
oldude67alright does anyone know how to make the power managment not show up on reboots, i have told it not to do it several times but it still comes up.thats for laptops mostly isnt it?00:06
rrvaoften chrome or firefox flip out and eat 90Â% cpu for a long time. How can I detect this situation and automatically kill firefox/chrome or at least show a warning dialog?00:11
IngForiguaSomeone have problems with nofify-osd00:30
simba_so i did a fresh install and the update-manager -d. My lappy has dual gfx card, when i try booting nv my screen goes crazy, but works ok with intel. Anyone else have the same problem?00:38
DanaGweird.... plymouth doesn't work for me.00:47
DanaGJust shows a blank black screen.00:47
XiXaQhas it been decided that Lucid will use Linux 2.6.32 and not 2.6.33 even if it's ready in good time for kernel freeze?01:09
XiXaQI think 2.6.33 would be a very useful kernel for Ubuntu Server, as it's likely to include DRBD.01:09
dtchenXiXaQ: it has been decided, yes.01:15
XiXaQgood. I would like the convenience of having DRBD in the kernel, but I think it's much more important to have stability from the get go.01:16
DanaGhmm, plymouth doesn't work for me... just gives me "unexpectedly disconnected from boot status daemon".01:16
XiXaQah! https://wiki.ubuntu.com/specs/KernelLucidNewKernelonLTS <-- This is one blueprint I really find interesting.01:27
DanaGI almost read "kernelon" as "chameleon".01:35
DanaGwith a K.01:35
XiXaQthe brain has some kewl features. :)01:37
bjsniderplymouth would require a kms driver01:42
bjsniderwhich is to say, an intel gpu01:43
RAOFOr, with the new kernel, an ati gpu.01:43
bjsniderreally? that's done now?01:44
RAOFOr, with _my_ copy of 2.6.32-8-generic, an nvidia gpu.01:44
bjsnideri wasn't aware it had been added to radeon yet01:44
DanaGI'm using uvesafb, for now.01:45
RAOFradeon kms has been available since not long into the Karmic cycle; it hasn't been enabled in Ubuntu kernels, though, because it's needed newer userspace.01:45
DanaGBut even with radeon kms, plymouth has never worked for me.01:45
DanaGEven back when it was temporarily available in Jaunty.01:45
RAOFYou'll notice the latest kernel changelog drops the "[SAUCE] disable ati kms"01:45
DanaGIt just went to details view, immediately... without EVER even trying to load the "solar" plugin.01:46
DanaGthis is a strace of sending it "show-splash".01:47
DanaGIt just gives me a 100% black screen.01:47
DanaGIt also gives me "unexpectedly disconnected from boot status daemon".01:48
DanaGStupid Plymouth.01:52
DanaGhmm, a nice name for a language:02:01
DanaGer, sorry, wrong tab again.02:02
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DanaGugh, stupid wifi... can't handle even one lowly stereo pulseaudio stream.02:29
bjsniderchromium-browser reports the flash plugin crashes on all google video and espn video02:31
DanaGgreat, pulseaudio is now giving me a bunch of "protocol error" messages.02:35
DanaGhmm, I disabled the RTP stream thingy... and suddenly it started working.02:35
DanaGEven though RTP wasn't even in use!02:35
DanaGStill, that doesn't explain "protocol error" -- shouldn't it be something more like "your connection sucks"?02:36
DanaGnow, if only I could make that old laptop's video (including bios boot logo!) not get completely trampled...02:39
DanaGWeird... plymouth works just fine on a second computer that has nouveau.\02:39
DanaGDoes plymouth just not like uvesafb?02:39
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DanaGActually, I think plymouth is just being stupid, and trying to draw on ttyS0.02:47
DanaG... and completely ignoring tty0.02:47
DanaGOh, I see... it's just Plymouth fail.02:51
ubottuFreedesktop bug 22239 in plymouth general "improve console= handling" [Normal,New]02:53
DanaGweird... plymouth under X gives weird boxes.03:04
XiXaQdoes anyone know when Evolution 2.29 will be available in lucid?03:40
DanaGooh, multi-pointer vnc:04:41
XiXaQwhy is that cool?04:43
DanaGBecause you wouldn't have to "fight" over a mouse, and you could do cooperative stuff with it.04:44
