
neversfelde_Groo_: well, it is a development version in a very early stage ;)00:01
_Groo_neversfelde: btw is the printer settings working? if fails for me..00:02
_Groo_neversfelde: and btw kdenlive in lucid has a broken package dependency, it cant be installed00:02
jussi01_Groo_: without wanting to push you away at all, it might be useful for you to also check in at #ubuntu+100:04
neversfelde_Groo_: karmic here :)00:05
_Groo_well just take a look at the kdenlive package.. its broen00:05
_Groo_it has a hard dependy of melt which uses another lib which cant be mixed... lol a classic loop dependency problem00:06
nixternalhow do you change the plasma theme in 4.4b1?00:06
_Groo_nixternal: system settings, has a new icon for that00:06
neversfelde_Groo_: please paste the error message somewhere00:06
nixternal_Groo_: where? I don't see anything in there to change the theme...I see remote widgets policies, that's about it, and nothing under Appearance00:08
_Groo_neversfelde: http://pastebin.ca/171267900:08
_Groo_nixternal: desktop theme details in advance (next to desktop search)00:09
nixternalahh, there it is :) thanks00:09
nixternaltotally in the wrong place00:09
_Groo_btw whats the virtuoso package name? i cant find him anywhere in lucid, so i cant use nepomuk00:09
Lex79no yet in lucid00:11
JontheEchidnanixternal: workspace tab of the style section in the appearance kcm00:12
neversfeldeI'll have a look at this kdenlive problem00:12
_Groo_neversfelde: thanks :)00:13
_Groo_Lex79: do we have a ppa yet?00:14
Lex79it's in a private ppa, we are working00:14
verbalshadowLex79 do have a est. on timelime00:15
Lex79also, we are waiting Debian for that00:17
Lex79and maybe we can merge00:18
_Groo_Lex79: but is it usable? can you paste the ppa, since im already in alph(a)broken distro, i can try it00:18
Lex79_Groo_: the package is only in our private ppa, you should wait a bit :)00:19
nixternalJontheEchidna: thank you sir00:26
nixternali much preferred the old way00:26
neversfelde_Groo_: don't you have a libmlt1, according to packages.ubuntu.com it is still in Lucid00:27
_Groo_neversfelde: ii  libmlt1                                              0.4.4-2build1                                                 multimedia framework (runtime)00:28
neversfeldetahts dpkg -l ?00:28
_Groo_neversfelde: thats exactly the problem, kdenlive asks for libmlt2 and melt which is a hard dependency wants libmlt100:29
_Groo_neversfelde: and both are exclusive00:29
_Groo_neversfelde: so you have a classic dependency lock00:29
neversfeldeand apt-cache policy libmlt1 ?00:29
neversfeldeah sorry, I see00:30
neversfeldeseems to be more a problem with non KDE packages00:31
_Groo_neversfelde: its an interesting little bug, because semantically its all fine, but since its a dependency of a hard dependency it fails.. it was some time since i saw one of these00:31
_Groo_neversfelde: koffice-kde4 is broken too01:16
_Groo_neversfelde: krita wants libkdcraw7 and kde 4.4 uses libkdcraw8 for gwenview01:16
DaskreecHAnyone has Nepomuk running with Virtuoso ?01:22
DaskreecHQuintasan: Hmm ?01:22
QuintasanDaskreecH: beats me, let me run mah lucid KVM01:23
Lex79_Groo_: I'm fixing koffice, maybe is ready for tomorrow01:25
_Groo_DaskreecH: where did you get virtuoso? ppa?01:26
_Groo_Lex79: thanks lex... i sugest also to take a look for digikam, it might be broken too01:26
_Groo_Lex79: since it uses a lot of the same libs01:26
Lex79_Groo_: ok, thanks :)01:26
_Groo_im hooked to the new tabbed windows behaviour of kde, simply amazing01:27
_Groo_unfortunately since 3d is a no go for now, or i have 3d with compiz or i have tabbed windows... tough choice :P01:29
nixternalDarkwing-Netbook: what did you have to do in order to get your netbook up and running with lucid?01:37
nixternalnevermind.... kstart plasma-netbook :)02:02
prefrontalmy karmic KDE just took a dive. i upgraded to the latest KDE SC and that didn't help, upgraded my video drivers to nvidia 190 and 195, nuked ~/.kde, nothing has helped. after login the screen goes black for 1 second and then goes back to login.02:09
