
ubot2In #ubuntu-se, johanbr said: !no flash64 is <reply> För att installera Adobe Flash för 64-bit arkitektur kan man hämta deras plugin från http://labs.adobe.com/downloads/flashplayer10_64bit.html05:35
=== Ddorda1 is now known as Ddorda
mac9416Hey, how can I request a modification for an ubottu factoid?14:21
mac9416Or maybe even the addition of one?14:22
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu-irc's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots14:22
erUSULmac9416: /msg ubottu factoid is <reply>Your modified text here14:22
erUSULthen pray for someone noticing the request14:22
jpdsno, factiod is <reply>$thing.14:22
mac9416erUSUL, thanks. So I don't need any special permissions?14:22
mac9416OK, got it.14:23
jpdsYou do, but the factoid will be put into the queue for approval.14:23
erUSULsomeone in #ubuntu-ops has to aprove it and actually modify the DB14:23
mac9416Right, makes sense. When I read the wiki it looked like anyone could modify the DB. I thought "Can you say vandalism?"14:26
mac9416Request submitted. Thank y'all for your help.14:30
LjLwe actually didn't get very much vandalism when it *was* freely modifiable14:40
LjLsome misguides edits, yes14:40
mac9416That's good. But better safe than sorry I would think.14:54
=== LjL` is now known as LjL
g_khatwani123i have installed ubuntu on my laptop. i use wifi as internet on my windows vista.but internet is not running on ubuntu.17:31
g_khatwani123please help me to get the solution17:31
Ddordag_khatwani123: first of all i believe it's not the right channel :P17:32
Ddordasecond, is it a WEP wifi?17:32
g_khatwani123what is WEP wifi17:33
g_khatwani123if i have to configure any setting for that17:33
g_khatwani123in ubuntu17:33
* andol points g_khatwani123 towards #ubuntu, which is the regular ubuntu support channel17:34
Ddordag_khatwani123: do you have a pass on your network..?17:36
g_khatwani123i mean no paaword is required for internet access17:37
g_khatwani123no  password is required for internet access17:39
m4vwhat's the general opinion of people linking pages as these http://catb.org/~esr/faqs/smart-questions.html in Ubuntu support channels? it is alright or should be frowned upon and discouraged?17:41
jussi01!gq | m4v - better to use this one.17:43
ubottum4v - better to use this one.: Are you sure your question allows us to help you? Please read http://www.sabi.co.uk/Notes/linuxHelpAsk.html to understand how to ask a 'better' question.17:43
m4vI don't think I there's a Spanish version is there? I ask because the spanish version of the link I pasted is often used in #ubuntu-es17:51
jussi01m4v: In my opinion its a good idea to educate people to ask smarter questions, but it needs to be done in a correct way, like most things..17:52
m4vand I believe that page is rude, with literal translations of rtfm and such17:53
m4vah ok17:53
jussi01m4v: yes, the page isnt the nicest, I was about to mention ir17:53
jussi01perhaps you could find/write/translate a better one?17:53
jussi01m4v: that sabi.co.uk one is gpl'd, perhaps a translation is a good idea. :)17:56
naliothm4v: if you would like to write a web page, i can host it17:58
m4vyes, I'm not sure if I will do it in the short while, but will note it somewhere.18:00
m4vgiving an alternative is better than telling people not to link that page18:01
jussi01m4v: even if you cant do all of it, maybe make a start and propose some others in the -es area help out18:01
jussi01Its always helpful to make a start - nalioth has a wiki that may be useful for it18:02
m4vyes, I will poke someone in #ubuntu-l10n-es or their maillist18:04
jussi01m4v: ok, great. if you need hosting, just contact us :)18:04
=== SWAT_ is now known as SWAT
Ddordadoes anybody here know how to write a nautilus scripts?21:02
jussi01Ddorda: #ubuntu is the support channel21:03
Ddordayes, i know, but it's more tech help in there..21:04
JanCor maybe #nautilus on gimpnet ☺21:04
jussi01forums might have some help also.21:04
Ddordai will try that chat21:05
jussi01In any case, not really what htis channel is for. :)21:05
Ddordaand with forums it might take few days21:05
Ddordayea yea i know, sorry :P21:05
=== eviljuss101 is now known as eviljussi01
christelhiya -- vorian has requested a ubuntu/member cloak -- please let me know if this can be applied to his nick23:32
jussi01christel: one moment while I check his member status23:33
christelthank you :)23:34
jussi01christel: yes, you are free to add an ubuntu/member cloak to vorian if he has requested that.23:34
christelthank you!23:35

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