bjsniderfight over a mouse?04:51
arand_I seriously wonder about the decision to label adobe flash, etc. as "Free Software" in USC...05:09
DanaGI'd distinguish by "free" and "Free!".05:13
arand_Not even I can tell which is supposed to be which of those two...05:29
arand_Redefining the meaning of Free Software to mean Gratis Software, I really do think it's a bad way to go...05:31
DanaGI'd agree with that.05:42
DanaGThey should call it zero-price, instead, or something.05:43
DanaGor zero-cost.05:43
DanaG(aside from all the crashes! =þ)05:43
DanaGoh yeah, so plymouth just plain doesn't even TRY to work on my system.06:52
DanaGIt sees a "console=" parameter and just says "oh, serial, I give up."06:52
DanaGEven if it's console=ttyS0 console=tty0 (which means both serial AND local).06:52
mgihi everyone - I keep getting "error 22" from grub when I boot off a fresh install.. happened with mythbuntu 9.10 and it's happening with ubuntu 10.04.. what is this all about?07:16
mgiI have 4 disks fyi and only one has partitions set up07:16
gnomefreakmgi you can search using "grub error 22" i dont recall what it is and i would be able to check for a bit07:19
mgiI searched and haven't found much useful07:19
mgiit's all to do with dual windows-linux installs and such07:19
mgiI believe error 22 is unknown file or directory, or something07:19
mgiI imagine it's looking for the wrong drive / partition07:19
gnomefreakmgi: did you install windows first than ubuntu?07:21
mgino, windows has never been on any of these hard disks07:21
mgiI am installing over a previous ubuntu install, but I have deleted + readded the partitions since then07:22
DanaGgrr, plasma keeps segfaulting.07:24
DanaGOver and over.  And over.  And under.  And sideways.  And over.07:24
ueu001Is there breakage now in lucid? Or is it safe to upgrade to the alpha  ?10:01
gnomefreakueu001: breakage and will keep breaking until beta at least it will have less by beta release10:02
peciskwell, it looks like it's safe, but you can't be sure and nothing new to chew on, only gnome stuff is slowly upgrading10:03
gnomefreakpecisk: X is broken10:03
peciskI did it in VirtualBox10:03
peciskgnomefreak, this morning I suppose? :)10:03
peciskok, I didn't upgrade for day or more10:03
gnomefreaknot all drivers are ready example nvidia-glx-*10:03
gnomefreakpecisk: 2 days ago10:03
ueu001oh that's bad10:03
peciskso it's better to do something useful than upgrade right now :)10:04
gnomefreakueu001: since you will be doing either update-manager -d or distupgrade in terminal it is going to break X. right now they are held back10:04
gnomefreakgo figure i file a bug than as of today i cant reproduce it :(10:06
gnomefreakueu001: pecisk see bug 495779 not sure if it was a duplicate of the other bug but that is my X bug10:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 495779 in nvidia-graphics-drivers-180 "when doing X updates it wants to remove nvidia-glx-185" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/49577910:08
ueu001I see it in the distribution upgrade window10:08
* gnomefreak getting tired of filing bugs 11:08
MitchDoes the latest Kubuntu alpha use Plymouth?11:38
XiXaQgnomefreak, isn't it a little early for that? :)11:53
gnomefreakXiXaQ: yep but ive been up for ~7hours and its only 6:54am11:54
Ddordahey. what is the version of xorg-server that going to be on lucid?12:30
yofelMitch: no, kubuntu doesn't use Plymouth yet12:32
yofelDdorda: 1.7 afaik12:33
yofel(Xorg 7.5)12:33
tormodanyone else having ureadahead dying?13:06
Ddordayofel: thanks a lot :D13:09
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tormodd'uh I was using a vanilla kernel, ureadahead needs some ubuntu patches...13:35
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BluesKajok , installing lucid as we speak ..any advice on quirks I should know before I reboot after the installis done ?14:28
Ian_Cornegfx card?14:32
Ian_CorneDon't run it on battery power14:32
Ian_Cornemine crashes then14:32
BluesKajnvidia 7600gt14:32