prefrontal here is my /var/log/kdm.log: (EE) Failed to load module "freetype" (module does not exist, 0) (EE) Failed to load module "type1" (module does not exist, 0) (EE) XKB: No components provided for device Virtual core keyboard [config/dbus] couldn't register object path02:09
prefrontalstrangely, my mounts are also acting up. i get many 'none' entries in the first column, and I have to start nfs manually using: mount -t nfs -a     (output) http://pastebin.ca/raw/171277402:09
DaskreecHQuintasan: Hmm was for the almost congrats02:10
QuintasanI'm waiting for whole MOTU Council to vote for or against me being a MOTU02:10
QuintasanI have +3 while I need +402:10
DaskreecHAh. Out of interest does a -1 make that a +2 ?02:11
Quintasanbeats me02:11
Quintasanprobably just one against :P02:12
DaskreecHThat would be very D&Dish and kinda cool02:12
DaskreecHNot in the current case :) but still kinda cool02:12
verbalshadowDaskreecH how do you roll an -1?02:13
DaskreecHverbalshadow: More like a -1 mace of feathers02:13
verbalshadowand it's enchanted so you can't get rid of it?02:14
jjesseplus vorpal02:15
jjessebtw is the beta 1 out officially and under which ppa?02:15
DaskreecHand of course cursed at by you for being cursed02:15
DaskreecHjjesse: no02:15
prefrontalbefore the release of karmic I packaged my software (emergent) and one of its prerequisites (libquarter). i even wrote scripts to automate the process. but our software can't be built in the standard motu test environment. we require real gl, and out software doesn't work with software level mesa gl02:16
prefrontalthis means i can't build our package in a ppa, and it doesn't pass the automatic package build process02:16
DaskreecHWoah What's Start playing?02:16
prefrontalhere is one of my scripts: http://grey.colorado.edu/cgi-bin/viewvc.cgi/emergent/trunk/bin/ubuntu-motu-emergent?view=markup02:17
prefrontalwill a motu help me out?02:17
verbalshadowprefrontal why does it have to have "real gl"02:18
prefrontalits due to one of our prerequisites, Coin3d (packages in repo)02:18
prefrontalit just doesn't work with mesa02:18
prefrontalhere is the software btw: emergent neural network simulator http://grey.colorado.edu/emergent02:20
prefrontalany motu want to help me get it into lucid? please.02:20
DaskreecH#ubuntu-motu might be helpful as well02:21
* ScottK is working on a kdebase-runtime update if anyone has anything beyone what's in bzr.02:49
* DaskreecH wanders off to check when B2 is due02:52
DaskreecHtagged in 3 days02:53
DaskreecHJontheEchidna: Yay SC!!04:19
=== freeflyi1g is now known as freeflying
Darkwing-NetbookScottK: ping06:44
Darkwing-Netbooknixternal: <mistrynitesh> any reason why link to karmic specs still showing on the /Kubuntu/Todo/Lucid wiki page?07:11
nixternalhe must be blind07:17
nixternalmistrynitesh: ^^07:17
nixternalI see Lucid...but I did just fix that :)07:18
Darkwing-Netbooksheesh... I run that "fix" that ScottK gave me and now I cant get ANY UI up and running.07:20
Darkwing-Netbookand to top it off my desktop fried again.07:21
mistryniteshnixternal never replies before fixing :D, i think we can then remove the next section which only repeats the link07:21
nixternalwhat section?07:25
mistryniteshnixternal: the 'Specifications' section just below the first line07:30
mistryniteshnixternal: oops... i meant just the line, not the section07:30
nixternalwe didn't need the section though did we?07:31
mistryniteshnixternal: hehe, you again replied after fixing it :)07:32
nixternalof course :)07:32
nixternalgotta love editing wiki pages via the command line07:32
nixternalsplit window, so I can talk to you and edit it at the same time07:32
nixternalmultitasking at its best07:32
nixternalhttp://www.nixternal.com/files/mydesktop.png  <- see, multitasking :)07:38
ScottKNew armel build failure: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdegraphics/4:4.3.80-0ubuntu2/+build/1387474/+files/buildlog_ubuntu-lucid-armel.kdegraphics_4:4.3.80-0ubuntu2_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz07:45
ScottKRiddell: ^^^ Any ideas?07:45
mistryniteshall hail the 'split-ternal' :P07:56
nixternalthe only way to roll07:57
markeywant some good old (but refreshing) fun?07:57
