok thanks19:05
djura-sanuce ctrl+alt+backspace or print-screen+AltGr+K?19:06
oorahunknown job19:06
oorahnow its black on some screens white on others19:08
knomeoorah, maybe you should restart :)19:08
oorahfixed it :) thanks19:10
djura-sanyou were talking about shots... Can we see it?19:10
oorahyeah brb lemme tinypic it19:11
oorahi wanted the mac panel/scrollbar blue look, but i didn't want their logo and icons19:15
oorahneed to change the top and bottom taskbar background colors a little, how do i do that?19:15
djura-sanedit pixmpas for that theme. go to ~/.themes/Your theme name/19:17
djura-sanand search for picture that i used for panels. change it and save19:18
oorahdjura-san, but wouldn't that change the window manager buttons also? and the taskbar/scrollbar style?19:18
djura-sanyou should change only what you need19:18
djura-sanor listen to knome :)19:18
oorahactually i kinda like it how it is. the dark colors makes the takbar icons less clear19:20
oorahthis is way better than default look19:27
oorahi don't understand why *buntu defaults have to be so dull19:28
knomeoorah, which version of xubuntu are you talking about now?19:28
knomeoorah, so can you tell me how could we make the default look better?19:28
oorahknome, bright colors and nice looking window managers19:30
oorahthere are nice preloaded ones though19:30
oorahwindow managers i meant19:31
knomeoorah, so you'd want a more contrasted and accessible theme?19:31
knomei'm personally totally not a fan of the window decorations you have right now19:31
oorahits great having that kinda control though :)19:31
knomeno mean to offense you, but they just look so old :)19:31
oorahknome, you like the defaults?19:32
knomeoorah, i was one of the guys creating the default theme for karmic19:32
oorahknome, oh really? cool19:32
knomeoorah, it's not perfect yet, but i think it is one of the best overall themes you have at this time19:32
knomeoorah, xubuntu lucid will include a polished albatross by default19:33
djura-sanand it looks good with elemntary19:34
oorahits pretty good19:34
knomeany ideas and suggestions are welcome19:34
djura-sanwell there is one19:35
oorahi set it back to albatross and kept the retro window manager19:35
oorahand kept the icon theme19:36
djura-sansome icons are missing in elementary set. they are not missing but they are not linked to work in xubuntu19:36
djura-sanxfce that is19:36
knomedjura-san, we know the lack of some icons, we have to create some new icons for lucid. we just didn't have time to do that for karmic :)19:37
djura-sanoorah, jeah, this is the best artwork for xubuntu so far ;)19:37
oorahnow changed to glossy green theme19:37
djura-sanknome, sure but there is no need to create new icons. just some links are missing :)19:37
djura-sanjust my 2c19:38
knomedjura-san, there *is* some icons missing ;) we will create some links as well19:38
knomedjura-san, that's valuable. thanks :)19:38
oorahi like the shiny theme looks :)19:38
djura-sani just connected to my Serbian ubuntu loco... i share xubuntu now with people :)19:39
djura-sansmall contibution19:39
djura-sansince i will keep it instead of debian and other distros19:40
oorahi tried debian once and hated it19:40
djura-sanoorah, please dont. Xubuntu is based on it so there is not *much* diferences between them19:41
oorahi tried to install stuff and i put in the righ user name, passoword, i was logged  in as myself, it said i wasn't a sudoer19:41
djura-sanim thinking to create some cd cover for xubuntu so i can share cd-s.. i will see what i can do19:41
djura-sanoorah, debian is not using sudo by default19:42
knomedjura-san, join the marketing brainstorm. we are thinking about that as well19:42
oorahcanonical never shipped xubuntu for free, don't know why19:42
oorahi always request a free ubuntu cd, they come with a nice case, sitckers, and disc label19:42
knomeoorah, on-disk.com  does19:42
knomeoorah, see "free quick ship discs" on the left19:43
oorahknome, oh ok thanks19:43
oorahsite don't exist19:43
oorahaccording to firefox19:43
knomeit does exists.19:44
djura-sanknome, i will se what my loco is thinking about that. in the meantime i could join marketing brainstorm... still im gonna use 10.04 for next year and beyond so i could give something good to community19:45
djura-sanstill trying to create sticker on brushed metal but no good19:45
knomedjura-san, #xubuntu-devel. loco teams should have nothing against participating in functional/derivative teams.19:46
oorahthey cost money grrrrrrrrrrrr19:46
knomeoorah, yes, that's the shipping cost19:46
oorahknome, oh i see19:46
djura-sanim joining that teams now19:46
djura-sanq: why do you want to change xubuntu site look?19:47
knomedjura-san, it could be better. :)19:47
djura-sando you want to use "Albatros" alike theme or...19:47
djura-sanit looks nice now19:47
knomedjura-san, no, probably not albatross-like theme19:47
djura-sanxubuntu-devel mailing list is about 10.04 right?19:49
knomedjura-san, it's about any release to be released19:49
djura-sanim mean ok19:49
knomedjura-san, or any development still done for the previous releases19:49
oorahfor some reason its not letting me change desktop background19:50
djura-santhank you for answers so far19:50
djura-sanoorah, how so?19:50
oorahi found a link for one i like, right click, set as background,nothing19:50
oorahit won't change19:50
oorahdo i have to save the pic first?19:50
knomeoorah, yeah, i suppose you can't set images from URLs as background19:51
oorahoh ok thanks19:51