BluesKajIan_Corne, I'm using my desktop14:33
Ian_Cornethen i have no comments :)14:42
BluesKajIan_Corne, I tried lucid 2 days ago and it crashed X and am using the glx-185 driver . I have the ppa for the 190 driver , but I'not sure what the excart name of it is.14:44
ueu001Is there a problem with nvidia-glx in lucid or is there a workaround ?14:47
Ian_CorneSorry BluesKaj don't have nvidia14:48
BluesKajwell, ueu001 , I'm about to find out ,. There was a prob a couple of days ago , but i'm gonna try a different driver14:50
ueu001I have no problem using nv, instead of nvidia, so I will upgrade in a few hours to lucid14:57
BluesKajI see , didn't realize the nv driver works on lucid14:58
ueu001I have no information what works....We always have vesa15:00
BluesKajwell the prob is , if X is broken , then the driver doesn't matter15:04
BluesKajhad to do some rescue work for the nvidia-190-libvdpau driver and xorg reconfig at the TTY , but managed to boot lucid15:49
ueu001Just started upgrading as well15:55
ueu001Will keep you updated15:55
BluesKajhmm, konversation is using 70% of the cpu , wonder what's causing that . I'd use quassel but don't care the "look" and I'm no eye candy freak16:09
BluesKajdon't care for the "look"16:10
ueu001I'm now on lucid guys. Booted successfully, I only lost usplash16:56
ueu001I also found a bug in notify-osd, I will post a bug16:58
ueu001posted it . bug #49593817:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 495938 in notify-osd "Notify-osd in lucid: Glitchy appearance" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/49593817:02
Michalxoagrree with notifications17:02
ueu001can someone confirm please?17:02
Michalxodamn, lynx is faster via live cd/dvd then my Koala :-(17:04
ueu001the new kernel is pretty exciting ; )17:05
Michalxoin what?17:05
ueu001there was a pretty big article somewhere. do you want me to find it  ?17:06
Michalxothat would be nice from you :-)17:06
MichalxoI have here ubuntu since karmic alpha 3.. and it's not that fast as I'd imagine :-(     but keyboard freezing after suspend bothers me very much :-(17:07
ueu001We are still early in development and because this is going to be a lts release, we need to post many bug reports. So do that if you haven't already .17:08
Michalxowell.. it was/is in Karmic..17:08
Michalxoi haven't tested it on lynx..17:08
ubottuUbuntu bug 429249 in gnome-power-manager "[Karmic] keyboard locked/freezed unable to type anything" [Undecided,Confirmed]17:09
Michalxothis is my top-bug :-(17:09
ueu001that's pretty severe ;  (17:12
Michalxoyeah :-(17:13
BluesKajKonversation is using 70% of the available cpu porcess ...what gives ?17:25
Seren__hi there, I have lost "all applications" under kde lucid : krunner can't find any application and kickoff does not list anything17:25
Seren__this is pretty weird, luckily I had a konsole restored at session start up17:26
Seren__anyone else experiencing the same thing ?17:26
joaopintofgrlx is still unusable, right ?17:28
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BluesKajsuccessful reboot ! ..stuff works :)17:58
ueu001BluesKaj: congrats : )17:59
yoasif_just installed gnote, it seems identical to tomboy18:00
BluesKajueu001, how are you coming along . Are you installing ?18:02
ueu001BluesKaj: I upgraded from karmic. So far I have found only one bug18:02
BluesKajueu001, cool , a crash or ?18:03
CosmiChaosueu001, well not much has changed so far except of kernel and kde18:03
BluesKajCosmiChaos, that's not much ?18:04
ueu001This. Bug#49593818:04
ueu001Bug# 49593818:04
BluesKaj! Bug# 49593818:04
CosmiChaosBluesKaj, well its regular upsream, but normally its quite more at alpha , ie gnome, cups, compiz, not changed18:06
BluesKajok ,it's on launchpad ... dunno if mine is a bug but i have to login twice18:06
ueu001I will install the nvidia drivers now from the official website18:06
CosmiChaosi think if they would really miss he option on 2.6.3 for a LTS18:07
BluesKajueu001, you'll have to stop kdm first then remove the old driver and install the new one18:07