nixternalif tty1-6 would do that, I wouldn't need tty7 or KDE :p07:57
markeylean back07:57
markeyand enjoy this:07:58
nixternalbring it markey07:58
markey(warning, it _will_ make you dumber)07:58
Darkwing-NetbookScottK: Yesterday, after removing ~/.kde/share/config/plasma-netbook-appletsrc as recomended when I log in all I get in a blank Desktop with no panels. When i change the desktop type back to Search and Containment I get the desktop for the netbook but, no panel. Any ideas?07:59
Darkwing-NetbookScottK: On a side note, I no longer have to log in twice.07:59
ScottKDarkwing-Netbook: Can you add a panel manually with the widget picker?07:59
Darkwing-NetbookCrashes KWin07:59
Darkwing-NetbookBut, I have gotten one.08:00
Darkwing-NetbookEvery time I add a widget is crashes KWin08:00
ScottKmarkey: Thanks for confirming my decision not to bother with identi.ca.08:01
markeythat's not really the point of it08:01
markeycheck who said these things08:01
markeythen think08:01
ScottKPretend I don't know who these people are and the 'splain me.08:01
Darkwing-NetbookAnywho, I'm just trying to get it back :D08:02
nixternalmarkey: hahahaha...I swear I feel more stupid than I did 2 minutes ago08:02
markeygoogle "lefty schlesinger"08:02
DaskreecHmarkey: That's an accomplishment08:02
nixternallefty jumped in there quick08:02
markeynixternal: you've just subtracted 20 points from your IQ ;)08:03
* ScottK also nots that DaskreecH types faster than he does.08:03
macoim with nixternal08:03
markeyI've felt like that too08:03
nixternalmarkey: shit, 20? I feel like all 30 of my IQ points are now gone :)08:03
Darkwing-Netbook30? LUCKY!08:03
nixternal31 on a good day!08:03
* Darkwing-Netbook wishes he could get more then 1008:03
* DaskreecH gives nixternal a +1 intelligence tome of documnetation 08:04
DaskreecHOne time use. Lasts for a day :)08:04
nixternalmarkey: that entire thread did the same thing python did to me...I can't figure out c++ worth a shit right now...I have gone back to my uni books for help08:05
nixternalstd::cout << "HOLY SHIT BATMAN!!!" << std::endl;08:05
markeyreally, I didn't even bother replying08:05
markeythey self-destructed08:05
markeymakes it all the more juicy08:05
nixternalI seriously need to go through my c++ books again and refresh heavily...this ubuntu/kubuntu + python love has brainfarked me08:05
nixternalyeah, i totally noticed no response by you...it's like, "Here is a lure mr. fishy, take it...now run with it...make yourself tired...then I will reel you in!"08:06
DaskreecHmarkey: ScottK wants this 'splained!!!08:08
Darkwing-NetbookScottK: I'll work on it tomorrow... I'm off to bed. Tis midnight and I get to be apart of a war in my LoCo tomorrow08:08
Darkwing-NetbookNight guys08:08
ScottKDaskreecH: I think I figured it out OK from markey's Google hint.08:08
Darkwing-Netbooknixternal: I'll send it my update tomorrow.08:08
ScottKGood night Darkwing-Netbook08:08
nixternalso I see plymouth is coming to ubuntu08:10
DaskreecHScottK: Ah Alright08:10
nixternalat least that is what phoronix is telling me08:10
ScottKnixternal: It's in the archive already.08:10
DaskreecHIt's been in the archive08:11
DaskreecHare they going to use it?08:11
nixternalgroovy...so with that, I will take my arse to bed now :)08:11
nixternalg'nite all you kool people!08:11
DaskreecHAh I think I shall follow to bed08:11
nixternaldon't follow me to bed you pervert!08:11
macohmm bed sounds good08:13
* DaskreecH follows maco to bed then08:13
macoDaskreecH: oh no you dont!08:13
DaskreecHDang it!08:13
macoyou're goin to your own room!08:13
DaskreecHThat's what I thought till everyone started saying I couldn't!08:14
macoor ScottK's. maybe he wants you.08:14
* maco hides08:14
DaskreecHI just want to sleep08:15
* ScottK is too busy fixing KDE to sleep08:15
freeflyingRiddell: ping08:16
macofreeflying: youve got about a 4 hour wait08:16
freeflyingmaco: :)08:16
macomaybe 2 if he checks IRC before going to sunday services08:16
markeyafter rebooting, the USB drama started again09:24
markeyhad to plugin keyboard 5 (!) times09:24
markeyin different USB ports09:24
markeyto get it working09:24
=== debfx_ is now known as debfx