oorahwhat program should i use to open it with so i can set it?19:51
knomeoorah, right-click desktop -> desktop settings19:52
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djura-sanknome, in 10.04 you will not include pulseaudio?20:03
oorahok i made my final theme changes20:47
djura-sanlet us see them20:47
oorahthis should be the Lucid theme :D http://tinypic.com/r/2eej8lz/620:49
oorahIMO its amazing!20:50
oorahmaybe a little hard on the eyes at first lol20:50
oorahbut i like the green and black20:50
oorahwhat do yall think? honestly....20:50
TheSheepI couldn't work with such a high-contrast background20:51
djura-sandont wory im brutally honest :]20:52
oorahok thanks haha20:52
oorahi think its a great look20:52
oorahi guess i have a different taste lol20:52
djura-santoo much intense for eyes. But there is no point in discussing about tastes ;)20:52
djura-sanwe all have different taste ;)20:53
TheSheepit's nat about taste, it's about usability20:53
TheSheepit's ok to show someone for a moment20:53
TheSheepor to set up as a demo in a shop20:53
oorahdjura-san, you have a one click access to both?20:58
djura-sanoorah, what? dont understand. Are you referring to panels? If that so yes i have it. My Workspace margins are about 15-50px :)20:59
oorahdjura-san, oh i see. i'm so use to having 2 it would be hard to get use to one lol21:00
oorahi wonder if i can make what i have into one theme21:00
oorahi mean with a theme maker of some kind?21:01
djura-sanoorah, i thought so. i used ubuntu with openbox for long time without any panels. Alt+tab is hard when you use so much apps at once. On my shot you see only a few but i usually use to many of them. So panel with windows lists is required now. Im using lin more to create stuff. ANd also i play nwn a lot :)21:02
oorahwhats nwn?21:02
djura-sanneverwinter nights21:03
oorahoh whats that?21:03
djura-sanjust some game21:03
djura-sanonly game i play (besides cs)21:03
knomedjura-san, no idea yet.21:31
knomedjura-san, (re: pulseaudio)21:31
djura-sanright now there is no pulse and i dont mind that at all :)21:33
zyxwvutwondering if someone can point me to right direction to modify the mount options of the automount tool used in xubuntu ?22:49
ubottuThe /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions22:50
zyxwvutI want to give full write acces to a HFS external drive and currently it's only root who got that permission22:50
vinnlThose links should help you, I thin22:50
zyxwvutfstab is not automount because it's an external drive (in fact 2 drives currently)22:51
vinnlIs it connected on startup?22:51
=== trevor_ is now known as digitrev
zyxwvutsorry what i meant is that i don't think fstab would help or does the udev/hal/whatever use the fstab to get mount options based on uid ?22:52
vinnlYep, I believe so22:52
zyxwvutno not connected at startup22:52
digitrevIf anyone has some free time, I was wondering if I could get some help with ssh. It seems to be something specific to xubuntu, because it works properly both on Cygwin and Ubuntu22:53
zyxwvutin fact i was hoping there would be a magic file somewhere where i put 777 and bingo every external disk mounted get write access to anyone22:53
zyxwvutmy other external FAT is working (but it's FAT)22:53
vinnlHmm, I'd lurk around to see if someone with more knowledge of this reads your question :)22:54
zyxwvutvinnl, do you know the tool that does the automount job ?22:54
vinnlzyxwvut, I think exo-mount, otherwise gnome-mount22:55
djura-sanzyxwvut, try this: settings > File manager > Advanced > COnfigure22:56
djura-santhunar volman should do the job22:56
zyxwvutdjura-san, nothing in the advanced settings22:57
zyxwvutI will look in exo-mount and thunar volman man pages22:57
vinnlzyxwvut, alternatively, you could try mailing the xubuntu-users mailinglist :)22:57
zyxwvutvinnl, yes but I'll try that when I've tried 'many' things before ;)22:58
vinnlGood :)22:58
djura-sanzyxwvut, there is. enalbe "volume managment" and try configure then. maybe you can solve problems like that.22:59
djura-santhere are a lot of options there23:00
zyxwvutdjura-san, it's already active but i think the purpose of those options is to activate the right tool base on what type of media you plugged in23:00
djura-sanzyxwvut, yeah.23:01
djura-sanstill you can use thunar volman to mount device ant chown to change owner.23:02
zyxwvutdjura-san, will try23:04
digitrevCan anyone help me with some ssh problems?23:18
dunixit's better to state your problem, instead of asking to ask23:19
digitrevFair enough23:19
digitrevThe problem is this: after properly authenticating using ssh-add, my public key is not being accepted by Xubuntu. This is odd, because it works just fine when ssh'ing into my Cygwin and Ubuntu box.23:20
dunixNever used that ssh-agent stuff, so i'm no help23:24
digitrevAhh. Thanks anyways.23:25
digitrevWould you be able to point me to a place where people might be able to help more?23:25
djura-santry at #ubuntu23:25
dunixyea, same in ubuntu23:25
djura-sanor #arch23:25
digitrevI'd try #ubuntu, but it seems to be something specific to xubuntu.23:26
djura-sanit sounds more like a ssh related stuff rather than xubuntu related stuf. still check there out :)23:28
zyxwvutdjura-san, chown worked and i found on launchpad that in the future there would be an mount.rc file in the xubuntu-default-settings that would provide the ability to specify mount-options23:38
djura-sannice to hear. thank you for info.23:38
zyxwvutthanks again bye23:38

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