CosmiChaosim really fine with the sevenmashines nvidia 195.22 beta repository18:08
CosmiChaosbut still i have a video glitch on boot must be xserver-video-nvidia18:09
ueu001Install succesful18:09
BluesKajCosmiChaos, which nvidia card ?18:10
BluesKajthe nvidia-190-libvdpau replaces the glx-185 driver , you can find it here https://edge.launchpad.net/~sevenmachines/+archive/nvidia18:11
CosmiChaoslisten i have absolutely no problem when x is loaded18:12
BluesKajyeah CosmiChaos i was busy typing and not reading :)18:12
CosmiChaosmy 195.22 works nicely and worked before on karmic nice too, the difference from upgrade was that from grub to X the graphic is freaked18:13
BluesKajI had a problem with X til the 190 driver was installed18:13
CosmiChaosi guess its a problem with the vesa modul for nvidia on the new 2.6.2 :( what to do?18:14
CosmiChaosthe problem is too, when i switch to console18:14
BluesKajmy nvidia card is a bit old (7600gt) but still works fine with this 5yr old pc18:14
CosmiChaosgraphics are freaked too18:14
CosmiChaosi meant 2.6.3318:15
sebsebseboh graphics card issues?  well the screensavers won't show in alpha 1, in my Virtualbox  vm18:15
CosmiChaosno not screensafers18:15
sebsebsebok well I just joined18:15
CosmiChaosTTY1-8 plus boot animation18:15
sebsebsebalso the boot up is odd in my vm18:15
CosmiChaosthese are freaked18:15
BluesKajCosmiChaos, the 195 lucid driver might different than the karmic , di=unno for sure18:16
Seren__hi there, I lost "all applications" in kde+118:16
i_is_brokewell every thing seems to be working fine with my nvidia riva tnt2 card18:16
Seren__and krunner seems to be unable to find them either18:16
CosmiChaosits not the nvidia x-driver18:16
CosmiChaosi tried 185 its the same ok18:16
Seren__anyone else with the same issue ?18:16
CosmiChaosX works nice18:16
CosmiChaosthe problems are the console temrinals plus only the boot animation18:17
BluesKajCosmiChaos, gnome ?18:17
CosmiChaosthat must be package xorg-video-vidia related or kid of, because that worked before lucid18:17
BluesKajCosmiChaos, yeah try the site I posted above18:18
CosmiChaosgnome works ice in x as i repeat: only boot animations and NOT terminal windows, but CONSOLES ((STRG+ALT+F1-F12))18:18
CosmiChaosBluesKaj, you didnt posted an link O.o18:19
ueu001I installed the nvidia driver from nvidia.com and it works very well for me18:20
CosmiChaosBluesKaj, except of the sevenmashines repository, that i already in use of18:20
CosmiChaosyou dont got my problem18:20
BluesKajTTY not working ?18:21
CosmiChaoswell technically it works18:21
CosmiChaosbut not usable18:21
BluesKaji have 6 TTY s the , alt +F7 gives me the desktop18:22
CosmiChaosbecause video output is squeezed and shovered to a 1/10 of the height and 1/10 of the width repeating itselfs to the right18:22
CosmiChaosat the top of the screen18:22
BluesKajwhat happened to the media option is systemsettings ?18:23
CosmiChaosi cannot use TTYs, some graphic glitch goes for boot animation18:25
CosmiChaosand shutdown animation18:25
CosmiChaosthats not nivida-glx related18:25
CosmiChaosmust be frame buffer or vesa driver or something :(18:26
CosmiChaosany idea?18:26
BluesKajCosmiChaos, i'm on kde , it's system settings /computer admin/ media18:28
BluesKajdo you have the terminal on desktop18:29
CosmiChaosof course i can open up a temrinal window18:30
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SuperLagAnyone running Lucid in VMWare?18:40
Seren__hi there, I am still struggling under kde lucid to see any application in krunner or kickoff18:44
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BluesKajhow is lucid working on laptops with intel graphics ?20:05
CosmiChaosthats totally weird. ubuntu devlopers focused 2.6.32 for 100.0044 which will be released in april as LTS while now kernel 2.6.33 with nuevou will arrive in february ... atm  xf86-video-nv isnt working since lucid alpha11 for my 8600gts.... merry christmas xD20:25
CosmiChaosi think ubuntu developers should step to 33 for LTS20:27