jussi01markey: not fun10:04
markeyreally annoying10:04
markeynot sure what is causing that, though10:04
markeydidn't happen with 9.0410:04
jussi01so, question is, what chaned from when it was working?10:05
markeyno idea10:07
markeymaybe my hardware is at fault... or the software10:07
markeyhardware wise, only one thing changed:10:07
markeyI bought an additional (active power) USB 2.0 hub10:08
markeycurrently one HDD is plugged in there10:08
markeythat's all10:08
markeythe same thing happens with HDDs too, and my MTP player10:09
markeyno matter which port I use10:09
markey(internal or hub)10:09
apacheloggerLex79: why are libkdcraw7 and libkdcraw8 conflicting anyway?11:56
apacheloggerthe point of a lib package with soversion in the name is really so that you can have the same lib in multiple soversion installed11:56
apacheloggerso libkdcraw7 and libkdcraw8 conflicting is of greater implications than just making koffice depend on the latter11:57
apacheloggerLex79: http://paste.ubuntu.com/340493/ icons and those icm profiles should not be in the lib but in a seperate data package!12:00
apacheloggerneeds to be discussed with debian I suppose12:00
Riddellfreeflying: you pinged?12:29
freeflyingRiddell: yes, I'm gonna to add ibus support to kimpanel12:29
Riddellfreeflying: rocking12:30
Riddellfreeflying: are you going to update the old ibus support or start from scratch?12:30
freeflyingRiddell: update the old one12:31
freeflyingRiddell: what do you think to use it by default?12:31
Riddellfreeflying: that would sounds good12:32
RiddellScottK: hmm, no immediate ideas about that arm failure I'm afraid12:33
freeflyingRiddell: another concern is how to add kimpanel12:33
freeflyingRiddell: if we add kimpanel for everyone, then those never use IM will concern about it12:33
Riddelladd it by locale?12:34
Riddellplasma in 4.4 has a new qscript thing to change the setup, it could probably work out the locale12:35
freeflyingso we will use 4.4 for lucid?12:35
freeflyingthen we might drop plasma-widget-kimpanel12:39
=== Quintasan1 is now known as Quintasan
Riddellfreeflying: isn't that the UI for kimpanel?13:11
freeflyingRiddell: kimpanel was merged into plasma-addons13:17
Riddelldespite not working with current ibus?  silly silly13:19
freeflyingRiddell: seems it works, just tried13:20
amichairRiddell: can you please remind me (or link) what are the plans for install-package?13:29
amichairseele: are you the one to talk to about kde usability issues?13:32
Riddellamichair: we'd like to get rid of it13:49
amichairRiddell: what's the plan?13:49
Riddellamichair: so anything that uses install-package should be changed to use kpackagekit13:49
Riddellkpackagekit is now able to install from the command line13:49
amichairwhat uses it other than soft-props?13:50
JontheEchidnakubuntu-notification-helper also uses it, since we have to upgrade to a newer kpackagekit for batch support13:50
Riddellamichair: apt-cache rdepends install-package13:50
Riddellamichair: however kpackagekit may be missing 'apt-get update' funtionality which is what software-properties uses it for13:51
Riddelldantii would know if he was around13:51
Riddellamichair: gdebi also should go, it only exists because install-package depends on it13:51
amichairouch, lots of depends13:52
amichairis all this going to happen in lucid?13:52
amichairJontheEchidna: is this kpackagekit update stuck on something?13:54
JontheEchidnayeah, a newer version of packagekit, which itself is stuck on a need for a Qt frontend for the new policykit 1.0 api13:54
amichairJontheEchidna: any chance for all this in lucid? I really don't feel like fixing bugs in a discontinued piece of software :-(13:55
JontheEchidnayeah, this is all supposed to happen for lucid. I wouldn't bother with install-package bugs13:55
JontheEchidnaor gdebi-kde bugs13:56
Riddellright, the Todo is to kill them both, not fix them13:57
JontheEchidnaI think I'll package polkit-qt-1 from kdereview today14:00
Riddellgood idea14:10
amichairJontheEchidna: great :-)14:15
seeleRiddell: is switching from install-package calls to kpackage semi-trivial? could it be a papercut?14:49