dtchenthat decision was made at UDS for a longer period available for stabilisation20:27
CosmiChaosjust gimme back my bootloader and TTYs xD20:28
CosmiChaosi mean bootloadingscreen20:28
CosmiChaos xf86-video-nv got screwed graphics for TTYs, boot- and shutdownscreen since lucid alpha1 for me, any idea?20:29
BluesKajwell , here goes lucid install on the laptop20:31
sal_? partial upgrade?  i have a good alpha installed, using upgrade mgr .. i read the forum page about the partial upgrade - and generally not to ..20:34
sal_wondering what to do from here? .. wait for a full upgrade, or ??20:34
CosmiChaosgenerally dont develope ;)20:34
IdleOnesal_: wait20:35
sal_IdleOne, ok.  if i keep checking the update mgr, it will eventually offer me a normal upgrade?20:35
BluesKajCosmiChaos, try sudo /etc/init.d/kdm start in the console , then remove your old nvidia driver and install devel -nvidia driver for your graphics card20:35
CosmiChaosi run upgrades every 15 minute omg20:35
IdleOnesal_: at some point it should20:36
BluesKajerr sudo /etc/init.d/kdm stop, CosmiChaos20:36
CosmiChaosBluesKaj, i dont use kde with kdm, i use gnome with gnm ;)20:36
BluesKajthen gdm20:36
sal_IdleOne, thx.  i'll just keep checking.  the install now seems to be running great ..20:36
CosmiChaosthat does not work anymore since karmic ;))20:36
CosmiChaosstop gdm20:37
evolioanyone with a macbook 1,1 here?20:37
CosmiChaoswhy should installing devel help BluesKaj20:37
CosmiChaosBluesKaj, again: the propietary driver was working under karmic20:38
CosmiChaosi rebuild that kernel module for 2.6.3220:38
BluesKajCosmiChaos, what's your present driver?\20:38
CosmiChaosit is nicely working20:38
CosmiChaos195.22 nvidia via sevenmachines repo20:39
CosmiChaosi previously had 195.22 directly from nvidia installed20:39
BluesKajyou said your graphics were freaked a while ago, whic h is it ?20:40
CosmiChaosi dont think the problem is driver related20:40
CosmiChaoslisten. 195.22 from nvidia was nicely installed in karmic, then i upgraded to lucid20:40
CosmiChaosit claimed for low graphic mode, so i checked console20:41
BluesKajyeah so install the lucid driver20:41
CosmiChaoswhich had screwed graphics like the very first bototloadinganimation in lucid20:41
CosmiChaosyes i did20:41
CosmiChaosi entered low graphics mode20:42
BluesKajok, nm ...20:42
CosmiChaossince i cannot force TTY driver instalaltion20:42
CosmiChaoswhich i did (tried blindly) and worked20:42
BluesKajit's no point20:42
CosmiChaosbut then after a reboot still the bug appeared20:42
CosmiChaoshardware enabled opengl desktop no problem20:43
CosmiChaosgdm works, compiz works20:43
CosmiChaoslol i bet the 2.6.33 is finished before ubuntu hits first beta xD20:54
IdleOnefirst beta came out 2 days ago. How much do you want to bet?20:59
IdleOneoh wait21:00
* IdleOne fail21:00
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BUGabundois it just me, or did fonts get smaller again ?21:37
AlanBelljust installing from the alternate CD, it wants to download MIBs from RFCs and IANA21:55
BUGabundohey AlanBell21:55
BUGabundoyeah I remember getting those too21:55
AlanBellit is a sub-optimal acronym soup for the uninitiated21:55
AlanBellnot entirely sure what a MIB is myself21:56
AlanBellor the relationship between RFCs and IANA21:56
BUGabundojoaopinto: that's your expertise isn't it ?21:57
BUGabundoAFAIK MIBs are the exposed motherboard sensors21:57
robin0800_joaopinto: well as I was installing it I did not have an internet connection but have not been prompted to install these after installation22:05
joaopintoyou can safely ignore that prompt22:05
AlanBellwill the message be removed later? it is a bit unfriendly22:11
joaopintoI guess so22:16
AlanBellwell the install finished and it boots up OK22:20
AlanBellstill experienceing bug 42876922:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 428769 in xserver-xorg-video-intel "compiz starts with a blank screen on a 2048x1152 monitor" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42876922:21
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