* Sput notes that kpackage is about to be removed from KDE, afaik14:52
Riddellseele: it could yes15:08
RiddellSput: kpackagekit not kpackage15:08
SputRiddell: ah ok. I was just remembering a current discussion on k-c-d about removing kpackage in favor of kpackagekit and/or shaman :)15:11
JontheEchidnapolkit-qt-1 uploaded (will be in new queue soon)15:20
JontheEchidnaglatzor: ^ may interest you15:21
RiddellJontheEchidna: have you tested it?15:21
RiddellJontheEchidna: what about polkit-kde-1?15:21
JontheEchidnaRiddell: investigating policykit-kde-115:21
JontheEchidnanice, looks co-installable with what's in kdebsae-workspace15:23
JontheEchidnawhich reminds me, I would like to make a policykit-kde binary package in kdebase-workspace so that people don't have to install the whole KDE workspace to use k3b15:25
EagleScreengood idea to people who do not use KDE but likes k3b15:35
Lex79apachelogger: libkdcraw7 is gone in 4.4 beta15:37
DaskreechYeah I saw that get removed15:44
Quintasannixternal: any movement in the council list?15:46
* JontheEchidna uploads polkit-kde-1 to his ppa16:00
Quintasangluon packaged, lets package a game written using gluon16:02
_Groo_Quintasan: kdenlive and koffice-kde4 are broken.16:02
Quintasan_Groo_: and what I'm supposed to do?16:03
Quintasan_Groo_:  also koffice-kde4 will become a transitional package IIRC16:04
DaskreechQuintasan: I think there is only one currently16:04
DaskreechHow long does a transistion package last? I'm sure that most of them hang around for a long time16:05
_Groo_Quintasan: its a dependency problem, both of them16:05
QuintasanI won't do it today since I still need to prepare for school16:05
_Groo_Quintasan: http://pastebin.ca/171328616:06
_Groo_Quintasan: thats for kdenlive16:06
_Groo_for koffice-kde416:07
Blizzzsome idea how i can run 64bit lucid on virtual box? get this error message after choosing "install kubuntu" when booting from the iso: http://imagebin.ca/view/PrL-RX.html host is running on 64bit16:17
_Groo_Blizzz: do you HAVE a 64bit cpu on host?16:19
Blizzz_Groo_: yes16:19
_Groo_Blizzz: did you installed 64 bit version of vbox?16:20
Blizzz_Groo_: i hope so, right from the repo16:21
ulysses__Blizzz: Your processor should support hardware virtualization tu run 64-bit guests in Virtualbox.16:21
Blizzzulysses__: in former installations (32bit though) it was no problem16:22
_Groo_Blizzz: poke around the settings, it was suposed to work16:22
Blizzz_Groo_: did change some values in general and system sections, was not successful either16:26
_Groo_Blizzz: see the log, maybe it has some clue there16:26
Blizzz_Groo_: nothing that hits my attention. http://pastebin.ca/171330916:33
_Groo_Blizzz: what cpu? amd, intel?16:36
Blizzz_Groo_: intel16:38
BlizzzIntel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU     T5550  @ 1.83GHz16:38
_Groo_do a cat /proc/cpuinfo and check for virtualization extensions16:40
Blizzz_Groo_: i don't know the abbreviations, but as of wikipedia it supports virtualization and is also has worked before when i run a 32bit kubuntu on it16:44
_Groo_Blizzz: very strange16:44
Untitled_No4Hi, I have a question about a bug I'm experiencing in alpha1 of lucid...17:33
reficwell I guess you should ask it then? :)17:36
Untitled_No4Wasn't sure if anyone was awake...17:37
Untitled_No4Anyway, when I log out both plasma-workspace and knetwork-manager crash17:37
Untitled_No4I get the KDE bug report tool, but then it's gone since logout continues.17:38
DaskreechUntitled_No4: #ubuntu+117:38
reficI think it's easiest to just ask and then wait for someone to reply17:38
Untitled_No4I know that KDE bugs should now be reported to KDE, but I think this is a Kubuntu specific bug since I don't get that on openSUSE with KDE 4.3.817:39
DaskreechUntitled_No4: It is.17:40
DaskreechIT's also known17:40
yuriyi've seen knetworkmanager crash on logout in karmic actually17:40
Untitled_No4Okay, so no point reporting.17:40
DaskreechKDE 4.x+1 is always difficult to package the first time17:40
DaskreechUntitled_No4: You can ask in #kubuntu-devel if you should provide more info. It may be a sepearte issue17:41
Untitled_No4I'll try to find the bug report in Launchpad and see if there's anything I can add to it.17:43
amichairwhat's the proper way to rebase a bzr branch? i.e. resync with trunk (parent) so I can continue work with a clean slate?18:03
amichairanything better than "bzr merge" + commit?18:03
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
apacheloggernixternal: I think sabyon is the unwanted stepchild of gentoo :P18:36
Daskreechapachelogger: Does it have Bluehair?18:36
DaskreechDoesn't count. How is old Moocow ?18:37
Sputapachelogger: depends, we're developing a productive relationship with the sabayon guys nowadays18:43
Sputand the lead developer has recently become a full-fledged Gentoo developer :)18:43
apacheloggerI see18:43
Sputwe refuse supporting sabayon users for obvious reasons, but technically the distro has some nice ideas, and improving Portage benefits both sides too18:44
ScottKSounds familiar18:45
Sputpretty much :)18:45
zoraelWill kmozillahelper and a KDE-friendly Firefox be in Lucid main? I don't see the package currently on packages.ubuntu.com.18:45
JontheEchidnazorael: it's being worked on, yes18:54
ScottKzorael: Do you have any interest in helping out with Kubuntu development?  We have plenty of valuable work for new people to do.18:56
jjessei found a live usb drive on 9.10 laying around the house, how can i tell whether it is i386 or amd64?19:06
ScottKjjesse: Boot it, open a konsole shell and type uname -a19:11
ScottKThere are probably easier ways, but that would work.19:11
jjessehrmm ok uname =a gives me linux ubuntu 2.6.312-5-generic #24-Ubuntu SMP19:12
yuriywow amarok tells you where you last stopped a track19:13
jjesseoh wait it is i686 so not amd6419:13
* jjesse keeps downloading19:14
amichairvirtualbox-ose-guest-utils is broken in lucid - how do I remove the half-installed package?19:16
JontheEchidnain what manner did it fail to install?19:18
amichair"Error! Bad return status for module build on kernel: 2.6.32-7-generic (x86_64)"19:19
JontheEchidnaoh, script failure, nice19:19
JontheEchidnamaybe try sudo apt-get install -f?19:19
amichairsame error19:20
amichairit's quite annoying testing in a vm without guest addons...19:20
* jjesse goes out for a run while downloading have fun guys ;)19:21
amichairJontheEchidna: found an error log: http://paste.ubuntu.com/340716/19:23
apachelogger==11169==   total heap usage: 16 allocs, 15 frees, 851 bytes allocated19:26
* apachelogger starts running in cicles19:26
apacheloggernever ever in my hole career as mad c dev did I loose memory19:26
apacheloggeroh,  phew, bad copynpaste19:28
apachelogger==11231==   total heap usage: 16 allocs, 16 frees, 851 bytes allocated19:28
apacheloggermore like it :D19:28
* apachelogger hands out cookies19:28
amichairyou can always blame the clipboard! :-P19:28
jussi01nixternal: ping19:29
apacheloggernot in that case, I forgot to change initStr to destructStr in one of the 3 occurances19:29
nixternaljussi01: pong19:29
jussi01nixternal: got a second for a quick pm?19:30
JontheEchidna[14:26:30] <sandsmark> JontheEchidna: not really tested, but I could do with some feedback: http://home.samfundet.no/~sandsmark/updated-phonon.patch19:32
JontheEchidnaThe patch is 18.8k lines long; I really hope Qt syncs phonon for 4.6.119:32
JontheEchidnaOn an unrelated note, I'm doing a local build of kde4libs w/ policykit-1 support19:34
Lex79bah, JontheEchidna we are sure koffice-kde4 is in main ? most of its build-deps is in universe19:35
JontheEchidnait's in main since the koffice source package has been in main forever19:36
JontheEchidnaI guess we have a lot of MIRs to write :S19:36
Lex79uhmm yes a bit19:36
JontheEchidnawhich reminds me, did we ever get an MIR done for libssh?19:36
JontheEchidnaseeing as beta2 packaging starts in a few days we need to get a minion right on that19:36
Lex79iirc yes we have, but dunno where19:37
Lex79JontheEchidna: http://pastebin.ca/1713487 LoL19:37
ubottuUbuntu bug 492931 in libssh "MIR for libssh" [Undecided,New]19:39
JontheEchidnayeah, waiting on the security team for that19:39
ScottKJontheEchidna: You might give pitti a poke on that on Monday (explaining it's getting a bit urgent due to beta 2 coming)19:40
ScottKsecurity team/ubuntu-mir, btw19:40
JontheEchidnaScottK: would asac be better since he assigned the MIR to himself?19:40
ScottKJontheEchidna: Yes.19:40
ScottKJontheEchidna: asac is also often around on the weekend.19:41
JontheEchidnaooo, looks like libssh upstream did a 0.4.0 release19:41
ScottKJontheEchidna: It's also just been accepted into Debian.19:41
ScottKSomone should merge/update19:41
Lex79what should I do with koffice? wait MIR for build-deps or doing and upload as it ?19:42
JontheEchidnaIf nobody else has gotten the libssh stuff before I get back to night I'll do it then.19:43
zegenieMamarok suggested I ask in here, anyone know if there are any kde sc 4.4 beta packages available for karmic yet?19:57
zegenieeven testing / staging is fine with me19:57
Mamarokhe wants to help testing19:57
zegenieI want to avoid having to set up a build environment again :P19:57
zegenieoh well, if there is any way I can help testing karmic pkgs, ping me and I'll be around20:02
zegeniefor kde sc 4.4 beta that is20:02
amichairJontheEchidna: is bug #133310 at all related to software-properties? it sounds like the bug is there before they even open it...20:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 133310 in software-properties "Duplicate Cdrom entries in Software Sources" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/13331020:10
yuriyamarok folks: any chance of getting the vertical tabs back? O:) breadcrumb is so tedious for something so simple20:27
Mamarokyuriy: wrong channel20:46
dhillon-v10nixternal, I completed the manage-software section :)20:53
Lex79ScottK: when you have a second, can you add kubuntu_102_armel_temp_build_fix to bzr? it's missing, thx21:00
shtylman_kde 4.4 is utterly broken in lucid right now21:15
amichaireven the bug reporter is broken, so I can't report the brokenness :-/21:16
shtylman_I can't do anything21:17
shtylman_I can't even launch a konsole21:17
nixternaldhillon-v10: rock on with your bad self!21:17
shtylman_to try and see if things error out21:17
* nixternal notes that he is rocking out KDE 4.4 on Lucid, both plasma-desktop and plasma-netbook :)21:17
shtylman_well arn't you special21:17
dhillon-v10nixternal, thanks :) if you have some time can your review it21:17
nixternaldhillon-v10: probably a bit later this evening I will21:18
dhillon-v10nixternal, thanks you are awesome :)21:18
nixternalaww thanks :D21:18
shtylman_nixternal: you just installed the normal packages? or built from source?21:18
ScottKLex79: Which package?21:18
nixternalinstalled normal packages21:18
dhillon-v10nixternal, alright bye21:18
Lex79ScottK: kdebase-workspace21:19
shtylman_frm ppa?21:19
ScottKBTW, new libattica release that we'll need soon.21:19
ScottKLex79: OK.21:19
shtylman_or from normal repos?21:19
shtylman_I think I see the problem21:19
shtylman_dist-upgrade didn't finish21:19
* nixternal is upset with armel being built with armv6 flags... >= Karmic will not install on the sheevaplug21:19
nixternalshtylman_: normal repos21:20
amichairnixternal: u got one of those?21:20
nixternalI had to futz around with 'dpkg -i /var/jfdakljfda/fdlajfldaf/daf/dafd.eb --force-overwrite' on a few packages21:20
nixternalamichair: yes21:20
amichairnixternal: is it as fun as it looks?21:21
nixternalI was going to pick up 5 of them at $60/ea21:21
amichairwhat you got running on it?21:21
nixternalit is groovy, I want to run irssi, mutt, openimap, and some other communication apps on it...but Karmic or newer won't go on it...so I will probably put debian back on it21:21
zoraelScottK: I don't really have any expertise with which to help. :< I mostly lurk the forums and help out with entry-level troubleshooting.21:22
nixternalI have Jaunty running on it now...it just serves music to my entire house, which sounds like a big deal, but this place is small :)21:22
ScottKzorael: Sounds like you could be helpful with bug triaging.21:22
amichairzorael: there's always bug triaging which can use a hand21:22
Lex79uploaded koffice to bzr22:58
amichairRiddell: a few more software-properties fixes waiting in the branch :-)23:00
ScottKLex79: Done23:08

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